The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 21, 1890, Image 2

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afinths. 1 ?
-. three Month.
8tg;le Copies, r -. Jj
Oar Year (when not paid in advance). . 2 50
' In Iceland there are no prisons and
no police, Only two thefts in 1000
years. ' '
Salem is up and at it again in the
matter of rebuilding the bridge over
the river there.
Are the people of Corvallis desirous
of having better street grades'? If so,
fet them speak out
One sheet of paper recently made
wan eight feet wide and seven aid
three-quarters miles long.
It is estimated, by the Enterprise,
Chat the damage done by -the flood of
two weeks -ago in Oregon City will ex
ceed $154,000.
THERE Is a man in New York who
makes a comfortable living by going
with a whisk broom and bag gathering
up oats that horses scatter about their
noon eating places in the Btreets.
Election day is getting nearer and
nearer. So far but little is said con
cerning the . nominations that tire to
he made by either party. It is .about
time that something is being done.
Immigration will flood in upon the
northwest in the coming sprina; and
summer. Perhaps the best indications
of this influx is the Met that the North
ern Pacific will run two trains daily
between St. Paul and Washington
points during this season.
The veteran journalist, Erastus
Brooks, says that he has -seen 120
daily newspapers established in New
York, and of these only six are now
in existence. He estimates that $25,
00,000 has been sunk during that
time upon daily nwspjers.
Down at Tillamook they jiavc a
new obstruction in their bay, accord
ihg to the following which is clipped
from the Headlight: "A petition has
been signed by the steamboat men
coming into this place, asking that the
wilier of the'old scow that lies across the
channel just below town, be removed
It should be done at once, as it is a dan
gerous obstruction to navigation, and
if left until it breaks up is apt to do a
great deal of danr.age to shipping."
Are farmers' interests as jealously
guarded in legislative halls as other in
terests! Manifestly not. And the
worst of it is, the farmers themselves
are to blame for it. In the first place,
they are not properly represented in
Hie legislature; that is. too few of the
representatives are interested directly
or indirectly in agriculture. It is the
fault of the farmers themselves that
they do not select, vote for, and elect
men who will jealously guard their in
terests. Then, again, farmers re en
tirely toov indifferent to what is going
en in the legislature when it is in ses
sion. Bills are introduced, discussed,
passed, become laws, and go into effect
before they realize what has been done.
Bven the legislatures, constituted as
they are at present with few farmer
members,- would do much better if the
farmers wold interest themselves more
m looking after them.
It is beginning to liea recognized
fact that a "protection democrat" is an
impossibility.1 It having been . an
nounced that a gentlemen who is not a
thorough going tree trader was about
to contest the nomination for United
States senator from Missouri, tfejf St.
Louis Republic, the democratic organ
of the west, is moved to say that
"there is and can be no such thing as
a protection democrat It is a contra
diction in terms, precisely as it would
be to speak cf an ipfidel christian."
This is plain and outspoken,' and ex
presses the real sentiments of the
leaders of the party. A few years ago
the free traders who are now ruling
the democracy with a rod of iron were
willing to allow the impression to go
abroad that a person could be a demo
erat anda protectionist at one and the
same tim. That was when the free
traders did not wish to give too violent
a shock to the protection sentiment
that still existed in the party.
It! L. Taylor, the barber, now shaves for
15 cents.
Democratic free-trade
papers; in
speaking of th.3 decline of American
shippins, never fail to attribute the
same to the protective tariff. The San and will be found again by the
Francisco Call correctly shows that archaeologists of a future date
the tariff was not the cause, but that;among Ul0 remajns 0f our own
the dechne was due chiefly to the ex- culture The children of Pompeii
pulsion of our ships from the ocean- trnndll hnnr
by rebel cruisers. The crniseis that
drove our commerce from the sea were
hnilf in Rririsli tmrts liv 'British moiev. .
manned by British seamen, and sailed on which de in our young
under the rebel flag. For four years jdays is not a lineal descendant of
shipers in American bottomsad to. that proud charger into whose
pay war risks They could not afford j wooden flanks the children of
to do so, and in consequence, British :
and other foreign, vessels gradually got
the carrying trade into their possession.
When the war ended, the war rinks
. i i . i - i 'i i . i- '
stoppe'i, oui me lorcigu uoiu oh lucimastjae and .New X ear summons
business was too firm to be shaken off. tjia( bids the tin soldier prepare
Indeed, wa had few Vessels afloat that himgel for waF) and shall cont,nue
were suited for mercantile purposes. fco b fc , u . rf t b
for lour years we nau duus noining
but fighting ships. In 1865, when
the war ended, sn attempt was made
to build American steam trs for the
transatlantic trade. But prices of
labor 4and materials in this country
were still keyed up to the pitch caused
by the 'paper-money issue; it cost a
fortuue to build a first-class passenger
steamer. And as soon as'it became
known in England that American ship
builders were about to go to . work
again, the British government, which
had allowed its steamship subsidies to
run down during the war, immediately
fell to increasing them. They were
increased nearly 40 per cent in 1866.
In 1870 we followed suit with a sub
sidy to the Pacific Mail. England
countered by incseasing hr appropria
tions in aid of the mercantile navv to
$6,000,000 a year, and we abandoned
the contest Great Britain made no
secret of her purpose to hold the car
rying trade of the world at any cost,
and the United States meekly sub
mitted to be ruled out France made
a bid for a share in 1881, and Ger
many followed suit in 1888, with sub
sidies of $3,000 000 a year to ocean
steamers. We let the trade take care
of itself. It was this, and not the
tariff, which crused the disappearance
of the American flag from the ocean.
The consideration of those v ho
think that the government should m.n -age
the railways and telegraph of the
country is gntly directed to the "man
agement" of the mail in the recent
blockade. 18 there anything of merit
in such management to wanant the
laying of additional burdens of public
nature and private duty upon the
m i
In this as in every other locality where it It
known, there are hundreds of persona who art
taking Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Totbosow
want to say one word. In nine cases ont of every
ten it is effecting specific cures. But word comet
to us occasionally of people who report that il
operates too freely upon the bowels. We want te
call tho attention of those to the fact that they
are not following the printed instructions and
are taking too much of it. If it acts too freely re
duce the dose, never taking any more at any tlm
than causes easy and perfect action. Keep toil
injunction in mind, and take it regularly for a
while and do not indulge in too much greasy food,
and we will have your testimonial w.thln a fort
night. If taken under these conditions it ti as
absolute cure for Indigestion, dyspepsia, sick
headaches, constipation, face eruptions and llvei
and kidney disorders. It may be asked how it
can possibly euro so many aliments. But the rea
son is clear. All those troubles are the legitiuuM
result of improper liver and kidney action or im
paired digestive organs. Its effects upon these
functions era as astonishing to the medical
fraternity as to the thousands who are daily
taking 1L
Stephen Eigabroadt, of Depau
ville. New York, is the owner of a
fine maltese cat that is unusually
intelligent, and has developed to a
remarkable degree traits that are
seldom found in . the cat family.
The most popular thing about this
particular Thomas is his love for a
gun, a love which began to mani
fest itself about three years ago.
The cat first began to followtiis
owner to the woods and fields in
search of bires, and Mr. Eiga
broadt, noticing his liking for the
sport, took some pains to develop
the hunting instinct and make
Thomas usef ul. The cat was easily
taught, and a few lessons sufficed
to make him a trustworthy re
treiver. MOTHERS!
Oastoria ie recommended by physicians
for children teethini;. It is pnrelv veirc-
table preparations, its ingredients are pub-
t " ' 1 I 1 l L I I T . ,
nsiiou ar'iunu eacn uatbie. XI IS pleasant to
the taste and absolutely harmless. It re
lieves constipation, regulates the boweis,
quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic,
allays feverishness, destroys worms, and
prevents convulsions, soothes the child and
gives it refreshing and natuaal sleep. Cas-
toria is the children's panacea tb mothers'
3:16-2y. s
Ao doses, 35 cents.
ChUdren Cry for I
The doll is thousands of years
oldj it has . been found, inside the
graves of little Roman children,
just as you and I did; and who
knows whether the rocking horse
Francis I.'s time dug their spurs.
The drum is also indestructible,
and setting time at naught across
the centuries, it beats the Chiist-
... .
arms to weild the drumsticks, and
grown-up people's ears to be deaf
ened by the sound thereof. The
tin soldier views the future with
calm; fie will not lay down his
arms until the dajj of general dis
armament, and there is, as yet, no
prospect of a universal pea?e.
The toy sword also stands its
ground; it is the nursery symbol of
the ineradicable vice of our race
the lust, for battle. .Harlequins,
fool's cap crowned and bell-ring
ing, are also likely to endure; they
are sure to be found among the
members of the toy world as long
as there "are fools to be found
among the inhabitants of our own.
Gold-laced knights, their swords
at their skies, curly-locked and
satin-shod princesses, ptalwart
musketeers, mustached and top
booted, are all types which still
hold their own. The Chinese doll
is young as yet, but she has a bril
liant future before her. Black
wood's Magazine.
Scratched 28 Years.
Body overed with scales. Itching terrible.
Sufl'eriii endless ' No relief. Doctors
and medicines fail. Speedily cured by
Cuticura at a cost of $3.
Cured by Cuticura
If T. had known of the Cctticura Kesie
DIKS t venty eiUt years ago it would have
saved me 5200. CO (two-hundred dollars) and
an immense amount of suffering. My dis
ease (psriisia) commenced on my hed in a
xpot not larger than a cent. It ; spread
rapidly all over my body and got under my
nails. The scales would drop off of me all
the time, and my suffering was endless and
without relief. One thousand dollars would
not tempt me to have this disease over
ayain. I am a poor man lint feel rich to lie
relibved of what some of the doctors said
was leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, etc.
I took . . . and . .. Sarsaparillas over one
year and a half, but no cure. I cannot
praise the Cuticura Kemedies too much.
They have made my skin as clear and free
from scales as a baby's. All I used of them
were three boxes of CuTIcURA, and -three
bottles of i'uticuka Resolvknt, and two
ckes of Cuticura Soap. If you had been
hern ami said you would have cured me for
$200.00, you would have had the money.
I looked like the picture in your hook of
psoriasis (picture number two, "How to
Cure Skin diseases"), but now I am as clear
as any person ever was. Through force of
habit I rnb my hands over my arms and
legs to scratch once in a white, but to no
purpose. I am all well. I scratched
twenty eiyht years, and it got to be a kind
of second nature to me. I thank you a
thousand times.
DKNNIS DOWNING. Waterbtiry, Vt.
Cuticura Resolvent.
. The new Blood and Skin Purifier and
purext and -best of Humor Remedies, in
ternally, and Cuticura Sop, nn exquisite
Skin Beantitier, externally, speedily, ami
permanently cure every species of itching,
burning, ncaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous,
and hereditary diseases and humors of the
skin, scalp and blood, with losj of hair
from pimples to Scrofula.
Sohl everywhere Price, CrTICURA. 50c,
Soap. 25c : Resolvent $1. Prepared by
the Pottkr Drug and Chemical Corpora
tion. Boston.
riTSend for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
64 (Kiges, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimo
nials. PLES, black heads chapped and oily
skin prevented by Cuticura Medi
cated Soap.
Free from Rheumatism
In one m'nnte the Cuticura
auti pain plaster relieves rheuma
tic, sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, and muscu
lar pains and weaknesses. The tirst and
only pain-killing piaster.
Hind wandering eared. Bootalornrf
in one reaiinir. Testimonials from all
pr of tha plob.. Prospectus post
wit mm. mi nn f.mTiAai:fon to Vmf.
A. L-pfcltrn. til Filth Ays. Smm York.
If you want to sell property, place it
with Ralston Cos. He will thoroughly
advertise it and place it on sale in Portland,
- """ " i
Seattle and Spokane.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Xt Saved mjr Child's Life.
"When my child was bom,
the doctor ordered one of the
ether Foods. Bba ate that un
til she nearly died. I had three
doctors, who said the trouble
was Indigestion, and ordered
the food changed to Lactated
Food. It saved my child's Ufe,
and I owe you many thanks
for it I regard your Food as
invaluable, and superior to all
other artificial food for babies.
O Mas. A. J. BsarraxD,
Boston. Mass,
IS Indiana Place.
Possesses many Important Advantages
over all other prepared Foods.
Perfectly Nourishes n Baby with
or without the aaaition or mm.
Three Sbces. S50. BOo. SI.OO.
A valuable pamphlet
J1 iiutuiw auu
mt "-'-Vi-'"
G-reat :Bsn?iOLm
In Furniture for the next SIXTY DAYS. Ash Bedroom sets from
And everything; in the Household Furnishing Line at greatly reduced
prices. .Undertaking attended to promptly.
? ,r ain Street,
Stoves and Tinware.
Nails, Steol, Iron a nd Lead Pip and Fittings,
IJgFGranite Ware and House Furnishing Gooils.
ware, Roofing, Gutter, and Galvanized Iron Cornice.
Plumbing and All Kinds
n order to Close ont my stock of Carpets, I shall offer them
to the Public at a Reduction of
IO Per Oo:o.i;-
Ofi the regular price for the next
All Wool, three-ply, at
" two-plyj "
.Roxbury Brus.sells, u
Fisher's "Brick. -
r iriw
rtatl Watch i
jtwatch m the world. I 'erf act
timekeeper. Warrauted heaey.
Vorth S.vd.vU. iM-M i$
itolio uui.0 tantmr eatea.
tHota Mine and rent t tuea.
'equal ealuo. ORK fKRHOlUm
rtarh locality can aerura otaa
with worka and catet of
Vee together with our larra
valuable iineoTnaNteiloia
mm tho watch, are free. All the work om
inlet. Tbeta tamnlee. at well
eeir do te ta xbewrrhst -ve aewa yoa to thoae who call your
frianoa and Heiirhljora ami thoMt about rou that al way t retulta
fai vaioabU rraleftiv. which bold Cor yean when once atarted.
and thut woarviwpaid. We pmf all expreta, freirht, etc. After
ytM kftuw all. If rot would Nke to pro to work for ua. you tmm
aarn from ealBO ta per week and npwarde. AMrirt
UmwB te Co., Bva lt Frtl.n4, MbUm.
m o,y tj tin
It Eas No Equal.
"We are usmg in our mu)
sery (containing forty infanta)
your Lactated Food, and find
It far superior to all other food
which has been used during
the past ten years that I have
been visiting physician. The
BiEters of Charity, who have
charge of the institution, say
it has no equaL.
"" "W. E. D CouBCT, M. D
St Joseph's Foundling Aay mm,
. . - - Cincinnati. Ohio, ti) -
on " The Nutrition
"1 "jl j.
Manufacturer of Tin
of Job Work done to Order,
SIXTY Days.:::
90 cents.
67 cents.
90 cents.
::::::::::And all other at Reduced Figures.
- Corvallis, Oreeon.
R. L. Taylor,
Band .Box Barber Shop,
Corvallis, Oregon.
IJiirShaving, hair cutting,, dressing,
dying, and shampooing.
J. M.Applewhite, M. D.,; :
... -
Corvallisy Oregon,'
Office at R Graham's drug store, on
Main street, opposiie, reading room.
O. R. FARRA, M. D ,
Special attention given to. Obstetrics"
and diseases of Women and Children.
Office upstairs in Crawford & Farra's
brick. Office liours, 8 to 9 a. m., and
1 to 2 and 7 p. m. i:i3-yi.
Only One Dollar.
The most popular Weekly Newspaper in
the United States, the l.irircst circulation,
anil the only strictly Wei-klj Newgpnper
that ever sticceeileil in obtaining and hold-,
infj year after year a circulation iu every
state ami territory (and nenr y every coun
try) of the United states. All the news,
lietter departments and umre tirst class en
tertHiiiing and instructive reading than iu
any other dollar paper published.
Announcement Extraordinary.
Iu December we shall commence publica
tion of the iniot powerful temperance seria
story of modern tunes. The well kiiunn
autborof the Boy Traycller series of hooks,
t'ol. Thom:u V. Knox, is now engaired in
writing this story, for which we pay a royal
sum. We want 1 1 1 i n story to have the w ide
circul.-itii 11 it deserves. In the intt ret-t of
humanity parents thou Id fee that their
cliihlreo read it, and especially the young
men of every cominnnil.y in thix broad land
should be urged by those who have au inter- .
est in t hem 10 read this stoiy. The other
features ' the WtEKtY Ill.AIiK. in ed not I s
stated here. They are well known. i"eud
for a sample copy and see for yourself.
Speaking of Specimen Copies
W invite every reader ot this paper and
every reader of this county, to write us
for two specimen copies first, write n m
postal card immediate yTor a specimen copy
of the Weekly Blapk that yon may get a
full description ot Kiiox'h tcmperiiice serial
story, "Teetdtallek Dick." Secinid,
w rite us again about D' c nd.t-r 1st for
I anothe Iree spei'iinuu ot ttie liLADK. and we
Wjj ,ei on h iiaper containing the nptn-
iiii! chapters of the ctorr. iSui d the names
and addresses of ail yi.ur fiicnila at the sume j
Confidential to Agents.
Anybody an earn ten dollars very
quickly by raising clubs for the Blade.
I We are now pa.ving the highest an.ouLt
tor clubs ever oliererl oy any newspaper.
We want agents everywhere. Write ua for
confidential terms to agents.
Toledo. O.
THOS. WHITEHOPN, Proprietor.
gSTTLe famous W. II. McBmyer
hand niad S ur Mash and Old Crow
Bourhon Whiskies.
Weinhard'H beer on tap. ydih'tze'g
celebrated botllud beer. Knicker
bocker's Beer.
. Tho gentlemen's favorite rexorf.
Fancy mixed drinks a sjx-riidty.
K-eps constantly on hand nil kinds of
imported liijnors and cig- r.-i. Liquors
for mdic:sl purposes a specialty.
Main Stkeet,
In the County Court rf Benton County,
Sute of Oregon.
Iu the matter of the estate
James Gingles, deed.
Notice is hereby g;ven that the under
signed has beun du'y appo:uted executor of
the last will and testameni of .lames ('inglea
dead, by said com t, and all persons havinjf
claims ngainst s iid cstat are hereby notitied
to present the rume for allowance duly
sertiKed sis ret ui red by law, to the under
signed tit my residence II miles north of
Corvallis in Benton county, Oregon within
six month." of the date of this notice.
Dated January 10th. I S'.lO. "
Executor of the last will and testament
of Jamm Ginfjleg, deed.
One of thf i
ran my ,n
the verll. (ur fikriliiiuara
anMtiaU-tl. nt la introduce ni
to prior poode HradPRRS
to ONE I'r.K-OM In ?rh lonilltr.
above Only thm who writ
to ii at one run make tara f
tti Iihiic- All you hmvm to do in
tvtiim it to hw our irond M
tfaof bn mil vtiur Ut-trhbora
and th- around you The bo
ffffintnr of this ailvriitrin'nt
h.ivr i h mU rad of the trla-
asopa. Th following eat aive th1 ipfrrtir of if rrdueed t
about the flftirth part of ltt bulk. It i -rnd. double else tele
trope, Innreat U en wmrry We will alto abow you luwyoB
can make froto to'."S IOi Any at leett, from the ttart.wtth-oofKlN-rtf
are. Better writ ml once W pay all eipreMchanrea.
Addrett, H. HALLET 1 CO.. Bos 0, fOUILAau. UaiMM,
Cortallis Oregon.
M. A-CAN AN ProDi ietor
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building,
newly furnislied, and is tint class in all it
Lare Sample Room on Finl ' Floor for
Commercial Mm. , 19-35 ly
JnlV. "J".d Doc You, Proprietors.
tarHavintf lately made an entire change
in the management ot the wasb-house, just
south of the Hemphill house, we are pre- .
pared to give satisfaction in our line. Wo
also conduct an intelligeece office. . sptl.l
V JXVjPj ApenW finap box and Outltt, 12 cUk
THE NKCRT1E CO., Augusta. Ma. Pleas, state
what penodicat ;au vr out attvcrtisoment m.