XO. 4. for Infants nnd ' "Catori is no wen adapted to children that I Cartorla cores Colle, Constipation, t recommend it as Buperior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." H. A. Axcheb, M. D., I eSio" Pr0m JU So. Oxford St,, Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. Thb ????????? ?.W ? ? CLOTHING, OLOTEEITSTG. CLOTHING REGARDLESS OF COST! g0We liave placed on our counter two hundred and fifty Men's Suits, some of every size. 31 to 42. which we are determined to close out immediately. This is " : v ;N0 SHAM OFFER! ' Hr'Call and see the goods yourself, and be convinced. ' " . B'' Bess EssaEsgn 3es saBrssss The Regulator Cascade -The Niagara Lumbering Company- - . ..--"'' Desires to info"m the public that it has established an extensive lumber yard in Corvallis, near the Oregon Pacific depot, and is prepared to furnish all kinds of - BUILDING MATERIAL, V 7 Including Shingles and Lathes, at reasouable prices. This lumber Js the finest in Oregon, being sawed in the very heart of the Cascade mountains. ; r J. W BROWN & SON, PROPS. i ..- ;ff""For particulars call on or address, W. H. MILLHOLLEN, at Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon. - First-class Job Printing done at this office. Children. Ceotacb Company, 77 Murray Street,!. T. IF "- ' ,Km.'.,m. .u. J,..., ui..i. SM$$SV$M of .ow IPriees. !lVConntain - Boats are not running very regular on the river owing to the condition of the locks at Oregon City. The Hoag returned on Wednesday with the load of grain she took from here several days before being 240 tons. She made - the trip from Salem ' in nine hours. BORN. At Harris station, on Tuesday, February 13, 1890, to the wife of Cha). Gray, a tsou . The happy "dad" is a bridge carpenter on the Oreuon Pacific railroad. MARRIED. Iu Corvallis, ou Monday evening, Febru ary 17th, 1890, at the resilience of J. O. Yonng, Hermann Hnlf and Miss Minnie Strneae, Rev. E. J Thompson officiating. DIED. In Corvallis, on February lath, 1S99, Jamie Jay Flett, aged 5 years and 8 months. The deceased wis a grandson of Tlios. Elin, of this eity. On Sunday, Feb. 16, 1890, in Corvallis, Frank Hays, son of Isaac Hays.dece.ised, at the age of 18 years, of consumption. The body of the deceased was taken to Albanyand buriecljube-HtyeTfietery be isiilethat ofTiifirfather. He was a brother to Logan Hays, of the VV. .U. telegraph office here. In Corvallis, on Thursday morninsr, Feb ruary 20, 1890, at 8 o'clock, Joseph W. Spalding, aged 03 years, 1 month, and 2 days. - The deceased started across the plains to Oregon from Kentucky in ISoi and upon arriving in this state came to Polk county, settling near Independence. In 1876 he moved to King's Valley, this county, and engaged in farming until 1881 when he and familynoved to Buena Vists. Last Octo ber the family moved to Corvallis. : A wife ami several childreu are left to mourn his death, among whom is Arthur, a member of the printing fraternity. The funeral will be held to-day at Buena Vista and the remains interred iu the ceuntery there. PCRTLAXD LLSECD OJLCO. Manufacturers of Raw and Boiled-Linseed Oil,' Oil Cake Meal and Ground Flaxseed. PORTLAND, OREGON. 25"The highest price paid for flax seed. Seed furnished to farmers who wilt contract to put in a crop.' 2:21m. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Lanb Office at Okeoon Citv, Or., " ) January 2Sth, 1890. $ Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wiil be made be fore the County Judge, or in his absence, before the County Cierk of Benton county, at Co. vallis, Oregon, on Saturday, March 15: h, 1890. ' viz: Ed Spencer, homestead entry, No. 5744, for the south east 1 of Sec. 6, Tp. 13, S R 6 west. ' He .u:unes the following witnesses to prove hi con tiuuous residence upon, aud cultivation of said land, viz: G.-VV. Mason, F. Moore, A. Sim, and F. M. Speucor, all of Philomath, Benton coun ty, OregoD. . " J. T. APPEKSON, " . . . , . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) January 29th, 1890. t Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of his inten tion to make final p oof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton county at. Corvallis, Oregon, ou Friday, March 21st, 1890, vie: Howard L. Binth, pre emptiou D. & No. 6454 for the N. W. J of N. E. J S. 4 of JN . K J in Sec. 14 Tp. 10 S. It. 7 VV . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: J. Kibby, D. Kibby. J. Hoffman and J. Price, all of King's Valley Beuton conuty, Oregon. : . J. T. APPERSON, Register. " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oe. ' January 31st, 1890. i Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has hied notice of his inten tion to make final' proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis, Uregon, on friday. April 4, 1890, viz: Jefferson J. iroxel. Preemption 1. S. No. 5,463, for the N. W. i of Sec. 10, Tp.' 11, 8. R. 7. VV. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: VV. Groom, H. Herron, C. Warren, and Jr. Duncan, allot summit, Benton county, Oregon. - ' - J. T. APPERSON. 2:14 6t ' ... : Register. F. M. JOHNSON, :. " . ATTORNEY AT LAW, . CORVALLIS, OR. jaTPoes a general practice in all the courts. Also went for all the first-chute insurance companies. 2:S4 A PIONEER'S EXPERIENCE. B," in the Journal at Salem, fur nishes the following interesting article: There appears to be a disposition by parties who have recently passed up and dqwn through the state since the railroad has ' suspended operations, to think they hve had wonderful" exper iences, and the likes were never seen before. Old Oregonians have seen equal- experiences, and looked tipon them as an every day occurrence. An experience or exploit comes to the writer's memory which he believes was never in print. . Yreka thirty or thirty- five years ago was a prosperous mining town, and In 1857 a telegraph line was first established there. A gentleman from Oregon who disposed of consid erable interests in Yreka for checks on San Francisco was horrified one morn ing, a few days after the transaction, to read in the morning paper that the bank, against which most his checks were drawn, had failed and he was left nearly bankrupt A thought struck him and seeing that the Oregon steamer' left San Francisco that morn ing for Portland he resolved to beat it there if possible. He drew his checks, bought a horse and began the race. The setting sun found him on Rogue river, where he changed horses and by morning he emerged from the big canyon, where; he again changed horses and again at Rosebnrg at noon he "made another trade. Night found him in the Ca!i pooia mountains. He was frequently detained in making his "horse-trades," but the thiid morning found him in sight of Portland and he siw that the, dreade l steamer had not an lved. He ' put up his horse Stephen's on the east side of the river and crossed over on the horse ferry. As the bank was not yet opened he walked impatiently. up and down the street, fearing every! moment the cannon, which announced1 ' . the Steamers' arrival, would send forth thegnews. A few minutes appeared as ' many hours. Finally the doors of the bank swung open and he went in and drew his coin. He again crossed the river and was just lying down when the vibrations of the cannon rattled current experience of neivous people who his windows and announced the arrival have pc'sUtently used Hostettef's Stomach of the - boat. Ten minutes afterward !Bittrra ie' that it .conquers entirely super , , , , , , . i aeusitiveness of the nerves, as jvell as dis- v ' had won the race." RESOLUTIONS. ; Ac their last meeting the Corvallis Grange passed the following resolu tions of condolence: ''Whereas, It has pleased a Divine Providence to take from our midst Ftedenck August Horning, aud ; Whereas, We have always tegarded him as one of the best, of citizens a cheerful worker, and honest friend; it is Resolved, That we, the members of Corvallis grange, assembled here to day, do hereby testify our sorrow at his death, and extend to his family our heartfelt sympathy in this common loss, assuring them that his kindliness and helpfulness in the past will always be a pleasant memory with us. Reso'ved, That a cony of thsse res olutions be given to the family and to the press. F. L. Washburn, S. L. Shedd, . . . - - L. F. Wilson, Committee. TOLEDO NOTES. Toledo was above high water in the last flood and real estate still booming, i Mr. and Mrs. Hale, from Spokane Falts, came&o Toledo to get out of the snow:-and cold- weather. They are much pleasel with this part of th country. .. ' ' . . v . - - .- Mrs.. Nolton, an "aunt of Mrs. Gabe Stately, has been veiy sick the past week, but is now improving, ; Mr. Lill, who had hjs leg broken by a land slide near Yaquina, is getting along nicely. - " The ball masque at the Blake house, on the 14th, was a grand success. Suppsr fine. Forty-nine couples danc-I ed until ; the weeL sma' hours. .- Who Children Cry for; says we haven't a fine growing town? February 7, 1890. . PERSONALS.""" VV. J. Higgius was in Corvallis this week. -- - ' : ';. ; .- Hon; E. B. McE'.roy was iu this city on Tuesday. c Mose L. Kline visited with his par ents here a few days this week. J. H. Henkle and wife and J. A. Henkle, of Philomath, were in Cor vallis this week. Mr. Stites Jr., and Mr. Elderkin, of Albany, were here from Friday until Wednesday during the past week. F. M. Wadsworth, of Toledo, this county, has been appointed as a clerk to the naw collector of Internal reve nue, M. Weidler, Portland. M. W. Wilkins was at Junction City this week, having gone there to assist bis brother in getting in to new quar ters since his loss by firo on Saturday morning last. Joseph Wilson, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrivedjn Corvallis on Friday last, and is now visitingwith his brother B. VV., the county clerk. He went to Minnesota duiing the same year that his brother came to Oregon. Mrs. L.. L. Hurd started ori'Tties- day for the home of her. parents in Roseburg, to leniain a short time. Just before the high water of this month, her mother had the misfortune to slip and fall breaking one of her ankles, and, as all telegraph and mail ! communication was cut off for awhile, the state of hei conditiou could not bd ascertained. POOR HUMANITY. The common lot is one of sorrow sny at least the pessimists, they who look at the worst side. Certainly what would atliarurija 1 a I if 1 . r Vi I- nvif mien 1 -i ifan , , . . . . . shadowed by some ailment that overhangs jt like a pall, obscuring perpetually the radiance that else would lignt the path. Such an ailment, and a very common one, is nervousness, or in other words, weakuess of the nervous system, a condition only ir remediable where inefficient or improper means are taken to relieve it. The con- para ao railed whinh are invited anil sustained by their chronic weakness. As the nerves gain stamina from the' great tonic the trouble disappears. Use the Bitters for malaria, rheumatism, billions uess and kidney troubles. Mrs. N. L. Scott, the aged wife of a farmer living near Wheatland, Polk county, was foully murdered Sunday morning last. Shewas fonnd lying on the porch in her night clothes in the last agonies of death, the blood flowing from three ugly wounds from a shot gun. Suspicion in the neighborhood of Wheatland is said tp poini strongiy to the husband or his son as the tnua derer, as there had been trouble over signing a deed a few days ago, and be cause of the inability of the facts found by the jury to beat the old gen tleman out in his story of the shooting. The Astorian tells the following story: One of our most respected citizens tells a startling story regard ing his curious adventure while killing tame fowls Wednesday morning. He was preparing for an extensive dinner and killed three fowls. The last one instead of flopping around like an or dinary hen and dying, when its head was cut off, got up and walked about ten feet, laid an, egg and gave up the ghost. In the ' meantime, the man says, the head cackled for nearly; a minute before that, too, became quiet. An Albany school ma'am had just given her pnpils a deserved lecture on ruining school books and was enlarging on their cost' to their parents, when a youngster - broke in: A j'You'il think they cost something yourself when you get married and have to buy them for your children." ' - '-,' . ' ;k " The total value of money, notes and accounts in Oregon as assessed is $16, 553,725, ; while 5 the indebtedness is $35,598,17L Pitcher's Caotorfa. - LongfeluwV DAy On Thurs day evening, February. 27th, an entertainment will be given in the Corva'lis colloge chapel; in honor of "Longfellow's day.'' 'The sev eral literary societies of . this city will furnish the programme. ' The Chatauqna society will furnish a "biography of Longfellow;" oration by Deilictic society; recitation by Adelphian society; a line portrait of the poet, the-work , of one of Corvallis' leading artists, will be a feature of the evening.- Several choice selections will be rendered. To 3uild. The residence sit uated on the southwest corner of Seventh and Jackson. - streets, owned by S. N. Wilkins, has beea moved- to therear end of the" lot, turned so as to front the west, and will be fixed up to be, rented. Newt will, as soon as the weather permits, begin the erection of a fine large residence on the corner where the former building stood. It" will be a splendid improvement" to that portion ' of the city,' and w ill be a thing of joy lor Newt, in his declining years. Being Surveyed. E. O. Eccle son, formerly chief engineer of the Oregon. Pacific company,, who is now in the employ of the Southern Pacific company, is now making a survey of the proposed extension 6f the narrow gunge from Ooburg, Linn count j', to Springfield, Lane. He says the entire route will be mad? standard guage and the ex tension made this coming season. At Sodaviixe. Riley Hard man, formerly of Benton county, who located at Sodaville, Linn county, a few months ago, is makinf ar rangements to erect a $5000 or $0000 hotel at Sodaville, one hav ing a capacity to meet the increas ing demand of that summer. resort. It is intended to, have it finished in tune for the summer traffic. New Quarters. In a short time Wesley Todd will move his tobacco and confectionery stand into the vacant room north 'of Case's barber shop. The building where he is now -located is to be moved out to make room for a brick edifice, E. W. Fisher owning the property. TREASURE'S REPORT. 1 At the last meetiuu; of the Vestry of the Episcopal church, Corvallis, Or.,' the follow ing report of the treasurer was received, examined mid approved: ' 18S9 church building account . To contract pries of church 1330 00 " FjXtras omer-.'d by vestry, foun dations, colored el.iss, etc To extras by private subscription " furnishing church Benches, stove, electric lights aud chancel carpet ', '. 225 00 103 00 274 00 Total . Expenses for veir, 1839 . $1,933 00 T' f uel, lights, j-iiutor, etc ' rent of reailing room for service "Rectory acct. moving-aud im provements To insurance account " Sunday school supplies'. ' foreign and domestic mission.... " Diocesan mission "-Diocesan objects.. " missions by Sunday school " Episcopal endowment fund of Or. To Good Samaritan Hospital Sun day achool $10, churched I 34 00 14 00 102 00 63 75 14 25 35 00 15 00 19 00 15 00 146 00 15 00 Total $533 00. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, - When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she becam3Iiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she cave them Castor' a. - TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. . Notice is hereby given to the teachers of Bsi:ton county that the first quarterly ex amination for the current year wl he -held iu the court bouse at Corvallis, beginning at 1 o'clock, February 26tli, at which time and place applicants can pass an examination for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade county certificates, far state diplomas,-and for state life di plomas. . -All persons desiring recommendations for state certificates will please make applica tion at said tim either by person or letter. J. J. BRYAN, , -.It. ;''-. ' -feup't. Schools.