2 THE COItVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, EEBIIUARY 14, 1S90. ISSCCD KTBST rau MOBXISO T . i bBAIG CONOVEB, SUBSCRIPTION RATfcS Je-r Y ear ,..,..-... - B'jc Months, ......... Three Months ettiigle Copiea. fir Vear (when not paid in advance)... ta oo 1 ou . 75 . Sc . 2 50 TALK ON THE SIDE. . It is hoped' that all persons who read the Gazette do not form an idea of the amount of business done in this eity and the jiumber of business houses there are here. At present there are two dry goods' establish ments, two furniture, on? hardware, two m. d's, one attorney-at-law, one Hotel, one laundry, one barber shop, and one saloon, that are helping the Gazette to live by' patronizing its ad vertising columns. There . is not a grocer here who is advertising his bus mess through these columns. Let's see: Six dealers in groceries, three drug stores, three meat markets, two merchant tailors, three dry goods houses, two banks, three gun stores two barbur shops, one photograph gallery, one foundry, one marble works, three hotels, two livery stables, one cigar factory, four real estate bro kers, ind several other places, besides numerous lawyers all these are not known through the Gazette's adver tising columns, and the prospects are very good that most of them never will be. Of course, some of them are friends to the other weeklies here. and throw their advertising patronage that way; but, even then, those papers, like the Gazette, do not receive one fonrth in return the good they are doing Corvallis. Tf all these "fellows" were to appropriate $2 each of their monthly earnings towards advertising in our columns, what would be the re sult) We could afford to print a weekly edition which would be second only to the Portland and Salem news papers, and certainly, their business would increase somewhat, besides they would be aiding in tne development of their "precious little" city. The Gazette does not believe that a 4 oolumn ad. rurvone month will return as much to the advertiser as a one-half column inserted for eight months; for in the latter case, it can be changed every fourth week, more or less, and, by having it worded in an attractive manner, it is bound to catch the eyes of the reading public. So much for this week. Probably the time taken up in scribbling off the above is wasted, but b is a true case of t3ie condition of things in the news paper line rn Coi vallis. So mote it be; tempus fugit; or eharco with some ads. The Willa-niette Vallev Tiihnn rf Independence, (which was started lv ' H. Stine, E. O. Chamness, and others- of that place, to revolutionize things and ruin the West Side there), has been sold to a man in Monmouth and already moved to that city. In the "West Side, E. C. Pentland's weekly, the people of Independence Have a good newsy paper. , "Pent" has dune everything to keep pace with the times, but, of course, he had some enenves and they now have fallen. To the Independence people: Patron ize liberally your stand-by, the West Side, and the Gazette will wager an empty purse that you will never regret it. '" ' ' : If there had been an "Examiner" establishment in Oregon's metropolis during the hign water, no doubt Cor vallis would have seen its special boat and reporter and artists here last week. The Oregoniau needs a Hearst to run it but then, it knows its business, of eouise. . ' v . - - - - - - Hamuli afiMa-a . -hm "N -f; . ' That fruit-growers' association, spoken of in last week's Gazette, should .receive great encouragement. It would be a most profitable industry. Cortallis has been an isolated city since the 3rd inst No- mail being re ceived hers, only what came from the Yaqnina district The Pacific coast had more than its share of conflagrations in 1889, and, of late it has been over-run by floods. - - Salem is to have a twenty thousand dollar cannery- Something like that is needed in this part of the woods. t ; a ii-n a . ai a an ; Old exchanges have been as good as gold to us- "country" papers, during the past two-weeks.. V Corvallis ' is still here and so- are Iter muddy streets. - AN INDEPENDENT OPINIOA f The N.rYt Herald is a pronounced independent newspaper, but it has al ways supported the policy ot the dem ocratic party, except during the war for the Union, when that party persist ently obstructed every act ol President Lincoln for - the suppression of the re bellion. As the most powerful anti republican journal in the country, therefore, its opinions on the political situation are .always interesting and entertaining. The following editoml, in a lat9 number of the Herald, will command attention' for- the plain truths that it conveys. It is entitled, "the president and his party." "Some republican journals speak spitefully of their president, "and lead ing republican politicians everywhere though carefully silent in public, in private conversation use very harsh words about Mr. Harrison. There upon we notice some democratic journals pick their flints and take a shot at the poor fellow also, and de clare hopefully that Mr. Harrison and his party are going to pieces. "We -should like to see the republi can party going to pieces. But we are not of those who believe it will split upon that rock. When it flies apart it will be because a large and constantly increasing number of its voters demand more liberal commer cial laws. Tlie New England cry for tree wool is much more dangerous to the party cf Reed and McKinley than its quarrels with its president.' "Every party quarrels with its presi dent, particularly in the earlier part of his term, when he is employed in dis tributing pap among his hungry fol lowers. Especially is this ti ue of the republican party the party, as its leaders boast, of the educated classes, the gentlemen, the kind, that is to say, who want a Sift berth, with good pay and little work, and that indoors in pleasant quarters. Such a party con sists very largely of office seekers, and it is certain to quarrel with a president who has not enough to give away to go around. "What republican president has had decent treatment from his party? Mr. Lincoln, in spite of the vast patron age which the war gave hiin, was obliged to face an army 6f 'soreheads' nearly as numerous as the army in the field. General Grant needed all his stout will to keep down the mutineers in his party, and declared with disgust that the presidency was made an in tolerable burden, not by his opponents, but by his party friends. Not to speak of poor Hyes, General Garfield per ished of the quarrels of his party, and Mr. Arthur was the target of incessant abuse and scurrility from his party. It is said Mr. Harrison will" have no influence with Wis party, because they hate him. . That remains to be seen. For the present we notice that the re publican senators are confirming his nominations without delay. But what president in recent years has had in fluence with congress? Certainly not Mr. Arthui , whose veto message on the exorbitant river and harbor bill was openly and scurrilously "defied and denounced by leading republicans on the floor of the house, and whose most useful recommendations were denied even the decency of consideration by his party in both, houses. Certainly not Mr. Cleveland, who spenr three years in vainly urging his party tc sensible policies, and who in the first two years of his reign was far more bitterly and openly denounced by his party leaders than Mr. Harrison or even Mr. Arthur. In spite of this, by the way, Mr. Cleveland is nfw said to be the most popular man in his party. From that fact Mr. Harrison's friends may get hope and courage. ' . , V What has Mr.. Harrison done that his party should so vigorously dislike him? Like Mr. Cleveland he has hon estly and courageously stuck to the party platform that is the main cause of his party's woes. He has not al lowed himselt to become the" slave of ambitious senators and representatives that is his great crime. He has had the courage to be president-r-hence thej great outcry against him of those who elected him. He is better than his party,' they say. The country is de voutly grateful for that. ; A republican president who was not better than his party would be a very bad prize in the. lottery for the people of the United States. The country at large is not badly sat isfied with Pres. Harrison. The people, ; even the republican voters, have learn ed to think rather well ef a president Children Cry for whom - their politicians denounce. They know that fact thai he is not the slave of the gang, of senators, repre sentatives, and bosses whose idea of a president is a tool to do their dirty work. As to the politicians who in their private conclaves enrse Mr. Har rison, their complaint is simply that he has: courage to resist them, and that as they cannot bully him they are forced to do his will. But to these gentry he may say,' 'Gentlemen,; growl you may, but go you must.' " In reference to the sad misfortune which occurred in the home of Secre tary of the Navy Tracy, on the 3rdr in Washington, D. C, it has been learned that the terrible death of Mrs. Tracy, daughter, and maid, was caused by the burning of their $80,000 man sion at 7 a. m. on Tuesday. Mrs. Tracy, after dragging her husband who was in a suffocated state, from a back bedroom in the second story to the front window of the house, leaped to the g'-ound in her fright, and died soon after irom the injnries received. Her daughter was seen in her bedroom win dow in the third story in the attitude of prayer and the fl.imes enveloped her and she was burned to death be fore the firemen could render assistance.- - The blackened remains of the maid were found in a room adjoining that of .the daughter. Mr. Tracy was taken from the building in an uncon scious state, kut notwithstanding the teniWle experience and the great shock caused by the - loss of his wife and daughter, is now recovering. There were but few persons in close pro- imity to the home at the time the flames burst forth, and one man de scribed it as being one seething mass of flame iu only a minute of time "and it seemed as though hell had broken loose and sent its fiery tongue to the earth."- The -cause of the fire is thought to be incendiarism; as much money was found in ; the- back yard which was probably left by the fiends in their escape from what proved to be deadly work. One person thought it was caused by the wood work in the house around the steam heating ap paratus and pipes becoming so thor oughly dried that the ignition point had been reached and the whole thing subsequently went .off - like tinder. The whole cUyot Washington was grieved at the terrible calamity. The' board of trade in Ccrvallis is alive to the needs of the city, in some things. It should discuss sewerage and street grade also, if it expects to develope the proper kind of a city. The dollars that would be put in a 20-mile "branch" road, could be more profitably spent inside the corporate limits of the "heart of the vail ey." . THE LATEST CATCH. UI will bet you a new hat," said a gentleman, "that you will cogie out of that chair before I ask you twice." "Done!" replied his friend. "Come down!" cried the other. "I will not, said his friend with much obstinacy. "Then stop till I ask you a sec ond time," said his friend. : Perceiving that he would never be asked a second time, the gentle man in the chair came down in a double sense. A FEW CUKES - Made by Joy's Vegetable Sargaparilla- Mrs. Belden, an aged and feeble lady at 51C Mason St., ban Francisco, after going down stead ily for months was completely restored and it now well and healthy. - J. II. Brown, book-keeper Petalnma. Cured entirely of his indigestion and constipation. Miss Clara Mclvip 128 Kearney street, S. F., Cored jf an aggravated case of indigestion and constipation. : - J. R. Fouratt, Chief Wharfinger, foot of Clay street, S. F. Cored of pains in the back, livei trouble and sick headaches. - Mrs. J. Lamphere, 1313 Market street, S. F., had been under physicians' care -for two years foi liver complaint. With the third bottle she re gained her old accustomed health. Fred. A. Blecker, Baldwin Hotel, 8.F., suffered for years with dyspepsia. Felt better the first week and is now cured. Gustar Solomon of 223 Valencia street, S. F.. cured of sick headaches and liver trouble." Edward Nestell, 79 Everett stre S. T., cured of pains in the back anclchrostc b. -jmess. ; And over 1000 othersT" : - i ' " t y ; -5 . MOTHERS! Castoria is recommended by physicians for children teething. It is a purely vege table preparations, its ingredients arc pub lished around each battle. - It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It re lieves constitution, regulates the boweis, -quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic. allays fevenshness, destroys wornn, ana prevents convulsions, soothes the child aud gives it refreshing and natnaal sleep. Cas toria is the children's panacea tba mothers' frieud. 35 doses, 35 cents. 3:16-2y. If you want to ; sell property, place it with Ralston Cox. He will thoroughly advertise it and place it on sale in Portland, Seattle and Spokane. - . - 4 Pitcher's Castoria. Mrs. Dart's Triplets. . President Cleveland's Prize tor the three best babies at the Aurora County -Fair, to 1887, wi flven to these triplets. Mottle, Ida, and Eay, children of Mrs. A. K. Dart, Hamburgh, N. Y. he writes: "Last August the little ones be ame very sick, and as I could eet no otherfooa that would agree with them, I commenced he use of Lactated Food.. -It helped them imme diately, and they were soon as well as eve , and I consider It very largely due to the Food that they are now so welL" Lactated Foo , is the best Food for bottle-led babies. It keeps them well, and is better than medicine w ien they are sick. Three sixes: 23c., 80c.. flOO. At druggists. Cabinet photo, of these triplet: sent iree to the mother of any baby bora this yeas. Addreaj WELLS, RICH AR 3SON & CO.. Burlington-, Vt. fiiiiiiiii In Furniture for the next SIXTY 'DAYS. Ash Bedroom sets from 822 and UPWAEDS And everything in the Household prices. Undertaking attended to ain Street, J iF. ID. GIjARK, Dealer in mm mm : Stoves and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, IRON, Nails, Stoel, Ircn and ranite Ware and Hwise Furnishing Goods. Manufacturer of Tin ware, Roofing, Gutter, and Galvanized lion Cornice. Plumbing and All Kinds of Job Work done to Order. CORVALIJS, - - - - OREGON GREAT REDUCTION 2yin order to Close out my to the Public at a Reduction of Oft the regular price for the next All Wool, three-ply, . . ii - two-ply, Iioxbury Brussells, - PHILIP Fisher's Brick, - 3A Solid Worth W 1 U9.UV. i K) :wau h in tlie wvrfcL Perfect tiwekeeMT. Wrrla kar. ! Hot b ladirr and cent I iuea. miji. ool.D bonttntr caM. with work ai4 case of oual-valu. OKI paanaala tVe, roRUier with our tmrm rMch Inralitv can oeeur oaa valuaulr lawn n aiwiai it... Theaa aamiilca. as well .1.. -'.i, I. mre (tare. All the work jroa aenrclo I to ahnw what ami'l .'on to ho" "ha '"""J'X S..l. e"l T.-Ihlail tboac yoMhalalwar.rrjalla bVloahl- f..r U-. whirl. hoW- "'""'i and tl.ua . .re rrnai.U W. par all BptB " ,00 know all. If tou wld like to (o to work for Imra from -0 to -r week.nd 'STtSS. Furnishing Line at greatly reduced promptly. Corvallis, Or. ssinatf Ell ' Sfir m-mm a9 'PinwaVe. Lead Pipe and Fittings, stock of Carpets, I shall offer them SIXTY Days ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: at 90 cents. " 67 "cents. 90 cents. And all other at Reduced Figures. WEBER- t - Corvallis, Oregon . R. L. Taylor, PBOFRIETOB OF Till Little Band Box Barber. Shop, . ' Corvafl is, Oregon. - aSfShaving, hair cutting, dressing, dying, and shampooing. , KNIGHT, ! PHY8JCIANS- J. M. Applewhite, Ms D., PIIYS10LVN and SURGEON, Corvallis Oregon, . , Offiee at K Graham's drOg store, oh Main street, opposrtie, reading room. G. K. FARRA, M, D , : PHYSICIAN and SUKGEON Special attention given to Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children, Office up stairs ' in Crawford & Farra's brick. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., ap$ 1 to 2 and 7 p. m. r:i3-ji. OLECQ EKLY PELADE 1889. V Only One Dollar. The most popular Weekly Newspaper in the Uuiteit States, the"- lartrest circulation, ami the only .strictly Weekly Newspaper that ever succeeded in obtaining aud hold' ing year after year a circulation in every state and territory .(and nearly every coun try ) of the United .states. All the news, better departments and more first-class en tertaining and instructive reading than " in any other dollar paper published. Announcement Extraordinary. In December we shall commence publica tion of the most powerful temperance seria- story of modern times. The well known author of the Buy Trayeller series of books. Col. Thomas W. Kunx, is now engaged in writing this story. fr which we pay a roy;il sum. We want this story to have the wide circulation it deserves. Iu the interest of humanity parents should see that thfir children read it, and especially the yonng men of every community in this broad, land should be urged by those who have an inter est in them to read this story. The other features of tne Weekly Klask need not be stated here. They are well known. Send lor a sample copy and see for yourself. - Speaking of Specimen Copies We invite every reader of this paper and every reader t.f this county, to write us for two specimen copies. First, writs us & postal card immediately for a specimen copy of the Weekly Bladb that you may get a full description of Knox's temperance serial story, "Teetotaller Dick."- - Seeond, write us again about Dicember 1st fcr i.nothe free specimen of the Blaie, and we will send vou a per containing the open iue chapters of the stt ry. Sentl Hie "names and addresses of all yanr frit nils at the same time. . - Confidential to Agents. Anybody can crn TEX DOLLARS very quickly by raising clubs for the " Blade. We. are now paying the highest amoniit for clubs ever offered by auy newspaper. We want agents everywhere. Write us for coufiilentiul terms to agents. Address, THZ DLAE. Toledo. O. FEU Tfi ""7T VTTl B a ne atoiiiwis, i : THOS. WHITEHOPN, Proprietor. l$T!ie famous W. H. MclJrayer banTl niad Siur Mash and' Old Crow Bourbon Whiskies. : vVeinhrtnl'H beer on tap. Sehlitze's cfslehratcit boti led - beer. . Knicker bocker's Eeer. The gontlemen's favorite resort. Fancy mixed drinks a specinhy. Keeps constantly'on hand nil kinds of imported liquors mid cig: rs. Liquors for medical purposes a specialty. Main Street, Coi vailis. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court rf Benton County, State of Oregon. -' In the matter of the estate of James Gingles, deed. . Notice is hereby g;vcn that the under signed has been duly appo:nted executor of the last will and testameni of James (singles dead, by said court, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the Fame for allowance duly sertified as required by law, to the under signed at my residence II miles north of Corvallis in Benton county, Oregon within, sis month? of the date of this notice. Dated January 10th, 1800. JOHN TOMLINSON, Executor of the last will and testament of James Gingles, deed. One or the I FREE m the world- Our ftcii.UM my Qnequftivd. and to mtrodiM our Mprior rootiat w will rndPRH IOO.KI FEB sow in each iMBHtr. sabov Only ihoM wh wriM ftA 11 at itnra rmm maka mm at ft therhnnc All yoo hav to do hi AYEM0RE yfnninir f thil ai1vtrticmtl how th small and of Ik Ml MOp. la tollowiaf t giw the ppcnraiic f it redaoed about the Sftletb part of IU bulk . It to a mad, doable alee tele aalarraaa la aaer to carry Wawillleoafcoweouhrroa .v. aU. a io . I a da at leaat. front the etart.with- rope, uleiperieare. Better write at onee WeDayalleapreeacaarrea, AldreM, U. HALLLT I' fc CO.. Bat 0, roalLaxu. IbUk OCCIDENTAL HOTEL Cortallis Oregon. M.A.OANAN Proprietor THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building, oewly furnished, and is first class in all its appointments. RATES LIBERAL. Large Sample Room on Flrtt Floar tow Commercial men. iw-oo iy CITY LAUNDRY! Jm Sing and Doc You, Proprietors. t3"Having Litely made an entire change : .. -Um H.n.nainaiit nt f.liA wa.h . hnnRA. insfc um uie uiciiM-...-"- w - - south of the Hemphill house, we are pre pared to cive satisfaction in our line. We . . 11' . 111 also conduct an inteiiigeece ouice. opuo TrTnT7 19S1I.R AND SATIN SECKTIESl P XL Vj P J AgenU' Snap bex and Outfit, IS eta. THE NECKTIE CO.. AuguBta, Mav. Please stmt what pcruxUcal rou saw our sUvertiseBeot m. wnrg coing m mm