VOL. XXVII. I XO. 3. for Infants and "Caatoria i bo wen adapted to children that I Castoria cures CoHe, Constipation, recommend it aa superior to any prescription I Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." , H. A. Abch, M. D., I Kmae)na Kive sleep, and promote Cl IU So. Oxford 8k, Brooiiya, N. Y. WttLutinjuilou medication. The Cbotaub Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. p ? ? p p p 97; p t? Wc will commence xm MONDAY, Feb ruary 3rd,' a Remnant and Odd and End Sale, Every Remnant in stock less than cost. The' balance of our cloaks, wraps, and jacket, less than cost. ' Reductions and bargains in Ladies', Misses', and Children's Shoes. A lot of ladies' gossimars less than Big bargains in Men's hats, and Every article in stock reduced. Call early and often and help us to make room for our new; and elegant Spring Stock of Dry Goods and Men's .Furnishings. CORVALLI8. CLOTHING, T nrrtJTV?! TT?fi A -O CEST" We have placed on our counter two hundred and fifty Men's Suits, some of every size, 34 to 42. which we are determined to close out immediately. This is NO SHAM OFFER! gHCall and see the goods yourself, and be convinced. S. L. KLI1TE, The Hecjulator m m. 4 Children. n q cost.' boots and shoes. OREGON CLOTHING. TrT Too vn incimi of Low !Prioes. INVENTIONS AND WAGE. Some paper has started the silly question: "Do inventions decrease wages?" ." Certainly they do not. On the contrary, inventions in crease wages, shorten the work day and decrease prices. In fact, inventions constitute the only pos sible way by which labor can be emancipated from drudgery, long hours and poor pay. Inventions are increasing every year, and wages are constantly advancing in all countries where they are utilized. Take calico as an ex ample: There are persons now living, who can remember when calico sold at 25 cents a yard. It now 6ells at 8 cents. .This great reduction in price was effected by inventions. In the meantime, wages have in no case fallen, but have advanced very greatly. A day's wages will now buy as much calico as a week's wages would fifty years ago. Calico is selected as an example, but the same facts are true as regards other manu factures. ' Any one, no matter whether a laborer, a loafer, or a capitalist, who talks against invention talks against one of the very greatest material blessings that has been vouchsafed to the world, and it is astounding that any person can be found who is so ignorant or so rash as to condemn them. Scientific American. THE STATISTICAL CRANK AGAIN. A Frankfort mathematician, Dr. Bein, calculates that two men playing dominoes ten hours a day and making. four moves a minute could continue 118,000,000 years without exhausting all the com binations of the game," the total number of which is 2S4,52S,211, S40. London News. POOR HUMANITY. The common lot Is one of sorrow say at lesvat she pessimists, they who look at the worst side. Certainly what would etherwise be a bright existence, in often shadowed by som? ailment that overhang it like a pall, obscuring perpetually the radiance that else would lit; it the path. Such an ailment, and a very common oue, is nervousness, or in other wjrdi) weakness of the nervous system, a condition only ir remediable where inefficient or improper means are tnken to relieve it. The con current experience of neivous people who have pesisteutlv used Hostctter's Stomach Bitters is, that it conquers entirely super- seusiti-ene8S of the nerves, as well as dis ease so called which . are invited and sustained by their chronic weakness. As the nerves gain stamina from the great tonic the trouble disappears. Ujj the Bitters for malaria, rheumatism, billious uess and kidney troubles. Fine photographs of the "flood" at Per not Bros. F. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY ,AT LA, , CORVALLIS, OR. STPoes a general practice in all the court AIfo scent for all the ttrnt-claiw insurance companies. 2:54 Cascade -The Niagara Cambering Desires to inform the public thatit has established an extensive lumber yard in Gorvallis, near the - Oregon Pacific depot, and is" prepared to furnish all kinds of - T , ' BTJILDINGr MATERIAL, Including Shingles and Lathes, at reasonable prices. This lumber is the finest in Oregon, being sawed in the very heart of the Cascade mountains. -- . . J. IV. BROWN & SON, PROPS. ' GSFFot particulars call on or .'address, WH. MILLHOLLEN, at Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon. THE LITTLE SOLDIER.' "When I'm big I'll be a soldier, That's what I will be; Eight-for father, fight-for mother, Over laud and sea!" And before him on the table Stood in bright array All his little wooden soldiers, Ready for the fray. . . Then he charged his little canon, Singing out with glee, "When I'm bin I'll be a soldier, That's what I will be!" II. By the firelight sat the mother. Tears were in her heart. Thinking of the swift time coming When they two must part. Soon the shadow fell between them, Soon the years flew by; He has leit his little mother, ' Left her perhaps to die. All the laughter Kne forever, Ail the sunshine fled; Only little mother praying By his empty bed. III. Then there came a dreadful battle, Aud upon the plain Crept the little mother, seeking Some one 'mid the slaid; But she never t'ouud her darling In the white mo'.n gleam. For the little cannon tiriug Woke her from her dream. All a dream! He stood beside her, Singing out with glee, ' "When I'm I ig I'll be a soldier, "That's what I will be!'r R. L. Taylor, the barber, now shaves for 15 cents. Scratched 28 Years. Bouy civered with scales. Itching terrible. Suffering endless. No' relief. Doctors and medicines fail. Speedily cured by Ciuicura at a cost of $5. ' Cured by Cuticura If 7. had known of the CtrricrjRA Rkme DIKS t enty eiwfit years ago it ivuld have saved me ?200 00 (two-hundred dollars) and an immense amount of suffering. My dis ease (psariasis) commenced on my head iu a spot not larger than a cent. It spread rapidly ail oer my body and got under my nails. , The scales wonld drop oil of me all the time, snd my suffering was endless and without relief. One thousand dillars would uot teinot me to have this disease over again. I am a poor man but feel rich to be relieved of what some of the doctors said was leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, etc. X took ... and ... Sarsaparillas over oue year, anil a half, but no cure. I cannot praise the Conceit a Remedies too much 'f hey have made my skin as clear and free from scales as a baby's. All I used of them were three boxes of Cuticura, anil three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, and two cakes of Cuticura Soap. If vou had 'been here and said you would have cured me for 200.00, you would have had the money. I looked like the picture in your book of psoriasis (picture mini be r two, "How to Cure Skin diseases"), but now I am as clear as any person ever was. Through force of habit I rub my hands over my arms and Ifgs to scratch once in a while, but to no purpose. I am all well. I scratched twenty eight years, and it eot to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank you a tnousana tunes. " DENNIS DOWNING, Waterbury, Vt. Cuticura Resolvent. The new Blood and Skin Purilier and purest and best of Humor Remedies, in ternally, and Ccticuka Soap, an exquisite Skin Beantilier, externally, speedily, and permanently cure every species of itching, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous. anit hereditary .diseases and humors of the skin, scalu and blood, with loss of hair from pimples to Scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, CrncPRA, 50c, .Soap, 2oc ; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by me x OTTfcK URDU AND CHEMICAL CORPORA tion, Boston. f3Send fur "H.iw to Cure Skin Diseases 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimo nials. . PLES, black-heads, chapped and oily skin prevented by Cuticura Medi cated Soap. , - . Free from Rheumatism In one minute the Cuticura . anti-paiu plaster relieves rheuma tic sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, and miiscu lar pains and weaknesses. The first and only pain-killing plaster. Vou.n.tain- Company- THEIR DECLARATION. Below is given the "declaration of principles" of the Corvallis nationalist club lately organized: "The principle of the brotherhood of humanity is one of the eternal truths that govern the world's progress on lines which distinguish human na ture from brute nature. The principle of competition is simply the application of the animal law of the survival of the strongest and most cunning. Therefore, so long as competition continues to be the ruling factor in our industrial system, the highest develop ment of the individual cannot be reached, the loftiest aims of humaDi'ty cannot be realized. . No truth can avail unless practically applied. Therefore, those who seek the welfare of nr.an must endeavor to suppress the system founded on the un reasonable principle of competition and put in its place another basedon the nobler principle of association. But in striving to apply this nobler and" wiser principle to the complex con ditions of modern life, we advocate no sudden or ill considered . changes; we make no war upon individuals; we do not censure those who have accumulat ed immense fortunes simply by carry ing to a logical end the false piinciples on which business is now" based. The combinations, trusts, and syndi cates, of which the people at present complain, demonstrate the practicabil ity of our basic principle of association We merely seek to push this principle a little further and have all industries operated in the interest of all by the nation the people organiz ;d the organic unity of the whole people. The present industrial system proves itself wrong by ihe immense wrougs it produces; it proves itself absurd by the immense waste "of energy and material which is admitted to lie its concom itant Against this system we raise our protest; for the abolition of the slaveiy it has wrought aud would per: petuate, we pledge our best efforts. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she cave them Castor a. The G. A. R. encampment, which was to have been held in Eugene last Wednesday, has been postponed until March 12. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Land Office at Oregon Crrr, Ob., ) January 28th, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has hied notice of his in tent ion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that saul proot will bo made be fore the County Judge, or in his absence, hefore the County Clerk of Benton county, at Co. vallis, Oregon, on Saturday, March 15;h, 1890, viz: Eli Spencer, homestead entry, No. 5744, for the south east J of Sec. 5, 1 p. IS, a K 6 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence .upon, aud cultivation of said land, viz: - G. VV. Mason, P. Moore, A. Sims, and F. M. Spencor, all of Philomath, Beutou coun ty, Oregon. J. T. APPEItSON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) - January 29th, 1890. ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled uotice of his inten tion to make final pi oof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton - county at. Corvallis, Oregon, on Friday, March 21st, 1890, viz: Howard L. Bush, pre-emption D. S. No. 6454 for the N. W J ol N. E. J S. J of N. E. i in Sec. 14 Tp. 10 S. R. 7 VV. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. Kibby, D. Kibby. Hoffman aud J. Price, all of King's Valley, Benton county, Oregon. . J. T. APPERSON, : - . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or'. j January 31st, 1890. J Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Benton countv. at Corvallis, Oregon, ou Friday: April 4, 1890, viz: jenersou J. Iroxel, homestead entry, No. 5,463, for the N. W. J of Sec. 10, Tp. II, S. R. 7. W.' He riaines the" following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: " v. uroom, rl. Herron, C. Warren, and F. Duncan, all of Summit. Benton countv. Oregon. - - ; - - J. T APPERSONT. 2:14-6t. - Register. Children Cry fbi? Concerning a Woolen Mili Several weeks ago the board of trade of Corvallis received a letter from ; the proprietors of a woolen factory in Iowaasking if any en couragement could be given to in duce them to move their establish ment to this city, also enquiring about the condition of things in general. This was answered in due time by the secretary wherein he stated, among other ' things, that, although Corvallis had no water power facilities just now, the question of bringing water into the city for such purposes was be ing discussed and might result in the construction of a canal. A second letter was received from them yesterday, and they wrote that they preferred to use steam as a power providing wood or coal was plenty, etc., and wanted to get where the water, that they would, be compelled to use in cleaning the wool, was of the "soft" kind. An offer was made to srnd one of their men here to take in the situation providing his fare one way would be paid by the board. Very likely this will be done. It seems, though, that it is hardly necessary; for if huch peo ple desire to view this state they could afford to go down into their own pockets to defray expenses in so doing. Albany's woolen fac tory is a "home" institution just remember that. To Portland. Parties desiring to get to Portland, can take the Oregon Pacific tram to Albany, then take the U, P. 'boat which is now running daily tp Fulquartz landing, and be transferred again to the narrow gauge and be taken to Portland. This news was re ceived here Wednesday by tele gram to W. A. Wells the U. P. agent. A New Bridge. The county court has advertised to receive bids for the cons! ruction of a new bridge across Mary?s river at this city. The bids are to be opened on March 5th, next. We'll Be There. At the Con gregational - church next Sunday the pastor will speak in the morn ing on, "The Bread of Life," and in the evening oru -'Newspapers ajid Christianity." Postponed. The district teach ers' institute, which was to have convened in Albany on the 12th of March next, has been postpon-. ed to the- 19th, 20th and 2 1st of March. For fine poultry go to C. B. Wells, Phi lomath, Oregon. BORN. Near Pb.ilonu.th, on Friday, Febru ary 7th, 1890, to the wife of Wm. Bier, a son. In Corvallis, on Sunday, February 9, 1890, at 7 a. m., to the wife of S. T. Jeffreys, a son. In Corvallis, on Monday, February 10, 1890, at 7 a. m.: to the wife of W. C. Corbett, a son. Near Corvidlis, on Tuesday, Feb ruary 11, 1890, to the wife of Isaac Jackson, a son. . , MARRIED. In Corvallis, on VVedneedi'y evening. Feb ruary 12, 1850, at the residence of Wallace Baldwin; William Edwards and Miss C'lane A. Baldwin, Rev. A. Rogers officiating. The groom has been a resident of Corvallis for a few months past and is quite well known by her citizens. He is a first-class workman in the art of paper-hanging, aud seme of his. skill is exhibited in the rooms of the newly-organized land company and also in the bank of Job brothers. It is his intention to. soon go into business here for himself. " His bride needs no introduction to the Corvallis people. The Gazaits ac knowledges the receipt of some very deli cious wedding cake the first in 1890. There were several nice presents giyeo the happy con pie, among which some Wfre from the grooin'i mother now residing in the state of Kentucky. . ,- Pitcher's' Castoria.