The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 07, 1890, Image 2

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fur Year,
Kx Months,
Tiree Months, ..
WojrlB-Oopies. .A . . . . .
J4t Year (wlit "not paiil in aervmice)... ..
2 00
1 00
. 2 SO
The Massachusetts senate has passed
1 it . .' ,! .J f,A....-tl-. I l- t-l.lf-
a uiw requiring cities huu wwin " ....,
tnce to place a ni w '"w
. ' T II Alv:ilia
rwcftkw-j we w -
also pending before the senate of
New. York compelling the school
authorities of that state to furnish all
the schools with flags, which are to be
flung to the breeze during the
time the scholars are at work. A
'bill of simrrlar nature was introduced
in the last Pennsylvania legislature
but inet with defeat. In Chicago fligs
fly above all the public school build
ihg, audi the same is the case in Detroit,
and many other large citiesin different
parts of the north.
It is impossible to ascertain just
how much patriotism is awakened by
wich display of stars and stripes, but
doubtless excellent service is thus done.
There are many who believe that it
would be proper to display the ftags
sfitpc rwn Pi'pru cnnrni hiuc. rv. uiii w
only on anniversaries ' of great events
with which all Americans should be
familiar. The unfurling of the flag
then would cause the children natu
rally to inquire what event was being
eoinmemoraled, and they would take
pains very likely to hunt the matter
This suggestion is a very good one,
and if carried out would keep the stars
and stripes floating from the school
building at all times. Our nation's
history is made up of great incidents
worthy ofcomraemoration. Th$re is
scarcely a day that is not the anniver
sary of some event that the rising
young American- should be acquainted
with. .
Tfcn let that beautiful banner,
made up of thirteen stripes and forty-
two stars, be placed within the con
stant vision of every boy and girl in
In the school law of Ohio there is
' a requirement which makes it neces
sary for the teacher to instruct the
pupil as to the effects of spirituous
liquors upon the human system. The
statutes do not define how the infor
mation . shall be imparted, and one
teacher concluded that there could be
ncbetter practical demonstration than
to let his scholars sample a little
ix-hiaky. Accordingly he took a bottle
in the national beverage to school
writh him and invited his scholars up
to take a smile. They went home with
- loacjed - breaths and told their parents
yrlvZt had ' occurred. To say there
was" an uproar in that village would be
putting it lightly. The teacher plead
ed the indefiaiteness of the law and
good intentions on his part, butit was
useless; he had to go. The people of
that burg will now smploy a teacher
who will endeavor to explain the ef
fects of whisky by means of charts.
Nellie Bly, in her travels around
the world, stopped at Hong Kong.
She says "I was particularly struck
t v ; -i .i.
wiiii me court aouw ana - jau oi uie
city. In front of the jail there was a
. big tan game running, and inside was
an opium-smoking place. The pe
culiarity of the iail is that thev don't
, close tiie- doors." Nearly as con
venient as some Oregon jails.
A democrat in Leominster, Mass.,
nominated himself for the legislature,
hired the town hall and made a speech
hi which he told in detail all the mean
things he had ever done. His neigh
bors said it was all true,' and elected
him by 34 majority. Alta. :
The Dallas and Independence pa
pers contain correspondence from
eveiy town, of any size, in Polk county
nearly every week. The Gazette has
found it tough work to hear from a
.single town in Benton county during
the week. -."
Max O'Rell says: "The thing that
most strikes a .European in this coun
try :i the entire absence of stupid
looking faces. Everybody here works
and is proud of it."
Mr. Cleveland seems to have fate
n his side. Atlanta Constitution.
No, nothing but nit. New York Sun.
Electricity was known in early
Bible days. , Noah made the first ark
light on Mt." Ararat. V '
Children Cry for
Subscriber Say. what kind of
thins: do vou call this? Is it a
joke? Pretty rough, sending out a
thing of that sort' and expecting a '
man to read it. - I
: Editor "Yes; it's bad very bad, j
I must admit. But, ray friend, j
your trial is as nothing compared!
with mine. You only have to
read it once; in point of fact you
need not do that; you can skip it. 1
Now look at me, I've got to
think it out first and argue-myself
into the belief that it's worth print
ing. Then I write it; read it over;
tear it up; rewrite it; reread it; cor
rect a lot of errors in it; discover
that I have left out the only good
part in it; interline that; send it to
the printer; have it returned to
me in proof; find that he has
omitted the funny part, too; inter
line that again; read it again when
the paper is out, and discover that
the gleam of brightness 'is still
missing. Shall I strike your name
from the list? '
Subscriber (with a look of pro
found pity) No, that sought of
suffering ought to be divided up
into small chunks. You can send
the paper for a year to the preach-
of my wife's church and any
other Christian niartyr .you've a
mind to name and I'll pay for
them. Texas Sittings.
A colored woman employed asj
a domestic in the family of a
farmer in Cooper county, Kansas,
not until a lew days ago discover
ed that she is not a slave. The
farmer took her -into the state
from the south before the war.
She was then a slave and nothing
regarding the results of the war
or of the emancipation proclama
tion was ever told her.- On the
death of the farmer a few weeks
ago she removed to another place,
where for the first time she learn
ed that she enjoys the boon of
freedom. This seems almost in
credable, but probably the farmer
never heard of the emancipation
proclamation himself. It is said
to be a fact that in some parts of
the country there can be found
democrats who continue to vote
for Andrew Jackson for president.
Andrew Twaddle, who died re
cently at Morriscown, Ohio, aged
74, was the last of a famous family
of nine children born without the
optic nerve, therefore stone blind.
The state deeded them a section
of land for a farm. They could
go anywhere alone, did all the
farm work, cut timber, built
fences, ran a grist mill, drove
horses, told the color of animals
and denomination and genuine
ness of paper money by touch.
They were useful and wealthy.
J ames Robinson, a farmer living
near Jeffersonville, Ohio, is the
owner of a carniverous horse,
which wants nothing better for a
good, square meal J;han a fat pig.
Whenever the horse sees a pig
that it can get at-it grabs-it by the
back of the neck and shakes it to
death, mucb as- a dog would shake
a rat. The horse then devours the
pig with great relish. Mr. Robin
son is very careful to keep his pigs
away from i his horse as far as pos
sible. . - .. V .I.-
A Montreal man has been con
demned to pay the sura of $1 as
damages, for having called upon a
person in a factory with a view to
collecting a debt. The court held
that the domicile of the debtor is
the ' proper place at which to de
mand money that is owing. It
futher decides that' to ask on the
street for money that is due con
stitutes an assault. - :
' Castoria is recommended by physicians
t 1..1L! X . . .
mm- cpuuren teeming, uis a pn rely vege
table preparations, its ingredient's are uub-
lished around each battle. ' It is pleasant to
the taste and absolutely harmless. It re
lieves constipation, regulates ; the boweis,
quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic,
allayB feverishness, destroys -worms, and
prevents convulsions, soothes the child and
gives it refreshing and natnaal -sleep. Cas-
tona is the children a panacea the mothers'
friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. : 3:16-2y. :
If yon want to sell property, place it
with Ralston Cox. He will thoroughly
advertise it and place it on sale in Portland,
Seattle and Spokane. - - '
Pitcher's Castorfa.
., . . .......
In, Portugal peers and deputies
receive $355 a year!
In Holland" members of the
lower, house receive $830 per
annum. " '
In Denmark members of both
houses receive $3.75 a day during
the session.
In France senators and deputies
are paid $1,780 per annum, and
the same rate obtains in Austria.
. In Belgium each member of the
chamber of representatives receive
$81 per month if he does not live
In Switzerland members of tfie
national couhcil'get $2.50 a day,
and members of the state council
fiom $1.50 to $2.50.
It has been heretofore shown fg
these columns that modem medi
cine .has demonstrated that a pim
ply skin is not the result of blood
diseases, but is caused y impaired
digestion, for which they now give
vegetable correctives instead of pot
ash and mineral blood purifiers. Two short testi
monials are here given to contrast the action of
the potash sarsaparillas and Joy's Vegetable Sar
saparilla. '
Mrs. C. D. Stuart of 1221 Mission street, S. F.,
writes that sho took one of the leading sarsa
parillas for indigestion and dyspepsia. - Its only
effect was to cause pimples to appear on her face.
Upon taking Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla the
first effect was the disappearance of the pirn
p'?s and she was subsequently relieved of hei
Indigestion and dyspepsia. - Robert Stewart alsc
w-ites from Petaluma. CaL, that
being troubled with boils be found
that one of the leading sarsapa
rillas actually increased the erup
tions, which responded at once to
Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and
disappeared almost Immediately.
Brazil has a population of 12,333,
375. - '
Scratched 28 Years.
Body covered with scales. Itehing terrible.
Suffering; endless. JNo reint. Doctors
and medicines fail. Speedily cured by
C u icura at a cost of $5. .
Cured by Cuticura
If had known of the CrmcoRA Reme
dies t jventy eight years ago it would have
saved me 8200.00 (two-hnudrd dollars) and
an immense amount of suffering. Myitis
ease (psoriasis) commenced on my head in a
spot not larger than a cent. It spread
rapidly all over my body and got under my
nails. The scales would drop on ot uie all
the time, and my suffering was endless and
without relief. One thousand dollars would
not tempt me to have this disease over
again. I am a poor man but feel rich to be
relieved of what some of the doctors said
was leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, etc.
I took . . . and . - Sarsaparillas over one
year and a halC but no cure. I cannot
praise the Upticura Kemedies too much.
They have made my skin us clear and free
from scales as a baby's. All I used of them
were three boxes of CtrricrRA, and three
bottles of CcTicrRA Resolvent, and two
cakes of (JrTICURA Soap. If you had been
here and said you would have cured me for
$200.00. vu would have had the money.
I looked like the picture in your book of
psoriasis (picture number two, "How to
Cure Skin diseases"), but now 1 am as clear
as any person ever was. Through force of
habit L rub my hands over my arms ana
legs to scratch once in a while, but ' to no
purpose. I am all well. I scratched
twenty-eicht years, and it got to lie a kind
of second nature to me. I thank vyott a
mousana nines.
DKNNIS DOWNING, Waterbnry, Vr.
Cuticura Resolvent.
The new Blood and Skin Purifier and
purest and best of Humor Remedies, in-.
ternally, and Ccticura Soap, an exquisite
rkm iieautitier, externally, speedily, and
permanently cure every species of itching,
burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous,'
and hereditary diseases and humors of the
skin, scalp and bloodp with loss of hair,
from pimples to Scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price, CrmcuRA, 50c,
Soap, 25c; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by
the x otter Drug and Chkmical Corpora
won, Boston.
OTSundfor "How to Cure Skin Diseases,'
64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimo
PLES, black-beads, chapped and oily
ill skin prevented by Ccticura Medi
cated soap.
Free from Rheumatism
In one minute the Cuticura
anti-pain plaster relieves rheuma
tic. sciatic, hip. kidney, chest, and muscu
lar pains aud weaknesses. The first and
only pain-kiliing plaster.
, "Columbia River Route."
Trains for 'the East leave Portland' at
7KJ0 a. m. and 9:00 p. m. daily.
nHTiT"IjrTlCS o and 'rom princi
XXWlVEi JL O pal points in the
United states, Canada, and Europe.
Free colonist sleeping cars run through on
. Express trains from fortland to..
- Free of Charge and without Change.
Close connections at - Portland for . San
. Francisco and Puget Sonnd points.
Fer further particulars inquire of any
AgSnt of the Company or
T. W. LEE, G. P. and T.
C. S. Miller, Portland, Oregon.
Traffic Manager. -
CORVALL1S, OR. - . y
yPoe s general practice In all the courts. : Also
awenV toe all the firet-clus insurance companies. 2:24
It Bwred my Chad's Life.
"When my child was born,
the doctor ordered one of the
cther Foods. Bhe ate that un
til she nearly died. I hid three
doctors, who said the trouble
Possesses many Important Advantages
over all other prepared Foods.
jvas Indigestion, and ordered
the rood changed to i.actatea
Food. It saved my child's life,
and I owe yon many thanks
for It I regard your Food as
Invaluable, and superior to. all
other artificial food for babies.
4 Has. A. J. Bekvhxd,
Boston, Mass,
IS Indiana Place.
Perfectly Nourishes a Baby with
or without the addition of milk.
Three Sizes. 25c. OOo. Sl.OO.
A valuable pamphlet on " The Nutrition
of Infants and Invalids," free.
In Furniture for the next SIXTY
And everything in the Household
prices. Undertaking attended to
jVain Street,
-Dealer in-
Stoves and
Nails, Steel, Ire n and Lead Pips and Fittings,
gTGranite Ware and House Furnishing Goods. Manufacturer of Tin
ware, Roofing, Gutter, and Galvanized lion Cornice.
Plumbing and All Kinds of Job Work done to Order.
COKVALIJS, - - - ORicaoisr.
gjGF'ln order to Close out ray
to the Public at a Reduction. of
Oft the regular price for the next
All Wool, three-ply,
" two-ply,
Roxbury Brussells,
Fisher's Brick. -
U V, V. crth i ,4o.
-I'trt i,","ij-H't'.b u ibe world. Perfect
timefcweper. Wnrraiitl henry.
I Both wditot aud y cut s met,
'with worlu aud emi of
Yree tofrther with oar lara
id valnal) Hrwof HoiMebold
each local Ur can Mvura am
feaual valn. Ok rKEAani
aTtiw wiitrh, rr Trc. AH the work yot
.-nMnlri. Then Mmplca.aa weU
namrdo ( fMhow w!it we m! y.,u to taot wno cmii-yoar
ftiM..a.J ne:-Ht-n.l th.lut yoo thatalway
fa. inbH- ra.i- f. u. hirh h..W forreara wtoneaMarted,
ml tUiw a r ffi L We pay all ex prw., freight, etc. After
yon know aii. rv wmM ito to fro to work for
L-n fro week eiid upward!. Addreaa,
. "".utAwno-eoa
It Has No Banal.
"We ore nsing in our nnr.
sery (containing forty Infants)
yonr Lactated Food, and find
It far superior to all other food
which has been used during
the past ten years that I have
been visiting physician. The
Bisters of Charity, who have
charge of the institution, say
it haa no equal."
Vf. K Dr. Corner. M. T
St. Joseph's Foundling Asylum,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Q
1 m. I
DAYS. Ash Bedroom sets from
Furnishing Line at greatly reduced
Corvallis, Or
stock of Carpets, I shall offer them
SIXTY Days.::::::
at 90 cents.
" 67 cents.
" 90 cents.
::::And all other at Reduced Figures.
Corvallis, Oresron.
R. L. Taylor,
Little Band Box Barber
Corvallis, Oregon.
HirShaving, hair-cutting, dressing,
dying, and shampooing.
J. M. Applewhite, M. D.f
Corvallis, Oregon, :
Office at It. Graham's drflg store, orj
Main street, opposiie, reading rooto.
G. R. FARRA, M D ,
Special attention eivtn to Obstetrics
and diseases' of Women and Children.
Office up stairs iu Crawford & Farm's
brick. Office hours. 8 to o a. m.;.api
i to 2 and 7 p. m.. i:i3-yi.
1889. ' -Only
One Dollar
The most popular Wnekly Newspaper in
the United States, the l.ireest circulation.
and the only strictly Weekly Newspaper"
that ever succeeded in obtaining and hold'
ing year after year a circnlatn in every
state and territory (and nearly every coun-r
try) ot the United btates. All the news,
hetter departments and more first-class en'
tertiiiuing aud instructive reading than in
any other dollar paper published.
Announcement Extraordinary.
Iu December we shMl commence, publics
tiou of the most powerful temperance seria'
story of modern times. The well known
author of the Boy Traveller scries of books.
Col. Thomas V. Knox, is now engaged iu
writing this story, for which we pay a royal
sum. We want this story to have the wid
circulation it deserves. In the interest of
humanity parents should setftthat their
children read it, and especially the yonng
men of every community in this broad land
should be urged by those who have an inter
est in them to read this story. The other
features of the Weekly Blade need not be .
stated here. They are well known. Send
for a sample copy and see for yourself.
Speaking of Specimen Copies
We invite every reader of this paper and
every reader of this county, to write ua
for two specimen copies. First, write us a
postal card immediately for a specimen copy
of the Weekly Blade that you may get a
full description of Knox's temperance ' serial
story, "Teetotaller Dick.." Second,
write us again shout Di-cember 1st for
anothe free specimen f th Blape, and we
will send vou a paper coiitahmit; the open
ing chapters of the story, end the namev
and addresses of all y.tnr friends at the samo
Confidential toAgfnts.
Anybody can exrn tejt dollars very
quickly by raising clubs for the Blade.
We are now paying the highest amount
for clubs ever offered by any newspaper.
We want agents everywhere. Write us for
confidential terms to agents.
Toledo. O.
THOS. WHITISH OP N, Proprietor.
ggTThe famous W. H. McBrayer.
hand niadH Sour 'Mash and Old Crovr
Bonrhon Whinkies.
Weinhard's beer on tap. Kohlitze's
e'ehnited bottled leer. Knicker
bocker's Beer. ,
Tlie gentlemen's favorite reKorr.
Fancy mixed drinks a specialty.
Keeps constantly on Imnd all kinds of
imported lifpjors mid cigf rs. Liquors
for medical purposes a specialty .
Main Street, - - - Corvailis.
In the County Court cf Benton County,
SHU.te of Oregon.
Iu the matter of the estate
James Ginglus, deed.
Notice is hereby g'ven that the under
signed has been duly appo'lited executor of
the last will and testament of James G ingles
dead, by said court, and all persons having
claims against said estatn are hereby notified
to present the came for allowance duly
sertilied as required by law, to the under
signed at my residence II miles north of
Corvallis in Benton county, Oregon within,
six months of the date of this notice.
Dated January 10th, 1890.
Executor of the last will aud testament
of James Gingles, deed.
One the I
toe woriu. vur mciunaeara
noequalrd. and to introdaea oav
aperiorroods we will aeodraBS.
to Off E PERtoir to each loeafltrv
as abore Only thoae who writ
to os at once can make are of
the chance. All too nave to do In
(TVtlwt it RMmU to ahow our roda t
pnniiie; of thie advert isemeat
bow the email and of the tela. .
eopa. Til following eat firee the appearance of It redaeedte-
.h. At mtu Mt ait Km hulk . It Is a -rand, dowbl. tin Ul-
ko, u Urm u tur to cirr W will Im ihow yo luw n
cnuka from 3 toSlOtdarM Imm, from un.wltk-
iMriene., bwiw writ at one. . H"7 vu-..-.
raaaVH-HALLETr CO.. Box 88a, raKLAKB. HAia
Cor. a Mis Oregon.
M-A-OANAjN" Proprietor
THE OCCIDENTAL is new building,
newly furnished, and is first class in all it
Large Sample Boom en Flrrt Floor for
Commercial Den. 19-35 ly
Jm Sing' and Doc You, Proprietors.
' Having lately made an entire change;
in the management ot the wash-house, just
south of the Hemphill house, we are pre-,
pared to (pre satisfaction in our line. We
also conduct an intelligeece office. sptl3 .
Aeents' Snap bo and Outfit. 12 eta.
HE NECKTIE CO.. Augusta. Ma. Plum Mat
what periodical jo a tmw our adverttMOMnLlB. .