The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 07, 1890, Image 1

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' S&2.
for Infants and Children. :
' "CaatorU if so well adapted to children that I Caatoria cures Colle, Constipation, .
I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour 8 to mack. Diarrhoea, Eructation,
known to me." H. A, Abchkr, M.D., 1 Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote dl-
111 So. Oxford Ek.Brootljrii.N.Y. Vulout'lajurioua medication.
" Thk Cestaub Companv, 77 Murray Street, N. T.
f ff fp-f 973 .3
We will consilience on MONDAY, Feb
ruary - 3rd, a Remnant and Odd and
End Sale. ... ' .
Every Remnant in stock less than cost. w .'. ' . -' ' r-x'
TJie balance of onr cloaks, wraps, and jackets, less than cost.
Reductions and bargains in Ladies', Misses', and Children's Shoes.
A lot of ladies' gossimars less
Big bargains in Men's hats, ajid
Every article in stock reduced.
Call jcarly- and often and help us to
make room for our new and elegant
Spring Stock of Dry Goods and Men's
fi3fWe have placed on our counter two hundred and fifty Men's
Suits,, some of every size, 34 to 42; which we are determined to close
out immediately. - This is
HCall and see the
be convinced:
The "Regulator
-- j
than cost.' :- '.'
. - ' u
boots" and shoes.
goods yourself, and
of Low IPrices".
The origin and, natures of the
faculty which, for want of a better
name, may be called - "money
sense," is to the majority of man
kind an inscrutable mystery. It
neither implies nor discredits the
possession of other intellectual at
tributes. Along with it some men
possess varied and brilliant intel
lectuality; others, except as to this
faculty, are dull, stupid and obtuse.
In some cases it bears the marks
of genius, while in others it is
hardly distinguishable from brute
instinct. . : .
Money -sense is the faculty
which enables or compels its pos
sessor to get money and. hold on
to it. . It is an exploded notion
that industry, economy and self
denial are the groundworks of
money ' sense. There are plenty
of men, who, from the day of their
berth to the day of their death,
never overwork themselves, or
practice self-denial, or, take any
pains to forecast the iuture, or
practice economy inany shape,
who nevertheless get ahead and
keep ahead, while there are others
who drudge and save and calcu
late, and are eternally - looking
forward to and savinu up ,for a
rainy day, and it is as much as a
bargain if their assets will pay for
a decent burial when their time
comes for joining the majority.
Be it understood, not all who ac
quire fortunes are to be credited
with money "sense. Striking a
bonanza, for instance, is but the
lucky outcome of a gambling ex
periment. But to get more money
for the hole Irom which the . bo
nanza has been taken thanj was
made in working the bonanza; is
2All kinds of. extra fine job
printing, such as Wedding Invitations
and Cards, Ball Programmes and Tick
ets, Calling Cards, etc., done in excel
lent style at The Gazette office. Call
and inspect samples of stock.
Q P.
Corvalli, :
-The iagr3 Numbering Company-
Desires to inform the public that it has established an extensive lumber yard
in Corvallis, near the Oregon Pacific depot, and is prepared to furnish all
kinds of . - -. - . - -
Including Shingles and Lathes, at reasonable prices. This lumber
is the finest in Oregon, being sawed in the Tery heart of the Cascade
mountains. r - - . , -
. . jflPFor particulars call on' or address, W. H. MILLHOLLEN, at
Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon. -
considered money-sinsical. .
One main projects Vast mercan
tile enterprise, ' discovers new
channels ot trade, and - does the
work of a thousand in keeping the
world in motion, and gains but
little if anything for himself, while
another starts a family grocery
ten miles from anywhere and in a
few years js rolling in wealth.
One will start with a million, loan
it at a big interest all . the time,
and die a financial "wreck, while
another will within a few years
put up a half a dozen brick blocks
from the sale of beer at five cents
a glass. ."
Some men will go . into a stag
nant town, and in once -walking
through it . will see - and seize a
score of opportunities for making
a fortune, ; where thousands ap
parently Just us bright have hung
around for years, willing and anx
ious to do anything that might
.offer, and could no more 'see a
chance than so .many moles or
bats Jay Gould will take a road
worth a million, mortgage it tor
two million, run it for ten years
without a .dividend, and make
twenty million by the transact
ion.1 - ; .
' And so it goes; money sense is
like lightning, striking a few .and
missing a -.multitude. . But the
praeeal question is, can . it be
cultivated? If so, why would- it
not be wise to . create - classes, for
instruction- in this desirable branch
ofknowledge in our public schools?
And seriously, it" would be a long
step in the right direction if boys
could be taught to have money
and save it. Any boy can be
economical who has nothing, .but
not one in ten thousand' cau have
it without being crazy to spend it.
Perhaps and: right there is the
turning point between having and
lacking money sense in after life.
The tkought is worth . thinking
ZMlQuntain -
-; Valentines at J. W. Will's. ; f
."' A slight frost yesterday morning.
Fine photographs of the "flood" at Per
not Bros. Y:'.'::'":
fvVonder how the prune orchards are
across theriver? . "
- For fine poultry go to C. B. Wells, , Phi
lomath,' Oregon. r ' ". ' . ' .
Sewing machines repaired, and warranted
to be put in good. running order at J. Wm.
will's, r --'y,:-
The old government scow that was moor
ed near the ferry, floated down the river
Wednesday. " .': - : "' -
Monumental hose company is' no more,
the board of fire delegates having declared
it disbanded on Monday.
Frank Wood, who resides at the foot of
the Alsea mountain on this side, made the
Gazette a call this week. - .
In order to get a telegram to San Fran
cisco on Thursday it had to go l y the way
of St.' Paul, Miuuesota.
Moore & Hitcheua are prepared to give
you a shave for 15 cents, or you can get a
bath .in, their 'tub" for 25 cents. -
A chief engineer and assistant of the Cor
vallis tire department will be voted for. at
an election on Saturday, March 8th. ;
The topic at the Presbyteriau church
next Sabbath morning will be "prayer."
The evening theme will "be "a wedding
story." . . . ;,. ' ...' .... - v "
. S.B. Graham, the photographer, has
some very, fine views.of the "flood", around
Corvallis.- Gat one as a memento, to look
at in future years. ' " - ; :
Evangelical Church. Preaching at Ever
green on Saturday night, at Beulah on Sun
day at 10:30 a. m. and here in the city at 7
p. ra. All are welcome. J . M. Dick. :
Miss Mattie Burnett, sister of "Telt"
Burnett, the genial clerk, has been danger
ously ill for the past week with pneumonia.
She was reported some better yesterday af
ternoon. . . .
Another Flood, On .February 14th, it is
ferired another flood will ocour in Corvallis.
It will be in the p. o., no doubt, and S. N.
Wilkins has a splendid assortment of val
entines to select from. " . .
The bank of Hamilton, Jab& Co., 13 be
ing greatly improved by having the walls
and ceiling covered with decorated paper of
a beautiCul design. S. N. Wilkins supplies
the stock and his workman, Mr. Ed ward,
is doing the work. . . -' '
Zephin Job, M.- S. Neugass, and G. R.
Farra, were appointed a committee by the
board of trade last night to confer with the
county court towards censtructing a tem
porary bridge across Mary's river at 'this
city, the same to be done immediately."
Victor Hurt, of Waldport, came over this
forenoon, via Yaquina. He reports the
storm not so destructive in his part of the
c.mutry. , He s iys the ocean presented a
very muddy appearance just as far out as
the eye could see, something never kuown
before. Yaquina bay was 'fresh'! alsoK for
the first time. - - . f
Dr. Far-a was called on Monday to attend
Pat Gooley, who lives on the Chas. Witham
place west of here. Ho had met with a
dislocation of one of bis arms. On account
of the water being s- high along the" road
the Dr. was compelled to turn back after
going a short distance something tl'fct he
never before was compelled to do. '..-
A fine of $50 was imposed upon Chas.
Albrechi for selling liquor to minors, the
case having been brought before Recorder
Porter. "Albrecht remonstrated some' -at
the penalty but, with an execution issued
to collect the fine right away or attach" the
saloon,- and placed ia Marshal Duau's
hands, he soon turned in the money.
Have You Eeal Estate to Sell? If so call
t our office or mail Jull description at once,
we are now preparing" a." large descriptive
circular, in which will .'appear every piece
of property placed with us. ' Our Portland
office," at No. 72, Washington street, is now
open and we have also established agencies
at . Spokane - Falls, ' Seattle .and Astoria.
Property placed with us will be advertised
in all these centers of immigration.'. We
can reach emigrants directjy through oiir
Portland office- and expect to " dispose of
property ..placed in our hands rapidly.
Property of all kinds bought and sold -on
commission. Insurance in the most reliable
companies.- Ralston Cox. : -: ,
. TjAXd Office at Obbgon Citv Or. )
' January 29th, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the - following
named settler has hied notice of his inten
tion to make final pi oof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk' ot Benton county
at Corvallis, Oregon, on FridayvMarch 21st,
1890," viz: Howard L. ' Bush, pre-emjtion
D. 8. No 6454 for the N. W. J o N. E. J
S. J of N. E. i in Sec. 14 Tp. 10 S. R. 7 W,
- He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon, and.
cultivation of, said' land, viz: J. Kibby,
D. Kibby. J. Hubbman and J. Price, nil of
King's Valley, Benton county, Oregon. .
, ' , t , J. T. APPERSOX, .
- - .'. -,'. . ..-- .. , Register. --
Burned to "Deatli in
: ington City. .
An Avalanche Buries a Mining "
Town One Chinaman in the'
Swim Brief Salem News.
Special 10 the Gazette 1 ' " "-. ! "
" ' -.-' t ? '. " , '
Salem, Feb. 7.-G:50 p. m.-The -flood
reached its highest notch at
Salem on Tuesday at 3 o'clock.
The bridge across the Willamette
floated away 24 hours before, and
now nothing is left to mark
the spot but one. drift catcher and
four bents of approach. It is
likely the bridge will be replaced
with a suspension structure far
superior to the great ltoebling .
mass of wire thai serves as a con- "
necting link to America's metropo
lis and Brooklyn! ?
Much stock has perished in bot
toms below he're. Although the
loss of -property is large no loss of
life is reported in this city. :
- .Nearly all the stock for a $20,
000 cannery here has been taken -up
to this evening. The plant will
probably be in running ofder in x
time for this year's fruit crop.
Bcena Vista, Feb. 7. While
the river was at its liighest a
cabin with a Chinaman astride of
the roof passed along in the cur
rent of the stream going at a fear- v
fill rate. lie was crying loudly
for assistance. - - ;
Washington, D. C, Feb. 7.
Secretary Tracy's wife and daugh
ter and maid were burned tq deiitff "
to-day. Thecityl in motirmg. "
Portland, Feb. 7.-Bot!r bridg
es here are still standing'fin! per
fectly safe, althoagh they ad Ta
close eall. The water "ran tln-ougli
Front and First streets at a' swift
rate, and now everything presents
a dilapidated appearance. . ; 3 -
A terrible accident "hefell" the
west-bound Union Pacific train to
day near Cascade locks.' Abridge "
went down carrying train to de-.'-struction.
Nine persons were
killed and thirty wounded. "
- Burke, Idaho, - Feb. 7. -A tre
mendous mass of. snow and rocks
came down on thjl place, without y ' -
a moment's warriirrg,; on Tuesday
in one mighty avalanche, Jaying-,.''
half of the business houses in ruins. '
Five men were buried teueath the
debris. Two were rescued; other
bodies-no. -yet recovered. - This
place is in the Coeur d' Alaine dis
tricts .: .. ' , .... --. '
Corvallis surely is the "heart of the
valley,"-as the is about the only city .
along the river which escaped no dam
age during this flool. "
Lasd Offtcb at Ohegok City, Or., ' ) ,
January 28th, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his in
tentiou to make proof in support oi his
claim, and that said proof will be made be- - . '
fore the County Judge, or in his absence,
liefore the County Clerk of Benton county, . .
at Coivallis, Oregon,- on Saturday, March
15;h, 189C, viz: Eli Spencer, homestead
entry, ' No. " 5744, for- the south east i of . .
Sec. 5, Tp. 13, ,8 R fi west. ' He names
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuons residenca upon, and -coltivatiou r,of.' '.
said land, viz: " - . ' . - V -
G. W. Mason; F. Moore, A. Sime, and F. '
M. Spencor, all of Philomath, Benton conn..
ty, Oregon. . . ;
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla
5T .f-"