The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, May 24, 1889, Image 2

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CORVALLIS, Oil, MAY 24, 1889.
m ,-- , i
Dmt let the thought drop from
your mind that the Gorvallis eow
still free to go where she
It is. said that a person may
stand oa the Eiffel tower, at the
I'aris exposition, and be clear
above a storai raging about its
iiwer levels.
Let tbe city coiriicil do only as
any other one would in regard to
wxing the electric flights take as
feiutiv- as will conveniently lirht
wp the streets and sidewalks.
It has been demonstrated by a
Horn an count that the leaves of
the eucalyptus or blue gum trees
contain valuable properties as dis
Infectants and antiseptics.
The money in the national
treasury,' amounting to about
$200,000,000, is to be counted
It will take sixty emp'oyes over
four months to perforin the task
It is not always the man who
looks tlie wisest who knows the
iftost, but most people don't know
tliis, so that it will pay you to
liok just as wise as you possibly
In New York on Thursday last
tte newly appointed minister to
Russia, Allen T. Rice, died at ihe
a;ie of thirty-six. He has been
Jie editor of the North American
Iveview since 1S78.
In 1860 the cattle in this
country numbered 418 head to
each 1,000 of population. In 18S5
it had fallen to 722 per 1,000, and
now the best authorities put it at
' TOO, or a loss of 114 head per 1,000
iai twenty-nine years.
Mr. Hurd has done a grand
tiling for Corvallis by furnishing
her with an electric light system.
Now let the council do the right
... thing by taking as many of the
lights as the city will stand. And
let all the businejss men nse them
The new method of execution
fcy electricity, adopted in New
York, will put the question of the
efficacy of capital punishment, as
a preventative of crime, to the
test. Persons arrested for mur
der are said to have the utmost
dread of this form of death.
Tiisrk were 100 suicides in the
United States between January
1st and May 1st. The self
slatfghterers ranged in age all
along between first and second
childhood, and the causes em
braced everything that can affect
morbid self-consciousness.
The Evening Star, ot Washing
ton City says editorially: '-The
nomination of Solomon Hirsch,
for the Turkish mission, removes
Senator Mitchell's most dangerous
rival for the benatorshjp in 1891,
and removes alt doubts of the
lat.ter's return to the senate."
Mitchell, it says, may be depend
ed upon t& secure .Hirsch's confir
mation. The president has appointed
Solomon Hirsch, of Portland, as
minister to Turkey. Mr. Hirsch
has been foremost in the republi
ean party for a number of years,
and was a candidate for the U. S.
senate from Oregon at the time
J. II. Mitchell was elected. The
office of iinister to. Turkey i.s osxe
f the KHst responsible foreign
posts, nrti hfts. been? hehl hereto
fore by such men of national repu
tation as Geu. Lew. Wallace, Gen.
Loncstreet, S. S. Cox and others.
TJie appointment is a good one,
and Mr. Hirsch will no. doubt
prove an able and worthy repre
sentative of the United States at
tJUe Turkish court.
Nrnnber of persons brought before
me, charged with committing offenses
against the city of Corvallis, 98, class
ed as follows, to-wit: Drunkenness,
5ft; disorderly conduct, 15; assault
and battery, 4; vagrancy, 9; wilfully
insulting a person, 1; discharging fire
arms, 1; draying without license, 3;
gambling, 5; selling liquor to minors,
1 ; 86 of whom have been convicted,
7 acquitted, 4f dismissed and one being
let go on his own recognizance, failed
to appear.
I hare assessed and collected fines
to the amount of 286.50, while there
still remains unpaid $245.50.
I have drawn warrants on the treas
urer, by order of the common council,
to the amount of $4527.36.
I have issued 66 license of the fol
lowing character, to-wit:
Spirituous, malt liquors, 9, 2250.00
Malt liquors, 3, 300.00
Dray, 31, 135.21
Show, 14, 70.00
Foot peddler, 2, 11.00
Hawkers, 1, lC.O'o
Auctioneers, 1, 2.00
Express wagon, 5, 25.0q
Total am't received therefrom, 2803.21
The following is a summary of the
finances for the year ending this day:
Cash on hand 1st of year, $258.38
Balance in recorder's office, 5.00
Received from taxes, 2829.50
Received from licenses, 2803.21
Received from lines, ' 286.50
Rec'd sale of Big Six, 100.00
Ree'd from estray fund, 3.00
Total, - 6285.59
By orders issued, $4530.36
By interest paid on orders, 46.71
By excess rec'pts over expen., 1708.52
Indebtedness paid during the
year, $862.41
Cash on hand, 849.11
Outstanding orders, probably, 207.21
Respectfully submitted.
W. St. Clair,
City Recorder.
Eli Perkins is a comrade in the
G. A. R.,' also a Royal Arch Mason.
All parties members of these orders
should not fail to attend.
CoRVAELla, May 22, 18S9.
Kds: Gazktte
I was rather favorably impressed with the
appearance of your town, and thought of
locating here, but when I read the Leader
and Times this week I was somewhnt dis
oou raged. It would seem from the article
in the Leader that a person would bj run
ning a great risk to stop over night in this
pestilential, Cod-forsaken place, and that if
he ever passed through he would be fortu
Date if he did not catch the scarlet fever or
cow pox; aud according to the Times of this
morning, the population is largely made up
of "yellar doijs and brindle cows."
Not knowing whether these papers truth
fully represented the condition of your
town or not, I concluded to make an exam
ination for myself, and found: 1st. that the
town was the healthiest one in the state;
that there was no sickucsss to amount to
any thins; that while . other towns were
being scourged with scarlet fever, diphthe
ria, and other fatal diseases, this place was
exempt. Secondly, I found that the place
was as clean and well kept as towns goner'
ally are; there are a few ditches into which
the kitchen slops are run that are a nui
sauce, but there is an express ordinance
against doing so, and if the marsh.ill wovUl
do liia duly that nuisance would be abated
in short order. Thirdly, I found men who
had been residents of the place thirty aud
forty years, who informed me that they had
not been confined to their room twenty
four hours with any kind of sickness during
that time. Fourth, I found a fine college, a
magnificent court house," a splendid district
vchool house (in preparation of construction),
good water works, electric lights, aud many
tine family residences, and some of the tin
est flower gardens in the state, all denoting
comfort, healft and thrift; and, lastly, a
community of thrifty, intelligent, respect.i
bio people. And I wondered how these
papers -could derive any satisfaction from
slandering our town. Emigrant.
Notice is hfrebveiven that there is money
in the hands of the County Treasurer of
Benton county, Oregon, to pay all of said
county's warrants endorsed "not paid for
want ot funds, up to aim including those
endorsed, Dec. 14, 1888. Interest will cease
upon all said orders from this date. '
. F. G. Clark, .
County Treasurer.
Corvallis, Ore., May 17.
Fifteen hundred dollars will buy one
hnndred feet of water front, betweeu Fall
street aud the Bay View House, Newport.
Address Lock Box 18, Newport, Otegon.
Each person buying a reserved ticket
for Eli Perkins' lecture, on June 4th,
will be presetted with a cabinet photo,
of liiio..
An elegant line of dress goods with silk,
satin, plush and velvet trimmings to match,
at Hei.kle Bros., Philomath. -
Ladies',, misses'; children's, men's and
hoys' shoes for the multitude at. Hcukle
Bros.,. Philomath.
Ladies'" muslins, and knit underwear at
Henkle Bros.,. Philomath
E. P Reed 4 Co.'s ladies fir.e shoes
for sale at Z. II. Davis.'. tfl
Wool wanted by Ilcnkle Bros.,. Philo-matfe...
C. A. Loud,' of the Little Bml Bx bar
ber shoji, has placed in his rooms a mi ftica
ted vapor bath for the .cure of all diseases
arising from impure blood, ami those Mjffur
injj from chronic troubles can surely find re
lief. Rheumatism, neuralgia, fait rliuem,
general debility, kidney trouble, nervous
prostration, paralysis, scrofula, piles, tu
mors, eczema, malaria, fever ami ague, ery
sipelas, p.iins in the back, poison oak.
dyspepsia and one bath will break np a
etild and prevent a fever. If you are Riling
in any way try the vapor bath; by applying
at the rooms testimonials on all diseases
will be furnished. Mrs. Loud will give
treatment to ladie3, and also furnish testi
monials. Apply at Little l'aui Box bar
ber shop, Main street, Corvallis, Ore., C. A.
Loud, proprietor.
The "taffy pulling" at the city hall
last night, by the young ladies of the
Congregational church, was well at
tended anil all who were participants
of the festivities of the auspicious
occasion report a very enjoyable
evening and long for a repetition of
the sweet performance at no distant
Cnstnria is recommended by physicians
for children teething. It is a purely vege
table preparations, its ingredients are pub
lished around each battle. It is pleasant to
the taste and absolutely harmless. It re
lieves constipation, regulates the boweis,
quiets pain, cures diarrhiea ami wind colic,
allays fevcrixhness, destroys worm, and
prevents convulsions, soothes the clulu and
gives it refreshing and natuaal, sleep. Cas
toria is the children's panacea the mothers'
friend. 3o doses, do cents. S-.IG-Zy.
M. E. Church south. The usu:l services
will be held Sunday morning and evening.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she hod Children, she gave them Castoria.
That the best and .cheapest pleace n Col
vallis to buy all kinds of
Cutlery, Tools. Iron, Mails,
Pumps, Rubber hose. Iron and Lead
Pipe, Eope, Barb Wire,
Granite ware, Stamped ware, Tin ware,
Japanned ware and House Furnishing goods:
or toet all kinds of job work -in the lint
of shet metals or plumbing done is at the
Hardware and Stove store of
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed administra
tor of the estate of Frank S. Mattoou, de
ceased, by the county court of Benton county,
Oregon. A'l persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me at my 'office in Fisher Block,
on Second street, Corvallis, Oregon, with
in six months from the date of this notice,
fluly verified as required by law.
Administrator of the estate of F. S. Mat
toon, deceased.
May 8, 1889.
Spray Pumps
The best tree sprayer in the market. All
complete ready for use. Highest endorsed.
Seud for circulars and prices.
18 California St., San Francisco, Cal. -
i, o a
J. M. Applewhite, M. D.,
Corvallis, Oregon,
Office at R Graham's drug store, on
Main street, opposiie, reading room.
" G. R. FARRA, M. D ,
Special attention givcn to Obstetrics
and diseases of Women and Children.
Office up stairs in Crawford & Farm's
brick. Office hours, 8 toga, m., and
i to 2 and 7 p. m. . 1:13-'
rilYSieiAN and SURGEON.
.. ..
, Corvallis, Oregon.
Graduate t Rush medical college,
Chicago, also ot the California medi
cal, a member of the ' medical society
of California. Headquarters at Alln
& Woodward's store. Office pn Main
street, four doors south of. dru store..
ca. 6) ;
Having-Combined our Two
in' JL -i-l-
Hiai;n, we ucuse uins wny uj. uiiuunumg- tinaii
We now have one of the largest and most complete stoek of General Merchandise in
Ronton county, well selected and at prices to meet Competition. In the foresroiiifir we
. ;
state a fact which we
; .
ces. Our many years experience ana ciose aiienuon 10 nusmess altords us advantages
to serve our customers WELL, whch advantage; is not enjoyed by many others.
To the country trade we devote special attention, carrying in stock nearly everything
desired, taking in exchange therefor all kinds of marketable produce, hides, furs,etc.,
at highest market prices. AVe extend a cordial invitation to all to call and examine
our goods and prices.
ilo:o3Latl3L, Henton County,
-The Leading
fiFYou will ahvays find him leadingin bargains for his customers.
He is selling off Bird Cages, Gloves, Purses, Canes, Baskets, Albums,
Childrens Carriages, Toy Wagons, &c, &c, extra cheap, to increase his
Organ and Sewing Machine trade,ahe is the oldest and largest dealer
in this line in Corvallis. You will do well to call on him before pur
chasing elsewhere, as he can and will give you good bargains.
Orders by ntail solicited and promptly complied with.
" " - - - - - ------ - " a., w.hi.w.i. w uiwfj V. , l' I U Pltlv, VU1 TdUIC,-KIIV K.0 1UI"
merly owned by F. S. Davis. The finest shop in the city. ' 1 1 :9-tf.
CASE'S HAIR TONIC, '75 cents per bottle. TRY IT,
In the county court ot" Benton county
state ot Oregon. In the matter of the es
tate of A. T. Keesee, deceased.
Notioe 13 herebj' given that the under
signed has tiled his Hnal account of snid es
tate in said court, for final settlement of
the 8.1 me, and the said court has fixed Sat
urday the 8th day of June, A. D., 18S9, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., of said day at
the court home in Corvallis, Benton county
state of Oregoti, as the time aud place, fur
hearing objections to said final account and
a final settlenieut thereof.
Administrator of the estate of A. T. Keesee,
May 6, ISS0. V -
Remember fellow-citizens that Irvine &
Helm do an exclusive boot and shoe bus
iness. They have nothing else to, offer you
and apart of your custom would. thank
fully received by them. - .
. Go to Case's for a bath, shave, or any
thing else in the barber line. -
can verify by giving
1 .1 .
Dealer in-
Fishing Tackle,
Etc., Etc.
Opens up the new era
r with new prices in his line
of goods.
Ladies' and
Chi ldren's
haircutting in
the latest and
best styles.
Call in and
get work done
I Without Health
not be enjoyed.
It is the best helper to Health and thcqmcsXit
cure on Earth. Use it in time for all diseases of
the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. Ik
cures Rheumatism, Malaria, Coated Tongue
and Headache, relieves Constipation, Bilious
ness and Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out of
the Blood and dries up old Sores. The Business
men buy it, the Workingmen use it, tbe Ladies
take it. the Children cry for it and the Farmers
ay it is their best health preserver.
Sold everywhere, $ i.oe a bottle; six for $5.00.
200.000 pounds of wool is
wanted for which we will pay the high
est market price. Si L. Kline.
Coi.vajlis, May 2, 69 it-
Stores, Corvallis and Philo-
1? . ' J"! J
( 7
us a trial and examining our goods, and pri-
. 1J . l 1 -m' -m '.
I have received for this
season the largest and most
complete line of Carpets,
ever carried by any other
House in Corvallis consist
ing of
Velvet Tapestry
Body Brussels
Roxbury Brussels
Smith's best Tapestry
Three-ply, All Wool
Two-ply, All Wool
All the Grades down to a Cheap 6-yards-for-0ne-Dolhr
Hemp Carpet.
The patterns are all new
and choice, and prices the
lowest. Country orders so
licited. Satisfaction guar
THOS. WHITEHOP N, Proprietor.
ggFThe most famous whiskies W.
. TrfiTarer hand made Sour Mash
whisky, and Old Crow bourbon shipped
direct from bond: also the finest
brands of imported' .
Kept constantly on hand. Schlitze's
celebrated bottled beei and Weinhard's
beer on tap.. Main street, Corvallisi
Oregon.. 3-ft-1 1-
, To
2TPoes a jfeneral r ractice in all the courts. AIo
areiit for all the first-claaa insurance companies. 2.24.
Notice is hereby given tliat I will be re
sponsible for no debts or book 'accounts
whatever contraoteil by any body except.
by rnyseii or uy my wiiiiidu uiub.
chants take notice. W.W.DOW.
Corvallis, June 22, 1888.
h It, Fj Vj AgenW Snap bo nd Outfi, 12 CM..
THE NECKTIE CO.. Aufpists, Ma. Please, stat
what periodical jou mw our. adrertiBentntJa..