v. . - w 1 4 Vol. xxvi. so. 18. COKVALIIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAt 24,1889. II The' GAZETTE is noje the ,oW Aji:lTpine Print Newspaper in Benton County or OorvallU. RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION THE Yaquiha Route Oregon Pacific Railroad and Oregon Development Co.'s STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Hours Less time than by any other route. First class through paastngrr and freight line from Portland all points in the Willsmeite valley io and .from Sail Francisco, Cal. Of Willamette ItiYer Line Steamers. ' .ths Wm. M. Hoag. N. S. Bentlcy, and Three Sisters, are in service for both pas senger and freight traffic between Corvallis and Portland, and intermediate points, leaving Company's wharf at Corvallis, and Messrs. Hulman Co.'s wharf. No. 2C0 and 202. front street, Portland, three times a week, as follows: WORTH BOUND Leaves Corvallis -on Holidays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8:00 a. m., arriving at Salem at 3 p. m. Leaves Salem on Tuesdays, Thursdoys, and Satur days, at 6 a. in., arriving at Portland at J; JO p. m. SOUTH BOUND Leaves Portland on UmJmi. Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 a. at., arriving at Salem at 7:15 p. in. leaves Safom n Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days, at 6 a. m., arriving at Corvallis at 3:30 m. . JST Boats maks close connections at Alba ny with trains of the Oregon Pacific R. R.: TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.) - Leaves Yaqiunao:4 a. m. I.ea3 Cncallis 10:36 " Arrive Albany 11:10 a. ni. Orefonfc California train connect at Albany ana trvallie. The above traiiiconncct at Vjquina witb he Oregon Development Go. 's line of sttuniahips b I.kii Taquiua and San Francisco. Steamships Sail ; From Yaquina: Willamette Valley, Thursday, May 23rd, Saturdny, June 1st, Sunday, June 9th. From San Fmncisco: Willamette Valley, Sun day, May 19th, Tuesday, May 28th, Wednesday, June" 5th. This Company retervei the right to Chan sailing 4e,te without notico. N. B. Passengers from Portland ana all Willamette valley point can make close nnsetiou wfth the trains of the Yaquina rests at Albany or Corvallis, and if destined t San Francisco should arfsjpge to arrive at Yaquina ths evening before date of sailing. faasengor and frttight rates always the Icwest. For information apply to D. W. Oammins, freight and ticket agent. Corval lis, erto O. C. HOGUE. Asting Can. F. and P. Agent, Oregon Pa cific Railroad Co., Csrvallis, Or. C. H. HAS WELL. Jr.. Gen. F. and P. Agent. Oregon Develop ment Ce., 804 Mnnttfomery St.. S. F., Cal. IAa.ee Albany 1:00 p. in lrtS-CoiTalliel:iO p n. Arrive Taauina S:30 p. in MISCELLANEOUS BEATS THE RECORD. LINES TO A MULE: Tlie steamship City of Paris crossed the Atlantic ocean arriving at Landy Hook last week five days, twentv-three hours, and seven minutes out frwn Queenstown 0 Mule Thou gaunt, grave, gawky Gatling gun On fours! Thou lank, embodied lightning streak, All hail! (Be careful, Muses, of his keels.) for Infants and Children. "Cartciseo well adartochlldren that I CasterU cures Oolle, OooatrpaHon, en o.. ..1. Ttiappkms RniAlftf- ireenasorprepuon ZSm HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. Without injurious medication. Thz Ckmtaub Cohpany, 77 Murray Street, K. T. This beats the record by tWO hours Most subtle beast, might well breW con- and orty-eight . minutes. The J But thou shaft not obliquely launch thy daily runs of the City of Paris kk . ma, A y-v a sl fl W m 3 I were 440, 4U, ou, duo, on anu lt,-... 498 miles the last being for part i. How I have sometimes seen th' unwary of a day. On three of these days . . J. . . f . she beat the record as Well as 011 Contorted, writhing, by thy merciless hoof! e t, . I Then thou wouiast turn iny turning, onus, flm onhrA mi n lha I III v nf Hans I unvy tiiuio u. a vm.j v. a m.. i ing eye 1 . 1 - trt;. C XT . A7l, , I Tn rri'i 11 rxrir ftia mp.lannhnlv Work. J I Cr nn wif h lu.ailtKlr ol.anct some victim new. - a i 1 v " sister steamers, aim are pioviucu with twin screws which, it was at..'u, 1 i 1 1 4-1. . I TJulr in ?i vrnf (jiinin nnvelties! ciiumeu, wouiu cause uieiu iu ic- r . , - , v i " j : a I J nou vtTUV are loaoeu, encaeu aim uiiuicu, .1 . 1 t . J 41.. mnrnrm Unit, In . .'11 il 1 Ulice I lie l line juu iuu ismj;uiiuui i f rom early morning uu me steps fl00clna. tn RatiAv TTnnk tn less ?f ""7 dusH imPn" the skV wlth Star8' j x would not draw within fliA.i oiv A n rc rVlm flJtir rf Poric I Th. mirrio nir.At' ftf thv ROfrniZmt heels ! '. . . I Vnr all t-hi. vullnw (rnld that shasta vielda. has accomplished What Was promiS- 0r 8iiken freigbt that hither swim from Ind. ed. They are both triumphs of marine architecture and engineer ing, and were designed to do just what has bnen performed. Ihe most recent number of London Story About Edison. The other day a smooth-faced man. wearine Handsome cioines Engineering contrasts the fast voy- and displaying a soiled collar and asres made bv the Jitruria, Umbra, a necktie all awry, ana snoes mat and the City of Paris, and clearly never experienced the skillful jjl rrlxTo licit, iiao iivnr fctii iiiaiiij;uiui.ivui vm m Situated tWO mileS 'abOVe Mehailia, Ma- realized, that the latter -would fingernails ;that never met aam- Lro.ilr lli rppnrd. . The Elruna's cure, leaned his elbow on a Wash- fastest trip was made in June, ington counter and conversed m 18S8, when she ran from Queens- the jolliest way with a circle of tOwn to Saudy Hook in 6 days, 1 newspaper . friends. He looked lour and 47 minutes, ller best like a tramp, but he really is one Ana aqk n,A fnQ I rf tha mrtsf famnns mpn in the Uciva i una ucic w uu "-,- i , . miles. These are to be contrasted world, and his name is known m.""" -"J with the Citv of Paris' record of every part of the globe. Ol me so long as i gpt n.y n.uj 404, 505, 511 miles. course he is an Ohio man. His JMli son was given i ' ' I -it i mi- i ii will . name is Thomas Alva Edison, and large unis, nei uiucuu Aged farmer James Martin, of na Q npnnnt. hnv and into wads of $20,000 each ne staffed sides ana heavy timDer dui is sienuiu asiurc, cijy ': "'' "- 7 . . " " i" . . , , firs slashed and burnt off and is now covered with nice orchard and timothy B.UliettsviUe, Pennsylvania, car- news butcher on a railway in the one into each trousers pocket, ucu iu iiio j;unc 111 1 v -viv i JJuccye otat6. JJUnng a lltlJO I uuuuucu up mo a&avsa grudge against hre daughter. He iuncheon Edison, between hearty possible, and rhade ai break t6 get rion county, Or., and three miles from the line of the Oregon Pacific railroad. THIS PLACE Consists of 452 acres of both hill-and level land, containing rich, black soi ni 1 . A-1A .1 - A. I iv for meadow purposes, mere are aixnu auu acres iuai are vuveicu muiy " ..n .in,i,..,.oi, n,-li oc Kovul willnw and nmnll firs, wliich can easilv 1) BlUmi IIUUIUIUOII JUL" HO a.u.', 7 i,uj ;t fr tlio ntnw iKm nt.lir nortion i: nartlv mountain sides and heavy timber but is splendid pasture; eighty acres of this has had the ..... i i i. . .i i... firs slashed ana ournt on ana is now covereu wi glass, the seed having been sown five years ago. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Southern - VIA Pacific -L1NE.- Company's THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. 1 Time Between ALBANY and SAN FRANCISCO. 35 HOUKS. Cilfwai Izpreu Tiiias Bu Sally FOUTLAND and SAN FRANCISCO. SOOTH-.' I KORTII- Lt Portland ... 4:00 p. m. Lv Ban Frisco . . -t Albany 8:18 p. m.L Albany...... Aw an Frisco... 7:45 p.m. Ar Portland.... ..7:00 pm . .11:45 am ,10:45 a ra Loeal Passenger Train, Daily, except Sunday Mw Portland 8:00 a. m. Lt Albany HslO p. m. Ar Bacene 2: Euifene 9.00 a. n. . Alh.nv 11:35 a. m ;40 p ni j Ar Purtlanl 8:46 p m Loeal Passenger Train. Daily.except Sunday i.ia a m...Lv... Albany Ar...6:30 a I :08 p in..Ar. ..Lebanon. ..Lv..lli35 a in lKj nm...Lv... Albany Ar...2:45p m 1:38 D m.. Ar. ..Lebanon. ..Lv. . .2-00 p m Pullman Buffett Sleepers: TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of secoudclass passengers, attached to Express Trains. The S P Co.'s Ferry makes connection with aU the regular trains on the East Side Dirwien from feet el r street. WtctaieStTisloa. BETWEEN' PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Kill Trail. Sally Zzca;t Snaky. LB A VS. Portland 7:80a.m. Comllis 1:30 p. m. - ARttlVK. Corvallis 12:25 p. sn Portland 6:20 p. m Ic'risp $1,000 bills for that piece of paper I should give up' tffe theck veryqniefc." On arriving at the Bank of America he hesitated about enter ins, feafrlrtfi: still that something might be wrong. At last, how ever, he mustered up courage and determined to try it. He knew that Gen. Lefferts had told him he would get his money here, so he braced ahead and half trerribling shoved his check out to the cashier. The latter scnWinizeil it clfis'etyV gave Edison a piercing glance, and said something which Edison could not understand, as h was hsfrd of hearing. That was enough. He was now more tbarr corivrfice'd f'hat hi "check" wasn't worth $40 000, and again thought a?r Fife' rushed' out of tire bank with it that any man who would give him $2,0&t could walk away with the check. . He hurried back 16' the Western Uniottarrd Saffdf he cbWldnt get any money. General Laffefts then sent a man with nim to identify him. He said: "this man is Thomas A. Edte6ny to' whose 6Vder the check is drawn." "Why, certainly, Mr. Edison," said thecasluer, very obsequiously. ''How would you like your $40,-OOO-to what shapef - MOh,- any way to suit the bank. THE AGE OF IHVENTION. Those of us not vet fift v vear of age have pr6bnb?y lived iii the most important and intellectual prbgresrve period 6f human his tory. WifhiiT this half century the'iblTowing invCiUibiis aiid1 dis coveries -have' beeif among the numrjeff Ocean si eamships, stfeet railways, telegraph fines, 66eari cables; tel'phonesi" piionbgfaphs, photography and a score or new metfrodtf of pid'ture making, ahni Irne colors, kerosenb 6if,- electric' lights, steam fife engines, ctiemicaf fife' cxfi'rtiisliers, ' amesthelics ah'd painless surgeryj- gflW Cotton, b'itfO-gtydenne,- dynamite,- giant powder; aliVm'niStfty magnesium, aTut Othef neV liietals eledtro- pfatnig, spectrirnV analysis aiitf speclroscopej audiphbhfe,- pneu m:a tri tubes,- electric rh&tSory elec-' trfc Dells,- erect iis railway, type writbr cheap pestai sj'steiii,- steam1 heating, steam . antf hydfauiic elefat6rsV vestibule Cars, caiil'ilever' bridges".- these aVe' oiily a' part.; All: positive knowledge of physical1 c6iistitcitfon of' planetary and stel lar worlds has been- attained with in this period: J G OOD HOU"SI5 with the necessary outbuildings, is ali eady erected on the larm close to a running brook; ana a oarn suitable for most any farmer, is also built; also sheep sheds, He. fc'""6c eai" 1110 uufem,ci. luncheon XiClison, Detween neany iwiiure,auu mai- 0. lef an estate valued ' at $45,000, brinks of beer his favorite bever- out of Wall street as quick as' lie Ka-e- nil il.rt t mt vl t AH VAAAl'irorl 1l O O ... . . . jl 1M.A -n .f f A .1 T TT.ll 1 Gfl II ViA. but all the daughter received was a little package that contained an ancient comic valentine which had caused all the trouble. .O. aeTHE ORCHARD consists of about 200 tiWS of choice sssBh, varltf tit:S JU UllKb, HL'lCO hw ou-cj' c.i nun jtau uuu 1 1 : A : . : r....: i.-Z- nn ..m.ie a4 rmnll Tvm't utun SOOIl IUrUlSn lillgO luailHtlCJ JI liuti. uilc an amuum vi niiiau nunaiow. KOT A PIMPLE ON HIM NOW Bad with Eczema. Hair all gone. Scalp covered with eruptions. Thought his hair wnulu never ;row. Cnreil by Cuti mid in his miaint wav the could. The next day Edison be- story of his first acquaintance with gan word on Ids first laboratory in any large sum of money. It was Jew xorK. incmnau oium i iii the days when he was struggling cial Gazette. along with his earliest inventions, - . - m,. m m " . 1 A A and didn't nave a Dig capitalist to . d; i ... vnil i Jj 1 I A V. V mm. -w- j CD oac. nun. in iauu, i.c "v , j er,A ,.,ia w iho any bank account himself and . ... . . O. cur.-i Remedies. pimple uu him. rrow.-C.re,lby Cuti- any uanK account mmu uuu i . GazeUe tQthe nairspieuaiaanaucanaraiy Knew wnaton was. dBu. n :tkSfcflnd UD to the .mm a 1 -1 check were things ne naa never i . , mo 9 will nauoaasiwu w uw, ..u i.a vUl , , , , . p . as much idea 01 rneirvaiue as tne i,, ri.-rv mnrnL man in uie muuu .There is about fifteen acres needed to Timothy grass for hay and about THIRTY acres ready for plowing purposes. O I Mimnt av enough in nraise of the Cdti- rntii Kp.Mvnipji. Mv hnv. when one Tear of age, was so bad with eczema that he lost all of bis nair. His Bcarp was covered wun head, and that his hair would never crow again. Despair!; of a cure from physicians I bf ean the use of the UCTlCAJt. UEMKDIES, and, I ain happy to say, with the most per e . ii'. i : .. : l i:.l ...J there is not a pimple on him. I recommend I qqq and Wag Coming to New York Edison had nnauy sou nis pa- wffl roake Wjftft g .. teuton the gold inaicator to .e . but crasn the nearest chantiel If you canTt get $o(t a mrtth get ing, and see that you keep at w6rk, and, I am happy to say, with the most per-1 ir Trn TTn;nn TeleTaDh for i40 TT4 V. TTTT-wr.tl or all an Wantisl. rafrinr from seven to nine rails hieh: a feet success. His hair is now splendid, and estern uinim xc 0 y , i- i... .l-i. ' Ti ,u.:A-r o ; u.,A there is not a pimple on him. I recommend 000. and was Coming to PieW Yorl COUniy TOao iasaes aiuii my mo xmc iivibit stub iwi ri imica io wutni ed by the clear, running waters ot the .Little JNortn font 01 tne aantiam nvei, ... . , r . . 3 . - :i I L . 1 1 tn Whicn is an aDunaance oi mountain iroui, ana m .pru aim oepieiuuer ai- i tr..i " mon innaoic uie river. Hie t UTH i.UA rvEMJ-iLiiEa to niowiure as iut . most speedy, economical, and sure cure for I IO get llie uiuncjf. all skm diseases oi lntants ana cnilaren.aua I foul that, rivt-rv mi it ham who has an afflicted I child will thank me for so doing. MAS. BU. tu. UUUUOU.u, Norway,. ie He had heard ot Walls reet ana betterV4?n if it its bulls and bears, and had bee : tf rf . ., told that it was full of "sharks" , . f ... Th fnpm.. who would nee a m an very merchant, the bosinessi quicK. oone maue up nw amiu that Wall street was a very dan 25 take $10 take anything un- TTTF. asked is a verv reasonable one. and will be made known to any person, desiring to purchase, upon application to F. S. CKAIG, at the office of The Corvallis Gazette, Corvallis, Benton Co., Oregon. A Fever Sore Eight Years Cured. T mimf pxtAml tn vou the thanks of One of my customers, who has been cured by nsing tbe UUTICURA remedies, oi an 0111 sore, caused by a lous; spell of sickness or C.-I. LTENKLE, HEHKLE & BIER, -Dealers in- man all are watching for honest, Ml- ,.l,.n! IV.n't uliirlf Biisi.il bv a lonsr BDell ot sickuess or l . , iwiuuiii uiivt. - " - fever eieht years ago. He was so bad he gerous place, and that ii ne ever , . j. E.B. BIER was feaSui he would have to have hi. leg had occasion to go there he would u W"V , : ? W ' , " amputated, Dut is nappy to say ue is now , .:l... tO Daa naDHS lliey win pun juu pntirnlvwIl sound as a dollar. He re- be luckv if he KOt away WltllOUtl .... , ... .u:,u ii n - . Mnwn and llOlQ VOU OOWBJ UOU t quests me t ue u a.uC, w UH. ins:nr us overcoat and umbrella. " 'a. - ...,.' UASOW, mercnant oitnis piace. , , - L I net UD ait aBttetTCe I0r pUDHC Omce, juan v. jmuuk, wrngifisi, At that time uenerai ueiivnBty . . . Uamsboro, xenn SEWING Needles MACHINES and OiL H Albany and Corvallis -connect with train's of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. SiprwiXnia. SaUyEzcaftSasia;. LSAVS. fertland 4:50 p. m. lteliinnville 5:45 a.m. ARRIVE. McMinnville... 8:00 p. m Portland 9:00 s. m THROUGH TICKETS to all ioints South1 and East via California. Eor full ihfor'iiiation regarding rates, maps site, call oh company'ragent at Corvallis or Albany. : P ROGERS, Assfe G . . P. Agent. R.KOKHLEBManafer. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COR , vallis Gazette, the oldest pa- per in-Benton co. Oneyear,.? Severe Scalp Disease Cured.. a four vwlii man mv wife suffered verv ' iminh trnm a cutaneous disease or tne scaiD. I and received no relief from tne various rem edies she used until she tried CrmcuBA. Th Axaaaaa nrnmTit.lv vfeMfid So this treat- - . i -1 i i.1 . . ment, and in a snort -wnue sne waa cumcij well. There has been no return of the dis ease, and Cuticwra ranks No. 1 in our es- tifnnfuin fur AimpiruwM "of the skin. Uev. J. PRESSLEY BAKKET, V. V. Kaleigh, Si. V. Cuticura . Remedies a M nMitf'vo fnrA for evprv form of skin. calp, 'J'''nanvfnr tiAnn. r.nt he did not fwn.n mnin nl Tar SKTOIUia. exceob UMWIWII L i.. t -- - T 7 1 " ' " , . ' .1 ' . ichthyosis. ' I see anv monev. Observing his Acinar, time uieiitsrai Aasnc-rto - -- 4. . , A, ixt 4, it will lay you in the potter's held, was president of the Western Jm fm Union. One morning Edison came W into the company ge mosa. "There is a goodjob, a good to close up the sale of his patent. b . After a few preliminaries he was . " . " given a check for $40,000. of your own, wtlh He looked at it curiously for a ,::T: "'"'rL moment or two and appeared to healthy bright i young- man- who w t, n , wsh it, ha8 grit enoagfrt spend-sxxteen UO iFU. " I U ri iTar Vxiltlo 101 if?'" TI 1 lkt I,rl cl,1 r,n.l"uu" " X1C IVIIV; V UMV JAV XICAVS. ovu ir tent to the Western Union Com- f nk- an Important r-ACTOR. The machinery of. government is rim by ink. When' congress" is5 in session it is sometimes assisted by wind, but ink it is that keeps: the ball going all the year round causing us to be a prosperous ana contented people. Were it not for the constant arid liberal supply of the riiurky fluid! llie wheel's o government wolild cease to go' round; riot even Keeley s' etheric'' or "dyhospheric" f6rce coiild niakeV therii move. Thousands 6f httW streauis 0t iiik pbiiririg in eccen-" trie . eiirves' keep' tlie ma'cmW gbfYig; Stop thbsfe atod t he govern -meti would' slop Somethirig like 48,000 quarts of ink are used every year for' the de-' partments, besides that "used in1 making money ahd that to' 'stamp into perpetual form the wisdom1 of our statesmen at the capital.- : 1 unlimited: If you! travel' through the cba? douiilry 6f Pennsylvania you wilt notice two' set's 6t cars- railway' cars',- dran- by the locomotive tliese are all limited in iapaJity? you' see" the Jiriiit paiiit'ed on the1 car, "capacity 2,500 pounds.' or' .whatever it.may be.- Then , plod-' king along the tramway" conies' the patient, much enduring, loug-suf'--ferinl mule; hauling a ear that haa' no limit or capacity.- No; all that' ,car will stand is piled on; there is8 uo question-as to the mule. He' is never overloaded. Nobody ever worries about him- Nobody fears' jfjhat there may riibre coal thaiv t'lie mule' can' stand. No wonder he is a kicker. Burdet te'. ......Of all Kinds....... tJiirShotguns, Kifles, Pistols, Pocket Cut.ery, Amuhitiori, Fishing Tackle etc. Ail Kinas oi rowaer Kepi consianuv on nana, v ionn dowts,- ounigs, civ. -O- GENERAL RERAIRINGf a Sfrccialtp Work- Warranted ..Opposite Spencer's barber shop,; CORVAELIS,- OR There is some talk at Virginia lity, Nev f elosing down the Observing hisrhio- mines ori Sunday. If this is Sold everywhere. Price,- COTfciBA, " - . . 50c.; Soap, 25c; REsotvEsi, fi. Prepared- perplexity, Gen. Lefferts told htm done it will reduce the monthly by the PoTTfc Dvo and Chemical Cob- fa fc rf hQ WQuld to jhfl Bank of y n about; fJ30;000, and cur- PORATION. Boston. ..ms . . . . btw; i m w wv i t i a l. i a. A-iTn rvmi rSend for "How to cm oin a- i America in wan street ue eouiuwaii.tue bunion yieia arjout ou,ww. "64 naaes. 50 illustrations, atia ruu L . . , , , t . t I .la. 'e n testemnninis. t get tne cnecK casneu. -oo i eian-- a. strange reature oi me luuvcjurm- T.e.... -a n nved and I ed,7' said Jfidisoo a!tf careiuiiy .is . that k? pmu awn- saioomsts KflKl benotifisd by CvriccRA Soap. foldiAir ti" the check.- and 1 went Lre botli in favor of it. the former AbSblusely pure. I o : ..' . .l j. : EVERY MUSCLE Aches wasi in regard to that way of do- hiim. Ii'8u'rtoessfuf it will be CiirT- Sha'rO Aches, Dull Pains, Strains K,1BinftSs t.htS t Yfoneht whild aIa wruVh ftf the two S6- inutobykfceettteuraVA"pn on the way that if any man should J cures the most' .liberal' patronage piaster. The nrst nf wy instantaneous to me and offeir me two on theweekly holidays; AU-vwc I I . . mmammmmmmm I A Fenian in Arkansas has beeii1 licensed1 to' preach5 in the Metho dist church south; This is the' ifiret instance recorded, and despite the boastjed5 liberality of the north f there is but one licensed woman preacher in the Methodist Episco lUi' AiyMW rlnvWi Th!a' is Miss; Vai v,..".-. E. H.Delavan, Middletoir Springs,- .Vt. She has been doing accept-- able work- for the past eighteen1 months: pain-killing, strengthening plaster. "tOhiidren-Cryfoij 1 Pitcher's CastoTia ChlldreirCryfor j Ten years ago the' superinten- dent of ah IoWa5 railroad booted a1 tramp out of bis oflice for having Pthe' eheek td ask- for a pass. To-- day that' tramp isf the superinten--'dent ot tJhat fiarhd rbad while the' man who lifted him' oh liis boot- f keepvk 9i rVestauratitf ah sends hiia1 over' lunches; " ' mi' P itcher's CastoriOrf-