1 I 1 STATE and TERRITORIAL Items of Interest Gleaned from Northwest Exchanges. It is estimated that 200 budding costing $1,000,000, have been erected in Poitlancl this year. Some of the business men of Salem aie talking of getting up a joint stock company to purchase a dynamo-electric machine for electric lights. The Baker City Sage Brush estimates the population of Baker county at 7,250, though it is impossible, since the burning of the records, to make anything like a correct estimate. In a suit against the city of Lewiston, by particular evening. Win. Black, for $10,000 damage for injur es received by falling into a washout in one of the streets of that city, the jury awarded him damages in the sum of $3,500. A Washington territory jury has just de cided that the killing ol a sewing machine agent is not murder, says an exchange. This may be the result of allowing women a chance to get even by being jurors. Vanderbilt used to plow with oxen on a Staten Island farm. Jay Gould used to le a book-peddlar. Jim Fiske raised Yankee pumpkins in Vermont. Most of our million aires began life outside of what are called the favored classes. Hogs laised along the Columbia river feed on salmon, and the raisers oftentimes cannot eat their production, owing to the peculiar half-salmon and half-hog taste. Anyone eat inn this sort of meat, cannot tell whether he is eating tisli or flesh. The "beautful snow" has already fallen to the depth of several inches in Eastern Ore gon and parts of V. T., anil the people of those localities are sleighing, while the gen tle rain continues to patter down upon the heads of the denizens of "Webfoot." The citizens of La Camas have organized a telegraph and telephone company, with a capital stock of $10,000. to Uy a telegraph cable across the Columbia to Troutdale to connect with the Western Union line at that place. The length oi the proposed line will be three miles and a half. Murray Sun: A $153 nugget was picked up on the claim of Miller, Giillivan. Gordon and Countz in Placer Gulch, a tributary to Trail, last week. This is oiie of the banner j roperties of the south si.le, and will make a splendid showing next spring, when he water becomes plenty. Sheep raisers near Albany are talking of j lining together and ottering a sufficient re w ml to induce :i senre or more of hunters t enter into a coyote chase with dos and inaugurate a wa- of extermination. The :..iinty has a standing offer of assistance for Kiuh a move of $20 for each scalp. Herald. Dallas Itemizer: Geo. W. Hubbard, who baa been engaged in plowing in the vicinity of Monmouth, says the fields are flooded vith mice, but apparently are not doing much damage. It is no uncommon thing tn turn up twenty or thirty with the plow, iv.me farmers have mixed their fall seed wheat with strychnine, and by that means liave destroyed large numbers. It is estimated that there are 100,000, COO acres of land on the Pacific Coast that are especially adapted to wheat culture. Of this California has 25,000,000, or one fourth of the whole; Oregon has 18,000,000 acres, Washington territory has 16,000.000 acres, CUorado and Idaho, 10.000,000 each; Mon tana, Utah and Wyoming, 7,008,000 each, and the great bulk of all this wheat land yet lies untouched. The bondsmen of W. D. Pettinger, de faulting treasurer of Washington eounty, are still in arrears to the county in the sum of $15,000. The bondsmen are solid and substantial men and the prand jury urges upon the county court the advisability of putting the matter in shape for payment. Public sympathy is with bondsmen and. r auch aggravating circumstances, but sym pathy never payt bills. Telegram. Hon. J. H. D. Henderson, member of congress from Oregon in 1864-186(), died at his home in Eugene City on the 13th inst.. at the age of seventy-five years. Mr. Hen derson had been feeble for some time, a re sult of advanced age and latterly had been confined to his bed from a serious attack of gastric troubles. He was not a taleuted man in any large sense, but was a man of undoubted integrity and spotless private character. He was for many years an active minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, but during his Liter years he seldom preached. He will be remembered by many old Oregonians whose lives ran in active channels beside his own while "Yet our yet young state was younger yet." A reliable citizen of Winloek, W. T.. writes to the Oregonian under the date of the loth inst. : Amid the great excitement caused in this section over the recent dis covery of gold, it now happen that fuel is to be added to the flames by a Mr. Nevels who found while dressing a goose, seveial particles of pure gold in its craw, f he goose was one of a pair that Mr. Walter Nevels, a substantial citizen of Lewis coun ty had recently brought from Oregon and placed on his ranch near here. Its mate from some cause had died, and this one being valueless alone was killed, and while Mrs. Nevels was dressing the fowl, noticed .m britht substance in the content of c Am .-raw. Cal'incr her husband, an investi It is reported that the Portland Daily Standard will resume publishing a morning paper on January 1st with full press dis patches. The tax levy for Polk county foi the en suing year is as follows: For school pur poses, four mills; for county expenses, six mills; for state three and seven-tenths. This makes a total tax of thirteen and sevan-tenths mills. Albany Herald: It is said that Z. J. Hatch, of Portland, intends enteriug c m plaint with the Secretary of War against the Oregon and California railroad on ac count of the Harrisburg bridge impeding the free navigation of the upper Willamette riv er. On Thursday night of last week, a small shed, on Ellsworth street was completely burned, the damage being quite insignifi cant. It is not laid to tramps. On the mntrarv. several Dredicted a tire on that Draw your own conclu sions. Ainany uemncrat. Some of the shrewdest businessmen of the conn iy ay ih. t Albany is on the verge of a prosperous era, with a bright outlook for the basinet- interest i of i he city. Just so and the liberal minded, pulilic-spirited man ner in which the oi.izeiis .if he city and ..niintv went alxnit id t brins tl.t Oregon Pacific railroad is what will make it so Herald. Information has been received of a high way robbery which occurred on the old stage road, about seven miles south of Saiem last week. Wes Simmons and his mother were going home from town when two masked men jumped out iu the road and called a halt. They then relieved Simmons ot i2W whieh hetlrew at the bank just before leav ing the city. Hibbs, the Lewiston postal-order slurp has Ueen aeqeiUrt 1 on four of the eight charges against him. If it should prove to be no crime at last to rob the government through a loop-hole left in the money-order Temperance Department EDITED BY THE W. C. T. V. v wmtmmummmmtmmmm " fi f ?. t 6 The second of a series of monthly meet ings was hel.l by the Young Ladies Chris tian Temperance Uuion of Corvallis, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 45th. There was a good attendance, and the evening passed oti pleasantly ind brightly. Alter tne usu. business ses.-don, and music (Dotn vocai aim instrumental) iu which several of the young ladies took part, to their very great credit, the Snot, read a paper explaining the aims and objects together with the methods of work of the orgatnz itioii. In looking over the report of the National Supt. at the W. C. T. U. Convention lately held in Philadelphia, we find her saying, "the m-'thers looked into the pages of litera ture and they found Priscilla, the Puritan maiden, who through that long winter was patient ami strong; in Tennyson they found a Princess, aud they found iu the Blessed Book God had mentioned the daughters and they typified whole nations. And so, 1 think there must be pi o in this great temperance cause tor the daughters and for the sons." In Philadelphia a few young ladies banded themselves together iu 18SU to work in the social circle, and to lend a helping hantl to their mothers in their work for '-God, aud Home and Native Land." T-day there are 298 Unions in these United States, with a membership of 7,000.- No wonder the temperance wave flows on, mounting up to the heat ens above and down to the depths beneath, if our girls are crest ing it. The influence of our gir's is untold in its Dower over the saloon-doors! They underestimate their own powers! No won iter one of the voumier voices in the same convention cries '"Let us rally around our beloved Nat. Supt., warmly seconding all her efforts to unfurl the Y. W. C. T. U. banner so wide that it shall wave over every tate aud territoty where a legalized liquor traffic has made lite tor the Hoys in our Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, New barn, new buggies, carriages, and every thing else new and first-class in all respects. Special AHsntioa Sira vMWi Good Saddle Horses. Prices "Reasonable. (Secoud Street.) CORVALLIS, OREGON. -AT- Brinkerhoff System, For the Cure of RECTAL DISEASES Over 30,000 cures Recorded in 6 rears. Piles. Rectal Ulcer, Fissures, Prnritus-ani, Fistulas in Ano, Polvpus-Reeti, Etc. Cured without cutting operations. Dr. Pilkington, ganceun, en is ta,nd aurist, ana proprietor or trie sanitarium forthe eye, er aud nervous dis eas, Portland, Oregon, has bten appointed ajrent and physician, for this system for Oregon, and has in two months maue a numner 07. cure oi cases, in some of which, severe operations with the knife have only done harm. Ref er b permission to Jas. w. Weatherford, drug gist, well known in Salem; rranKtiardner, maemmst at ear shoos; R. A. Rampy, druggist at Harrisburg. Oiegon, aud others. Will meet parties at Mrs. Hemphill's hotel in Corvallis from arrival of stage from Albany, January 11th to the 16th, '86 Address for pamphlet, etc., Dl . J. B. 1'ILKISCTON Portland. Or. D. C. ROSE, W. KOSE, ROSE BRQ'& Manufacturer of and Dealer in Domestic Keywest and Havana Cigars. Wholesale and Retail. Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos and Smoker's articles generally. Also just received a line lot of POCKET CUTLERY. No Chine88 labor employed. CORVALLIS, - OREGON avRtem. some thousands of postmasters will y.nmM n fearfully daneerous problem. Our feel like kicking themselves for their stu- js a liee' in th chariot moving on to pity in not discovering the simple trick I (jnaI vjct0ry that must be kept iu motion which proved so pr-ihtal.le to Hibbs. H.x. Why if all, everyone of our bright, pure A Portland saloon keeper who went on a minded L'irls were in this circle, what young visit to Uurinanv lias been placed in the men would ne f-.uinl bold enough to swim army to serve out bis lime It seems he against such a current for the sake of liquor? ... ,l,n:it.-d to -terve a certain time some We urouhesv there would vears ago, and he came to America to avoid that "public sentiment service but ua his returning for a visit was neglect, would bar the sal arrested. Hi8iiaturaliztti.il as an Ameri- than any ad option can citizen cannot protect him from a str- legislature! vice for which notice vas erivd on him prior to becoming such citizen. A Prineville, Creak county exchange says: We are told th .t nig re are killing colts aad even full-grown : rs-s in the neighbor hood about the h ; 1 1 waters of the McKay. Eleven fresh carcasses were faun ! recently, among them me full-grown liorwe that had evirlentlv hen killed bv ferocious ami hui. J. W. HANSON'S. Clothing and Tailoring EmDorium, You can find the latest styles of ready made clothing, also the finest Pants Patterns ard Suitings Ever broujrht to Corvallis . READY MADE CLOTHING PRES FD TO ORDER. Constantly on hand a full line of Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Shirts, Neckties, &c.,&c CALL AND mi . No trouble to show goods. Two doors South of Will Bro.'s. CORVALLIS, - - - 0REV NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud i Sice at Ortjo:i City, Oregon Ni v. IS, 18S5. Notice is here-by (riven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, of Benton County at Corvallis Oregon, on Monday Jany. 4th, 18S, viz: Henry Emriek, Preemption L. S. No. 4710 for the S. 1-2 of 8. W. 1-4 of See. 28, T. 11, S. R. 7 W, He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: i.ewis Russell, James A. Wood, F. J. Hendrick- son and Joseph Emriek, all of Philomath Bentcn County Gregon. 22-43 Bw I . T. BARIN, Register. REMOVAL. I wish to call the attention of my patrons- to the fact that I have moved my Harness Shop from my old stand to the shop on Main street formerly occupied by Cameron Bro's. shall carry a good line of harness and sad dles, and by honest work and fair dealing endeavor to merit a share of your patronage N. P BRICCS. be so few such or rather public on doors quicker bill ever framed by m-.r i W T stock men of - . ..... . - -. I , I a 1 l!K 1 , huh . .i IWDCV LLX S .11. lUI.Uif. J-ll.li ..u their neighborhood .if tins Harrisburg, Linn con McKay ought to execute some pi a that will des: active pest. ity, has formed immigration bnard to induce immigrants to seek homes in that direction. J. F. Her dricks is president, B A . Kampy, treasur er, aud S. B. Hendee, Secretary. Harris bnrg is situated in a very fertile and pro ductive section of Linn county and the peo pie have become tired of seeing immigrants passing their town in search of homes. Hence they have decided to try printers' ink. The statement has been made several time that the fish ladder which was recently constructed below the fall-at Oregon City, at. .ir-.ostto the state of S10.000. has been very seriously damaged by the' high water. So far as known, this has not been contra dieted. There seems every reason to sup nose that the foundation of the ladder ha licii ti:l rtlv undermined: bat V13 the watei continues so high is t cover tnat portion o the work, the character and extent of the lamages cannot lie determined. The Washington territory exhibit at th Ttfuw Orleans fair consists of four hundred cases of samples of territorial product u-ei.'hiiiB thirty 1 011s. This exhibit has been 0 0 reported to the legislature now iu session Olympia as properly placed in the exp iti building, anil an appropriation of SoUOO is asked so defray the expenses of making and maintaining this a Ivertisetnent of the n sources of the territory during the grea fair. Eastern Oregon herdsmen think the out look for sheep husbandry is better now than it has been for several years. There is less demand among wool growers for advance on their next clipping than usual, and more commission men in the HV1-' offering ad van ces than ever known tht-rt before. Men who have watched the ups and downs of the market most are satisfied wool will not be less than twenty cents next summer. The "cigar makers' union" is taking steps to drive Chinese cig ir makers from the field Croup, Whooping oi' i an.1 Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh'a Cure. T. Graha 11 sells it. I'he whole imount of taxes wdiich Linn c lunty will hare to pay tins year has just ben footed up by the county clerk. It is $S2,54 .38. Of this . school tax is OI0 77; the state tax $29,359 96, and the unty 111 the state whose assessment ron shows a larger amount taxable property than Linn, namely Multnomah, wlncii ha-i ?i2, 446,847, while Linn county's is $5,502,- 6.12. M trimi county s is one million dollars ess. Herald. Sheep 011 the farm are almost a necessity in these tiins of advancement m tanning. The highest authorities on agricultural econ o ny claim that i'.iere .. 1 a variety in stock as well is in crops to attain the great est success 011 the farm, aud heep are ad mitted to be the n) wt adapt.e 1 to foul lands. Their size make3 t'ic ii convenient to furnish meat for tho farmer s family. llieir pro ducts are marketable wiieii there is little else on the farm to bring in ready cash fhey tit well to the large g ip between cattle and hogs. A prominent Portland butcher says that the report published in tlu- Oregomau about he cattle supply running short and th price of bejf .-rising is indirect. He claims that the reporter was- imposed upon by a dealer there who has a large lot of c tt; sell, and who wish' s to imbue oat- aide holders of stock with the idea that the butchers are thriving it their expense, thus causing them to held their beef ai a high rii-e aud forciuir the butchers to buy of him. The annual report of the commander of I he Columbia has been receive I. 1 his re pot shows military ait air in cne depart ment to be in good condition and further improvements are contemplated in quarters of troops. The troops are efficient ill drill id discipline. The Indians are quiet, bi t t le army has to feed Chief Joseph's band of Nez Perces, the interior departments as usual failing to provide for its wards. At- UST KNIGHT, CABINET MAKER, USDcrt TAKER. Cor. Second and Monroe Sts., OOKVUddS : ORKCOX, Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of jURNITU R E Coffins ard Caskets. Work done to ord ;r on short notice and at reasonable rates. Corvallis July 1, 1881. 19:27yl. FO N D That the best and cheapest pleace vallis to buy all kinds or Cor NOT GE TO CREDITORS. In the Countv Ourt for the County of Benton, State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate) of f E'.drii'.ire Hartless, Deceased. ; Notice U hereby given that the undersigned has be;n duly appointed Executrix of the Estate of El dridge Hartless, Deceased, by the County Court of Benton County, State of Oregon, and all persons hav ing claims against said Estate, are required to pre sent the same to me, with the proper vouchers, niv residence about one mile south of Philomath, Uenton County, State of Oregon, within Six months from the date i.ereof. EMILY C. HARTLESS, Executrix of the Estate of Ek redge Hartless. de'cd nted Dm 3. 1SS5. 22-50-5t If You Ars B .siness Man you will now be convinced by reading this ad. that it nnvs to advertise in the GAZETTE. What you have to say win oe reao, even u uncn-cn u part "of t'.ie paoer. Vol a lin i goes unnoticed. We a,, h si,. -To i Work and keen legal u anxs on nana fr.rsnii. Give us viiur orders for job work. Sub scribe for the GAZETTE $i 50 per year in advance SPINNEY, THE SPECIALIST, Has had 28 years experience in the treatment of CHRONIC NERVOUS Si PRIVATE DISEASES An 1 having thoroughly proved the merit of his -;,...,..:,. tt.-niHilips. in the treatment and cure of many thousand cases, he now offers them to those in trouble to CURS THKMSEI.VKS AT HOME. I)r, SPINXEV'S Specific for Gonorrhea. t,. ir-TWl'.vs Rnnfiififi for Svoiiilis, Dr. SPINNEY'S Specific for Spermatorrhea Ir. SPINNEY . S Epecmcror uwms, Prim, of ni her Remedy. 810 ner cise. Sent by ex pr iss, packed secure .roin observation, 0:1 receipt of price. nn at. Offlc- and Private Dispensary Xtultiinmoh .sioek. omiosite Post Office. Write to Dr. N. S. ,Jtnaey, box 02." Portland, Oregon F. M. JOHNSON, attorney at Law. 'ire Insurance a Specialty. Money Loaned on Good Security. o The BUYERS' GUIDE la Issued March and. Sept., each year. 43- 816 pages, 8xll imcheajwltliover 3,500 Illustrations a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to consumers on nil Roods for personal or family nee. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing yon nse, eat, drink, -wear, or have fun wUh. These INVALUABLE BOOKS contain Information gleaned, from the markets of the world. We wUl mail a copy FREE 4o any ad dress upon receipt of IO cts. to defray expense of mailing. Let us hear from yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 fc 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. IU. WOODCOCK & BALDWIN'S. EST AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Cutlery, Tools. Iron, Nails, Pomps, Rubber hose. Iron and Lead Pipe, Hope, Bub Wire, STOVES, RANGES, piTYAUNDBY,) GENE LEE, Proprietor. CORVALLIS, - OREGON (O.vante H. E. Harris' Grocery Store.) Uashiair, Ironing, Poiishlng and Fluting tloas to order and Reasonable Prices (ir.uiite ware. Stamped ware, Tin ware,, Japanned ware and House Furnishing goods; ,r t..-et dl kin Is nf job work, in th line of Sheet metals or plumbing done is at the Hardware and Stove store ot SIGN OF THE P ADIOtK J. D. CLARK. y INCJiNTT HOUSE. O. B. CURTiS, Proprietor The best dollar a day House n the city. CORVALLIS, - ORECON of all staff officers, of Ihu department is creditable to the t.ached are tne reports making -ip the niftory for the year, which officers in charge. The fine three year-old colt belonging to the estate of O. P. Adams, deceased, whose San Francisco by sending white men dam, the famous "Oregon Beauty." sold re gation was made, and the shining substance 1 leisure hours, grows much of skilled in this business from the east to sup .,i..ni iiiom A ,iv amount of men reauired UW...V ........ J can be induced to go to California by pay inent of their railroad fares by the union. Thorp is some sense in the effort to unve nkuaisa out of business when a force of la borers to tase their places are provided. The Salem Talk closes an article on "Mixed Farming" with the following sug gestive words: "There are too many farms where the kitchen garden, the berry patch the hennery an the pig-sty are conspicuous by reason of their absence. Out of this absence of these features of true farm life, whi-:h at once demand the exercise of pru dential care and provide plea ant work for the shiftless- BURNETT & JOHNSON, Proprietors of the WHIST Hi BILLIARD ROOIi, nrnvnt to lie particles of told, which f - . Amounted in value to about ne dollar. And iow what trouV.es Mr. Nevels is to rind th place where the goose g -he gold, while .nuyof his neighbors w. nde ;i - is not the veritable goose wh-t laid the golden -j. ness which Duds its outco.nf in uissipatiuu, milib of n e idleness, which is the worst form o weiriue-a. Mid wldch crowd tie town ith "in. men , if they kin.-w when the re e. ii', would thank God for the chanc nidi won d enable them to engage in mixed farming. centy for $1,500, was sold Wednesday, near this city, at pulilie auction, among other property belonging to tlu estate, for 501; the purch ser lieiiu a man from Portland. The peculiarity of tbo horse is bisaionj now- uiK mane and and tail, in which respect he is not inferior to his mother. The latter, siuce her chauge of owners hist spring, luis been on exhibition in California, with a real ization of $LO,000 by her owners. Albany Herald. Grading on the Oregon Railway & Nari gttion o.'s branch road from Starbuck to Pr.nK.rov. a distance of about thin y mi es. has been finished and is ready tor the ties and rails. These latter m ite. ials are goiny forward tween elev n lail 1 progress . ' obtame has u 01 be compl I nary 1, 1886. Constantly on liantl the best brands of Tobaccos and Cigars Iu the market. Fruit, Nuts Confectionery Ice Cold Drinks, Etc. GIVE US A CALL. Iain St. Corvallis, Oregor Now Jewelry Store. C. V. smith, A practical Jeweler and Watch-maker has locat. in Waggoner Bnftwas real o.ftate office, CorvslL Special attrition iriven to repairing line chroiiouie snrtehes. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to -the times. A rtne stock of watches, clocks and je rycuiistantly on ham'.. 73r8 PATENTS, Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Ollice attended to lor moiicraie ieea. i, m. ti oimositu the U. S. Patent office, and we can obtain Patents in les time than those reniot from Washington. . , . Send model or lraf.-injr. n e auvise n. Hvo.. ability free of c.iaige; and we make no charge unle we obtain patent. V. refer hero to the postmaster, the supt. of m ey order div. , and to officials of the U. S. paten lee. For circular, advice, terms and referenc tual clients in vour own State or eounty, writ e. A. SNOW A CO., Opp-site Patent Office, Was-hinf-oc HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS AT SANXFRANCiSCOPRICESQ BROUCHT BY THEMt Direct from the East! the front quite rapidly. Be ami we.ve mi c -of trac . a er a-.' . k Prack yinjs 1 r ify as material i 1 a . e . h" o y 1 xlenSit .0 1 ro. ly tr sluice by iuu IFvSSfkFdh 1686. fc The most popular Weekly news Will bcmaileflFHEF. 10 all applicant!, anil locu-tomcrj o. last year without orderin? it. It contains about 130 pages. 600 illustration!, prices, accurate descriptions tat I valuaole directions ror planting ail "i"l!,c? J V LCETABLfc and FLoWl H BKBS, BULBS, etc. Iprsltubls to all eapeeiallr to Market Gardcuera. Send for l p. M. FERRY & CO., Oetrort, WUchigan. sper devoted toscisnce, mechanics, enBineering aiscovenes, m Tentionssnd patents ever published. ETerjrnnm- ber illustraiea wim spieuuiu oniii..ius. publication furnishes a most valuable encyclopsaia of infonnationwhichrjo person should be without. The popularity of the SciENTinc AMKRICAN is such that its circulation nearly equals that ofall other papers of its class combined. Price. S 31 a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN A CO., Publishers. No. 381Broadway, N. Y. a nsa a a sal A JHunn a to. nave AT E N TS. 1160 had Thirty; Ml fr I Eiaht years' tssiisMaBsiiMsa practice before the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou- aand applications for patents in ths Sited States and foreign countries. f uaveats, i raun-ai.i w.H-..., Assignments, and all other papers for securing to inventors tneir rig-nu m . United States. Canada. . England, Franoe. Germany and other foreign cOT"tr'5?vSr pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information as to oWainmg pantseheer fully given without charge. Hand-Dopks oj S hKt Co. ,r."notiKl ktoMh CO. . Offics SCIXXTXTIO AiLEBjcas, 381 Brood way. Vww YorK. s TOVBg DIRECT .FROM Eastern and St. Louis FOUNDRIES. 11 MAKUF ACTURERS OF TINWARE AND PLUMBINQ A SPECIALTY. CORVALLISJ -