CO Corvallis Meekly Gazette. FlttDAY MORNING, DEC. 18, 1885. tM All communications to the Oazkttk, cither on hSb or tor publication, U, "-gSEfwflO tion should be addressed to theUAZcTlb 1 clALisii-XUUOUSK. LOCAL NOTES SOCIETIES R. A. M. EFe. .non Caapter, No. 5, it A. M. , meets Thurs .uoaorprecedingMnnoon. r p Take lSToTiee. Twelve nonpareil lines or ess, or one inch of space cnstituU a square. All bills for advertising payable monthly. Foi all advertising parent must bo made in ad ace. Business locals, first insertion 10 cents per line. No businesslocals insorted forless than io cents. i o n.o.h notices free if ac- Mamajre aow - - . ...:u omnaniedbv extended reniarKs, cenvs ..... rchar-ed Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents per e. Card.of thanks, 10 cents per line. We shall be obliged fo any person who will furnish with anyinformaWeu of local interest. No noticeican be Uen of anonym us commutiica tlons. Vhatever is intended for pub .cation 5 be authenticated by the the writer not necessary for publication, but as a guarantee of eood faith. We do not hold ourselves responsible for any views opinions expressed in the eo nmumcations of our reaponuents. By a decision of the , -om ei. ; 1 -become responsible Dosfeomce bad4 rureiviu W WBICli: ,..,,....... . evra .then addressed to them become or the subscription pi ice. Advertisements, notices and communications in eXl for this paper, should be handed I in early as Wedneday morning, to insure their publication. Subscribers no; rewivingltfceir paper regularly will orftr a favor by riving notice of the same at tins ffice. Subscribsrs will bear in mind tint thesubscnption ice isinvarUdy $:;.0D, when not paid m advance. Christmas Tree. The M. E. Sunday School in this city pur u havinsr a short programme of lit-rary pxerciscs and a "tree" at their Church edi- i L.Utmas eve. Mesdames Emma vu " -' - Groves, H. Hilman, N. Whitaker, Mi Lizzie Wolfe, and Mr. C. & Huliu, are tl committee to make arrangements therefor. The public is cordially invited to place ar ticles designed for presents upon tne tret, and to deliver thein to the committe at the church on the 24th inst., between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 3 P. M. full or- of live occasion. Music for tne Masquerade. The committee of arrangements for the masquerade ball iven by Valley Lodge, -XT. u v ( I1 mi New Year's eve, have secured Messrs. Parsons Bray a chestra, of Portland, consisting tr, furnish music for that The five pieces are violin, piano, cornet, clarinet and trombone, and it is safe to say -the music will excel any before given to a Corvallis audience, and alone will well be worth the price of admission. A Mistaken Supposition. At an early hour last Sunday morning what was supposed to be an earthquake -was felt by some of our citizens. The shock was distinctly felt by many and fears were expressed of the damage it had possibly done. On investigation it proved that the excitement was caused by the misfortune of a young lady resident of this city, who lost her footing and fell heavily upon the slip pery sidewalk. Thus the mystery was solved, and the earthquake idea exploded. No damage to the sidewalk. A Large Cargo. A large amount of rain and other freight i now being shipped over the Oregon, fa cine railroad and steamship line to San Fran Cisco. Last Tuesday's train carried 240 tons of wheat from this place, and with about as many tons shipped last week after ,lpn:irtnrp of the steamer, and another laree shipment by yesterday's train, th Yaquiuaon her trip to-day will have the largest cargo she has taken over the bar at Any one time. Christmas Forest. The Sunday School of the Evangelical church will have a Christmas forest, Thurs day evening, 24th inst. The programme will consist of vocal and instrumental music, essays and an address by Mrs. Blackwell. A cordial invitation is extended to all who may desire to take part with ns. Bring along your presents. The committee will receive presents at the church on Thursday from 9 a. m., to 6 r. m. Committee. Holiday Goods. Before purchasing your holiday goods or making presents to yonr wife, mother, brother, sister or some other fellow's sister, call at P. P. Greffoz's and examine his stock of elegant clocks, watches, or anything in the jewelry line. His stock is full and com plete and at prices to suit the times. Samuel Case, of Newport, was in the city this week. Al. Hoaek, of Monroe, was in the city last Tuesday. W. A. Wells was in Portland the first oi the week on business. A. S. Rowland of Alsea, was in the city last Wednesday on bnsiuess. Allen & Woodward are offering a choice lot of Christmas goods at cost. Hon. E. B. McElroy was in Corvallis this week, greeting his many friends. . Will Willziuski, of Portland, was in our city last Friday and Saturday. Harry Parker, of Albany, was in our city Monday and Tuesday of this week. The most popular air for the coming holi days "In the sweet buy and buy." We have received the eleventh annual re Dort of the board of trade of Portland. Vfr .1 H Reed, imvmaster of the O. & C. K. R. was in town last Tuesday night. Tm:istpr (J. C. Hoime. went over the O. P. road promptly on time last Tuesday Telt Burnett went to Rosehurg and Eu gene last Friday and returned home Mob- lay. Benton county's state tax for 188G is ml OA. wh,V h i a So--.Alt 52 less than for 18S5. Ned Warrener, of Portland, has accepted wwit.inn with C. H. Whitney of this place. !- n!i wr .i fine white shirt for SI, and . . . . if X! tine under clothing in proportion, at o. . Hanson's. Mr .T Senders went to Portland last Unmiav for a few weeks visit with friend n that city. Mrs. Warner went to Portland last Sun day, returning to her class in painting Cues day evening. Doors, window sash, etc., in stock and supplied without delay at low prices at Woodcock & Baldwin's. Col. T. E. Hogg, who has been ill for the past few days, is, we are pleased to state, at present much unproved. The ladies of the Congregational church will give an entertainment at Pitman's hall in this city on the 22nd inst. Messrs. Geo. A. Waggoner and C. H Whitney went to the Bay last Saturday and returned the first of this week. We are indebted to Hon. E. B. McElroy for a copy of the sixth biennial report of the superintendent of public instruction. Red Line Poets at 90 cents and other new and choice gift books, albums, etc., at pro portionally low lates at Allen & Wood ward's. W. L. Jester, who has had charge of the O. & C. depot at this place since the resign;. tion of B. F. Irvine, left for Fortlamt tb first of the week There will be a social dance at the city hall in this nlace to-morrow, isaturday evening. A pleasant time is imwjwu and all are invited. The steamer Yaqnina on her last trip from San Francisco brought a large amount of freight for this place, Albany, Salem and other valley towns. Pres. Cleveland message defective. Pres. Cleveland deserves criticism for not recom mending to the people to buy their holiday gifts f Will Bros. Mark Brownson iuft for Sprague, W. T., and vimnltv List Tuesday morning, where he will spend the winter, an 1 probably en gage ij the took business. The store windows in our city already have many attractions for ilia Uttle ones, who are expecting a visit from the jolly old e'f during the coming holidays. A. C. Schwatka, tegular correspondent of the New York Herald, was io our city last Wednesday and left Thursday morning tor San Franoiseo by the O. P. line. Robt. Mires, of Alsea Vallev, was here first of the week. He reports Mr. G. H. Ryecraft, an age and respected citizen of that valley, quite sick with congestion of the lungs. The Bell Telephone Company have lately made many improvements in their system in this city, and now Corvallis can boast ot telephone accomomdations equal to any town in the state. W. H. Delano, a marble and granite deil er of Eugene City, was in Corvallis several days lately, the guest of Robt. Johnson and Chas. McKee, being old time friends in Cherokee, Iowa. Watch for the st-eet parade of the "Colored Coons iron the Sunny South," on the afternoon of December 31st. They will Boys clothing at cost at Whitneys closing out sale. All goods at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Nobby Hats at cost at Whitney's closing out sale E. 0. Chamness has a full line of latest ublieatious. The Ithica Gun," Baker's latest improv ed gun at Will Bros. Men's furnishing goods at cost at Whit ney's closing out sale. i? n MtamnMa o.Arrips a full line of ladies writing material. .iol nrintintr executed with neatness and lisnatoh, and at the lowest living rates ai the Gazette office Step in and look at the new ready made clothing for men, youths and boys at J. v Hanson's. Toys and Holiday goods for young am old in large quantities and almost uminweo variety, and as cheap as the cheapest good articles. Buy of Will Bros, and oe suitea. Corsets, Kid gloves and parasols, at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Men and hnv's shoes and hoots at cost at Whitney's closing Hit sale. rton't foroet that E. 0. Chamness is sell ing school books at Portland prices. A Hue line of velvet aud plush picture frames and mirrors at E. O. Chamuess . A new stock of mens and hoys hats and caps, the latest styles cheap, at J. W. Han son's. A large and well selected stock of cloth i ,f,.t otvlou fcn make ut) cheat) at J. W tllC - r - . Hanson's. We desire correspondence from all part of the state, and invite discussions upon all sides of every imp t issue of the day. All matters tor publication should reach us Tuesday or Wednesday. Intended purchasers are invited to in- - T xt;j ,n 1... soect our stock ot lyoues n inter inxw A , , - C I. " L. 1 ... .. fH Skirts ami nosieiy win ;n o issortment, also a full line tor Misses aim ;hlldrens wear. li- ixl.iie. Immigrants are still coining into the val ley, looking for homes, it you nave larins t... ooll or i-rat make it known through the olumns of the Gazette. The Gazette in wrappers, ready to mai fan v.oir friends abroad, only ten cents per Business men who cannot hnd Fnllomath Items. copy. time bi writo social letters to their friends can send them their 'ocal papiir, in lieu thereof, at an insignificant expense. For subscriptions we have waited patient ly through the dull part of the year and now the time has come when delinquents shold pay up. When you read tins cioui think it means your neighbor, bo! if you owe a quarter of a d.dlar t.ik it home, and then pay up. A dwelling house for rent; inquire of J. Senders. Philomath, Dec. 15, 1885. The entertainment was a success iu every espect. Leroy Starr has received his new goods. J. L. Akin went Portland to yesterday. At the turkey match on S iturday, Silas iilniore, Ed. Bier, and Frank Mochler were the lucky oues. Miss Laura Allen is teaching school at Calloway's, near Wells Station. On last Thursday night an incendiary fire destroyed the old "Hani to beat saloon bdihling near Felgar's m il. nu Sabbath Father Allen conducted the service in the colh ge chapel at. 10:,50 A. M. Rev. Kemp, cf Corvallis in Whitney s Hall at 11 A. M. , Prof. Wm. Crowhurst will deliver a lec ture on temperance in the college chapel on Wednesday evening, Dec. 23. Last week a small child of Chas. v ltbems falling into a bucket of hot water was dan ously scalded. Lucy Pulse while performing gymnastics on a ladder, tell and was so badly Hurt as to remain insensible for four hours. John Bier, the Philouath plasterer, who has beeu in Salem for two mouths plying his vocation, lias returned home. J .1. Brvan is improvim- his lot in the east oart of town. R,. .1 M Parker and wife, who have been on an evangelizing tour, returned to day. (Ju net Saturday the nimrods will have another match here. Stake, a cow, at $1.00 per chance. The California Evangelists, Rev. G. M. Sf.roun and others, returned from the Alsea yesterday. Result of the meeting bve con versions and professing sanetification. The new postoffice building is completed and Mr. Peterson will enter on his duties as soon as he receives his commission. Rex. Lohster isem3 The little .laughter f W. M Peek fell in . i 1 the fire last Thursday and severely Durueu her riaht ban aud arm. A literary society was organized this week with twelve charter members. Ben Brattain went to Halsey Sunday on business. W. M. and L. H. Peek and Andy Bishops went over to Little Lobster the other day to develop their coal mines, and brought back a half bushel of tine coal, and we guess they got i: all. Fal. One Year Ago. This time one year ago Oregon was visited hv a blizzard, the worst snow storm Known to the "oldest inhabitant." Up to the pres ent time we have had a very inild winter, cold w. ather, am! comparatively little - C ....... fa-nr iloTJS rain tor in-egou. mat tn ..-j- being the heaviest of the season. It is to hoped that the possibility of a repetition of last years st rm, which held us in its icy chains for about three weeks, has passed ;.nd that Oregon will again enjoy her usual mild winter. In Demand. Our energetic fellow townsman Fred Olssen received a Utter a few days ago, says the Yaqnina Mail, from Sxvanberg & West San Faaneisco. saviug they would take 150 sacks of oysters per ach trip of the steam ship Yaqnina as they would have no trouble in disposing of them. Mr. Uisson ana others shipped 103 sacks of these fine oys ters by the "last trip of the Yaquina and will endeavor to fill the full order for 150 sacks by the next trip. The oyster interests of Yaquiua bay, we are convinced are in good hands and bid fair to be a large source of revenue to this section of the state. Closing oat Sale. The closing out sale at C. H. Whitney's .mintnui many buyers who aie attracted k. 'ho low" orices utual cost for goods. This is a genuine closing out sale o,,,l as. thu stock i a well selected one and tirst-class, the people should not fail to im prove the opportunity. Correspondence. Arlington, Grant Co.', Dec. 1, 1885. Ed. Gazette: This great valley is prov ing a perfect success in all the products that grow in eastern and northern, yes, and in southern climateB. One mile from Arling ton which is near Burns, corn, tomatoes and watermelons have beeu successfully grown. A gent eman living in Harney valley near old Ft. Harney raised watermelons and strawberries two years. This year he raised tobacco, which grew three feet high. Rev. Mr. Horner hits box elder trees from last springs planting that will average two feet; he also has apple trees from the seed planted at the same time, which has m de - iL . Tk. as rapia growtn as in any cu; '- fact is this country is all right. All that is wantino is the riffht kind of men and women, who have pluck and energy to de velop its grand resources. Send along your railroad. We need the puff, snort and whis tie of the locomotive to clear our vast meal fr,.m t.ho hunls of our cattle kings and swamp angels." Right here permit me to correct an error in my last correspondence. You matte me say "rock lands" when it should have been "marl lands." I was under the impression when I eft Corvallis aud first arrived here that the Oregon Pacific imlrnad had an in terest in the grant of 'and made to the San- tiam Cascade Wagon Road Company, but am informed by h.-ir agent here that tl Rav R. R. Co. and. O. P. II. R j.n... rf have no title or interest in that grant. Th most rascally job ever perpetrated on thi state is that road grant. It is a steal That steal and the swamp business will b blown into fragments before five years. the enlightened world conies in contact wit this, the most misused and abused meritorious part of our state. Tnis fall is splendid, plenty of ram lu not too much, light trusts a:ul nut very iil tie snow. There is an abundance of hay at fn SO 50 to SS.00 oer ton. 1 here has been co siderable grain brought from about the John Day couutry an I Priueville. Gram such as wheat sells at 2i cents per pound; ats and barley at 2 cents Potatoes oonts: flour, six to eight dollars per barrel; bacon at from 14 to IS cents, lard in lUHi cans at $1.5 to $1.75; rails in the timber r.t $5.00 per hundred, and delivered within ten miles $10.00; posts 7 to S feet the same as rails. This country requires good fences. Cat tle and rabbits are peri C terror to our farmers. The sheep men will open up their career i- onrino- thv- will occudv the base of op. ,, J ----- - Steins mountain and the hills south of Mai henr and Harney lakes, which furnishes the finest sheep and cattle range in the worm. At this season and until spring everything is "put onto the island." "The Buckaroors are reordering" as they say; they aie driv ing the stock from the snow line on the hills to the valley. Some man could (to well by bringing a well auger and furnish pumps in this country. 1 here will be a vast amount of well water used here. v ei.s average from live to twenty feet. We will need a great supply of grass seeds. A seed -We would do well. The timber culture business furnishes a great demand for nui series. Maple, box elder, lowbardy, pot lar and cotton wood will evidently be in demand. We need iWt mills, and more saw mills. This is a big country when you come to travel over it. We call everything from the summit of the Cascade, the Coast and Callioooia ranges to the mouth of the Columbia, the Willi mette valley New This Week. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 12, 1885. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof ill be made before tne uouncv juugu or vumiy Clerk of Benton county, at St. Helens urcgon, on Monday, Jan. 25th, 1886, viz: Lewis Russell, Home stead Entry No. 4289 for the S E 1-4 of N W 1-4, S W -4 of N E 1-1 and E 1-2 of N E 1-4 of Sec. 30, 1 11, R, 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation or, saia land, viz: John H. Yantis and Geo. Cross of Sum mit, and Scott King and William Emnck of Corvallis, all of i teuton County, Oregon 2-2.51-Bt. b. T. BARIN, Kepsier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City. Ogn., Dec. 12,1885. Notice is hereby given that the following named se ttler has lilel notice oi nis lnienuon iu ....... roof in support of his claim, and that said proof will made before the County Judge or County Clerk of ienton county at i orvaius, urek'uu, m Jan. 2i, 1S88, viz: William A. sewaru, noniesau Entry No. 878S for the S E 1-4 of N V. 1-4, b l-s or S VV 1-4 & S VV 1-4 of 6 i. 1-1 of bee. 22, 1 iu, an i, W. He names the folic wine witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation 01, saiu mnu, Alexander Patterson, 0: arles Savage, James Marks, and Dehnar Marks, all of Summit, Benton County, Oregon. L. T. cAKls , o., ei At Register. SHE IFF'SjALE jF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby give - that by virtue of a decree an l execution is.,ued out of and under the seal of the circuit 1. 1 mrt of the state of Oregon for the county of Benton wt erein It S Strahan is plaintiff therein and wherein Mary b ilaiu1 t in, J L Livi Creel, Charles thousand seven md sixty-one cents Money and doitactionr. In order to accommodate my customers who rjlace 'imd reliable notes aud mortgages in my hands for collection, so long as notice appears, I will assist them to money to use wbile soe uemanus are uciu5 collected. this find demands are bein M. S. Woodcock Strayed A bay filly two years old, with black mane and tail, and parrot mouth, (the under jaw beiue about one inch the shortest,) and about 15 and one-half hands high, strayed from ?!r. Mnlkey's pasture in this country. Any information leading to the recovery of the same will be thankfully received by J R. Scrafford, Corvallis Oregon. Canvassers. Two or three ladies and a like number of gentlemen who are experts in canvassing and who desire work of that kind and who can furnish reliable reference as to their capability and reliability to attend carfully and honorably to work entrusted to them ctn perhaps rind some thing of interest to them by calling at this office. Clnak3 and Jersey Jackets. Havino; a large stock of these goods on hand I will now offer them at greatly re duced prices in order to close before spring. Cut an Artery. Mr. Preseott, one of the owners of the steamer Isabell while at the O. P. elevator At this last Tuesday night ac;identally cut an artery in one of his hands with a small pocket knife. Dr. Rich was called and reudtred medical assistance. No serious results are anticipated from the ac-cident. We Don't Want It. We are often in receipt of peculiar adver tising propositions, but the latest is from Florida. For publishing a display adver tisement for one week we are offered a deed to a comer lot in the, said to be growing town of Sweet Water, in that state. As we are not speculating in corner lots, we reject the offer. Election Notice. There will be a Special Election held at the office of T. T. Kair on the tir;t Monday in January, 18S6, to till the office of Mayor, for the unexpired term, cruse l by the resig nation of John Osburn. E. H. Taylor, City Recorder. interest vou in the evening at the city hall (fi-ii ftriv anrl cet a bargain of nrlfh ft foil Anrns ond in full uniform. Says, an exchange: Quack medicines are very xpensive, but almanacs advertising their virtues are given away. The almanacs will generally cure as many diseases as the medicines, and ra pleasauter to take. Coll. Van Cleave, editor of the Yaqnina Post, was in our citv last Monday nig'it, re turuing home Tuesday morning. Although his first trip to the valley in three years or more, he behaved himself admirably, b'jer-sey. The Rev. I. D. Driver will conduct Quartarly Meeting Services at the M. E. church in this city next Saturday and Sun day. Preaching on Saturday at 11a. M. , and 7 P. also Sunday morning and even ing. All are invited. The citizens of Linn county havAne! bv subscription a subsidy of $40, not) to in dnce the Oregon Pacific railroad company to bu'ld the road to that place and locate round house, car shops, etc., in Albany. John Crawford heads the subscription with $15. 000; A. Fearce $2000, A, Hacklenuui $30(0, John Millard c.ud Jsc. Elkins $1000, Estate of Walter Monteith 5iuU), and G. F. Simp son $1800. J. M. Nolan. "Hackmetack" a lasting and fragrant per fume. Price 25 aud 50 cents. For sale by T. Graham. Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's cure is the remedy for you. T. Graham keeps it. Will yon suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Kept at T. Graham's. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Always for sale by T. Gra ham. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's lure. We guarantee it. For sale by T. Graham. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Pnmiis nlastcr. Price 25 cents. For sale at T. Grahams. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nas .1 Injector free. For sale by T. Graham. Shiloh's Cough ami Consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con sumption. Get it at T. Graham's. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, Dizziness, and 11 avmntonis of dvsoeusia. Price 10 and .i i - 75 cents per bottle, tor sale ly ham. ' On the same basis taking all the waters that flow from the Blue, Cascade and Stiens moun tains into the Malheur and Harney lakes iliev is fully as large as Willamette, and will some day support as large a population. The reason why t he stockmen want it is because they know it is valuable. Tire opportunities ire good for men who are de sirous of homes. Pay no attention to what stockmen say to yon about the cold; where cattle, horses, sheep and rabbits can live and thrive bj the thousands depend upon it, humanity can live and flourish. If you come, come to build up from the bedrock. T. V. B. F.MBREK. .John itaney, Ftaoqia uimg. iton, J i) C'rjel, J B V. CreoL Uffij Creel and E .tel D Creel are defendants therein ana ' sU decree thi said plaintiff recovered against the Slid defendants llary L Itaney, Francis Livingston, i i,ni u .r i:rel chariei A Creel, Etlie Creel iui.1 :;the! I Creel the utn of one h : mired and twenty .three ollari in So!d coin I th . United Stat s with interest there) n at the rate oi one v- r cent, per n onth from the date of this 'ecr'e together w.ih t .e tts and uigburse- ments of the suit In v. hi h ; i i eeree was t encored entercdandi.cck,iei.nt!.ci:ti day or November LS5, in said circu.t court, on the hreclo.-ure ot .. m rtajje on certain real property, w hich real proper ty is hereinafter more particularly described, which decree and execution eoniii anded me to sell said mortgaged real property described in said decree and as hereinafter described, to satisfy said several sums of money in favor of plaintiff and also to satisfy the costs and expenses on said execution and the costs and expenses of said sale of said real property. Now, therefore, in pursuance of said decree and exe cution and iu accordance with the commands theieof and in order to satisfy the same and the several sums of money hereinbefore stated and the cists and ex penses of said siie o said real property, I have levieu upon said real property nd will sell for casn in nana at the court house door, in the city of Corvallis, in Lieutou county, Oregon on Saturday, Jamnrary lfif-, 1886, between the ho irs of nine o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the evening of said day, to-wit: At the nour of one o'clock bi the afternoon of said da .' all the rigiit. titlo, Interest and claim of said de. fendents above nam .-' in Old to the following lnor taged real property descr bed in said decree and ex ecution and there. ) directed to lw . old and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest cor ner of Section 13 in T. 10 S. it. 4 West WO.lamevte Meridian and running North on said section line to where it strikes the Willamette river, from thence to m ander the river up ,treani to th s meandering cor ner of section 2 1 on the river, thence West to the place o. bef .unin . '.containing : acres more or less. Also the following: Commencing 133 rods North of the Southwest torncr of sect.on 24. T. 10 S. R. 4 West running thence di e East along the North line of land sold to John T Crooks, Jr., by Thomas Ailphin and wife on tne 14th day of June. 13irt, and recorded on page 445 in i 'oidt "O" record of deeds, Benton county, Oregon, to the Willamette river, thjnee with the meauderings of said river down stream to the North ,ine of said section 24; thence west to Drury Ho lges laim; thence in .herly ana wjsienya'ong uie if said Hodge's land to the West fine of said section 24; thenee :iouth to the place oi ue ginning containing .U0 acres, and in all 190 acres , more or less in Benton County, Oregon. SOL. KINO, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. Dated this 17th day of December, 1835. ERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE, T. Gra- SKERIFF'S SALE OF RAL PROPERTY Benton County History. I have for sale thirty-two volumes of Fagan's Illustrated History ot eenton v. nun ty, Oregon. Call early. Also the unpaid notes and accounts for books sold are in my hands for col ectron. E. Holoate. Chri'tman Goods. Mr. VV. T. Hufl'nan, at the Posforrice Confectionary and News Depot has just re ceived a large and well selected stock of holiday goods. Go and see them, and get prices, and you may rest assured of being pleased. Overcoats. Having a large stock on hand nnd anxious to unload before spring, I wi'l now offer them at greatly reduced prices. Call early and get a bargain. J. M. Nolav. PRODUCE PRICE CURRENT. Wheat per cental in Portland, sk'.l . 25 Wheat per bushel iu Corvallis 63 Otto 25 oo- Vh 12 t- '6 Flour per barrel 4 00 Bacon sides 7 8 Hams 10 to 12 Shoulders 6 to 7 Lard, 10 lb tins 6 to 8 " kegs 6 7 Dtr- fr..h roll,. 20 tO 25 E-.'gs per doz Apples, green Dried apples, Phimmer Pllinil. j'ltlr-s-s. ' . .. ... ' Chicken- per do MARRIED. Hides, dry flint : " gr.-en ... EMERY MATHEWS. In Albany, b-st . pot,lt(.J .. .. i i n..rtD.i. lfttt. 1 Q", hi' """srirr t:z"'v":'a . tame rtev. G. Irvine, Mr. James Emery and Miss Etta Mathews. The Gazette extends connp;ratnlations. per to 30 . .30 to 50 . . 4 to 5 . . 3 to 4 . . to 7 oo to ;? oo 10 to 15 .. 5 t . .25 to SO 6 00 Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a decree and Execution, issued out of and under, the seal of the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton, for the of f.vo hundred and eighty-six dollars and ten cents and interest thereon at"the rate of ten per cent per annum, from and aft- r the 18th day of November. tfB, and twenty-five rfollnrs attorneys' fees l , I seventeen dollars and fhe .. nurt. mH iHh' msementB taxe in said Circuit ourt and wherein said decree Samuel Case and James It. Bayley, doing business under the firm name of - i .,,-,.'.,. i. i:,ij,n! in the said decree )ase or i v vj , - - i A wl.r in Charles Gibbons, alias W. D. Sell, 1 ath rii e N Sell, and Marietta Shannon'sre; defendants nameu in said decree and wher -in said deer. , the said several sums of money above naaed were decreed in favor of said plaintiff , and against aid defendant which decree was rendered, enicrcu aim o.., :he 18th dav of November, 1SS5, in said circuit cour on the foroclo,ure of a mortgage on certain real nro -ertv, which real property is hereinafter more parti, u larlv described, which decree and execution com manded me to sell said mortgaged real property dee crihed in sai l decree and as heremaft r described, to wfv 9M several sums of n one in favor ol plain ti-r and also to satisfy the costs and expenses on execution and the costs and expcises o; l said real property. Xow : erefore, m nursuance oi saie uecree nk w ecuti m and in accor'anc; with the command f said j. . i . f irtn in order to satisf V sai d decree aecres " and execution and the said several sums of money hereinbefore named in favor of said plaintiffs and against said defendants and the costs and expenses of said sale of said real property, I have levied upon said real property and will sell for cash iu hand at the court house door in the city of Corvallis in Uen tou count , "regon, on Saturday, .January Stti. 1 S1. Between the hours of nine o'clock io themorninjrand four o'clock in the afternoon el said day to-wit: At the hour of one o'eUwk to the afternoon of snid day all the right, title, interest-and claim of th said fondants above named in -aid decree aid execution in and to the following mortgaged real pro rty d-.c-ib-ed in said decree r.nd execution and therein directed , . :u 1 tv.W'!f .- f.Ot, lllim- 7 I to be soul ano uescriueu aa " - - bered two (-21 in Woe immnereo nve vo "w nal town of Newport in Benton county, state of Ore. sot &unt aid de of Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a decree and execution, issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court, of the State oi Oregon, for the county of lientou, wherein W. C. Reed is plaintiff therein and wherein A. b. Rainwater and his wife Mary Rain water, are defendants therein, and wherein said de cree tlie saM'pUtotifl recovered against the said de fendant, A E. Rainwater, the sum of one thousand two hundred and forty-four dollars and sixty-six cents, (i'1244.o ) and accruinginteicst thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annnuni, and the further sum of one ..ur.dred and ten dolllars (S110) as attor ney fees an i for the.costs and disbursements of the suit tn i.hh -aid decree was rendered, wlrch decree was rendered, entered and docketed on the 17th day of November, 13S5. in said circuit court on the fore closeure of a mortgage on certain real property, which rea; property is hereinafter more particularly described, which decree anu execution me to sell said niortaged real property described in said decree and as hereinafter described, to satisfy aid several sums if money in favor of plaintiff, and ii iies on said execution anJ the enst and expen -c of said -ale of said real property. Now therefore, m pursuance of sid decree and execution and in ae or lance vi:h the command of said decree and execution, and to order to satisfy the same and tlit-several sums of money hereinbefore stated and the cast and expanses of said -.ale of said real proper ty . i I ave It--, ied open said real property and will sell for cash in band at the eoor. hnuse door, in the city f CoryaBts, in Benton county, Oregon, on Saturday. ,T utiary Kith, 1886. ggj ..... ., if cine o'clock in the morning and foor o'clock in theeveningof taid day, towit: At the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said dav all the right, title, interest an claim of the said defendants above named in and to the following mortgaged rea' property described in said decree and execution, and therein directed to be sold and ; d us follows, towit: The North East quarter of section three V!),and the North East quarter ot t -, North West quarter of seetion three (3) all n Township (ll).devcn, S. It. i West of the Willamette rjdfcir, in li-nton Count; , State of Oregon, eon- intos 20 acres. SOI KING, .... ens' Benton County, Oregon. Dated :h s l"th cay of December, 1885. Ducks .5 00 to 6 00 gon. ShHoha Cure will immediately relieve and Bronchitis . Hos dressed 3ito4 Sheriff of Benton county, Oregon. Dated this the 8th day of December, 1885. i Croup, Whooping Cough Get it at T. Graham's.