The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, October 30, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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State and. Territorial.
The miners ia Josephine county are gen
erally prepared for a good run daring the
next raiay aeason, and most of theih are an -xioas
fur the wet weather to begin.
One of the bright signs of the times say
the Spekane Falls Review is to ate so man;
men marching to their daily labor, and witi.
dinner pails. It is an honerable badge
and gives the city the appearance of possess
ing a steady, industrious working class.
The dwelling house of John McGee, on
the San tiara above Sweet Home, we are in
formed was burned recently. He was away
from home at the time, and his wife and
three children barely had time to escape
with just what clothing they had on.
Wheat, hops and wool, the great staples
of Oregem, continue quiet in the markets of
the world. A rise in the price ot one of
them would let loose thousands of dollars in
this state, while a boom in the three would
make wealthy men of handreds el our
The laborers for the work on the Pataha
branch are now on the greasd ready for
operations. About one hundred white la
borers, and four hundred ami fifty China
men, with camp equipage and working tools,
passed through Walk Walla the other day
on the way to Mtarbuck from the Moscow
& ranch.
Last Monday te grand jury returned a
true bill in the case of Mrs. Amanda Mc
Daniel, charged with being an accessary in
the murder of her husband near Jackson
ville, Oregon, nearly a year ago. The trial
will probably take place immediately. Mrs.
Mc Daniel is said to display much nervous
mess and apprehension since the indictment.
Tacoma News: Information, un
reliable, teaches us that the .Chinese em
ployed by the Tacoma Mill company will go
with the balance of the pigtails in this city.
The superintendent has fallen into line with
sthe people in this matter. There are forty
six Mongolians employed in the mill, ai d
itheir places will be supplied by white men
on or before November 1st.
Atithe.special session of the county court
ot Linn, held Tuesday evening, an order
was issued by the court that the following
-tax be levied for the year 1685: For school
tax, four mills; for support of insane asylum
one mill; for payment of Indian war debt,
one-half mill; for state university, one; state and county pro rata, nine
and four-tenths mills.
There is fatality among the hogs in Pierce
.county, V. T. th it; fall never before known
to exiit. Farmers have already lost a large
nnmber, and the disease seems not to be un
derstood. The symptoms are drooping of
the eyes, swelling of the limbs, refusal t
take food, followed by death, lu some
cases . the cars appear to ue effected, as if by
rut. No note is given for the disease nor
cause.assitfiied why it . should prevail. . J
The Baker couuty courtfcouse at Baker
Oity, wa burned a few days ago, together'
-with a portion of the county records. The
county jail at that place was burned a few
week ao. It looks as if taxpayers would
have to begin anew in thatt county in the
natter of the construction of county build
ings, as tire has pretty effectually wiped out
their accumulation in that line.
Mr. Felix Barger, of Harrisburg, who has
just returned from the Blue river mines,
states that there is great activity as well as
.expectation among miners in that region. A
small quartz mill is already at work, and a
large one will probably be taken in next
.spring. Several quartz ledges and placer
mines are being worked. As Mr. Barger
was returning from the mines he met sever
al teams with blacksmith and mining tools
going in. If there mines pan out as well as
preparations indicate, there will be lively
times in that region before very long.
This year's fruit trade with the east has
developed the fact that our ore ards are too
much diversified for profit, says ex hange.
Shippers send east in carload lots, and want
11 of one kind of fruit. They find it hard
to secure enough of one variety for a full
-carload and have to go so ftr and wide
picking ud many small lots to fill one order.
The orchard planting of the future must be
large plaU of one kind. It will be profita
ble hereafter to set out .only the choic
est varieties, and many trees ot each. Bart
ilettand VViuter Nellis pears take the lead,
iid the best of the long keeping apples.
.such as Newtowns, Baldwins, BeltSowers.
iGreenings, Northern Spy, etc., will be found
:the most profitable.
In the garden of the hoapit U for the in
sane at Steilacoofii there wene grown pump
kin vines the season that averaged one
thousand pounds of pumpkin to the hill.
Sample pumpkins weighed 80, 76 and 64
pounds. The enthusiastic gardener says
ithey would have grown twenty-iive per
-cent, larger had he not plucked them when
green to prevent the possibility of Jack
iFrost taking the flavor out of the future
pies that these monstrous growths promised
such abundance. From the foregoiug ex
hibit it is plain that Oregon will not be able
-to put up a corner on pumpkin pies this
year, although the exhibits in the squash
line at the Mechanics' pavilion foreshadow
a golden opportunity for one.
jFrom the Stevens County (W. T.) Miner
;it ,is learned that a rich strike was made
last week in the Rustler claim, Coiville dis
trict. This mine was recently bonded for
the small -sum of $500, on a contract to sink
fifty feet on the claim. Good indications
were in sight ior several days, but on tl e
17th a blast repealed the black metal at a
depth of only thirteen feet. The wildest ex
citement spread through all the camps on
the hillside. This strike, it is believed, es
tablishes the permanency of the Old Dom
inion, besides making a mine out of the
Rustler, as the shaft was being sunk in the
exact course in which it was presum'ed the
vein of th former tcanded thcangh the
A 400-pound bear, the murderer of thir
teen hogs during the past month, was kill
ed on the Mill creek road, eleven miles east
of Walla Walla, a few days ago.
A barn on the farm o? the late Senator
Nesmith, at Derry, Polk Co., burned down
one night last week, and forty tons of ha
were censumed. The damage amounted to
about $2500, with no insurance.
The assessment roll for Union county
foots up about $2,250,000. The indebted
ness of the county up to July 1 is reported
as being $77,000. The tax levy for this
year will be 25 mills on the dollar.
Tho tacoma Ledger is authority for iht
statement that 'Tacoma does not want to
be the capital of Washington territory."
It will be as refreshing as surprising to
Seattle to learn that there is one thing, at
least, that the Terminal city "does not
Work will be continued on the Cascrde
division of the Northern Pacific during the
coming winter. The road is complete for a
distance of ninety-three miles from the Col
umbia river. No further contracts have
been made for construction on the western
side of the Cascade mountains.
An experienced gardener says that a sure
sign to find out if plants in pots require wet
ting id t rap on the side of the pot near the
middle with the finger knuckles; if it gives
forth a hollow ring the plant needs water,
but if there is a Hull soukJ there is still
moisture gh to sus the plant.
A burglar who attempted to enter a house
in Sacramento was caught fast in a window,
and the woman armed herself with a potato
masher, drew up a chair, and sat there and
tapped his head for half an hour before call
in the police. She said she had always
just ached to pound a man all she wanted to.
Over at Seattle the women have all
agreed to do their own washing and thus
forward the anti-Cl.inese movement. Now
there's style about that. Whenever the takeholi ine:irnest the c.meth y favor
isassured of succ as. If the women of Seattle
don't get tired, men don't expect
too much in the way of polished linen, the
Seattle Chinese laundries will have to go
out of business.
A Salem Statesman reportet was shown
some pure "silver luesUay by the smith
brothers who are interested in the newly
discovered ledges near Mt. Jetfersson.
There were three or four nuggets of good
size, and they were all taken from a piece of
ore not larger than a hen's egg, from the
Lillie ledge, on the little north fork of the
Sautiam. An official assay has been made
of the ore from the ledge, which shows the
ore to be worth $900 per ton in silver,
small amount of gold.
For many years past lower water was
never known to prevail along the Willam
ette, Snake and Columbia rivers. Along
the upper Willamette the water is so low
that a skiff would almost strand in passing
some of the shoalest places. The upper
Columbia is alsc down below the last peg,
while the Snake at and above Riparia is
nine inches below the mean low water mark.
Until the fall rains swell the volume ot wa
ter, navigation will be maintained only
with great difficulty.
Governor Squire, of Waahiu . Terri
tory, has sent the Secretary of the Interior
a report on the anti-ijhinese agitation. Af
ter stating the facts about the recent meet
ings and the intimidation of some Chinese,
he says there have been no riots or out
breaks, and he believes none will occur.
He hopes to maintain order without troops,
and says a strong organization of the best
citizens of Seattle has been formed for the
purpose. However, should troops be need
ed, they can be had from Vancouver Bar
racks on a few hours' itie.
W. W. Baker, Dairy Commissioner of Oi
egon says there is only five cases of oleomar
garine in the State to his knowledge. He
says that for six months preceding the en
actment of the law regulating this product,
from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars'
worth of oleomargarine has imported
into this St iite ..ud put on the market as
butter. Mr. B-.i - . the existing
law can be improved in the way of brewery
slops, and in regard to quality of butter,
and he will endeavor to have the legislature
make the amendments.
Murray Sun of the 20th "R W. Small,
of Walla Walla, W. T., has been awarded
a contract for furnisn ing the Bedrock Pool
with 4,000,000 feet of lumber, with 8,000,-
000 feet to follow. Much of the contract
h : sublet to owners of mills now here, and
Mr. Small will bring in several of his own
mills from the railroad aud place them in
the magnificent forests on the west side of
the North Fork and then haul the lumber
up to the flume, distant about two miles.
Mr. Small is known along the Northern
Pacific railroad as one of the largest lumber
men in the Pacific Northwest."
Work is progressing steadily on tie gov-
eminent jetty at the mouth of the Colum
bia river. The jetty begins at the wharf ot
Fort Stevens and extends across Clatsop
spit. Two rows of piling are driven first,
and the aperture filled in with mattrasses
made of trees. Rock from Cathlamet is
filled on top to hold down the ntattrasses.
When complete it is supposed that this will
give more lorce to the ebbing tide, which
in due course of time will wash away the
entire north of Clatsop spit. The working
force has been materially reduced and it is
the purpose of Capt. Powell to suspend
operations for the season on the 1st of No
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
New barn, new buggies, carriages,
and every thing else new and
first-class in all respects.
Special Attention Stan Transient Stock,
Good Saddle Horses.
Prices Reason! tfole.
(Second Street.)
Land Office at Oregon City. Ogn. , Sept. 16, 1885.
. Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, ana that said proof will
be made before the County Judge or County Clerk of
Benton county at Corvallis, Oregon, n Wednesday,
Nov. 4, 1885, viz: James Herren, homestead entry No .
4300 for the S 1-2 of S E 1-4, N K 1-4 of S E 1-4 and
& E 1-4 of N E 1-4 ef Sec. 12, T. 10, S.B. 7 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land
viz: James M. Towssend, Emil Seifert, Wm. Herron
and Richard Seifert, all of Kings Valley, Benton
county, Oregon .
22-39-51 Register.
Real Estate Agency;
Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property on
Havine made arrangements for co-opera
tion with agents in Portland, and being ful
ly acquainted with real property in Benton
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat
isfaction to all who may favor us with their
patronage. G. A. Waggoner,
20-fiyl . X. J. JJUFORD,
Kittes, Pistols,
Amunition, Cutlery
Spy Glasses, Fishing Tackle.
Sewing Machines,
Work made to order and warranted.
20 33tf c. HODES, Corvallis.
"GENE LEE, Proprietor.
(Opposite H. E. Harris' Grocery Store.)
Washing, Ironing, Po.ishing and Fluting
Two or three ladies and a like number of
gentlemen who are experts in canvassing
and whodesire work of that kind and who
can furnish reliable reference as to their
capability and reliability to attend carpf ully
and honorably to work entrusted to them
can perhaps find some thing of interest to
them by calling at this office.
GtTIjNT store.
i:!t nw j
Reasonable Prices.
Wm. Hartless has ten extra fine Oxford
bucks for sale at reasonable prices.
James L. Lewis.
Sheep, Cattle . s ugh and
sold ana w03tx".i ma to famish same
Mutton, Beef and fat Hogs a
Brinkerhoff System,
For the Cure of
Over 30,000 cores Recorded In $ years.
Piles, Rectal Ulcer, Fissures, Pruritus-ani,
i lstulaa in Ano, Polypus-Kecti, Etc.
Cured without cuttinir operations. Dr. Pilkinirton.
surgeon, ocn'ist and auriat, slid proprietor of the
sanitarium iortne eye, er ana nervous ttis
easas, Portland. Oregon, has bten annointed airent
and physician, for this system for Oregon, .and has in
two months made a number of cures of cases, in some
of which, severe operations with the knife have only
done harm.
Refer bv permission to Jas. W. Weatberford, drug
jist, well known in Salem: Frank Gardner, machinist
at car shops; R. A. Rampy, druggist at Uarrisburg.
Oiejron, and others.
Will neet parties at Mrs. HeranhiU's
hotel in Corvallis from arrival of stage from
Albany, Tuesday, Oct. 13th to Thursday
morning Oct. lath, 1885.
Address for pamphlet, etc.,
Portland. Or.
Those who work early and late need a wholesome
X diaMe Medicine like Pf under' s Oregon Blood
Partner, As a remedy and preventative of disease
t can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and Mala
ria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Billiousness
and puts fresh energy into the system by making
NEW, RICH BLOOD. All Druggists and dialers
keep it. 81.00 bottles, 8 for $5.00. 22143m
Issued March and Sept.,
each year. 49-SIS pages,
8 x 11 Inches, with over
3,000 Illustrations a
whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Wholesale Prices
direct to consumer on all goods for
personal or family use. Tells how to
order, and gives exact cost of every
thing you nee, eat, drink, wear, or
have torn wMh. These INVALUABLE
BOOKS contain information gleaned
from the markets of the world. We
will mall a copy FREE to any ad
dress) upon receipt of 10 etc. to defray
expense of mailing. Let us hear from
yon. Respectfully,
27 dc 289 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Domestic Keywest and Havana
Wholesale and Retail.
Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos
and Smoker's article generally,
Also just received a fine lot sf
No Chinese labor employed.
I wish to call the attention of my patrons
to the fact that I have moved my Harness
Shop from my old ' 1 to the shop on Main
street formerly occupied by Cameron Bro's.
I shall carry a good line of harness and sad
dles, and by honest work and fair dealing
endeavor to uicttt a are of your patronage
torney at Law.
Fire Insirancea Spec ty.
Money Loaned on Good Security.
New Jewelry Store.
C. W. Smith,
A practical Jeweler and Watch-maker has located
in Wairtroner & Buford's real estate office, Corvallis.
Special attention given to repairing fine chronometer
watches. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit
the times. A fine stock of watches, clocks and jewel
ry constantly on hand. 21-51 tf
Direct from the East!
Eastern and St. Louis
Corvallis,) - QregonT:
Published in Oregon, containing all important dispatches, news iron
all parts of Oregon and the Pacific Coast, all local news of
importance, besides a full supply of general and
fireside family reading matter.
As in the past, will continue to be the Faithful Exponent of the
Best Interests of Benton County and the
State at Large.
It will faithfully -and fearlessly warn the people of wrong, impo
sition or approaching danger where the public is interested, never
fearing to publish the truth at all times, but will endeavor to always
ignore all unpleasant personalities which are of no public interest or
SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50 per year in advance.
When not paid in advance, invariably $3.00.
In the latest styles and at prices but little more than the cost f
labor and (material, on short notice. We are oonstantly turning n
at prices which defy competition, the nicest designs. of
Order book,
.Receipt bocks,
Druggists labels,
Gammed or
Un gummed.
Letter heads,
Bill heads,
Visiting cards,
Business cards,
Ball tickets,
JNote books,
For Samples and prices, address
Gazette Publishing House,