BAJhOBa' STBANGE COSTUMES. baeer Outfits Fashionable In Neptnme's Court Forecastle Tarns. "Talk about strange costumes," said the mate of a steamship to a Tribune reporter recently; "the way some of the crew of a deep-water vessel will get themselves up occasionally is a caution. I remember once in my younger days, when I was before the coast on the ship Colby, bound round the Horn, that there was an old salt named 'Bill' Rice, who considered himself what would be called a nauti cal duck in these days. He had been pa the ship running from Liverpool out to the African coast before joining the Colby, and an Enalishman who had gone out as a passenger in her had gven him on leaving the ship an old iress-coat, a striped waist coat, a stovepipe hat, and a pair of 'loud' checked trousers. 'Bill' considered this outfit the acme of fashionable at tire, and every Sunday when he took bis trick at the wheel he would rig himself out in the 'duds', stovepipe sat included, and as solemn as an owl. t was the most comical sight I ever w. the effect being heightened by the fact that the clothes did not tit and the hat was a size too large. "Once when I was on a Rio steamer we shipped a man whose entire outfit consisted of a pair of rubber boots and a pair of dilapidated trousers, a bright red. flannel shirt, and a white helmet Jjat. He looked like a disconcerted rainbow as he moved about the decks, and the passengers were never tired watching the white helmet and the rod shirt. You have, of course, heard the story of the landsman who shipped be- lore the mast, and, tearing rain, tooK an umbrella with him? Never heard it? iWell, 1 don't vouch for its accuracy, but the story goes that when the mate balled all hands to shorten sail one rainy day, the landsman turned out rearing a rubber coat and carrying bis umbrella. The captain saw it from the quarter-deck, and, running forward with a howl of rage, came down with his whole weight on the jombrella, crushing it into a shapeless mass, and threw it overboard, after which he chased the terrified lands man up the rigging with a belaying pin. "At another time when I was on a Kio steamer there was a quartermaster who used to put on a white shirt and a stand-up' collar every time he took his trick at the wheel. That man was al ways making mistakes of some kind, land used to annoy the old man, as the sailors call the captain, frightfully, jl'he old man was pretty patient, but when he did break out he made things num. This was the quartermaster s st trip down the Brazilian coast, and e had heard some one say that be- ween JUabai and ruo the rlyaway ight would be sighted. We left Ba- i at nightfall, and in an hour he be- 'ean to sight that light. The old man had lit his pipe and tipped himself .back in his chair for a smoke when K quartermaster sang out: 'Light !' The captain dropped his pipe and went into the pilot-house like a shot. j " 'Where away?' said he. I " 'Three points on the starboard jbow,' replied the quartermaster, i " '1 don't see any light,' said the old jman, peering through the night-glasses. 1 don t now, but 1 did, replied e quartermaster. All his watch the quartermaster ept sighting that light at intervals. he old man would no sooner get mfortably settled down for a smoke han he would be startled by a cry of Light ho !' He was startled, you see, cause he knew each time that if the hip was on her course it was not time sight any light, h inally the captain ned in, but the relentless quarter- aster kept bringing him out of his unk by sighting Flyawav light. inally the old man could stand it no onger, and, rushing into the puot- ouse, he seized the quartermaster by flfi throat, and shnlrinor him until hie (teeth rattled, he shouted: 'If you sight Flyaway light many more times Ito-night, I'll make you food for fishes !' I believe he'd have done it, too, for (the old man was riled." New York 'Tribune. Human Justice. 1 It must have frequently occurred to the most casual observer of human Affairs, that justice is a mere mockery. The man who is bad is just as apt to njoy health and happiness as the man who goes to church and leads an ex emplary life. In fact, it would seem as if the good were singled out for per secution. They certainly seem to have more than their share of bad luck. An illustration, on a small scale, of how the bad escape while the good are pun ished for the sins of the bad, occurred in Austin a short time ago. A small cart, to which a donkey was attached, was left standing in front of a school-house. The driver had gone into a neighboring saloon to slake his thirst. The mischievous boys gather ed around the vehicle and proceeded to annoy the animal by punching him ia the abdomen and other parts with sharp sticks. They also imparted a spiral shape to his tail by twisting it. They also tied the donkey's ears to gether, much to the discomfiture of the animal, but much to the amuse ment of the urchins, who deserved the severest punishment for their cruelty. Did the thunderbolts of heaven fall upon them and destroy them? Hardly any. A small boy named Smith was stand ing off at a short distance looking on. He had been a good boy even before lie was weaned. He never gave'his friends any trouble. He went to Sun day school and brought home medals. In this affair he was really sympathiz ing with the donkey. He took no part whatever in the hazing of the poor 4rute. On the contrary he was shed ding tears over the cruelty of the bad boys, when suddenly the proprietor of the animal emerged from the saloon. He charged furiously upon the boys. They saw him in time, and lied in every direction, making good their escape. The little boy did not run. He had done AO wrong. Conscious innocence made him bold. The driver of the donkey came down upon the good little boy like an avalanche, boxing his ears until he had a slight hemmorhage of the nose. The boy, whose sense of justice was also injured, rushed into the school house to inform the princi pal. Unfortunately one of the teach ers was coming out of the door at the same moment, and he was almost im paled by the impetuous youth. In fact, the two colliding bodies were al most telescoped by the collision. For tunately, the teacher retained his presence of mind. Without asking for an investigating committee, he dealt the luckless youth a box on the ear that soundea like hitting a beefsteak with the flat side of an ax. For a second time the boy detected the heav enly bodies. We mean, of course, he saw stars. The good little boy did not linger around the teacher, who was partially doubled up from the force of the col lision, but was nevertheless lifting his boot to kick. The boy kept right on upstairs, until he rushed almost breathless into the room of the princi pal. & soon as he was able to do so, the pupil said: "The teacher boxed my ears, and I hadn't touched the donkey." "Call your teacher a donkey, do you?" ejaculated the principal, livid with rage at the slur at the professor; and once more the good little Sunday School boy got it right and left, more constellations bursting upon his enrap tured vision. It seemed to him as if he had suddenly sat down in front of a drug store. The idea that had been instilled into the youthful mind of that boy, that the good were rewarded and the bad pun ished, is undergoing some modification, at which we can hardly wonder. Texas Siftings. The Book Trade. Book-publishers and book-sellers are doing their bnsiness irreparable damage in conspiring together to de ceive the public by giving false prices for their books. For instance the ju venile books during the recent holidays were almost uniformly advertised "at 81.25 per copy, whereas the book seller paid only 40 cents per copy to the book-publisher. Hero is a differ ence of 85 cents between the price printed upon his book by the publisher and the price at which he sells it to the retail dealer. This is not a reason able discount to the trade every book-buyer is willing to allow that but it amounts to a deception and a fraud upon the buying public. A buyer does not feel like paying for a book more than three times its actual cost to the seller, but if he does so with the connivance of the book pub lisher and finds it out, he is apt to call such a conspiracy between the pub lisher and seller a barefaced swindle, and stop buying books. This custom of the publishers in printing fictitious prices on their books has developed a new feature in the book business which will tend to de stroy legitimate book stores. This is the establishment of book bazars in large retail dry goods stores, clothing houses, &c. Several years ago Mr. Wanamaker in Philadelphia placed in his large clothing establishment a table filled with juvenile books. Each year his business increased and new he has a large book department in his clothing house. He paid no attention to the publisher's prices, but adver tised in his book caialognes the low est discount prices plus a small com-, mission. He seems to be capturing the retail book business of Philadel phia. Good book stores are educatioal institutions and are as important to the literary life and growth of a large city as public libraries and schools. Their existence, however, is threatened by the establishment o! book bazars, which owe their origin to the decep tions practiced by the book trade itself. The Publishers' Weekly, which is a semi-official organ of the book trade, has for years consistently and ably opposed this custom, but "to no purpose. The rapid increase of book bazars may open the eyes of both pub lishers and sellers to their own inter ests and compel them to adopt an honest statement of prices. Cincin nati Times-Star. A Deplorable State of Affairs. The Temps correspondent in St. Petersburg draws a most dreary pict ure of the internal condition of Russia. Count Tolstoi, the Minister of the in terior, exaggerates the old despotism, suppresses even local councils, pro hibits the discussion of any internal events in the press and hunts inces santly for Nihilists, who begin to be found even in the ranks of the army He is, consequently, the special object of the revolutionary detestation, re ceives frequent menaces of death, and never stirs from his house without special police protection. The Empe ror himself passes most of his time at Gatschina, and from want of commu nication with his counselors, has made no progress in the art of govering. He trusts only extreme reactionaries, and never loses the fear of assassina tion. What one would like to know is, what the great body of military officers think of the situation, but that information is unattainable. Real Estate in New York. Feal estate in New Yerk City, ac cording to a recent letter, for the time being, is at a dead halt. The big apartment house known as the Grosve nor, corner of Fifth avenue and Tenth street, has been sold to the Mutual Life Insurance Company for $100,000 ; expert appraisers thought it would be cheap at $250,000. It rents at present for $25,000 a year, and it was announc ed that the mortgagees would take back a mortgage for $150,000 at 5 per cent. Another transaction is impor tant enough to note. The brown-stone front dwelling, No. 9 East Sixty-fourth street, belonging to the Johnson es tate, has been sold to John P. Duncan for S125,000 cash. This property in 1876 was sold to A. I. Johnson, the consideration in the deed being $230, 000. In January, 1884, Mr. U- S. Grant. Jr., contracted to purchase the property for about $150,000, but for various reasons the contract was not executed. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. An experimental shaft In a new oil region of Wyoming Territory, sunk only fifteen feet, yields six barrels of oil in twenty-four hoars. HtifJSEHOLD jMTS. A little borax put in the water ir which napkins and ted bordered tow els are to be washed will prevent then: fading. It is worth recollecting that bar soap should be cut into square pieces and put into a dry place, as it keeps better after shrinking. By rubbing with a damp flanne dipped in the best whiting, the brown discoloration may be taken off cups in which custards haye been baked. Why purchase inferior nutmegs when their quality can be tested by pricking them with a pin? If they are good the oil will instantly spread around the puncture. Carpets, after the dust has been beaten out, maybe brightened by scat tering upon them corn meal mixed witli salt, and then sweeping it off; mis salt and meal equal proportions. It is said that if a teaspoonful ol mustard is mixed with water and mo lasses, which is usually poured ovei baked beans, there is no danger of the stomach being distressed after eating them. A most appetizing salad is made o) raw oysters mixed with an equal quantity of crisp celery, cut very finely and served with a mayonnaise dressing. The oysters may be cut in halves or be left whole. Rub your black walnut sewing ma chine tables, your cabinet organ, oi any other piece of solid furniture you may have, with a cloth moistened with kerosene oil, and you will quickly see an improvement, but keep it away from varnish. When putting away the silver tea oi coffee pot, which is not used every day, lay a little stick across the top under the cover. This will allow the fresh air to get in and prevent the mustiness of the contents, familiar to hotel and boarding-house sufferers. An easy and perfectly satisfactory way to cook a custard is to put it into a pudding dish or tin basin, and set it into a pan of hot water placed in a moderately hot oven. About halt an hour's cooking will be required, and there is not the least danger of burn ing. Crape may be renovated by thor oughly brushing all dust from the ma terial sprinkling with alcohol and rolling in a newspaper, commencing with the paper and the crape together, so that the paper may be between every portion of the material. Allow it to remain so until dry. A good entree for this season is made by slicing some cold boiled po tatoes quite thin; put them into a pud ding dish, sprinkle pepper and salt over them, then put in a layer of cold boiled lima beans, and so on until the dish is full. Make a dressing of vin egar, oil and mustard, and pour over this when it is time to send it to the table. This is suitable when served with cold meats. A bread-crumb omelet is excellent if served with roast lamb or veal; one pint of bread crumbs, a large spoon ful of parsley, rubbed very fine, hall of a tiny onion chopped fine. Beat two eggs, add a teacupful of milk, a trace of nutmeg, and pepper and salt liberally; also a lump of butter the size of a small egg. Mix all together, and bake in a slow oven, on a buttered pie plate; when light brown, turn it out of the plate and serve at once. A cake receipt is here given which calls for sour milk ; one cup of butter, three well beaten eggs, an even tea spoonful of soda, stirred into half a cup i of sour milk ; two small cups ol flour, flavor with lemon: butter a small dripping pan, and pour the mixture into it; bake for thirty or thirty-five minutes; when done cut it into squares with a sharp, thin knife. This cake should be eaten while fresh, and it is very nice. Sago sauce to eat with sweet pud dings is easily made; wash one table, spoonful of sago in two or three wat ers, then put it into a saucepan, with one-third of a pint of water, the peel of one small lemon; let this simmer gently for ten minutes, then take out the lemon peel, add one- fourth of a pint of sherry, sugar to your taste, and ihe strained juice of the lemon. Let this boil for about two minutes, not longer. It is particularly nice with rice or bread pudding. An experienced and notable house keeper says that she has used a polish made after the following receipt with marked success : Three or even foui drachms of cyanide of potassium, from eight to ten grains of nitrate of silver, with four ounces of water. Apply this to a silver plated article with a soft tooth brush ; then wash the silver thoroughly with clean water, dry it with a soft linen cloth, and then polish with a chamois skin ; this will not waste or scratch the plating, and yet will brighten it perfectly. A salad dressing much used in Italy is made in this way: The yolk of one egg, six tablespoonfuls of oil, three ol vinegar ; put this into a bottle and shake it until it is white and creamy looking. When this simple dressing is used it is necessary to dry the salad after washing, A wire basket is a convenient receptacle to put the salad into after washing, as it will drain perfectly there, and can be lightly shaken. All salads, whether simple or plain, would be improved if care in drying sufficiently were observed, I Rich Trophies. A French traveler from Stamboul tells a wonderful story of the sights he saw. There were two thrones, one ol enameled gold, with incrustations of pearls, rubies and emeralds. Also two caskets studded with rubies and dia monds, in which hairs from the Prophet's beard are jealously pre served. One room was hung with armor and scepters; caskets andescre toires lay on the table. In another room are the costumes of all the Sul tans down to Mahnioud II. Each oi the costumes has a silk scarf attached, together with a magnificently chased dagger and a diamond aigrette. Fin ally, the sacred treasure, consisting ol the relics of Islam, the mantle arid standard of the Prophet, his sword and bow; the swords of the first Caliphs and the oldest manuscripts of the Ko ran. Boston Advertiser. PUBLIC CONVEYANCES IN LONDON. "The Guardian Angel" of the Fast Cabrio lets and Modem Vehicles. In that quaint and amusing work, i "Walker's Original," which was pub I lished rather more than half a century j ago, the author, who was long a metro politan police magistrate, tells us, says i The London Telegraph, in illustration of the changes which had occurred in the town and its fashions during his lifetime,that a "retired hackney coach man, giving an account of his life, re cently stated that his principal gains had been derived from cruising at late hours about particular streets to pick up drunken gentlemen. If they were able to tell their address.he took them ; straight home; if not, he carried them to certain taverns, where the custom was to secure their property and put them to bed. In the morning he called to take them home, and was generally handsomely rewarded. He said there were other coachmen who pursued the same course, and they all considered it their policy to be strictly honest. The same calling was pur sued for many years in Paris. The tariff for taking a drunkard home was 20 sous, and his conductor was known as 'L'AngeGardien,' or 'The Guardifn Angel.' " These words were written about 1830, and they give us a strange peep into the social history of London and Paris during the early years of the I present century. It is encouraging, at the outset, to' find that the French capital had its "drunken gentlemen" as well as the English, and that the Parisian "Jarvey" of those days was satisfied with the modest reward of a franc for rendering them a service which would now be thought ill-requited unless at least five, and per haps ten, times as much were given. Mr. Walker's typical hackney coach man did not, it may be pretty safely affirmed, make enough money to se cure a comfortable provision for his old age upon these self-sacrificing terms. The ever-obliging and ubiqui tious policeman generally performs now the voluntary functions discharg ed when George HI. and George IV. were upon the throne by nigbt-prowl-ing "jehus" who plied for hire. A story is told of an incorrigible joker ; who, being considerably the worse for liquor, was picked up one night in the Strand and safely deposited by a benevolent policeman in a comforta ble "growler." In answer to the in quiries of his auxiliary for an address to which the cabman was to drive, the bibulous wit, whese sense of fun was i not wholly quenched, could only reply, in a husky voice, "Kensal Green." Nowadays it is but too probable that a gentleman in the streets who was too overcome to furnish any address to his "guardian angel" would pass an uneasy night at the police station. It is evident, however, from Mr. Walk er's story, that within the lifetime of many who may chance to read these words hackney coaches were so scarce at night that a few enterprising driv ers of these ramshackle vehicles found it worth their while to traverse the dark streets, into which gas was not generally introduced until George lV.'s reign, in pursuit of "gentlemen in liquor. " Sydney Smith tells us, in deed, that until he was himself nearly 50 j'ears old he could not afford a car riage ol his own, and that the straw from the bottom of the hackney coach which conveyed him to dinner stuck to the flounces of his wife's dress, and exposed them both to the jeers and flouts of powdered lackeys in the service of aristocratic hosts, who had issued their cards of invitation with the words: "To meet Mr. Sydney Smith," inscribed at the top. It makes a great deal of difference at what time a man chances to be born. At present there is no more difficulty in hailing a four-wheel or a hansom cab at any time of the day or night in the central parts of London than in obtaining change before mid night for a good half-crown. Men and women are all so accustomed to the comforts and conveniences of this kind which surround them on all sides that they are apt to forget if, indeed, they know the straits to which their fathers and grandfathers were reduced within living memory. Not until 1823 were those one-horse vehicles long known by the names of "cabriolets," but now universally spoken of as "cabs" introduced into the metropo litan streets, and in that year the num ber of such conveyances plying for hire was only twelve. The driver sat upon a peich attached to the right hand of the two-wheeled vehicle, and heard every word spoken by the two friends who were his fares. If the horse fell the fares had an excellent chance of being flung into the street, and the rain was kept out by leather curtains drawn across the front. In 1831 the number of cabs had increased to 165, and in that year the licenses to drive them were gi-anted to all decent ly conducted applicants, rnor to 1831, when the trade was thrown open, the number of carriages or cabs ply ing for hire was limited to 1.200, and omnibuses, which were first started in 1829, were few and far between. What a contrast to these antediluvian times do the London streets now present ! In addition to about 2,500 omnibuses, they now contain something like 14, 000 cabs, and, as regards speed, clean liness, and general comfort, the pub lic conveyances of this metropolis compare favorably with those of any other capital upon earth. The young er generation of London, who have no recollection of the barbarous days when such a thing as a hansom cab did not exist, may congratulate themselves by joyfully exclaiming: "The good of ancient times let others state ; 1 think it lucky I was born so late !" In no respect does the British capital sur prise its American and foreign visit ors more than in the abundance, the cheapness, the comfort, and above all in the swiftness of its hansom cabs. The "gondolas of London" a phrase which Lord Beaconsfield borrowed from Honore de Balzac, wio first ap plied it to the fiacres of Paris s warm in every street, and although, as Lord Rosebery pointed out when he recent ly tock the chair at the cabmen's be nevolent fund dinner, the last occu pant of the vehicle may have been an archbishop, a professional beauty, or a foreign ambassador, its usefulness and conveience are equally within the T reach of all who have a shilling in their pockets to pay the fare. A Mistinkered Clock I have always clung affectionately to the theory that no poor man should ever hire anybody else to do what he himself can do about his premises. I am opposed to hiring tramps to eat up the suhstance of a hard-working indi vidual, like an editor, hence 1 never allow one to saw wood for his break fast at my place. The other day a tramp called at my house. He had a kit of tinkering in struments, and displayed a burning desire to heal the eccentricities of our clock which never could be satisfied unless it was from four minutes to three days slow. I was at first dis posed to let him give it two or three experimpntal tinks, but when he in formed me that his time was very val uable and the wear and tear of his brain very severe in the performance of such offices of human benefaction, I concluded to do the job myself. That afternoon I went down town and paid $7 to a hardware man for the necessary labor saving machinery. I felt that $7 was not an extravagant price to pay for a set of tools that would tinker me for the entire period of human life, so 1 hurried home and went for that clock. My wife spread a white paper on the dining table for me, and it was not long before I had the viscera of that clock scattered about me like the shat tered remains of a brass foundry after a cyclone had toyed with it. No won der it was slow ! Every clog and jour nal was clogged with dirt and stiffened with oil. 1 rubbed up the parts care fully, and then my wife leaned loving ly over my shoulder and remarked that she could not comprehend how in the world I would ever get all that stuff into it again. I replied that it took a high order of genius to do that, and drawing myself up proudly, as sured her that I was fully equal to the situation. Then I began to put the clock to gether, and soon had it full, but there were wheels and eccentrics and levers enough to make another clock. I felt proud of my grand achievements. I had often heard that "economy is wealth," and I had saved enough of that clock to pay for a new hair spring in my watch. I put on the hands and wound up the rejuvenated timfepiece, and started it. It went off like the gong at a railway eating house, where a fellow stops twenty minutes to get robbed. When I was a little boy go ing to school my teacher, a tender young soul of forty-two summers and twice as many winters, used to write "Time flies" in my copy book, but I never fully realized the scope and in tent of the remark until that clock re sumed business at the old stand. I re alized in a moment that I had con quered the perverse disposition of that clock to play along the road. It seemed infused with renewed vigor and was punctual to a fault. The hour-hand got around the dial once each hour, while the minute-hand got around sixty times in the same period, and the bell sounded every second. On close inspection I dis covered that I had accomplished what had never been done before. I had turned time backward, and longed to have the poet who sang: "Backward, turn backward, O time, in your flight," j present, that I might show him that his wish was gratified. The hands were going the wrong way, and my wife smiled a sweet, sad smile of hope as she remarked that in about four days we would be a boy and girl in school again. I was pleased for a mo ment at the thought, but as a faint , wonder what would become of our five children in such an event stole upon j me, hope gave place to fear that it would leave a blemish upon our young lives to return to the good old times, j and! I jammed the screw driver into the rapidly revolving wheels and put a stop to their mad career. One of these days I am going to pull the nail out and go back to the Garden of Eden and see Eve feed Adam apples. F. E. Hud- ale, in Texas Sijlmgs. Wines for Sacramental Uses. "At least fifty thousand gallons of wine are consumed annually for sacra- J mental purposes in the United States," j said a wholesale dealer in wines to a reporter for The Mail and Express. "What kind of wine is preferred?" j "The pure juice of the grape, free from alcohol, is demanded. Dry wine, which has about 11 per cent of alcohol, : also is sold for the church. The certi ficate of a priest as to the purity of the I wine is often necessary before a brand can be sold. But let it once become popular and no matter if a little al coholic adulteration creeps in, it is never detected. Sweet wine has at least 20 per cent of alcohol, yet it is often soid for sacramental purposes. Fact is, the sweet wine is always the favorite until its alcoholic percentage is discovered. If all priest3 and j preachers were ot the same nationality j one brand of wine might do, but a j French priest does not want the same ; wine as an Irish priest. Methodists, Episcopalians, Catholics, and Baptists j all desire different brands." "How do foreign wines sell?" "It is a strange fact, but foreigners j like American wine and drink more of j it than the natives do. The average American, who drinks wine, thinks nothing is like the imported article, j while the foreigner, who has tried ; them both, prefers that made here, j But since the prohibition question has started and several states have de- j clared for temperance, more wine is Bold for sacramental purposes than j was ever known before. This gives the wine trade a boom. Every whole- sale dealer sends his circular to the ! prohibition states stating he sells only j the pure juice of the grape for church j services. .Every arug-store in every village, hamlet, and town lays in a supply of sacramental wine, and this year I predict that three times as many gallons will be sold for sacred pur poses as was last year. This will bring the figures up to 150,000 gallons. When prohibition rules out malt liquors, then the pure wine is in de mand, and the drug-stores do a land office business." New York Mail and Express. AMERICAN GIRLS. An Eminent Divine Says They Are No Mere Appendages to Saratoga Trunks. Prol. Swing in Chicago Current. The girl of to-day, with rare excep tions, is industrious and with a breadth of invention and execution. The ironi cal and often mean essays on the wom an of the present often picture her as good for little except for accom panying a Saratoga trunk on its wan derings in summer and for filling fash ionable engagements in winter. Much of this sarcasm is deserved by the few, but when the millions of girls are thought of as they are ornamenting their mothers' homes in the villages and cities, the honest heart cannot but confess that the word "girl" never meant more than it does to-day. This being, when found in her best estate, can go gracefully from her silk dress and piano to a plain garb and to work among plants, or to the kitchen, or to a mission school class. In the city she can easily walk three miles. Lan guor has ceased to be fashionable; sleep in the day time not to be en dured. The soul is thought to be action, not repose. All can contradict these words o1 praise; because all who think a mo ment can find exceptions in girls whe are always just dead, with a headache, or as averse as a mummy to any kind of conversation or activity; girls who who are pleased with nothing and no body. These exceptions are so disa greeable that they seem to mar the whole world and make the beautiful characters invisible. In matters oi this kind one can only offer opinions. One dare not assert with confidence. At a poimlar summer resort, where quite a number of these 16-year mor tals were met and observed daily, it appeared in evidence and in commor fame that to be full of obedience to ward parents, of kindness tow.ird all persons and things, to be industrious', to be full of inquiry and rational talk was not the exception, but the average of condition. Why should a few girls of marked vanity and of giggling tendencies cast into reproach that multitud whose hearts are as innocent as the June flowers and June birds? Muct of the ruin of character comes in the later years of woman, when the im prudence of late dancing, late suppers and the mental anxiety, and, perhaps, sorrows which come from the vain ef forts of the heart to create a paradise of pleasure away from duty, make the cheek fade early and the eye lose its luster in the morning, like sun that goes behind clouds before noon. As for noble girls of 16, the Western con tinent is full of them. They are in the cities, in the villages,' in the farm houses We meet them on all streets, along al' paths in the lone and lovely country They are ready for all duty and hap piness, and constitute to us older and fading hearts the most beautiful and divine scene on earth. ! First Confederate Battle Flags. j From Mrs. Burton Harrison's "Rec : ollections of a Virginia Girl in the First j Year of the War," the following is tak 1 en: "Another incident of note, in per I sonal experience during the autumn oi '61, was that to two of my couslhs and to me was intrusted the making of the first three battle flags of the con federacy, directly after congress had decided upon a design for them. They : were jaunty squares of scarlet crossed with dark blue, the cross bearing stars to indicate the number of the seceding : states. We set our best stitches upor. them, edged them with golden fringes, and when they were finished, dispatch ed one to Johnston, another to Beau regard, and the third to Earl Van Dorr the latter afterward a dashing cav alry leader, but then commanding in fantry at Manassas. The ban ners were received with all the enthusiasm we could have hoped for; were toasted feted, cheered abundantly. After two years, when Van Dorn had been killed in Tennessee, mine came back to me, tattered and smokestained from long and honorable service in the field. But it was only a little -while after it had been bestowed that there arrived one day a t our lodgings in Cullpeper a huge, bashful Mississippi scout one ot'the most daring in the army with the frame of a Hercules and the face oi a child. He was bidden to come there by his general, he said to ask if 1 would not give him an order to fetch some cherished object from my deal old home something that would prove to me 'how much they thought of the maker of that flag!' after some hesitation, I acquiesced, although thinking it a jest; A week later I waa the astonished recipient of a lamented bit of finery left 'within the lines,' a wrap of white and azure brought by Dillon himself, with a beaming face. He had gone through the Union pickets mounted on a load of firewood, and, while peddling poultry, had presented himself at our town house, whence hi carried off his prize in triumph, with a letter in its folds, telling us how rel atives left behind longed to be sharing the joys and sorrows of those at large in the confederacy." Allen Thorndyke Rice, the proprie tor of the North American Review, is said to be the fortunate possessor ol $5,000,000 a very comfortable sum to have at one's command. Mr. Rice knows how to use it to his own enjoy ment and to the enjoyment of others. He is a young man, not 35, it is said, with olive complexion, dark-brown hair, large hazel eyes, a good straight nose and a well-brushed, close-cut beard overhung by a long mustache. He dresses quietly, and, while his clothes are all of the handsomest ma terial, he seems to have a fancy for a top coat that is a little worn in the seams, so that his clothes will not have the appearance of having just come from the tailor. Mr. Rice is a very busy man, for besides taking care of his money he looks after the interests ol the North American Review, engages contributors, and when he is in New York takes entire charge of the editor ial department upon his shoulders.