... - V,"WV ' ,. m VOL. XXII. CORVALLIS, OREGON, OCTOBER 30, 1885. NO. 44 Published every Friday Morntng BY GAZETTE PUBLISHING HOUSE. SUBSCRIPTION RATtS : (Payable in Advance.) T ? 0 Sir Months 1 50 Three M.mths 1 00 -Single Copies I'er Year (when not paid in advonce) 3 00 All notice and advertisements intended for pub ati i i should be handed in bv noon on Wednesdays Rates of advertising made known on application. TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES, Of .the past week conaensed. ion of the owners to begin the manufacture ! stock. When it has reached respectable fig- of lumber on a large scale at once. .W cit rous has been in the lumber business several years, and was once well known in politi cal life in California. The directors of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company last Friday ratified the sale of $1, 500,000 5 per cent, consolidated bonds. This is part of a new issue of $15, 500,000 in 5 per cent, boo Is, issue I at the rateof $25,000 per mile on 700 miles of road. The bonds sold to-day will be used tc take up $1,200,000 in scrip certificates bearing 8 per cent interest one half of which mature November 1 proximo, and the other half ures it will sell ont, and allow the reins of government to pass into the hands of some Englishmen of means, who are anxious to pass as railway magnates. The boom in Canadian Pacific stock was started some time ago and is now progressing satisfactori ly. The recent Manitoba Canadian Pacific deal was part of the programme laid out." The report that the Canadian Pacific has negotiated a loan . of $15,000,000 in London and settled its indebte luess to the Canadian government finds many believers in Wall street and keeps the stock steady PACIFIC COAST GENERAL KEWS- Large prairie firei are reported as s eep iug over the "panhandle" of Texas. The funeral of Josh Billings took place at Laiidsboro, Mass., his uative village. Nails are in great demand in the eastern markets, and prices have advanced mate rially. Senator Sherman was serenaded at Wash ington iu the eveuing, and addressed a large crowd, recently, . The official count, of Hamilton county, Ohio, has been completed, and the papers have been sent to the sec.etary of state. Cleveland is credited with declaring that he will pursue his preaeut policy rig.tiUiug civil service reform, whatever may happen in or out of his party. It is officially announced by the officers ot th Irish National league tuat Parneii Attend the convention to be held Hi Chiiau on January 20 aud 21, Istm. Aasi taut Secretary Coon accepts his dis missal by Manniug without a murmur. He jays he is a republican, aud the administra tion is democratic, and that settles it. The father of Hugh M. Brooks or, as he is better kuowu, W. H. Lennox Maxneli, the alleged murderer' of I'leller, uasainveii irom England. He had a talk with his Bon and say ae is convinced of his innocence. The St. Louis "Browns," champions of the Au.c.roau association, and the Cliieagoo, -champion of the National leayue, playe.i tile decisive game of baseball at Cincinnati, i.,r the en uupiouship of the world. Tile St. Louis cluu won by a score of 13 to 4. A grt crowd witnessed the single scull race between Haulauand Teenier, near Al bany. Betting was iu iavor of Haulau, but Teenier won easily in 21:13. When the .stake-tot..- was turned Teenier was three or -four lengths ahead. Haulan's shell was iouled by lue stake-boat, aud lie w us tippeti into the water. He seemed to feel keeni the Tesult of the race, aud thought he would Jiave won if the accident had not happened. Senator Sherman is now en route for Vir ' gima, where he is engaged to speak. He .eys: ' "I shall not tell the people if Virgin ia anything different than that declared by me to the people of Ohio. I have been mis represented in regard to my speeches iu Ohio. I do not flaunt the bloody shirt. The whole country is interested iu fair elec tions and an honest count, aud I contend for that all the time." Business failures the last week were 177, as compsired with 168 last week. Failures .are still numerous iu the Pacific States auu Canada, but iu other sections of the country the number is below average. Pacific Mail directors have declared a di vidend of H per cent, for the current quar ter. The statement of the company snows jgross cannings for the quarter ending Au gaat 31 of $1,232,487; operating expenses, 828,453: net earning, $404,034; o.tsh Octo ber 20, $832,341; estimated cash November 1st, $909,480. United States District Attorney Sanger has brought two suits against Hon. George B. Loring, lately United States commiss ioner of agriculture. The first is for $10,000 against Dr. Loring, as princ.p., and Jonn A. Loring and Thomas Sautulers ad sureties upon a bond given to secure the fmihiul per formauce of the duties of Commissioner oi agriculture. The declaration alleges that George B. Loring did not make a true ami faithful quarterly account of ali moneys re ceived by him, as required by- the bonds. The second suit is against George ft. Loring individually, and $,(0,0l0. 'The suits arc brought to recover $40,000, which it is ai ledged was misapplied tv Dr. Luring tc purposes not provided by law. Ans.iers in the cases have not been died. It is learned that t he sale ; N Pacific lands, mentioned in in New .. dispatches recently comprises Si vera! to -, n ships in Northwestern atinnesota, animat ing in all to about 113,0 JO acres. Tin amount realized by the company will depeun upon the grading of timber lands, but is es timated that $7 per acre will be netted, oi a total of $791,000. The purchase money is part cash, and the remainder, $500,000, is in preferred stock. This will retire from circulation forever, over 50,Oi Osliares of that stock. The purchasers are a number of cap italists, headed by Charles Watrous, form erly of California. The sale is supposed to have been brought about by Senator S ibin, of Minnesota, who is a member of the pu--chasing syndicate.. A jrreat body of the land is heavily timbered. It is the intent- at 42. Otficers of the road there cannot be November 1, 188G, but all of which will be induced to affirm or deny the report, but it paid off November 1 next. is thought by railroad men that such a loan Wall street has just transacted the larg- j ha not already been accomplished, but it est week's business on record. The sales of stock amounted to 3,723,869 shares. This unprecedented volume of business for the brokers naturally enhances the value of their privilege of executing orders on the Exchaige, and $34,000 has been bid for the right to become one of the exclusive 1,100. The Inlying craze continued unchanged for the first three days of the week, and every thing, good bad and indifferent, went up. A letter to the Globe-Democrat from E; Piiso, Mexico, say s there is a good deal of private talk among intelligent property own ing Mexicans in Chihuahua in favor ot an nexation to the United States of the north ern tier of Mexican states. No open move ment has yet been made, no has the press toiuhod the subject, but the letter asserts that there is a strong undercurrent among the classes above named in favor of linking their desiiuy to that of the great northern republic. A dispatch from Dennison, Texas, says an attempt was made to lyiien Grimes, the col ored man who was arrested, charged with lasaultrng two littie t;irls. The jailer frigh tened the masked vis'tors away by firing a pistol several times. It is believed another attempt will be mode. Both childreu claim to identify Grimes. Dr. Young, f the M line state board of health, who visited the inspection st ttion at Morse River last week, says a large number of French C medians pa-sing through the place are not vaccinated, unless this has re cently been done, aud that many escape by passing in the night. A night watch will be employed to stop them. l)r. Thornton is building, as speedily as possible, a fumiga ting station, where clothing of immigrants is to be disinfected. Leading clearing house of the United States report that total clearances for the ivi-hU nrfinu Saturday. October 24, were $1,111,617,399, an increase of 32 per cent, compared with the corresponding week last year. ," The reported murder of Conductor Sam uel Dunbar of the Mexican Central railway by Apaches, while prospecting iu the Abi ual districts,. proves to have been unfound ed. He was iu the vicinity of the hosiiles, but evaded them. Many Apaches have lately crossed into Mexico, and reports from towns in Chihuahua shows that geat appre hension exists that Indians will raid ranches and mountain villages. One hundred miles south of El Paso Apaches attacked a ranch and killed two Americans. Four Indians were killed in the encounter. For some days there has been considera ble commotion iu Baltim re, N. Y., because of the alleged striking orf of names from the lists of registered voters. The case came mi' before .Indue Phelps last Monday, and Judge Duffy and Fisher concurring, a rub was made requiring restoration of all the names struck off, unless the registers can show that the persons whose uames have been stricken Off are disqualified. The namesare said to amount to several hundred. Issue of standard silver dollars during th week ending October 24 was 916,358, a compared with 640,499 during the cone spondiiig period 1 st year. Shipments el fractional coin from October 1 to October 24 amounted to $782, 3J3' An official statement of the Chicago board of trade shows the amount of wheat, corn, oats, rye add bar.ey in the United States and Canada October 24. alid the amount oi mere so or decrease over he pn needing wejk as follows: Wheat. 49,686,224, an increase of 656,291 : oats, 4,072,2:. a decrease of 333,139; rye, 595,088. a decrease of 81,873; barley, 1,550,521, an increase or 395,468. The Brooklyn E igle printed aa interview with Conkling, in which he mercilessly scored the republican parly, and denounced the republican state ticket The publjea tion produced an immense seanstii n The Herald now says the interview ney urred; that it is bogus from beginning to" nd That it w is published to hurt- Davi h port and help Hill. The Herald adds: Onr vVashington dispatches contain Conkling ' uthority to pronounce this alleged inter ,iew a preposterous, wicked fabrication A man who would prepare and utter a rorgery," says Conkling, "is worse than one ho turns rattlesnakes and mad dogs into the streets to poison innocent people with heir venom." A St. Paul special says: A well informed r alroad m m from Winnipeg said, concern ing the Canadian Pacific : "It will not be many days before there will be a radical change in the management of the road. A syndicate is now engaged-, in booming the will be in a few days. The ii-clined plane to connect the Vicksr burg & Meridian and the Vicksburgy Shreve port & Pacific divisons of the Queen & Ores cent railway system, by transferring passen gers and freight across the Mississippi river without change of cars, is now complete 1 and ready for business. The last-named division connects with the Texas Pacific system. The statement o'f the Northern Pacific , railroad for September shows gross earnings j of $1,225,000; operating expenses aud taxes, j $560,000, leaving net earnings of 665,000. This is a decrease in gross earnings of 12,000 in operatiug expenses aud taxas of $107,000, and an increase of net earning) of $95,000, FOREIGN NEWS. An Ottawa special announces that Chi nese are pouring into the Canadian north -w 'st irom Seattle. The residents of Bran don are threaueuing to drive them out. The Servians are invading Bulgaria, ad vancing by n ay of Klissara. They crossed the fiontier at 9 o'clock Saturday night. A force ot Bulgarians is advancing to m et them. The reply of the Spanish government Uj the protest of Great Britain against the re cent outrage on the British consulate at Ha vaua is considered evasive and unsatisfact ory in official circles. The Marquis of Lome while malting a campaign speech near London, was assaulted bv a mob. Lome's friends rushed to the rescue, and a free fight followed, durin which the Marquis took to his Heels, never stopping until he reached London. A dispatch from Loudon says: "The im pel id postoliice authorities are now advertis ing for tenders for conveyance of mails tiom Coal Harbor, British Columbia, to the is land of Kong Kong. " This is regarded as an important recognition of the Canadian facifio. A Paris special Rays: One of the must cel ebrated beauties of the court of Napoleon III has just fallen a victim to morphine, Mine. Cordor (nee Lihitte). aud a sister of the marquis de Gallifet. She had for sever al years been addicted to the habit ot .tak ing subcutaneous injections of morphine. She was buried at ciaiut Gcrmaji.e after enduring eight days of the most ex cruciating torture of both mind and body, ihe remains shortly after death issuineil ail the transparent beauty and classic purity ot outline for which she was so famed in her youth, and which were io well known through her pictures. A Paris dispatch says: It caiinot be dis guised that the marriage of an Orleans prin cess to Prince Walidemar, of Denmark, not withstanding the way iu which puolic curi osity was avoided, has produced a great im pression on Frenchmen. This princely con gress in the modest dwelling ot the head ot the old reigning house of France, this unos tentatious uoinage by -monarchical Europe to a representative of that house, shows tiiat the c inie de Pans holds in his hands the principle wmcu s part of the patrimony oi r rauce, aud may at a given moment be la- supreme resou.ee. The marriage is re girded politically as the most important since that oi the couquerer of Auotelillz With the Arch Oucitess Marie Louise, in liSlO. Foreign residents at Man.ialay, the capi ta ot ttarnlaii, ar . Oeing ooycotted by na tives, i ne Burmese envoy, who arrived at Rangoon, recently, and wno said he was ou his way to Germany to sign a treaty with that country, but whose real ooject it is thought was to watch military preparations t itaiijgHfiti how announces that lie must return to Maiidalay , to trauniate to his gov ernment the British ultimatum, as th re is no native official there aoie to ;o so. The Siamese tgoveruuietit uun eompleced tele graph ilue from Bang .nit to ltuhung. Tn. patriotic union hi issued a long mai'tifesto, denouncing; the Irish national cagitci ior-lKivhig to live years eioou.tei'cd Irish Koran-life, coer::.-d individual nher.y. extoi'ted hard earned money from tire pe.-pl ., and permitted the perpetration oi outrages I he union appeals to the people to net, t their independence oi the league, ..no mam tain the integrity of tile empire The manifesto calls up n electors to vote against the tyrant." of Mr. Parneil mid the cliques of petty traders, bankrup larmers aud idle louuuers who form the Uague aud intimidate the country. The quantity of wheat in California avail able for export to Europe this year is 302, 000 short tons. This includes 28,000 tons from Oregon. At the Bay district park at San Francisco in a match tiot for $1000 a side, Arab de feated Antee in three 'straight, heats; time, 2:18J, 2:20i, 2.T8j. Blaine beat Grover C in a match for $500 in 2:28, 2,27i, 2-31. An interesting boat race came off at As toria. The contest was between fishing boats, over a course of over twenty miles. Bolt No. 9, H. Jones, captain, won easily, dthough she started nine minutes after No. 1. .; - B. J. Shay, who was shot by J. C. Brown at San Francisco Friday evening, is reported to be in a very serious condition. . It has been ascertained that the third bullet enter ed the abdominal cavity. The wounds are causing the victim intense suffering. The politicians re almost in hourly ex. pectation that Cleveland will turn his atten tion to the California offices and make ap pointments and dismissals by wholesale. Within the past day or two it has come to be understood that the President would not .elay the matter much jonger, since he was anxious to have not only caniornia ranee?, but the bulk of them all over the country, rilled before the convening of Congress. Great interest centers iu these appoint meats. Miss Martha Hood, who was so ' brutally beaten on the head with a hammer, by her brother-in-law, John Kernaghan, several days since, died on the 24th. The news of her death was immediately telegraphed to the old City Hall anil a charge of murder entered against Kernaghan. When he was informed that his victim was dead aud that tils cruel deed was consummated, his face paled and he shrank back in his cell. It is believed that he will be hung. He is pro noun :ed by all to be a brutal, cold-blooded murderer. One subject" to he investigated in the San Francisco Custom House is the unlawful en try of Chinese into the ' United States via Victoria. It is a significant fact that the great majority of Chinese who are. ref aseii landing on fraudulent certificates go to Vic toria. A number of witnesses will be ex amined in regard to shipping Chinese over the border and their shipment to San Fran cisco on the coast vessels. It is stated that the steward of one of the coa3t steamers will testify that a number of Chinese are re turning to California on the coast steamers who have been previously seen departing from here. After having been refused landing on the fraudulent certificates) the steward rertgnized'-the Ohitlese aud says he furnished food to them on the passage up and down. until wiiti kmuui; We will inaugurate on Saturday, October 31st, a Special Clothing Sale of Intending purchasers of warm garments are respectfully requested to call and take a look through. The subjoined list' will give but a remote idea of the bargains I have secured for this important sale: 10 Mens Heavy Cassimere suits at 6.50, worth IJ8.50. 10 Mens Oregon City suits at $12.50, worth $15.00. lj Mens fine ldack dress suits at 15.00, worth $20.00. 20 pair assorted cassimere pants, big drive. 10 boys suits 12 to 16 years at $o.00, worth $7.03. i 20 heavy Josie suits 6 to 12 years at $3.50. See them. 10 Mens heavy overcoats at $6.00. Sold some last year at $8.50 24 Mens duck vests, blanket lined at 90c, worth Si .50. 30 Boys Cassimere vests at 50c, some worth 1.50. 24 pair Mens black rubber legging at 75c. " 24 units red flannel underwear at $2.65 a suit. 12 Mens long black rubber coats at $1.75, worth 24 Mens heavy mixed undershirts at 40c. 24 doz 3 ply linen collars at $1.00 per doz. $3.00. A lot of boys and childrens overcoats at a Big Discount. A lot of mens odd coats at nearly half price. All of the above are a Special PURCHASE AT A BANKRUPT SAL '-Aiid will be kept apart from our regular stock for 30 days. Each garment marked in Red Figures, from which there will be no deviation ONE PK1CE .CASH STOKE. ULiNT Gorvallis, Oregon. WASHINGTON NEWS. The case of C. A. Buckley, the democratic leader of San Francisco who is charg. d with contempt of court for having, as al iened, accepted 500 on a promise to . ad-. vance the assessment cases of Connet and Parker against the city of San Francisco, came up for heariug last Monday before the supreme court. ' Buckley filed an affidavit- lenying all the charges. The Chinese six companies of San Fran cisco h ive issued a proclamation deserib ng the treatment of Chinese in the United States. The proclamation embraces tnt troubles that took place in Eureka, Cal., .Seattle, aad Rock Springs, and estimites the dam ige which the Chinese sustained. Copies have been forwarded to the Chinese ministers at Washington, who, it is sup posed, will make a basis of a claim against the United States government. The case against Melius, United Sates dc -puty marshal, charged with having at tempted to bribe United States Custom In spector Hawes of San Francisco to allow Chinamen to come ashore, was dismissed last Monday by United States Commissioner Sawyer. d vices receive ! in San Francii-co state that the English hop crop will b : 150,000 cwts. short of what it was estimated. Indian owners of the reserve opposite Victoria have commenced action acainst tne Dominion government for appropriating a portion of the r.-serve for immigrant pur poses, A remarkable burglary occurred at Vic t ria at this week. A night watchman, passing Cluy's grocery store, found the door ij.-ir. Pushing ifopen he was collared by a burglar, who held a pistol to his head until .he watchman backed out, when the burg ,.is ran off. Two shots fired in the rear idled to stop them. Ou inspecting the r anises it was found that the cracksmen lis i been at work on the safe in the Saloon, ,n l s-ic.eeded in borina two holes into the door, close to the combination lock. The ivork was almost finished, and in another halt hour or perhaps, less, they would have affected an entrance, blowing out the lock, p..,. tools with which they had worked, braces, bits, hammers, etc., were left be uind. and r.re now in possession of the po lice "Hnle-in-thfi-Day," gre.it grandson of the famous Cifcppewa chief J that name, is in Washington with Minnesota influence to se cure from the preai let an appointment to He Eilih shippers are rtfusiu ' to assist cat .. k ..i. lii-i. iT.. K...ft tho! '.Vest Point when a vacancy occurs. He is men h ti'na nhw cuo, m w - Cork Packet company. The cattlemen have young, t in a:, t s,,m,, ." chartered a Danish steamer to convey their , possessing personal appearance, with but. cattle to England. ""le to suggest tn.uau uioou ... .cmw. A United States lish commission cir left Washington last Monday with carp to sup ply applicants iu Misnuri, Nebraska, Wy oming, Idaho; Utah, t'olorado and Kansas -The car will go via St. Louis and Omaha to Ogden, and will return via Cheyenne, Den ver and Kansas City to St. Louis. Another car will leave there Wednesday night for Portland, Or., and will supply en route all applicants in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Dakota, Montana, Washington territory and Oregon. The decrease in the postal revenues for the past fiscal year is larger than- expected. The law to reduce letter postage from 3 to 2 cents was eriacted anout two years ago. For the last three-quarters of the fiscal year ihe effect npon the revenua was considera ble. This was attributed in a large meas ure to the great increase in the number of 2 cent stamps that were used to inclose busi ness circulars. It had been expected that this iuc-ease would continue, so there would not be a large reduction in the ostal revenues, but this expectation has has not been realized. The first complete fiscal year under operation of the reduced postage, law closed on the 30th of last June. It was not a good business year, It had been supposed that the deficiency would not be more than $4,000,000. -On the contrary, it will be about $7,OJJ,O03. These figures are not to be taken as accurate, as the pres ident's wish that the bureau reports shall not be given to the public in advance of his message makes it impossible to obtain exact figures. Tlie pa dication of proposed recommenda tions by the president in regard to changes in the administration of Indian affairs, has caused quite a stir among officials in the In dian office and it is likely that the old fight between those who advocate turning over the entire management of the Indians to the war department and those who bedeve the affairs of the red men shuu! I be wholly con trolled by civilia ns, will be renewed with great vigor. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, com manding the departtnont of the Mi-sonri, receoinmouds tiio turning over of Indian territory to the military n mora Satisfacto ry to the Indians, wh h is beeu crowded into unhealthy campa; tint it will save $100,- 00 ) a year to the gjvem.-aent, and clear, .ut tlie outlaws. A fn -o Lt r Euifiue'er Melville called upon the secretary of war last Tuesday, to ask for his.co- -perafi-on in Sttiu; out another Arctic expqdirtou at great expense. Secre tary Endieotl i splied "Sc far as my obser vation exLeo is, Arctic explorations "-principally result iu breeding lectures on Arctic subjects, flooding the country with Artie literature, and furnishing curiosities for dime museums. . Holding these opinions, I cannot conscientiously aid Mr. Melville in his desires. " The postoffice department has rendered a decision declaring that postal cards having a special delivery stamp affixed, shall be im. mediately delivered, the saira as letters with the extra stamp on them. . SUMMONS. In the CircuitCourt of the state of Oregan for Ben ton county: J. w. ROSS. Plaintiff, JACOB A. KENOYER ) and ' SARAH K. KENOYER j Defendants. To Jatob A. Kenoyer and 'Sarah E. Kcnoyer the above named defendants; in the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby summoned and required appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff now on file with the clerk of tlie above entitled court against you in this suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court it being the 16th day of November, 1883, and you are hereby notified that ft you fail to answer saiJ complaint as required herein said plaintiff will apply to the court fes the relief prayed for in said complaint to-wit: a decree against you for the sum of ?400 dollars together with interest thereon at the rut; of eight per cent, ner annum from the r.th day of November, 1878, and for the foreclos ure of the merbiage mentioned in said cnmpUtnt and to secure the paynwmi of said sum of 9400 and lutir est as aforesaid, upon the following described prem ises to-wit: Beginning at a iionit in the center of Mary's rirar due east of the northeast corner of Jackson Zink's lanu claim, thence west to a leaning oak tree about one foot thro-ign on the top of the hill abt ut one rod cast of the gate on the line between GL W. Boss and Jackson Zink, thence east of north to a point five rode north of a lone flr tree, (the point mentioned here is about due west from tlie road passing J. g. Felgar'a dwelling house,) thence running east to the center of Marvs river, thence south down along Mar; s river to the place of beginning, containing 18 acres more or less. Also lot No. 2 i-. Section 10, Township 12, south of range (j west of the Willamette meridian and containing 12 and 57-100 acres, all situated In Benton county, Oregon, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit and for such other and further relief as may be quitable and just. This summons is published by order of the Bon. &, .S. Bean, Judge of wud court which bears date of Sep. tember 30th. 1885. J. W. RAYBCRN, 227t Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. Is hereby given by the undermined Administrator of the estate of Smiley Carter deceased, that he has? filed his accounts for a final settlement of said treat in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county, and that Monday the loth day of .November 1885, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day is the time fixed by aaid conrt to, examine the same and hear objections thereto. TOLBEKT CARTER, Administrator of the estate of Smiley Carter 4,-. ceased. Dated this 16th day of October 1885. 22-42.SI NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregou City , Oregon Sept. 14. 188&. Notice is hereby given that the fejloe-lae-uuuej settler has filed notice of hi intention to wake anal proof in support ot bis claim, and that Slid lr will be made before the County Clark, ot Befc,. county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday. Oct. Slaly 1885, ric Henry Qerber, Homestead Entry Ku. :VU2 for the a 1-2 of N- E. 1-4. jmlb.Wol N. W. M otScc. 24, T. 11, S- R..BW. He names the, following witnesses to prove his oon tmuuus resilience, upon, and cultivation, el. sai land, viz; Oliver WltJiam, Charles WUhwn, P. H. Jehnson and ffm, liorgan, all ol CarvalU. Benton Count Oregon. 22-88. iv UT, UAfUN, Register, . I It