THE OLD HOME, SARAH DOUDNEY. "Return, return," the voices cried, "To your old valley, far away; For softly on the river tide The tender lights and shadows play, And all the banks are gay with flowers, And all the hills are sweet with thyme; Ye cannot find such bloom as ours In yon bright foreign clime!" And still "Return, return," they sung, "With us abides eternal calm; In these old fields, where you were young, We cull the heart's-ease and the balm; For us the flocks and herds increase, And children play around our feet; At eve the sun goes down in peace Return, for rest is sweet." For me, I thought, the olives grow. The sun lies warm upon the vines; An 1 yet, I will arise and go To that dear valley dim with pines. Old lotfee are dwelling there, I said, Untouched by years of change and pain; Old faiths that 1 had counted dead Shall rise and live again. Then I arose and crossed the sea, And sought that home of younger days; No love of old was left to me (For love has wings and seldom stays); But there are graves upon the hill, And sunbeams shining on the sod, knd low winds breathing "Peace, be still; Lost things are found in God." Good Words. THE FIRST CLOUD. "It was to meet such difficulties as this that tontines" "Bother!" I wrote the first sitting at my desk, and said the last aloud, impatiently well, there, angrily for Mattie had bounced into the room, run to the back of my chair, and clapped her hands over my eyes, exclaiming: "Oh, Dick, what a shame! And you promised to come up and dress!" "I do wish you would not be so childish!" I cried, snatching away her hands. "There's a blot you've made on my manuscript." "Don't be cross, sir! "she said, laugh ing, as she gave a waltz around the room, making hjr pretty silk dress whisk over one of thechairs, which she merrily picked up, and then, comingto my writing table, she took a rose out of a basket of flowers andbeganto ar range it in her hair. "I am not cross," I said, coldly, "but engaged in a serious work of a mercantile and monetary nature. You seem to think men ought always to be butterflies." "No, I don't Dick, dear," she cried "There, will that do?" She held her head on one side for me to see the creamy rose nestling in her crisp, dark hair; but after a glance at it, I let my eyes fall upon my desk, and went on writing my pamphlet. I saw that she was looking wistfully at me, but I paid no heed and then she came and rested her hands upon my shoulder. "Are you going to be cross with me, Dick?" she said, softly. "Cross? No!" I jerked out impatient ly. "Only I thought I had a married a woman, and she has turned out to be a child." There was silence then for a few min utes, broken only by the scratching of my pen. The little hands twitched a little as they lay upon my shoulder, find I nearly wrote down, instead of J'The calculations arrived by the pro jectors on tontines," "Richard Mar low, how can you be such a disagree able wretch?" 'But, of course, I did not write it only thought it and then I felt wonderfully disposed to turn around, snatch the little figure to my breast, and kiss away the tears which I knew were gathering in her eyes. Somehow'or other, though, I did not do it only went on glumly writing for I was cross, worried and annoyed. I had set myself a task that necessi tated constant application, and I was not getting on as I could wish; so, like many more weak-minded individuals of the male sex, instead of asking for the comforts and advice of my wife, I visited my disappointment upon the first weak object at hand, and that ob ject was the lady in question. "Please, Dick, dear, don't be angry with me. I can't help feeling very young and girlish; though I am your wife. I do try, oh, so hard, to be womanly; but, Dick, I am only eigh teen and a half." "Thirteen and a half I should say," I said scornfully, just as if some sour spirit was urging me to say biting, sar castic things, that I knew would pain the poor gin; but for the life of me, I could not help it. There was no answer only a little sigh and the hands were withdrawn. I went on writing rubbish that I knew I should have to cancel. "Had you not better get ready, Dick," said Mattie, softly. "You said you would come, when I went upstairs, and the Wilson's won't like it if we are late." "Hang the Wilsons," I growled. There was another pause, filled up by the scratch, scratch of one of the noisiest pens I ever used, and another little sigh. i Mattie was standing close behind me, but, I did not look around, and at last she glided gently to a chair and sat down. "What are you going to do?" I said, roughly. Wait for you, Dick dear," she re plied. "You need not wait. Go on, I shan't come. Say I've a headache say anything!" "Dick, are you ill?" shesaid, tender ly, as she came behind me once more and rested her hand on my shoulder. "Yes no pray don't bother. Go on. Perhaps I'll come andfetchyou." There was another pause. "Dick, dear, I'd rather not go with out you," she said, meekly. "And I'd rather you did go without me," I said, angrily. "The Wilsons are our best friends, and I won't have tfiem slighted." "Then why not come, Dick?" said the little woman, and I could see that she was struggling bravely to keep back the tears. "Because I've no time for such friv olity. There, you've wasted enough of my time, sogo." Scratch, scratch, went that exas perating pen, as I went on writing more stuff to cancel, and yet too weak and angry to leave off like a sensible man, run up and change my things, and ac company my little wife to the pleasant social gathering a few doors lower down the road. She had been looking forward to the visit as a treat. So had I till that gloomy fit came over me; but as I had taken the step already made, I felt that I could not retreat without look ing foolish; so I acted with the usual wisdom displayed by man under such circumstances, and made matters much worse. "Did you hear me say that I wished yon to go alone?" I said, angrily. "Yes, yes, Dick dear, I'll go if you wish," Mattie said, very meekly; "but indeed I'd far rather stay at home." "You are desired to go; you have a rose in your hair," I said, sarcastical lyoh, what a poor satire when it was put there to please me "and they ex pect you; so now go and enjoy your self," I added, by way of a sting to my sensible speech. "I can't enjoy myself, Dick," she said, gently, "unless you come too. Let me stay." "I desire you to go!" I exclaimed, banging my hand down on the desk. She looked at me with the big tears standing in her eyes, and then, coming nearer, she bent over me and kissed my forehead. "Will you come and fetch me,Dick?" she said, softly. "Yes no perhaps I don't know," I said, roughly, as I repelled her ca resses. And then, looking wistfully at me, she went slowly to the door, glided out and was gone. That broke the spell, and I started from my seat, more angry than ever. I was wroth with her now for obeying me so meekly, and I gently opened the door, to hear her call the maid to ac company her as far as the Wilsons.' The I heard them go heard the girl return, and I was alone. Alone? Well not exactly, for so to speak, I was having an interview with my angey self, asking how I could let a feeling of annoyance act upon my bet ter nature, and make me behave as I had to thesweet girlish being who, dur ing the six months we had been mar ried never looked at me but with eyes of love. "Change your things and go after her," something seemed to sav; but I repelled it, threw my writingdesk aside, kicked off my boots, snatched my slip pers out of the closet, thrust the easy chair in front of the lire, threw myself into it, and then, with my feet on the fender and my hands in my pockets, I sat, morose, bitter and uncomfortable, gazing at the glowing embers. "She had no business to go!" I ex claimed. "She knew I was up all last night writing that miserable book, and was out of sorts, and she ought to have stayed." Then I reviewed the past half hour, and grew calmer as I leaned back, knowing as I did that I had forced her to go, poor child, and how miserable she would be. "She'll forget it among all those peo ple," I said bitterly. B::t I did not believe it. and at last I sat there calling myself an idiot, blind, madman, to plant as I had the first seeds of what might grow into a very upas tree of dissension, andblight the whole of our married life. "Poor little darling!" I said at last; "I'll wait up till she comes home, and then tell her how sorry I am for my folly, and ask her forgiveness. But as a man, can I do that? Will it not be weak? Never mind," Iexclaimed, "I'll do it! Surely, there can be no braver thing than to own one's self in the wrong. Life is short to blur it with petty quarrels. And suppose she were taken ill to-night my darling whom I love with all my heart? Or suppose she went too near the fire and her dress caught alight? There, how absurd! Thank goodness, she is in silk, and not in one of those fly-away mus lins!" I sat on, musing, till suddenly there was a buzz outside the house, and then the rush of feet, I fancied I heard the word "fire!" repeated again and again, and, turning to the window, there was a glow which lighted up the whole place. I dashed down the stairs and out of the door, to find the road thronged, for a house a little lower down was in flames, and, to my horror, I had not taken a dozen steps before I found it our friend's, the Wilsons. There was no engine, but a crowd of excited people talked eager ly; and just then the fire escape came trundling along the road. It was quite time, for the house as I reached it, was blazing furiously, the flames darting out in long, fiery tongues from the upper windows, while at several there were people piteously crying for help. I fought my way through the crowd, and tried to run up to the house, but half a dozen officious people held me back, while the men with the fireescape tried to rear it against the house; but it would not reach because of the gar den in front, so that they had to get the wheels of the escape over the iron railings, and this caused great delay. "Let me go!" I panted to those who held me. "Let me go! Some one some one is in the house!" "You can't do any good, sir." said a policeman, roughly. "The escape men will do all that can be done." But I struggled frantically, and got loose, feeling all the while a horrible, despairing sensation, as I knew that my poor darling was one of the shriek ing suppliants for help at the windows, and that but for my folly I might have saved her. As I freed myself from those who held me, and ran to the escape, it was to find that the man who had ascend ed it had just been beaten back by the flames. "It's no good," he said; "we must try the back of the house." He was about to drag the machine awav. when T heart? mv nam nailed in piteous tones; and as I was once more seized, I shook myself free, rushed up the ladder, with the flames scorching and burning my face and panting and breathless, I reached a window where Mattie stood stretching out her hands. I got astride of the sill, the flames being wafted away from me, and threw my arms around her; but as I did so the ladder gave away, burned through by the flames that gushed furiously from the lower window, and I felt that I must either jump or try to descend by the staircase. There was no time for thinking, so 1 climbed in, lifted Mattie in my arms, feeling her dress crumble in my hands as I touched her, and the horrible odor of burnt hair rose to my nostrils as I saw her wild, blackened face turned to mine. "Dick, Dick!" she gasped, "save me!" and then she fainted. Fortunately, I was as much at home in the house as my own, and making for the stair-case through the flame and smoke, I reached it in safety, but below me was what seemed to be a fiercely blazing furnace. I recoiled for a moment, but it was my only hope, and I recalled that the lower floor was as yet untouched by the fire; it was the one beneath me that was blazing so furiously. So, getting a good tight grip of my treasure, I rushed down the burning stairs, feeling them crackle and give way as I bounded fromoneto the other. It was a fiery ordeal, but in a few seconds I was below the flames, and reached the hall, where I struggled to the door, reached it and fell. If I could but open it I know we were saved; but I was exhausted, and the hot air caught me by the throat and seemed to strangle me. I raised my hand to the lock, but it fell back. I beat feebly at the door but there was only the roar of the flames to answer me; and as I made one more supreme effort panting and struggling to reach the fastening, I was dragged back by the weight of the burden I still clasped to my breast. It was more than human endurance could bear, and I felt that theendwas near; and to make my sufferings more poigant, Mattie seemed to revive, struggling with me for her life, as she kept repeating my name, and clung to me, till "Dick dear Dick! Wake pray wake! Are you ill?" I started up to find Mattie clinging to me; and, clasping her to my heart a great sob burst from me as I kissed her passionately again and again, hardly able to believe my senses. "Oh, Dick" she panted, "you did frighten me so! I couldn't stay to supper at the Wilson's dear, for I could do nothing but think about your being here alone, and cross with me. So I was so miserable, Dick, that I slipped away and came home, to find you lying back here, panting and strug gling; you wouldn't wake whenlshook you. Were you ill?" ' "Oh, no, not at all," I said, as I kiss ed her again and again, feeling now for the first time sensible of a smarting pain in one foot. "You have burnt yourself too, Dick. Look at your foot. It was quite true; the toe of one slipper must have come in contact with the fire; and it was burned com pletely off. "But, dear Dick," she whispered, nestling closer to me, "are you very angry with your little wife for being such a girl?" I could not answer, only thank God that my weak fit of folly was past, as I clasped her closer and closer yet. "Mattie," I said at last in a very husky voice, "can you forgive me for being so weak?" I could say no more, for the hind rance of two soft lips placed on mine; and while they rested there I made a vow I hope I shall have strength to keep; for real troubles are so plenty it is folly to invent the false. At last, when I was free, I took the rose out of her hair and placed it in my pocketbook; while, in answer to the inquiring eyes that were bent on mine, I merely said, "For a momento of a dreadful dream." By the way, I never finished that pamphlet. COL. CHIDESHER' S BET. What He Won on Zacliary Taylor and Hil Story of It. I bet everything I had, money, house and home, and farm, pasture land, stock, wagons, harness, clothes, and everything you could think of. As long as I had credit I bet it. Then one day I bet my hat, coat, vest, pants and shoes, and I was five miles from home at that. But I was sure Taylor would be elected. I bet on his election by different majorities; on his living to be elected, and had side-bets of all shorts and shapes. In those days I used to drive round this was in Mis sissippi a band of music and six pounder cannon, and I tell you we had rousing times and stirring speeches. But my man had got elected, as I knew he would, and I calculated when I figured it up for I had a clerk to keep track of my bets that I had won $30,000 in gold. I collected all of the bets, too. One man didn't like to give up a mule he had bet it was the only one he had and so I took his mule and gave him another and a better one, and to-day he writes me every month and says what a good fellow I am. And when I knew I had won I kept open house for a week and invited the whole county. I had char coal made by the thousand bushels and oxen cooked whole in trenches, I don't know how long. I decorated every post, flagpole, chimney, lightning-rod and tree-top in the vicinity with the American flag, and when the flags gave out I sent for more. We fir ed a salute of thirty-three guns one for each State then every morning be fore breakfast, and again in the even ing, and I guess I had over 700 people at my house for a whole week and more, eating and drinking and making mer ry. And after I had deducted all my expences I had about $6,000 left. Cor. St. Louis Globe Democrat. Orange Growing- in Florida. Correspondence of the New York Sun.. "How long does it take an' orange ; grove to come into bearing?"' The i question was asked by a northern man in an earnest, deliberate way, ; that was intended to evoke a candid reply from the orange grower to whom it was put. "How long is a piece of string?" re turned the orange grower. If he had been disposed to attempt an answer he might have1 said truth fully that an oronge grove will "come into bearing" in from six months to 15 or 20 years from the time of start ing it, and that whether the interval i is half a year or a fifth of a century depends almost wholly upon the wish of the owner. There is a colored man in this town 1 who has in his grove a number of trees whose topmost leaf is less than 18 inches above the ground, and whose ti ny branches are now weighed down by young fruit. Their trunks are about half an inch in diameter. . Kneeling down over one of these miniature trees, so as to have his subject well in hand, he said: ! "This tree is a sweet bud on a na tive stem. The- sour stem was set out here a year ago last spring. It was a sprout one or two years old when I took it from the nursery. I don't know which. The bud was put in last . September. In March the tree was so full of bloom that it looked like a bou quet. The life of a tree is counted from the time it was put in the ground whether as a seed or a sprout if it is a sweet tree, and from the time of putting in the buds if a sour tree. So you see here a tree that was in bloom, or 'in bearing,' when it was six months old." i Within half a mile of this colored i man's grove is a grove in which are 50 or 60 sweet seedling trees that are 13 years old. The largest of them are about 15 feet tall, with tops 10 feet in diameter and trunks 16 inches in circumference. Only one of them I has ever borne a blossom, and that one now has four oranges on it its : first crop. This grove has never been properly tended, and has had no fer : tilizer worth mentioning put on it. An orange grower of considerable ex I perience said: "A sweet bud cut from a bearing tree may have within itself i 'the germ and potency' of twigs that , will straightway bear blossoms, or it i may not be such a bud. In the former ! case the twigs and the blossoms are ; bound to come out if the bud can be ' kgpt alive. If it could be kept alive I inserted in the cork of a bottle I don't know but i would be possible to show a beer bottle bearing a full crop of j young oranges within six months after i it left the brewe;y. Now, if the roots ! of the sour tree are sufficient to sup : ply nutriment in the necessary quan- tity to the youngbud the little oranges ' may stay on andripen, otherwise they I will fall off. If the oranges on the col ored man's six months' old bud don't drop off pretty soon the tree itself will drop off. The probabilities are that that tree, if allowed to have its own way, will drop its fruit for three or four years, and will then begin to ripen half a dozen oranges a year, growing less new wood each year, and finally standing still a stunted shrub that will bear maybe 50 or 60 oranges at a ;rop. "Now about the big, sweet seedlings that have not begun to bear," the or ange man went on. "They are an ex treme case, as much as the colorod man's half-year-old bearing grove is. They have been growing under the temporary disadvantage of almost en tire neglect. Fortunately the soil had enough in it to keep them alive and making healthy wood, though slowly. Maybe next year, and maybe not till three or four years later they will show bloom. The first crop ought to be, perhaps 100 oranges to the tree, the second close to 500, and the third fully 1,000. If the colored man had Elanted a sweet seed at the same time e put the bud in his sour stem that is now 'in bearing,' as they say, the probability is that he would have got a profitable tree from the seed as soon as from the bud, in ease the bud didn't begin bearing so early as to prevent it ever making a valuable tree. "How soon would I expect to havea grove that would pay for taking care of itself and return a satisfactory profit on the investment if I began making it now? Well, in 10 years provided oranges brought the same price then as they bring now." The matter of fertilizing has a good deal to do with the growing of orange trees in all except the few favored spots where the soil does not require such re enforcement. The colored orange grower mentioned in the foregoing was unabletobuy fertilizers; so hefertihzed with fish caught in the St. John's river with a seine and drawn up on his mule cart. He conducted this work after the manner of an independent and original investigator. "This yertree.said he fondly patting the smooth yellow trunk of a fine seed ling, "is seven years old from the seed, and was raised on shad. Not a bit of fertilizer but fish, "and not a fish but shad has ever been put on it. I al ways boil up the fish. Then I care fully dig away the earth, bury the boiled meat on the fine roots and cov er it with earth. The liquid I use for watering the roots. This shad tree has 2,000 young oranges on it. Over there is a mullet tree. You see it has three trun'-s separating about eight inches from the ground. They were three little trees, standing several inch es apart, and I drew the bodies to gether with my finger and put a wire around them. You can just see a seam in the bark where it has joined. The trunk must be about nine inches through at the bottom, I reckon. Just beyond is a three-year-old bud I am raising on catfish, and those little nur sery trees are fed on chowder made ol all kinds shad, mullet, catfish, bass, Ferch, shiners, trout, and everything, don't guess the kind of fish has any thing to do with the flavor of the fruit. No; the shad tree's fruit don't have any of the flavor of a shaddock." LADY OPERATORS. A. Prediction that They will Soon Handle the Key to the Exclusion of the Men. The telegraphic profession will, we predict, says the current number of the Telegraphers' Advocate, in the course of a few years, be composed of female members entirely. In every large office in the United States, the proportion of male and female em ployes is undergoing a slow but posi tive change. Ten years ago the ratio, was about 30 males to one female operator; five years ago the ratio was reduced to about 1 5 males to 1 female, while to-day it is less than 6 to 3 . At this same rate of growth, in the future, but ten years will be required to bal ance the scales. Fifteen years from to day willfindthefemalemembers in thi majority, and twenty years hence it will be difficult for male operators to pro cure work atthekey, atanyprice. The days of male operators are numbered. The talk that lady operators are physi cally unequal to the task of working heavy circuits, incompetent to receive press, etc., ismere bosh. They can be, and are rapidly being educated to" meet the requirements of the profession. They are reliable, which at once gives them an advantage over the male members. The Western Union's heaviest circuits in the main office for years have been handled by women. Gradually the handful of women con fined to a few city wires in a remote corner of the great operating room has grown to an army, spreading its use fulness to every section and de partment of the company. Five years ago 90 women were employed at 195, today there are over 275. In the city of New York, the Western Union force, five years ago, consisted of about 650 men and 100 women; to-day, not withstanding the natural increase of business, it stands about 500 men and 350 women. While the force has been increased to the extent of 100 operat ors, the male portion thereof has de creased to the extent of about 150. These figures also apply to other sec tions to a greater or less degree. For instance, the heavy New York circuits in Albany are now in the hands of women, who receive $30 and $40 a month less than the men whose places they so recently filled. Of course the saving to the Western Union company is sufficient recompense for any incon venience to which they may be sub jected, while they persistently dwell upon the reliability of the women as compared with the men as a reason for making the changes. A Royal Pedestrian. The empress of Austria is noted for her love of outdoor exercise, to which she doubtless owes much of her beau ty and her superb health. Robert P. Porter, writing from Holland, tells of her pedestrian feats in that country, which she has recently visited: "Ymuiden, a village of 1,500, built within the last few years on reclaimed land, was all agog on account of a re cent visit made by that eccentric wom an, the empress of Austria. One day she took it into her head to inspect the sea walls at Ymuiden. .She bought a pair of wooden shoes, and, with a dress that was short enough to reveal considerable of a beautiful pair of legs, she walked along the beach from a town seven miles from Ymuiden. It was hot; until she threw away the shoes and gave the boatman who row ed her across the harbor two thalers that it dawned upon the Ymuiden mind what an important personage had honored the village by a visit. Said one tall, thin inhabitant of the place, who might have been a western farmer, so far as looks go, "I would have given twenty florins for those shoes." And then added: "She was a fine-looking woman. She tripped along the sands as lightly as a girl of 18, and she didn't look older than that if you had walked behind her. Such a waist she had. Tall and graceful, with a leg and foot any wom an might be proud of. The only thing I didn't like about her was her nose; that is a little red, and her face is sun burned." Such was the tall Ymuiden man's description of the emperor of Anstria's wife. Level-Headed People. Youth's Companion. The custom of using the head as a pack-horse is common among the Chi nese of California and the negroes of the South. On the streets of San Francisco the Chinese washerman is met, stumping along on his thick-soled shoes, as if on little stilts, with a huge basket of clean linen poised on his head. He swings his arms carelessly, his fingers almost hidden from sight by the long square cut sleeves of his queer loosely-fittingcoat. The burden seems to cause neither trouble nor fear. Across streets, through mud, among carriages, he picks his way as uncon cernedly as if walking in a deserted street. Occasionally, if jostled in the crowd, one hand rises suddenly to the basket, steadies that, and then re sumes its easy swing. Many of the negroes in the South use their heads with even greater free dom than Chinese. On their wooly pates a pail, tub, basket, or bundle seems to rest as airily as a swan on the bosom of a lake. Without endangering the head-load, they have learned to loiter along the way to tell a story, or crack a joke with a friend. One day in Richmond, Va., a gentleman met one of these sa ble burden-bearers, and said to him: , "Look out, Sam, or you'll let that basket fall!" "Not dis chile, sah! Nebber fear, sah, nebber fear," was the grinning re ply. "Yo' don' cotch dis chile, lettin' 'er fall. Dis head's lebel, sah; it's leb el." '' . And he danced a double-shuffle with his feet, beating time with hands, while the basket kept time with the swayins body. It swung as jauntily on his head as if attached t here by a ball-and-socket joint. Tombs of the Presidents.. The presidents of the United. States who. are dead are nearly.-all buried in the neighborhood of their homes which they occupied. Washington's tomb, at Mount Vernon, is known to all the world. John Adamsand John Quincy Adams lie beneath the Unitarian Church at Quincy, Mass. The coffins are of lead, placed in cases hewn, from solid blocks of granite. Their- wives are buried with them. John Adams died on the same day with. Jefferson, a strange coincidence itself, but stran ger still, it was on the Fourth of July, i 1826, just a half century after the i Declaration of Independence which j they had joined in making, i Jefferson, like his compatriots, was buried in his family burying ground, at I his home in Monticello. He had writ- ten on. the fly-leaf of an old account j book his wishes concerning it. i "Choose," his memorandum said, some ! "unfrequented vale in the park, where : there is no sound to break the stillness but a brook that bubbling winds among i the woods. Let it be among ancient j and venerable oaks, interspersed with' ! some gloomy evergreens. Appropri ate one-half to the use-of my family, s and the others to strangers, servants,. etc. Let the exit look upon a small j and distant part of the Blue Moun , tains." These directions were substan tially carried out. A little inclosure, i containing some thirty graves, stands : amid the woods on the road that leads from Charlottsville to Monticello, and ' a granite obelisk, much chipped by relic hunters, marks the grave of the ex . president. In the same part of Virginia, in a ' small inclosure near his home in Mont 1 pelier, lies the successor of Jefferson, James Madison, fourth President. Beside him are buried his wife, who died in 1849, surviving him almost thirty years, and two nephews. Two ot her Virginia Presidents Monroe and Tyler lie within a few feet of each other in the fine cemetery of Holly wood, at Richmond. Monroe's death, , like those of John Adams and Jeffer son, fell upon the Fourth of July. He,, too, in 1831, five years after his great : predecessors and elders, marked the nation's birthday by his close. He died in New York a poor man, and his remains were entombed there until in 1858 the Legislature of Vir gina removed them to Hollywood and placed them in a substantial vault, marked by a Gothic temple on a foundation of Virginia granite. Ty ler's grave, nearby, is scarcely marked at all; a little mound with a magnolia tree at the head is pointed out as the spot. The three Tennessee Presidents were ! buried at their homes. Jackson at the i Hermitage, near Nashville, his wife be 1 side him. A massive monument of Tennessee granite marks the place. Polk is buried in Nashville at the old family homestead. He survived Jack son only four years, dying in 1849. The grave is handsomely inclosed, and a block twelve feet square by twelve feet in height bears the inscrip tion. Andrew Jackson's grave is at Green ville,on a spot selected by himself. His three sons have erected a hand some monument of marble on a base of granite. It bears numerous patri otic emblems, a flag, an eagle, a scroll of the Constitution, etc., while the in scription declares: "His faith in the people never wavered." Martin Van Buren lies in the village cemetry at Kinderhook, N. Y., in a family lot, his resting place marked by a modest granite shaft. He died in the summer of 1863, when the civil war was at its height. His successor, Harrison, was buried at his old home at North Bend, on the Ohio, a few miles below Cincinnati. An unfenced mound, over a family vault, formerly neglected, but more recently carefully kept, marks the spot. The dust of Zachary Taylor is now buried in the cemetery at Frankfort, Ky., after several removals. Milard Fillmore's grave is at Forest Lawn Cemetery, three miles from Buffalo, and that of Pierce in the old cemetery at Concord, N. H. Buchanan is bur ied at Woodward Hill Cemetery, j The most magnificent of all the 1 memorials to the dead Presidents is that over the resting place of Lincoln, in the Oak Ridge Cemetery at Spring field, 111. It was dedicated in 1874, and cost 250.000. Garfield is buried in Lake View Cem etery, at Cleveland, where a ground mausoleum has been erected in his honor. Of the eighteen dead Presidents, two only lie in the same place. Two were buried in Massachusetts, two in New York, five in Virginia, three in Tennes see, two in Ohio, and one each in New Hamphshire, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Illinois. Eight lie in private grounds, or family burial places, as in the case of the Adamses at Quincy. The Maharajah of Travancore is certainly worth his weight in gold. He was recently weighed against a mass of pure gold which was afterward dis pensed in charity. This custom is one of great antiquity, and is said to be traceable in Travancore to the fourth century. It is not unknown in other parts of India, though, of course, gold is only used in the caseof wealthy persons, humbler folk being content to weigh themselves against spices or grain. On the present occasion the Maharajah weighed a little over 125 pounds. The Brahmins, it is said, wished to defer the ceremony in the hope that the Maharajah might more nearly approach the weight of his father, who did not undergo the rite until forty-seven years old, when he weighed 218 pounds. A gentleman in town has a trick dog of whose intelligence he is exceedingly proud. In order to demonstrate to a friend the effect of training combined with canine sagacity, he wrapped a silver half dollar and a 25-cent piece in paper, placed it in the dog's mouth and sent him off with it, telling his friend to watch the result. The dog trotted off to the owner's father, who opened his mouth and took therefrom the paper, which, however, contained only the 25-cent piece. The dog had swallowed the half dollar. BuTala Courier.