0 Corvallis Weekly Gazette. IOTJTH. GAZETTE PUBLISHING HOUSE, Pubs. CORVALLIS, OREGON' Every : person living in a period .of which, he can say, "all of which I saw and part of which I was," must be amazed on reading a great deal of the stuff written of that period by a later generation, and finds no difficulty in the way of fully crediting the remark of a writer that "history is made up of falsehoods agreed upon as facts." Oh! stranee inconseauence of vnnf n When days were lived from hand to mouth, And thought ran round an empty ring In foolish, sweet imagining. We handled love in childish far '..ion The name alone and not the nnaainn The world and life were things so small, Our little wit encompassed all! We took our being as our faith For granted, drew our easy breath And rarely stayed to wonder why We were set here to live and die. Vague dreams we had, a grander Fate Our lives would Mold and dominate, Till we should stand some far-off day More godlike than of mortal clay. Strong Fate! we meet thee but to find Taking the country as colored people die out of every 100, 000, while the proportion of white men is only 1,474 in the same number. This shows a prevailing lack of endur ance on the part of the blacks, but this is mere than made up by their fe cundity, especially, in the southern siates where the climate is mild. i A soul and all that lies behind, awhole,!, 28 We lose Youth's Paradise and gai gam A world of duty and of nain. The English Illustrated Magazine. HIS BROTHERS KEEPER. One of the most remarkable features of the late Minnesota State Fair was the good order that prevailed. On days when there were twenty-five to thirty thousand people present there was not a single altercation or angry word, or a single complaint of rude ness. As parson Jasper says, "the world do move." am I, Emory A. Storrs,thenotable Chicago lawyer, who recently died, did not have sufficient property to pay his funeral expenses notwithstandinghis large practice and large fees and his family would be penniless but for the generosity of friends. His manners were easy, his life free, his comrade ships genial and rattling, and the result unfortunate. Three hundred Mormons arrived by steamship in New York. The converts came from Germany, Scandinavia and England. All paid their passage and brobght money,,with them. Several of the women were very good looking. They were informed that they were free to. leave the party, but only one of them, an English widow, remained in New York, all the rest going to Salt Lake City. 83 V ' Mr. Edward Atkinson a Boston statistician has discovered that the average American citizen spends 60 per cent, of his income for food, leav ing only 40 per cent, forrent, clothing, sickness and all other expenses. His idea is, that the cost of food is dispro portionate and should be curtailed. It may1 be doubted whether his figures are correct. If he had said food and drink, and had included tocacco in its various .farms tlisre would be no question asregards the sixty per cent. or even a larger proportion. The battle of North Point, of the war of 1812, has been celebrated for many years at Baltimore, by the sur vivors, who have annually; sat down to,a sumptuous feast, afterwards re freshing their memories by song and story, of the incidents of the affair. There are still five survivors, but this year only one was able to be present, .James R. Murfred, aged 90, and he, as sembling himself at the accustomed iplpee, devoured the dinner in solitude, after-which he participated in a local celebration of the event which it is in tended to perpetuate. A letter from S. M. Blake, of Bellows Falls, ?rtS the veteran astronomical student, makes claim to the priority an the discovery of the new "Star of -the East," which has lately excited so antlCh interest, anfl also makes a par tial and plausible identification of it with the Star of Bethlehem. Mr. Blake had been, scanning the. heavens for some time, expecting to find this star, which was first seen as Harvard Uni versity, Mr.. Blake found it a few days later. He-expects this star to become .a -conspicuous object in the heavens in the course of a year from now, equal ing the planet Jupiter in brightness, and then, after a little, begin to wane, i lo "t onlce 'eayng , , ' , A, , most broken-hearted. .ana iuter two or tnree years Decome lost too view, not to be seen again for Anoiier long period 61" 3l4 years. The New Jersey legislature of 1884 passed a bill forbidding the sale of cig arettes to minors under the age of 16. The penalty for such selling was fixed at $20 for every offense. The object j left supoverTshed that sL had oi tne measure was to stop tne exces- From the Youth's Companion. "I'm not good for much, mother?" The question was asked playfully, but the young man sitting at the j breakfast-table, from which a red-arm-; ed girl was carrying the dishes, threw ! down his paper, and springing up, said, with a flushed face, "No, Dick, you're not good for any- thing!" "Come now!" was the angry re , sponse, and Mrs. Barnes hurried for i ward nervously, for it seemed as if the two brothers would fight. "It's a fact. You are living on us; i you are lazy and you're almost twen ty years oid," said Tom, the eldest. "O boys! boys!" protested the wom ' an, holding out her hands. "Younev ; er quarreled in your life. Don't be : gin now!" "It's time he heard the truth!" mut tered Tom. "But. mother, haven't I tried?" , asked the boy, turning to her, and his ! voice trembled just a little. "You know, Tom, that Dick is deli cate." pleaded the woman. "ies, and that s been his shield long enough, 1 should say. Me s not too delicate to go to all the merry-makings and eat nis snare, and when he gets a good chance in life, he don't know it I'll never try for him again, never!' and out he went, slaming the door be hind him. "I don't see what's got into Tom!' said the widow, distressfully. "I nev er knew him to act so before." "Oh, it's been in him some time,'' muttered Dick, hoarsely. "Ever since he got acquainted with the Mosses That's what's the matter." "Do you really mean it, Dick?" "Of course I do. He likes Miss Anne and he wants to marry and settle down. I'm in the way. I wish father had lived, or I had died with him." "Dick, darling, don't talk so!" "i say i do! L.verytmng was going on ust right. 1 liked my studies, and meant to make a man, though in a different way from Tom. He likes hard work, and can do it. I hate ev erything but books, study and law. 1 don t see why Tom should be so hard on me. I'm trying my best Lawyer Bates said that in less than two years I can make my own way." "My, poor, dear boy! You are do ing your best I know you 'are." "Yes, you think so; you feel so; I'm sure of your sympathy, but you see, Tom wants me to be making money He begrudges me the food I eat, and thinks 1 am shirking, and trying to get along without work, lie never said so before, but I have seen it of late. I can read it in the way he looks at me. "My dear boy! try not to mind it!" said the widow distressfully "I havetried;laughed at his hints.and swallowed my chagrin. liutl can t do it any longer, my self-respect is hurt. All is, I must throw up my place with Eiawyer Bates, and go out to Oregon, and buckle down to hard work." "Dick, I never will consent to it!" said his mother, growing pale. "You, with your delicate constitution, to go away so far from home, from me, when you have always needed to be watched over and cared for! Try not to mind Tom!" "I havedone so, mother, but I can't j pretend to try any longer. Tom wants j to be married to the silliest girl in j the family, too, because she has' a i pretty face and dresses so stylishly. I ! suppose he's not to blame; he's twenty 1 five years old, and doing a fair busi ness. It's only I am in the way. He has tp help me to clothes, you know, and of course my board costs some thing. I might as well say yes. The journey will do me good, maybe, and there's a chance to make money. It's a new place, you know." The conference closed, and Dick went to his office, leaving his mother al- It was such a change from the tender care of her husband, to dependence upon the strong, self-willed man whose word had begun to be law. And it was embar rassing to feel that before long she would only be second in his heart and home. For he called the home his, though his mother had bought it with her own money years before, and fur- nisnea it herself. But now she was ly, turned on his heel and left th room. ' "Come to his senses at last," said Tom, reflectively, yet with certain un easy twinges, as he remembered the most unnatural brilliancy of thedark, pathetic eyes, so like his father's. "Pshaw! it will do the fellow good to knock round the world a little. He has been tied quite too long to his mother's apron-strings. And as to law there are too many lawyers al ready. He will thank me before the year is out, and mother, too." Dick broached the idea to his friend Lawyer Bates, who tried all in his power to dissuade him. Mounting a Dromedary. From Loring's "A Confederate Soldier an Egypt" This is accomplished as follows: A Bedouin by divers jerks first succeeds in coaxinsr or forcing the animal down on his knees, with a snap like that of double-bladed jackknife. Yhila one holds his head awav to keep him from biting, another ties his fore-legs to eretber. and then to secure them stands upon them, inviting yon to mount and fix vonrself in the exeerabla saddle. In the meantime the dromedary is utter "You've the making of an excellent ing the most agonizing cries of distress lawyer in you," he said, "and you are Suddenly the Bedouin looses the strap aive use of them by boys. It is now a year and a half since the bill received the governor's approval, but not one asef the carrying out of the law has been. reported. ' Itliaabeenpractically a dead letter ey-er since its passage, as it ought to be and will be wherever enacted. Such laivs are not ex actly "sumptuary laws," such as are prohibited fty theeonstitution,but they are not very dissimilar, and can not be executed. If the use of cigar ettes may be prohibited to minors, why not tobaccx in any form, the ex cessive use of confect ionary, coffee and many other things that are not bene ficial to you.th.or "even children of larg er growth." means to pay the taxes, and her health was poor. If Tom would onlv wait! Rut. nr- I Tom believed that Dic k was lazy; that nits studying law was Dut a iarce; that he should bb no more exempt from hard work than himself. And he had just .had such a splendid situation of fered for him, that it angered him be yond measure when Dick declined, "gentleman Dick," as he sneeringly called him. Besides, he did wish to marry, but would not while he fancied Dick an incumbrance. That night the brothers met for a few moments; the mother was not in the room. "Have you written yonr friend in Oregon?" asked Dick, and something in bis handsome, intellectual fciee re buked hi.s elder brother ho an swered, "Xo; I shall write to him to-nic;ht." 'Tell kim liuixeo'z" said Dick, short- getting along wonderfully. If you will go off so far, why don ' t you wait till you get your diploma? That 's thebusiness you were made for." But all the talk did no good, and in wardly calling him a fool, the man turned to the papers oefore him. How could Dick tell him that he was an unwelcome guest in his mother's house? "Die in a year," the lawyer muttered afterwards, when somebody spoke to him about it . "The boy isn't made for hard work, and he'll find it out." The year passed. Tom had been six months married, and had brought his pretty, helpless bride to his home, hired extra servants, and seemed as happy as a lord. He did not notice the in creasingpallor of his mother'sfaee, the heart-broken look that told how she missed thoughtless, warm-hearted, lov ing Dick. He had always made such a pet of his little, gentle mother, and now she felt as if she were almost for gotten. Her son and his wife were kind to her but oh, she wanted the clasp of lovingarms about her neck, and the kiss of a son, sometimes. Her only solace was the reception of the letters t.lia.t, eriTne at, first, pvpcv week but of late there had been great ! without gaps between. He laughed in his let ters, but sobbed as he folded them; she never should know never! He had enjoyed the novelty of the trip, and the new associations among winch he was thrown, tor atime. The work which he was expected to do was entirely beyond his strength, and the persons with whom he was thrown in contact were rough and uncultivated. He had been accustomed to delicate and nourisning food; that which he tried to eat was coarse, badly prepar ed and nhholesome. Day after day he labored from early moin till late at night, leaving for his place of lodgment so exhausted that the best meal would have been distastful. As the weak ness increased, he fought bravely against it, and yet the longing for home the almost agonized desire to look upon his mother's face once more added to his physical sufferings. "That boy looks like a ghost," said some one, to his employer. "Yes; not fit for the business," was his reply, "but the poor fellow is try ing very hard." "O mother! mother! I am coming home. I must come home," he wrote, at the conclusion of the year. "I thought so," said practical Tom, with a clouded brow, when his mother read him the letter, her voice trembling. "You made a baby of him for all time he'll never be a man!" Little bethought howprophetic were his words! The next letter said, "Expect me by the third of next month at latest." The next written in a strange hand, "Dear Madam, I amsorry to write you bad news. Your son was getting ready to start for home, when he broke down. He was never strong enough for the work, and I told him so, months ago, but he would not give up. There was good metal in him but I think he mourned too much for his home and his mother. Just before he died, he said, 'If I could only see my mother for one moment, I could die happy!' " Why need we follow the letter? Tom broke down, for once, when the news forced itself upon him. The mother went rapidly to the grave, and to this day there is a look in Tom's face, which neither care nor bodily suffering put there only consciousness t hat having been his brother's keeper, he failed in both duty and affection, and for the rest of his life must pay the penalty and bounds from the animal's legs;. an other terrible grunt and yon discover that vou are on top of this living ma chine, waiting patiently further develop ments, with your hands grasping the horns in front. The animal raises his foreauarters with a bound, and this sticks the front horn into your stomach while you are pressing upon it to keep in a horizontal position; that done, up pro the hind quarters with another jerk and this time the rear horn sticks you in the back. You are onlv too glad to get the rear punch in token of the com plete business. While the animal was opening his hinges I was thoroughly impressed with the dizziness of several hundred feet. It is best not to strike these beasts too much, for if beaten they are certain to stand still and de liberately turn their long necks and try to bite a piece out of your legs. It then becomes necessary to stick to them, in order to avoid their fury, until, toy gen tie patting, they are made to move on amicably again. Their walk is rough but they trot with comparative case carrying the head up and tail straight in the air, and looking very gay as they rapidlv move along. With your sack of water and leather thong they can much inconvenience, travel from 50 to 80 miles a day. But in mak ing this swift passage through the heated air, reflected from the burning sands, you are literally roasted, and this rubbing and twisting your loins and galling your hands in the effort to hold on, makes dromedary riding painful operation to those not accus tomed to it. The Course of True Love. From the Heraldsburg (Cal.) Enterprise. It was one day last week, and in the city of Cloverdale, that a wedding had been given out to take place; all the necessary preparations had been made and the guests had all assembled, when lo and behold! it was discovered that the license had been issued by the Clerk of Mendocino county, in place of So noma. It had so happened that one of Healdsburg's ministers had been en gaged and was on the ground ready to perform the ceremony, and it can be better imagined than described the consternation that was produced when the divine informed the contracting parties that a marriage license issued in Lkiah was not ust the proper au thority to perform the marriage cere mony in Cloverdale, as that burg hap pened to be in another county. At this time the dinner was almost on the table, and many of the guests were standing on their tiptoe of ex citement, and what was to be done was on the tongue of every One. The thoughtful minister informed them that it was only three miles to the Mendocino county line, and when that point was passed the existing docu ment would assume legal authority. As soon as these words had fallen from the minister's lips a rush for the livery stables commenced, and teams follow ed teams in quick succession until all the guests were on flying wheels in the direction of Mendocino line. When this was crossed and a friendlv shade had been found, the party alighted and the happy couple were made one. Then all returned to the place where the tables were loaded with the ehnir-- eat dainties of the land. A lasting ex ample was impressed upon the minds of those present that three miles make a wonderful distance when on the wrong side of the county line. The Cholera. From the Boston Traveller. A noted German physician predicts that the rhoiera, which started in the south of Europe, will extend over both continents. Thirty years ago the same prediction was made, but little heed was taken to it. The Spring of 1854 was similar to the spring of 1884 late and cold. The cholera reached New Orleans some time in June, swept up the Mississippi river to Cairo, divided there and swept on in the direction up the Ohio river to the Wabash, then fol lowed the Wabash river and the Wabash canal through Indiana and Ohio till it reached Lake Erie. Prom this point it swept onward to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Detroit, decimating many of the cities and towns along its march, causing business to be suspended and putting an entire stop to work on the great railroads then in pro cess ot construction. At Ogdens burg, on liake Ontario, or rather at its outlet, the St. Lawrence, it received a check. The seaboard cit ies which suffered so seriously in 1832 and 1849 escaped. The cause and the course of the cholera are alike mysterious no satisfactory explanation nas yet been given. That it exists is sufficient- But that it can be staved in its course and checked in its progress by timely precautions is equally true August and September are the months which in this latitude it finds its great est feeder, and too much care and pre caution on the part of those who control the sanitary department in oar great cities can not be taken. An unobstruct ed flow through the sewers and drains is one important measure for prevention ; the constant cleanliness of the streets another, and compulsory cleanliness en forced in quarters where the population is dense and ventelation poor, still an other. It would be surprising to those not familiar with the subject to know what foulness can arise from a small lo cality in a large city to spread disease and death through all its territory. Cause of Pneumonia. Pneumonia, with rare exceptions, ex tends from the lungs to the lining mem brane cf the chest (pleura), and hence is really pleuro-pneumonia. Its seat is not the mucous membrane of the bron chial tubes, as is that of bronchitis; nor the general substance of the lungs, as is that of lung fever, but the air cells and the neighboring minute tubes (bronchi oles), which are wholly destitute of a mucous membrane. Sometimes it is al most an epidemic. It often attacks more than one member of the family. Pleuro-pneumonia among horses is a very contagious disease, and has some times gone through the land, bringing ordinary business to a stand still. What is the cause of pneumonia? One medical writer says that "neither colds, bronchitis, pleurisy, asthma, nor any other lung affection induces it; that, in a large proportion of cases, is not referable to any obvious causative agency, that, when it appears to follow exposure to a cold, it is probable that this acts only as an exciting cause, co operating with the action of a special cause." What is this special cause? This question has received no answer until recently. German investigators of the highest character believe they have at length found it in a microscopic para site, thus placing pneumonia among the germ diseases. The parasites are oval, generally go in pairs, and, unlike all others, enclose themselves several to gether in a capsule. On cultivating them out of the body, insulating them in a fluid, and injecting a little of the fluid into thirty-two mice, all of the mice died, in from eighteen to forty hours, of pneumonia, while the blood showed the peculiar parasites with their characteristic capsules. Ex periments by means of inhalation exhib ited the same results. Different inves tigators -seem to have confirmed the discovery. Later experiments show that the lungs of animals which have died of pleuro-pneumonia contain the same parasites in large numbers, and that the disease is necessarily the same with pneumonia in man. Youth's Companion. A PKKRLK8S KIDEB. A THE LINCOLN TRAGEDY. Hotv i,e Demonstrated the Superiority oC American Horsemanship. James Robinson was probably the king of the trade. Joseph Wheelock, the actor, who was the boon compan ion of the rider, once told me the inci dents in the career of his friend during a visit he paid to England about fif teen years ago. Robinson had been engaged at a salary of $2,000 a week Eeminis csnces of Harry Ford. A 'Rt.a.v rorm-t.vi- fin"liiior l,imeslf rwil-c- seated in the office at Ford's Opera- to ride m Afitley's royal amphitheater house, and Mr. Harry Ford in a vein of reminiscence, led Mr. Ford's mind back a score of years to the events attending the assassination of President Lincoln at the Tenth Street Theatre. "The day of the assassination," said Mr. Pord, Booth came down Tenth street to the theatre, and stopped there to read a let ter. I can very well remember seeing him sitting on the steps outside. I told him then that President Lincoln and General Grant were coming to the theatre that night. I said that Presi dent Lincoln and General Grant would occupy one box, and added as a joke to tease him that Jeff Davis and General Lee would be in another box. He de nounced General Lee very vigorously for having surrendered the sword of Virginia. That. evening, after the per formance began, he came to the theatre, and as he passed the office box, he looked into the window, and, putting his arm through, placed a cigar which he had partly smoked on a shelf inside, and said, in a mock heroic bombastic f urioso stvle. " 'Who e'er this cigar dare displace Must meet Wilkes Booth face to face.' "Then he passed into the theatre." "Did he ever return for the cigar?" t asked the Star reporter. "No. Those were the last words I ever heard him speak. He must have said them to mislead us, for his plans, it soerns, were already laid and it was part of the plan, as I heard afterward, that Payne was to assassinate Seward, Atzerott should kill Johnson at the ! Kirkwood House, and Booth shoot the president simultaneously. So he knew jnst what he was going to do, and how much time he had." "Later iu the evening," continued Mr. Ford, "we heard a pistol-shot in the theatre. Joe Sessford and I were in the treasurer's office. We thought at first that it was the pistol fired by Asa Trenchard in the play Laura ; Keene was plaving "Our American Cous- i in London. For four weeks before he arrived he was heralded as the great est bareback equestrian of the age. To amuse himself he took over with him a team ot American trot ting horses and a light buggy, but neglected to bring such horses as he would need to ride. The oversight rather ast onished the English managers, who thought their contract of course included the furnishing of horses. Robinson made light of the matter, and said he could break the animals to his liking in the fortnight intervening between his arrival and the date of his debut. There was nothing left for the managers to do than to swallow their disappointment and pro vide him with horses. These he re hearsed day after day at the circus with skill and assiduity, but to find at last that they were beasts -far inferior in intelligence to the Kentucky thoroughbreds with which he was ac customed to deal. Thenight of thefirst appearance of the American champion arrived. The great building bearing the historical name of Astley was packed to suffocation to see the per formance of the reckless rider from over the sea. Robinson had, how ever, in the short time allowed been utterly unable to train the English horses to his acts, and as a conse quence was at a sad disadvantage in what he attempted. The best features of the acts, including the- vaulting, he failed in. The audience- hurried his exit from the ring with hisses-. A more dismal fiasco could not have awaited an artist. The Englishmen naturally took keen delight in the failure of the American, whom it was announced would eclipse the best exploits in horsemanship as illustrated by English and French riders. The disgrace humilated Robinson to the dust. That very night he went to the manager of the circus to- release him from his contract. "All I ask," he said, "is that I may be retained in the establishment on the salary of the tumblers with whom I will, appear at each performance unannounced. Then I want the privilege of practicing in the morning." The manager, glad enough to be relieved from the heavy cost of the bargain, accepted the con ditions. The next day Robinson had disposed of his trotting horses and in' ; but then it struck us as a little too j vehicle, as well as other traps and early in the evening. We opened a little window that looked into the theatre, and saw Booth crouching on the stage with a knife in his hand. Even then we could not tell what had hap pened, and no one seemed to know. We thought at first that some one had in sulted Booth and he had pursued the man across the stage. A few minutes, which seemed an hour, passed before the whole terrible truth was known." "You were among those who were ar rested, were you not ?" asked the Star reporter. I was arrested, I thmk, on the Sun day following the assassination, and taken down to the old Carrol prison, fronting upon the capital grounds. I was treasurer of the theatre, and mv brother, James R. Ford, better known as Uick a ord, was manager. My brother, John T. Ford, who owned the theatre, was arrested at his home in Baltimore after his return from Rich mond. He had run down there to see our uncle, mother s onlv brother, Mr. Wm. Greaner. Nearly evervbody about the theatre was put under arrest the carpenter, the assistant carpenter, the property man, and others. Nearly jewelry, until he had enough to pur chase six horses of the best blood at tainable, none of which had ever been ridden in a ring. The selection of the animals occupied some time. When at last the troupe was completed he began breaking them to his business, a task which required great patience and an absolute insight into the nature of the beast. Weeks passed. James Robinson, who had in the mean time been the butt of ridicule, was for gotten. Nightly he was turning flip flops in sawdust with a pack of mounte banks, some of whom did not know that among their number was thebest rider in the world. About the time that the menials about the circus es tablishment began to whisper that they guessed that "blarsted Yankee" could ride a little bit after all, Robin son called on the manager. "I wish," he said, "that you would bill me to reappear next Monday night. If I don't succeed I'll pack up and go home.' With more than a misgiving the posters were pasted up over' London's dead walls. Again there was an unusual throng to have their sneer at thepresumptuous fellow whom' everybody thought had long before r irrtno KonL- Knr rno 4movififtn m?iHo related to Booth was arrested, and the j vv i u 4.1 i -j tu. Virginia and Maryland farmers along tSl , J A 1 111UULUO. XIJCUIO JIUV Ul CUUCfltl Jet lliollJ EM Tipor wnn u-flrdcnnnnupH rn hava 1 .... . . . assisted Booth in his escape in any way, by harboring him, giving him food, or shelter, or boats, were arrested, and they were all sent to the prison where I was. So we had plenty of company. "Did I enjoy it? Well I would not have missed the experience for a great deal. It was a rare mixture desert ers, bounty-jumpers, and prisoners of state, governors, legislators, and men of every station. Still, it was rather rough the first week. We were kept in close and solitary confinement. Each man had a room by himself and was not allowed to leave it or to see any one. remember that when my brother was brought m I saw him in the yard. The guards would not let me go to him or speak to him. After John T. was arrested his family came over from Baltimore. His wife applied to Secre tary Stanton for a pass to go to the pri son and see him, but Stanton refused. There we were left alone in onr dun geons in dreadiul uncertainty. J. re member the day of the funeral cere monies at the Capitol. I could see nothing, but could hear the sJlemn booming of guns, the dismal beating of muffled drums, playing dead marches, and the steady tramp of leet. That was not very cheeriug music for our ears. We did not know but the people in their excitement would mob the prison and lynch us, for some of the men arrested had been stoned in the street. Our fare was coarse prison food, soup and beans and dry bread. Even this experience had its comic side, We used to have tin cups, and every evening one of the prison guards would come through the hall, roaring. Cups, cups, yon scoundrels.' We had to pass them out to him. After the first week we had more liberty, and really had a I very jolly time." Washington Star. which he gave threw the house into- an ecstacy of delight. The way he vaulted on and off t he backs of the fly ing steeds -electrified the frigid hearts before him. Recall after recall made him famous in London town. The newspapers rang with his praise and spoke of his previous failure as a re markable reminiscence. The Astley people were glad enough to renew the original contract to retain the Amer ican rider, who returned home two" years later, with a European reputa tion and fifty thousand dollars to boot. Syracuse Standard. One thing to the credit of Kansas City is that she is the only city in this country of 100,000 population that has no professional base ball club. The grown people of this metropolis are too busy to sit in the sun and listen to eigh teen men quarreling with an umpire. Kansas City Journal. Development of the Trotter. When Flora Temple trotted a mile1 in 2:18 3-4, remarks the New York Herald, the achievement astonished the world. This was in 1859. The mare was looked upon as a wonder, Few then believed that a mile would ever be trotted in less than 2:15. It took eight years to lower the record of 1850, and down to 1874 the best time made was 2:17. In thatyear the record was reduced below 2:15 by Goldsmith Maid, who scored a mile in 2:14. It was then generally thought that the limit of a trotter's speed would prove to be 2:10. But Maud S. had not yet made her appearance, nor had Jay-Eye-See. The former brought the record down to within a quarter of a second of 2:10 in 1881, and three j'ears later the latter reduced it to 2:10. The prophets of the turf made bold to predict a mile in 2:09, and even 2:08. Maud S. has rapidly low ered the fdrmer figure, and now Presi dent Edwards of the Cleveland asso ciation, expresses his conviction that the wonderful mare can trot in 2:07 under favorable circumstances, and Mr. Bonner declares that it will not surprise him to see the prediction verified. The Corner Stone, Masonic onran, says that Sir Moses Montetiove wag "the foremost brother and most ardent advancer of the craft.''