The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, October 23, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    Weekly Ms Gazette.
Entered at the Postoffice at CorvallU
Oregon, as secoud-claas matter.
THIS PAPER will 1 found on file at the following
named places, where advertising niav be contracted
for at our regular rates:
C. W. LOMLEK&Co., Advertising: Agtnts,
Portland, Oregon.
L. p. FI8HKK, Advertising Aget t,
San Francisco, California.
GEO. P. ROWELL &Co Advertising Agents,
Ha 1 Spruce Street, New York City.
J. H. BATES, Advertising Agent,
41 Park Row, Now York Citv.
If W. AVER & SON, Advertising Agents,
Philadelphia, Pa.
A special election will take place in
Yamhill county on November 3rd, t
fill the vacancy caused by the death of
Hon. Henry Warren.
Judge B. F. Benham, of Salem has
been appointed consul-general at Cal
cutta, by President Cleveland. There
is a charm of $7500 per year in the
It is quite likely that E. J. Dawne,
recently appointed UnitedStates Judge
for Alaska, from this state, will re
turn, as it is thought his name will
not be sent to the senate.
Arizona democrats are very much
worked up over the report that secre
tary Bayai-d was endeavoring to secure
for his son the appointment of secre
tary of Arizona. The faithfuls in Ar
izona think it outrageous that Bayard
should thus pension his wayward son
off in this way on them, and especial
ly when there are so many who want
the office for themselves.
During last session of our legislature
a 8trifewas gotten up and agravated by
the influence of certain Railroad Cor
porations and other parties by antag
onizing the representation from the
country against Portland, and vice versa,
and while we are not prepared to say
naught but what there were some grounds
which had a tendency to bring about
antagonizing influences, yet at this time
it is very improper. Such antagoniz
nizing offorts kept up or indulged in
by republicans, can only result victori
ously for the interests of the demo
cratic party. Democrats in the legis
lature are particularly interested in
keeping up a strife between republi
cans, realizing that "a house divided
against itself must fall." And certain
railroad and corporation influences con
sidered it was also to their interest to
keep up a strife among republicans.
Republicans should unite upon some
good man of ability and with unflinch
ing republican principles no matter
whether he be a resident of Portland
or Ashland. Portland is a part of Or
egon and so is Corvallis, and an honest
man elected from either place will en
deavor to represent his state at large
in the senate of the United States as
favorably as his judgment and ability
will permit him, in order to do justice
to all parts of bis state.
A recent Washington dispatch says:
"A prominent democratic senator
gives it as his opinion that the result
in the Ohio election was "a warning to
Cleveland that he would better stop his
blank nonsense and do as other presi
dents had done, and as all persons, ir
respective of party, expected him to do,
give the offices to his political friends."
He did not care to have the depart
ment cleaned out of republicans, but
thought that when changes were made
democrats should be appointed. He
had gone to the White house to day,
expecting to find Cleveland either ugly
or humble, but had found him neither.
The president appeared to be in a self
satisfied mood, and while the Ohio el
ection was not referred to in their pres
ence he did not act as if he had met
with any disappointment. He had
beard thai the president intended to
let things drift on as they were going,
until be was entirely separated from
the working majority of the party that
elected him to power. The result of
the Ohio election, the senator believed,
would aid the republicans to carry
Jfew York and Virginia, but he did
not think the president would regard
any ' such warnings. Cleveland was
such an infernal egotist as to believe
that he was the only man in the coun
try that knew what was right. Noth
ing can be ascertained of the views of
the president, and it is believed that he
baa not expressed them to any one If
be has done so it is only to his confi
dential friends who dare not quote him
It is not believed, however, that the
Ohio defeat will cause any change in
bis treatment of his candidates for
The New York Tribune has a long
article giving details of Whitney's at
tempt to break down John Roach, de
claring it a scheme to coin political
capital. It concludes: "The case of
the navy department and John Roach
places that element of democratic ad
ministration very properly by the side
of Vilas and bis foreign mail jugglery,
Manning and his commercial inanipu
l.itions, Bayard and his consular ser
vice for personal friends, and Garland
and his telephone interest."
An extra session of the legislature
has been called not only to transact
some important legislation but also for
the purpose of electing a United States
senator. Owing to the peculiar situa
tion of the national affairs and realiz
ing that Oregon needs some one of
highest ability and with unflinching re
publican principles to represent her in
the senate of the United States for the
present Senatorial term, ninety -nine
out of every one hundred republicans
of Benton county are unanimously in
favor of the election of Geo. H. Will
iams to that important position. Such
being the case all of our republicans
should impress their sentiments to this
effect upon our representatives who
go to the legislature to represent the
people. Not only should they inter
view our o vn representatives on this
subject but they should also impress
their views on republican senators and
representatives from other counties
whenever opportunity is afforded them.
While we have no ax to grind for Mr.
Williams and while he is no more to us
than thousands of other men in this
state, yet the experienceand familiarity
which he acquired of national affairs
during his stay in the United States
senate at a time when the ruling ele
ments of the democratic party were en
deavoring to sever this government,
and also during the trying time of re
construction, pre-eminently tits him
to look after and guard the interests of
this country when those same elements
in the democratic party have gained
the ascendency with the reigus of government.
It has been suggested by a great
many persons that if railroad and cor
poration influences had kept hands off
and not attempted illegitimate and im
proper means of influencing tLe last
legislature, that a United States Sena
tor would have been elected last ses
sion; that much important and more
careful legislation would have teen ac
complished. A large proportion of the
people believe that. Ben Holiday at
one time, many years ago, tried to run
the legislature and politics generally,
along with his railroad and steam en
gines. His schemes proved a failure
which is precisely what he ought to
have expected. It would therefore
seem like those who succeed in the
management of railroad interests of the
state should take warning, and profit
by his darly bought experience. VVh'le
people favor railroads and corporations
where they are managed within the
scope of business purposes, yet there is
nothing which can become more unpop
ular with the people than railroad or
other corporations which dabble in
politics, and endeavor to influence gov-
ermental matters. In fact, political
railroads and political corporations are
very dangerous things to permit in a
government by the people. The legis
latures, should pass strict laws with se
vere penalties, an 1 also provide for the
forfeiture of all franchises where rail
road or other business corporations ap
proach the legislatures to interfere with
the action of that body in any way or
where they attempt or do interfere
with the popular elections of the peo
ple. It was never intended that business
corporations should ever interfere with
the popular government and will of
the people, and the fact that they do,
convinces every reflecting person very
firmly that the day is near at band
when the people will be overriden bv
these unscrupulous money grabbers, or
else the people will have to arise in the
majesty of a just indignation, and so
throttle all such interfering corpora
tions by placing them under the penal
ties ef just laws which will confine
them to the legitimate purposes for
which they were created.
Two or three ladies and a like number of
gentlemen who are experts in canvassing
and who desire work of that kind and who
cau furnish reliable reference as to their
capability and reliability to attend carfully
and honorably to work entrusted to them
can perhaps rind some thing of interest to
them by calling at this office.
A new Ketchum wagon, three and one
half inch, for sals at a bargain at Woudcock
ft Baldwin'.
Editor Gazette: In the Leader of
the 15th inst. appears a communica
tion from the gifted pen of our esteemed
citizen Mr. John C. Applewhite, in
which our protective tariff and Amer
ican manufactories are assailedas being
the principal causes of the hard times
throughout the country. Being an
inquisitive schoolboy and having for a
teacher an old schoolmaster who does
not .teach Free Trade in his school, I
am anxious to learn more of Mr. A s
reasons for holding our manufacturing
industries responsible for the present
Mr. A., possessing a wide range of
knov 'ledge which study and experience
have bestowed upon him, is undoubt
edly qualified and sufficiently generous,
to impart to others the information ac
quired by his patient research.
In view of this I will take the liber
ty of asking Mr. A. a few questions,
feeling confident his solution of them
will prove of interest not only to my
self, but also to a large circle of readers
who are not favored as Mr. A., in pos
sessing a thorough knowledge of this
question of protection of American in
dustries. My questions are as follows:
1st. When and for what purpose
was the system known as protective
tariff, first inaugruated in our country?
2nd. Were any other industries ex
cept that of manufacturing, included
in the pi otective system, adopted at
that time?
3rd. During what years in our his
tory, have tariff laws teen enacted and
in what years have they teen repealed?
4th. What has teen the financial
condition of the country, immediately
following the repeal of the tariff laws?
5th. What is the amouut of capital
invested, the value of raw material
consumed, the number of hands em
ployed, the amount of wages paid to
employes, and the total value of the
manufactured products, annually, of
the United Stites?
6th. Upon what authority do you
base your assertion, that "two-thirds of
our population (60,000,000) are en
gaged in agriculture V
7th. Upon what authority do yon
found your statement that "the agri
cultural products of this country are
not protected by the tariff, but are com
pelled to compete with the pauper la
bor of all other nations ? '
8th. If there is no protection af
forded our agriculturist, what was there
to prevent the "merchant who sailed
from New York to South America,'
from purchasing a cargo of South Am
erican wool and returning with it to
New York ?
9th. Please state the rates of duty
levied upon imported ores and miner
als, such as gold and silver ores, plati
num, tin, plumbago &c ?
10th. If protection creates high
prices and fosters monopolies, will you
please inform us why manufactured
products are as cheap, if not cheaper
now, tlan at any other period since the
formation of our government i
11th. If the manufacturer grows
rieh under protection, why have so
many become bankrupt within the last
two years, and why have so many fac
tories been either compelled to shut
down entirely or to run on one-half or
one-quarter time 1
12th. My theachev tells me that
Great Britain is a Free Trade country
and has great manufacturing industries,
unprotected by tariff. Are times better
there than here and do employes in
factories receive tetter wages there,
than they do in thia country ?
13th, Ireland is an agricultural
district of Great Britain, are times
flush" in that country under free
trade and do laborers receive tetter
wages there than they do in this coun
try ? (My old teacher tells me that
the principal crop raised in Ireland, is
"Sheol," and that largequantities of it.
are admitted into the United States
free of duty.)
14th. Oregon newspipers, and bus
iness men who visit our state from the
East, tell us that we need manufactor
ies in Oregon, to assist in developing
our resources. Do you believe that
manufactories could thrive here with
out protection ?
15th. From your observations of
free trade and protection and. also of
different governments, do you believe
that a oountry devoted to agriculture
and free trade, is stronger in time of
war with all its ports blockaded, than
is the oountry which under protection,
is enabled to produce everything it
Respectfully submitted
Proprietors of the
Constantly on hand the beat brands of
Tobaccos and Cigars in the market.
Fruit, Nuts Confectionery
Ice Cold Prinks, Etc.
Main St. Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis, Oregon.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building,
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Baj
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Large Sample Room on First Floor for
Commercial men. 19-35-1
J H. Lewis,
E. E. Bauer.
Levis i ?ii)p.'iotirs.
tM Do a general Draying Business.
Orders Solicited.
ira? feed aad m STASIS.
(South end Main Street.)
Charges Reasonable, Satisfact
ion Guaranteed,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
W. C. Crawford,
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
All kinds of repairing done on short notice, and all
work warranted. l8:33-yl
J. B. Lee, M. D.
G. R. Fakka, M. D
LEE & UR ,
3?hvsicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
O. " RTIS, Proprietor
The best dollar a day House in the
Corvallis, Yaquina, San Francisco
Oregon Pacific R' R. and
Trains on and after Sept. 14th,
Leave Corvallis
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 a, i,
Leave Yaquina
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 a. m.
Between Corvallis g San Francisco
First-ulass and Cabin passage $14 00
" Steerage " 7 00
Grain per ton 2000 lbs 4 50
Thus saving to the farmers and merchants
ot cue valley
Thousands of Dollars.
Willamette river boats will hereafter con
nect with trains at Corvallis. This new line
is prepared to transport all the freight and
passengers ottering.
CHAS. C, HOGUE, A. G. P. & F. Agt.
. Corvallis, Oaegon.
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts.,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins ard Caskets.
Work done to ordsr on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corrallii July 1, 1881. 19:27yl.
FRED. LA UCHLE, Proprietor.
)One door south of Rose Bro.'s Cigar Factory. )
Cutting, Cleaning & Rtparing
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Leave Orders.
Grand Central Office, Fort Worth, Texas.
SAM CTJNDIFF, President. E. M . MACY, Secretary
B. W. BROWN, Vice-Presilent. A. W. MORRISON, Treas.
Chartered under the fcw -Tex. SiJj tfU. tat, U
No. 7 Powell St. Corner Market. San Francisco
H WN H AwYrd L2! t,Br?RN" PreBident' Si KE,L8EY,' " Sacramento. Tiee-Preside.,.
w. H. WAKD, becretarv , J H. KISSHL, Sr. .Superintendent
PROF W, K. TAYLOR, M. D., MedicM Director, PACIFIC BANK TrVaSirer
CAPT. J. N. LEONABD, State Supt., f ortlsnd, Or.
The object of this Association is to provide endowments for living men ben as ell if benefits for
families of deceased members, at the least cost consistent with perfeet security, I irsuinr lailTI aa
well as death benfit certificates.
The plan embraces two forms, lile and death. One pays at the death of a manner and the other cava
n Ave equal installments during life. The association is operated on the mutual plan. It has no stock
holders to absorb its earnings, and no trustees among whom to uivide its surplus.
The total membership r.f the association now amounts to nearly 14,000 with a steady increase
each month . The association has disbursed to dat. s570,03.02 in benefits to the legatees of tieceaf ed mem
hers, and on maturing coupons. Is loanine from fiftee to twenty thousand per month to li-inc members
Receipts since organization, . . t5"0,236,06
Disbursements since organization, - . 570 038'o2
Valance on hand, - - . . oqj Qg
Coupons paid, - . . J . 80,600
Agents Wanted in every county of the Pacific Coast.
F. M. Johnson, Resident Agent, - Corvallis, Oregon.
City Stables iDaily Stage LinE
THOS. EGLIN, - - Proprietor.
On the Comer West of the Engine House
new and commodious BAHN,
I 'am better than ever pre pared to
keep th
Having secured the contract to i-arrying th
Unltorl States 9f
Corvallis tr .Albanv
For the eusuiue four yeai ill leave Corvallis eai T
StOT fC TCltO O'lfPICO PADDIACG morning at 8 o'clock, .v:ng in Albany abaut
Df-Ol Ut ICAlf.O Djjjlto. 'WUUUHOEO o'clock, sod will startf.. n Allan) at 1 e'etock intho
afternoon, returning to Corvatli about 3 c'cloik
This tine will I e prepared with good tun-, ai u tare
ui drivers and nice comlortable and
At Reasonable Rates.
OT Particular attention (riven to Boarding Horset.
Horses Bought and Sold or Exchanged.
For the accommodation of tho
Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms liy
Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangements elsewbt re
Office: Corvallis, Oregon.
. S. WOODCOCK, Manager.
rriTJ TO ASSOCIATION will buy ard sell ali classes of Heal Estate on rea sonable terms and wiilthor
I JfJ 1 oughly advertise by describing each piece of property entrustedto it for sale. The follow
ing pieces of property will be sold on extraordinarily reasonable terms:
SAW MILL Undivided $ interest in a m n.n bj stock FARM 320 acreB, about !0 in cultivation
water, a good planer and seven acres oi .d ncta'jjge acres tan be cultivated, Ulactes of gxd fir si d
in connection with the mill. Power ruffici to jpra oa, timber, the balance gocd trass land. Sn ail Ism
ail f the year, situated handy to market a witninifortable hourr ndlarn. it li sdjoinirt an ii.tx-
about 7 miles of Corvallis with an excellent good haustible c.u range, n.akil r ere of the best sink
road to and rom it. Terms easv-
FARM Farm all under fence only 2J miles from
Corvallis of 150 acres, 80 acres now in cultivation, the
rancrcs in Lenton ci.untv. biti-sicd al cut 10 n.ilca
south w est oi t orv allis. 1 rice 1600.
FAKJI A faim of 136 teres of land situatid
balance of it can be cultivated; about 20 of it now in D1je tiom Corvallis. in 1-ivn tcui.ty, Cr. All i.i.ctr
wheat with a fair house good burn and gtaatty.tfaiacee. fca acres oi rich b lt m hid in cultivation
will be sold at a bargain Terms easy. jftj acres of irood fir. as. ard n.sple tinlc-r; "J teed
. . , bouses. 2 cod orcl.alds aid to !.c d clh witht
FARM-Farm of 478 acres for less than 18 pel. Tern,.: per acre, half tuA c.v.1. .
acre being one of the cheapest and best farm. in I ne ,'., secut.d by
Bentoi. county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe, i of rt f
a mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh-(mcr,8ak u''" "ie l"m-
borhoods in the state with church privileges handy. I LOTS Two unimproved lots in CorvallU. One of
About 180 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be tne choicest building places in the city lor sale eas
cultivtaed. All under fence, with good two story onabie.
frame house, large barn and orchard; has running I
water the vear around, and is well suited ior stock! ALSO Four unimpreved lota except fenc
and dairy purposes. This is one of the chcapest-iarms ed in Corvallis, Or. The choicest building place i
in the Willamette Valley Terms easy. (the city for sale reasonable.
Druggist and Apothecary,
A full line ot B' oks, Stalione'jr and Wall Paper. O-r drugs are treli an-1
well selected. Prescriptions compounded at all hourt. 19-27yl
The New Steam Yacht
Is at your dis? osal for the season of 1885. Being
manned by careful and competent officers and crew
who will exert themselves at all times to oblige vis
itors. Chai ters a Specialty. Bates reasonable.
For terms appiv to
CAPT. F. E. DODGE, Manager.
Newport, Oregon. 21263m
Well seasoned and in the Ware,
house, a fine lot of dressed
Any party purchasing 5,000 feet
or over, may have the same at
$24.00 per M. Enquire of