bbbbW 1 Conrallis Weekly Gazette. AVfotQXT MORNING, OCT. 16, 1885. tm AH communications to the Uazettk, either on business or for publication, to insure prompt atten tion should be addressed to the GAZETTE PUBLISH ING UuUSE. SOCTRTIES R. A. M. fe. uon Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., meets Thurs av r. r !uir on or preceding full moon. ' W. c. CKAWFOBD, H P Take JSTotice. Twelve nonpareil lines or less, or one of space eoastitute a square. All bills for advertising payable monthly. Foi all ransieut advertising payment must be made in ad ance. Business locals, first insertion 10 cents per line. Ho business locals inserted for less than 25 cents. Marriage notices free. Death notices free if ac ompanied bv extended remarks, 5 cents per line will e charged. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents per ine. Card of thanks, 10 cents per line. We shall be obliged to any person who will furnish s with any information of local interest. No aotice,cau hi taken ofanonymoas communica lon. Whatever is intended for publication must be authenticated by the name and address oi the writer not necessary for publication, but as a guarantee of cood faith. We do not hold ourselves responsible for any views opinions expressed in the co juuuuications of our rresponuents. By a decision of the Post-office Department all per sons receiving or takinir papers from the postottlce even when addressed to them become responsible or the subscription pi ice. Advertisements, notices and communications in ended for this paper, should be handed in as early a Wedneday morniug, to insure their publication. Subscribers not reusiving their paiier regularlv will orfera favor by giving notice of the same at this tfice. Subscribers will hew in mine" that thesubscription price is invariably 3M, when not paid in advance. Increasing Freights. Freight shipments over the Oregon Pacific railroad and steamship line to Sau Francisco is increasing every week. Mr. A. Grant, ot the Salem Mills company, was in Corvallis t lis week, and informed us that they had perfected arrangements for shipping their exports over this line. The Salem company have their own river boats, and can carry their freight to this place at less expense than to Portland. The Oregon Pacific rail road company will soon build a wharf and warehouse on the river alongside their track in this place, where any and all boats may .discharge freight without extra wharf charges. It i expected that ail of the up per river freight will be shipped over this line this season. The farmer is jubilant over the prospects of a lively competition in freight rates, all of which has been brought about by the operation of the Oregon Pacific. Yaqulna An Oregonian correspondent writing from South Newport under date of Oct. 12th, ays: The late southerly weather has made considerable change on th? south beach at the government works. The sands tilled in on the south side of the tramway to the extreme end of it, so that the beach is over a quarter of a mile wide at low water. The flood tides have cut the south channel con siderably deeper and in a straight line from the end of the jetty. The recediug tide washes the sands from the bay through the north channel aud beyond the jetty, and they are carried to the south bdach, the gov ernment improvements holding it there aud stopping its return to the bay. All that is necessary to secure 22 ieet of water on the bar (and this is the depth of saud and water to bedrock)is a large appropriation and coi -ti nuance ef the work already commenced. Bobber and Murderer. Mr. G. Uodes informs us that one night this week some hoodlum who seems to have been well acquainted with his property, and also that he "sleeps soundly for the first ten hours," broke into his poultry ard and stoie one dozeu fat turkeys. The fact that the guilty party stole the turkeys is evidence of a robber, and the presumable fact that he slaughtered them, is sufficient to brand him as a murderer. Our friend Hortes asks us to inform the culprit tnat his second return to bis poultry yard will be greeted with a dose of salt and pepper, administered by means of a shot gun, as he will in the future sleep with one eye open. 1 Tho Oregon Fever. It is a settled fact that this state will re ceive a large immigration from Iowa next season. This has been brought about by the visit of the Iowa editors and the mis sionary car now in the east, A letter war. received in Portland recently from a well-to-do farmer, living near Oskaloosa, in which he says: "In fact, the great thing at the Oskaloosa Fair was the car. Everybody aw it and admired the Oregon products di; -played therein. Consequently, an Oregon fever rages, lama wealthy farmer, and have an excellent farm, but will sell it out next apt trig, and leave for the laqd where it is said crops never fail." From Behind the Iron Barr. Last Saturday a tramp entered the house of Wm. Gird, twelve miles south of this place, and took therefrom a pair of boots. On Sunday Mr. Gird found his man in Monroe and brought him here for trial. In Justice Quivey's court Monday he acknowl edged his guilt and was bound over iu the sum of $500 bonds to appear before the grand jury, in default of which h 3 now looks at the world from behind the bars at the hotel-de-King, which is apparently entirely satisfactory to him. His name is Jo Wil son,' a tramp by profession. Amended School Laws. The new editoin of the School Laws order ed by the Legislative Assembly is now pub lished. Full supplies for the use of school officers have been forwarded by the Superin tendent of Public Instruction to the several county superintendents for distribution. Each school director and clerk is entitled to a copy and will be supplied by the county superintendent?. LOCAL NOTES. The Kree Kree takes the "kake." Bo3's clothing at cost at Whitney closn nut sale. Nobby Hats at cost at Whitney's closi out sale. All goods at cost at Whitney's duaii out sale. E. O. Chamness has a full line nf late publications. M. S . Xeugass went to the Bay last Tu day on business. e Jos. K. K. Irvine arrived from the Ua Wednesday evening. Men's furnishing goods at cost at Whi P. M. Abbey returned home to Newpnr last Tuesday morning, ney's closing out sale. E. O. Chamness carries a full line o' ladies writing material. Corsets, Kid gloves and parasols, at ens at Whitney's closing out sale. Joseph Hirshburg will soon open a Inn! at Independence, Polk county. Men anil boy's shoes and boots at c at Whitney's closing nit sale, Burnett & Johnson's is headquarters fi smoking aud chewing tobaccos. Don't forget that E. O. Chamness is sel -ing sciiool books at Portland prices. The social party at the City hall last S unlay evening was an enjoyable alfair. A tine line of velvet and plush picture frames aud mirrors at E. O. Chamness'. Woodcock Jfc Baldwin have a nice iron harrow, mum-thing new. Call and see it. A new stock of mens ami boys hats and cipB, the lat at styies cheap, at J. W. Han sun's. Save your apples anil save money. Buy one of those nice cider mills at Woodcock & Baldwin's. Yon can get a fine white shirt for $1, and tine uuder clothing iu proportion, at J. W. Hanson's. A three and one-half inch ste .l White water wagon, bran new, at Woodcock & Baldwin's. Mrs. S. E. Belknap, Mrs. S. B. Avery and Mrs. E. H. Taylor are visiting friends iu Portland. A new Ketchum wagon, three and one half inch, for sale at a bargain at Woodcock & Baldwin's. Benton county offers the following bom -ties for scalps s Coyote, $10; Bear, $2.50; Cougar, $2.50. Job printing executed with neatness and dispatch, aud at the lowest living rates at the Gazette office The Corvallis Cornet Band is making pre parations for their second annual ball on Thanksgiving evening. Get your Guus, Sewing Machines, Musi cal Instruments r:paire! at Wall Bin they warrant their work. French candies are received fresh nearly every day by Burnett 4. Johnson, at the Whist and Billiard rooms. Just received direct from the factorie--, watches, clocks, jewelry, etc., and for sale cheaper than ever by P. P. GretFoz. Furniture for sale and house for s de or rent. Two blocks north of the court house Corvallis, Or. Inquire of Mrs. N. C. Polly. Geo Kennedy and Lafe Wilson left day for a hunting expedition in the Cascade range, probably in the vicinity of the FoJey springs. Engine No. 2., one of the largest nf the coast, and belonging to the O. P. railroad, came into Corvallis last Wednesday for the first time. Woodcock & Ba'dwin have ma le an in portant reduction in the price of pl ws. Farmers will do well to call on them if thiy need anything in that line. M. S. E llington, of AH -any, Oregon, wi 1 loan money on five years time -witli im proved farm security, but not to exceed one third the value of the property. The interior work on the central scho 1 building in Albany, is almost finished, and when the building is entirely finished, it will be an ornament to our sister city. The Oliver Chilled Iron Plow still takes the lead, and more are now used than any other kind. Prices less than ever. R member and ask for The Oliver; take no other. Jas. A. Canthorn returned Wednesday evening from San Francisco via Portland. His two weeks visit to the Bay City was f r the purpose of making arrangements for shipping and selling wheat. A writer on fall fashions informs us that "the backs of some dress skirts will be bonffant." This is good news. If none of the backs of dress skirts were to be bouf fant, it would be discouraging. Howard Bramwell, of Harrisburg, form erly a compositor on the Herald-Disseminator, arrived in Corvallis Monday evening, and is now employed in the mechanical de partment of the Gazette office. Bishop Morris intends to hold service, preach, and administer the Holy commun ion, in the Episcopal church. Corvallis on Sunday next. Services to commence at 1 1 o'clock. Ali are cordially invited to attend. Jas Scrafford, formerly of this place, but more lately of J ndepeudence where he has been engaged iu the manufacture of monu ments and tombstones, passed through Cor vallis this week. He informs us that he has retired from the business and wid short ly move onto a farm near Junction City. The management of the Mechanics' fair very generously donated the proceeds oi Saturday evening's attendance to the Chil dren's Home in that city. There are now fifty-five children iu the home, and previous to the donation, less tnau $100 in the treasury. The receipts on that evening amounted to $945, which was donated to tl. Home. Will Wilziuiski, with Wilziniski Bros. J i., of Poi-tmud, spent Sunday iu Corvallis. Mrs. Biddle hu rr turned from a visit in u , nc ui.ii install and relatives, f. ti. Poms, tin Aili.iuy job printer, wa i rvaliiii i'lieaiioy cv mug on buuine cp n and . ok at the new ready mini uing ft.r men, joiitiia aud boy J W ..S. ill's. 1 rge and well selected stock of cloth c l.ttest styles to make op cheap av J. . tansou's. UayiJ Osburn represented Valley L "!', in. 11. K. of P, in the Grand lodg.' sea . .. a' Sale. n this week. $. one semis us a circular setting foi I th .- :uerii8 of a patent incubator, but i.i bet on the old ben. Mei.-d.iin s Jacobs and Seugass went ti he Bay Tuesday m mini; for a few day.- creation at the e iside. D. P. Fagan aim up from Portland 1. t week, n l is now ng .e.i in delivering li istory of Bjut-.u eoaufcy. It is believed that . ...i . iul at are coming, ot not with a .as in re 1 ke., the ent:e I ue than 'he . shower. , The lectureof D.vid iVautj t Cleveland Jtiio, at Pitman's h i ! Tuesday evening is poken ! s lii! 1 interesting!; ;,,r . .. Misses Ida and M -ttie Pnrnett, Eda and .at ah .lac 1 is. Bertha N ugiss,.atvl .Nci.ic ilain visited Alb.iry i uesday rafteruoon. The Mechanics' fair does not attract .many f our Benton county citizen", although it is, s-id to lie unusually attractive this .season. Wm. Sctttbs, of Newport, was taken to Portland iast Monday, charged with giving liquor to Indians, lie was held to answer. Rev. J. W. Harris, of Albany, will hold services at the Congregational church in this city next Sunday, morning and evening. Mr. Purkeraon's daughter, 13 years ol ae, died of diphtheria at the residence of ner parents, about 10 miles west of Eugene, last week. Miss Minnie Huffman returned from Baker City last Monday, where ail- hid been visiting friends and relatives for sever al months. Ten thousand dollars is the size of the lump of gold paid to Emi e Richeubourg tor a serial story now running iu the. Petit Jour nil, Pans. Letter writers who wish a speedy delivery of their missives, under the hew tea-cent stamp, should he careful ti give a full and accurate address. The steamship Oreg n recently collided with a whale off Tillamook Head. Til ship wis somewhat damaged, but succeeded in killing the whale. Frank Irvin, our popular boot and shoe dealer, is again confined to his room with an affectation of the eyes. It is hoped that he may speedily recover, Immigrants ara still coming into the va" ley, looking for homes. 11 you have fare s to sell or rent, make it known through the columns of the Gazette. ; Jt Willis Vidttto, the dispenser of law and justice iu Alsea valley, was ii our-'ciy the first of I he week. He reports . everything tl lurishing in his precinct. " There will be a grand hall at Kizor's hall iu Philomath on Friday evning, Oer. 23. 1885, A general ihvit.itton is extended, and a pleasant time is expected. A foot race has bre n arranged lietween Ed. Ray bum, of this county, and Dick Patten, of Salem, to take place at y on the 25th insr., for $50 a side. Our efficient city Marshal, A. R. Pyg '', c iiitempl iting a rush of business in his line the coming winter, has this weekvcohstru t ed a new sidewalk to the city cooler.. It is said that Chinese are digging an ' sicking potatoes near Baetn Vista Pork c unity, for 2 cU per bushel. Some 10 000 bushels were raised in that vicinity this season. Rev. E. R. Mnrgatroy l's enrage nent with the Presbyterian church in thia city will conclude next Suir'ay, when he will hold services both morniug and evening. AH are invited. A coal mine has been discovered within the corporate limits of Dallas, Polk count' , The coal has been tested and pronounced oi an excellent quality, and it is thought to lie a valuable find. A Jersey calf belonging to Mr. F. A. T z er, die i near Monroe last week, i On ex ami ling the intestines they found two tape worms one about 6 feet and the other a lout 24 feet long. . Religious services will be connected U the Methodist Episcopal church iu this city next Sunday morning and evening by the pastor. Subject of the eveuing' discourse : "The Love of God." Alex Samuels and wife left last Tuesday morning for a southern trip. They will probably spend the winter in California for the benefit of Mr. Samuels' health, which has been poorly for some time. A valley editor thus acknowledges a prei -ent of fruit: "We have recuived a basket of fi le grapes from our friend B., for which he dll accept our compliments, some of which ire nearly two inches in diameter." The Eugene City Re .fister began its sec ond volume on the 7th in3t The Register is one of the 1st local journals on our ex change list, and it is a pleasure to learn that .ts success has been fully appreciated by the citizens of the progressive and prosperous city of Eugene, Henry Chambers, of Kings Valley, was in this city Thursday. He informs us that the people of that valley expect the narrow ,ui;e railroad to be extended from Airlie ' to a connection with the Oregon Pacific, soon, which if done, will give tbem an excellent ' market at their very doors. He al-o informs ' us that Wi.iard Price has made an assign-' meut of his general merchandising business to a Portland firm. We desite correspondence from all parts of the state, and iuvite discussions upon all aides i f every important issue of the day. All matters lor Duplication should reach us ue day Tiie family of Henry Bryant, the gentle ni.ii;iy coll iucior on the i). P., arr. 7etl 11. Jorv.ilhs l ist S torday, dircit f.oni Iudiana lr. Bryant arrived here a Jn ,u has ever siiice held a position with the railroad o .mpany. I'll grand jury a- Sea on the9thinst., s ii. en an uulictmeii lor murder in the de-roe against George W. T.bbetts, . ; comp.i.-ity in the Chinese murder at I - It .s thought other indictments lit f jihiW. tor subscriptions we have waited patient iiu'ough ine dull part of the year ana the time has come when delinquents hold pay up. When you real this dont nk it means your neighbor, bu if you a qa iter of a dollar tak. it home, and hen pay tip, file initial number of the Cosmopolitan .'I iiuUealrr, a monthly journal devoted to ile interests and welt ire of the whole peo ple, published in 8-m Francisco, is on our C line, H is an ex rodent journal and is Welcomed to our "X .ist. Win. Knott mourns the loss of his best still of clothes and a n w razor. A sneak tiiirjf entered his house, about three mi es north of town, ,ast Saturday iu his absence, and carried away tiie ab ve named articles. The guilty party has not iieen apprehended. The Ya mil ill Rrtortrr, one ot our livhest exchanges says: This is tin: season ot tue year to advertise. If you have got any thin, to sell let the people know it. If you wa.,t to buy anything iu the Way of horses, cat tle, sheep, swine, real estate, etc., teil tl e people so through the columns of your live loc it paper. Most every 5; ai'ir is made by clieap Cam -se laoor, but as a guarantee that the Kree Kree cigar is made by white labor, a certificate ."mm the president of the Nat ional Lalior Union is pasted on every box ortityiug the fact. Burnett & Joiinsou have the exclusive sale of the n in Corvallis. They are the best "five ceuter" iu tue city. 1 he directors of the Lane county agricul tural association held a meeting iu r.ugcne city last week. It was unanimously agreed .u pay Oif the premiums ill full, which iinount to .?."S). Upon auditing tue bills tl vas found that the expenses of the fair am ,uuted to $ti44. 78. The total receipts vore $1478.25, while the total expenses, in cluding premiums, readied $14o7.3S, leav a balance on hand of $10.87. To mark the last restiug place if your dead, buy of Woodcock & Baldwin, a White dronze monument ma le of pure zinc, which s the most handsome o) uauieut ever put iu . Cemetery, a id which will wear uithout ciiauge, retaining i b beautiful appear.. nee is long is ti.ile lasts. Anything from a s nail foot or bead stone costing from ten d diars up to the more costly and elaborate ly decorated in nitun. uts can be had at a very reasonable cost. No sensible man hould get mad becau e a newspaper duns him for money, says .tx excii.mge. A duo is not an impeachment oi a suiiscriber's integrity, but is simply an out-cropping of a publisher's necessities. For instance, several hundred men owe us iro.u $2.50 to $.3.00 each; we have to dun them all in order to get enough to pay ex peases. Instead of getting angry and stopping the piper because the publishei asks him for what is honestly due. the sun scr.ber should thank him for waiting so p.tie tly, all 1 pay up promptly like a in n and in addition pay a year in advance, Again the farmers of the Willamette ta ley have cause to rejoice in seasonable rait b that will cause the newly sown wheat sprout and take firm hold before the severer storms come to check its growth. S i "Xchauge: There has never been a mat , y -iderate year than this to Oregon f enters, both in the abundance of the present am promise of the future. If only some con tingency would arise that would caure the products of their industry to be in sharp temand, foreign mortgage and loan com panies doing business in the state with lautl for a basis would find their occupation gone hortly after another harvest. Business sold. I hereby notify all of my former patron and friends that on the 3rd day of Aliens 1885 I sold my store aud tinware hnsiaes tn Corv dlis, Or. to J. R. Smi. h. All per sons indebted to me wiil please call at tin old stand on or before the loUi day of nex" October and pay all debts due me. Mr. Smith or mynelf wiil be in readiness to re ceive payment at any time. 1 thank all for past favors and patronage and ask that they continue to bestow the some upon my suc cessor Mr. Smith. Jacob Webeh. Silk Culture. A California lady is endeavoring to intro duce the culture of silk in this state. She had samples on exhibition at the Lane coun ty fair last week, and writes as follows: "It is not my place uor would I presume to give Oregouiaus advice in this matter. But if I should make any suggestions they would run somethino after tilts f isnion; Show the lilk to the .tiles; tell tbem all about it; ,et them interested, a it is mostly woman's ork; keep it jefore the p ople until the legislature meets; lay it n-tor.i them and ask for an appropriation, t start an exp n meutal station with tiiai ure attached. Ouco nuder wa, tue riddle is solved, aud you w.-uld I surprised to se h w rapidly silk culture wouid spread." l'he samples on ex nibitiou were if hue quality, aud it is be lieved thai this , i.lustry luitit be succes. -tally introduced iu Oregon and would cer tainly open n jj an avenue nf industry that would be Valuable to many who are now classe I ii' n n -producers. '."tie sludgers Article .n tgroeiiient have hen entered into betwe' :. Have Campbell, of Portland, and J ict. Dempsey, of N w Y.rk to fight a match of eight rounds. Marquis of QiieeUs lierry rules, for $10) a side, and the winner to take sixty-five por cent, of the gate re eeipts. The Hvrht is to take, plice within 100 miles ot Portland on .the 2nd day of November, 1885 An article in the tigrei m nt reads: "In ease of no'i -e interference the r- feree, if appointed, or the stakeholder if not, to "rd r the men ro meet on the same day. if possible, if not, to order the men to gether on the following day. In case the referee is unable to ieci le the tight at the end of the eighth round, he is to have full power to order an a Idirional ro mil. " ISTew This Week. GUARDIAN'S SALE. navigation of the tJpp9r Willamette. Since Z. J. Hatch, with the steamer McCully and her crew, opened up the Yam hill river to navigation so that boats could pass in and out, the steamer Orient his been using the sam-, and endeavoring to control the freight by cutting ratas. H ty ing to a certain extent failed, they have now sum tinned Capt. Spencer, with hi boat, the Salem, to their assistance. The M:Cu!!y is doing the buk of the business, says the Telegram, and will eoatiaaa to do so ton; after these jealous crafts have gone to the b ineyard, Rev. T. B. White. Rev. T. B. White, minister of the M. E ( ,'hurch South, and the father of Mrs. B. L. Arnold of this place, who has hail his resi dence for a number of years in Corvallis and later in Albany, and among whose citizen he and his family have formed so m ny pl'-asant friendships, depaited last Monday for Northern Georgia where he will make nis future home. Seriously 111. Mrs. N. P. Briggs of this city daring the past few days has been in quite a critical condition. Her daughter, Miss Inez St. Clair, who has been in Boston studying mil- i sic, has been telegraphed for, and raa hed nine last night. At the present Anting, however, we are pleased to state that Mrs. Briggs' condition is improving. Olotlinj ClDtiiaj. Clotning. The b"St assortment and finest, goods for m jii, youths and boys ever brought to Cor vallis. at prices that will satisfy you if you will call, See our $12 Cass Suit worth $15. S. L Kline. PR .OUCE PRICE CURRENT, Fruit Drier. Buy the Economy fruit drier at Woodcock & Baldwin's which utilizes the heat on a common cook stove, ami enables the drier to work when meals are being prepared on the same stove. The price of the Machine complete is only twenty dollars and will en able fruit raisers to save the fruit heretofore wasted, without expense. Closing out Sale. The closing out sale at C. H. Whitney's U ittractmg many buyers who are attracted by the very low prices actual cost for good. This is a genuine closing out sale and as the stock is a well selected one and first-class, the people should not fail to im prove the opportunity. Canvassers. Two or three ladies and a like number of gentlemen who are experts in canvassing and who derire work nf that kind and who can furnish reliable reference as to their capability and reliability toa attend carfully and honorably to work entrusted to them can perhaps find some thing of interest to them hy calling at this office. A' heat per cental iu Portlan I, sk'd. . .Si Vheat per bushel in Corvallis Oits Wool ner lb 10 to flour r barrel $4 00 to t Ricon sides S to iiams 10 to Shoulders 0 . Urd, W lb tins " kegs fi to Butter, fresh rolls 20 to gs per doz to Apples, green 30 to ried apples, Piomtner 4 to " Snn ............... 3 to 'ittiiiv. pitless 6 to Chickens perd.iz 2 00 to 3 li le.s, dry flint ' 10 to " given 5 to Potatoes 25 to Jeese, tame, perdu. 6 Ducks " " " 5 00 to 6 50 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oiliee at Oregon City, Oregon Sept. 1, 18S5. Notice is heraby jriven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made b jfore the County Clerk, of Bent' n county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday, Oct. 31st, 1SS5, viz: Henry OsHtlst, Homestead Kntry No. BBS for t ie S. 1-2 of tt E 1-4 and S. 1-2 of N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 24, T. 11, S R..6W. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz: Oliver Witliam, Charles Witham, F. M. Johnson and Wm. Morgan, all of Corvallis, Benton County Oregon. 22-38 6w L.T. BAR IN', Register. J. B. Lee, M. D. G. H. Faksa, M. I). LEE & FARRA, Phvsicians, Surgeons And Accouchers. Corvallis, - - Oregon. 20-31tf y INCENT HOUSE. Q. B.C'J RTIS, Proprietor. The best dollar a day House in the city. CORVALLIS, - OREGON Notice ie hereby given by the undersigned that pursuant to and in accordance with an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon fer lien ton County made and entered on the 16th ay of Sej tember 1885, will on the ?rthday of November ISSf, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. XI.. of said day in front it t .e Cojrt House door in said county, Hell at pubi.e auction to the highest bidder for cadh in hand tl following desc ibe : real estate, e longing to Emma E S-iiplej-, Lena K Shipley, Charlotte E. Shipley ud fclur r C. rihipley, minur heirs of John L. S ipJoy i erased, to-wit: The undivid d om miif of lot num bered eighty -eight, ()in block numb red nineteei , .,!)) in the city of Philomath in tieutoq county Or egon. Also th follo'.ving to wit : An undivided one .'ourth f tart of the original donation land claim of H. 8. HJ:U 'k an ! Loot tia Hallo jk bin wifn, it being claim d birjd Sfty-n n i53) notiQcation number ed in -wt iH nine, (9; iu Twuhip iij oh o ui,'! tdc -v.-st of SVUlimettd Jferiian uj ii i' tm iyt Sii-.XS of Oregon. JA008 HENKLE, GoardiaiMrf Wit n iuor iieira ol" Joliii L. Sh.pley, deceased. Dated t-tb 14th day of October, l85. 22-42-5t vara hereby given by tha undeiisiiod Administrator oi the estate Saulcy Carter deeeaVetf, ho has 1ltid his accoun'-s for a lliuil detiletii :tit Of said trust in the Conuty CtiU'-t of th .State of Oregon lor. e.iton county, and Mit Monday the lttth day uf November 185. at the hour of lOge'etoek in tto fore noon of said day U the time fixed hy HXd court to exaudne the same -m i hviax objotlooi tiieroto. TwLu K CAiiTEH, Administrator of the estate of bauWj Carter, de eeaeed Dated thi 16th day of October 13S5. 92-49. 5t ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF REAL ESTATE. in the matter of the estate of Oiio. P. Wrcnn, deceased. Notice is hereby given th it by virtue of an order of cale, duly nt ic by the county Court of the tate of uregou, for the county ol iienton, on Saturday April 7th, 1883, at the regular Aj ril term of said court, dirking and commanding me, F. A. Cheno weth admin.tor of uaid estate, to sell at public auction all the right, title, interest and estate that the said Qoo. P. Wrcnn had at the time oi his death, iu an i to the following descried premises: The undivided 8-6 of two hundred and fifty nne acres, tyiatf in the iaast 1-2 of the donation land claim of Geo. P. fVruun and ii.-ry B. F. Wrenu, bis wifuv notifiiution o2:8. claim . No. 51, T. 11, S. R. B west, Vdiamctte meridian, in lienton county, Oregon, .lore particularly described as follows, ttvwit: Be ginning at a point 4.6S chains east of the 1-4 Sec. corner, on the line between sections lti and 21 in T. 11. ti. it., west, of ,Vill. Xler. , running thence south) 58.50 c" ains to tile middle of the channel of Marjn river, thence following down with the meandering of sa.d river to the east line of said donation land laiiu. thenCi north 84.25 chains to the north east corner of said claim thence north S&leg. 27 min. west 32.35 chaius to t e place of beginning containing 250 acres more or less. Also the who'cor t;.e f -IlowlrLg iu the west half of said claim beginning at a quarter Sec corner on the line between section lti and 21, in T. 11, S. it. ti west, WiHa ne.tu Mcr.dya, thence south SM dagres. 27 nun. ettst 4.65 chains, suUh 58.5U chidns to the middle cJ tiie channel of Marv riv,;r, thence following up the river to the miildje of the county load leading from Corvallis to Kings Val ley, north 10 degrees eat along the middle of said load, 10 chains north G iagr west IS chains n rth 23 d'-sgre-j. west. 23 chains north 38 degrees, wast 5 chau.s to the north line o? theclaitti. south fcf degrees min. east 13.2 chains to tiie place of be ginnig containing 3 08 acre-. Tnerefore in accor dance with aii'i m pan nance of said order of sale, F. A Chenowcth administratoi-of aaid estate of Geo. P. Wr&u deceased, wiH on Saturday, OcaOdt 3115, at the hour of o'clock P. M. , of said day in front of the ccurt hqu e door, in the city of Corvaiiis iu en ton county Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, ail tne, title, interest and os tate which tbe said Geo. P. Wrenn had, at the time of his death, in tn ltt tue ab ve djscribed premUes, together .vith the appurtenances thereunto belong itig. Terms of bald, cash dnttti at tiu.t of sa F. a. oin:xo.v.riC Adn;iniatrator of the estate ut to. P. nan, deed. 22 -40 5t. ' ' ,-i il ii s mi i i i w 1 1 MKawMMeswjawawssaBWsww M is L A .V c.O CIS OA kliis. A-tl orne'v M. 3. waascock, at Law, UBEUOM. (JUKVALUS, J R BALDWIN, Attorney at Law. Will practice in all tile tkmrts in the state. Collectiotis promptly attended to (UCkil ill I'o.-.toliiiv l.lli'dilig..) Corvattig, - - Oregon. "H'Kc ii.tza MB HE 1 WP8BBMBpl SaiM 0"UL"t '' Hlf !CT. "", return to j Tiie Oaieebbe i unl,iiii(r Huuiie witli an order for A any auiwuat ol Job l'l'Intlnir. nuch a bill or ..e.tur Uiiutlti, Invitation. Calling and Itutinea, jj Card, PrognMie, Ball Tickets, Note, tinier, , Mid Itecnipt looks, Circulars, Labels, Shipping J Tatfa, 1'oatur, or u.iy class oi Job Printing. 9 Prices as low as (loud Work can be done (or. Pam tuiin awiii iwm -AT- J. W. HANSON'S. Nothing and Tailoring , Eirmoritim, You can find the latest styles of ready made clothing, also the finest Pants Patterns ard Suitings Ever brought to CorvalliF. READY MADE CLOTHING PRESSED TO ORDER. Constantly on hand a full lin of Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Shirts, Neckties, Sec, &c. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. No trouble to show goods. Two doors South of Will Bros. COKYALLIS, - - - . OREeW