News Summary. The Rosebuig public school has 262 chil dren enrolled. It is said that Villard took ou ; of Port land $6,000,000. It is estimated that immigrants have brought 92,500,000 into Oregon the pasi year. Yambill has a population of 12.G3C per sons; males, 4472; females, 8161. Legal voters, 2237. A number of prospectors are nut looKing for quartz ledges iu the mountains South and west of Ashland. The citizens of Sell wood held a meeting last week and organized au auti- Joolie Lea gue. Twenty-one immigrants passed through St. Paul Wednesday of last week for points west of Spokane Fall9. The house occupied by Fred Way mi re, on the McTimmons farm in Polk county, burned down a few days ago. The Oregon Presbytery has circulated There are fifty new houses in process of erection in Portland. Salem is soon to have a national bank, ith a capital of $75,000. Sixty-four arrests were made in Salem during September, of which whiskey caused forty-eight. A squash vine in full bloiin may be seen growing amid the ruins of the Clarendon iiotel Portland. North Yakima is now the distributing point for all the upper Yalsima, the Wenat chie and Big- Bend county. The Rosebnrg city election was held last Monday and 189 votes poled. H. C. Stan ton is president of the board ol trustees. Land sales of the Northern Pacitic rail ; road during September amounted to 28,490 acres, as against 19,316 acres for the same month last year. Judge Denny, who was formerly in Ore gon, has been appointed adviser at court for Corea, says the Shanghai Mail, at a salary of SI, 000 a month. The secretary of state has placed some very complete and reliable time locks on the vaults in the Capitol building, that are well worth examination. R. S. Wallis has bought the whole of V. tracts during the past year. At the Lewis county fair last week a crazy quilt was shown, the work of a worn- F Bootttba stocb in tho Salem water com- n over seventy-six years old. pany, also that of E. P. McCoruack. Mr. The Kansas wheat crop is short, but, j Booth by owned 150 shares and Mr. McCor strangely for a prohibition state, the natives naek 50 shares. are rejoicing because the com crop is heavy, j T)(j skookum i0e in the Cceur d'Alene The disco" ery of quartz mines on Biue : mines was receutly sold for SSOOO, and ne river, in the Cascade mountains, west of ! g.rtiatinns are now pending for a sale of the the Three Sisters, has created quite an ex- j Mother for 60,000. Colfax parties are in citement. terested in both. The steamer McCully claims the right of I Beef cattle iu the Willamette Valley are the Yamhill river, having been to the ex- HCarce, and meat will probably lie high the coming winter. But there is an abundance of bogs and p rk w ill be cheap. Negotiations are now pending for the sale of the Oregon and California Kailroad to the Central Pacific. If the sale is made the gap between Ashland and Delta will be com pleted in three and one-half years. The Oregon City Woolen Mills employ pense of sluicing it out so as to make it navigable. According to the assessment roll of Was co county the yross value of all property in the county is 83,778,004; indebtedness, $855,441; exemptions, 239,400. A sharp'earthquake shock took place last Sunday evening at Olympia, W. T. The shock was followed by a rumbling sound j ISO persons, fifty of whom are the heads of families, fifty more families derive a partial Five prisoners are now being fed in the Jackson county jail at public expense. Ashland Tidings: Southern Oregon beats the world for fine apples, so far as returns have come in. Cases of diphtheria are reported at differ ent places in Southern Oregon; also in the Willamette valley. The Indians at Cceur d'Alene mission raised this year 100,000 bushels of grain and 12,000 bushels of potatoes. John Kirkwood, a youth of Yamhill coun ty, has been assigned a four years scholar ship iu the agricultural college at Corvallis, by Senator Burch. Cheney Sentinel: A fine ledge of genuine marble has been found in Wallowa valley, Union county, The ledge is said to be from ten to fifty rods in width. Linkrille and vicinity are receiving about double the amount of freight they received last year, which shows that the Klamath lake basin is rapidly tilling up with settlers. It is claimed that an experiment made in raising corn in Chehalis county, Washington territory, proves that corn will grow and mature in that locality full as well as in New England or Minnesota. Mr. E. W. Allen, in charge of the Oregon missionary car, writes that he was treated very indifferently at Indianadolis. He was not allowed to get near the fair ground, and had to make his exhibit at the depoc. Charles S. Coukling has a crab-apple tree on his place in Ashland which is now bearing its third crop of fruit this season. The last crop is now developed perfectly, however, the apples being very small. Receiver Scott, of the Narrow Gauge R. R., has discharged all Chinamen and put white men in their nlace. This is the way to get rid of Chinese, discharge them and let them seek other lands for a livelihood. In the murder case of the State vs. Fred Wiukleinan, his attorneys demnrred to the indictment and the demurrer was sustained bv the court. In other words the indict ment as drawn up was "no good, Temperance Department. EDITED BY THE W. C. T. U. and the Temperance Notes. A District C invention of the W. C. T. U. was held at McMinuville on the 7th and 8th inst. This district embraces Benton, Yam hill, Polk and Tillamook counties. This is the first district union organized. Mrs. Addie Miller, of Philomath, was elected President for Benton county. The follow ing resolutions were passed: Resolved, That we most heartily thank the W. C. T. U. of McMiunville for their cordial welcome and generous hospitality. To the pastor and trustees of the M. E. church for the use of their house of worship for their meetings. Resolved, That we urge the young ladies of this district to unite with us in this work, and especially urge them to work for the suppression of the tobacco habit, and to try to improve the moral tone of society. Believing the "pen to be mightier than the sword," resolved, that we work with renewed energy and zeal in our Press de partment. Resolved, That we do all we can to mould public sentiment in favor of the Pro hibitory amendment which will soon be before the people of Oregon. Believing that in unity there is strength, and as our work is all founded on Gospel truths, therefore resolved, that we ask the pastois of all churches to co-operate with us more fully, aud to help us in our Evangelis tic work. Resolved that we prosecute with more vigor the Juvenile work. Resolved, That a vote of thanks be ten dered to our dear State President for hei presence and kind words of encouragement through the convention. Convention adjourned to meet at Inde pendence May 12th and. 13th 1886. A very interesting W. C. T. U. meeting was held at the Evangelical church onthurs- which continued for a few seconds. The Jackson county assessment is as fid-1 support from the same source. The month lows: Gross value of property, 3,250,998; jly pay roll is over 6.000. over three-fourths indebtedness, 718,512; exemptions, 242,- ! which is paid to white labor. 373. Taxable property, 2, 290, 113. A thorough canvass of the wheat belt David Holmes: who was so mangled at ; of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, j - . . .i ,iu : ..r rv.i...... :.. 1 ..... I McMinnville last jveek by a runaway team, auu neuunii neroi ujmuuucj, uuva has recovered consciousness and is able to j conclusively that the cereal in this belt is SkmmmA without, the aid of num. ! injured bevoud repair by killing frosts in The settlers along Lake Creek are taking ; the necessary steps to construct a wagon road along their little valley also a road to in. de- The wheat was frozen in the let them out into the Willamette valley. August last. milk. Over 1,000 workingmen and business men of Portland, says the News, were in the A few days ago a thief opened the change j V"blic P18 l-"'" V . Salmon,! drawer in the store of Mr. Glass at Craw- P"4"1 "'l Fuurth ;rt:ets hst week- to fo j - i ,, i ... , ., e an anti-Coolie league in Third ward. The I f finiHVI 1 It' .1 HIHh HI line llfl'Ut'V I'll'.. while Mr. Glass was writing at the desk. Ernest Hecker, who has tried several times toc unniit suicide in Pendleton, finally succeed, d last week, hanging himself from a ree near the bridge across the Umatilla river. J. L. B'alock closed a contract with A. H. Johnson, the Portland butcher, last week by r!i sale of 300 acres of corn at 9 j per acre, delivered at Johnson's feeding grounds. Klamath river is lower than ever known meeting was addressed by several speakers. A rich find was discovered three miles north of Sparta, a few days ago, by Mrs. Aiuawortn, the wife of a well known miner there. The pay strip has been uncovered for 200 feet and is fifteen inches ide. Be yond stripping no development has been made. The Coquillc Herald says: The run of salmon into this river is unparalleled. At the mouth of the river they are so thick that a person can kill theui with an oar as he nulls his loat along. A drift-net was discussion, in which all are invited to j The American express company has cided to dismiss any and every employ using intoxicating I rinks. This is p irely a bus iness arrangement. A great corporation serving the public as a conveyor of goods, finds that its service is impaired by any to leration of drinking habits among its em ployes. When will the greater corporations the city, the state thu nation , learn the same truth. FOUND That the best and cheapest pleace in Cor vallis to buy all kinds of ait, ni Tp .iTTipmn ir tir rile i-tmiiTrv itv li t' .,. ... , ill u . put out at Machado's the other day, and at' ilnri Manv ditches which have hereto-!' fore been fed by the Klamath arc left high and dry this season. Mr. Frank Wood, of Albany, who de signed Oregon's memorial stone to the Washington monument, left last week for Washingt m ;with the stone, via the North ern Pacific Railroad. The Leep Brothers, of Cornucopia, on the 11th of September discovered a four ' f oot free gold ledge, about eight miles soudiwest of Cornucopia, on the Eagle creek side of the mount ins. The Oregon Railway & Navigation com pany's bran;h road from Colfax to Moscow, which was completed a few weeks since, is iu good operating condition, and trains are running regularly over that extension. A little ou of S. A. Greene, of Ashland, was accidentally shot by his brother last week Monday. The ball tore through the palm of one hand, the thumb of the other band shot off, aud a flesh wound iu the side. During the tirst nine months in 1885, three railroad were projected in Oregon of an aggregate length of 563 miles. In tlx same time seven were projected in Washing ton Territory, of au aggregate length of 95i miles. S. A. Hughes, who resides nine miles north of Salem, has discovered a mineral spring six miles above Mehama, in the forks of the Sautiam, which, from analysis made of the water, will probably prove to be of great value. Mr. Ezra Meeker, commissioner of Wash ington territory to the New Orleans exposi tion, in his recent address at the Lewis county fair, stated that thirty-two years ago he had camped with his blankets but a short distance from where he was then standing, under a large fir tree. All then was a dreary aud howling wilderness. New, where once stood giant trees, there were fine and beautiful farms all along the Newau kum and Chehallis valleys. The Portland News says; Mr. S. J. Gor man, merchandise broker at No. 1 Wash ington street, recently made a shipment of 5,000 pounds of Oregon dried prunes to Og den, Utah. He is now negotiating for the shipment of a carload of prunes to Kansas City, Missouri, and will consumate the sale in a few days. The car will carry about 22,000 pounds, valued at 1,600. Mr. Gor man says the demand for Oregon dried prunes in the east is increasing. The sam ples sent east last year pleased the people very much. Prunes cannot be raised in any quantity in the east, but are produced in great abundance in this state. the end of half an hour it was so full that it was with difficulty got ashore. It was found to coniain 137 salmon. Polk county assessment: 8283 cattle, 75 mules, 4763 horses, 4763 hogs, 26,3.iG sheep. 90,489 aires under cultivation, wheat crop 1.042,910 bushels, oats 492,750 bushels, bai ley and rye, 31,303 bushels, butter and cheese 152,065 pounds, hops 111,950 pounds, hay 11,245 tons; potatoes 80,225 bushels, apples 182.655 bushels, prunes and plums 11,475 bushels, lumber, sawed, 1,850,000 feet, population 6316. The Coqnille Herald reports that six bh;ok sand claims, including the Joshua Wright claim, back of Randolph, has re cently lieen sold for $540,000. Great ex citement exists, from the fact that a com pany has bought the Eagle mine in addition to the above and intend to stait up with 100 men. Several other rich companies have their agents scouring that part of the country, and locations are being made. A fire was discovered Thursday morning of last week in the basement of H. S. Croc ker & Co.'s widely-known stationary and printing warehouse of San Francisco. The great establishment was completely de troyed. Not a vist!ge of the immense stock was saved. The loss is estimated at nearly $1,0J0,000. There is no insurance on the building. The Crocker building was valued at 75,000. The total loss on stock and building is 400,000; insurance on the stock, 225,000. A large amount of. Christ mas and other goods were in the basements of the block, which were flooded. Shreeves & Co., manufacturers of jewlery, who occupied the upper floor ot Crocker's building. Their loss i s 30,000, insured. Schweitzer, Sachs & Co. lose 100,000; Chamberlain & Inijalsbe, designers, lose all their stock, value unknown. - The census of Lane connty is completed, showing the total population to be 10,068. Of this number thirty-one have passed the age of seventy years. Three of the number are over ninety; each of these were soldiers iu the war of 1812 and all draw pen sions. One couple, aged respectively seventy-eight and seventy-six years have been married over sixty years, and another, whose ages are eighty-one and seventy -two have defied the ills of life together for fifty eight years. The oldest in the list is ninety-three years old, and most of the entire list have lived from thirty-five to forty-five years in Oregon and all are hale and in full posessiou of their faculties. So it appears that the balmy climate of our state is not enjoyable to the young and middle aged, but is exceedingly kind to the old. Cutlery, Tools. Iron, Nails, Pumps, Rubber hose. Iron aud Lead Pipe, Rope, Barb Wire, STOVES, RANGES, Granite ware, Stamped ware, Tin ware, Japanned ware and House Furnishing goods; or to get all kinds of job work in the line of sheet metals or plumbing done is at the Hardware and Stove store of bay Oct. 8th, a series of interesting meetings grand jury must present better findings.- I will be held each Thursday afternoon. Ou Baker City Tribune. Thursday loth, a paper on "obsateles to . n m Christianity" followed by twenty minutes rrom careiui usiuudi-co icle learns that 650,000 bushels of wheat have been received in Dayton this season, including what has gone to the mills. Over 320,000 are still in the yard, and but two- ; fifths of the crop has been delivered. Every j warehouse is full and 13o,000 bushels are piled up outside and covered with sheds. An agricultural exchange says that no grass of any value is better adapted to slough land that is liable to overflow at times than Fowl-Meadow grass. The hay is almost as good as timothy, and the sec ond crop is nearly as heavy as the first. It can be sown this autumn. The seed weighs 14 pounds per bushel, and it requires one and one-half to two bushels per acre. The population of Coos county, as ascer tained by the State census, is 5,795. It was 4.834 in 1880. The number of legal voters is 1,646. Gross value of property 1,936, 859. Taxable valuation, $1,387,501. The county has produced during the past year 21,000.000 feet of lumber, 29.600 tons of coal, 7,300 cases of salmon. 657 ounces of gold dust, and 38,530 pounds of wool. Sunday morning, Oct. 4th. shortly after daylight, the family of Judge D. C. Lewis, living at the corner of Third and College, were awakened by cries on the front porch of their residence. Opening the door Mrs. Lewis discovered a ru le package of rags, from whence the sound proceeded, and opening it found a male babe, certainly not more than twenty-four hours old. Oregon ian. A well is being drilled at the residence of Mr. Friedlander, of Roseburg. The drill is now eighty-six feet in solid rock There are verv good indications of water, but not a good flow as yet. Nearly every well in Roseburg is dry, aud citizens are alarmed about the future water supply. They are in hopes it will rain soon. The grass is dry and stock will certainly die of starvation if grass does not spring up soon. A Crematory will be opened for use at Mt. Olivet cemetery, Long Island, in a few day, and there are already fifty bodies there waiting to be burned. The cause of crema tion is steadily growing; Dr. Beugless, i president of the United States cremation company, says that the society began in 18S1 with eleven memoirs and now has over two hundred, although no special effort has been made to gain accessions. Tele gram. The Baker county assessor makes the following returns: 120,000 acres of land, valued at 338,166; value of city lots, 217, 992; improvements, $717,234; merchandise and implements, $256,540; money, notes and accounts. $357,979; household furniture $40,915. There are 4917 horses and mules, valued at $397,664; 47,945 cattle, valued at 677,391; 47.668 sheep, valued at $71,786; 2082 swine, valued at $5865. The total value of taxable property is 2,252,664; number of polls, 8113. SIGN OF THE P A I t O C K J. D. CLARK. For Sale! A Good Business Location, With a number one Store House 24x70 ft., with house attached suitable for a small family. Situated in the center of the City of Philomath. And a good shipping point ON THE O. P. E. P. For further particulars enquire of N. W. ALLEN, Philomath Oregon. Seven hundred of the best citizens ot Seattle have organized themselves, and have been divided into companies of 20 each, under a captain, and appointed t o guard a certain district of the city and maintain law and order therein, says an exchange. These men have all been sworn in and ap pointed deputy sheriffs, and when properly armed will be able to maintain the law against all comers. This action is very creditable to the peoble of Seattle. A traveler in a Butte City restaurant was 3F3. 33- CASE, X. (Ollice over Carlile's Store. ) Where he may be found day or night. Dr. Case is a graduate of Aew York eity, and comes to this euaat from the east where he lias had several ye-rs experi ence among the sick. His manner of treatment is up on the most modern and sciotiiic principles of medi ciue. Puol.c irilrouagercspjctiu.iy solicited, CJRVALLlS, nULXiON. 22401- ifi. i jfli nsi n Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. New barn, new buggies, carriages, and every thing else new and first-class in all respects. Sprial Attsntm Gton Transient Stack. Good Saddle Horses. IPrices Reason.-"ble. (Second Street.) CORVALLIS, OREGON. noticc for publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Ogn. , Stpt 16, 1885. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judg:e or County Clerk of Benton county at Corvallis, Oregon, on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1885, viz: .lames Herren, homestead entry No 4300 for the S 1-2 of 8 E 1-4, N JC 1-4 of S ,E 1-4 and & E 1-4 of N E 1-4 of Sec. 12, T. 10, S.R. 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of bai l land viz: James M. Townseiul, Emil Seifert, Wm. Herron and Richard Seifert, all of Kings Valley, Benton county, Oregon . L. T. BARIN, 22-39-5t Register. Real Estate Agency! CORVALLIS OREGON Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or lease farms or farm property on commission. Having made arrangements for co-operation with agents in Portland, and lieiim ful ly acquainted with real property in Benton county, we feel assured of giving entire sat isfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. O. A. Waggoner, 20-(iyl T. J. Blfoku, GUsT STORE. BREECH k MUZZLE LOADING SHOT GUNS Rifles, P!s(ols, Amuiiition, Cutlery t Spy Glasses, Fishing Tarlcle, Sewfiig Machines, Work made to order and warranted. 20-33tf c. MODES, CcrvalHs. jfrTf f ftjjjjog GENE LEE. Proprietor. CORVALLIS, OREGON (OpiXkdte il. E. Harris" Grocery Store.) Wattling, Iraning', ro.ishing and Fluting j docc 19 order and at Reasonable Prices. J. C. tlOo., ROSE BRO'S. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Domestic Keywest and Havana Cigars. Wholesa le and Retail. Chewing and Smoking TobaccoB and Smoker's articles generally, Also just received ft fine lot-o! POCKET CUTLERY. No Chinese labor employed. CORVALLIS, - OREGON REMOVAL, I wish to call the attention of my patrons to the fact that I have moved my Harness Shop from my old stand to the shop on Main street formerly occupied by Cameron Bro'a. I shall carry a good line of harness and sad dles, aud by honest work and fair dealing endeavor to merit a share of your patronage K. P. BRICCS. F. M. JOHNSON. Attorney at Law. Fire Insurances Specialty. Money Loaned on Good Security. New Jewelry Store. C. W. Smith, A practical Jeweler and Watch-maker has located in Waggoner Je Uuford's real estate office, Corvallis. Special attention given to repairing fine chronometer watches. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. A fine stock of watches, clocks and jewel ry constantly on hand. 21-51tf LEGAL LANK FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE S FINE SHEEP. Wm. Hartless has ten extra fine Oxford bucks for sale at reasonable prices. CORVALLIS, - OREGON. Jame?5 L. Lewis. Shee;, ,atth, Horses asd Sogs bought ard sold and Contrasts nr.da to famish same AT ALL TIM RS. Mutton, Beef and fat Kogs a Specialty. CORVALLIS OREGON. WOODCOCK d BALDWTNS THE BEIST AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Real Estate Agency. A. P. Gaines. Real Estate, Employment aud Collection Agency. Business Solicited- Eeferences Given- OFFICE. First door south of Fisher's Brick, main street. CORVALLIS OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon Cittf, Oregon, Sept. 10, 1885. Notice is hereby eiven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or County Clerk of Benton county, at CorvailU, Oregon, on Saturday, Out. SI, 18S5, viz: Charles M. Kirki.ess, Homestead Entry No. 421S for the S. W. one-fourth of N. W. one tourth of Sec. 6, T. 11, S. K. 6, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said frightened out of his wiU when he heard a and, viz: T. F. Alexander. James M Watson M . ' r Watson and Geoige W Owen, all of Kings alley, waiter- scream out: "Gimme a graveyard ; Couty 0rtfg01L Stew, potatoes iu the dark, two men, a Also Charles M. Kirkness, heir of L. F.H. Kirkness, horseback, a moonlight on the lake and a ! deceased, Homestead Entry No. 4210 for the Lot No. flmbeau." Then he was toU that a grave- ' 4 of Sec. tf, T. 11, S. R 0. W. yard stew meant milk toast; potatoes iu the 1 names the following witnesses to prove the j dark, boiled potatoes; eggs, circus style, . i(1 land viz. T. F. AieXand,r, James M. scrambled eggs; rough and ready, pork and Watson, M. F. Watson and George W. Owen, all of beans; a flaoibeau, light hot cakes, and Kings fatter. Benton County, Oregon. Brinkerhoff System, For the Cure of RECTAL DISEASES Over 30,000 cures Recorded In 6 vear3. Piles, Rectal Ulcer, Fissures, Pruritne-ani, Fistulas in Ano, Polypus-liecti, Etc. Cured without cutting operations. Dr. PiJkington, suriteon, oeu 1st and aurlst, and proprietor of the sanitarium for the rye, er aud nervous dla easeM, Portland, Oregon, has Ijten appointed atrent and physician, for this system for Oregon, and has in t wo months made a r.umberof cures of cases, in some of A'hich, severe operations with the knilc Lave only done harm. Refer b permission to Jas. W. Weatherford, drug "1st, well known in Salem; Frank Gardner, machinist at car shoos; Et. A. Bampy, druggist at Harristmr?. Oiegon, and others. Will meet parties at Mrs. Hemphill's hotel in Corvallis from arrival of stage from Albany, Tuesday, Oct. 13th to Thursday morning Oot. loth, 1S85. Address for pamphlet, etc., 1)1. J. IS. 1'ILKINGTOX, Portland, Or. GREAT NORTHWESTERN REMEDY. Those who work early and late need a wholesome reliaMe Medicine like Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. As a remedy and preventative of disease t can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and Mala ria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Billiousness and puts fresh energy into t-.e system ry making NEW, RICH BLOOD. All Druggists and dialers keeu it. 41.00 bottles. 6 for 85.00. 22143m moonlight on the lake, rare beefsteak. j 22,38, wS. L. T. BARIN, Register. The ni YEHS' GLIDE la issued March and Sept., each year. 8C 210 pages, 8x11 inches, with o v r 3,300 ; 1 ; ust rnt Ions a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to eonxumer on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of everj thins you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fan wtth. These KVALI ABI.K BOOKS contain Information gleaned front the marietta of the world. We will mall a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. Let na hear from yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 887 fc 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS AT BROUGHT BY THEM!, Direct from the East ! toveQ DIRECT FROM Eastern and St. Louis FOUNDRIES. MANUFACTURERS OF TINWARE AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Corvallis,) - Qleo