The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, October 16, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    Weekly Corvallis Gazette.
The construction of the Oregon Pa
cific railroa-1 through Benton county is
going to prove not only beneficial to
OFFICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COUrlTY trade interesting to the scientist,
or those of a curious turn; in this, by
cue excavations the workmanship ot
Kutered at the Poatoffice at
Oregon, as aaondulasa matter.
THIS PAPER will be found on file at the following ,
- i ,.., hn vrtitiiiLT inav be contracted : OI
tor at our regular rates:
O. W. LOMLKRi Co., Advertising Agents,
Portland, Oregon.
U P. FI8HKR, Advertising Agert,
San Francisco, California.
OEO. P. ROWEMi &Co Advertising Agents,
Me 10 Spruce Street, New York City.
t. H BATES, Advertising Agent,
41 Park How, Now York Citv.
H W. AYER SON, Advertising Agents,
Philadelphia, Pa.
State or Or., Executive Department. (
Salem, October 12th, 1885.
Whereas matters of vital importance
to the people of the State of Oregon
seem to require the convening of the
Legislative Assembly in special session.
Now therefore, I, Z. F. Moody, by
virtue of the authority in me vested as
Governor of the State of Oregon, do
hereby direct the convening of the two
Houses of the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Oregon in special session
at the State Capitol in Salem on Mon
day, November 9th, 18S5, at 2 o'clock
t. U., of which all who shall, at that
time, be entitled to act as members of
said body are hereby required to take
Given under my hand and the great
seal of the State of Oregon this 12th
day of October, A. D., 1885.
Attest. Governor of Oregon.
Secretary of State.
Gen. John A. Logan was tendered
banquet recently at Baltimoie.
The hands heretofore at work in
many of the Pennsylvania glass factor
ies are on a strike.
A new crusade is threatened in Lon
don against the employment of un-
draped female models in artists' studios.
The republicans of New York are
buoyant throughout the state, and are
confident of victory in the coming election.
nature is exposed in such a mannei
that we can take practical advan tage
its revealings, or, be satisfied witli
viewing what is presented by its up
heaval. There is a curious bit of coun"
try rounding Keyes hill, and under
and beyond Card well hill to the open
country about the Newton's and Bain's
properties. Through this section are
a number of knolls rounding or oblong;
their contour is smooth and graceful
and covered with a reddish clay loam
with a good stand of grass, giving at
once the impression that they were, so
formed or placed without much effort
or violence. It is true that hereabouts
as we pass over the public road hard
iron stone boulders are quite numerous
and might suggest the character of the
knolls, but till the cutting through
them by the railroad their true con
struction was unknown.
Selecting one knoll (near Lilly's) for
our purpose. There is at this point
exposed the manner of uplift, or the
cause of these rounded knolls in that
vicinity. They are of igneous con
struction, and, while they are thus,
there is side by side in the same uplift
two distinct characters of rock though
they must have been made from the
same material. One is Basalt and the
other a Porpbyritic Trackyte. The
first is sirongly columnar, the latter in
rounded masses; the basalt is hard,
tough and homogeneous; the trackyte
is fragmentary, of different material
cemented together, hard, yet friable,
and much of it crumbles in the hand.
The latter is the cause of the knolls,
that is, coming up from the deep in its
shaft the molten rock instead of finding
an easy outlet in the earth's crust, finds
an easier bed in the soft clays or shales
in a lower portion of the recent forma
tion thereabouts prevailing, thus eleva
ting the earth's surface the height of
its own imbedded thickness.
But the point of interest in this
matter and the reason for this
nication centers in a portion of this
Trackyte rock as follows: It is made
up of pieces of shale and other material
The Yamhill Reporter vejy appro
priately says: It is currently reported
that i to of a cent more is paid for
wheat at Corvallis, than at Portland.
It was a fraction less than that decided
the supremacy of Chicago over that of
Milwaukee not many decades ago.
History does repeat itself. Chicago
never had the backing that Portland
has got, so far as productive erea is
concerned; but she has always held
within her business circles a cl.iss
of judicious advertisers.
The democracy of New York state
am all broke nn in factions warinc
with each other. A house divided cemented together, also thick and thin
against itself must fall.
Gov. Hill the democratic candidate
veins of felspar, sometimes resembling
fine net work in its black ground.
Among the rocks which make up this
A Washington dispatch in speaking
of the signs of better times says : The
demand for small currency is enormous
just now, a Star reporter was inform
ed at the treasury department to-day,
and indications are that, money is be
ing put into actual business, or spent
for the material improvement of the
country. This is shown by the charac
ter of the money in demand, by the
gradual extension of commercial and
manufacturing enterprises, by the in
creased value of real estate in nearly
every city in the country, and by the
highest valuation of contiguous farm
land. The same activity in real estate
noticeable here is apparent elsewhere
throughout the country, money, in
stead of being put into banks and
doubtful speculation, is being put into
business enterprises which contribute
to the general prosperity and give a
corresponding increase to the value of
property. Thus large sums of money
that have been hoarded are going into
real estate and building everywhere.
Members of congress report increased
business activity in farming sections.
They say crops are go:d, the farmers
are in gaod spirits, and business men
are preparing for experiencing a consid
erable increase in business activity.
They say that the spirit of specula
tion is dying out and every increase in
business is an actual and not an appar
ent gain.
for governor m the approaching eiec porphyritic mass are pieces of deep
ion for New York is a source of much black, brilliant, sometimes as je:, hav
trotible to the democrats. j iug the appearance of caimel coal. In
The Democratic papers have much 'cture it is conchoidal; to the eye and
to say, and often, of the "hypocrisy" hand if is ,lard' but under the nle tnls
of civil service reform and its advo- Portion of the rock ls iis so,t as ""P"
cates. savs an eastern exchange. When stone- lts Pwder 18 brownish and
Democratic conventions indorse Mr. i - "
It crumbles somewhat in the
I 1 1 1- i 1 A.-.-.
Cleveland, while not one in ten of those nana coal llKe nevel loslDS Ils lusl,e
who do the endorsing believe in civii but after rain or exsure it takes on
jagreemsii mm covering most oi it.
service as advocated by the President,
are we to understand that the "hypoc-
Dr. T. V. Hayden in a geological dis-
risy" is with the Chief Magistrate, or iptkm of the Yellowstone country,
the party 1
same age as ours, makes the following
statement as to point under observa-
JMew York democrats are "divided tioft. "These basalts fracture readily
among themselves," as it were. A re-into salan fragments, and the debris
cent dispatch says : "The hope of t resemble a pile of dull anthracite coal."
democratic harmony in this i $ow as an tne rock in this trackyte is
city was destroyed by 'the j brought up from its bed and metamor
announcement of the county de-phosed and that all, though originally
mocracy leaders that they do not pro- widely different, are now made similar
Land Office at liuseburg, Oregon.
Sept. 13th, 1835.
Notice is hereby erven that the following-named
t-ettler has iiiud notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that taid proof
will he n.ade before the Judge or Clerk of benton
County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Tuesday, Octobei
27, 1885, viz: William Huward, Homestead No.
3288, for the N. V. 1-4 of S. E. 1-4, S. K. 1-4 of N. W
1-4 and E. 1-2 of S. W 1-4, Sec. 24, T. 14, S. B. 7 W.
He maraes the following witnesses to prove bis con-
I tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Edward Williams, Charles West, Kobert How
ard and G. W. H ward, all of Monroe, Oregon.
22-y-5t V. F. BENJAMIN, Register.
NOTICE is hereby given thai, the undersigned ex
ecutors of the last wiH and testament of Joseph Ham
ilton, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased, will in
accordance with one of the provisions of the will of
said deceasec on Saturday, the 17th day of October, 'So
at the hour of ono o'clock in the afternoon of ssid day
at the court house door in the town of OorvallU.coun
ty of ttenton and state of Oregon, offer for sale at
public auction to the highest bidder, the following
described real property belonging to said estate:
Lots numbered one (1), two (2), three (3), ten (10),
eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block numbered nine
(9) in the county addition to the original town of
Marysville (now Corvallis) in Benton county state of
Oregon. Also lot numbered two (2) in block num
bered nine (9) in the original town of Marysville (now
Corvallis), in Benton county, state of Oregon.
Six months credit will be given with approved se
curity if desired for one-half of the purchase money
of s.ud property.
Dated at Corvallis Oregon this Bth day of Sept. 1885
pose to divide any city offices with
Tammany. Irving hall followed with
at least at a distance to the eye, yet
under close observation differ very
the announcement that it thought the much well in hardness, fracture and
coming contest should be, "every fel
low for himself," and it is very proba
ble that all three factions will place
lustre. The question here forcing
itself upon us is this: May not this
which resembles coal metamorphosed
tickets in the field. This decision is have been coal in its natural bed and
very damaging to the stite ticket, and before the uplift of igneous matter?
Gov. Hill is making strenuous enorts
to break it. The fact of the matter is,
Hill is not the candidate of any shade
of democratic feeling here, and the fac
tions care very little for him. It is
known that Hill dislikes the president, j SHcn a conclusion.
and Cleveland democrats do not pro
pose to give the state ticket any com
fort, and very few straight votes. On
ly a few days ago Gov. Hill attempted
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregan for Ban
ton county:
G. W. ROSS. Plaintiff,
If this is so, then the coal fields of
Benton county must be extended to
to this portion of the county. It may
be added here that the colors and
materials in the clay, would justify
J. R.
The Nev York Tribune says:
"There is reason to believe that Secre-
to dictate some line of policy to the ; tary "Vilas, moved by the school boy
county democrats, and was frankly spirit of getting even with those who
told that he was a countryman and had 'oppose him, has actually taken ag
no voice in metropolitan affairs. The Igressive steps against our steamship
democratic state committee's treasury j companies, and is endea voting to em
is very low, the only contribution of barrass them in their business- Ad-
any moment thus far received being ; vices received from Havana and var-
Rosswell P. Flower's check for $15,
000. The mugwump press and leaders
continue to impress upon the indepen
dents the necessity of voting the re
publican state ticket, if they would
sustain President Cleveland and his
ious West India points allege that
Vilas has written to port officers there
and is endeavoring to induce the local
authorities to deny vessels port privi
leges which they have enjoyed, and to
fine all letters carried by them. Two
civil service policy. The democracy steamship companies directly allege
of New. York and Brooklyn are dead that Vilas has attempted thus to em
set against civil service reform, and ploy the government influence he poss
have so declared." .esses against them."
To Jacob A. Kenoyer and "Sarah E. Kenoyer the
I above named defendants; in the name of the state of
i Oregon you are hereby summoned and required
appear and anwer the complaint of plaintiff now on
file with the clerk of the above entitled court against
you in this suit on or before the first day of the next
regular term of aid court it being the 16th day of
November, 1885, and you are hereby notified that if
vou fail to answer said complaint as req uired herein,
said plaintiff will apply to the court fo. the relief
prayed for in said complaint to wit : a decree against
j-ou for the sum of 400 dollars together with interest
thereon at the rat; of eight psreent. per annum from
the 5th day of November, 1878, and for the foreclos
ure of the mortgage mentioned in said complaint and
to secure the payment of said sum of $100 and inter
est as aforesaid, upon the following described prem
ises to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the center of Man's river
due past of the northeast corner of Jackson Zink's
lanu claim, thence west to a leaning oak tree about
one foot througn on the top of the hill abt ut one rod
east of the gate on the line.between G. W. Ross and
Jackson Zink, thence east of north to a point five rods
north of a lone fir tree, (the point mentioned here is
about due west from the road passing J. S. Felgar's
dwelling house.) thence running east t" the center of
Marvs river, thence south down along Mar s river to
the place of beginning, containing 18 acres more or
less. Also lot No. 2 in Section 10, Township 12,
south of range 6 west of the Willamette meridian and
containing 12 and 57-100 acres, all situated in Benton
county, Oregon, and for the costs and disbursements
of this suit and for such other and further relief as
may be qui table and just.
This summons is published by order of the Hon. K.
S. Bean, Judge of said court which bears date of Sep
tember 30th. 1886.
22407t Attorney for Plaintiff.
Proprietors of the
Constantly on hand the best brnnds of
Tobaccos and Cifrars in the market.
Fruit, Nuts a"d Confectionery
Ice Cold Drinks, Etc.
Main St. Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis, Oregon.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building,
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Large Sample Room on First Floor for
Commercial flea. 19-35 Jy
Corvallis, Oregon.
The next Session will begin on September
10th, with same Faculty as last year.
B. L. Arnold, Pres.
There are thre vacancies in the State
University to be tilled from Benton county.
Young men and women who can pass exam
ination for a teacher's certificate, are eligible
to appointment by the county court. Ap
plications will le received until Mo iday,
September 7th, 1885.
County Superintendent.
Corvallis, Oregon, Aug. 5, '85. .
J H. Lewis,
E. E. Eaber.
City ZDzsrsty.
LevU & Rib ci. Proprietors.
IS" Do a general Draying Business.
Orders Solicited.
(South end Main Street.)
Charges Reasonable, Satisfact
ion Guaranteed,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
W. C. Crawford,
CL assortment of Watches, Clock;, Jewelry, etc.
H kinds of repairing done on snort notiee, and all
work warranted. lS:33-yl
Corvallis, Yaquina, Sao Francisco
Oregon Pacific R R. and
Trains on and after Sept. 14th,
Leave Corvallis
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 13
Leave Yaquina
Moaday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 a, a,
Between Corvallis s San Francisco
First-class and Cabin passage $14 00
" " Steerage ' 7 00
Grain per o 2000 lbs 4 50
Thus saving to the fanners and merchants
of the valley
Thousands of Dollars.
Willamette river boats will hereafter con
nect with "trains at Corvailis. This new line
is prepared to transport all the freight and
passengers offering.
OH AS. O. HOGUE, A. G. P. & F. Aut.
Corvallis, Oaegoa.
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts.,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins ard Caskets.
Work done to ordjr on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvallis July 1, 1881. 19:27yl.
FRED. LA UCHLE, Proprietor.
)One door south of Rose Bro. 'g Cigar Factory. )
Guttinir, Cleaning X- Rt paring
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Leave Orders.
Grand Central Cfifce, Fcrt Worth, Texas.
SAM CUNDIFF, President. K. M. MAC'Y, S-rrtary
B. W. BROWN, Vice-Presilent. A. W. J.OfcfclftON, ireas.
Chartered under the laws of the Suu ot Te.. June IJtfc. MM. Cftf) rfej ( sr4 In f OOt Jt 11
ml, in th oBlte 'A u.-. .wa.r. t ('
No. 7 Powell St. Corner Market, fun Visn(rtf:o
HON SAMUEL O. HILBOBN, President, A W KtOJXV. rt temmu, Vlmm aMmB.
Wjl H. VVAKI). Secretary, i S fc.f.5. .,.-: hMiriftHTlHWHrnil
OAPT. J. N, LTOHABD, SUteSnpt, foiled, Cr.
The object of thi Awilathi. is Ui prwrSrfe tcrittf nt ikw it. i eft far
families of deceased member, at the leulnttta'.;.i feu jwrjwrt nraimtj, ftj juraiE nwtt ecte am
well as death benfit certificate
The plan embraces two forms, lite and death. Om furjvatthe Aifc '.aaamverami the cither pavs
n five equal installments durinic life. The awaati . optmurf on the omsioal p'.au. It has no stock
holders to absorb its earnings, and no trutt K:tts u$ o'j&te Ha cr.itu.
The total membership r.f the aw,.-iit:on tr miiKi.1 u, nariy li.KU aith a steadv increase
each month. The association has uisbnrseu Mr Cau tSUtlMtaM in Ltutu tu tl.e Itgstees of deceased mem
bers, and on maturing coupons, ls loaning from fiitc to sweat? thousand per month to lr jug members
Receipts since organization, . . ?570,23fl,06
Disbursements since organization, - - 570 038.02
Balance on hand. - - . . 20li06
Coupons paid, - - - . 80,600
Agents Wanted in every county of the Pacific Coast.
F. Wl. Johnson, Resident Agent, - - Corvallis, Oregon.
City Stables iBaily Stage LinE
THOS. EGLIN, - - I'ronrietor.
On the Corner West of the Engine House -Having secured the contract to itarrying th
ri new and commodious BARN
1 am butter than ever prepared to
keep the
United Statex M
Corvallis tc Altanv
For the ensnlnff font vein win leave Ccrvullis eai-t
DCOT flC TC (.'0 Bl?fMrO fH0DIAnCC n'orwio,' at s uciocc, -ling m Albalij al.oiit
tb I Ls ICAIVlO DJ J Jlto, bAHKIAJCO o'clock, ud stain'., n A: i at 1 o'clock ii the
afternoon, lcturintjt to ;.iaihs al cut :i c civile
Tliisline will . e rej';ired with food tir-m uliti tare-
ui drivers anu nice comfortable and
At Reasonable Kates,
far Particular attention given to Boarding Horses
Uorsos liouLrbt and Sulu or Exchanged.
For the accommodation of the
TitAYEUKG runic.
Wheat and other Graiii Stored on the best of Terms hy
Farmers will do well to call on Trie before niakinj: arrangements elsmJ.tre
--Corvallis, OrepOi?.
M. S. WOODCOCK, Manager.
rTTj-ir T ji ASSOCIATION will buy ard sell all classes of Heal Estate en somU tenms ar) wi.ltiior
j J oogfaly advertise by describing each piece of property entrustedto it for sale. 1he follvw
be pieces of property will be sold on extraordinarily reasonable terms:
SAW MILL Undivided i interest in a mUlivi. 1 faiot K FAltM 320 acres, about SO it cultivrt;o
water, a good planer ar.d seven acres of lar.d t-t(l iifo acres tiiii bectiltiated, It acres of ctt.d fir atA
in connection ivitli th e mill Power sufficient to ro ',,, tiu, er the balance gcedgnw land, in all l Ba
al .rf the year, situated handy to u arket and within ertaMe kense no I nn., it lies ad oinii inix-
about 7 miles of Corvallis with an excellent &ood ibaustibie a rauL'e, unkn r one o tke best steik
road to and roni it. Terms easy.
FARM Farm all under fence only 2 milesfron.
Corvallis of 150 acres, 80 acres now in cultivation, the
balance of it can be cultivated; about 20 ot it now in
ranges in teuton count), titi attd atom 10 a. ilea
outlwesl ol l orvaius. it
FAKM A fsini of 1EC aires of land situaKd 4
mile !'i m Corvallis, in Lion t ci i.ty, Or. All i:rctr
wheat with a fair house good barn anil granery.i(tll(.c; to acres cl rich b (tin hid in cnltiviilicn
will be sold at a bargain, jcims eaY-
FAKM Farm of 478 acres for less than $18 pel
Hi acres of good fir, as. aid maple tinier: ! cud
'souses, z gold oruaics aiu isttnuusni,
acre, being one of the cheapest and best farms i!X,Ve liable' in t
Benton county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe. 1 'i"'rt' ,e ui on the la
a mile from a good school, in one of the best i.eigh-D Orte"St m tnt ,a
Tern s: SE0 i-er atie, ball cash dn l.a
one and two years, secuiio iy
horhoods in the state with church Olivileges haluiy. i riTtt VntaiihnM,d lnt ir. Cnrvillis. One o
About 130 acres in cultivation, Bnd over 400 cau bt tnc choicest building places in the city lor sale eas
cultivtaed. All under fence, with good two stovj 0,la0le.
frame house, large barn and orchard; has running! , .-
water the vear around, and is well suited tor stock! ALSO Four unimproved lots except fenc
and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapest farms ed in Corvallis. Or. The choicest building place i a
in the Willamette Vallev Terms easy. jthe city fur sale reasonable.
Druggist and Apothecary,
runs, m, mimes, mm, glass, mm, trusses.
A full line ot B' oks, Statione-y and Wall Paper. O r drugs are tresh am1
well nelected. Prescriptions compounded at all liourr. 19-27yl
The New Steam Yacht
Is at your dis"osal for the season of 1S85. Being
manned by careful and competent officers and crew
who will exert themselves at all times to oblige vis
itors. Chaiters a Specialty. Kates reasonable.
For terms apply to
CAPT. F. E. DODGE, Manager.
Newjwrt, Oregon.
Well seasoned and in the Ware
house, a fine lot of dressed
Any party purchasing 5,000 feet
or over, may have the same at
$24.00 per M. Enquire of