The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, October 09, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Corrallis Weekly Gazette. -AETHTO'S devotion.
From Texas conies the report that
in some sections there has been so
much rain that the grass is rank and
wash", preventing cattle from taking
on flesh as they should.
The Duluth grain elevators, which
now have a capacity of 9,400,000 bush
. els, will this season add space for 4,
000,000 bushels, in hope of controlling
the wheat trade of the Northwest.
Making usual allowance for seed
and consumption, the export surplus
of wheat for 188.5 from Australia is
estimated not to exceed 350,000 tons
has been shipped at the date of a.d
vices, the latter part of June.
Wheat in Minnesota, north ot lit.
Paul, has been damaged by blight and
insects, and south ed St. Paul by hot
weather and storms. Corn in the same
erritory is do'ng well. In Indiana
here is an increase in the acreage of
buckwheat and tobacco and a decrease
in the acreage of flaxseed and pota
toes as -compared with 1884.
The number of emigrants landing at
Castle Garden since the 1st of January
is about 30,000 less than during the
corresponding period last year. The
decrease was most marked during the
first four months of this year- There
was quite a marked increase in the
number of Scandinavians.
The Georgia Farmers' convention
decided to send a committee to the
American Exposition, to be held in
London in 1880, to gather information
ofi agricultural and mechanical mat
ters, to inquire into agricultural pro
gress in England and the continent,
and to aid in the establishment of di
rect trade between European and Geor
gia ports.
The Secretary of War has instructed
Gen. Miles, in command of the Depart
ment of the Missouri, to hold troops in
readiness to enforce the President's re.
cent proclamation in relation to the
cattlemen on the Cheyenne and Arapa
hoe reservation. By the terms of the
proclamation, the cattlemen will be
compelled to remove their herds by
September. The troops will be held
at Fort Reno.
A scientist cla ms that petroleum aj
plied to wood renders it less liable to
take tire. -He has tested this point by
experiment and found if there is any
difference between the two the o'led
.wood is less liable to take fire, as there
is less of a combustible fuzz to form
on the surface. The petroleum enters
the pores of the wood and renders ii
more like cedar. Applv it freely with I hnwnrl-nimhlv
a coarse brush, and in a few weeks
when it has all soaked in and the sur
face becomes dry, the surface can be
painted. Petroleum is a good protec
tion aganst the decay of out-buildings,
fences, etc., without the addition oi
Teel's mafsn, in Nevada, is the most
.productive borax field on the Pacific
coast. Its deposit covers ten square
miles of surface, and is sa'd to include
chem'cally pure common salt borax in
three forms, sulphate of soda and car
bonate of soda. The basin of Nevada
in which it is situated is covered in
many parts with dry, efflorescent salts,
washed in course of ages from the soda
feldspar of the volcanic rocks and
ridges of yellow lava which cover the
country for miles. The waters of the
lakes are heavy, appear like thin oil,
smell like soap, possess great detersive
qualities, are caustic as potash and
easily soporify.
It is estimated that the supply of
Brazilian coffees in the current trade
beginning July, will amount to
bags, indicating a
and an in
of 1882-3 of
The rece'pts
Europe and
"Elinor," tenderly, "I have loved
you so long. Must the devotion of
years have been lavished in vain?"
The pleading accents awoke no
answering sentiment. The fair, white
face was calm. A faint, pitying smile
hovers around the tender curves of the
3weet month.
Disdain, he thinks, were better than
What a passionate yearning is in the
"Don't, please, Arthur, I almost feel
as if I must be terribly to blame for
your suffering."
"You to blame? Ah, no dearest.
could not belt) loving you from the
moment when, a youth of 15, I first
saw you in church. I said to myself
then, "Arthur Gordon, there is the one
girl in the world foryou! ' From that
time forth my only happiness consist
ed in thinking of you; planning what
I could do to give you pleasure. After
four years of such worship I have been
unable to move your heart. I have
touched your life so lightly that,
were you never to see me again, you
would not bestow upon me one regret.'
"Indeed, you wrong me," interrupt
ed the young lady, earnestly. "Elinor
Garrison never forgets a friend and
who has been a truer friend to the
orphan than you, my brother?"
Gordon raised her dainty hand to
his hp with reverential gesture. "I ac
cept the title, dear love," he said,
gravely, "If I may not be more to you,
at least I win be your brother, ever
ready to care for your interests, lov
ing you with all nay might, yet hoping
;or notning in return.
A slight blush stained the pale
"You are too noble, Arthur, you de
serve more. Forget me and find
another upon whom to pour out such
iisinterested affection."
"The world holds no other for me,"
he answered tenderly, a beautiful smile
illuminating his frank countenance.
Meeting those clear, gray eyes, Eli
nor felt that he was a "man to be
trusted. Why could she not care for
him as she desired? Rich, handsome,
upright, what more could any woman
demand? She sighed.
"You have heard thelatest, of course.
: Ellie?" gayly inquired a pretty girl, as
she tossed aside her gloves prepara
; tory to pending an hour or so with
ner irieno.
"No," answered Miss Garrison.
"Why, I thought he must have told
you himself, so I ran over purxosely
to hear all about it."
"Of whom are you speaking?" was
the quiet response.
Ui Arthur Gordon. His engage
ment to a Miss Marion Hep worth, of
Boston, is just announced," watching
Elinor furtively as she answered.
The latter looked courteously in
terested nothingmore,as she resumed
the etching which Olive Lindsey's en
trance had interrupted.
"You are not mistaken, Olive?" with
a great assumption of indifference.
"Certainly not," with some spirit,
as the young lady drew a tiny package
of rick-rack from her pocket and began
.Brother b rank heard
ble ardor of the man had in one mo
ment swept away the barriers of cold
ness and pride. Elinor Garrison knew
that she loved. But, alas! the know
ledge come too late.
Walking homeward, Gordon received
so many congratulations upon his en
gagement that he began to feel annoyed.
"Simply because I visited Elinor first,
they must need link our names," he
muttered. "It is well she does not
hear it. I only wish it were so," a
smile playing around his firm mouth.
"Well, when is it to be?" called Miss
Olive, saucily, as obeying a beckoning
finger, Gordon drew near her as she
sat by the open window. "Now, do
not pretend ignorance," she continued,
"for I want to hear all about her. Is
she beautiful, rich, etc?"
"I shall be betterable to answeryou
when I hear the fair one's name," was
the laughing reply.
"What an actor you would have
made! The lady lives in Boston,
whence a certain gentleman has just
"So, then, they have not referred to
Elinor," thought Gordon thankfully.
"I assure you, Miss Lindsey, that I
have no idea of whom you are speak
ing. Olive laughed. "Miss Hepworth, I
believe her name is."
A tall, slim, drabish spinster rose
before Gordon's vision. His mouth
twitched, but he said nothing.
"Well," said Olive, inquiringly.
"Oh, excuse me, please; good after
noon," and, much to the young lady's
surprise, the tall figure was striding
down the street.
"Manners," she grumbled, as she
closed the window.
Entering the familiar side-door, Gor- !
don stepped lightly into the room ho
had so lately quitted.
Elinor sprang hastily to her feet.
The traces of weepinc were evident. I
She would have fled, but strong arms
detained her, gathering her in a close, I
fervent embrace.
A truthful voice murmured tenderly:
The Reality of Unter der Linden Health of
the Kaiser A National Prospect Life
and Living In Berlin.
Unter der Linden, writes a Berlin
correspondent to Tlie New York Eve
ning PoH, has a very fine sound. The
; lime tree is as much like an elm as it
is like any other tree, and "Neath the
Elms" is the idea the American can
understand, and the idea "Unter der
Linden" is intended to convey, and
does convey until the thing: has been
seen. "'Neath the Elms," broad
spreading, thickly shadowing, with
grass underneath upon which to
stretch one's self at full leugth and
think of all lovely things and all this
in the midst of a vast city. Let
us start at once, and there make our
The reality is sad enough. Unter
der Linden is a street, with houses,
numbers, shops, palaces, etc., about a
mile long, and about two hundred
feet broad, in the middle is a dirt
walk perhaps tifty feet wide, a row of
trees on each side of it, guarded by
iron rails supported in very ordinary
stone posts. Upon one side of the dirt
footpath are about twenty feet of
thicker dirt for horsemen; upon the
other side about twenty feet of stone
roadway. Then come two more rows
of trees, those of the roadway being in
a narrow plate-bande. Then on each
side follow ordinary street and side
walk reaching to stuccoed shops,
hotels, and palaces. The lime tree in
its proper growing places is a lovely
tree; not very large, but large enough,
with dark green and very thick fol
iage. There are many excellent spec
imens in the lhier garten, and even
in some of the squares where grass is
allowed to grow beneath, seeming to
require the companionship of verdure.
But just where of all places they ought
to grow and flourish, just there they
will not that is, at all commensur
ately with the expectations of hopes
of those who put them out. As limes
will not grow, experiments are
Elgin marbles. At the end of the
lecture up stumped anything but a
neophytish professor, and said to the
lecturer: "Do you say Elgin or
Elg(h)in" (that is, with the g soft or
hard). "I say Elg(h)in, of course"
(g hard), answerod the neophyte. "In
the course of j our lecture you sail'
both Elgin and Elg(h)in. Good eve
niDg. " And all without a stpilc.
It was all a great mistake darling. made wiih other Maples, elms.
and horse-chestnuts have been substi-
How could you doubt me Elinor?
Was it not worth while, since it
showed me my heart?" was the lowre-
ply, as her shy, glad eyes were lilted
to meet her lover's.
about 6,500,000
slight gain over 1883-4,
crease over the supply
nearly 1,500,000 bags,
of all kinds of coffee in
the United States amounted to 10,414,-
000 bags, against 9,595,000 bags in
1883-4, though the general stock July
1 was somewhat smaller than a year
previous, the apparent consumption
having increased by about 1,150,000
bags. The year 1884-5 opened -with
fah-R'o coffee felling at 9ij to 10 cents
per pound, and closed at the esad of
June at 9jj cents.
Ex-Gov. Gleason predicts that the
pineapple crop of Florida w.ll soon be
more important than the orange. One
of the best things he says, abont the
pine apple crop is that the common
scrub and palmetto lands of South
Florida seem just fitted to it. Hum
mock land is not adapted to the
growth, as itproduces too aiueh plant
and inferior fruit, while the scrub land
produces just the reverse. Plants set
out last October were seen last wt
bearing small fruit, and it has been
generally considered that a plant
would not bear fruit under eighteen
months from the time it was first
planted. All engaged in the growing
of pineapples in Brevard and Dade
Counties, he says, are much pleased
with the year's yield and hopeful of
the future.
it at the club last evening. You know
Ellie, I never repeat a story unless
very sure of its truth."
Miss Garrison smiled. "I was not
doubting you, Ollie," she said sooth
ingly. "I know you are not a bit of a
gossip." A moment later: "Have I
shown you my new spring suit?" ad
roitly turning the conversion.
Once fairly launched upon this fas
cinating topic, Miss Lindsey forgot to
refer again to Gordon's engagement,
! and after a half hour that seemed in
terminable to Elinor took her leave.
"So," thought Elinor, while her red
lip curled half scornfully, "this was
the end of all those protestations of
undying fidelity."
It was a disappointment to find
him no different from other men. Her
heart beat more rapidly at the recol
lection of his last words:
"The world holds no other for me."
"Ah, whispered Elinor, triumphant
ly, he loves me only. I wish Miss
Hepworth joy of her prize."
In a village one's private affairs are
common property. Everyone knew
of Gordon's long devotion to Miss
Garrison. All were anxious to see
how she would stand her knight's de
sertion. But none were able to read her real
feelings, though many were the sur
mises. Gordon was away on business. At
the close of a fortnight he returned
and sought Elinor's house the first of
Her greeting, though free from em
barrassment and perfectly courteous,
yet had a something indefinable; which
struck the gentleman.
"Elinor," he said softly, and his
melodious tones thrilled the dormant
heart of the woman, "you are not like
yourself. Have you forgotten our part
ing compact, little sister?" a silky
moustache touchingthe avertedcheek.
"That agreement is no longer bind
ing!" she cried indignantly, her usual
ly gentle eyes flashing. "Do not dare
to touch me, Mr. Gorden."
Excitement lent an additional charm
to the mobile face. Gorden gazed at
her admiringly. His love, restrained
for years, would no more brook con
trol. In an ecstacy of longing he caught
her in his arms and kissed her madly,
over and over, until the scarlet hue of
the beloved countenace warned him to
"I will never forgive you," she pant
ed, breaking from him "never!" tears
rolling swiftly down. "Leave me!"
"What have I done? I have lost her
respect, her friendship," thought he re
gretfully. Yet the bliss of that su
preme instant, when he had held her
close to his throbbing heart, more
than repaid for the self-denial of the
And Elinor? Bewildered, frightened,
aroused from her calm apathy to con
sciousness of the truth, she buried her
burningface in the soft pillow, sob
bing. The impassioned, uncontrolla-
Drinkiiijr A Tear.
The passionate Hebrew metaphor
of the beverage of tears, fouud in sev
eral places in the Psalms, is seldom
fulfilled literally. But here an affect
ing instance in real life illustrates the
sad truth that few people in this world
can do evil without makins others
weep. The scene is copied from the
Arkansas Traveller:
"Bovs, I won't drink without you
take what I do," said old Josh Spilit,
in reply to an invitation. He was a
toper of long standing and abundant
capacity, and the boys looked at him
with astonishment.
"The idea," one of them replied,
"that you should prescribe conditions
is laughable. Perhaps you want to
force one of your abominable mix
tures down us. You are the chief of
mixed drinkers, and I won't agree to
your conditions."
"He wants us to run in castor oil
and brandy," said the Judge, who
would have taken the oil to get the
"No, I'm square. Take my drink,
and I'm with you."
The boys agreed, and stood along
the bar. All turned to Spilit, and
looked at him with interest.
"Mr. Bar-tender," said he, "give me
a glass of water."
"What? Water!"
"Yes, water. It's anew drink to me
I admit, and it's a scarce article, I ex- j
pect. BSVSfal days ago, as a pareeiof
us went fishing, we took a fine chance
of whiskey along, and had a heap of
fun. Long toward evenin' I got pow
erful drunk, and crawled off under a
tree and went to sleep. The boys drank
up all the whiskey and came back to
town. .They thought it was a good
joke 'cause they'd left me out there
drunk; and told it 'round the town
with a mighty bluster. My son got
hold of the report and told itat home.
Well, I lay under that tree all night,
and when I woke in the morning, my
wife sot thar side of me. She said
nothin' when I woke up, but sorter
turned away her head, and I could see
she was chokin.'
" 'I wish I had suthin' to drink,"
says I. -Then she took a cup wot she
had fotched with her, and went up to
whar a spring cum up, and dipped up
a cupful and fotched it tume. Jest as
she was handin' it to me, she leant
over to hide her.eyes; and I saw a tear
drop inter the water. I tuck the
cup and drank, and raisin' my hands,
I vowed that I'd never drink my wife's
tears again, as I had been doin' for
the last twenty years, and that I was
going to stop. You boys know who it
was that left me. You was all in the
"Give me another glass of water, Mr
Cheeky Reporters.
Chicago Herald.
"Talking about cheeky reporters,"
said Gen. Logan one day last spring
at Springfield, "I think the Chicago
reporter is at the head of his class.
One night Mrs. Logan and myself had
retired to our room in a Chicago hotel,
when a reporter sent up his card. Of
course I would not see him. He sent
back a note, saying it was an urgent
case, and begging me to see him.
Again I refused. Ten minutes later I
was just dozing off to sleep, when Mrs.
Logan heard a rapping at the door,
and called me. Icalled, 'Who's there?'
and heard in response, 'A telegram.'
As I was expecting an important mes
sage, I went to the door, and there,
with the messenger boy, stood the re
porter. 'Now, General,' he said,
'since this pesky telegram has called
you out of bed, won't you oblige me
with a little talk? And at that he
pushed his way into my room and sat
down. I admired the man's cheek,
and sat down and talked with him.
The gas was burning low, and, as he
wanted to take some notes, he reach
ed up and tui ned it on. Then he dis
covered that Mrs. Logan was in th
room. Startle him? Not a bit
Nothing could startle a man like that.
tuted, but none of them seems hearty.
The one thing to do in Berlin just
now is to see the emperor, that one
may know of one's own knowledge
so far as eyesignt imparts knowledge
his physical condition and prospects.
According to my eyesight, the change
since the last time I saw him is pain
fully startling. He is no longer up
right, his chest has fallen away so
that his orders overlap; he has hardly
strength to reach his hand to his hel
met; his eye is dull and heavy. The
newspapers speak of him every morn
ing as being fully re-established in
health, and as having worked for
hours the day before wjth his various
ministers and generals. That can not
be; there is no more work in that head
or in that hand. And what has the
kaiser done for the people? Are there
any fewer poor old women and little,
half nourished children, working on
their knees in the fields, tugging with
feeble fingers at the roots and weeds,
as though their lives depended upon
it as, indeed, they do? And what
hovels they crawl into when their
day's work is done, and what they eat
before they fall dead asleep! All the
while strong husbands and brothers
are far away, watching lest an irritat
ed foe acquire means or revenge; and
all the while, too, the emperor, "Al
lerhoechst," is disturbing medals and
honors, which they have dug out of
the ground for him, though they are
poor, sick, ignorant, starving and
helpless. There is not a second of
rest from labor for either play or
prayer; and what the emperor has
done the nations about him must also
io, or be ingulfed. The strain must
break soon.
Another and more solemn side of
the question: Is the individual Ger
man any better mannered than he was
twenty years ago? Is he any more
cleanly in his personal habits?" Is he
any more likely to defer to a lady,
unless he knows ber name and knows
she is a countess? Is he any less of a
most fearful nuisance when let loose
in Switzerland? Is his scholarship
less pedantic, are his ideas less vague,
is his language less confused, or his
cooking less abominable?
There was a time just after the
French war when dining in Berlin
was tolerable. Of the French prison
ers, of course.nearly the whole number
knew how to cook. For some years
Iheir teachings were remembered and
obeyed, but now they seem completely
forgotten. I dined yesterday at the
Cafe de l'Europe. Each Berlin restau
rant has its fixed dinner for the day,
and you are expected to take it. The
first thing, and a terror, is the dish of
hors d'eeuvres a vast rotating plat
tor, about three feet in diameter, cov
ered with small dishep, at least twen
ty in number, each dish containing a
so-called appetiser: Itallaenisc"her
salad, sardines, pickled herring, and
all sorts of pickled things unknown
elsewhere. Three Germans seated at
a table next to me called at the start
for champagne, and took enough of
the hors d'eeuvres to exhaust any non
German hunger. As to the dinner, I
can not (and could not) go through
with it. Everything was" cooked to
death, and everything was swimming
in the vilest of sauces.
Berlin is yet a most delightful city,
and if Mr. Pendleton will present half
a dozen Americans at court every win
ter, so as to give Americans the so
cial position they have not hitherto
enjoyed, there is no reason why the
American colony should not rival that
of Paris. Above all others, Berlin is
the place for work. Everybody is do
ing something, studying something.
The people you meet, of whatever na
tion they may be, look as if they were
making the best of their time, and not
worrying with the idea that they were
too young or too old to take hold of
anything. In classic art Berlin has
won the lead. The Pergamos marbles
must be seen and closely studied by
everyone who would kno'w anything
of Greek sculpture. Their creator was
the Giuiia Romanio of antiquity. I
was at once taken back to 'he Palazzo
del Te. Such vast richness of sculp
ture has not been given to scholarship
since the time of Lord Elgin.
Let me close this long letter with a
story of his lordship'a name: Once
upon a time a neophytish professsor
was lecturing at Yale college on the
Tale of a Black Cat.
"What fo' yo' keep a black cat,"
said the colored janitor of a Twenty
third street flat the other day to a lady
who had a pet of the kind referred to.
"Doan' you' know," the janitor went
on, edging away from the cat, whicli
advanced. purring, toward him.
"doan' yo' know that a black cat am
a dangersonie animal? Don't? Well,
look a hyar, missus, 1 tell you as them
cats is dangersome. How'd I know?
'Cause I does. Now, yo' iuss lem me
tell you' how I knows. I was fass
asleep one ebenin' in bed in my room,
I was, and Jim Crane, anudder color
ed gemman, was along side o' me,
fass asleep. There was a chimblev-
placo in the room and a roarin' wood
tire as was roarin' beautifully. 'T least
it was when Jim and me fell off asleep.
"I was dreamin' away powerful
when all of a sudden I wakened wid a
sort o' feelin', an' I sat up in bed
straight as a pole. An' what d' yo'
thinlT, missus, I saw? I seed the big
gest black cat yo' eber sat yo' eyes on.
She sat right straight up in de
middle ob de llo', an her back was
humped up liKe a bow as what's jisL
gwine fur to shoot, an' her eyes they
was fixed right on me. J'rus'leni,
missus, yo' can jiss bet vo' life I was
skeert. I sat jiss as still" as a mouse,
'spectin' ebery minute she'd jump at
me. But she did not; it was a she I'm
sho fur a she black cat hab de debbil
in her. Well, she looked at me and I
looked at 3he, but you can jiss know
as how ebery bone and muscle in me
was on de quivah. She didn't move
fur 'bout ten minutes, 1 should say,
mebbe 'twan't so long. Then all of a
sudden dat ar she cat she gib de
mos' awful yellin' yo' eber heard, and
swish! she was up dat chimbley
right over deni hot coals, out of sight.
Quicker 'an a blush I woke Jim, "and
tells him what had happened. Then
we jumped up and claiped de blower,
fust ting, onto de chimbley. Bet yo'
sweet life we didn't 'tend that cat
should git out o' dar agin. Then I
opened the blower fur 'nuf to slide in
some kmulm wood on top o that, an
then we let the old lire rip an' roar as
if she'd tear the chimbley inside out.
Then we piled an old trunk and a lot
o'truck 'ginst dat ar blower, an',
thought I to myTself, 'Dat ar cat am 3
goner. '
"Well, de fire she blaze an' blow an.
bust away fur ten minutes or mo', an'
Iwasjist thinkin' ob gwine back to
bed, when all of a sudden dar war de
dumdest clatterin' yo' eber heard in
dat chimbley. Thar was one ob de
biggest yells yo' eber heard, the old
trunk and de truck flew in ail ways
fur Sunday, dat ar blower was busted
out, an' dat ar black shemale cub, she
stood right dar fo' my bery eyes, right
on de top ob doze ar coal, an' she
glared at me an' I'm as dat I was para
lyzed. Den she gabeone mighty yell,
bigger 'n all de rest, rushed out into
de middle ob de room, and, shoo! she
war gone! And d' yo' know, missus,
as how ebery blamed window and do'
to dat ar room was dead shut? Fac'.
Ask Jim Crane. Dat's why I sez as
how a black shemale cat am a danger
same auimal. She am de debbil, she
am, sho1." New York Tribune.
The Seven Days' Fight.
The seven days' lighting, although a
decided confederate victoiy, was a
succession of mishaps. If Jackson
had arrived on the 26th the day of
his own selection the federals would
have been driven back from Mechanics
ville without a battle. His delay there,
caused by obstructions placed in his
road by the enemy, was his first mis
hap. He was toolate in entering the
fight at Gaines' mill, and the destruc
tion of Grapevine bridge kept him
from reaching Frayser's farm until
the day after the battle. If he had
been there, we might have destroyed
or captured McClellan's army. Huger
was in position for the battle of Fray
ser's farm, and after his batteries had
misled me into opening the fight he
subsided. Holmes and Magruder, who
were on the New Market road to at
tack the federals as they passed that
way, failed to do so.
Gen. McClellan's retreat was suc
cessfully managed; therefore, we must
give it credit for being well managed.
He had 115,000 men, and insisted to
the authorities at Washington that Lee
had 200,000. In fact Lee had only
90,000. Gen. McClellan's plan to take
Richmond by a siege was wise enough,
and it would have been a success if
the confederates had consented to such
In spite ot McGieiian s
The Forces Supposed to lie at Work Tlrtrtv
Miles Beneath Us.
Professor George H. Merriman, of
Rutgers college, New Brunswick, has
nade the crust of the earth a study, and
las written on the subject. He says :
"While facts enough regarding the
jxtent of the earthquake of Sunday
aave not come to hand to enable me to
speak on the direction of the earth
wave or its peculiar features as com
pared with other earthquakes, yet some
thing may be said as to the latest con-
Fictions of students of science on the
I aature of the earth below the point any
! man can penetrate. That may load us
j to guess intelligently at the cause of
I earthquakes.
I "You know the long received theory
oi tne nature ot the interior of the earth
was that it is a molten mass, and that
we move around on a crust enveloping
the earth and caused by the cooling off
of this mass on the inside. It is un
doubtedly true that about thirty miles
below the earth's surface the tempera
ture is so high that everything is in a
melted condition. We know this, be
cause we have learned that every fifty
feet we penetrate into the earth there is
an increase of temperature cf about one
degree, and at a distance of thirty miles
the heat is so great that any substance
we know of would melt.
Perhaps the melted mass is in the
form of a liquid. That whold be cer
tain but for the immense pressure on it.
The pressure is estimated at 10,000 tons
on a square foot. Of course scientific
men cannot experiment with matter at
a high temperature with a pressure of
10,000 tons to a square foot, so we can
only guess what may be its condition.
In talking about this" melted mass thirty
miles under us the term water substance
is used by geologists.
"How great is the distance through
this water substance we do not know,
but it is certain that its destiny increases
more and more, gradually, until the in
terior of the earth is solid, probably,
from the inconceivable pressure 1 ,000,
2,000 or 3,000 miles from the surface.
Sir William Thompson has demonstrat
ed that the earth must have a core much
denser than the land and water we live
on. He points out the fact that if a
shell only thirty miles thi 3k surrounded
a molten liquid mass extending from
one side of the earth through the cen
tre to tlie other side, then the moon,
through law of gravitation, would dis
place the liquid or gas in the interior
of the earth to such an extent that the
earth's crust would bulgo out in the di
rection of the moon, making a tide in
the solid crust of the earth, as certainly
as the skin of an orange bulges out when
you squeeze the fruit between the palms
of your hands. And this would be evi
dent to us because the ocean tides would
be almost, if not quite, imperceptible
to us. To withstand the attraction oi
the moon, the earth, Sir William says,
must be rigid as steel.
So we have the theory that the crust
of the earth floats on and imposes ar: im
mense weight on a water substance,
which is inconceivably hot. Now, as to
the way an earthquake may be caused.
Suppose moisture trickled gradually, .
year after year, through this crust into
a heated mass. Tn our atmosphere
steam would be produced. Thirty
miles below us the pressure is so great
that it is not likely that steam could be
generated. One thing, though; the
pressure of 10,000 tons to the square
foot, a pressure exerted in every direc
tion, would be increased. Some effect
must be propneed down there, and it is
easy to see that if one place in the
earth's crust is weaker than another re
gion where the water trickled in, then,
'the weakest place must stand the
strain.' It is not unreasonable to sup
pose that this pressure below might be
so great that the earth's covering was
shifted a little to adapt itself to the pres
sure from below. This shifting of the
crust is, in fact, the earthquake.
"I believe this theory has the greater
reason on its side, because earthquakes
are almost always in the region of vol
canoes, and volcanoes are almost always
in or near the ocean.
"Another theory of earthquakes is
that as the earth is very gradually cool
ing off the crust is thickening on the
under side and cracks or fissures on tht
under side of the crust many miles deep
may occur in consequence of the enor
mous pressure, so that the water sub
stances rushes into a new position with
a force that would knock a continent
out of shape if it took place on the cartas
surface. That motion a ould be suffi
cient to produce a viabration thirty
miles distant. 9
"Whatever the cause of the earth
quake on Sunday," added Professor
Merriman, "I think the earth in the re
gion wftere it took place has either set
tled into a new position or is forced
back into an old position from which it
a lirno-ranime
excellent plans, Gen. Lee, with a force j Wis pUShed by former earthquakes
inferior innuniDers, cuiupieiej.y iuui ,
him, and while suffering less than
McClellan, captured over 19,000 of his
men. Gen. Lee's plans in' the seven I
days' light were excellent, but were j
poorly executed. Gen. McClellan was j
- - 1-1 1,1 : .t. rwl a
very accoinpnsueu numici Mm
able engineer, but hardly equal
to the position of
military chieitam
field-marshal as a
He organized the
Armv of the Potomac cleverly, but did
not handle it skillfully when in actual
battle. Still I doubt if his retreat
could have been better handled, though
the rear of his armv should have been
more positively either in his owr
hands or in the hands of Sumner.
July Century.
Painting Our Stomacn.9 Red.
"I dislike to see you eat cayenne
pepper," said a man in the grocery
business to a friend. "Why?" said the
friend. The grocer dusted a little of
the pepper on the open page of his
notebook and drew his finger over it.
A number of small red lines showed
where grains of pepper had been
drawn over the paper. "Because half
of this stuff is not pepper. It is reg
ularly adulterated for restaurant use
by mixing it with rice, flour and
ground mustard husks which have
been colored red with red lead. Those
red lines on the paper are pure red
paint." Detroit Free Press.
Castrating Lamts.
An English fiockmaster says he pre
fers to castrate when the lambs are
about a month old, because when treat
ed in this way they become fuller in the
leg and more fleshy in the back
as they grow up. This is an important
consideration, as it gives a more valu
able leg of mutton for roasting or boil
ing, and a fuller, more tender and juicy
saddle. He also keeps his nursing ewes
in rather high condition, contending
that fat dams make fat lambs. Thus
treated, the ewes not only give a larger
quantity of milk for their offspring, but
it is also of a more nourishing quality.
This renders the treatment better all.
The will of the late Stephn Salis
bury, of Worcester, Mass., has been
probated. The estate is estimated at
$7 ,000,000. He bequeathes small sums
of from $1,000 to $5,000 each to a large
number of persons, including $1,000 to
each of his surviving classmates of Har
vard, class of 1817, of whom George
Bancroft, the historian, is one. The
American Antiquarian Society receives
$70,000, various other societies secure
from $3,000 to $1,000 each. The res
idue of his large estate he gives to his
only son, Stephen Salisbury, Jr., with
out conditions, and he is made execu
tor, without boud.