News Summary. A neat little pamphlet descriptive of Kalamath county has been published. The law school of the University of Oregon will open its second session in Portland on October 14th. Assessor Harold's census shows Multnomah county to have a total .population of 38,595, with 10,254 le gal voters. A vast amount of Oregon and Wash ington wheat will be shipped to San Francisco in the next three months, as the O. R. & N. Co. will place three ad ditional steamers on the route for this purpose. Rumor says that Mattie A. Bridge, who has taken a cottage for a year at Vancouver, W. T., has done so for the purpose of writing up Oregon for publication, and that much which is racy will appear. They have an enterprising lot of gamblers over in Cmaha. They offer, if thev are permitted to shuffle the cards without molestation for a year, that they will pay all the street im provements and keep up the water works. Receipts of wheat at Portland last week were 133,640 centals, of which 37,320 was from the valley and 96,320 from the eastern section, a daily aver age of 5,340 centals 01 the former and 13,760 centals of the latter. Receipts for the previous week were 178,800 .centals. Fred. Winkleman, the half-witted -unfortunate young cowboy who recently set fire to the Baker City jail, burning to death all the inmates except him self, is slowly recovering from his burns. He will probably be indicted for this act, in addition to his original .crime of murder. In Garfield county there are 737 single men and only 68 married women. The Glenwood Echo says: We want girls in Garfield county, blonds, bru netts, tall, short, fat, lean, jolly girls girls who can ride,play the piano, make crazy quilts, sew, wash, iron and cook for us. We are 669 girls short here, and we want all the girls to know it. Considerable anxiety is felt by sev eral cattiemen in Baker county over .the rumor that the agents of a Chicago firm buying largely in that section re cently are not reliable. About $49,000 has been paid out in checks on Chi cago banks to several dealers, and the rumors of protested checks having reached I5aker City to other parties. The agents claim that the matters will be straightened around in a few days. The weeping and wailing and gnash ing of teeth on the part of the San Francisco merchants, over the loss of Northwestern trade, ought to be a sol emn warning to Portland merchants not to neglect any opportunity to cul tivate the most friendly relations with every portion of the country, but es pecially of the new mining camps. Trade opportunities, like others, once neglected are oftentimes forever lost. The apparent indifference in establish ing reduction works in this city is a case in point. News. Umatilla county advertises its "poor farm" for sale. Whether the dearth of paupers renders its maintenance un- necessary or whether the experiment of running the farm has been akin to that of Multnomah county, involving an expenditure of sufficient money to pay the board of the paupers at first class hotel prices, is not stated. At all events, the farm is for sale on "easy installments." The East Oregonian announcing it, says: "Umatilla county has a poor farm on its hands, and it is for sale. There is not, so far any such rush of high bidders as would warrant the statement that the county indebtedness could be paid off with the proceeds of the farm." The Seattle Post-Intelligencer says: A pressure is being brought to bear on all hands to displace Chinese with white labor, af?d from the appearance of things the abolition of all Chinese la bor is at hand. The black Diamond coal company has given notice that all the Chinamen employed in the mines will be superceeded by white men, and the Seattle Lumber & Commer cial company has discharged the Chi namen employed in its mill. There are a great many unemployed white men looking for work' and it is to the interest of employers to give them employment where such a thing is pos sible. If a little judgment and com rrjon sense is used the labor ques tion can be adjusted without further resort to violence, murder and the destruc tion of valuable property. The New Northwest says: "It is said that over 500 business men at tended this prize fight last Saturday. If we had their names we'd publish them for the information of their wives and lady acquaintanances, and the next time similar prominence is given by the press to such an event, we'll have a reporter on the ground and publish, merely as a high-toned society item, the names of all the distinguished individuals who lend their presence and influence to brutality." Telegram: Brainard, the fugitive bank president who was kidnapped a a few days ago and brought to this country to receive merited punish ment, for his crime, has escaped and returned to Canada. A large reward is offered for his return, and he will probably be kidnapped again if the thing is possible. It seems unjust that a criminal cannot be arrested for his crime anywhere in the world and justice be administered to him, but until this is so kidnapping will proba bly become a favorite method of se curing such as are worth the trouble. If sufficient rewards were offered the colony of bank officials at Montreal and other favorite Canadian resorts might be easily secured in this way and the ends of justice well served. The Baker City Sage Brush thusly speaks of the beef situation and the prospect for higher prices: Many cat tlemen are selling off stock at present that it would pay well to keep for an other year. Such wholesale disposal of cattle as have been made through out Eastern Oregon this season will re sult in higher prices next year. Part ies from Montana have been buying and driving to that section and it would not surprise us to hear that these same cattle will be sold in the San Francisco and Portland markets next spring at double what they now bring. If the shipments continue for another month as they have in the past the ranges will be used only by horses and sheep and there will not be enongh beef to supply the home market. Passengers who arrive here over the Northern Pacific state there is every indication of a large immigration this fall from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and other cyclone states of the west. On an average about one-fifth of the immi gration passing through St. Paul bound for points west settle somewhere in Oregon or Washington territory. Numbers are now going to Colville valley and settling up rapidly that re gion. Government has just surveyed that section of the coun try, and maps of the surveys are now on file in the land office at Spokane Falls. Many of those who arrive here from Califor nia with a view to oermanent residence, settle in the extensive region north west of Harrington, Washington terri tory. Telegram. EQUALIZATION NOTICE. TOTICE is hereto -riven that tlic Board of Euual't- l zaiion in and foi Benton county. Oregon, will attend at the office of the County Clerk of said coun ty and continue in session from M o'clock a. m. of Scotembcr 25th, 1885, to and inclusive of October 2d, 1885, and then and there publicly examine the assess ment rolls of said county for tbo year 1885, and cor rect all errors in valuation, description or qualities of lauds lots or other property. All persons interested are hereby notified to appear at said time and place apiinttd. J. 1. ALFOKD, Assessor, Dated Aug. 2C, 1885. Brinkerhoff System, For the Cure of RECTAL DISEASES Over 30,000 cures Recorded in 6 years. Piles, Rectal Ulcer, Fissures, Pruritus-auit Fistulas in Ano, Polypua-Kecti, Etc. Cured without cutting- operations. Dr. Pilkinyton, suvtreon, Qtm'irtt and aurist, and proprietor of the sanitarium for the eye, ear and nervous dis easa, Portland, Oregon, has been appointed atfent and physician, for this system for Oregon, and has in two months made a number of cures of cases, in tome of which, severe operations with the knife have only done harm. liefer bv permission to Jas. W. Wcatherford, drug gist, well known in Salem; Frank Gardner, machinist at car shops; R. A. Kanipy, druggist at Harrisburg. Oiegon, and others. Will meet parties at Mrs. Hemphill's hotel iu Corvallis from arrival of stage from Albany, Tuesday, Oct. 13th to Thursday morning Oct. loth, 1S85. Address for pamphlet, etc., Di. J. B. riLXINGTOX, Portland, Or. FINE SHEEP. Wm. Hartless has ten extra fine Oxford bucks for sale at reasonable prices. CORVALLIS, - OREGON. F. M. JOHNSON. .A-ttorney at Hiaw. Fire Insurancea Specialty. Money Loaned on Good Security. J ames L. Lewis. Sheep, Cattle, Horses .and Hogs bought and sold and Contracts made to famish same AT ALL TIMES. Mutton, Beef and fat Hogs a Specialty. CORVALLIS OREGON. 21-4l)-3ni FOU ID That the best and cheapest pleaee in Cor vallis to buy all kinds of XHARDWAREXj -AT- Cutlery, Tools. Iron, Nails, Pumps, Rubber hose. Iron and L.ead Pipe, Hope, Bulb Wire, STOVES, RANGES, Granite ware, Stamped ware, Tin ware; Japanned ware and House Furnishing goods; or toKet all kiuds of job work iu the line 'of sheet metals or plumbing done is at the Hardware and Stove store of SIGN OF THE PADLOCK J. D. CLARK. BURNETT & JOHNSON", Proprietors of the WHIST MO BILLIARD ROOMS. Constantly on hand tlie best ljraiiils of Tobaccos and Cigars in tlie market. Fruit, Nuts "D Confectionery Ice Cold Drinks, Etc. GIVE US A CALL. Main St Corvallis, Oregon. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Corvaliis, Oregon. CANAN& GiBLiN. PROPRIETORS. THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building, newly furnished, and is first class in all its appointments. RATES LIBERAL. Stages leave the hotel for Albany ami Yaquina Daj Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fridays. - Large Saiujlc Room on Firsl FJoor for Commercial Men. 19-35 ly STATE flGRlCULTURALXCOLLEGF, Corvallis, Oregon. The next Session will beain on September 10th, with same Faculty as last year. B. L. Arnold, Pres. C17N STOEE. BREECH St MUZZLE LOADING SHOTGUNS Bin Pistols, Amunition, Cutlery, Spy Olasses, E i i n Ta1- 3:1', Sewing? 3Ia,n1ain?s, Work made to order and warranted. 20-33tf c. MODES, Corvaliis. J H. Lewis, E. E. Raeer. Lewis & Itabst, Pcopristors. 4ST Do a general Drayiug Business. Orders Solicited. 0. B. STAKE'S UHB mi aai SALS STABLE, (South end Main Street.) Charges Reasonable, Satisfact ion Guaranteed, Corvaliis, - - Oregon. For Sale! A Good Business Location, With a number. one Store House 24x70 ft., with house attached suitable for a small family. Situated in the center of the City of Philomath. And a good shipping point ON THE O. P. B. E. For further particulars enquire of fim VV. ALL EM, Philomath Oregon. JOIiN KELSAY. E. HOLGATE. Notary Public. KELSAY & HOLGATE A.ttornevs at - Law. Prompt attention given to business intrusted to ou. care in all the Courts of the State. Demands collected with or without action anywhere in the V. S Wil collect claims against the Government at Washington. E. ifolyate, a notary public, will rive strict attentioi to conveyancing, negotiating loan, buying, selling and leasing real estate, and a general agency business. Local agents for the Oregon Fire and Marine Insu ranee Company of Oregon, a reliable home company backed by the heaviest capitalists of tlie State. Office in Burnett's new brick, first door at head ot stairs. 19 17tf KELSAY & IIOLGLATE. LEGAL L A FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE NE Tile BUYERS' GUIDE is issued March and Sept., each year, iiv' 216 pages, 8" x U inches, with over 3,500 illustrations a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to eon turners on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun wlh. These IKTVAXUABLiE BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. Let us hear1 from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 387 & 230 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. J. W. HANSON'S. Clothing and Tailoring Emporium, You can fiml the latest styles of ready made clothing, also the finest Pants Patterns and Suitings Ever brought to Corvaliis. READY MADE CLOTHING PRESSED TO ORDER. Constantly on hand a full Hue of Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Shirts, Neckties, &c, &c. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. No trouble to show goods. Two doors South of Will Bro.'s. CORVALLIS, - - - - OREGON AUGUST KNIGHT, CABINET MAKER, V." ft tyi&wtj UNDERTAKER. Cor. Second and Monroe Sts. , CORVALLIS, : OREGOS, Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of FUENITTJEE Coffins ai?.d Caskets. Work done to ordjr on short notice and at reasonable rates. Corvaliis July 1, 1881. 19:27yl SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WOODCOCK & BALDWIN S AGRICULTURAL HARDWARE QF ALL KINGS AT WFMQiSC0frR8QES,) BROUGHT BY THEM Direct from the East ! TO VE DIRECT FROM Eastern and St. Louis FOUNDRIES. MANUFACTURERS OF TINWARE AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. CORVALLiSj - QgEggg; ONE OF THE BEST, OLDEST AND LARGEST FAMILY PAPERS Published in Oregon, containing all important dispatches, news from all parts of Oregon and the Pacific Coast, all local news of importance, besides a full supply of general and fireside family reading matter. THE GAZETTE As in the past, will continue to be the Faithful Exponent, of the Best Interests of Benton County and the State at Large. It will faithfully and fearlessly warn the people of wrong, impo sition or approaching danger where the public is interested, never fearing to publish the truth at all times, but will endeavor to alwayi ignore all unpleasant personalities wliich are of no public interest or concern. SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50 per year in advance. When not paid in advance, invariably $3.00. THE DEPARTMENT IS SUPPLIED WITH THE m P H t 0 ft a H AND IS PREPARED TO DO In the latest styles and at prices but little more than the cost of labor and material, on short notice. We are constantly turning out at prices which defy competition, the nicest designs of Letter heads, Bill heads, Envelopes, Visiting cards, Business cards, Programs, Ball tickets, JNote books, For Samples and prices, address Order books, Receipt books, Posters, Druggists labels, Gummed or Ungummed, Legal blanks Gazette Publishing House, COKVALLIS - t XREGOJV