The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 25, 1885, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
NO. 39.
Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Tear 2 SO
Six Months 1 50
1'hree Months 1 00
Single Copies 10c
Per Year (when not paid in advonce) 3 00
All notices and advertisements intended for pub
ation should he handed in bv noon on Wednesdays
Rates of advertising made known on application.
Of the past week Condensed for
Convenient Reading.
A small revelation ia reported in Guate
mala. It is thought the movement has been
The Mexican National Railway company
is negotiating a loan of 580,000,000 in Lon
don and Paris. The security offered is the
land grant of the Sanchez grant.
The population of eastern Roumelia have
rebelled. They seized the governor-fteneral
deposed the government and proclaimed a
union with Bulgaria. It is generally believ
ed in diplomatic circles that Russia arranged
the programme of the rising and suggested
a union with Bulgaria.
Admiral Miot, the French commander in
Madagascar, has asked reinforcements, and
a, troopship is about to leave Brest for Tam-
Atave with a force of 700 men. The French
Squadron at Madagascar will be increased
raising Admiral Miot's command to 5700
men and seventeen men-of-war.
A meeting of anarchists was held at Paris
last Sunday in the neighborhood of the
bourse. The meeting broke up in a row.
Many persons were wounded by shots from
The German imperial court of justice has
rendered a decision in a suit against the
Northern railway, to the effect that German
shareholders cannot compel Austrian and
Hungarian railways to pay their debentures
or coupons in German coin.
The international farmers' congress meets
at Pesth mi October 3d. The danger to
European producers of the competition Of
Indian and American wheat will be discuss
ed. A decn:e in bankruptcy has been issued in
the case or thn Credit Viager Insurance com
pany. T lis is the lirst life insurance com
pany in France that has failed to meet its
engagements. The nominal capital of the
company was 5,000,000 francs. Its assets
cannot be realized.
The French minister of finance has caused
to be ascertained in what proportion the coin
of other powers in the Latin union is circu
lating in Fraucc. The result of the inquiry
shows that 10 per cent, of the gold coin
age and 28 per cent, of the silver coinage
belongs to other powers.
United States Minister Cox and Consul
general Heap have succeeded in obtaining a
revocation of the order expelling American
Jews from Jerusalem.
Rev. Dr. William Smith has been appoint
ed Catholic archbfshop of Edinburgh.
Gen. Miles says the troops under his com
mand are now in good condition to protect
settlers and control the hostiles.
Rev. Father Butler of St. Bridget's church,
Jersey City, it is thought, has eloped with
Miss Mary Brady, a young lady of aliluence.
The rainstorm at Galveston has abated.
One of the shipwrecked crew of the barge
Orient succeeded in getting safely to shore.
AH the rest are undoubtedly lost.
The New York Tribune thinks it is time
to warn the country that the surrender of
the administration to the silver men is al
most certain. There u now little prospect
that the administration will effectively
adopt any policy nat within harmony with
demands of the silver extremists.
- The New York Star says: Plain people
like the silver dollars, marketwomcn like
them, hack drivers like them, newsboys
'dote on them, and bartenders receive them
with delight. The mechanic likes the eigh
teen silver dollars which he gets Saturday
afternoon. He is not distressed by the
weight of them. Newspaper publishers
like them. The Star would sell its whole
edition, including its cat, for silver dollars.
The health officers are making every effort
to discover the source of the sadden out
break of several cases of smallpox in a
Grani street tenement, New York City
and to stop it before it gains much headway.
The number of smallpox cases in St.
Henri, Canada, is increasing. A large per
centage of persons met on the streets of the
village are freshly pock-marked, and noth
ing is done to check the disease. The dis
ease has made its appearance at Iberville,
this province. At a meeting in St. Joseph
parish it was stated that the disease hail
spread to an alarming extent.
Confiscation of the Las Cruses silver mines
in the Carmine mountains in Mexico by
Mexican troops, npon a trumped up miner's
claim of Mexican sergeaut against the Am
erican owners occured recently. These
Are the same miners whose discovery
led to such excitement about six months ago
and which yielded 107 ounces of silver to
the ton.
The Canadian Pacific railroad claim that
they have been defrauded to the extent of
half a million dollars in consequence of in
correctly measuring the work.
There was received at the treasurydepart
mnt last Monday, for redemption, a pack
age of about $100,000 in United States notes
which are badly mutilated and almost be
yond recognition. It is said the owner, an
Ohio farmer, had burried the notes in the
earth in preference to placing them in a
bank or other depository.
President Cleveland is said to have made
himself very unpopular with the Mugwump
and civil service reform dndee by appointing
Collector Hedden who was named bv a Mi.
Thompson v. ho had a bargain with Hedden
that of the $12,000 salary for the collector
ship and the fees and perquisites which
make the office worth twice as much or $24,
000 per year should keep $7,500 and the
rest should be turned over to Thompson.
have been a terror to their neighbors for
years. Constable Perry Chapman, assisted
by George Bradley and W. Aiusley went to
the place of the desperadoes last Saturday
with an execution and attempted to serve it
when the whole Aldrich family opened fire
on the officer and his assistants wounding
Bradley so badly that bis arm was ampu
tated in consequence; Ainsley was slightly
wouned when they left the desperadoes.
The Sheriff and four officers went to arrest
them and after being held off from the house
for four hours succeeded in arresting them
and lodging them in jail.
Repealed shocks of earthquake were felt
in Benevento. Italy, Monday, causing a panic
among the inhabitants, many of whom fled
from the town. A large portion of the pop
ulace it camping out in anticipation of fur
ther shocks,
Frank J. Ballinger city edit r of the San
Francisco Call died in that city last Monday.
The quarters of Chinese workmen at the
Biack Diamond mines in Washington ter
ritory who had been discharged were visited
Thompson was directed by the President to; last Sunday might by a mob armed with
name the man and so he did under such a
bargain with him.
During last Monday Levi P. Morton and
rifles disguised with sacks drawn over their
eyes. The Chinamen lied in haste when
had gained. Under the shadow of that
grand name we meet here to-day, to renew
onr fidelity to the principles for which he
fought and to fight it ourselves on that
line, until the leaves fall in November."
applause. Before adjourning until the fol
lowing morning one ballot was taken for
governor with the following result; Daven
port 10.5, Carr 205, Morton 42, Seward 57,
Swinbourne 32, Lowe 16, Warren 137,
Drexel 37, Bliss 53, Cornell 4, Evarts 1,
Starin 1, Charles Andrews 1. Whole num
ber of votes cast, 691.
their houses were soon burned. A conven-
Cornelius Bliss were taking the lead for the ! tion, to consist of delegates from all parts of
nomination for governor among the dele- j the Puget sound country, has been called to
gates to the New York State convention, meet at Seattle on September 2b, to devi3e
It appeared like New York county held the ! means of ridding the country of Chinamen.
Best MjgHiwaY)
key to the result,
Edward Stevens Sanborn about a year be
fore his recent death completed the erection
of a fine edifice for a seminary in the town
of Kingston, New York, which was one of I eut says, there is no longer any possibility
the tine-t and most convenient buildings of doubt that Ludwig the Second, king of
for the purpose in the state. Since his i Bavaria, is hopelessly mad.
While they are about it just as well devise
means of ridding the country of people who
engage in mobs.
The New York Sun's London correspond
death facts ascertained in the settlement of
his estate proves him to have been exten
sively engaged in the keeping of brothels in
Boston and Julia Ann Hilton who presented
the library for the institution is also said to
be the Mistress of a brothel.
The rain at New Orleans fell almost con
stantly from late Friday to Sunday night.
Much damage was being done by rains up
to last Sunday to the cotton crops in the
Red and Mississippi river valleys.
The rice crop through Louisiana has been
damaged more or less by recent rains.
A row occured last Sunday among differ
ent factions of St. Hedgweigs Polish Church
Society, at Milwaukee where a uumler
were seriously cut with knives, wounded
with stones and clubs and otherwise.
James Nolan, a miner in the new Granite
creek mines, British Columbia, was mur
dered by a cowboy Wedneseay.
The civil cervice reform association of
New York, George W. Curtis, chairman,
has censured Collector Hdden for certain
recent appointments.
There is talk of another transcontinental
line into San Francisco, to be controlled by
the Burlington and the Northwestern roads.
Representative Warner has completed the
draft of the compromise silver bill that he
intends to present to congress when it asem
bles. Telegraph operators have asked the
Western Union Company to employ extra
operators to work on extra time instead of
requiring the regular operator to perform
the extra time, which was adopted by the
The president has appointed Authony J. .
Zeberger to be collector of customs of Chi
cago. John Russell Young denies that Maukay
is about to buy the N e w- Vork Herald and
install him as editor.
The family of Wm. Tallmedge, of lies
Moines, have fallen heir to an estate of $15,
000,000 in England.
All communication between Turkey and
Bulgaria has been cut oS. Turkey has
stopped the issue of railway tickets for
points beyond Adrianople.
Liberal electioneering agents who have
returned from provincial tours of iiiquiry re
port that they foiuul a surprising amouut of
political intelligence and information among
newly organize 1 liberals in the midland
counties. These new voters, it is reported,
generally appreciate their new political re
spoil si Li li ties, have clear views regarding
the political principles at issue between the
two great parties, particularly those relating
to the land question, and entertain no bitter
feebngs against owners as such. It is even
said that where there is strong opposition
among laborers to the continuance of the
established church the opposition is one of
principle, and finds no personal vent against
the clergy as state pensioners.
Prince Alexander has issued a proclama
tion, announcing that in accordance with
the wishes of the entire populace he resumed
sovereignty over the two proviuces of North
and South Bulgaria. Measures will be ta
ken to preserve peace, and all who oppose
the new government will be severely pnn
ished. The Turkish and Greek portion of
the inhabitants have thanked the govern
meiit here for having taken measures tor
their defense, and have offered their ser
vices in resisting Turkish invasion.
AURor Aldrich his wife, son about 2()
The markets for securities at the stock
exchange London on Tuesday was flat.
It is stated at the railroad offices in San
Francisco that there are now over 1000 men
employed on the extension of the California
& Oregon railroad.
It i3 stated it the land office at Washing
ton, D. C, that the action taken some time
ago by Commissioner Sparks, revoking cer
tain alleged illegal contracts for surveys of
public lands under what is known as the de
posit system, and in suspending accounts
under similar contracts because of various
irregularities, and for the purpose of ascer
taining by field examinations whethct the
field surveys have been properly or actually
executed, brought to the front the bank of
Nevada and other banks in San Francisco,
as parties claiming intere st in accounts, by
virtue of loans made to surveying contract
ors, and representatives of the banks are
now here urging the payment of such ac
counts; to protect themselves against loss,
The commissioner does not recognize the
banks as having any legal or equitable claims
against the government, or right to inter
vene between accounting officers of the land
department and their olliciul duties. An
nual appropriations by congress for survey
iug public lands hove been $300,000 to $400,
000,and$600,090,000has been deposited since
1870 by individuals. It is the opinion of
the commissioner that the practice of San
Francisco banks of advancing money on sur
veying contracts, which it is said has grown
up within ten years, and extended so as to
include contracts in various states and ter
ritories, and which are now urged as equit
able consideration, cannot be regarded as in
the interest of public service.
At the New York republican convention
Senator Warner Miller was agreed upon for
temporary chairman. In his address, he ad
vocated rigid adherence to the protection of
American industries and American labor.
Says he when we turned over to the opposi
tion the civil service of the government no
better civil service existed .under the sun.
Referring to the political complexion of the
southern states, the speaker maintained
that throughout the length and breadth of
that land there was not to be found a single
government which holds the reins of govern
ment by the will of the people. Republi
cans, he said, to prove this statement, only
asked for a fair field and a fair tight. Con
tinuing, in reference to alleged illegal bal
loting iu the S uth, the speaker said men
who have managed the polls in that section
would not continue to do the work without
pay. Upon the question of the civil service
of the government Miller said tbe ri publi
can party had put the law into practical use,
and were committed to it, He would sug
gest, however that civil service commissions
be at once summoned together, and direced
to add a clause providing that "all
jail birds and ex-convicts" are forbidden to
hold office. This, he thought, would re
lieve the president of the United States.
He closed by predicting victory in Novem
ber next. Hon. James W. Honsted was
selected as permanent chairman, who took
his seat amid great applause and among
other things he spoke briefly as follows;
He spoke briefly, and among other things
he said that "honest money .and an honest
ballot, an honest count and protection to
every form of American industry will be
forever the cardinal doctrines of the republi
can party, applause We stand to-day
on hallowed ground. On yonder mountain,
in sight of that historic battle hill, where
Fine Dress Goods and Silks,
Fine Plushes, Velvets, and Brocades.
Full Line Flannels and Domestics, Table Linens, Towels, Napkins.
Mccormick twine binders, S
1 ?
I 1
A Nice Line of
Spring Wagons
years of Kge and two other children who the Continental soldiers won a victory that
live about eight milas from Iona, Mich., made a nation, died the great captain who,
and a mile east of Collins Station, on the ' by his great prowess and his skill, saved
Detroit, Lansing and Northern railroad for all time what the Continental soldiers
Elegant Cloaks, Wraps and Shawls.
Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves,
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes.
Ladies' Fine Furnishing Goods.
Full line Clothing all grades
For Men, Boys, Youths and Children.
Complete Line Men's Furnishing Goods.
Overcoats for Men, Boys, Youths and Children.
Full Line A 1 Boots and Shoes, A splendid Line of
Hats and Caps, liubber and Oil Clothing,
i Duck Clothing and Blankets.
All at Portland prices for CASH only.
Mill Machinery.
Rubber and Leather
Correspondence Solicited.
Catalogues Furnished on
Corvallis, Or.
Remember this is a well bought stock.
Bought by a careful painstaking buyer.
Bought by an experienced judge of values.
Bought on its merits as to beauty, style and
Quality, and above all Bought Low.
Therefore come right in ! Close up the sales!
Get the Bargains !
Every A rticle Marked in Plain Figures.
qxe mMT A mm
Corvallis, Oregon.
AE. 1885.'
To the Farmers of Benton and Linn Counties
I desire te remind you of the fact that I am still in the Warehouse business at my
old stand, and call your attention to the following reasons why I think it will be to your
interest to store your grain with me:
1st. Because the 0. R R. R. Company intend putting a side track to the river, ttum
giving us a chance to de;tl with Irian Francisco buyers at higher prices.
2nd. " I am in a position to take advantage of competition among the different lines of
transportation on the river, and secure the very lowest freight rates.
3rd. I have had twelve years experience in the wheat bnsiness, and can get as much
for your grain as any body else. Sacks always on hand.
Thanking you for liberal support iu the past,I respectfully request all myo!d custom
ers to continue their patronage, ami ask all new meu to call and see me before engaging
elsewhere. I shall make it my duty, as well as pleasure, to do a straightforward business
Corvallis, Or., July 15, '85.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Domestic Keywest and Havana
Wholesale and Retail.
Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos
and Smok'jr's articles generally,
Also just received a fine lot of
No Chinese labor employed.
A.ttorriev " at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Will practice in all the Courts in the atari
Collections promptly attended to
(Offices East side Main street.)
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
I wish to call the attention of my patrons
to the fact that I have moved my Harness
Shop from my old stand to the -shop on Main
street formerly occupied by Cameron Bro's.
I shall carry a good line of harness and sad
dles, and by honest work and fair dealing
endeavor to merit a share of your patronage
GENE LEE, Proprietor.
(Opposite H. E. Harris' Grower' Store.)
Washing, Irorinr. PoJxhlng and Fluting
doae to order and at
Reasonable JPrices.
Cxzt THIS OUT, and return to
Thy Gazette Publishing House with in onicr lot S
any amount of Job Printing:, fetich a Bill or j
Letter Heads, Invitations, Calling and Uostoesi If,
Cords, Programmes, liall Tickets, .Note, Oraei
and Receipt ttooks, Circulars, Label, Bbippinj
Tags, Postern, or any class of Job Printing
Prices as low as Good Work can be done toi
D. S. CURTIS, Proprietor.
The best dollar a day House in the
J. B. Lee, 1L D.
G. R Eaua, M. D.
IPhvsicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Real Estate Agency.
A. P. Gaines.
Real Estate, Employment and Collection
Susiness Solicited. References Given-
OFFICE. First door south of FUhttr's Brick, main