The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 04, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    Corvallis -Weekly Gazette,
. A1 communications to the GAZBTrE, either on
mSmm or lor pubaeatiou to nroapmuMiw
tion should be addressed to the GAZi.1 ft, FUUL1SH
Hulls, i .
r. a. y.
o-. ,., renter. No. 5. R. A. II., meets Thurs
Take Uotice.
Bird cages at Will Bros.
Fall tights haVe begun.
New sheet music at Will Bros.
iT:' .
Go to E. O. Chamness for gold peii3 and
Boys clothing at cost at Whitneys closing
out sale. '
Go to E. O. Chamness for fine writiu
Nobbv Hats at cost at Whitney's closin
out sale.
Hon! R. S. Strahan was in our city last
All goods at cost at Whitney's closing
out sale.
Go to E. O. Chamness for blank books
and stationery.
Chas. Monteith, of Albany spent Sunday
Twelve nonpareil lined or leas, or cne of space
.onstitute a.wfiare. I '' ' '
Ml bills for kdVertisin? payable monthly. Foi all
ransient adfertisinif payment must be made in ad-
anee. 1
Business locals, first insertion 10 cents per line.
No business locals inserted for less than 25 cents.
. M 1 ,,.Vi nnilKDj frop if an.-
. -!Se w ponded remarks. 5 cents per line win evening in our city
F" J , ..f ft nenta tier
b e cnarjfea. im ;" v'
. ! n.rrt of thanks. 10 cents per line.
We shall b obligedto any person who will furnish ney's closing out sale.
a with any information 01 iue. nii.
- .-- -n ofjaiiomuiotn communica
ti.l.n Whatever is intended for publication Organs at Will Bros,
w n,a. . rtnfi mlHreMS of
the writer not necessary for publication, but as a
guarantee of Brood faith.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for any views
opinions expressed in the co nmunications of our
v a decision of the Post-office Department all per
oans receiving or UJtinv pspers from the postoifice
ven when addressed to i thte. become responsible
or the ub3criptin piicel'. ' '
idvortisenients',' notices and communications in
r.ded for thispaper, should be hauded in as early as
Weiusday morning, to insure their publication.
Subscribers not reteivin? their paper reifularly will
orfer a favor by giving notice of the same at this
'Sabwribers will bear in -ni ic' fixt t'n subscription
price is invariably when not paidui advauce.
Men's furnishing goods at cost at Whit-
Go and see the go'.den voiced Peerless
A Child Killed and Other Parties Injured
While the 0. P. excursion train was re
turning from Yaquina last Monday a very
sad accident happened at the Summit, in
"which Pearl Lakin, the six year old' daugh
ter of D. R. Jbakin, liveryman of Eugene
City, was instantly killed, and several other
Pl assengers injured more or less. Mr. J. D.
Irvine, a groceryman ot ino.epenn.euce,
rendered insensible for some time, and it
Was thought was dangerously hurt, but has
fiiproVed so as to be able to return home on
Wednesday. Mrs. Pettyjohn, Mrs. Lock
and Miss Kibby, all of Independence, were
also injured, but not seriously. It seems
'that the train stopped for dinner at the
Mountain House, aboutone-half mile beyond
the Summit station, and the engine was cle
'tached from the open passenger cars an
iaken to the station by an engineer name.
Blackburn who was not the regular engineer
but was only riding over the road hoping to
ana it is sain
Rumors of a reduction in forca on the
& 0. railroad are unfounded.
ion and hov's shoes and boots at cost
at Whitney's closing jat sale.
Corsets, Kid gloves and parasols, at cost
at Whitney's closing out sale.
The printing fraternity of Roseburg are to
give i grand ball on the 11th inst.
Jas. Connor, of Albany returned Monday
from a three weeks stay at the Bay.
Mose Meyei, with Banner Brothers, of
San Franci co, was in Corvallis over Sunday.
Somebody has discovered that the croam
of experience is skimmed from spilled milk.
Mr. A. Stinit, a'real -state agent of Eu
gene City; was in Corvallis the first of the
Will H. Parry, of the Weft Side, marie us
a pleasant call last Monday, on his return
from ihe Bay.
The second crop of this season's straw-
is berries are making their appearance in por
tions of the stats.
Choose your sewing machines at Will
Rrna where thev have ten or tweive differ
ent kinds to choose from.
There will be a grand ball at the Odd
Fellows' new hall in Kings valley, to-night.
A grand time is expected.
There are now five persons confined in
(i J Marion county jail for various crimes, await-
j ing the action of the grand jury.
The steamer Topsy is undergoing repairs
at Salem. Her keel will be cut off, reduc
ing her draft seven or ei,-ht inches.
A. W. Rose, of the firm of Rose Bro's,
one of
a frost
be employed by the company.
was iriven encouragement by some one of the
companies employes that he would soon se- went to the Bay last Saturday ana returnen
Go to E. Chamness or school books.
The Overland Montidy for September con
tains many new attractions.
fir. tn K O. Chamness for the Kerner
stylographie pen, th bestestpeufortheleast
estinoney iu the world. Try it.
Mr. Auraud. who was hurt by a runaway
team fast week, Is still in a critical condi
tion, with slight hope3 of his recovery.
Hon. F M. Wadsworth returned from
Portland Monday evening, where he had
been purchasing supplies for the Siletz res-
Remember if in want of a stove of any
. - . . . - . . i , ry
kind, WoodcockAl Baldwin Ke2p tne ua.-land-
"The Wort's Best." Do not fail to
see them.
Rev. Jos. Emery will preach his farewell
sermon in the college chapel next Sabbath
atllo'o'ock. All are cordially invited ,to
About a dozen of our young men are re
hearsing for a minstrel performance at the
City ball in the near future. It promises to
be "immense".
Go to E. 0. Chamness for poems and mis
cellaneous books; in fact everything usually
kept in a first-class book store. Everything
sold very cheap. .
Th,. "sere and yellow leaf," is already
making its appe irance, remin ling
u months, although not
have we had yet this se ison.
j. A. Knight is building an addition to
u:.. -v. n,mn lions furniture establish -
Illft ifcOeV., ww."
ment. His increasing business in the man
ufacturing line demands it.
M. S. NenjfWi m il ! a flying trip to
Blndgetts Valley last Monday, going out in
the morning stage and returning the sai-ne
afternoon on the 0. P. train.
Rudolph Motley, a former resident of this
county, but now a Spun in Crook ponaty,
l ; n.,..i , :lst weeK, on a uu"
trip, and to visit old friends and acquaiiy
There are to be seen in several of the back
yards in our city tight ropes, stretched by
young would be performers. Some
of our youths are becoming quite proficient
in the art.
Rev. E. R. M'itt!itroy(i witl ho1'1 ,Uvine
t. the Presbyterian church in this
c'itv next Sabbath in the evening only
.,o onininnnion services, as
last Sabbath. .
Mrs. Chas. Kohn and little daughter re-
i tjirn home io-aay, aivo, - -r
..Wont, two months visiting in our city.
Much of the sunlight about the Jacobs
vviii deiart with
The steamer Isabel, which formerly run
between In4eDevene? a
M. S. Woodcock, the chief editor of the
Gazettb, is at present enjoying his annual
vacation at the Bay. He is having a fine
time with clams and rock oysters. Upon his
arrival he was met by a couimit.t. e of the
amient and honorable order of Siizeracs:
Grain s.nlpnient to S. F. via Yaquina.
Messrs. Jacobs & Neugass last Wedues
day shipped three car loads of oats over the
Homicide in Lan& county
A man name! Laughlin, of Missouri, while
visiting his brother at Cottage Grove, Lane
The above engravings are from . n Ibstan
tineous photograph taken when the
Chief Sachem was presenting the grand flo
ral tribute and extending the liberties of the
Bay to the editor. Want of space precludes
the publication of the address of welcome
and response.
O. P. to Yaquina City, and will on to-nior- county, one day last week, was shot and in
row, Saturday, ship five or six cars more, j stantly killed by Dr. Hoard of that place.
The grain will be transferred directly from j The brothers, Langhliu, were walking out
the ears on to the steamer aquina, wmen
will in a fev. days leave for San I'raueisco.
t'lins it is that our people are begining to
reap the benefits, of a gigantic enterprise
now in its infancy. 1 he railroad company
will in afew days publish their freight r.tes,
having lately made arrangements for traffic
between this place and San Francisco. We
are officially informed that the rates will be
v ery low, and that we can soon have a re
gular shipment of freight from Sin Frau
cisco via Yaquina. Orders have been re
ceived from eastern headquarters for the
instruction of the patent truss bridges on
Ww.-en this inaeu and Yaquina,
to take the place of the temporary ne
n Ah vet the c. Ins' ruction ea.-tw i d
from this place has not been made public,
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Until further notice a train will leave
Corvallis for Yaquina every Wednesday and
Saturday at 10 a. m. Yaquina to Corvallis
every Thursday and Monday at 8 a. in.
C. C. Hoguk,
together, when the visitor stopped at the
railroad depot to mail a letter. Dr. Hoard
at that moment picked up a Winchester rifle
belonging to a fanner and it was discharged
with the deadly effect noted. There are two
reports about the killing, one that the gun
was accidentally disch irged, and one that
the aim was deliberate, although the dead
man and the doctor had never met within
the knowledge of anyone present, and noth
ing short of insanity could give semblance
ot truth to the latter theory.
Tlie Buena Vieta Poitory Works.
The pottery works at Busna Vista have
discovered a new process whereby the jars
and pots have a polish that far excels that
which is imported from other states, and
sells from 8 to 12 cents less. Oregon dealers
are still handling the eastern ware when our
own goads are belter and cheaper. The
only reason for this is that the ret lilers
would sooner send their money iwit of the
state, or that the superiority of
Vista ware is not advertised and the busi
ness drummed up. One-half of the difficul
ty experienced iii introducing manufacturing
ntimrisw liHre. savs the Orecouian, arises
Another Line County Homicide.
A dispatch to the Oreyonian from Eugene
City ilited Au;. 31st. says: Word has
just reached here that Dmiel Church,
brother ot Hon. John C. Church, of this
citv. was to-day found dead in Mohawk
dealers to
All those wishing a copy of the ."Illustra
i-i u;.t ,.f Ronton County'.' will please e
.... . iu i;r,orl r will from th unwillingness
1 Z Tli : ' e s 7 the' number handle Oregon goods, and much of the ..her
""1 . .. ! u..!f ; from t.h disinclination pi our
Cor First and Ash St' Portland, i people to buy them. Somehow if the job is
only that of hanging a man, our people think
V. . j -i.
cure an Engine. However, he took the en-
thfi'ii'ta.tion and on returning, on a
Closing aut Sale.
The closing out sai'e at C. H. Whitney's
s attracting many buyers who are attracted
by the very low prices actual cost tor
oo,1h This is a uenuine closing out sle
an Oregon ro;ie not good enoui
and as the stock 13 a we!! selected one
Brat-class, the people should not fall to nn-prov-e
the opportunity.
Fruit Drier.
Buy the E2onomy fruit drier at Woodcock
& Baidwiu'swhich utilizes the heat on a
common cook stove, and enables the drier
to w.irk when meals are being prepared on
the same stove. The price of the Machine
complete is only twenty dollars and will en
able fruit raisers to save the fruit heretofore
wasted, without expense.
The editor of the Eng -ns Joi.raal writes
in the following gloomy style: "Oregon has j
never experienced such hard tnns as at
present. A farmer who is well posted in
forms us that, in his opinion, the wages of ;
farm hand the coming winter wiil not be!
more thaii 50 cents a .lay, which is only one-1
i. .if ,,f what, hns been customary in former !
I years. H i says be saw a man making rails
a few days ago, in i he river bottom a short
j distance, north of Eugene, for 50 cents a
(hundred and boarding himself. The timber
the river
; at the hitter place. It, is the intention
Monday, highly pleased with the trip.
CountvClerk. B. W. Willson, returned
down irrade. ran onto the train with such , . . frnm . tew weeks stay at the Bay, , nf het owners to run her between this p. ace
force as to knock the passengers in all direc- iooking muc improved, and as jovial as J .,n,l Portland.
ever. Miss Emm-i Stannns. of Portland, came
f f Al.! tliis cnimtv has re- ! Tlmradai's train to organize
DIlMll J "Ot. ... i.-, ( ujp ... .i
Tin Tlncffit House.
Having lately purchased this well known
house, I will thoroughly renovate and refit,
the same. The table will be supplied with
Salem, has been on the ways undergoing re- I the ,ie3t tl,e m-.rket affords, and no pains
fira nf whom' were thrown from the
cars. The child which met jti sad' death
Was thrown from its mother's arms and fell
between the cars onto the track and one of
the wheels striking its head crushed the
skull, causing instant death. 'the other
bassengers who were injured were "attended
with all the available surgical assistance in
power'of the company . The remains of the
child were taken to Eugene Tuesday for in
terment He Did it With His Little Gun.
Hon. Geo. A. Waggoner while rusticating
at the Bay last week was out gunning with
nis fine Winchester rifle one day and espied
a'nne 'sandhill crane, Sometimes called a
"shitepoke," and with a steady nerve ana
correct eve. (tb'hear him tell it,)
ifine head on the bird and fired.
drew a
The leaden
4-1. ,r.,.Iott.d a threshing machine of hi
own model, which is sai 1 to work- like a
F. A. Smith, photographer of Salem, pho
tographed the targe cr w 1 of excursionists
at the 0. R. depot in this city last Saturday
The mellon crop of this season h is been
very abundart. The best come i
from the Rogue river valley and the vicinity j
of The Dalles- ! best ariic
Something new Those 'Garland cook
stoves at Woodcock & Baldwin's; are the
finest ever seen in Oregon and need only to
be seen to be appreciated,
Chas. Pfeiffer, for nine years proprietor
-u i ,,i fr in v'.-t. ir Mieasaiu, a..'. .......
win "i. - ' . ,
fco Uhiuese cooita
D. B. Curtis.
Corvallis, Or., July 30, 1S85.
fortable for guests.
md has been picked out, so he has
to work hard to average 100 a dy, which,
after deducting 15 cents for lacou and flour,
leaves only 35 cents a day. Plenty of hands j
white people as well ns Indians and China-
men, can be had to pick hops this year fi.rj
25 cents a box. which is only one-half the
price of last year, but there will not be
.nany hops picked in this county even at
this price." It. is a f rtunate thing that all
other counties in the state are not iu the
same condition as Lane.
neat a
U,'.rwid nn its wav of death and de- of the Kevere rlonse
r ' .. .. .. j i i l
gtruction, but the bird lazily folded up its the tnrniture, am. v.
1 leM and soared away unharmed. H. W. Garrett, of Portland.
of Albany, has old
the building to
lone legs and soared away
Wot so with an unsuspecting cow
Any unusual attractions in the editorial
Hnnfln.-d to be erazinz on the tide land in woru f the Gazette this week may be at-
tKa't vicinity. The bullet struck the water, trjbuted to the fact that the editor-in-Chief
add, (to hear George tell it), glanced otl in js rusticating at the Bay
1 ... i ,r i IT.. , .l.tntino nf
an entirely ainereui. umwiw,
at least one-half mile, struck the aforesaid
cow in the neck with sufficient force to break
her neck. The cow "gave up the ghost,"
tn.l Oanrra was shortly afterward thanked '' by the lady who
owned the dead brute for "Killing
her oldest cow." He did the handsome by
paying a good price for his game, aud was
for several days to be seen retailing "nice
year to the YaquinaiteS. Now the query
is' "how much did the cow weigh, and how
long was George in finishing his all but
pleasant' job of retailing?" His sales, we
are'crediblj informed amounted to eight lbs.
per day. kii'next exploit with his "trusty
rifle.f ' (?) will be in the mountains, when
we expect to heat of him shooting over
hills and into canyons, killing deer, bear,
elk and other small game by the score.
To inspect our Government Worns.
Hon. ""Broker' Hermann, congressman -elect.
aiViVedin Corvallis Tuesday evening and
luff nn Wednesday's train in company with
agent Wadsworth for a trip to tbe Siletz
Indian reShryation, for a personal inspection
of the affairs, wants and needs of this tribe.
They gd hy the 0'. P. train to Toledo, from
where they will take a private conveyance
fb the agency, and where Mr. Hermann
Will remain until to-day, Friday; when he
will return to Toledo and be met by a spec
ial train ha7ing on board Gov. Moody, Sec
retary Earhart and other prominent citizens
bf Salem. They are going to Yaquina for
the purpose of inspecting the government
jetty, harbor advantages and other resources
of that place. Mr. Hermann has been en
gaged in this' kind of work more or less
since his election, and in fact has devoted
the most of the summer months in visiting
jMmnt orovernment works all
ait oi me o - -over
the'state, that he may be able to repre
seni 6ur growing state in the next congress
f.-dm a personal observation and knowledge
bfallonr eeds. ' We predict a successful
career for Mr. Hermann in the next Congress.
Mrs. Ida Center, daughter, ot L. f. bam
win, arrived from Callifornia last Monday
on a visit to her relatives and. friends in Cor
vallis, after an absence of four yeais,
Deputy US Marshal Pygall took one
John Philips to Portland last Friday,
,.i,or,,rl with selling liauor to Indians.
The prisoner pleaded guilty and paid his
The Columbia Annual Conference Metho-
dist Ep. Ch. South will convene in AU.any,
Linn Co. Or., next Thursday the 10th, inst.
at 9 A. M. Bishop Hargrove of lenu. pre
Oregon and its great recources continue
to be he theme of the Colorado editors who
visited this State in July. They appeal to
appreciate the country letter than the
journalists of Iowa.
A. party of excursionists consisting of
VTra .T Martin. Mrs. Dr. W. . Cusick,
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Lemon of Salem, took breakfast at that city
I at 6 o'clock, a. m. last Saturday, aud sup
per at Yaquina at 6 o'clock, p. m. of the
fame day.
The O. P. excursion last Saturday was
largely patronized by our citizens and those
from the adjoining counties. On the 0. &
C. train from Derry to connect with the O
P there were about 40 passengers. Among
those from Polk countv we noticed Hon.
Jos. Craven, W. P. Conowav aud wife,
S. Cooper and wife, Geo. Belt and wite,
I Vandu p and wife, A. Lock and wife,
Messrs. Chas. Belt,'W. H. Parry, Ira Smith
and I. Claggett and Miss Paty Cooper, of
Independence; Messrs. J. B. Stump, Edgar
Cattron, Mrs. D. T. Stanley and Mr. and
Mrs A. B. Griggs of Monmoutn; miss
v-VK-fivtH. of -Dallas; The Corvallis resi
dents were Messrs. Wallace Bildwin, M.
S. Woodcock, J. O. Wilson, B. R. Job,
Geo. Wagoner and many others, too num
erous to mention. The Albany Mechanics
Band was in attendance aud furnished, excel-
I lent music for the excursionists.
w ...:, 11111-
ln music, miss .-.unuus i --.-e
sician and excellent p-rformei. Those
wishing to take ftssona in any branch of
music vocal or instrumental will find her a
first-class teacher.
The Garland stoves, cooking and heating,
are the leading article in' this liu- in market.
Every stove or "ange hearing tho name of
"Airland," is offered with the absolute
guarantee of being the finest finished and
of its kind that can be mane lor
the price asked.
We invite correspondence from all sec
tions of the connty on local matters and
subjects of interest. The name of the cor
rl,.nt. is always required to communi
cations intended for publication, and should
reach us Tuesday or Wednesday.
An exchange says: "You may hive all
the stars in a nail keg, hang the ocean on a
rail fence to dry, out the sky in a gonrd to
soak, unbuckle the bellyband of eternity,
and let out the sun and moon, but never de
bide yourself with the idea that you can es
cape the oMier side of purgatory unless you
pay the printer."
John Benson, of Mt. View this county,
while working in a well in which blasting
had been done, w is taken out in an insensi
ble condition last Monday, caused by gasses
in the bottom of the well having accumula
ted from the blasts. Dr. Farra was called
and rendered relief, and at last accounts the
suffer.T was quite comfortable.
Immigrants are constantly coming into
the country buying and renting farms.
Uenters are moving from one point to an
other, so that the business man to keep bkj
business before the people must advertise it.
Many a dollar slips by the man who does
not advertise into the pockets of those who
do Stick a pin here.
Mr. D. W. Gibson made this office a
pleasant call last Tueslay morning. He
with his family have only lately arrived
from Kansas. He is wMl pleased with our
county and has leased the Readman farm,
about five miles north of Corvallis. Benton
county has room and offers inducements to
many more such intelligent and industrious
farmers is Mr. Gibson.
Let an item get iuto a paper detrimental
to a community or person, and immediately
everybody knows it, and its effect is de
clared to be enormous, and yet there are
men who pretend not to believe in advertis
ing. Publish the startling fact that yon
have a bargain' in the risiht manner and
everybody will know it just as quickly.
A new soda spring is said to have been
discovered, on Muddy, just below the Gray
bridge, west of Halsey, sys the Heratit
Dinemhiator. The water is said to be fully
as stroncr as any of the other springs, ana
of. apparently, the same ingredients. Ajplie
full pvamin ition will be made, and if the ;
y..u certainly
A "Jew Bu3in3S3.
have noticed the new noon
. Klijst Pay for the pnper.
It is not generilly known that a man w ho
ten miies from here. It seems that
a young man named Yaruall was passing
Mr. Chur.-h's house when he saw a man ly
ing oil his face in front of tne house. Going
near he saw that Church had beon shot,
and without disturbing the body immedi
ately 'went for neighbors. Having found
one, both repaired to where the body laid.
They tonud that a bullet had entered pro
bably at the back, but they did not turn
the Bueua I the body to examine farther. A rille was
found about thirty feet from the body.
It is impossible to give particulars. Mr.
Church ,vas a miter from Yreka,iCalifornia,
and a few months ago married Mrs. Jasper
Evans, at whose house the body was found.
Latt.r A sou of Mrs. Evans just brings
word that his mother was foiiud about one
hundred feet from the house iu another di
rection with her face severely hacked and
maiib-!e !, apparently by an ax. She was not
yet dead. Coroner Osburo, Dr. Sharpies,
.In Ige Washburn, Sheriff Campbell and
others have gone to Mohawk. No theories
of he killing are given.
Still Lateo.' Suspicion pointed strongly,
,,i. invosthmiinn. tuD.vid Bojigs as the inur-
derde'r. Sheriff Cnmpbejl and putse spent
Monday night in search of Boggs. About 4
o'ciock that morning they approached
Pog s's house, one miie south ol the mur
der, and receiving no answer to a call they
hurst open the door and found Boggs hag-
j ing from a beam stone dead. He had taken
! a sma ) rope, tied a slip knot, passed it over
j his head, stepped up into a chair, kicked it
' from under him and ieU Being a heavy
I roken. although when
round his feet were on the floor. He evi
dently had come direct from Church's Sun day
night, put on a clean pair of overoails
and. then suspended himself. Blood was
found on the old overhalls.. Boggs'a b.tand
gun were found at the scene of the murder.
Only one reason is assigned for B"ggs's deed.
About two years ago Mrs. Church, then
Mrs. Jasper Evens, obtained a divorce from
Evens. Boggs had greatly admired her,
and alter the divorce ruruislUal her money
now and then, and finally asked her to
marry him. She consented, but afterward
and stationary stor.: on Wain street, aim wre ro.ues to pay 101 ma uc-kt" " " ' i met l. w. v uuicu m i.e.,.-, ......
ppearance ol the new ecuted tiKe an ordinary criminal I they were married at lveKa. out.
latent lnae-1 A New Yore paper nas oegnn sun M Mohawk some time since, auu .
rl nff business H...eral delmonsut subscribers un.ier rno u. I fn,nP,.h returned about two w ens ago.
ing I is S. postal law, which say
newspaper an 1 refusing t
J attractive
Mr. E. 0. Chamness,
13 man ot ster
pen deuce, is a yotv.i
hnalrties an 1 enterprise. V hen p is
store, stop and take a look at his new stock,
him ever ready to Medio.
aud you will find
your wants.
Businets Ctani
Win. Emery, of the firm
Kmerv has disposed of
B irnett &
his interest in the
popular billiard parlor and whist rooms to
Robt. Johnson, the well known printer of
this place. Mr. Emery retires, having ac
cented the clerkshiu of the Klamath Indian
nervation uadoi his father the newly ap
pointed agent.' Success to you "Bob", an
may your "cases" always be filled to over
flowing. May the word pi
to you iu your
"The taking of a
'pay for the same,
renders a person liable to criminal prosecu
tion ss a thief, and a person guuty ot tne
same .can be puuishe 1 as if he had stolen
o-oods to the amount of the subscription."
I Church
I Boggs ha3 been jealous from the first. A
; Week ago last Sunday Boggs was at
fihoreh's house. The 'former used foul Mm .Church, which ana
t W.IJ..O v. . -
n. , 1 .1
her husband, and CuurcU ..uu cogga
.,r,n words. Bonus went
iew business.
be ui.kuowu
On the streets of Corvallis between the
Vincent House and Montgomery's stable, a
deed from Ezra Hamilton & Earl of
Anneles. Cal.T to M. J . Love. J
i t c H..ndi-io!;s convevioa tl
.1.1., I, . 1. ' - -
for Lane county for the manufacture of en
crete pipe, for sttbrrngatioa, etc.
will please leave the same at this office.
to Chur.-b's
house again last huud;.y, and asked Mr.
Church and Jasper Evens, her foanier hus
band, to go up an the hill with him, aud
:hev all went. Evens testifies that once
B ..ras cocked his gun and pointed it toward
Love I church, saying
right ! dropped his gun
I, is own cabin, to return
..,Un have been riven
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Chnron
An Albany Elopeauat.
Saturday morning's train took down a
voun.r couple bent on matrimony, from
Albany, to Portland, from where they were
conveyed by carriage to Vancouver, where
the object of their j mrney was accomplished.
Sunday they spoilt W E ist Portland aa I in
yisitin.. friend at Mt. Ta'.or. The groo n
c....t- PfuifF..- airi.l 17 vear3, a son ot
Charles Piei.fer. nitil rently proprietor ot
the Rivere ho ua at Albmy, an 1 the bride
a dmgater of Joju lom. one of the proprie
torscf the Red Crown flouring mills, and is
three years her husband's senior. It is said
their action was induced by the action of
the groom's parents.
TK TToliness img mejtini at P.iilomith
will begin on the 13th inst., and not on the
24th, as announce 1 by oa oi our corres
pondents last week.
Woodcock & Baldwin received another
car load of those celebrated Garland stoves
last Friday 'direct from the factory at De
troit. The car came through to Corvallis in
fourteen days.
B. F. Dowell Thursday was engaged near
his tish ponds in Multnomah county, says a
Portland p. p,r, putting in a hydraulic ram
i i tho water oi, the hill. He was
runnina a drain to a small stream near the
hill, and about fifty feet from the spring he
struck the quick-sand, anons v.
stream of water gushed up trmn
Eisinjii Sold.
I hereby notify all of my former p:.trons
tiid friends that on the 3rd day of August
13So 1 sold my store and tinware business
u, Corvallis, Or. to J. R. Smith. All per
sons indebted to me will please call at the
old stand on or before the 15th day of next
, )ut,.ber and pay ..11 debts due n.e. Mr.
Smith or myself will be in readiness to re
vive at any time. 1 tliaiiK a., .o.
,,ast favors aud patronage and ask that they
continue to bestow the some upon my suc
cessor Mr. Smith.
Jacob Webeii.
he seen a rabbit. Boygs
however and soon left for
later, with what
At 3 o clock
was still
Tempe.a'ica Conventions.
u..., , l rr.hv article handed us for pul
lie i tion. we extract tiie foHowul that the third
20 th to the Uoa, na oo
It is
eek in this
n. :
a large
below and
of the h inds
n the
Dowell left and ca ne home to
developments. It tn
bold a3 it did last
1' a Turbine wheel in
nae plenty of
fl.,.lo thins. The water was .
..A tho atrnam so rapid none
were willing to go into the drain 'to op.
sewer. M
wait for further
water continues to run as
hi. he will nee
nf a r un. and he win
. .lot.hont
water to supply Jvist loiua-."
ir..,nf.h from the
served as the Centennial Week by ail organ
i. ... .k. otato (.ooiiected
izitions througnoub
with the temperance work, an I that spec
id meetings'bc held. It is specially reco
mended that three district centennial con
ventions be held, one at AU.any, on. at
lloseburg, and one at Lt Grand, on the 23r .
and 24th. All churches, Sunnay schools
atl,l temperance societies are invite I to sen.;
one or more delegates.
PrlncesE of Wales.
Ladies, we have just rec di ed a full line
.,f the celebrated Prince of Wales, genuine
French kid gloves, iu dark, medium and
opera colors. Every p .ir warranted.
S&L&FS Stow
An exchange says some go to church to
weep, while others go to sleep. Some go to
their-wives to please; laeu e....- ---
to ease. Some go to hear the preacher;
others the s ,lo screeoher. Boys to recou-
noiter; girls go" because they oughter,
Many go for sage reflections; precious few
to help collections. ,
C. Fisher, of Silverton precinct, shipped
1600 pounds of hops to New York last fall,
through AUeu & Lewis. Recently he got
returns showing a balance in his favor of
eleveu cents. It cost five cents to ship
them to New York and other incidental ex
penses ate up the crop. Mr. Fisher will
draw his eleven cents and retire from the
uncertainties of hop raising.
Yiiquina bay is now furnishing Portland
with oysters. the supply on oiioaivK
hay is becoming rapidly exhausted, says an
exchange, there I wing no law prohibiting
the catching of oysters during the breeding
season. And people of Pacific couuty be
Ueve iu killing the goose thatlays the golden
egg every time. The best oysters on the
north west cast are found in Netarts bay,
near Yaq'iiu i; they are almost round lil e
marbles and very luscious. Epicures pre
fer them to h. Shoalwater bay article.
The Portland xVis sums up the immigra
tion for August as follows: Five hundred
aud tifty-iie immigrants passed through
St. Paul" during August for pmts west ot
kane Falls. In the same time l nrsi-
Bud proves to be as good as it is thought to Ladd digging his artu J
be the spring will be improved and opened It is an accidental y
to the pablic.
or eight feet deep.
WiLHELM In Monroe, this conuty,
on Friday, Aug. 28th, of dropsy, Miss
Louise Wilhelm. aged 13 years, 4 months
and lb days.
The fu.ier il cermonies were attended by
a lare eottconrse of sorrowing friends and
relatives at the Catholic church in this city
last Saturday, Father Van Linn celebrating
mass and attending the funeral obsequies.
class passen
rers passed through St. Paul
bound west, gating -"B"-
from that point for the North wast C90.
Arrivals of first-class passengers and immi
grants at this point by the Oregon Short
Line weie almut 600: by steamer from San
Francisco about 1,610 persons arrived.
The total arrivals for the month were 2,890,
as compared with 2,500 for July, 3,100 for
June. 3, 100 for May, 3.000 for April, 2,000
forHarcb, 1,000 for February and 400 tor
January. A total ta 17.983 for the first
eight months of 1885.