CoiyaJJis JVeekly Gazette. Ft lOAY MORNING, AUG. 28; 1885. x all communications to the Gazettk, either on fclisinm.! or for publication, to insure prompt atten tion houli'bi (SdrwsedlotheO.iZiiTrt: PCxJLIsH INvi IIOOBK. Fe any- socie riPs- R. A. M. .-awn Chsipiw, No. 5, R. A. M., meets Tliurs . mir on or iireeeainv inn moon. W. C CitAWFOHD H P Take Notice. i nonpareil lines or less, or one inch of space constitute a square. H bills for advertlsinir parable monthly. Foi all raasumt advertisinjf payment must be made in ad- ance. i;c-aes locals, trst insertion 10 cents per line So tidiness locals inserted for less than 25 cents. Marriage notices free. Death notices free if ac - emianM bv extended remarks, 5 cents per line will bocharieA. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents per iw I :ard of thanks, 10 cents per line. We !iall be obliged lo any person who will furnish s with anyiafaroiatien of local interest. Nc roticecan be tikin of anonvaioin communica whatever is intended for publication i:inst h) authenticated by the name and address of the writer not necessary for publication, but as a goanuitea of eood faith. Wo not hold ourselves responsible for any view opinions expressed in the co nmunications of our zrosponuents. of the Post-office Department all per sons receiving or takinv papers from the jxistotlice -;ven when addressed to them become responsible for the subscription pi ice. i.'..rtk(.inHit.. notices and communications in- ended for this paper, should lie handed in a early as Wednedav inominir, to insure tneir puuiniu. Subieribers.notre-.eicin their ianer regolarlv will orfera favor by giving notice 01 tne same at mi fflce. SatHcrtbsrs will bsar in Tain? fn'. t'i subscription price istufariaaly 93.03, wlien not paid in advance Crippled. Thos. Aurand was out bugyy riding last Sunday evening, accompanied by Mss Kit miA rf H was drivinc the team of liis o ' cousin' Mr. T. J. Creight.m, and while pass- in,,, north lnn seventh street, the team "VS."-' ------ became frightened and started to run away under full speed. When they had run as far an the street Dassinff east and west on the north side of Judge Bryson's house, Mr, Aurand attempted to turn the team, so as tc head them east, when one wheel of tl buggy ran off the "bridge, breaking the wheel down and also the buggy tongue. At this particular time Miss Kitridge was tnm-n to the eround but escaped unin jured Aurand still kept in the buggy endeavor unr to hold the team, until they had run as fur as the rail road crossing near the real Jenee of Mr. Samuels, in the WcElro; property, here the front end of the piece of tongue still fastened to the buggy caught under or struck against something solid which threw the horses and upended th buggy clear off the ground and over the horses, lighting bottom side up on the op posite side of the team. This so completely fastened the horses down to the ground that they were unable to get up, but Mr. Auraml was throwu from the buggy to the ground lighting some how on his shoulders ami back which so-disabled hira that ever since his fall all the lower part of his body, from the shoulders down, has been completely paralyzed. His recovery is considered quite doubtful. The Wrecked. Ship. The bark Haddingtonshire, which was wrecked live miles north of Point Reys lighthouse, about 100 yards from the shore; of her crew, only two were saved. Win. Murray and Hans Markusmi; all others on board were lost; which were John Frazer, Captain: George Cunnirghain, Chief mate: John MaoKory Stewart; Colin Campbell, Cook: Walter Eastland. Peter McLean, Thomas Miller, John Waters, Edward Mor rison, Robert Fise and Charles Lungsen, able, seamen; William Morrison, Robert Darney, Fred Poheim and James Cuuuiug hara, apprentices. LOCAL NOTES. Bird cages at Will Bros. New sheet music at Will Bros. School in the lower district will liegin Monday, September 7th. Boys clothing at cost at YVhitneys closing oat sale. A new- Episcopal chuivh is being built in Astoria. Nobby Hats at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Philip Webber and Max. Friendly spent Sunday in Albany. All goods at cost at Whitney s closing ut sale. Rev. Father White, of McMiuville, in Corvallia this week. Misses Ella and M .y Hirseh, returned to their home in Portland this week. Men's furnishing eoods at cost al . it- ney's closing out sale. M. S. Neugass went to the Bay n bus:- ness last Saturday returned yesterday. Go and see the go. den voiced Peerless Organs at Will Bros. Chas. Mouteith, f A'.bany, was in Cor- allis Monday evening. Men and boy's shoes and boots: at cost it Whitney's closing nt s;t!e. 1'he Ladies Coffee Club will meet in Pit man's hall, next Mi mil: y. The narrow guage railrondis being put in repair to again curry the wheat crop. Corsets, Kid gloves ami p irasu's, at cost at hituey's closing out Sale. Al. Hoack, an enterprising M 'ivhant of Monroe, was in (Jorvallis on business last I eek. Rev. J. H inna formerly an old resident of this place, returned duraj the week vis iting friends. Anew line of Fine Dress goods, Silk, Velvets, Ribbons and Jersey waits just re ceived at Nolan's C.ish Store. V. P. Burnett, of lie tir ti of Burnett & Emir, went to Portland Wednesday mum ing on business for the firm. Drs. Cooper and II adman, dentists at Lebanon, were in Corvaiiis yesterday on business. Rev. P. S Knight will preach in the con gregational church next Sunday morning and evening. A new Ketehum war.-on, three and one lia f inch, for sale at a bargain at Woodcock & Baldwin's. . Charles Pierce fr m Independence has been spending a portion of the week in Cor--. allis. Choose your sewing machines at Will Bros., where they i ive tea or t.velve di.Tcr ont kinds to choose from. Misses Tesje Taylor and Annie Fisher left for Seitile. where they will spend some ti ii visiting friend i. and relatives. il nry Chambers and M. C. Conner of ii -y tilth 0 i le t'leir appearance in in Corvaiiis lost Wednesday. A three an I. one-h.i'f inch Wat jr wagon, bran new, at , B niuiii's for sal idiet. Taquina f.allroad. steel White Woodcock & A party, of Corwil is youn? peo;ile spent Sunday, afternoon ui Albany, returning by .noon ighfc. On the 20th inst., the day of John R ihin son's circus was in Corvaiiis, the Occidental hotel fed 600 people. Mrs. B. L. Arnold has been visiting New port for sev nil d iys. She returned to her home in C rvallis last Monday. Remember Nolan's Remnant and odds' and en is ale wi commence on S iturdav Aug. 23th, and continue 15 days. There will be sjr.ices in the Presbyterian chnrch next Sddiath morning ouly. Ser mon by Rev. B. 11. Mirgicroyd. Th" A O. U. W. have had no assess ment for the last two months, and only one dc t'l which va p lid from surplus. 0. A. Houck. son of !eo W. Houck of Monroe, left this v eek f-f a five years term in X.'trc 1). me University, Indiana. Harvesting in this county is concluded, ami while rue iverage yiem is no, uji v me expectations of some, it is considered fair. Wo acknowledge a very pleasant call from Alonzi Cise, of Newport, last week e with his two sons came out on the ex cursion from the Bay last week, it being his first tiip over the O. P. Win H- Palmer from the Belknap settle ment was in Corvaiiis, last Monday aceom- tabors on the Gazette M. S. Woodcock and family went to the I (alljel ,y his d ilghU-r, who was being ex Bay last Saturday. M. S. returned to his aniiued by superintendent E. A. Mduer she contemplates teaching schoo . Among he prominent citizens of New port who cam t attend the circus hist week, we uoticed Messrs. J. W. Bill, Charley Wynatt, Ahuio Case. Arthur Brassfield, Kl Abbey, Harry M ore, Li ti -pky, and others. turn ,n 1. d fron Wiiii i a s ie highb Fish Ladder. The contract for building the fish ladder &t Oregon City, was let to the Stin Francisco Bridge Company, to complete the structure for nine thousand four hundred dollars. The contract was executed on the 7th day of August, and the work is to be completed within eighty days after the execution of contract. The work was begun by the com pany last Tuesday and the work no doubt will be combleted on time, unless something not within the control of the company stops Leaving the work and prevents them from pushing the matter forward. The company which have it in hand are noted for their thorough ly pushing qualities. Business Sold. Mou 1 y. Miss Nellie Riley, of Salem, was in Cor vaiiis last Friday evening, and went to Newport S iturday for a t.vo weeks stay. Henry Keesee who moved with his family to Langel valley last spring returned to iW vallis lor the pur'ave of moving the re mainder of his effects. Hon. F M. Wadsworth, Agent at the Seletz Reservation, ar ived in Corvaiiis yes terday. He says every th ng is moving nicely on ihe Reservation. Duncan Mouteith went through Corvaiiis from the Bay yesterday on In. w y o Al bany. His wite s:t to enjoy hialih and recrca Prof. Johnson lately I'miu the e:ist i,l take clt irge of the preparatory department in Philomath codeje. This department ol the school h is heretofore be--u taught by Miss Die .to in. Prof. .1. W. Vimsj his r Newuort to his home in Fori in our ci y 1 ist Pri 1 y ni ; it In ' nil dance at Job's hall, wuich was enjoyable affair. Travel in the direction of the By 13 in creasing with every train. About 30J passen gers went over there I s Saturday, being the largest nuuibcr ever ta'icu oil any oe train over this road. E. W. Cresscy living about two miles above Milwaukee opposite Oswej . thinks that he has discoivre I iuim -n e'y va'uabh oil deposits underlying his farm. He lia foiind tl e oil Boating on poois of Mater. A test will soon be ma le. Mr. E O. Chimmers formerly of Inde pendeuce has recently bought the bui ding on second stieet heretofore occupie I by Mr. Bain. He is refitting the bui. ding will' new shelves and counters and propose starting a new book ami talittary store The O. & V. R. I'. will K in a Train oi i Saturday, Ang. 29th! irom Uerry to C -vallis to c omect with the Oregon P.icitic Excursion Train from Corvaiiis to Yaquiua. Derry at 7 o.c'ock A. M. fare from Derry to Corvaiiis ana return, ZI.JV From Independence to Corvaiiis and return, SI. Don't miss the biggest ecursion of tin Season. Hiram Fliokinger a areat many years resident of ibis place and now of Umatil! county arrived in Corva'li.s 1 ist Friday vis iting frien Is, ncquaintances and his broth i residing in this county. Hiram is highh delighted with his new location an 1 think Hon. E. B. McE'roy left recntly, to at 'end the county tea hers' institute in Co is eoun y. He will visit Coijui le. VtarshfieM, Empire, Oirdiner, Sent'ahnraf. Bosebitr, and Drain, on the trip. Rev. J. R. N. Bell of Rnsebnrg wi 1 acooinp-iny him on his trip. A lire was discovered in the sidewalk m ar ie:n ineil at Aewportj Dr. 1'ai ra s r si Ii-iht n nay last weeK. ion. I It ipi ear : ns taVongh it had aken tire from audited ct.:ir stump which, li"t taJten through a crack in t' e walk, an 1 set fire to the dry le.-.ves i,4M trib oiiderne ith. Fortunately it was di wovere.l in ti.n-i to prevent a coi flagration. John I gone, and I hereby notify all of my former patrons and friends that on the 3rd day of August 1886 I sold my store and tinware business in Virvallia Or. to J. H. Smith. All ner- . ;-lKo t n,o wiB ,,leas r-all at t.h. there is no section of country so praducti soon .m.v..... w " I . . , . u.r mo. ,i t ...,. and intod oemwally as Pendleton and Cm (October and pay all debts due me. Mr. -Smith or myself will be in readiness to re- itairman-. ut an V time T t.llallk all for past favors and patronage and ask that they pearance of their store, and the many lie tilla county. Stop at Avery & Irvine's boot and she afoi-B and von will notice the improved ni continue tn bestow the some upon my suc cessor Mr. Smith. Jacob Webek. Barn burned. A barn about three miles from Corvalli across the river in Linn County belonging to Wallace Hulburt with all of its contents was consumed on last Tuesday. The build ing contained a large amount of hay, oats, wheat, and a self binder. There was a small insurance on the building in the State insurance company. The Vincent House. u.,.;r. nnrehased this well known ' , , r , . . , . flf private euterpris T r thoroutrhlv renovate and relit i the same. The table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and no pains will be spared tc make it pleasant and com fortable for quests. So Chinese cooks -m..lvd. D. t. UURTIS. i j lines of fall goods which they are receivin every day. In connection with their stun they have a first-class workl.1u who takes especial delight in fillin,' or.U'rs satisfacto. rily. Th-ir stock of winter 1 ots is com plete, and fanners will do well to examine the same before buying e'sewhere. Every article sold is fully warranted. Prof. Sheak, of Philomath, ac :om;)anied by Prof. Rmkiii, calle I upon ns this week. Prof, sheak was 1 mg employed as one o the. very successful teachers in PhilomaM college. During the last year he has bee teaching a business and commercial coiirs under his own suppei vismn an I as his nwti Philomath. It has I so successful that he ill ltdl Coll- Cor .-allis, Or., July 30, 1886. ' iu the same position. liroi ei tiuue. Prof. Rankin duri g the ast y ar has occupied the chair in Piulo uath i-rni-erlv occupie 1 by I'mf. She .k. II h is given good satisfaction and will thereore continue billion's circus has come and s is usually the cas-. some were pleased and others disappointed. M any won d now im-fer to jingle the dollir piece in their po kets rather than goto the circus. However it is said that another circus IS C' lining this way this season, and we shall se whether they change their minds if it d ies come. A romiiwnt Cni-vaTs lady one day this week was seen carrying i sack of fl nr from a down town snre to her res'denoe. It ap pears that a-i - from getting her fi-mr when she w uited it and not having to wait for the delivery wagon, she now carries S5.50, the amount wagered by the clerks that she would not carry he flour home. She car ries the 'in. al lie same. Onr ow townsman John Oslmrn started fr im Cnrv.rlD last Friday, taking a 'ot of !.eef catHe to Portland market where he dis .o.ied of them, from th-n ;e he wnt t A' hali in eastern Oie on, fr on thence he went, i toth country to sne alt -r his ban 1 of shvt after which he start I h- m ward m 1 arrived in Corvaiiis 1st Welnesday. T i s is what, we sum times hear calle l a flying trip. He did not go with a flying machine exactly, but most of the way l is ney w as-accomplished by ni'roal. Within the last week a rapirter of this paoer visited Yaquina city the terminus of the Oregon Pacific i.ail Road and by the kindness and courtesy of Superintendent Oates, was shown through the companies shops and improvements. The things, ap pliances an 1 niachineiy of the company at the western terminus of the road looks more like they were preparing to do business, and more like a rail road, than does the en .1 at Corvaiiis. At Yaqnina City in the com panies round house can be seen four large new 50 ton locomotives. Iu strength size and ctpaciiy they ire more than one-third larger than the engines use 1 on other valley roads; A long train of box cars, of the latest and best design for carrying freight, is seen standing on the side track waiting an op portunity for business, liesi les the company htve cords of iron parts and pieces of ma teria! ready to put together iu construction oi more cars. ievrai nanilsoma passeuger csrs are also thera standing on the si lo trck; they are of the improved plan and are jui in uti.ity md beauty to any of the passenger c rs found on any of tha other vailev roads, an I mu.di Ii itter th in itia-iy oi I hem. li.-si.les the iare warehouse atel Wharves wuich nave osn cmitract ' l ar. large ex; e-ise -re re uly waitiu r f r business. ' he large hotel being constructed just be low the docks on the B y bv VV u. ii Hoii is very conveniently con -true ted, and eon i tins twenty seven separate roomy and mm mo li ius sleeping departments, besi les the parlors, dining room, kitchen and other rooms for t ie .ui aa 1 convenience of sncn a bail lin. W.ts not quite completed bit an be maba ready in a short time when de sired. Through the courtesy of Mr. Fordyce .ve wira sh 11 through the elegint steam iii Yejiiit vii;i it ilwjja ml elegmely const rctn etl boat having a cipaeity of fifteen hull Ire I tons deal freight, lies: les first-clas accouio 1 itin for iiad h l ldrej an 1 sixty live passengers nd an unlimited inimber iu ihe steerage. The road bed between Pliilo mat h et t Las been coiistriicta d with lare expense; i's v ndin c urse around through the mountains in an almost continual cuive first in one din ctiou ai d tl en ii another bears evidence of the great iHiBcnlty in con structlon. Ihe work is proceeillng grad ually reparing tiie burned tunnel an I it will require a week or two perhaps before it will be completed. Through one of the principal o. ti er.- of the rial v'l.i states upon nth lity. wo leara th it preparations by the company win be na .- t cat ry gram from thj v.diej to Sin Frmcisco this fall' which wh n cairie I into eff -ct wi.l haya the tendency to improve the net price of grain here several .ei.tsi u eveiv bushel. Whenever the comi an places their ' u.-i-ness affairs ill such condition that they can meet their obligations oog delinquent and place themselves in condition so that they can cirry promptly all freight offered, so as to inspire confidence in the people that the company has mule ready to do bnsimss, then t'-ere is scarcely any doubt but what here id rra dually ac.mnul te an abuusl .10 e ot l.ti inos for the company to do. .Vhatever dissatisfaction there ina b on the put of any one concerning tin- in .nage neut of ihe company in the faiuire to pay promptly and according to ci utract for ma i trial and labor in the construction of the mad, yet every cr izen of Benton county call not help recognizing that ti e iife and pros pt rous business interests of the county d -pen Is much upon the Completion and suc cessful operation of ibis toad. Taqulca Iteni3. L.St Saturday as thj cars steamed away from the depot bound for Yaqnina Bay there were perhaps one hundred aud "lity passen gers on board bound for the salt water. among whom from Corvaiiis were Airs. J'.. V. Fisher, Roy Raber and wife, N. P. Brings and wife, John Bryson aud wife, M. Woodcock and wife. Wm. Emery, M. h. , t, n . iu yugns--, lies an 4 Denueti, usa. i,ignci md son. N. B. Avery and wife, Mrs. .las. C. 'authoro, Dr. Fran't C nthorn and wife, iud Benjamin Cauthom of Mexico, Mo., .ii. I Duncan Mouteith and wife of Albany, mil many more ioerions whose names were nit known to our reporter. L ist Monday Win E nerv who was in tending to return from Newport toCorvaliis tailed to reich the regular boat in time an I iot left. He ma le the trip, however, by pulling np to tin- docks in a small boat. Matrimonial subjects often cause many dt -ays. Mr. (. Hodes retnrned home from N 'W iiort on the train last Monday after harinj spent several days fishing for shrimps an 1 star fish. He had to accompany hi n o his way home a eon pie of large star fish and a couple hotties of salt water wi h which to. dve tiie fish a drink on the trip out. Dr. Vincent and his e titn b'e !:' and Miss Reliecca are ui -e!y situated .at. their Hew town site, Caledonia, on ih lin- of h railroad. Ti.ey took fat an 1 hearty. Mrs. Wisr, el Pirtl oi l is vi i: ing Mr. and Mrs Vincent a' Lai il ma. Mrs. Gates went to Yaqnina Bay several days ago.hoping that li e health invigorating atmosi here of the bay would impnive the health of her babe who had been si-.k for several days. She was aecomnaiiie i home toCor-allis by Mr. last M trhiy. the child's health having recovered. R v. Habersham. f Portland, returned from the Bay last Monday. Mr. J. M. Rosenberg and wh"' i Salem, who had been on the B y for severa' d ys returned home 'ast Monday. .M. Wi Icnfeit. of Portland, went over to Yaqnina last Saturday to visit Alt Harris ml wife, and snuff the invigorating sat breeze. He returned on Monday. Mr. Ala Harris avith his new bride ara eoziiy situated in their new home at Yaqnina ''iry, where Ala is doing a thriving profitable business. Troubles of Philomath Loase, I. 0. G. T. Philomath, Or., Aug. 24, 1685. Eds G-vZktte: Your correspondent. Rex, seems to think the L. D., which be styles "would be Moses," was wholly to blame and did not have just cause or provo cation to lay down the gavel .and leave the lodge in disgust. Rex m ule a mistake about tho "new wrinkle" in installing the officers, as the form in which the L. D. desired to intsall was used before the youthful W. C. T. seen the hiht of day. iu just ice to the "would be Moses" we will state that he desired to lead the mem bers of the lodge out of the wilderness of m sdbor inntion, but they rebelled .he more. Wed sir. to uroimniida few oii'Stions to i vonr esteem d corresimn lent R -x, and hope ha- wi!! ans ver t .e n sitisfa rtorily. I W is it a- 'r'in' to the ru'es an! m'g'-ss ! of the ..r.ler ftr the yontbfnl W. C T. to tlir-t.v down hi re .alia mi th stall 1 and I sue k n.Te i a 3 nt ib t the W. F S' dts'c; ' fr i ll which he ha 1 t be re j die I by the L. f? Did the yontT.fnl C T a-it in iiwir.I ance with 'he m'-is iml usages of the order when I.e r turned to th - same seat nfler beioir iiis'nic.t-! by the L D. to occupy the , chair of the l. W C. T.l i Was it incur lin to I he rules and "sages of the or ler for the youthful W. (). T. and to r m -mbers to reioiiii seife l after heinj; callel up with the proper iinnibiruf raps oy the . !.? j Was it ac jor lintf to th roles ami usages of the order for t!:" mem' ers to uio'e anil 1 ni h aft' r being requeued to helitvu like (loud Templars, bv the presiding i;fi -er! W is it :. matter of "trivial import" when the Worthy Chaplain elect refused to I e in- by the L. D . and aiisitto to his feet and without a hlressing hv chair, pneeded to slate he would prefer cliarges against ihe L. D.? Was it :i matter of "'trivial import when i the W. C. T. licet Jims- ami withtml ad -dressing the chair, state 1 ho noulil not be . instalh-1 by ' he L. I .'; W is it a :nai tel of ' 'trivial im mrt" u ! n in v'v. C r. eh-, t proceed. al to reprove m.d ios .ti t the L '. while loin lioi i'g seated, i rhus ign ring the L. D. in his capac ity? . j Did th-.- lode' an ! its members receiveai-d I respect the L l. in his oBi ;ial capacity on to the re- nd j the night refeirerl to, acconlin quirements rl his com mi sum: Jolll'l Klatrlmonial Meditations. Madam rum r says that one of onr yonpo ivitn will soon enter ihe realms of connubial elicitv with one of Newports fair damsels. 4ovennent appointments are having their ffect in these parts and working many manges. A wedding in this state about a week i", caused one of our younsj m-jn to regret hat he had ever met the bride, as she hail iever even asked to be released from her ngagement with him. Truly the ways ol he world are wicked. The m vtrim mi i! m irkt has boen rather lull during this month, but we look for a ively business soon after harvest. Measure seekers have fornul many new ac inaintances over at the bav while rusticati ng this summer, an I it i hinted that several are likely to develooe into a life partnership. Sour Grapes There are in inv wayi of inveigiing the unmspeutin te n ile i I at racting her attention, but the latest bap-n-ned the other day when a Corvaiiis Kid ought $2 worth of candy and a similar nnoU'lt of grapesi and had them forwarded o i ytHittg lady w!i- is rusticating over at Jewport, with the hope3 of making a fav irable itiiuression. How indignant that vonuz man tnnst have felt whe' he learned he youa .r la ly was not found of grapes and chat the were given to a couple of tht chap's rivals. PiilloEiatj Ijem . Au ust 2'i, 1SS5. The smoke is clearing away some, but i will not be gone until we get rain, wbicL we hope to get soon, as threshing is .Uearlj all done, and grain is fast tilling up tile sev eral warehouses, a good silo wer of rain would make it much more pleasant for tanners to get tin lr grain to market, 'file crop has been short generally this seasoio hut owing to a large amount of acreage being sown this ye i there will not be so much tailing off in the aggrcgite. In the victory of i ur City there h is been quite serious sicknes; Rev. J. L. Berrys family are Stlb sick Mrs. Beny ami two chilbren win. typhoid lever, he hiving died 'as was an nounced uvtr a week suice, also Win. It Uixou living close to Felais mill is dauger iisly sick itii typhoid fev. r, and S. Graj only son of Joseph Grey, living on the south fork of Marys river, is very sick with th same fever. Miss En. ma Liggett d.mghtei of K. Li"!5t his tutu very low hit is coo valescing. Mrs. Sheak wife i f Prof, Shea iias returned home after spending most o Lhe summer in the east visiting fronds i her old home Indiana; her father Bishou S Castle was ag in elected bishop by the geo eral Conference and assigned a work in tin east, this coast has thus lost the labors of good and great man, his place lias been sun plied by bishop M. Wright who is now i easterr Oregon, his first conference will b held in the W.dla Walla couteience of tin U. i. church, next the Oregon coufereuc. which wit. coBMO nee ihe first of Octolier fa annual h diness camp meeling will com mence at the camp ground west of Philo math on the 24th day of Sept. 1SS5. A; are invited to come aud camp. OBJERVtB. I' Was it a matter of "trivia! import when several voices were heard crying, "We want a new Tbodge Depnty?" We wi 1 give Ilex credit for staling one emphatic truth, and that was in his state- Mr. Jason Whl-r. of Albany, retnrned I ntent ,Us 'Pl'ear-d iu a cloud of mmke, oioch to the rebel of all concerned. Indeed it was a great relief in the L. 1. and hi wife to leave a set who showed so much dis respect towards them, and as th-- set ''were much relic-, d I v onr di iMi'tnrc," we think Mr H E. Harris and wife acermp-inied by their son Sollie and da'tsrhter Sar i h. have bean visifing with Ala Harris at Y' -qnina City for several days to retain health. They will remain a week or two more. to the sea home last Monday from a trip side. Henry Huffman and wife, of Junction 1 "ity, are visiting aud recreating at the sea side. Miss Kate f'arlile is on the Bay spending a few days enjoying the cool fresh air from the sea. Wm. Brnnk and wife went to Yaqnina City lust week, here they will remain near the sea side for several days. Chas. B. Mays, of the Mountain House, came in on the train last Monday. Notes From tte SUetz Reservation. A member of the surveying party nowen tra.ed in running the boundaries of the Si- letz r -servati n sends the Oreyoninn the fol- j 'owing notes: The party consists of J. D. Fenton. of McMinnviHe; John Smith of Lafayette; Dinj o'Sdem; Ivan Daniels of Vor-tb Yam hill; J .hn M. Quitin of Port?anf, H. Killett. j co- k (his name should be S-Killett), t w In -dtans from the agency, a Winchester rifle and a pack to y, when there are not too, many windfalls. Th- south" esf comer of the reservation is ; one and one-fourth miles nor-h of (aipe r'on1-! weather, on :h- lieacl ; the sontTieaat crn-r I is near the Yaqnina railroa-I; the northeast j earner is near the southwest corner of the I ,1,-p they might to be so exceeding! to ,et us a. in- ill lhe future. s. lis lie d as Moses. DISTt. the three vear oM si n ol C. C. H.ione tied last- Mini I an early lumr. Fl Sick a few days. Mr eveiiiiio received --iispatch at the bry that the child was not expecte I to live. If - came out to Corvaiiis on speci i train, but the child died a short time alter hi arrival. Mr. and Mrs. y in rim g at -hi! ! h '! only been il igue la t Snn lay Ail those wishing a copy of the ''Illustra ted History of Benton County" will please scud their order to the tin ( wiil not pultltsU a Ijooki.i x.-ess of the iinmhcr ordered. D. D. Pagan, Cor First an 1 Ash St's, Portland. fruit DrUr. Buy Ej an nny fruit drier it Woodcock k Bald iii's which miazes the heat m a cit.umoii citit stove, an I enables the ilrier to work wbea metis are bvmg prepan ii on the same stove. Tile price of t he Mathiu ; nip. etc is mi y tw-iity dodarsanl will , n- Grande Ro'ide reservation, th- northwest I a'iie fruit rais-rs to saw th . fruit herd.. tore corner is on the beaeh at the mouth of Sal-! .vas i, mon river. This point we will reach about Aiiniit 28th. if the weath -r permits md the party doesn't get lost. The country is ro ifh and broken, the s l" mod, but heavily timbered with itn lergrewth of mtnlfi. s dmttn b rrv. etc. There are 975 In li ns on the reservation iml some -nod ' la -k-mi'hs and etritenffers imnng them. Th ir hiiililinrsbk eli an 1 how gim-1 taste. A'l we have n et tall: o'o I Fmlish. It i t to be feared that the ilvive count is bisel mi that made by aor-i-r agent, who ha I the s:.,ie In li ns count 1 it -aoh of three farms Thnra Is -i -jo 1 1 w ig ei r i-l to the ae. n y See here, if you w nt to enjoy a nice as-, shave or a sin nami that vih make you appy for a liiOi.tlu t. M-ure 'he Birber, ml ii he can't p.e yon, My his hand, Mr. .'. II. B.ker, who is a lirst ciass Workman .teiy fiom ihe east docs Work in all styles, nd sure to the .a lies au I children. J. S. MiXJttK. I lr w P.1.1Q4 of Wales. Ladies, we h ive-just rc-c iced i en o i Vmat&a x.a. r-jac. Until furt er noti e a tr..iii will leavi Corvaiiis for YaUioa every Wednesday am. S. Uiiiay at U a. iu. Yaquiua to Corvalli. e.ery Thursday and Monday at 8 a. m. C. C. Hogue, Comptroller. NaSlJe. Jotice is hereby given that I have pur chased the interest of Mr. Smith in the Cor val. is dairy I us.uess. 1 will loiitinne tin stuie, elide ivorin to give satisfaction to a old customers, as well as all new ones wii may favor me with their pttroiiaMe. dm I'alUlii, Corvaiiis, Ur., Aug. 1st, lSdo. full line .i ii. i I..; - iv .u. ,,...;.. .: rv -Tl ; i; 1 t. I - - - - ' o- via rmnwr. iici c .j.oooio uwn.n j l,urs fr lip-'r. der, elk, besides -rouse. heasants an 1 quail. But the best sport is itchina trout from the Siletx riv-r. r, swift louot'iin stream ixiv feet in width, wht-re -e now ar", and f ill of deep holes anil riffles ,-he'e trout ar tasen by the li find reds, f honld not advise a-.v 'f -nr Portland b-.s . go hunting in these moan'sins, as the i -nb 'r i so ilensf and the hilts -o hi h art ' -en that onr snrvermir I'arty cannot tnake lire than one to two miles and s-meJimi-s wo anl one half miles per day with hard ork. breach ki't glov s. in itartt, menmm ana opera colors. Every ji-ir warr -nie I. blue twillel overcoat, with a velvet cp'--ar. was lt last we Inesday between Cr - illis and the nilnal station at Albany. nyone findina the same will l e snitably -ewar led by leavinz the s-ime with J. N. Stark, next door to Sorbin's saloon.Corvallis. A em a 11 i r. ;p OS - Closluar out sol . The cl 'ini out s de at C. H. Whitney's s atrric'mx mmv bityet-t rh are attracted 'v the virv h v price-" i tti 1 cost for rool . This i a g-niiiiie clo in-r -nt sale ml t.h- stoc't is a we' s-le. tsrl me md first-c'a -, thi people should uo; fail to'iui prove the opportunity. H. C. F. XOIH & 3N, atii a 20 :1 r. v. My. Pobtishss i-ptmbe-:' 5i. tiic.r Fill asi Wiats? FisMn Bftitaii. et.; u...c a in W bai t Wear unit . .Say eoii-oiically cvcrytlan- for La J iklreuV una iWiataV wear. lioune ,, etc. Mtautifwllv iliu.-trated with at saiiUabeutii.OOil i.iiirmvmi-. Prires-- tow-i- til in lliusc o- any otiier ho ioc in the United Stat s Si i t o't tfuaiiiiitc-eti iu every case, bent f.a-e to any adrtjis. Tile BITERS' GTIBE la Issued March and Sept., each year. 49 210 pages, II inche!,vi ith ovtr 3,500 il lust rations a whole Picture Oallrry. GIVES Wbcletale Prios direct - eaw ' gopds for personal or family uae. Tellbhctv to order, and gives exatt cost ot e-vcry-tbln yon. nse, rat, drink, wear, or have fan vUh. Thesr IKVALtABM gOOKH contain information glranecl from the market of the -world. We will mall a topy PRE V. to any ad dress upon rewijt of 10 ct. to defra,, expense of mail tjsr. t-et as bear front, you. Repn.tfullr( MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 837 d 2S0 Wanaab Avenue, C hlcago, 111. r