VOL. XXII. CORYALLIS, OREGON, AUGUST 28, 1885. NO. 35. Published every Friday Morning BY jAZITI: PBUSMMi H3J3E. 8J3331IPriON WATLS: (Payable in Advance.) Per Year 2 SO Six Months 1 oil three Months -. 1 00 Sinirle Couie 1" i'er Year (when not paid in advance) .3 00 All notice) and a 1 fertile nents intended for pub atio i sajsii :e UanJ-;J in bv noon on Wednesdays Rates of advertising made known on application. TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. GEMERAL NEWS. UI3ASTPOtTS STORMS. Charleston, S. U. Aug. 25. Charleston was struck by a cyclone this morning, and one-fourth the houses in the cit are un roofed. Parts of the spires of St. Michael's aud St. Mitt hew 'a churches were blown down, and the snire of the Citadel Square B.iutist chinch ij demolished. Wharves and warehouses are badly damaged WAsaiNero.f news. MISAPPROPRIATION OP POBLIC FUNDS. New York, Aug. 24. The supervising architect has ordered the suspeusion of all payments in the case of the new post', ffice building in Kutaa City. A bad state of things h is been developed there. At the last session of congress $20,000 was appro priated for the completion of the approaches to the building, for a clock and f r sewer connections. On the strength of this appro priation the citizens subscribed S15.000 for a tine cluck iiell, which was to enable the residents o) the city an 1 vicinity, wilWhi a radius of six miles, to keep the time and set their watches by, bat months p.is-ed by and there were no sigti3 of a clock. T.iis led to an inijuiry, and the inquiry led to disagree able revelations. It appears th it Supervis ion Architect Bell has snent the whole 20,000, and that only ?H00 of that sum has gone for any of the objects embraced in the appropriation, This sum srsa paid for an irn fence. The sum of 18,000 was ;uid for a heavy marble wainscoting within the postolhce for which there is no warrant in the appropriation. The result is that the a t ! accounts are suspended, and Mr. Bell finds B-Ii; :.. 1 are ucrrouud. i "" "" " illegal anu improoer and the new Ashley river bridge, now con-' expenditure of public funds, structiii is swept away. Four vessels! LAMAR TAKES THINGS EASY. which arrived yestenl. iv are wrecked. Tel- Washington, Aug. 24. According to a li wires : ru. e down, an I there are no cars j prominent o fieial of the interior depart loss is estim ite-1 at 1,000,- ment, Secretary Lunar is once more re!aps- bas already i ins into his old habits of forgetfulnoss and 5 ramtiri OOJ. i"he work of restoration beguu. The barricane last night an 1 this morning on S lliirau's island was territfic aud des tractive. A number of houses were blown away. The new Brighton hotel had ov r 100 guests, an t great fe.vis were entertained for their safety. About 9 this in Tiling the storm reached its greatest velocity. At thai hour, wnile the the hotel nle weie at breakfast. The Casino fed with a great crash, and it that time it wis thought tin. the maximum velocity of lhe storm Was from sixty -Hve to seventy mi.eSVan hour. STORM AT FRKDEHIIK. FttEiiEUI 'K, Aug. 25. f or tiie third time this su n iter a he ivy stor.n we.it over Fr ; Unci omty to-day. I'm (J.un : m river, running through the Middletoii valley, overtim e I its banks aud carried away everything t i it o ered olntructiou. Barns, bridges and dwellings ware demolished, aud lull -jiloil.OJO damages was sustained FLORIDA. J.tCKi 1NVILLB. All ' 25 Tile Atlantic bouse was tnowii dttwo, aad Mrs. (jttliierc Hu. iter seveieiy iuj ict. A i Che gujtts oi the h iuse 1! iu. thirty am. 11,311 a ! ciu dreu irere exposeil for hours i a furious driving wind and rain, HEAVV UALE IN NEW ENGLAND Boston, Aug. 25. A very heavy thunder -Btnrm. accompanied by a gale, prevailed throughout New England list night. It was exceedingly severe in B utou and vicin ity. In the suburbs in my houses aud other buildings were damaged by lightning. GLOOMY VIEW BY SHIPOWNERS. Ne v York, Aug. 25. Xaver in the rec ollection of the oldest merchant of this city have the pursuits attached to shipping been in such deolorahle straits a.s at present. It is nearly a year since freights began their downward flight. One hundred ouch rtei ed crafts are injured to the docks, a majority having been there for months. Seven steam ers and forty three ships and barks are laid up. Ne ,rly every nationality is repr. seated by an array of idle vessels. Interviews with ship brokers and others revealed almost a belpiess outlook, though a few shipping houses keep up good spirits. "Freights for the next two years," said one of the Kuger brothers, ship brokers Oi Pearl street, "are likely to remain very low When more touage is demanded by trade, and one-half of the present fle;t is lost, there will be a possibility of both sail and St ; m ships returning their owuers fair interest im their investm -nt, but as it is, v ssels eann t earn enough to pay their owners for inciden ts) wear;and tear nor to meet the animal pre mium on insurance policies. Ao-ut uk only trade now left a square-rigger in the United States is in petroleum, and it is no: unlikely th it it, too, will be carried b steamers in a short time. Almost every ex port is uow in possession of steamers. Tu co istwise trade is still upheld by a few sin dl vessels, but there is no telling how long that will continue." absent-mindedness which so distinguished his days in the United States senate. Ttiey say that in the midst of bis duties, the sec retary will walk into his office, stroll down the room of one of his suoordi nates and talk for hours about tiie South, the mistake of the secession movement, etc. At other times Mr. Lamar will go out for a few uiiii nt s' walk and forget to come back all day. He has made no arrangements to go away for a summer visit, but just takes things easy here, alternately working and dreaming. "That the republican and deinocr.tic jart ies, in their failure to carry out the man dates of the constitution against discrimina tion in freight rates on our public lines, merit the condemnation of citizens of the commonwealth. " The resolutions were adopted as read. A campaign fund of $1000 was raised by subscription ami cash. Barr Spangler, of Marietta, was nominated for state treasurer, almost by acclamation, several other candi dates received 1 ut a few votes. After the appointment of a state comnii1 tee and elect ing the old offii ersthe convention adjourned. Farm far "ieje. A farm consisting at 480 acres of land, suited for farming and stock raising, and situated in Line county, Oregon, together with stock, such as horses, ot.tle, cousistiug of No. 1 milch cows, one. tw and '.hree ye r obis, a sin ill band oi line graded sheep, a. id h'lja; also farming inio.uieuts, all that .ire necessary on the place, iu good repair, seed and teed, all of which will be sold at a bargain. The quality of the soil is excel lent; adapted to all kinds of cereals, hops, fruits an I vegetab es, and with plenty of out range for stock. For further informa tion and price and terms of sale, inquire at tiie Gazette otfice. Jest Mschiheby) IN THE WOBLD. Croup, whooping cough aud bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale at T. Graham's. Shiioh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guaroitee. It cures con sumption. For sale by T. Graham. Shiioh's Vitalize is what you need for Consumption, Loss .if Appetite, Dizziness, in 1 all symptoms of Dyspe, si a. Price 10 and 7." cents oer bottle. i or sale at T. Crahain's. Will you suffer with dispepsia and Liver .'omplaint? Shiioh's Vitalize!- ss guaran teed to cure you. For sale at I . Graham's. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiioh's Cure is the reined for you. For sale by T. Orahani. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiioh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale at T. Graham's. For lame b ick, side or chest, use Shilob'e Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sals at T. Graham's. Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiioh's Cat irrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For sale by I. Graham. .vIcCORMICK TWINE BINDERS, I CHAMPION TWINE BINDERS, g 'HAMPION MOWERS and REAPER." "We will commence on Saturday, August 29th, a Remnant Odds and Ends Sale. We want to make a CLEAN SWEEP before our New Fall Stock arrives. This sale will continue until September 15th, then . Good Bye to Bargains for Six Months and Remnants of Dress goods. Silks, Velvets, Satins, Brocades, Printsi Flannels, Table Linens, Plaids, Laces, Ribbons and Embroideriea LfciSS IMAJN UUSI. -f3) Odd Ijots: 50. 10 Ladies' tweed walking jackets at 81.75. worth $3 3fi Ladies' Mull squar. s at 25 cts, worth 75. 50 yards white scrim at 5 cts per yard. 200 yards colored tarlatans at 10 cts per yard. 150 yards nuns veiling at 15 cts, worth 25. An odd lot z pliers at 5 cts an oz. , worth 10. 6 calico wraps at SI, worth 2 00. 9 Mens' catsemeir suits at S7 50, worth 810. t ti Mens' tine black dress suits at $15, worth $20. 6 Mens' Oregon City cassemier suits at $12.50 worth $16. 22 Boys' cassemier vest at 50 cts, some worth $1 50. 15 pair.ineiis' line calf boots at 4.50, worth 6.00. Irhpfaio PITT'S THRESHERS I Lridies ask to see our first consignment of new French Dress Goods, MORE EXPENSES TO BE DISALLOWED. Washington, Aug. 24. First Comptro' ler Durham and Solicitor AlcHugh bad i inference with Acting Secretary Fairchild this evening in regard to the settlement of the expense accounts of the court of com inissiouers oil the Alabama claims, which it is alleged indicate very loose and txtrava gant business methods on the part of the court. The result of the conference lb not positively known, but it is understood thai the first comptroller has advised to disallow a larife number of items in lhe accounts ago egiting many thousand dol.ars, includ ing large cairns for seierd special attorneys the necessity ror vhose employ incut is ques tmen by lhe accounting officers. An offic ial statement iu rcgad to the matter will bj made at the treaury department tomorrow. Pt)LirI3AL. new youk uepublican Committee meeting. Saratoga, Aug. 25." The meeting of the state republic 01 committee was called to ' . .... I ... - ..... t., Lu l.vr linit'tn an Waireil. Fire Commissioner VanCott offered the fol lo.w,iU preamble ami resolution: Wheukas, The best iuterests of the re publican party will lie- subserved iu the ending contest by a free aud fall expression ot the wishes of all classes of republicans thr- otrh oriinaries hd .l for the eiectioo A delegates to the next convention; therefore Resolved, As the judgment of tin com mittee that all voters residing iu the several assembly districts " this state who adhere to the principles of the republican party and whose intention is to act with the party and promote its success by their votes and influence at the next general election, be invite !, without regard to any so called fundamental test, to attend ami take part iu s .id primaries; and this committee rec commeiids all organizations of the party throughout the state to act in compliance with the foregoing suggestion. Jacob H.-ss asked if the plan would not interfere with plans already adopted last year. Van Cott said there wre thousands of re publicans in New York city who did not vote last year for a nominee for the presi- d.-ncv. and it would be wise for the com mit! ee to do all in its pow er to give thein an oiiportnuity to vote tor the republican limn iuees this time. The resolution afier a snort ,11s, Mission was unanimously adoiited. It was decided to hob I the oonveu tion ..t Sar atog i September 27. PENNSYLVANIA PltOHIBITIONISTS. Harrisbcrg, Pa., Aiiij. 25. The state prohibitionists ass -mble I i.i convention thi morning. Over 3 )0 delegates Were present O. M. Si evens was chosei permanent chair nan. Lx (iovernor St. John was brought in amid much aooliu .e, and made a briel speech. Tiie committee on resolutions reported a platform advocating in general the prohibit-j ion of the importation, manufacture ors:ile of intoxicating liquors for the purpose or use fabeverage;that, failing to procure ie- dress for wrongs iutlioted from its evils bj appeals to either party, the prohibition party had lieen organized to right the wrong at the ballot-box; that no vote shall be cast for any man who does not stand upon their platform; that they ' in dorse the Woman's Christian Temperance Uui-'ii, aud congratulate them upon the suc cess at.taiued in the legislature last winter; that qualification for national and state offi ces should be based upon proved capacity and faithfulness, not on party consideratiou; that civil service reform is favored, iu its ex teusion, and application to all purely admin istrative aud clerical positions that the spoils system" must be eliminated from political contests; full protection of every voce should be secured aud disfranchisement be a penalty to all who in any way corrupt or interfere with the ballot; that the Sab bath day b .Bid be protected from profana tion by secu.ar pursuits and pleasures; labor aud c pit.il shou.d be such as to secure equa protection to both. The platform also contains the following' GUN STORE; B1EECH St MJZZlt 10ADIM 3 SHOT j'JNG Killrs, P'stols, Aimmition, Cutlery, Spy Gla3e. Fisliiod Tackle, wi- p MafMiWK. Work made to order an;l warranted. 20-33U C. HODES, Corvallis. C. B. STARR'S ami m v& m stable. (south end Mail) Slreet ) Charges Reasonab e, Satisfact ion Guaran eed, Corvallis. - - Onon- C. 1 1. LEE M. D. Physician fit Surgeon, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Offloe in P'st Office Builcltnsr, Otfice HSS: -8 to 9 a. in. , 1 10 ! and 7 to 3 p. m far In otfice nU-hts. "El 2132tf BURNETT & EMERY, Proprietors of the WHIST Hi BILLIARD ROOMS Constantly on lund tliib"!. brands of Tobaccos and Cigars It the market. i-R ACTION STKAM ENGINES, dAINES' HEADERS. 1 SAV RAKES and FORKS, ZSAIN WAGONS. Kali Silks and Velvets. They are the Latest Styles. Corvallis Oregon. A Nice Line of Spring Wagons AND KsSEsVg -1 M- &j G 1c. EL STORAGE. 1885. To the Farmers of Benton and Linn Counties I desire te remind you of the fact that I am still in the Warehouse business at my old stand, and call your attention to the following reasons why I think it will be to your interest to store your grain with me: 1st. Because the 0. I'. R. R. Company intend putting a side track to the river, thus giving- lis a chance to deal with San Francisco buyers at higher prices. 2nd. I am in a position to take advantage of competition among the different lines of transportation on the river, and secme the very lowest freight rates. 3rd. I have had twelve years experience in the wheat bnsiiiess, and can get as much for your grain as any body else. Sacks always on band. Thankinf vou for libcnil support in the past, I respectfully request all myold custom ers to continue their patronage, and ask ail new men to call aud see me before engaging elsewhere I sh.i make it my duty, as well as pleasure, to do a straightforward business JAS. A. CAUTHORN, Corvallis, Or., July 15, '85. 3T MISCULLAS J CS OA HDS. HE S. V00D03GX, A tt.ol-ri.ev " at - Ta-W, CoKVALLIS, Ore;on. Fruit, Nuts avd Confectionery Ice Cold Drinks, Etc. CiVE US A CALL. ftain St. Corvallis, Oregon guaciis AND QflRRiaaES. FOUND That the best and cheapest pleace iu Cor vallis to buy all kinds of H1A1RID1WIMIE Cutlery, Tools. Iron, Nails, Pumps, Rubber hose. Iron and Lead Pipe, Rope, Bn-b Wire, STOVES, RANGES, Granite ware, Stmiped ware. Tin ware Japanned ware and House Furnishing goods; r to et ill kin N 'I j i w rk :n tiie lint f stiff t metals or plumbing done is at th. Hardware ami Stove store of SIGN OF THK PADLOCK SSTBAM aw Mill AND Mill Machinery. Rubber and Leather J R- BALDW3JJ, Attor-ney at TL.aw. Will practice in all the Courts in tiie stace. Collections promptly attended to (J itjji iiait "Alia street,.) Corvallis, - - uregon. J H. Lewis, E. E. Raber. Lewis J. Itibei. Pisji l 'tr s. KST Do a. general Draying Business. rV''' T-- Solicitt d. 1"S 1 f THIS OUT, ani return to 1 .iishinu- ilou .e with ai. order lor j auv amount oi Joi i-iiitiiis, s . e.ter Heails, invitations. Calliii ; Ceids, Froj-ra nuies, Bali LieKes paper dnvoted tt science, mechanics, en- (nneerins. discnvfrio.. ittvAnt.inn. and DatpnlB ever published. Every number illustrated with splendid encTavinirs. This publication. furniBhea a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the Scientific Amkhican is snch that its cir culation nenr'y equals that of all other papers of its class comhrned. Price. 9X"0 a year. Discount toOlnbs. SoM bv till newsdealers. MUNN ft CO., Pnblishers, No. 3ol Broadway, N. T. iMM-iBpi A Munn A Co. have lATrNTS alsohadThlrty iMI EMI seven Years' practice beloro the Patent Office, and have prepared' more than One Hundred 1 hpus- and applications for patents in the United States and foreign countries. is,i ntt. and all other papers for securing to inventors their richtB in i tba unitea Bwa, iii.,tw, . . Germany and other foreign countries pre pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information es to obtaining patents cheer fully given without charge. Hand-books of information sent free. Patents obtained through Munn ftCo. are noticed """ American free. The advantage of ca well understood by all persons who wish to dispose " terMtlSN 4 CO.. Office SaHtTDTM AitEBlCiN, 361 Broadway, New Yortt. 1 Oct a Oiu or ami Bnsmeas ;,ot--. oruer, and iteceij.1 uooks. Circulars, Labels, thilpmg 'law, I'oster-i, ora iy classofJol. ITiiitnis 'rices as tew as Good i. ork can be done for. ADMIMSITFt&TORS NOTICE. ! Notice is hereby sriven that the undersigned ad J i ministratoi- of the 03tate of J, H. Moores, late of : Marion county Oregon, deceased, will on Friday, '& I August 2Sth, 18S5. at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Court House uoor inwrviuiis, Drawn tpyi fer for sale to the higtust bidder for caih, the fol lowing described real properf beionirinit to said es tate to wit: The nort h east quarter of the north east qnarter of section 1, township 10, south range 7 west of WU- y INC ENT HOUSli. 0. B. CL'RTJS, Proprietor TliP host dollar a day House in the lamette .Meridian. ine otbt uuuai cv "t.j nursnanee of an order Issuine oity. JORVALLIS, ORECCK James L- Lewis. Sheep, Cattle, lt, ail Igs i$A ant; ssld aad Contrasts nais to f-irrish ssame AT A.IdriMK8. Mutton, Beef and fat Hogs a Specialty. CORVALLIS OREGON. out of the c lunty court of the State of Oiegon lor the County of Marion, sitting in Probate, said order being made and entered of record under date of September 20, 1884. Charles B. Moores Administrator ot Estate of J li. Moores, deceased PBODUCE PRICE CURRENT. J. D. GLABX. BELTING. Correfpondence Solicited. The New Steam Yacht 'TRESS A MAY" Is at your dls osal for the season of 18S5. Being mauiid ..y carelul anu coaipctiiit otficers and ercv, who wdl exrt tneiuseivco at all times to ob.ige vis itors, t'hai ters a &ieciaity. Kates reasonable. For terms appiv to OAPT. F. E. DO DOE, Manager. Newport, Oregon. J.'talogu s Fur 'shed, on Application Woodcock & Baldwin,) Corvallis9 Or. J. B. Lee, M. D. G. R. Fakra, M. D. LEE & FA.RRA, Phvsicians, Surgeons And Acouchers. Corvallis, - - Oregon. 20-31U Real Estate Agency. A. P. Gaines. Real Estate, Employment and Collection Agency. Business Solicited. Eeferenoes Given- OFFICE. Firit door south of Fisher's inck, main street. CORVALLIS OREGON Wheat per cental, iu Portland, sacked, tl 20 n Wool per lb..... m , .iuA Hour per oarrei w liucon sides Haass Shmiders Lard, 10 lb tins Kegs Butter, fresh rolls Eggs, per doz Apples, green. Uried apples, Pluninier " Siun dried ChiekeaV. per .'.'.'.'.'. ? " s?2 Hides, dry flint " green - Potatoes n- taT lo to 12 12 to 14 8 to 10 8 10 8 15 to 25 15 20 30 50 4 to 5 3 to 4 7 10 to 5 to 25 ii:ks, 5 00 to FINE SHEEP. VVm. Hartless has ten extra fine Oxford bucks for sale at reason.-ble prices. CORVALLIS, - OREGON.