The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, August 21, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    Corvallis Weekly Gazette,
All communications to the Gazettk, either ou
'.' smeas or for publication, to insure prompt atten-
i liould be addressed U the GAZtiTTi PUltlilSH-
A. P. Churchill is the office manager of the Gazette
PnOlishiRg House, and local editor of this paper, ami
ill . alters entrusted to him will receive prompt
i'arend attention.
R. A. M.
Vo rusnn Chanter. No. 5, R. A. M.
ca, on or preceui MmooB
meets Thurs
Talce Notice.
Twelve nonpareil lines or less, or one inch
r . -titute a square.
A I bills for ad nertisire payable monthly. Fpi all
ranweut advertising payment must bo made ui ad-
i nsiness locals, first insertion 10 cents per line
H -nislnesa loeals inserted for 'ess than 25 cents.
Marriage notices free Death notices free if ae
.... -wni id bv extended remarks. 5 cents per line will
be charged. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents per
v Card of thanks, 10 cents per line.
","e shall be obliged to any person who will furnish
s :th any information of local interest.
. notice can be taken of anonymous eoinm unica
Hon. Whatever is intended for publication
inn. l. be authenticated by the name and address of
the writer not necessary for publication, hut as a
guarantee of irooil faith.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for any views
i expressed m the cpaimuiucations of our
7 rrespdnaeats.
Kv r. it -ision of the Post-office Deportment all per
son re vr. injr or takinr papers fr an the postotflce
eveu 1 addressed to them become responsible
for the subscription pi ice.
Advert is .tents, notices and communications in
fcendc ! for this paper, should lie handed in a. early as
Vvednedrci morning, to insure their publication.
Sub- " rs not rateWiin their paper regular v will
orfei . favor by giving notice of the same at this
orice :.-
s will hear in 10-11? that the subscription
.riably $3.1)0, when not paid in advance.
"Look at rao Now "
kPjft-'i,:,.. . .. -.
Bird cages at Will Bro3.
New sheet music at Will Bros.
Boys clothing at cost at Whitneys closing
out sale.
Nohbj Hats at cost at Whitney's closin,
oat sale
All goods at cost at Whitney's closing
out nale.
Men's furnishing goods at cost at Whit
ney's closing out Sale.
Go and see the golden voiced Peerless
Organs at Will Bros.
Mr. E. H. Harding of McMinville was in
town during the wech.
Men and boy's shoes and hoots .at cost
at Whitney's closing nit sale.
Corsets, Kid gloves and parasols, at cost
at Whitney's closing out sale.
Mr. C. Hanson, of Eugene City, is visit
ing his son, J. W. Hanson, our city tai.or.
Rev. J. R. N. Boll of the Roselmrg R-v-
made us a pleasant call during the week.
Rev. Win. M. Honstou ili preach at the
college chapel this evening at the usual hour.
A new Ketchum wagon, three and one
half inch, for sale at a bargain at Woodcocl.
& Baldwin's.
Ilnval bargains thi3 month in ladies',
men's and children's fine shoes at Nolan's
reduction sale.
Choose your sewing machines at Will
Bros., where they have teu or twelve differ
ent kinds to chouse from.
A three and one-half inch steel White
water wagon, bran new, at Woodcock &
Baldwin's for sale cheap.
Royal bargains this month in clothing
And furnishing goods, boots, shoes and hats
at Nolan's reduction sile.
The Roseburg has a new dress,
is all printed at home and is a newsy, neat
journal, one of the best iu the state.
Mncbjpery owners; I am prepared to
furnish you with rubber and leather belt
ing. Call on me for prices. S. L. Klink.
There are a few more satteen dress pat
terns to Im had at S. L. Kline's on the
same terms as they were formerly given
Any one desiring a good Sterling organ
can secure a bargain by calling at the resi
dence of A! Emrick in this city, and learn
price and terms.
Royal bargains this month in remnants of
table linens, dress goods, prints, ginghams,
white goods, embroideries and lace at Nol
an's reduction sale.
Mr. S. L. Kline, accompanied bv his wife,
started for San Francisco yesterday morn
ing. Rev E. R. Murgatroyd will preach at tfc
Presbyterian caureh next Sabbath at the
usual hour.
The employment of that young lady to
c.erk in C. H. Whitney's store, did no.
'pan out";
The Lucky Qtiee.n quarti mill was burned
on Monday of last week. Origin of the
tire unknown.
Misses Eda and Sarah Jacobs returned
from Newport yesterday, whore they haw
beeu sojourning for some time.
State Supt. of public instruction, E, P..
McElroy will hold a teachers' institute at
Coquille City on the 28di and 27h of this
Mr. J. H. Berry, one of the pioneer hotel
keepers of J unction, has recently returned
rrom Soda springs, where he had been in
hopes of benefiting his poor health.
Messrs. J. M. Ruetiherg and J. W,
Wright, business men of Salem, went to
Newport last Saturday, where their families
have been rusticating for some time.
We are creditably inf irmed that school
will begin in both district schools of Corv. 1-
is on the 31st day of the present monti-.
The same t cache is iu each school as taught
last year.
That brother of 0. H. Whitney's who re
cently c im- ilSt from Ohio with his new
store clothes on and who hal his hir cut
with John Moores shaving machine created
quite a sensation.
Miss Clara Cecil, who has been visiting
in Corvallis for some months, left for her
home in Davisvill", Cal., she will Visit
friends in Eugene for a few days, and return
to Caii'orliia overland.
A Salem company have leased the steamer
Topsy, of this place, ami have taken her to
run on the river iu the place of the Isabel!.
She will rua between here and Albany as
soon as the fall rains begin.
Fifteen car load3 of cattle were shipped
from Baker City, and eighteen car loads
from Ontario, Oregon, on Monday. These
cattle go by way of the Oregon Snort Line
and Chicago and Northwestern to Chicago.
Mesaers. Pete Callahan and Mose Khue
fully intended spending last Sunday iu Inde
pendence, and would probably have done so
had it not been for their horse, which took
a spin iu the country ou his own say so.
Mr. John Osbu-n and wife intend going
back to Pennsylvania this fall to visit their
old tiome and where Mr. Osburn spent his
For several days the weather has been so boy.iood days, among friends ani aciuaiu-
The Pioneer oil mills of Salem, began run
ning ou fu.l time las-- Tuesday.
A. Limb, deputy sheriff from Monroe,
br night his fatni;y down yesterday to so
the circus.
Fu.tou Woo lend'; and wife, from the Be!
I knap settlement were in C rv.dbs yesterd.i
and while here to k a view of the circus.
The whisile of the locomotives of tl .
two long rail road trains night before la-
oouv eying Robiuson's Circits awakened a.
of the small Imya and soma of the larger one
who were sleeping with "one eye open" i
see the show;
The following notice which was postj.1
around town yesterday is so.f-exp an tor. ;
'Charley MoKee. a member of the Y.ijn.ii
3-y Sazar.ic Ciub, wi.l be in the city to- la
prepared to meet any Saz racer iu Oreg i
and compete for the championship of th
state. By order of the President."-
Charley R ayburn met with a severe acci
dent last Wednesday eveniug. Toe si le
walk had been made very wet in front o:
the butcher shop where he was attending,
and he took aquick step to run across the
walk when his feet slipped from under him,
letting him fall. He struck the walk first
with his back, rnd next the back of his head
and sustained severe injuries.
Philomath Items'.
August 17, 18S5.
Ed. Gazette: In your last issue there is
i communication signed J. X. purporting to
ell of the doings of Philomath lodge I. O
t T On the evening referred to, the L. D.
1,1 a crank In his head, thought he was a
M--ses." and would show the member' of
Philomath lodge a new wrinkle in installing
i . officers, but the youthful W. C. T. was
inn ni l decided that the inst illation should
3 conducted according to the rules and
IS gei of the order. The L. D. submitted
i n very bad grace and proceeded with tin.
i . illation; a matter of trivial import,
ir.i i threw the would be Moses, into Hys
o -rici. lie smote the rock (table) with ter
UK vi .leoce. threw down the gavel, v.ioat
. ins post, seized the basket coutainin.
is tried chicken, and disappeared iu ;
; of smoke, much to the relief of ..1
.iiccin d. "The L. D. who has been ;
evotecl member of the order for 19 years
i I d.-wu the gavel and left them in th i
..lory without installing their officers,"
neu under the impulse of a moment, of re
lestroy the noble record ot a life time. Th
i.adjje is divided in its npi o aitoil
c tuse of the L. D.
was caused by his
g aid things prepare
instillation flipper
that it was brought about
D. partaking too freely ol
beans. Philomath lodge is
along its offi ers were pr
at the sueeee lioj mi ting.
R v. Win. L).x .i.i, is very sic', wiih ty
phoid fever.
Mr. Prof. Sbeak an 1 daughter who ha',
been visiting her old ho ne i:l III liana, rt
in-ued yesterday.
a erup i in;
red U the si
IT, W .11 I oti
time say
o tackle
'i era ( r
tii-vi a.
ilrv and iinnroductive that the beard and
hair grew so little that Jess Spencer last
Monday shut up his barber shop and
went fishing.
Since the circus has appeared in town it
will be well for all of our citizens to be care-
Those of our readers who have lately
visited this office and settled their accounts,
121 ; 4-t... I--. -. - KtAnuDa oc
.. , . , , ! ful to protect themselves from sneak thieves were delayed on account of the hre haviug
that of our business manager just after he lu i . . .
they may remain through the
About 500 cords of wood belonging to the
0. & C. R. R. company was burned last
Suuday night, just below Salem. The Mon
day morning expi ess and passenger tram
had filled out one ot our beautiful receipts,
(of which weliave a large number.) He is
a joyial fellow and we would be pleased to
keep him looking like that all the while.
This is merely a representation on papei and
is of course unlifelike. You must he.vk
that laugh to appreciate it.
Business Sold.
I hereby notify all of my former patrons
and friends that on the 3rd day of August
1885 I sold my store and tinware bnsiness
iu Corvallis, Or. to J. R. Smith. All per
sons indebted to me Will please call at the
old stand on or before the 15th day of next
October and pay all debts due me. Mr.
Smith or myself will be in readiness to re
ceive payment at any time. I thank all for
past favors and patronage and ask that they
continue to bestow the some Hpou my suc
cessor Mr. Smith.
Jacob Weeek.
All those wishing a copy of the "Illustra
ted History of Benton County" will please
send their order to the undersigned, as I will
not publish a book in excess of the number
ordered. D. T. Faoan,
Cor. First and Ash St's, Portland.
Mr. Win. Hamilton nui. day showed os a
potato vi ie growing iu his yard in this city
measuring seven t- e: 1 -ug. liijii is, s y
the ie ,st a. i eitraordiu try growth, consider
iug that it h is re t he i t.iis en -r ii -is length
.vitooot au enttivaiion wliattver.
dpt. Gore, of the govcrinent snag boa
spent Sunday in Co. a lia. lie informs Us
that last week bis crew di I some very eli'eot
U.v work in cletrnig Hooue creek, a cl an-
uel of the iiir alaiut three miles
town. This .veek they are woiking
15 -onvi le.
Oregon Pacific Kailroad.
Until further notice a train will leave
Corvallis for Yaquina every Wednesday and I
Saturday at 10 a. m. Yaquina to Corvallis
every Thursday and Monday at 8 a. m.
C. C. Hoque,
Notice is hereby given that I have pur
chased the interest of Mr. Smith in the Cor
Tallis dairy business. I will continue the
same, endeavoring to give satisfaction to ali
old customers, as well as all new ones who
;nay favor me with their patronage.
Geo. Taylor,
Corvallis, Or., Aug. 1st, 1885.
Closing out Sale.
The closing out sale at C. H. Whitney's
s attracting many buyers who are attracted
by the very low prices actual cost for
ioods. This is a genuine closing out sale
and as the stock is a well selected one and
first-class, the people should not fail to im
prove the opportunity.
Malta Teorself Hajpy.
See here, it you want to entoy a nice
easy shave or a shampoo that will make you
happy for a month, go to Moore the Barber,
iind if he can't please you, try his hand, Mr.
C. H. Baker, who is a first-class workman
lately from the east does work in all styles,
and Sure to please the ladies and children .
J. S. Moore.
The Vincent House.
Having lately purchased this well known
house, I will thoroughly renovate and refit
the same, The table will be supplied with
the best the market affords, and no pains
will be spared to make it pleasant and com
fortable for guests. No Chinese cooks
employed. I. B. Curtis.
Corvallis, Or., July 30, 1885.
and bur glars. Wherever the circus has burned quite a lot of the track
been we learn of several and
thefts being committed.
Dr. Frank Can thorn of Gervais has been
quite sick for some weeks past. He is get.
ting better however and tame lip to Corvallis
last week and intends going to Yaquina Bay
for his health before his return home.
Mr. Geo. Corthauer gathered from his
farm two stalks of corn, eleven and one half
feet high and six feet to the first ear and
brought them to T. J. Bttford's otfi.-e to
send E ist among Oregon products for exhi
bition. Some of the fine t s "-er rock ever fodild
in this section, says cue Jacksonville Senti
nel, was brought to towu Thursday by VV.
J. Stanley, the discoverer. The Ie lge is In
the' vicinity of Woodville and shows traces of
native silver.
Thos. Read who with his wife was thrown
several days ago from his hick and severely
crippled by a runaway term wis out on the
streets this week driving bis carriage and
team as nimble an 1 spry as a hoi of sixteen
One thing certain lie will never die by lyjlU
idle, pining away about things he cau not
Mr. Henry McFarland was ill Corvallis
during the week. Mr. McFarland several
years ago was interested with Wallace Bald
win and J. R. Bay ley in the tin and hard
ware business in this place: He now has a
ranch near Alkali and is largely ngaged in
raising stock. He says lare crops were
raised there this year and thinks that
country ahead of the Willamette Valley.
The managers of the Oregon State Fair
have procured the printing of their posters
for the present vear in Cincinuatti, Ohio,
and most of the pr ss of Oregon think
it they patrauize Cincinuatti printing estab
lishments th-t they should go to Cinciuuatti
to get people to pauonize the fair and more
particularly they should get Cinciunatti
papers to publish the usual free notices of
the fair and not call on Oregon newspapers
as heretofore to do free advertising for
We are informed, says the Albany Bulletin,
that the citizens of Sodaville and vicinity
have subscribed a sufficient sum of money to
put the celebrated mineral springs spring at
that place in good order and beyond the
power of any miscreant to use the spring as
a deposit of filth etc. Brick and cement are
already on the ground for this purpose and
a mechanic trotn Salem will do the work.
They purpose to hermetically seal lip the
spring and draw the water by means of a
pipe from several feet below.
Last week a thief entered the house of H.
Freekson about three miles west of Albany
while the family was absent. He stole and
carried away one pair black pants, a coat,
vest, hat, pair suspenders, necktie, three
silk handkerchiefs, a razor, bottle of cologne,
two revolvers, a pocket look ingglass, two
combs, tobacco, etc., besides he had a line
feast in eatiug pies cake and driuking milk.
The house was entered by f dse keys. Me 8 s
D;.vis and Lyons, in the neighborhood was
also entered about the same time.
DmI, uear Phil
Uev. J. L. Berry.
Toe T.dsrnac!e
Wlil open at tile
ber 27th.
!h, nnst 15, 1SS5
-84 C
ound .
A humher of young people passed a very
nleasant evening at the residence of Secre
tary of State Eirhart, on last Monday even
ing, the occasion being a farewell gathering
to Miss Calla, who goes to Oakland, C li-
fornia, soon to enter Mills hetniuary, says
the Salem .Statesman. The evening was
spent in dancing. Refreshments were serv
ed, and discussed with much pleasuie by tile
guests. The Misses Barhait leave in com
pany with their father for San Fraucisco
withiu a few days.
On Friday of last week Mrs. M. E. Cecil
while going fn m her home on lower Willow
Creek to Alkali with her son Wilfred driv
ing, the team beeeine frightened at a dead
horse lying alongside the road when one of
the lines broke and the team swung around
quickly, capsizing the hack, throwing its
occupants to the ground. Mrs. Cecil had
her right shoulder broken iu two An-os, her
collar bone was broken, besides scvei a' g ish
es were cut ou her face and head. Wilfred
had one of his legs badly wrenched.
The Portland and Willamette Valley Rail
road company of Portland yesterday tiled a the family of our deceased brother ii
bond with the secret- ry of state in the sum 'great affliction.
of fifty thousand dollars wi. h William Reid I Rexo'.vrd: Th it this Company has 1-
and Dr. J. A. Chapman as sureties This
bi nd is for the building of a uarrY.w-gagne
railroad from Dundee, in Yamhill ouuty, to
Portland, and for the colistrn t: n .'
Warehouses, etc., ou the public ieve in thai
city. The Imu t is given iu accor lance with
the act of the legislature at irs late session
ac ion
iiaiiia it iiia qtnraa-M
A-ttornev " at - Law,
Attorney at Law.
.Vill practice in all i.he Courts in the state.
Collections promptly attended to
(OJiees liast skIj Jtain street.) '
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
J H. Lewis,
E. E. Haber.
Lewis & Kabct, Piop Ae&tn,
9Sf Do a general Dr ryirtj Business.
Orders Bolicired.
J LJL ft THIS OUT, an-1 return to I
ilia wiUciw u belting aiou -e with an order tor
i aiiv a mount o J i ; iMrtitotf BBeii at or
o tjr Jjaas, U. vita: it his, tailing and t usuies I
-jrd;, t'l-oTA u u ., .titil Ticket.-., .-.ote, oruer, R
nJ .icucijit AHfks, Circulars, Isabels, shipping
. a,;s, iViotcrs. or a ly ui Jo mitjiig
j iTtcetf ao low iu t-iuud "or.v can lit; done for. jj
. Is. C'JRTjS, Proprietor.
.'.ie beat ilolhir a day House in the
ldee! no
ep , i,.
s L Co. No 1 )
17. 16S3. S
Hall of Corvallis H. &
Corvallis, Or., An
Whereas: with the death of
meinher, E Rosenthal, we rec
this Company has sustained
therefore he it
Rexolved: That we sincer ly condole wit
olir fedoy
gn;ze tie.
..I loss
if ;ts Zealous and Wo:
3-1111 iittuiiy --.ii eiierifi!
approved mi Ffchrnary 24ih. Hue
the bond they have Uoinui nc.d
against the city of Port. and f.-r i lie
ion of the levee.
iUI of the smtll boys fr i n the town and
also from the country, wiih th ir fathers,
mothers, sifters, brothers, relatives and
ev -rv '"''I v ofse, were --n Inn I list Tliurs-d-iy
to see the .re-r ex it u i a V -rd I by
It. b, neon's cir.:Hs. I'll y were al: iiere
m -n y ivh i h 1 1 the ca.'i i.i h ui I ti spare
to siwnd fir the Jihi 'ail .n iny no doubt gi' -j-iiv u. riie Jiutcher,
th i li-y-j 1 1 1 i in -.a in I ot i r"s for a year tor
tii dr Iici i in 1 wli-i Ii . I .-st -1 oil' sncli
bills, on ac.'oiltlt of tiie p.essure of hard
-ove ! ti-n
.v -rj
oo -a-i oi witu ca :
til -ir way into the .
w a s has been an I
M il tillS I'll.
i ci 1 or i u it v
it snow. I'm
Pr .f. of tl... A Drrienltn ral Collea
, ii imu who furnish
and witcj won have oecn tor several week
no a fc.nii' r,s;i of ;h. niiinntaitiS visiting with ! cas o. ers .1
. ,.. u hunger .ni.l
ivirs onmiB parents, out. mm ..iio. ucmj
Eiii itt, returned hoiue last week, much re
freshed and ready to begin toe college year.
Mr. Henry Elliott, an old resi lent of this
c-iunty and who for '.he last year has been
livrng east of the mountains, has returned
to B uton cOmi-y and intends making this
his future home. He recently purchased
the farm formerly occupied by A. B. Wii
c ickson. west of Monroe known as the
McCane farm.
Marshal Pygall Went to Portland and nr
rested one of the Engineers who struck a
few weeks a'o on the O. P. R. R. and
bro'.isht him back to Corvallis because he
had gone away failing to pay Jacobs & Neu
gass a sum of money which he owed them.
He shelled out t he money when he got here,
and was thereafter permitted to "depart iu
Some of as fine peaches as ever grew were
placed in our hands a few d ys ago by Mont.
Winkle, who lives south of Corvallis iu the
river bottom. He informs us that he raises
every year forty or fifty bushels of this val
uable and delicious fruit. Peaches can lie
raised successfully in Oretjon if the proper
protection is afforded to the tree.
The Boonej Iowa, Standard says that an
excursion is to take place from that place to
Portland, Oregon, .and adjacent places on the
8th of Septemlier. The excursion will be
over the same route as the Iowa editors
made. A large number of excursionists i r;
expected, as the Iowa papers have been lull
of descriptious of Oregon for the past three
'S C"
i .v '. i will be til
tin-, nuieessarys of;
on cr.ilit. ati-1 rhns kee-
im'&tioa from their I i ir :s
put off, to wait from time to eternitj , whi e
the nan leaving the luxuries to dispose of,
or amusement's t.- attract the a'tenti-.u,
comes in anil carries off the cash.
'thy inline ere. an t till
tic bu iocss man
R't j.'o d: Tout as a testimonial of nui es
teem and respect for '.In- memory of th le
cea e I. this b ili be -!r .p.-d i.i mourning ho
the pcri-'-l of tiii. iy days.
R-no'.ved: Tutt a copy of those resolntion
be furnished to the brother of the
th it. they be spread upon the minutes of tin
c nupiuJVs journal, and copies furnished the
city papers for publication.
F. II. Joirssos, )
K. A. Thompson, , Com.
Will Hold ate. )
Sal Accident.
The son of Mr. Oliver Withatn, of thi.
comity, was sent ti horseback last Friday
evening to hunt the cows. Tlie horse widen
lie r ule re.urnid later in the evening with-
n: a Idie or boy. Scar -h was instituted
f-.r tiie missing youth and his dead bocy was
foiiu I just -.t the edge of a ditch with the
s I e on top of liiio. It is supposed that
h was ri.lmg tiie h at the time he to tlie ditch with siddle very loose,
an I liorsj in attempting to jump tha
d tell .e.l o.i the boy, leaving the saddle and
o I. i i p.-sioiou .vhe.i found. The de
cani I vas ten or twelve ye irs olil anil was
a intelligent boy. The many friends
of Iri in I Mi s. Wit.iam join in mouralug
toen- s ,d loss.
Qiartarlv MjStias.
The fourth qn irterly meeting for the pres
jut conference year will be held m tin; Ool
lege chapel embracing Sitiirday ami Sun 'ay
the 22ud and 23r I. Preaching Saturday
evening and S r.i lay morning and evening
oy Rev. E. O. Michael, P. E. '
Fruit Drier.
Bnv the E-'oiiomy fruit drier at Woodcock
hil.lwiu's which utilizes the heat on a
e m;ii"ti cook stove, and enables the drier
to work when meals are being prepared on
the sa ne .-.toVe. The nrice of the Machine
o .uip.eteU only twenty dollars an 1 will .
able fruit r.tnrs to save th. Iruic herjtotore
was.ed, without ex ictise.
Ja'iies I.. Lewis.
.30?, .a.-t.s, ;cr333 and .lo-s bjaght ard
jj.i ail Jo liru'a ratli ro faiisb. same
AT A 1. 1. TIMES.
lutton, teei and tat Hogs a
Lkk; M. D. G. K. Farua, M. 1.
Llivsiciaiis, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
lical Kstate Agency
A. iJ. Griiinu-ss.
Real Estate, Einp'ovmeiit and ' Collection
. -F.r t ...-ir -
i L- -
Rs.e7cr.cs5 diver--
ath of r.s.ier'S r.ek. n-ain
on bo on
. . i i i i ,-
Amuuition, CuHry
spy i;ri3K Fithiug; Tackle,
S'ivii.fT MaIin s,
VVrk made to orurand warnnitoJ.
:0-33tf C.HOCES, Corvallis.
mm m ad m stable,
(oiith end Main Street )
Chare3 Reasonable, Satisfact
ion Guaran eed,
(-oiTallis, - - Orefron.
C. H. LEE. M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
tlrliee in r-xt I'rBee BuilIli'p-,
Office Hur: -Sto 9 a. m., 1 to 2 an.! 7 to S p. at
JSST In o:!iee nisfati. T3t tUSU
Wm. Hartless has len extra fine Oxford
Imcks for sale at reason ble prices.
Proprietor. of the
Tiie Keady law.
From the Salem Statesman we learn that
Judge Veh8ter of the first Judicial district
on the 6th inst., in the case of the State vs
A blue twil'el iiv rc :t ivith a velv t cl
lar, w is 1'Ht l-.-it ' . !.- ilay li -t.veii U r-
u m mm mm.
reaar Ie 1 by leaving t'le
Stark, next door to Sorhi.
The ten-year-old son of A. Bfannnm near
Haruey city, left home on horseback to hunt
horses. He did not return at night. Search
wag instituted next morning. The horse
was found with the saddle under its ielly,
and the boy afterwards found dead and had
;y bruised; supposed that his foot hnng in
the stirrup while the horse run and dragged
him to death.
Last Sunday evening near Oak Point on
the Columbia river the steamer Multnomah
struck a Snag, which disabled both wheel
and rud ler when she swim; around struck
the steamer R. R. Thompson amidship.
tearing a great hole in her side twenty feet
wide. The hole was ubove the w-t-r, and
both vessels reached Portland on Monday,
T. C. Gaunt, of Linkville, who Wi s indicted v.illU and the r ilr a i
at the last term of the circuit curt lor Aayoac dudiiiii the s i u
Klamath county for selling liquor without
license held, that the law was operative and
could be enforced. This was a case brought
to test tha Ke: dy law passed l-y the last
legislature. If the Supreme Court takes
toe s one view it will put a difficult question
at rest.
iiriil I e u i 1 - y
me '.villi NT.
6 .s.i o iu,Cnrval w.
Deatli of bin. Eliza Bumpurey.
Mrs. Blizi rlamthrejr, widow of the late
Hon. A. L. tl.ini irey, died at her residence
in Eugene City. Ore, i, T iursd ay m iruin ,
Au;. 13, 1S85, at 2 o'clock, a ed about 77
years, s iys ciie E.i;e i i J.i?n tl. Tha Inner al
t -ok place the family residence to the
M .tonic ce.nutery Tnurs.lay afternoon. D -
ce ised was tlie of Hon. tins Bdni iker
and was highly counected in this county
where she h is resided many years. She
leaves a large circle of friends and relatives
to cherish her memory. She was remark a
bly healthy and vigorous, and was never
c intined to her bed by sickness until within
t vo or three days of her deatn.
Deceased as well as her husband who died
not long before, were both early pioneers of
Oregon. The husband in those early days
being ill good circumstances exteude 1 many
fiuancial accomm nlatiniis aud saved many
poor immigrants from want and hunger.
Npw This YVWk,
Constantly " lii ml ll3 l)3t brands of
Tobaccos anil Cigars io lite market.
Fruit, Nu':s Confectionery
ice co d Drinks, Etc.
E in St. Crvall.s, Ore;oiL
Th i ' he h
nt and cheapest pie
Ills t-i i illy ali Kin
IRVINE. In Lina c ni a
Tueal iy to -rui i ; 7 -c
wife of Jos R L" v i i
suffering for saaia tin
s ill
nd Lead
Cjtiar.', rojli.
Pn ii-M. tiuh ier Ii -se Ir
Pipe, ilope, B rh Wire,
Grnite ware, St unpen ware, Tinware,
Japanned wa-e and House Furnishing g -..Is;
or to net ill kin U of j w "i :n line
of sheet met lis or pin nbin-- done is ar the
Hardware and Stove store .-f
ADsaissnaAK as hct;ce.
So is tier itf ri vl fia'. 1 19 un 1 ;rsiyaed ad
uiiniiCri4." ul (. estate oi' J. A. Mourjs, law of
lar.o i eoanty, dojjuetj will M Prhtey,
Au,-a t iiih, US. at 2 o'eiock P. IL at Court
adose door in, at ei OnO ny, )tti m, of
ier .or 13 to taa air i st ii ilir ioc sin, taa fol
lowing ittSi-ribjj reai jiroperf ojioajiili to said es
tate o wit:
i'lij aanh ea q Tarter of the north ei qnarter of
s; -ciou 1. towuabip 10, boath raigel West of Wil
Ea aiutte iieridian.
S id sile it ilia li in ;unuan3 of an orJer issuing
oat o the ...ant.' coart oi toe uttati of Oieai for
t03 County o: jlir.on. sitting " Probata. s.iid order
bcini; ma.lj and entered oi reeord n-tder da:e of
S ,ite iiber 20, ISs4: Chahles B. Moo&ks
Ailiu.iiii-i-at r ui testate of
J. 11. .MooafcS, iljeas-d
22 31 M
Or. on last
..-.i-i. ' 2:!z I'leth
, S.i nib:
.vtt.i option. J
' V.' per eenUl, in I'ertlanJ, sacked, fl 20
Oats . ...'.
I Wool j.crlb .- , 10tol4
- Flour oer iiarrel . 25 to 1)0
ItmmMm - i to '?
Ham, ,'
S.i..ii.dors 8
iaird, 10 lb tins H
! tfuUer. fren roils ,i6toS
fears, per doz i 3
I". J..- an SO BO
ilri'ed apple-., HuinuieT
son inej- ; w
Pluin.i, nitless. ... - . J
r!..l..!t-iw oei Iaa 2 aO to 300
; Hides, cry Hull
" i een 25 to 40
Potatoes '
, ee,e, ta ct . JJJ
.l3ks, Xt 6 0S