The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, August 21, 1885, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
NO. 34
Published every Friday Morning
beginning to concede that the depression ;b
gradually :isaru'e:!riug Orders ait incre;u -ing
rapidly and many mills are running on
double time, The worst feature is the ex
isting strike among nailers, which, from
present indications, does not look as if an
amicable settlement of the difficulty was
near at hand. Maoufa-ctnrers have decided
to ignore tin! naiie-s until they aceeit their
ii Mouthsh '"".II".".'." lit terms, while nai'ers still present a deter
(Payable in Advance.)
$s so
I'er'Vear (when not paid in advonce) 3 0;i
All notices an 1 a IrertUe nents intended for pub
atioi j.ujtl .ie hande 1 in bv noon on Wednesdays
Rates of advertising made known on application.
Pittsburg, Aug. 14. Trades organiza-
mineil front iu their demand fur last year's
St. L'juis, Aug. 17. Last Fri lay there
c ime to this city four members of t ie ge
eral executive committee of tne Knights of
Labor. The mission of thesj gentlemen was
to have a conference with (Jul. Talmage.
general manager of tne Waliash rail way t in
regard to tha rehiti ms existing between the
members of the Knights of Libor and the
railroad company, which are said to be in
quite a disturbed condition. Talmage being
out of the city the gentleman telegraphed
tions throuchout the United states will is
sue a petition to -morrow requesting Preai-j requesting him to stite where ami" when a
dent Cleveland to call an extra session of conference could be h id. To this Talmage
congress, to be devoted exclusively to con- replied he saw no reason why he sli.iid
siileration of measures for the relief of the meet the committee for the purpose mined,
industrial classes of the country and a revi-; He was not aware of any dissatisfaction
val of business. The petition, after calling among the employes of the road, and tie
the attention of the president to the general cliued to confer with the committee As
stagnation of busiuess, says: The couseqiieii- an apparent outcome of ibis there was pro
ces of this depression are especially severe mulgated at Moberly, Missouri, wh re
npon laboring people small manufacturers . abash railway has extensive shops, an otli
and farmers who are without any reserve 1 cial onk-r commanding ""ail Knights ol
means uioii which to live or oay debts and Labor of the abash system at all points i
save their homes and small property from to quit work Tuesday, August 18, at 12
forced sales. Employer and employed are o'clock noon, and remain out till further
involved in common disaster, and it ia be-1 orders from the general executive board."
lieved it is in the power of congress sod the! The order is signed by Frederick Turner,
xecvtive trreatlv to relieve the depression secretary of the board The order
by wise legislation. It is asked that an ex
tra session be convened ou or before the last
Monday in September, 1885.
St. Louis, An-:. 16. Walter A. Lennox,
Maxwell, alias T. C. Iau;jhier, aiias Hugh
M. Brooks, the supposed mordeer of V.
Arthur Preller, at the Southern hotel in
this city, on the 5ch of last April, arrived
hereabout 7 o'clock this morning froi.i San
ateu a sensation iu Moberly, and the strike
ordered is looked upon as one of the most
serious for many years.
St. Loots, Au,;. 17. The publicity of
the order to-day Commanding a strike to
morrow b.v ali K .ihi of Libor e.nployed
on the Wabash railroad seems to be prema
ture, but the feller I execitive committee
bite to-uight a know. Ieil .U authenticity
Francisco, in char e ol d tective l'racy and of the order an 1 sai I the strike will Biirely
officer Badger of the St. Louis police force, take place to-inorrow. The order has Ueu
He absolute refused to talk his case seut, to Fort Wayne, Andrew and Peru In
aud positively asserted that he has at no, to Djjatnr an I Siri.i -a dd. Illinois,
time or place m ule any statement in regard to Moberly aud 5 auln-rry, Misouri, tu Tip
to it, or in any way acknowledged that he jc,,, aU,i Council hiuifs, Iowa, and ti St.
had anything to d with Preller's murder, Louis. The commitUe cairn that they have
or knew-anything abjnt it. He says that 0t the siiops at the above named places
all stories to the contrary are wholly untrue. pure mj cl,un to iiave the yards and train
Detective Tracy thinks that further dewl- ,,.., but are in great doubt about the eu
opments will show Maxwell to be weak gineers and rirem n, They admit that the
mentally, but that he has got one idea , (V(Jui ut is an experiment, but expr ss
wed.ed into his mind that his safety de- c lUfi it.u6a j,, being able in pra.-.i.aJfy sus
pends on his silence and that he will stirde lnj operations of the roal. The gen
nobody with a romantic defense. Tracy erai committee will remain in ilu ci y and
thinks that he killed Preller for money, ami cimjllct tue 8tnke from this point,
that the few admissions he has made point
in that direction; that his voyage from St. m , m
bans to Auckland was a money spending!
debauch, and not a well planned escape trotn
justice. Charles Bigler, trunk maker, rec
ognized Maxwell as the man to whom be
soi l a trunk in which Preller's body was
fouud, and he port r iu the Soutlie-n hotel
recognizjd hiin as having been
that hotel iu April last. Maxwell will be
lii.n.rl mic li,r rib lullll-C ; Ol T 1 1 f 1 1 1 I 1 1 M T.O-lllOl - ... .... i
! porter he sai I tliat at eacii ot these place-
row to the sh,.iff, and will be placed in jail, j Neter;ln3 rc.g lc,Vmg the erection
of a on nninent to (Jen. Grant, and they were
WA37II-I3T0:i SZ7TS.
Washington. Aust. lfi. Gen. S. S. Bur-
lAotta oider of the (. A. P.. has Td-
guest of j turlie i frum tie encampments at Gettyshnr-
and Springfield, Ills. To a Republican re-
New V'ork, Aug. 16. The first editiou
unanimously in favor of its location at ash
of the "Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant," j iu,'ton. It would h ive done you good, said
is 150,000 copies. The publishers say they he, to see the enthusiasm th it was awakened
may add 50,000 to it. The edition is now at he chance iriveii the boys to h ir theii
iu the h uds of the printers, who are print- deadcomman 1 r. The Grand Army propos
ing the book as rapidly as is consistent wjth to snbsciuw 10 cents from every member,
good work. The second editiou is already 'and there are 300.000 of them throughout
made necessary by the large number of su . 1 this country. They mean to erect a mouu
. . .... ... 1 -i in- :.. v. .!.;.. ,.i.. n...l 1
scrintious received. The hrst edition win mem to u n. orau. ..iish
not be delivered until December. Orders
have been coming in at the rate of 5000 dai
ly. The South is doing its share of order
ing. Webster sailed lor cugiana August i,
to arrange for the sale of the book there iu
Freuch, German, Spanish and Italian. The
general wrote the eutire manuscript of the
first volume, and dictated all of the secoud.
Philadelphia," Aug. 17. An explosion
n the steamer Feltou occurred just as she
left her dock on her trip to Wilmington,
Delaware. As she was opposite pier No. 8
north, the passengers and crew were startled
by an explosion which shook the boat troin
Item to stern. When the smoke cleari-u
away it was found that the entire forwar.i
p-irt of the vessel over the water line h id
been badly damaged. A number of passeu
gers were injured, some severely. The pi
lot honse aud eutire upper deck are reported
a scene of complete wreck. The injured, so
far as known, are: John E. McDunu, injured
about the legs; Silas Reed, badly shocked;
J. Bradley, ankle dislocated, and Sam
Cooper, injured about the head aud body.
Capt. Wiley, Mr. Laurence, Mr. Mershon
and Mr. Liuder made a careful examination
of the wreck for the purpose of ascertaining
the cause of the explosion. The investiga
tion establishes the fact that the explosion
was caused dynamite.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17. The outlook
in the i on trade has not been more favorable
for a number of years than at present.
Signs of improvement are coming tu the Cleveland has removed mote official in a
surtace every day and manufacturers ars month thau L.ucoln removed iu a year,"
t tu 1 1 k the day is far distant when Gen.
Grant will be placed lor dual res in Wash
In reply to Gen. R. B. Hayes' letter, sug
gesting that the authorities of the G. A. It
enconoage their comrades to contribute t.
the building of a monument on the grave o
Gen. Grant. Gen. Bnrdette said: I bav
b :en unable to bring my mind into accr
with yours on that point. 1 hold to t1
opinion that the G. A. R. will desire, fir t
of all, to erect its own distinctive monu
ment to our comrade, not at great co-t, but
for that purpose raising only such a sum as
is composed of the equal contributions i t
each individual comrale that, shall be within
.he reach and glad gift of the poorest. Th.
u at onal monument to be erected to Gen
'irant should I of such proportions am
jost as to be beyond the reach of privat.
benevolences, a id of right and propriety
onght to be ordered by the congress of tht
United States an 1 paid for out of the nation
d treasury, Ami that consequently tbeGraml
Army should not be callei upon fur the
i ffort you indie ite.
New york, Aug. 18. Gen. Login said
Yesterday: "It is fashionable to say the ad
miuistratioh is doing fairly well in coming
up to the expectation of civil service i
formers, yet in ne single day it chan;
200 federal officers to make room 'or j ar l
sans. Htst ry has never heard of ih- .ik;
befi re When Lincoln came in power he
h id democrats in office to d-' d w th
FOR 7.IQ3.
massacre of Europeans.
Lilson, Auit. 14. A 1 vices from Sf. Paul
de Loraudo, West Africa, under date of Ju y
15, report that a netty king nam.-d Coan
oama Hnilla died recently, and the natives
attributing his death to witchcraft of the
whites, massacred twenty Europeans, includ
ing three French missionaries. Tne same Biazza is still in
the intel ior.
London, Au'. 17. Salisbury it is report
ed will soon after going to pr ince, have a
conference with irnoi de Pretis, the lt;:l
ian prime minister. It is reported that Ita
y desires to send 10,000 trmps into the
Soudan to secure the Red Sea coast from
Soak em, at present held by the British, to
Asab Bay, along which are most of the Ital
ian possessions. The Italian scheme con
templates the contr d over tiie eastern Sou
d n, and the u.,e of Khartoum as the capital.
Madrid, Aug 17 In the whole of Spain
y sterday there were 4096 new cases of chol
era and 1336 deaths. In Marseilles there
has been 10'J deiths from cholera since last
Friday. The plaees in Spain iu which the
principal increase of cholera occurred yester
day as compared with that of Friday last
were Tarragona and Valladoiid. In the for
in r place were yester l iy 77 case and 30
leal lis. Official r.turns show that in Gran
ada the disease has reached its height and
remains stationary. In Al'acete yesterday
there were 28 new cases aud 23 deaths. In
C isteilou lie la Plana 22 new cases and 17
leaihs. Iu Cueuea 151 new cases and 3-
deatbs. In V deucla 82 new cases and 4'J
deaths, aud in Madrid 20 new cases and 2
deaths Al of these returns show decreases
iu numbers both of new cases and deaths.
Madrid, Aug. 17. There have been
slight rims a-. Logv.iu i, due to the resistance
or the inhabitants to the control of the sani
tary regul itious. The governor ol uimnada
has been attackad with cholera.
Rome, Aug. 17. Ten arrests have been
made of members of the criminal soci ty
which has been operating in Rome, Naples
and Spolete. A search of the house of a
member of the society, a former government
official, revealed the fact that a correspon
dence was being carried on with agents iu
New York for the sale to Americans of Ital
ians who had been bought for small sums in
s uthern provinces, the prices asiied rang
ing trom 10 to S0 sterling.
St. Petersblr ;, Aug. 17. A portion of
.he Rnssian fljet no .r winter ou
he coast of Finland, because ol the length
of time that the h..r..or of Cronstaut is ice
London, Aug. 17. Mail advices Iroin
China confirm tue report that a treaty has
hcen concluded between Russia ami (Jorey.
The terms ot the iiealy are advantage us to
LdsdjN, An.;. 16. The marriage of L nd
Chief Justice Ujleri Ige to Amy Augusta
Jackson L iwford has ere tted a tremendous
social sensation. The bride, whom bis
h rds'hip met on board the steamer while re
u rning home ids American tour two
years ago, is described as being a decided
l.rurette. about 33 years of nee, with a
graceful c rriage, slender though perfect!)
moid-d figure, and aq'.lline features. Her
fa .ciuatiiig aud vtvachfhs manner so charmed
he leading dispiuur ot British justici th t
da. 'ing the v.iyae i e danced almost contin
ual attendance Upon her. After his arrival
in London, however, the aged lover's ar ior
cooled rapid y, and iu a short time the ther
uoineter of his affections registered a very
...w temperature. It was at this stage of
the proceedings that the lady's' mother
ame to the Ir 'lit. Sh- reminded his loid
isaip of the fervor of his love making on
.oard the steamer, anil the tender and love
aden sentences addressed by him to her
laughter while under tie influence of hlf
miles were brought back to his reccollec
iu verbatim together with the many
.ther circumstances connected with the
uief wooing which might have a certain in
luence upon a jury. The ausiere jurist,
i hose, very glance has often silenced the
snices of eminent advocates, and filled
lth terror the hears of cu'prits, was pow
r ess to dislodg..- the match-making mother
com her po.-i.ioiij aud finally, being con
routed with the alternative of an action for
reach of promise, he yielded, stipulating,
uowever, that the marriage sfaonle take
,jlace secretly. A license was obtained, and
in the back parlor of the bride's house, at
12 Victoria road, Kensington the we.ling
cermouy i"iJt p v.
San Francisco, Aug. 17. The Call's For
Bowie special says: Capt. Davis. Fourt.
cavalry, reports that Lieutenant Day strtnl
G jronimo's c intp northeast of Nakavi Anj:
7 and kille I three bucks, a scpaaw, and Gal
onin-'s-son, age! thirteen. He captnrei
fifteen women and children, among then
three wives and five children of Gcronimo
Geronimo was wounded. B isides him only
two other bucks nd one squaw escaped
Everything in the camp was Captured. Oi
the 29th ult. Lieutenant Day ambushed
party of four Chiticahnas, killed two am'
captured all their horses and supplies.
Virginia City! Aug. 17. A few weeu
an a Prate iu lira was killed oy YVasui e
Indians, wnich at the lime it was belie Vet'
w mid cert duly lead to a war betwean tin
two tribes. The matter was, however, am
ic ibly arranged, but a few days ago a Piute
rel itive of the man killed was beaten to
deitb during a tight with a Washoe brave.
Excitement among both ribes now runs
high and a sanguinary outbreak is expected
at auy time.
San Francisco, Aug 17. Auditor Stro
ther's annual statement to the state board
of equalization, showing the value of the
property of San Francisco, has been prepared
and will be sent to Sacramento to day. The
value of rcai estate is $118,353,678; value of
improvements on rial estate, 53,002 74S;
vaine of personal property other th in mon
ey. St-9,541,654; value of money,f6651, 299;
total value of all property of the city after
equa izatiou by supervisors, 227,609,348.
II .-.f.'-v;. ; m
A missing medal EOUND.
Washington, Aug. 16. The National
Republican has received a letter from tie
United St ites c m-nl-jeiieral at. P .ris. stag
ing that one of the f air go'd rued ds co n
ineinorative ot t - death o"' P- sde it Lin
coln is in t'n possei-i n of D'vM F. S. Ful
ler, -n -.t'acl.e oi the Pans co.i u ate. The
whereabou . of the four are low known.
From a Calling Card to a FlT.1
Sheet Poster,
The Corvallis Gazette Olfic;
In Quality arid Prices.
Send for puree 3 and estimates.
In order to make room lor our New Fall Stock, we will offer the
ollowing lines at cost;
Mimmer hose, Gloves and Mitts at cost. Chi'ulrens dresses and waists a', cost.
Mohair and Linen dusters at cost. Summer wraps less than cost.
All our straw hats at coso. Parasols and white goods at cost.
Ratines ami Nuns veiling at cost. Laces and embroideries at cost.
Infants robes and dresses St cost.
150 pair chiMretls hose at 10 cts., worth 20 cts.
All remuatits aud odd lots regardless of cost.
For want of room we will sell ali trunks at prime cost.
72 Ladies merino vests ami pants, 2 in box, b'O cts. worth SI. 00.
30 L olies embroidered mil 11 handkerchiefs, 35 cts, last year 91 00
120 Pair ladies seamless hose 25 it's, regular 3 for 1 00.
18 Ladies dresfring saque? 50 cts, regular SI 00.
30 Ladies corsets 50 cts, some worth SI 00.
24 Fair Childrens tine shoes 75 cts. worth $1 25.
30 Mens percale aud C heviot shirts 90 cts, worth $1 50.
We will malce a redaction of 10 per cent, in all dry goods, dress good, mens, youths,
boys and childrens clothing, furnishing goods, boots and shoes, hats and
caps, fancy goods, etc., etc.
This Important Reduction Sale
Will commence on Saturday, Jul' 26, 1885, and continue for 30 days
Pcmember all Sales are
Stricty Casli
No Books Kept.
To the Fanners of Benton and Linn Counties
I desire te remind you of the fact that I am still in the Warehouse business at my
old stand, and call your attention to the following reasons why I thiuk it will be to jour
interest to store your grain with me:
1st. Because the O. P. R. R. Company intend putting a side track to the river, thus
giving us a chance to deal with San Francisco buyers at higher prices.
2nd. I am in a position to take advantage of competition among the different lines of
transportation on the river aud seciue the very lowest freight rates.
3rd. I have had twelve years experience in the wheat business, and can get as much
for your grain as auy body else. Sacks aiw..ys on hand.
Thanking yon for liberal support in the past, I respectfully request all myold custom
ers to continue their patronage, and ask all new men to call and see me before engaging
elsewhere. I shall make it my duty, as Well as pleasure, to do a straightforward busiuess
Corvallis, Or., July 15, '85.
IF. C. Crtacford,
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
!i kinds of renairintr done on short notice, and ali
work warranted. lS:3."t-.yl
Corvallis, Oregon.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building,
newly furnished, and is first cla.i.s in all iis
Stages leave the hotel for Albiny and Yaqulna Has
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Large Sample Room on first II.' or fci
Commercial iltu. 1 11-35 l
A.ttorn.ey at Law.
Fr:3 ir.s rran:ea Spec a t;
Money Loaned on Good Security.
Real Estate Agency!
1 ho-.e wtw work early and late need a wholesome
reliaMe Medicine like Ffunder's Orefrm BlOud
PurifiT. As a remedy and preventative of disease
t can not he beat. It checks Rheumatism and Mala
ria, relieves Constipation. Dyspepsia and Lilliousnetss
and puts fresh energy into t-.e system y making
NKW, RICH ur.O:)D All Druggists and dialer
keeo it. 1.00 bottles, 0 for 5.00. 22143m
Corvallis, iregon.
The next Session will begin on September
10th, with same Futility as last year.
O. L. Arnold, Pres.
Keai Estate Aleuts, will huy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property ou
Having made arrangements for cn-npera-tion
with ae)ts in Portland, anil being ful
ly aeijuaiutea with re;il property in Benti n
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat
isfaction to all who may favor us uith their
yatrona;). Q. A. Wagoonek.
20-fiyl T. J. Bcford,
Fisher's Blcck,
ue :n t po--i"ar V eekly new;
. pan?r dvofoi tt bc?tic3. meciiomcs, en
pineeriTiT. disco'-'prica, inventions and patents
ever pnblished. Every nnmlr ji'nstrated with
splendid enprnvin-s. This pnh'ication, furnishes
a most valuable enrrclfnerli'i of information which
no person should bo vithoufe. 'Iho pnpuiarity of
the Scientific AMPTt:rv.x evch that its cir
culation nMr'y errualf that ci n.l ctber papers of
its class cnnb;nrd. Priee. $3.C3aycnr. Discout t
toCln. SoMbvnll i e.vrfleaics. MUACO.,
Publishers, No. SCI Eroiidvray, K. Y.
ape rVR J.Innn iz Cr. liavo
W$ B N nlDhdThirty-P-.ft
f B VPe cvpn vHl-rn'
praoiico beforo
the Pr.tTit Or:ce, and br.vo prepared
morethnn Cno HiindrrrJ 1 hpus
ond app'icMtions tor p-tents in tno
Unitrd States and foreign conntnes.
A'signuieats, and n 1 1 otber papers fcr
securiU" to inventors mcir rirnis in sua
United States, Canada, Engrland, Pronco,
Germany and other iorcicn countries, pre
pared at Hhort not ico mulcn reasonable term-.
Information to o.tan;:ag piitems cuuei
fully iriven without charge. Hnnd-books or
infnrm.tinn Ber.t free. r."tents obtained
through Mnunifo. am n-ticcdia th- Scientiiic
American free. Tho advantage cf b? h , notico n
woll understood by all persons w ho nan to dier se
' JdrKs mW 4 CO., Office SOESnwa
There are threi vacancies in the State
University to he filled from Benton comity,
doling men anil women who can pass exam
ination for a teacher's certificate, are eligible
to appointment by the county court. Ap
i iuattiHis will lie received uutil Monday,
.Septmher 7th, lhSo.
County Superintendent.
Corvallis, Oregon, Au. 5, '85.
For Sale!
A Good Business Location,
With a number one Store House
24x70 ft., with house attached
suitable for a small family.
Situated in the t enter of the
City of Philomath.
And a good shipping poiut
ON THE O. P. E. R.
For further particulars enquire of N, fif,
ALLEN, Philomath Oregon.
Notary Public.
Aittornevs - at - Law.
Prompt attention given to business intrusted to on.'
care in all ttie Courts of the State. Demands collected
witli or w.thout action anywhere in the U. Wil
collect claim-, ajrainst tbe Uovernment at W&shinsrton.
Ii. HolgMe, a notary public, will five strict attentini
to conveyancing, negotiating loans, buying, selling
and leasing real estnte, and a seiieral agehcy busineM.
i.ooal ag.nt. for the Oregon Fire and Marine Insu
rauee Uon pauv of Oregon, a reliable home company
backed by the beaviesi capitalists of the State.
O.iice in ournett s now brick, first door at head of