The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, July 31, 1885, Image 1

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    io rta U i
NO. 31.
'Published every Friday Mor ning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Yew, 1 -" 2
Sir Months, 1 50
Vhree Month. - 1 CO
Single Copies -J
Ter Year (when not paid in advonce) 3 Oi
An notice. and advertisements intended fr. r pub
stion shuuld be handed in bv noon on Wednei days
Kates of advertising made known on applicatio n.
Washington, July 26. Prominent men i
feers of the Grand Army of the Republic ti -day
sai.l that the organization would hav e
raised $30,000 to build a monument fc r
General Great at Arlington or at tli e
-the Soldiers' Home, but it is doubtfn 1
w heather an effort will be made if the re -mains
are' buried in Central Park. One of
the officers says that the Grand Army wil L
not build a monument in Central park as K n
adjunct to the zoological gardens and th e
Washington, July 25, Professo r
HiU;.ird said to-day, concerning his suspen
iou from the suuerintendency of the coast
survey, that he did not care to have the
matter settled by the newspapers, nor to
enter into a public controversy on the sub
ject; but that it should be settled in the
department where it belongs. If his office
was wanted he could stand dismissal with
out murmuring, but he objected to going
out under a cloud, with charges of
irregularities which had no foundation.
The books and records of his office, he said,
would speak, for themselves, and he was
'willing to abide by the result of a thorough
investigation. Being asked as to the facts
connected with his suspension, Hilgard said
that in June last he received a communica
tion fr.iui the first auditor, stating that
ohargca ,.f irregularities had been
again t the management of the coast sur
vey. These charges were not specific, hue
in a general way indicated payment wf sala
ries to persons who performed no services,
allowing unnecessary traveling expenses to
those cnuuected with the survey, for the
beneYx. of their families, and unnecessary
expenditures for money appropriated for
maintenance of the coast survey. No in
stance of alledged irregularities were cited,
but Professor Hilgard replied to the first
.auditor indignantly denying the charges in
to to, and asking for specific instances . He
received no reply, until he was informed of
his suspension from office, yesterday.
Professor Hilgard added that if the mind of
.the first auditor had been poisoned against
him he had nothing to do with that. Ad
lie asked was a careful investigation, made
by those who were competent to under
stand the workings ol the office and its ne
cessities; that the office is governed by rules
and regulations, wJbich were remodeled by
secretary Snennan only a tew years ago.
and all expenditures are made in accordance
with them.
San Francisco, July 26. Some weeks
ago it was announced that the leaders of
the local democracy had formulated grave
charges against the customs service in San
Francisco, and that they had asked that
the accusations be made the subject of a for
mal investigation by the secretary of the
treasury. It was stated to secretary Man
ning that some of the custom house officers
detailed to enforce the restriction act had
not honestly discharged their duty. The
secretary's attention was directed to the
fact that the number of Chinese arrivals had
increased in a surprising manner within
the p.-st year. This increase was in a con
siderable manner within the past year.
This increase was in a considerable manner
charged by the demacrat.ic accusers to cor
ruption of custom officials with Chinese
money. While it has been generally known
that such charges were forwarded to Wash
ington there has been much doubt as to
whether the treasury department would
take serious cognizance of them. A belief
that the allegations were inspired by
Buckley for the purpose of making room
for some of his followers would, it was
thought, destroy much of their intended
effect. Custom house people have affected
to make light of tiie charges, and seemed
to think that the treasury department would
regulate the work of Buckley's literateurs
to the waste basket. This inference has
proved totally erroneous, however, lor a
letter has been received by Secretary Man-
nning, formally acknowledging receipt ol
the charges against the custom house ser
vice, and promising official inquiry into the
alleged frauds.
Sew York, July 2.5. Lhe first cheek
which Charles L. Webster &Co. will pay
as royalty upon General Grant's "Personal
.Memoirs" will be for a larger amount than
any publisher has hitherto given an author
at a.".y time, lhe largest sum ever paid au
author to the present time was 100,000,
.about the amount Lord Macaulay received
for his" Hisory of England. " The profits
given Mrs. Grant for the first edition of
her husbands work will be from $150,000 to
3200,000,and the publishers believe she
will receive from it in all about $500,000.
Not $50, 000, as incorrectly announced a day
or two ago.
"The general's book bids fair to have the
largest circulation of any book ever printed
in this country," said Wedster. "We have
now about 4000 agents canvassing for it
throughout the country. We expect to
have at least 5000 out before its publication,
December 1. The agents have not covered
the whole territory, or nearly all of it, but
their general success has been astonishing.
Many of them dispose of thirty or more
copies a day. No publication ever announ
ced has sold so rapidly in advance as this
has done. Sales hare been equally great in
the east and west. Our orders from the
south have not been as large as from the
north, but we did not put agents in the
field so soon, aor have we as yet be
gun to Cover the ground so thoroughly there
The first edition was originaly intended to
he 500,000,but we subsequently changed
thorder to 100000, and it is now probable
that 200,000 copies will be issued at first,
the largest first edition ever printed. The
paper to print it on will weigh in the neigh
borhood of 600 tons, which is far more, I be
lieve, than was ever ordered for any edition
of a work of this Kind. No one book bind
ing firm in New York could handle so vast
an edition at one time, so we will divide
the work amongjsereral, and for further
convenience we will issue the second
volume about three months after the first
one, to give us ample time to handle it."
San Francisco, July 27. Judge Hunt
rendered a judgement to-day in favor of
.Nellie C. Miliar 1 against the supreme
council of the American Legion of Honor
(or $5,000. The action was brought by the
widow of Eugene A. Millard. The de
fense set up was that the deceased was de
linquent in the pa ment of assessments at
the time of his iterth. Evidence show ed
u,4- k i i r. , .mlm . .....
ments upon the days when th.-y became
due. At a regular meeting a motion was
made to reinstate him, he having been sus
pended. This uioiton was carried, but the
-.aiid commander held that action was it
1c gal. Subsequently he paid all his arrears,
w 'lieh sum was transmitted to the supreme
council. Not withstanding this the defence
claimed that he was not in good standing in
the order when he died. Judge Hunt ruled
that he was.
Nevada City, July 27. The stage from
Washington was stopped by two highway
men this morning, three miles from here,
and within one mile of the Central house.
There were five passengers on board. The
robbers compelled them to get out of the
stage, and hile one stood guard his pal re
lieved the passengers of their money and
other valuables. From H. B. Curent and
his two sons $139.50 was taken, besides two
pistols. Mrs. Wade, a widow, was obliged
to n and over $40 and her jewelery. Prom
the driver, deorge l.inssette, tpjw was
takeu, most of which belonged to other par
Bakee City July 23. The county jail
turned at 2 o'clock this morning. It is
supposed to ha Ye been fired by Fred Winkle
man, the murderer of Louis and Allen.
Five prisoners w ire burned to death, to-wit
John Cooley, murderer of G. W. Plumb;
L mis Miller, W. A. Land and Sam Brown,
alias Mauslield, each held for larcency.
The bodies are burnen to cinders, and are
unrecognizable. Winkleman was taken out
alive, but badly burned.
Denver, July 26. The heaviest flood
ever known in Cherry creek came down at
6 this evening. The' Denver and New Or
leans bridge at Wewatta street, which had
been weighted with a train loaded with coal
cars, was carried away. The Broadway,
Curtis and Holladay street bridges are
slightly damaged. There is no loss of life,
and the damage will not exceed a few thou
sand dollars.
Tribune-Republican's Colorado Springs
special: One of the most disastrous cloud
bursts ever known in this section of the
state struck a point a few miles north of
this city last midnight. But tor the fact
that the storm struck the crest of a hill
where the water flowed in opposite direc
tions, the loss of life must have been appall
ing. Several railroad and wagon bridges
in the vicinity were caried away, and a large
amount of track as swept out. The house
of B. A. P. Eaton, superintendent of schools
in the northern part of the city, was lifted
from its foundation and carried down stream
with great velocity. In the house at the
time were Mr. and Mrs. Eaton, who had
just retired for the night. As soon as the
iormer realized the situation, he jumped
i'rom the door of the floating dwelling, in
structed his wife to do the same, and after
a hard struggle succeeded in reaching a
place of safety. Instead of jumping,
the wife clung to the house, which struck
the Denver and New Orleans railroad bridge
00 yards below, and was dashed to pieces.
Dilligent search failed to discover any
trace of Mrs. Eaton's body.
Cleveland, July 28. The quietude which
had settled in Eighteenth ward was sudden
ly broken this morning by an attack upon
two inoffensive laborers. As early as 4
o'clock a gang of strikers, armed with clubs,
began to assemble in the vicinity of the
mills, and at 7 o'clock several hundred men
were on the ground, and.conducting them
selves in a very excited manner. There
were no officers on duty, and the crowd
thought they were masters of the situation.
Several men who had been employed in the
yards of the mill, cleaning up and making
repairs, were set upon by the mob, and
two or three men were badly beaten.
Shortly after the assault Serg .ant Thomp
son arrived on the ground, having jumped
off the tram whei he saw the crowd of
strikers. He dispersed the men unaided,
and they scattered with mutteriugs.
Kansas City, July 28. A representative
meeting of cattlemen interested in Cheyenne
and Arapahoe leases was held here this after
noon, at which a memorial was adopted
asking President Cleveland to extend the
time for removing cattt'e from the Chey
enne and Arapahoe reservations. No spe
cific time of extension is mentioned in the
petition. The board of trade of Kansas
City passed a resolution recommending the
memorial to the president. A committee of
five was appointed to go to Washingon and
present the memorial. The committee will
start to-morrow.
New YoRK.July 2S. The site chosen for
General Grant's tomb is on a sort of prom
ontory on the Hudson river, and is the
highest point in Manhattan vale. The out
ward swell of the promontory begins at One
Hundred and Twenty-second street and the
river bank, and returns to its regular line at
One Hundred andJTwenty-uinth street. The
summit of this elevation is almost a level
plateau of something more than twenty acres.
On the river side the descent is abrupt. At
its foot, 200 feet below, are the tracks of
tiiat branch of the Hudson River railroad
that runs into the West Thirtieth street de
pot. On the northwest is the ferry to Fort
Lee, and on the north and northeast the red
brick stores, houses and manufactories of
Manhattauvale cluster around the base of
the hill. Ifthe observer looks to the north
he has opened before him the long vista of
Riverside park, of driveways, hewn stone
wails and ancient oaks and maples, on the
Hudson. The spot suggests revolutionary
war memories. Fort Lee is opposite, the
old fort in Central Park is on the southeast,
Fort Washington is on the north, and the
highlands near West Point shut in the hori
zon beyond the Tappan zee. No structures
can be erected to break the uniformity of
the view, as the water front and park belong
to the city. The temporary tomb to receive
the body will be built of brick.
Fall RivER,.ftiIy 28. The first week of
the shut down begun to-day. Twenty-two
of the fifty-four mills in the city are silent
and 8,400 operatives are idle.
St. Louis, July 28. There were fou
tatal cases ot sunstroKe nere to-day, with a
dozen others less serious. The mercury
stands at 95 in the shade.
Atlanta, Ga., July 28. Pursuant to a
resolution adopted at yesterdays convention
in Augusta, two cotton mills in Missippi,
one in Tennessee, one in North Carolina and
one in Georgia, agreed to-day to close their
factories from August 15th to September
15th. Three thousand hands will be de
prived of employment.
St. Louis, July 28. Notwithstanding the
orders from the Interior and War Depart
ments regarding the passage of Texas cattle,
the farmers of Colorado and Kansas manifest
an interest to disregard them. They insist
that the secretary of the Interior has no an
thority over their lands, which are:?private
property, and where the owners have reason
to fear diseased cattle, they will refuse them
passage. It is believed the secretary has no
right to compel an obedience to his order,
and that the president will not use troops
to force a passage for the cattle.
Cincinnati, July 28. Michael Herscb,
Jr., present owner of the house at Point
Pleasant, Ohio, in which General Grant was
born, siys he would naturally prefer to
have the house remain where it is, but he is
not able to keep it if offers come to make it
an inducement to let toe house go else
where. He has had one offer of $1,000 from
a gentleman from Cincinnati, but would not
consider it. He says he could sell the
house piecemeal for relics, and, in fact, had
sold a window catch fer $5, aud a "ood
many splinters from the weatherboarding,
which had to be renewed. He was careful
in repairing to leave the interior intact.
Victoria, July 28. Hibbs was before
the supreme court yesterday, and will be up
again to-day. Both the United States and
the prisoner are strongly represented by
counsel. After the reading of the deposi
tions, which occupied cousiberable time,
Dimick, assistant postmaster of Portland,
and J. J. Murphy, post office in spe tor, were
called as witnesses. The latter testified to
the admissson of Hibbs at the time of his ar
rest. He states among other things that
Hibbs admitted issuing 376 - fraudulent
money orders, and the receipt of $15,000 or
$20,000 upon the same, claiming that the
offense he had committed was not forgery.
A-ttornev - at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
-Attorney at Law.
Will practice iu all the Courts in the state.
Collections promptly attended to
(Offices Kast side Main street.)
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
J H. Lewis,
E. E. Raber.
Lewis & Rabei, Proprietors.
T Do a general- Dray ing Business.
Orders Solicited..
THIS OUT, and return to
The Gazette Publishing House with an order for
R any amount of Job Printing, such as Bill or
5 Letter Heads, Invitations, Calling and Business
Cards, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Note, Order,
5 and Receipt Books, Circulars, Labels, Shipping
'l airs, Posters, or any class of Job Pnntuig
B Prices as low as Good Work can be done for.
O. B. CURTIS, Proprietor.
Tlie best dollar a Jay House in the
Pianos. Tuning and repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
KKAK ALL R. r2U'23niC Portland Or.
James L. Lewis.
Sheep, Cattle, Horses &&& Hogs bough: and
sold and Contracts made to furnish same
Mutton. Joeel ana lat Hogs a
J. B. Lks, M. D. O. R. Farba, M. 1).
Flivsicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Real Estate Agency.
A. P. G-aines.
Real Estate, Employment and Collection
Business Solicited. References Given-
OFFICE. First door south of Fisher's Brick, main
Kill.s, Pistols,
Amunition, Cutlery.
Spy Glasses, Fishing Tackle,
Sewing Machine,
Work made to order and warranted.
20-33tf c. HODES, Corvallis.
(South end Main Street.)
Charges Reasonable, Satisfact
ion Guaranteed,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Why will you cough when Shiloha Cure
will give' immediate relief. Price 10 cts.,
50 cts., and $1. For sale at T. Graham's,
C, H. LEEi M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office in Post Office Building,
Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. n
tS In office niehta. "&1 2132tf
New Jewelry Sto r c.
C. W. Smith,
A practical Jeweler and Watch-maker has located
in Magtfouwr u, Buford's real estate office, Corvallis.
Special attention given to repairing fine chronometer
watches. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit
the times. A line stock w' watches, blocks and jewel
ry constant!) o nam:. 21-51tf
In order to make room for our New Fall Stock, we will offer the
following lines at coat;
Childrens dresses and waists at cost.
Summer wraps less than cost.
Parasols and white goods at cost.
Laces and embroideries at cost.
Summer hose, Gloves, and Mitts at cost.
Mohair and Linen dusters at cost.
All our straw hats at cost.
Satinet and Nuns veiling at cost.
Infants robes and dresses at cost.
150 pair childrens hose at 10 cts. , worth 20 cts.
All remnants and odd lots regardless of cost.
For want of room we will sell all trunks at prime cost.
72 Ladies merino vests and pants, 2 in box, 60 cts. worth $1.00.
36 Ladies embroidered mull handkerchiefs, 35 cts, last year $1 00.
120 Pair ladies seamless hose 25 cts, regular 3 for $1 00.
18 Ladies dressing saques 50 cts, regular $1 00.
30 Ladies corsets 50 cts, some worth 81 00.
24 Pair Childrens line shoes 75 cts, worth $1 25.
30 Mens percale and Cheviot shirts 90 cts, worth $1 50.
We will make a reduction of 10 per cent, in all dry goods, dress goods, mens, youths,
boys and childrens clothing, furnishing goods, boots anil ."hoes, hats and
caps, fancy goods, etc., etc.
This Important Reduction Sale
Will commence on Saturday, July 2Q, 18S5, and continue for 30 days
Remember all Sales are
No Books Kept
Strictly Cash.
Corvallis, Oregon.
STORAGE. 1885.
To the Farmers of Benton and Linn Counties
I desire te remind you of the fact that I am still in the Warehouse business at my
old stand, and call your attention to the following reasons why I think it will be to your
interest to store your grain with me:
1st. Because the O. P. R. R. Company intend putting a side track to the river, thus
giving us a chance to deal with San Francisco buyers at higher prices.
2nd. I am in a position to take advantage of competition among the different lines of
transportation on the river, aud secure the very lowest freight rates.
3rd. I have had twelve years experience in the wheat business, and can get as much
for your grain as any body el.fe. Sacks always on hand. .
Thankiug yea for liberal support in the past.I respectfully request all myold custom
ers to continue their patronage, and ask all new men to call and see me before engaging
elsewhere. 1 shall make it my duty, as well as pleasure, to do a straightforward business
Corvallis, Or., July 15, '85.
Real Estate Agency!
Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property on
Having made arrangements for co-operation
with agents in Portland, and being ful
ly acquainted with real property in Benton
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat
isfaction to all who may favor us with ' their
patronage. Q. A. Waggoner,
20-6yl T. J. Bufobd,
Notary Public.
Attorneys - at - Law.
From a Calling Card to a Full
Sheet Poster,
The Corvallis Gazette Office
In Quality and Prices.
Send for prices and esti-mates-
Prompt attention given to business intrusted to on.'
care in all the Oocft ts of the State. Demands collected
with r without action anywhere in the U. S Wil
collect claims against the Government at Washington.
K. Holgate, a notary public, will five strict atteotim
to conveyancing, negotiating- loans, buying, selling
and leasing real estate, and a general agency businea.
hoeal agents for the Oregon Fire and Marine Insu
rance Con-pan y of Oregon, a reliable home company
backed by the heaviest capitalists of the State.
orfacc in iiurnett's newirick, first door at head ot
stairs. o
.Attorney at Law.
FireXnsurancea Specialty.
Money Loaned on Good Security.
8 Cd)
pig Jm?Sffl is
. . . '