Corvallis Weekly Gazette, F ' I DAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1885. All communications t the Owkttk. either on SlUlimill I or for publication, to insure prompt atten tion ihoulil be addressed to UmOAWTTS POBL1SH LVci lloUSK. A V Churchill is the office lUMifir of the (Jjuette Piibishinir House. M kail editor of this puper. mid all n atters mill 111 I to him will receive prompt care tiki attention SOG I ETI K.S" K. A. M. Fe. -uson OSspter, No. K. A. M. . meets Thurs l , h i -ux on or preceding full moon W. 0. CKAWFORD, II P Take Notice. Tvrelvr nonareil lines or less, or one inch of space constitute a square. All hills for advertising payable monthly. For all raasient advertising payment must be made in ad aiice. Business locals, first insertion 10 cents per line. Mo business locals inserted for less than 2S cents. Marriaire notices free Death notices free if ac companied bv extended remarks, ft cents per line a il be charged. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents per ine. Card of thanks, 10 cents per line. We shall be obliged (o any person who will 8 with any information of local interest. No notice can be taken of anouvmous comraunina tlons. Whatever is intended for publication must tie authenticated by the name and address of the writer not necessary for publication, but as a guarantee of irood faith. We do not hold ourselves responsible for any views or opinions expressed in the communications of oar corresponuents. By a decision of the Post-office Department all per sona receixinsr or taking papers frcm the postoltiee even when addressed to them become responsible for the subscription price. Advertisements, notices and communications in tended for this paper, should he handed in at early as weoncday morninsr, to insure tneir puoucation. Su'.scribcrs not receiving their paper refrularlv will coffer a favor by ffiving notice of the same at this cfll.-e. Suliscribers will bear in mind that the sabscription price is invariably 83.00, when not iiaid in advance. Monroe Burglary. David M. Sannders, a notorious rough the son of Laliau and Eliza Saunders who live near Monroe, and who have contributed to keep that neighborhood in an uproar for several years past, the son on last Saturday night sometime between midnight and three o'clock next morning broke into the store of Adam Wilhelm in Monroe, making the en trance by taking out a pan of glass. lie burglaiized the store, taking therefrom sev enteen pocket knives, about eight pounds of tobacco, one dozen fish lines, one pipe and one razor. He was arrested and taken be fore Justice Shannon of that precinct last Mouday and was bouud over to await the pleasure of the gi:.nd jury. It is likely that the state penitentiary will receive its proper visitor after the next session of court. It wonld be a lasting benefit for that commu nity and especially for the lax-payers of of Benton county if the old man, and the old woman and the son could all be sent to the penitentiary for their natural lives, for the reason that they seem to be getting in to petty disturbances all the time, which makes a great deal of cost and expense to our county tax-payers, besides disturbing the quietude of things about Monroe. severely Sprained Ankle. On last Sunday O R Additon had his firey team hitched up and invited a few of the boys to a drive, among whom was Jake Weber. When about four miles from town the horses began "cutting up" and the use of the whip by the driv er only made matters worse, as they began kicking and trying to run away. The in vited guests began jumpiug out of the buggy and as Mr. Weber jumped he sprained his ankle very severely. He was brought back to town as soon as possible and medical aid notified. Drs. Lee, assisted by a number of our citizens, labored for over two hours in trying to get the bones of the foot back in proper shape, but without success. The astragalus, or upper bone of the foot, is yet dislocated and physicians say it never will go back in position. Mr. W. is a young merchant in our city and his sad misfortune was learned with deep regret. His perma nent recovery is hoped for, but it is feared the worst has not been reached. Fruit Kaisers Attention. The Economy fruit drier at Woodcock h Baldwin's, Corvallis, Or., utilizes the heat on a common cooking stove, which enables the drier to work successfully during the time when meals are being prepared for the family on the same stove, thus enabling the operator tc dry rapidly and with no ex pense. It will dry four or five bushels ol apples per day and other fruits and vegeta bles in proportion. Every family should have one in order to save without expense the fruit which goes to waste, thus making a clear gain of all dried. The price is a mere nothing aud within the reach of all. Only twenty dollars for a machine complete and will do as good work as any of the high priced machines which cost ten times as much. County Exhibit. The county exhibit .of the finances of Benton j County published in the last issue ol this paper was made up on J une 30th, as required by law which showed cash on hand at that time to the amount of $5,749.56. Since that time however on the 9th day of July there was turned over to the treasurer the sum of $8841, making in all a surplus in the treasury to the amount of $14590.65 which is sufficient to pay all outstanding warrants of the county and have remaining on hand several thousand dollars. Dissolution notice Notice is hereby given that the firm here tofore known as Dillon Bros. & Stover is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Joel Stover retiring. The firm will hereafter be known as Dillon Bros., who are responsible for all outstanding accounts and will collect all due the old firm. Dillon Bbos., Joel Stover. Corvallis, Or., July 15, 1885. LOCAL NOTES. Ice cream at Bain's. Kresh oysters, all styles, at Bain's. Fresh candy and tally daily at Bain's. All goods at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Nobby Hats at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Boys clothing at cost at Whitneys closing out sale. J M Nolan is spending his summer vaca tion at Newport. Men's furnishing goods at cost at Whit ney's closing out sale. Men anil boy's shoes and boots at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Corsets, Kid gloves and parasols, at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Misses Jessie and Allie Samuels and Mat tie Burnett arc visiting in Polk county. John Moore has added some attractive improvements to his barber shop this week. N V Bi iggs and family returned from the Bay last Monday. He reports an excellent time. At the meeting of the city council last Monday evening J. R. Baldwin was elected city attorney. Miss Barbara Hyman, of Eugene, is visit ing friends in the city, the guest of Mrs. Cat. Hutton. The grand lodge A. O. U. W. of Oregon closed a three day's session at Salem on last Friday. The session for 1886 will be held at Portland! Some of the enterprising people of Albany are agitating the question of getting a town clock. A very good scheme indeed, as a little more time is the universal cry. The teachers' institute for the sixth judi cial district will be held at Bakei City on August 4, 5, 6 and 7; and in the first judi cial at Grants Pass on July 22, 23 and 24. The Dallas base ball club got badly bea ten by the "Stars" of Portland last Sunday by a score of 14 to 4. The Dallas clnl plav well, but the "Stars" shine above them. Laura Dainty and her company appeared before a rather small Corvallis audience one evening last week in "A Mountain Pink. The entertainment was rather enjoyable and deserving of a larger audience. Robinson's great world's exposition, men agerie and circus is coming this way and will exhibit in Portland about the middle ; of August It has not yet been learned whether they will pitch their tents in Cor vallis or not. The Colorado press association will visit Oregon next week. About seventy of the faber shovers will arrive in Portland on Monday, but unless they hear of the big dinner the Iowa editors got at Corvallis, they will probably not visit this place. The U. S. fish commissioners 'write that the clams that were taken from Puget Sound to the Atlantic coast in the refrigerator car, to be transplanted, arrived there in good condition. They also state that their car will return to this coast next November with carp for this region. At the usual weekly meeting of the W. C. T. U. Thursday, July 30th, at 3 p. m., at the Evangelical church, the scripture text will be Deut. 11 Chap., 11 and 12 verses. Meeting will be conducted by the ISupt. of Scientific Instruction, with a bible lesson applying to the work of her depart ment. All cordially invited. James Dolan, of San Francisco, made Cor vallis a visit last week in- the interest of the famous Burt shoe. Avery & Irvine will soon receive a shipment of these well known shoes, and those who desire a pair of the most comfortable and durable shoes made, will do well to wait till this shipment ar rives before making purchases. Fred T. Merrill, the Salem bicyclist, has gone to San Francisco overland where he will run a twenty mile race with Fred S. Rollinson, ex-champion of America. Koll inson challenged Merrill and the latter ac cepted, putting up $50 forfeit. The terms are $100 aside and gate receipts, Rollinson to allow his opponeut half a mile, or one and one half miles start. The race will come off within 1 1 week after Merril's arrival. J. M. Gregan, of San Francisco, and Wm. Martin are to have a foot race at McMinnville next. Sunday for $100 a side. The race is made for 60 yards and consider able betting is being done on the result. A Portland exchange says that the snorting men of that city are wagering that the Frisco boy wins the race, while the people of McMinnville feel confident that Martin will carry off the laurels. The street fakir was in our city the first of the wees: and was successful in "reaping in" one or two of our citizens. He has a deceiving little game and to "bite" means to get beat. He places a few half dollars and a ten dollar g ld piece in a pocket book and offers it for sale for $2.50, and if he is successful in making a sale the unsuspect ing purchaser finds that the lucre has turned t j brass. Beware of the licensed swindler. During the week we took occasion to ex amine the furniture manufacturing depart ment of Aug Knights establishment recently commenced here. For the present he has pnt it in operation upstairs over Belknap Bro.'s & Co.'a foundry wheie the supply of steam power is obtained from the engines of the foundry. Mr. Knight has introduced some of the latest and best improved kinds of machinery here for the manufacture of all kinds of plain and fancy furniture, thereby enabling the work to be done as cheap as anywhere on this coast. This is a move in the right direction and every person should encourage home manufacture and keep the money at home by buying their furniture and every tiling in his line at August Knights The sales room is at the old stan.1 on Front Street where everything can be had at the very lowest price. Canned meats and fruits of every descrip tion at Burnett & Emery's, main street. Messrs. Keady and Eccleson spent Thurs day on Marys river angling for trout. Farmers will do well to read what Jas. A. Cauthorn has to say to you in this issue. O. R. Additon and family went to the Bay Wednesday morning for a ten day's sojourn. The light running New Howe machine leads the trade in sewing machines. See them at Will Bro.'s. Mr. Henry Nice came over from the Bay on last Monday's train, and went to Port land Tuesday morning. Burnett & Emery keep the neatest place in town; their stock is "all wool and a yard wide," and their cigars are just bursting open with hnvana. Richard Glasspool, of Oregon City, passed through Corvallis the first of the week en route for the Bay where he goes to look at the country with the intention ot investing in real estate. S. A. Randall will issue the first number of the Willamette Valley Educator from Dallas on the 20th inst. It will be an eight page magazine, devoted to the interests of homes and schools in Oregon. The close season for grouse, pheasants and quail ended on the loth inst. Grouse and pheasants are said to lie more plentiful this seasou than for many years past. Nimrods may now make up for lost time. We are informed that it is the intention tion of the managers of the O. P. R. R. to run trains over to the bay every Saturday, returning Monday, until the tunnel has been repaired, after whieh they will run regular trains. Burnett & Emery are growing in popular ity as the boss fruit men. They keep the best and largest supply of fresh fruit in the market. Oranges, grapes, peaches, etc. in abundance. Orders by the box filled reasonably. Mr. J. McMullen, agent fer the San Fran cisco bridge company was in town during the week to see about the building of the lish ladder at Oregon City. Engineer W. T. Weber, from the Bay, accompanied him to the falls from here. Miss Crista Zelle, after a ten month's visit here with her sister, returned to her former home in Des Moines, Iowa, on last Wedues day. Miss Gusta has . made many warm friends during her visit in Webfoot, who will always learn with pleasure of her future welfare. Capt. J. J. Winant, of Newport, arrived in Corvallis with the excursionists from the Bay Monday afternooj, and left for his for mer home in California Wednesday morning. His name has been familiarly associated with the best interests of Yaquina Bay for many years. Ed. Hirshburg, who has been in the em ploy of J. Senders in the merchantile bnsi ness for the past four years, severed his con nection with that firm on last Wednesday and Meade Cosper has been installed into the position. Ed intends to engage in busi ness tor himself, east of the mountains, we are informed. The city council at its last meeting passed an ordinance prohibiting the passing or bat -ting of base balls on main street. This prac tice has been indulged in to considerable ex tent this summer to the detriment of busi ness interests, and the safety of pedestrians, and the ordinance should have passed Jong ago.. S. G. McFadden was last Monday award ed the contract for repairing the engine hall, damaged by the late tiro, he being the low est responsible bidder. The contract calls for a full two-story building, and other im provements on the old building, and was secured by Mr. McFadden for $695.50. Under the new adjustment of postmaster salaries Corvallis is the ouly city in the state where the salary has been increased. The amount of business done is what regulates the compensation and the new adjustment simply indicates that Corvallis is the only town in the state that has increased in busi ness. The salary is now $1400 per year, an increase of $100. Ala Harris and bride arrived in Corvallis Monday evening from San Francisco, since which time they have been congratulated by a legion of Ala's friends in this city who have known him from childhood, and who are pleased to see him so happily united with the lady of his choice, a leading belle of San Francisco. The Gazette force ex tends congratulations, and drink champagne at Ala's expense, wishing the happy couple all the joy imaginable. Tbey left yester day morning for Yaquina, their future home. m m - LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday July 10th 1885. Persons calling for same will please sav ' 'advertised, " giving date of advertisement : Elkins, W. S. Montgomery, L. Dow, U. H. Hughs, Z. B. Kinkle, Charles. Holman, Mrs. H. Hill, Carrie. Heesch, Jacob. Mires, George S. Merrill, Willie. Potter, T. Wilson, George C, 2. Adams, Jesse. Bush, Mercer. Campbell, E. Davis, Jas. W. Ingram, Berry Jordan George. Phillips, Miles. Robinson, Sadie. 2. Raborn, Thos. Raines, R. Snyder, Andrew. Snyder, Gus. Selzig Frank. Siminisen, Pell 2. Shing Zay, Tucker, W. R. Williams, A. M. N. B. Babbeb, P. M. A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. Mrs M h. Drummond Thrown from a Hack and Instantly Killed. Lost. One part shepherd dog with one glass eye and ring around neck, named Mage . Any person giving information of same will be liberally rewarded by Kratz, Washburn ft Co., Dixie, Oregon. Death is always an unwelcome visitor, whether it claims for its prey the suckling babe or the hoary headed veteran, but prob ably the saddest death that ever occurred in our city happened last Monday. Mrs. M. H. Drummond, of Davisville, California, has been visiting friends and relatives in our city for the past three months. Her mother Mrs. Calloway, who resides about seven miles north of here, was reported danger ously ill on last Monday, and Mrs. Drum mond desirous of visiting the bed-side of the sick, arranged with Willie Taylor to be driven to her mother's residence. The hack started about half past 2 o'clock, containing Willie Taylor as driver, Mrs. Drummond and her seven months old babe. In the out skirts of town the firy team took fright at a hand car en the west side railroad track and commenced running away. Willie held to the lines, but the frightened horses could not be checked, and on turning a corner near the residence of Judge McFadden, the hack was turned over and the three unfortunates thrown violently to the ground. Men and women soon ran to their assistance, but 'im agine their horror when they discovered that Mrs. Drummend's neck had been broken, causing instant death. Mr. Taylor received a few slight bruises, but the little innocent babe miraculously escaped without the slightest injury. The sad news was imme diately telegraphed to her husband in Davis ville, California, who arrived here this (Thursday) afternoon. Thus another of earth's brightest satelites has been called across that horrible bridge that spans the chasm between time and eternity. Death has claime I one of the favored few, and the entire com . unity is left to mourn her untimely demise. Mrs. Drummond was 22 years o'd, and the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Calloway, of this county. She was married to Mr. Drum mond a year ago last M itch, and has resided in California ever since, up to the time of coming here on a visit nearly three months ago. She leaves a husband and babe, an aged father and mother and a number of brothers and sisters, who have the heart-felt sympathy of the entire community in this their sad bereavement. Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the treasury to pay all Benton county orders endorsed prior to the date of this notice, July 16, 1885. Interest on same will cease from this date. T. J. Blaii, County Treasurer. Dated Corvallis, Oregon, July 16,1885. NOTICE. All those wishing a copy of the "Illustra ted History of Benton County" will please send their order to the undersigned, as I will not publish a book in excess of the number ordered. D. D. Fagan, Cor. First and Ash St's, Portland. Closing out Sale. The closing out sale at C. H. Whitney's is attracting many buyers who are attracted by the very low prices actual cost for goods. This is a genuine closing out sale and as the stock is a well selected one and tirst-class, the people should not fail to im prove the opportunity. The United Press. The Associated Press monopoly has seen its best days says an exchange. Before long daily papers in Oregon that have been un able to get the latest dispatches, will be filled with the latest and most reliable news The United Press, a corporation that fur nishes all the latest dispatches is coming this way, and before long here in Oregon even the weekly papers can get the latest news from all parts of the world just before going to press. It is a good thing for the conn t ry and very few Oregon people at least will have any sorrow for a monopoly that has compelled them to subscribe for a cer tain paper in order to get the news. Jour nalists will stand on their own merits here after in getting subscribers, for which, let every honest citizen feel thankful. Hurrah for the United Fress. At Eugene CHy. A party of Corvallis young people consist ing of Misses Bertha Neugass, Rose and Eda Jacobs, Messrs. M. S. Neugass, W. H. Mansfield and "ye local," left Corvallis for Eugene city last Saturday at oae o'clock p. m. After a few minutes stop in the thiving villages ef Monroe and Junction city, the party reached Eugene City at 8 o'clock without an accident or mishap to mar the pleasure of the ride. Sunday and until Monday afternoon was sper ' in visit ing friends and whiling away the heated hours. Leaying Eugene at 4:30 o'clock Monroe was reached m time for a bountiful supper at "Aunt Liza" Kelly's, to which a portion of the party did ample jusiice. The remainder of the journey was made in the cool of the evening and Corvallis was reached at 10:30 o'clock. Farm for Sale. A farm consisting of 480 acres of land, suited for farming and stock raising, and situated in Lane county, Oregon, together with stock, such as horses, cattle, consisting of No. 1 milch cows, one, two and three year olds, a small band of fine graded sheep, and hogs: also farming implements, all that are necessary on the place, in good repair, seed and feed, all of which will be sold at a bargain. The quality of the soil is excel lent; adapted to all kinds of cereals, nops, fruits and vegetables, and with plenty of out range for stock. For further informa tion and price and terms of sale, inquire at the Ltazette office. MARRIED. HAUERT-VTAYLOR. On the 8th inst., at the residence of Rev. Joseph Taylor, by Rev. J. Bnwersox, assisted by Rev. A. G. Boyd, Mr. W. H. Hauert and Miss Lizzie Taylor. The deserved well-wishes of many follow them. , State Teachers Association. The association of teachers convened at Astoria adjourned last Friday night. The attendance was something over two hun dred teachers throughout. From Benton county we saw Prof. Joseph J'.mcry of the Agricultural college, Pres. G. M. Miller, H. Sheak. J. M. Rankin and Miss Ella Dick man, of Philomath col'ege. Profs. Emery and Rankin lectured before the institute and were well received. Prof. Emery has taught in Oregon about eighteen years and stands among the leading educators of Ore gon. Pres. Miller, recently from the east, is a polished scholar and a practical man, and spairs no pains in making points for the excellent school which he represents. We were also pleased to see Miss Nettie Spenfer formerly of Cirvallis, but later of East Portland. Miss Spencer received her honors from the Agricultural college and receives as fine a salary fo- her services in the East Portland school as can be allowed any lady. The discussions of the association were very interesting and instructive. The State Superintendent is very fortunate in secur ing the aid, on such occasions, of all the leading educators. Contact with such gi gantic minds as were assembled at Astoria is inspiring and finally conducive of superior results. The excursion to Ilwaco was a success. Of course, some were careless and uncon cerned while riding over the rough waters, but felt better when they had thrown up their dinners to feed the hungry fishes of the mighty deep. Good instrumental and vocal music was afforded during the trip. Numerous points of interest were visited. On our return to Astoria Prof. Emery on invitation delivered a highly eloquent yet extemperaneous address before the excur sionists. On Friday night the association closed with a grand entertainment in which money was raised to defray the expenses of the institute. On Saturday morning every body returned home rejoicing. State Supt. McElroy has successfully wound to a close his third State Teachers' Association. An Iowan's Views. Speaking of our state, the editor of the Muscatine Daily Journal, says: Well, what of the country as a whole ? Candidly, in many things it vastly sur passes Iowa, For whett raising, portions of Oregon are not to be excelled by any other part of the world. In fruits, they also ex cel Iowa. The climate, too, it must be ad mitted, is more desirable, though in por tions of Oregon frequent rains aud excessive moisture in the air have caused it t o be called "the land of the web-footed." In fact, the moisture is a little too much, as we should judge from the frequent moss covered roofs. Cold and severe heat, how ever, are unknown. But what are the drawbacks? The chief of these is remote ness from the princpal marts of the world. However great the productions of the soil the surplus, after home wants are supplied, cannot be disposed of to advantage, It is estimated that at the lowest possible rates at which railways can can y freights, it will cost $15 to bring the average steer from Oregon to a competing point with the Iowa steer. The same cost at tends transporting grain. If the water route is resorted to, it is by way of Cap: Horn, making distance of 19, 000 miles and a voyage of eight to ten months. This one drawback therefore, is quite serious, if none other can be named, aud we must confess it is the only great one we could discern. On the whole, the Pacific coast is a grand country, where peo ple can live comfortably and pleasantly on the finest products of any soil. But we Ioawans cannot forget our own native or adopted land. S. A. Cravath, editor of the Grinuell (Iowa) Herald, writes as follows in his pa per concerning the Willamette valley: "The trip down the west side of the Wil- ! lamette brought a repetition of the scenes and receptions on the other side. The memory gropes helplessly amid such a suc cession of ovations for saliaut points. There remain with it the picture of a delightful valley, music, flowers, fruits, cordial greet ings. It was not the fault of the dwellers in the "Garden of Oregon," if the Iowa edi tors were not made to believe that for three days they were in the vale where Ceres and Pomona and all the other gods of earth and 1 -: i i -:... .v.,,;,. i.A;cl)fff t,UaBinnB " All lljlU GIlipblClL bllOll VMUIOLSU ; -s Board of Immigration. The Portland 7'elegram says that the board of immigration of Benton county has just caused to be compiled and published a quantity of valuable information concerning that section of the state. This description is a neatly printed pamphlet of eight pages. It contains everything that can be of inter est or service to anyone wishing to move to that county, with a vie w of permanent res idence. It treats of churches and societies, manufacturing interests, railroadsand trans portation lines, soil, climate, rainfall, grain, grasses and fruits, sheep, cattle, hogs and horses, dairying, price of lands, public schools and school children, towns, fisheries, etc. The officers of the Benton county board of immigration are B. W. Wilson, president; F. M. Johnson, secretary; B. R. Job, treasurer;T. J. Buford, agent. A large number of these phamplets have been sent to the rooms of the state beard in this city for gratuitous distribution. Mr. E. W. Allen, who is engaged in col lecting exhibits for fitting up a car for the east and also for replenishing our exhibits at New Orleans, will be in the city the first of next week. He wants several samples of grain from Benton county and he hopes our farmers will bring in samples of the different varieties of grain in the straw, the tallest that can be had, cut to the ground as close as possible. Samples may be left at Wag goner ft Buford 's. A new Ketchum wagon, three and one half inch, for sale at a bargain at Woodcock ft Baldwin's. That Wood. Those parties who have threatened to sur prise this office by bringing wood to pay their subscription to the Gazette will do so at once, or forever cease their threats, as it is desirous to get wood cut and put in the shed before harvest, and because parties who so carelessly threaten to deliver wood after harvest are always prevented from filling their engagements by the early rains and their fall work. Another very important thing for those whp deliver wood is to come to the office before unloading the same and learn where it should be unloaded, and after it is nicely corded, come again to the office and see that they are credited on the books for the value of the wood. There is a cor rect and proper way for persons to do busi ness those who deliver wood for subscript ion as well as any other person. A three and one-half inch steel White water wagon, bran new, at Woodcock ft Baldwin's for sale cheap. DIED. DeGROOT In this city, July 15th, 1885, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. DeGroot. New This Week. Harvesting Outfits. A full line of Overals, Jumpers, Blouses Socks and 'Buckskin Gloves Just opened at ONE MAT JLXri CASH PRICE STORE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregfon City, Oregon Juno 23, 1885. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, of B?nton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Monday, Aug. loth . 1835, viz: Winfield S. Gibbs, homestead entry No. I 3415 for S 1-2 of S E 1-4 and additional homestead entry No. 3805 for N 1-2 of S E 1-4, all in Sec 4, T 13, S R 6 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: James P Henderson, Lewis .M Henderson, Joseph Gray and George Mercer, all of Philomath, Benton county Oregon. 22-27 5w L. T. BABIN, Register. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. In the matter of the Asaixnment of C. F. Alexander, an insolvent debtor. Notice is hereby criven that the above named C. F, Alexander has duly made an assignment of all his proerty under an act entitled "an act to secure creditors a just division of the estates of debtors who convey to assignees for the benefit of creditors," passed by the Legislative Assembly of the St. te of Oregon and approved October 18W:, 1878, and that the undersigned T. J. Buford has been duly appoint ed assignee of the estate of said debtor and duly qual ified as such. All creditors of the said C. F. Alexan der are hereby notified and lequireH to present their claims against the s'id estate in due form under oath to me as such a-si 'nee at my office 2nd street City of Corvalli., tieitton Ctmuty, State of Oregon, within tl ree months from this June 5th, 1885. T. J. BtFORD, Assignee of the estate of C. F. Alexander, insolvent debtor. 23w7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, May 12, 1883. Notice is hereby given that the follou-fn-r umr d settler has filed notice of his intention to in:, i..; final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis. Oregon, on m SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1885, J viz: Matthew Kelly, Homestead Entry Noil 4437, for the W. i of S. . 1-4 aud E. 1-2 of S. VV. 1-4 of Sec. 32, T. 10, S. R. 7, W. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upob. and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Wood, Jbsepb. Skaggs, Mnrgar R. Savage and Royal Skagga, tQll of Summit, Benton county, Oregon. L. T. BAK1N, RegisUj-. PBODUCE PRICE CURRENT. Wheat per cental, in Portland, sacked, $1.30 to $1.35 Oits 22 Wool per lb 10 to 14 VXonr per barrel 8 9 llaeon sidss 9 19 Hiuns II to li Shoulders & te ft Lard, 10 lb tins 10 Kegs 10 Butter, fresh rolls 12.) t 15 Eggs, per doz 15 Apples, green 30 59 Dried apples, Plummer, to 6 " Sun dried to 4 Plums, pitless 7 Chickens, per doz 00 to 400 Hides, dry flint 10 to 14 11 green 5 to 6 Potatoes 25 Geese, ta-w , 00 n-i-iks, 50 to 400 LUMBER FOR SALE! Well seasoned and in the Ware house, a fine lot of dressed FliOORINQ, RUSTIC, osiisrca- cct Any party purchasing 5,000 feet or over, may have the same at $24.00 per M. Enquire of T. J. BLAIR. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Corvallis, Oregon. CANAN & GIBLIN, PROPRIETORS. THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building, newly furnished, and is first class in all its appointments. RATES LIBERAL. Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Ba Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Large Sample Koom on First " rior Car Commercial Sea. 19-35 ly W. C. Crawford, J E W EL E R . KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All kinds of repairing done on short notice, and all work warranted. l:88-jrl