The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, July 17, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    News Summary.
The Board of immigration proposes
to send a car east with samples of
grains,fruits,minerals and manufactures
as an advertsement of Oregon's possi
bilities. It is rumored that Boston capital
ists are negotiating with the view of
purchasing immense bodies of timber
between Denmark and Sixes, Curry
The contract to erect the new uni
versity building at Eugene City has
been let to V. H. Abrams for $18,200.
The estimate for the building made by
the architect was $25,000.
A Nevada woman took a fall of 385
feet off a ledge the other day, brought
up in a tree top, helped herseit out,
The Forests Of Alaska.
Alaska forests contain enough tim
ber to supply the world. The forests
of pine, spruce, fir and hemlock covei
ever' island of the archipelago and a
goodly portion of the mainland. The
trees are straight and tall and grow
close together. The only sawmill in
operation at present is at Douglas Is
land, and so far tnere has not been a
cord of lumber cut for shipment. The
trees as a rule, do not have large di
mensions, and will not always cut up
good sized boards. For fuel, however
the wood is excellent, and much of it
is available for building purposes.
There is little decorative wood, al
though the yellow pine JJis richly col
ored and might be used to advantage
in interior work. Alaska spruce is
j ,. 1 j AinrMtr an excellent variety, ana onen mcas-
if nothing but a circus had passed j ures five feet in diameter. It is con
kv sidered the best spruce in the world,
' . CJ , . ! and the supply is abundant. In the
..... . - i interior of the country, timber is ot
yield this year, out are not so conn- -,
, ; much heavier growth than near the
dent as to price. Manv who are en-,
...... c l : coast and on the islands. Regarding
gaged in the business are of the opin-. , ,
f b , , . ,. ' the hemlock, there is a large supply
ion that the price paid this fall will not ' , , T '
v . . , . , . . I and the bark compares favorably with
cover the cost of picking and drying, j r . .
r that of the eastern trees used in tan-
The board of directors of the Port- j establishments. None have ever
tana mecnanic s lair nave uecueu to . y& attempted t0 cornpute the yahie of
noiatnenext nir commencing the Alaska forests. It may be they
Sth and continuing until the 24th. be necessary for years tocome
The grand army of the republic have whenever wood grows scarce else.
secured the use of the pavilhon from where Qr whenever civQizatioa fastens
September 14th to 19th inclusive. j itsdf upQn Alaska the timber of the
The total assessable property of region will be found ready at hand and
Spokane county amounts to over existing jn ricri profusion. Calculate
$3,000,000, as shown by Assessor Mc- oniv approximately the value of our
Coy's roll. The census returns shows possessions to-day, rhe forests must be
a population of 8868; 5077 males and considered. Particularly inexhausti
1300 native uoni W ashingtonians.
This is a good showing for a country
that has been settled less than ten
Mrs. Dr. Chase of Salem, has just
tible, they add materially to the wealth
of the teriuui .
Insanity In the United Stater.
Twenty years ago the number of in
closed an experment of the culture of sane persons in the United States was
silk worms in that city. She had some only 3402. In 1870 it had reached
5000, which, for the past year, she has 27,432, and in 1880 treatment was re-
carefully watched, fed, and cared for, quired for 91.050 lunatics. From
and has a beautiful sample of raw silk 1870 to 1880, the increase in insanity
as. the reward of her labors. The ex- was nearly 150 per cent., while that of
periment, while not a financial success the total population was about 25.
as she scarcely expected it would be, These figures do not however, repre-
has nevertheless been a pleasurable sent actual increase; But during this
study in which many ot her hnends period a large number 01 insane per
became deeply interested. sons, previously concealed, were
Some infamous scoundrel has scat brought to Pl,blic notice bv more thor"
tercd a mixture of wheat, salt strych-, uSh examinations. In America,
nine and glass over a sheep range near ' "Part from several larSe count. W
Olalla, Or., with intent to poison bands lums' theie are e'ghty state an forty
of shceD belonsine to Tames Byron, private institutions for the care of the.
George Hoover and others. About insane, with a proper capacity lor about
thirty sheep, which grazed over this 40,000, but containing 53,192, thus
land! are now dead. Hoover and leaving probably 5000 to be cared for
Byron have both received notices to elsewhere. The proportion of insane
keep their sheep off this land, which is s greatest in New England, while the
yet public, belonging to the govern- increase has been most rapid in the
went instead of to individuals. western states. In the state of New
. I York there are thirty-five institutions
The matter of changing the time of. - - .v r .u 1
v Vs'i for the care of the unfortunate people.
holding the State' Fair so as not to con- , - ...
6 accommodating 1 1,343 patients, while
flict with the Lane County Fan- was . . . . . , ,
7 ; : it is said that there are 4ooo provided
considered, and after due deliberation nome
it was deemed inexpedient to make any I
change at this time, and the State'Tair
will be held during the week commen
cing Sept. 21st. The various com
mittees were appointed and other im
portaut business transacted.
The hay crop in Skagit county
Washington territory, will be unusually
heavy this season. Many of the farm
ers on the flats have commenced cutting.
Dakota, like Iowa and Kansas, is a j - . - . .
good country to get out of. A journal TemperailCe Jjpirtarnt.
T.v..;.n... . u a
lady teacher near Mitchell, on the
approach of a storm last week dis-.j
missed her school in a body to aj
neighboing tree claim and stationed '.
each pupil at a stout cottonwdod, with
instructions to hold on in case- of a
blow." She is a thoughtful young
woman and will never start a fire from
a coal oil can. "
The. Passover Wine.
Among the important works that
j are now occupying the attention of
the Woman's Christian Temperance
. Union, is an effort to complete the
work of cleansing the Christian church
i from the fumes of alcoholic wine from
1 the communion table. The agitation
.The corner stone of the new build- of this question began many years
ing for the State university at Eugene a8' nas received the attention and
will be laid by the grand lodge of Ore-; support of many of the ablest minis-
gon, A. t. and A. M., on the 28th j OI lmi country, uut me unaem
inst. Arrangements have been made j able fact that alcohol has had its zeal
with the Oregon and Califnrnia rail-, ous friends in the church and pulpit.
memory of man runneth not to the
contrary. I take to it facts that cannot
te contradicted.
Prof. Stuart savs the trreat mass of
.he Tews have ever understood this
jrohibition as extending to fermented
wine as well as bread.
Dr. Cunningham the learned Hebre-
wist says: "What is now chieny used
y the Jews at the Passover for wine
s a drink made of an infusion of rais-
ons in water, which is either Doneo at
mce or simmered for several days.
it is free from alcohor or acidity.
M. M. Noah Esq. of New York, says,
that it is universally the custom of the
Jews of New York to make the wine
used at the Passover from dried grapes
so as to have it free from alcohol.
Rev. Dr. Levings, a learned Jewish
Rabbi of New York testifies that the
idea of Jews using fermented wine at
the Passover is absurd.
The word "wine" is used in the old
testament two hundred times and is
represented by nine different Hebrew
words. Only three of these words
come into the discussion concerning
bible wine, as the rest are used from
grapes unpressed, to represent plenty,
&c. Tirosn new and sweet wine is
mentioned thirtv-eierht times, and is
used in connection with corn and oil
and is plainly the unfermented juice of
the grape.
"Ya-gin" is a general term, and is
applied to the juice of the grape in all
conditions. It is spoken of as a sign
ot plenty and a blessing, while its use
as a beverage is prohibited in many
places indicating that when applied to
sweet wine it is a blessing; when to fer
mented wine it was a curse. "Shicar"
is a generl term but is usually used to
designate strong drinks or mixed wines
to be given only tothose who are ready
to perish. "Wine" is used forty-two
times in the New Testament, and is
rendered from seven Greek words.
John the forerunner of Christ was lor-
bidden to use it. The word is not
used at all in connection with the last
supper. Christ said "the cup, and '
the fruit of the vine instead.
The wine of commerce in this oilr
day is so mixed and impure that when
it is offered at the Lord's table we do
not know that it has one essential
quality of the grape or that it has a
drop of grape juice in it. So in using
it we do not know what is offered as a
symbol of redeeming blood, and we
have no warrant to see the cup as a
symbol unless it contains the fruit of
the vine.
Throe Year Old Record 2:41.
Sod of
Altamont (2:27), and Belle Price.
Will be kept the season of 1885 on the
farm of J. W. McKnicht. at Lowson Station
on the narrow gauge railroad. Linn Co., Or.
Will be allowed to serve a limited number
of mares at 50, payable when the mare is
removed from the farm, with the privilege
of returning barren mares in 188G free of
Was started in all the nrinciual three vearold races
in Oregon in 1884, winning throe out of four, and
makin? a record of 2:41.' which stands at the head of
all three j ear old records on the North Pacific Coast,
and trotting a fifth heat in the remarkable time of
2:44, the last half in 1:17, a 2:34 gait.
His breeding will suit the most fastidious. For
particulars and extanded pedigree address
Albany, Oregon.
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts.,
GORVAU.5', : sjg-. .
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins ar.d Caskets.
Work done to ordjr on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvallis July 1, 1881. 19:27yl.
Published in Oregon, containing all important dispatches, news from
all parts of Oregon and the Pacific Coast, all local news of
importance, besides a full supply of general and
fireside family reading matter.
As in the past, will continue to be the Faithful Exponent of the
Best Interests of Benton County and the
State at Large.
It will 1'aithfully and fearlessly warn the people of wrong, impo
sition or approaching danger where the public is interested, never to publish the truth at all times, but will endeavor to always
igno. e all unpleasant personalities which are of no public interest or
SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50 per year in advance.
ten not paid in advance, invariably $3.00.
For pianos, oraus, musical goods and in
struments sail on Will Bros.
Repairing of sewing machine.-, guns, etc.,
a specialty at Will Bros.
Clothing and Tailoring
Yon can find the latest styles of ready made
clothing, also the finest
Pants Patterns ard Suitings
Ever brought to Oorvallip.
Constantly on hand a full line of
Furnishing- Goods, Underwear,
Shirts, Neckties, &c, &c.
No trouble to show goods.
Two doors South of Will Bro.'s.
roaq, tnat an wno attend will be re
turned for one-fifth fare-by securing' a
certificate' from the committee of ar;
rangements. This building is the one
for which the appropriation was made
by the late legislature.
I From Thos. N. Lofton, who returned
from the rodeo on Sprague river a. few
days recently, we learn that the In
dians were engaed in corralling and
branding stock seven days. Jesse Kirk
chief of police, and Gilbert Anderson
superintended- affairs. Among 2,240
head of cattle coTraled were found'
twelve head of unclaimed strays, and
among 1,612 head of horses only nine
estrays. Mr. Lofton says it was equal
t? a circus and three brass bands to
see how excited the Indians became in
riding after the stock, and branding.
Lakeview Examiner.
as well as in the world at large.
Their position wasjfld-is, that the
Lord made and drank fermented wine,
therefore it should be used in memory
of him. ..;r'
In.ihe 12th chapter of Exodus, thej
were commanded to put "leaven" out
of their houses during the Passover.
Now would not the law prohibiting all
leaven at the Passover feast, : apply tc
wine as well as bread.
I cannot doubt that "ferment" in
its widest sense was excluded from
the Jewish Passover when the Lord's
supper was first instituted, for there is
ho evidence to make me doubt that
the custom of excluding fermented
wine as well as fermented bread among
the Jews is older than the christian
era. That this custom is very ancient,
that it is now nearly universal; and
that it has been so in time whereof the
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Domestic Keywest and Havana
Wholesale and Retail.
Chewing- and Smoking Tobaccos
and Smoker's articles generally,
Also just received a flne lot of
No Chinese labor employed.
Direct from the East !
Eastern and St. Louis
btained, and all Patent Bnainea at home or
abroad attended to for Moderate fees.
Our office is opposite the U.S. Patent Office, and
ve can obtain Paten ts in less time than those remote
mm Washiinjtou. .
Send Model Mr Drawing:. We advise as to pat
ntabihty free of chantc; and We Chajge no fee
Un ess Patent is Allowed.
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, tt-e Supt. o
Money Order Div. , and to otfieials of the U S. Patent
"Bee. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to
actual clients in your own State or county, write
C. A. Snow Sc Co.;
Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C.
Qorvalus,) - Oregon
urn r m mm 1 siiisaiii 1 if un giiiin
In the latest styles arid at prices but little more than the cost of
labor and material, on short notice. We are constantly turning out
at prices which defy competition, the nice st designs of
Letter heads,
Bill heads,
Visiting cards,
Business cards,
Ball tickets,
.Note books,
For Samples and prices, address
Order books,
Receipt books,
.Druggists labels,
Gummed or
Legal blanks,
Gazette Publishing House,