The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, July 17, 1885, Image 1

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NO. 29.
Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
TerYear JJ
iix Months J
rhreo Month 1
Single Copies 'J
Per Year (when not paid in advonce) 8 00
All notices and advertisement intended for pub
ation should be handed io bv noon on Wednesdays
Bates of advertising made known on application.
Minneapolis, July 12. Shortly after 5
o'clock this afternoon a heavy wind and rain
storm passed over lake Minnettmka. The
mail steam yacht Minnie Cook, with eight
persons on board, was capsized and the en
tire number drowned. News of the acci
dent spread rapidly, and created the wild
est excitement, when it became known
that all the victims resided here. The un
fortunate party was composed of ex-Mayor
-A. C. Rand, wife and two sons, Harvey
and Frank, J. it. Coykendall and wife, their
sou-in-law, and George McDonald, engineer.
'Two bodies have already been recovered.
The storm is described by eye witnesses as
Chicago, July 12. General Sheridan
who leaves Chicago to-night for the scene of
the anticipated Indian trouble in Indian
territory, said in an interview to-day, that
in his opinion the Arabahee tribe was peace
able inclined, that the Cheyennes alone are
lik. '"' to rise, and that the occasion of the
whole disturbance was the encroachments of
colonists and cattlemen on Indian possess
Boston, July 12. Managers of the lead
ing clearing houses of the United States
report that total clearances for the week
ending July 11 were $752,997,046, an in
crease of 7.8 per cent, compared with the
corresponding week a year ago.
Washington, July 12. Secretary Kndi
cott k-it Washington to-night for New York
to be m attendance to-morrow at a meet
ing of the board, appointed to examine
means of defense for this country, and to
report recommendations for additional forti
Dallas, Texas, July 14. .lay Gould has
bought of Robert C. Stephens, the builder
of the Missouri Pacific Railroad,;all his min
ing interests in the Indian Territory, inclu
ding the McAllister mine, from which the
coal supply of Texas is mainly derived. It
is thought he will thus control fuel so as to
annoy opposition railroads in Texas and no
tably the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe
owned by Galveston merchants, for the con
trol of which he has been making success
ive efforts. That railroad has tiled in the
Clerk's office for registration a mortgage to
the Farmers Loan and Deed Trust Company
of Ne York for $2,144,000, designed to be
nsed in its extension. Its ultimata north
ern termini are to be Denver and Kansas
Indianapolis, Jnly 13. The June report
of wheat in Indiana showed 61 per cent, of
an average crop. Latter reports make it
64 per cent. The showers of Jane helped
the crop and the grain is unusually large
and plump, and will weigh heavy. The
corn crop will be the largest ever raised in
the State. Oats and hay are also very fine.
The general par cent, of wheat in the north
ern third of the State is SS, in the central
61, and in the southern 47. The corn crop
in the southern third is pat at 99 far cent,
in the central at 98, and in the northern at
93. Oats are also best in the southern
third, while timothy and clover are better
in the north. Indiana wheat is better than
that of either Illinois or Ohio.
deprived or revenue.
Lawrence, Kan., July 13. The oc
cupation tax that threatened an incipiant
rebellion, it is now thought, will be acqui
esced in, aud the needed revenue to run the
city will be supplied. The closing of the
saloons shut off the revenues so largely that
the city was found without means to meat
the current expenses. Drug stores are re
lie ved of license tax, and are not required
to pay a per-cent on their scales. This is
the only city in the state where an occupa
tion tax has Droved a success.
Washington, July 13. The War De
partment is in receipt of dispatches from
Indian Territory which say that the disaf
footed Indians are becomingqniet, and there
is favorable outlook for settlement of the
Indian difficulties.
Caicago, Jnly 13. Most all the brick
yards in anil around Chicago shut down on
Saturday night, and manufactures have re
duced wages fifty cents a day. The men
refused to accept the reduction. Both sides
are firm.
East Saginaw, Mich., July 13. Th
militia of the surrounding country are under
arms ready to march to this place to sup
press an impending riot between the strik
ers and citizens. The mills will lie started
this afternoon under the protection of Pem
bertou's force. There is great excitement
and bloodshed is feared,
Pittsburg, July 13. Shortly before dark
this evening the Allegheny valley was vis
ited by one of the most disastrous storms
ever known in that section. Rain fell in
torrents for an hour, the wind blew a hur
rrcaee, and thunder and lightning were in
cessant. Reports of great damage have
been received from various points along the
Allegheny river, between here and Titus
ville. TrrusviLLE, Pa., July 13. A cloud burst
about one mile south of town this afternoon
and streams entering Oil creek near the-city
rose unprecedently high. Many houses
were moved from their foundations and
several were washed away. A number of
families had a narrow escape. Two bridges
wnt down the creek, and roads were badly
washed. No Iors of life is reported, but the
damage to property is very fjreat.
Mount McGreuor, N. Y., July 13. Dr.
Douglas said this morning that General
Grant had passed a good night, and when
asked how many hours his patient slept, the
doctor evidently felt it needless to go into
minute details of a quiet night. The gen
eral went through the night with little or no
cocoaine and this morning was bright and
his spirits improved, as has been the case
every Monday in four weeks. The sick
man takes food pleuteously and has swal
lowed his liquid nourishment to-day with
out apparent pain. His voice is clearer and
stronger, and his pulse has greater volume
than yesterday.
New York, July 13. The hop market is
still depressed, and no improvement is ob
served in the demand from hewetl or the
trade, and only small lots of from three to
ten bales are dealt in. Prime quality can
be had at ten cents, and even lower. The
crop in Europe is said to promise welL
New Haen, Conn., July 13. A deputy
sheriff went to Norwalk this afternoon and
attached Buffalo Bill's Wild West show for
$26,000, on two attachments, one of $10,000
for damages for breaking up Carver's show,
and one for 916,000 for the malicious arrest
of Dr. Carver. The Cody party furnished
Cleveland, July 14. Residents of Iron
ward were astir at an early hour this morn
ing. It had been announced that the plate
mill would be started at 6 o'clock, and Ion?
before that hour a number of persons con
gregated at the railway t lacks and in the
vicinity ol the gates leading to the mills.
A detail of police was on hand. A number
of former employes arrived and passed into
the mill without being molested. At 7
o'clock work was commenced in the mill,
which had besn idle for over a week. A
number of strikers were in the vicinity, but
no violence was offered, and everything is
quiet at this time. The situation of the
civil and military authorities remain the
same as for several days past. In the po
lice court alarge number of curiosity seek
ers were present, brought there by a desire
to get a look at William G. Uorsuch, the
Chicago anarchist, who was last night ar
rested on a charge oi inciting to commit a
crime. Hearing was set for July 17th.
CHiCAGO.July 14. A Times ElPaso(Tex. )
special says: The origin of the famous re
cent financial decree issued by the Mexican
government is now attributed to Jay Gould
It is said that he has had a confidential
agent in the city of Mexico for several
months past, who first negotiated with the
government touching a large deposit made
with the government to secnia Gould a
grant and railroad concessions. It is said
that this negotiation led to more important
dealings with the general government, which
resulted in Gould's suggesting and outlining
a remarkable financial policy, which culmi
nated in a decree funding $250,000,000 ot
the indebtedness, and cutting off all subsi
dies to railroads. During these negotiations-
Gould is reported to have been a heavj
seller of Mexican Central stock, and also oi
Mexican national bonds and stock. These
transactions on the part of Gould are just
coming to light, but good authority sayt
they can be substantiated.
Richmond, Va., Jnly 15. Delegates t
the state republican convention, whicl
meets wi-monow, are arriving hy every
tram. From present indications the fight
for govornor will be between John S. Wise
and Attorney General Blair. Friends of
each are sanguine that they have a majority
Wise's friends claim that he will be nomi
natea on tne nrst ballot, while some of
Blair's adherent's think that Henry C.
Bo wen will possibly come in as a dark h. rsf
Washington. Julv 10. The month has
been favorable to the development of winter
wheal. A slight improvement is indicated
which will advance the general average be
tween two aud three points, or from 62 to
nearly 65. A very slight decline is repor
ted in Connecticut, New Y ork, Pennsyl
vania, and in some of the southern states.
In Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri
there has been an improvement, as well as
in California and Oregon. The winter
wheat region, whieh does not include the
territories, now promises about 250,000,000
The condition of spring wheat continues
higher, though the average has been reduced
slightly, the average being nearly 96. The
indications now point to a crop of about
148,000,000 bushels for Wisconsin, Minne
sota, Nebraska, Dakota and all the other
territories and northern New England.
This makes an aggregate of 363,000,000
The immense corn area of last year has
apparently been increased about 6 per cent,
or at least 4,000,000 acres, making an aggre
gate of 74,000,000 acres. The largest in
crease is in the Missouri valley. The con-
lition of corn is higher than in any year
since 1880 except the last. It averages 94
against 93 in 18S4. It is higher in the
south and higher on the Atlantic coast
than in the west. The Kansas average is
83, that of Michigan ami Missouri 87, Wis
consin 88. Illinois 90, Indiana 92, Minnesota
93, Ohio and Nebraska 97.
Washington, July 10. The commiss
ioner of the general land office, with the ap
proval of the secretary of the interior, has
expressed an opinion that congress intended
to reserve from forfeiture lands within the
granted limits along the whole constructed
portions of the Oregon Central railway and
telegraph line from Portland to Astoria, in
Oregon, irrespective of whether they were
"adjacent aud coterminus with uncompleted
portions of the road" or not.
Washington, July 14. The deficit in
the post office department for the quarter
ended March 21 is $l,6'6"6,0O0. During the
corresponding time last year ihe delicit was
885,000: Thus the deficit for the March
quartet of the present year is $880,000 in
excess of the deficit during the correspond
ing quarter of 1884. Financial officers of
the department had estimated that the defi
ciency at the end of the present fiscal year
would be between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000
bnt they are now of the opinion that the
deficit will aggregate about 6,000,000. The
reduction in revenue and iucrease of sxpen
ditures is attributed to the business depress
ion, which is quickly felt in the postoffice
Washington, July 14. A change has
been made in the manner of purchasing
silver by the treasury department for coin
age into standard dollars. Offers for sale of
silver for this purpose hereafter will be
made to the treasurer, instead of the direc
tor of the mint, and purchases be made
Tuesday aud Friday of each we.;k, instead
of W ednesday. The change is stated to be
for the purpose of allowing the director to
give his undivided attention to the business
of the mint.
Washington, July 13. Laud Commiss
ioner Sparks has rendered a decisin affirm
ing the right of entry under the public land
law, and decisions ot the supreme court of
the United States, of lands heretofore with
drawn by the voluntary action of the gen
eral land office for railroad indemnity pur
poses where no requirement of law existed
for making snch withdrawals. The effect
of this decision, if sustained by the secre
tary of the interior, will be to restore entry
under the homestead and other laws many
million acres of public land which have been
kept out of the maiket for many years be
cause claimed by railroad corporations. In
the course ot the decision, which is quite
lengthy, the commissioner cites from lead
ing decisions of the supreme court and con
cludes as follows:
Following these decisions, by the author
lty of which I am governed, I must hold
that a withdrawal of laud by the commiss
ionerof the general laud otfi.-e, vvhen with
drawals from settlement, entry or other ap
propriation are not required by law, is effec
tive ouly as information in defituas the
limits within which indemnity selections
may be made in a proper time and manner,
but it is not oper;itive as a prohibit of set
tlement and entries within such limits,
under the public land act laws prior to the
time when a lawful selection by the railroad
company has actually been made.
This decision was brought out by an in
quiry from the receiver at the land office at
Walla Walla, Washington territory, as to
whether or not the Northern Pacific rail
road company is entitled to the land regu
larly settled upon by one Miller, bat which
was, by a change in the line of the above
mentioned road, brought within its idem-
nity limits.
San Francisco, July 13. The Pacific
Mail Steamship Company intend to with
draw their steamers from the line between
this city and Australia November 1, accord
ing to a statement to be published in to
morrow's Call. The steamship company 's
contract with the Australian colonies expire
on that date. The colonies declare they
will not renew the contract by which they
pay the steamship company a subsidy, un
less the United States agree to pay a portion
of it. The recent decision of postmaster
general Vilas not to use any part of the
$400,000 appropriated by last congress to
assist in the transportation of mail is said to
have determined this course of action by
(he Pacific Mail Company.
Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis
immediately relieved by ohiloh a (Jure
For sale at T. Graham's.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is
sold by us on a, guarantee. It cures con
sumption. For sale by T. Graham.
shiloh s v itar.zer is what you need tor
Consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness,
and all symptoms ot Dyspepsia. rice 10
aud 75 cents per bottle. For sale at T.
Will you suffer with dispepsia and Liver
. omplaint? Sluloh s Vitalizer ss guaran
teed to cure you. For sale at T. Graham's.
Sleepless nights, made miserable by that
terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy
for you. For sale by T. Graham.
That hacking cough can be so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it.
For sale at T. Graham's.
For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh'e
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sals
at T. Graham's.
Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath
secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For
sale by V. Graham.
From a Calling Card to a Full
Sheet Poster,
The Corvallis Gazette Offict
In Quality and Prices.
Send for prices and estimates-
Tne most popular Weekly newj
paper devoted to science, mechanics, en
gineering discoveries, inventions and patents
eTfr TOM"""!- ETerrnumber illustrated with
splendid ena-nTing. This publication, furnishes
a most valuable encyclopedia of information whieh
ITPIJT Munn A Co. have
Seven Years'
practice oeiore
no person should be without. The popularity of
the sciisnno Amzbicak is enoh that its cir
culation nearly equals that of all other papers of
i4",?.'?" combined. Price. 3.20ayear. TJiaconnt
toClabe. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN CO.,
cuiuiNHin, ivo. dbi uroaaway, n. X .
pHMv Co-vents, Trade-Marks, CoDrriehtc
LL Assignments, and all other papers for
securing to inventors their rights in th
I unite
I the Patent Office, and hare prepared
more than One Hundred Thous-
nd applications for patents in the
nitod States and foreign countries.
Unitftd States. Canada. Ec? land. FrariM
Germany and other foreign countries, pre
pared at short notice and on reasonable terms.
Information as to obtaining: patents cheer
fully given without charge. Hand-books of
information Bent free. Pafjinta AhtAtMul
tnrongn jaunn kjo. are noticed in tne Boienune
American free.. The advantage of such notice is
wel! understood bv all persons who wish to dinnou
of their patents.
Address MTTNN t CO., Office ScXKKTZnc
j AvniCeVH, 361 Broadwaj, Hew York.
STORAGE. 1885.
To the Farmers of Benton and Linn Counties
I desire te remind you of the fact that I am still in the Warehouse business at my
old stand, aud call your attention to the following reason? why I think it will l to your
interest ta store your grain with me:
1st. Because the O. I. E. R. Company intend putting a snip track to the river, thus
giving us a chance to deal with San Francisco buyers at higher prices.
2nd. I am in a position to take advantage of competition among the different lines of
transportation on the river, and secure the very lowest freight rates.
3rd. I have had twelve years exx;rienee in the wheat bnaintas, and can get as much
for your grain as any body else. Sacks always on hand.
Thanking yeu for liberal support in the past, I respectfully request all my old custom
ers to continue their patronage, and ask all new men to call and see me before engaging
elsewhere. I shall make it my duty, as well as pleasure, to do a straightforward business
Corvallis, Or., July 15, '85.
The Gazette.
Largest Family Papers
Published ii: Oregon, containing all important dis
iiatches, news from all parts of Oregon an the Pa
cific coast, all local news of importance, besides a full
supply of general and fireside family reading matter
Tlie Gfrazette,
As in jMist. will continue to be t..fu. exponent of
The Interests of Eertes County and the
State at Large.
It will faithfully and fearlessly warn the' people
wrn, uuj'twtiou. r aoproucbi danyer when; the
public i- interested, never fearing to pulilnh the
ruch at ail times, but will endeavor to .always ignore
-ill unpleasant personalities which are of no pifnli
Merest or concern.
Fisher's Bl r ck ,
N e w J e weir- St c re.
C. W. Smith,
A practical Jew ihjr and Watch-maker has Indited
in Waggoner ft B llord s real aetata n,Bce, Corvallis.
Special attention .jiven to repairing line dn-no,i.cier
watches. Satisfaction guarantc A. Prices te suit
the times. A fine stock of watches, clocks and jewel
ry constantly on hand. 2i-51tf
M s, woodcock.
A.ttornev - at - Law,
Oreo on.
Attorney at Law.
Will practice in all'the Courts in the state.
Collections promptly attended to
(Offices East side Main street.)
CorvaWx, - Oregon.
J II. Lewis,
E. E. Kabkr.
City Uray.
Lewis & Rabi'i , Pioprietorg.
AST Do a general Draying Business.
Orders Solicited.
THIS OtJT.eand return to
The Gazette Publishing House with an urder for
any amount of Job Printline, such as bill or
m Letter Heads, Invitations, Calling and Business
Cards, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Note. Order,
and Receipt books. Circulars, Labels, Shipping
I Tags, Posters, or any class of Job Printing
H Prices as low as Good Work can be done for.
A. ASSEL, Proprietor.
The best dollar a clay House in the
Pianos. Tuning ami repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
Si Ha u alb Kit! io'iSniG Portlcilld. QVt
James L. Lew-is.
Sheep, Cattle, Horses and Hogs bought and
sold and Contracts made to famish same
Mutton, Eeef and fat Hogs a
J. B. Lkb, H. 11. G. a Faua, m. I.
;pii vsioians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
20-31 tl
Real Estate Agency.
A. P. Graines.
Real Estate, Employment and Collection
Business Solicited- References Criren.
OFFICE. First duor south of Fisher's Brick, main
Klfl. P'stols.
Aiiumition, Cutlc-Ty,
Spy Glasses, Flailing Tackle,
Sewlnfr MachtaM,
Work made to order and warranted.
20 33tt c. HODES, Corvallis.
(South eml Main Street.)
Charges Reasonable, Satisfact
ion Guaranteed,
Corvallis. - - Oregon.
C, IT. LEE, M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
O till-.- in Post Oaiee l!ttilliiij.
Office Hmir-!: -8 to 9 a. m. , 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. ..1
tdT In office nights. "K tOSA
Attorney at Law.
Fixe iLSwirancea SpwC't.
Money Loaned on Good Security.