Weekly Corvalifs Gazette. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 10. 1885. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COUNTY Entered at the PostotHce at Corvallis Oregon, as second-class matter. THIS PAPER will lie found on file at thefollowiiig n&uied places, where advertising niav be contraeted for At our regular rates: C W LOMLEIt 4 C , Advertising Agent Portland, Oregon. J. P. FISHEB, Advertising Ajrct t, San Francisco, California. UEO. P. ROWF.LL & Co.. Advertising Agents, Mo 10 Spruce Street, Sew York City. .1 H BATES. Advertising Agent, tl Park Row, Xuw York Cite. W AYER & SON, Advertising Agents, Philadelphia, Ta. The "Roseburg Review" says: "The party lash is being used to its utmost to coerce Gov. Moody into calling an extra session," to which the "Roseburg Plaindealer" replies as follows: "Now had that paper beenhonest in its as sertion itVotild have said, "The Dem ocrats of this slat? are cracking the party lash about the head of Gov. Moody to freighten him from doing his dutv." The case of Mrs. Yesolte Dudley, just tried in New York, was a strong reminder in some ways of the infa mous trial of Guiteau, says an ex change. The prisoner's boistrous in terruption of witnesses, and the at tempt of the defense to establish an emotional or conditional insanitary are points of similarity that recal most hu initiating memories. As to Rossa, the intended victim of this nondescript criminal, his taking off would not have been a calamity in any sense, yet it is hardly just for this fact to enter as an element into the trial. There is no no doubt that plenty of English phys icians can be brought to testify to the unsound condition, mental and phys ical, of the prisoner, and as the case is a small representation of England vs. Ireland, her acquittal was from the first certain. Senator Conger in an interview re lating to the president's appointment's and the senate's power of confirmation, said: "It may as well be understood that we have conferred with each other exchanged views, and to a certain ex tent formulated plans for next winter When nominations come in you may put it down as pretty certain that re publican senators will concede to the president the absolute right to name men of his own choosing for any of the two kinds of positions. First, those whose terms of office have ex pired; sscend, those positions which are in any way connected with the policy of the administration. This is for precisely the same reason that a president should and does not have the privilege of naming his own cabinet. There is hardly "a ease on record where the senate has in any way interfered with such appointments. " One of the mo-,t popular features of the new postal law, which went into effect on the 1st, is the "emergency clause1' which it contains. By this provision if a letter is addressed to a free delivery office, or a city or town containing 4,000 inhabitants or over, -ind has attached to it the special ten eeut stamp sold by postmastersfor the purpose in addition to the regular post age of two cents for each ounce or under tho letter will be delivered to any place within a mile of the postof fice addressed immediately after its re ceipt, between 7 o'clock in the morn ing and 12 at night. The advantage of this arrangement can be readily recognized by business men whose cor respondence frequently remains in postoffices, uncalled for, until it be comes valueless. Iu cases of sickness or emergencies of any character what ever, the importance cf prompt deliv ery cannot be over-estimated. THE LOCAL PAPER. The local paper is the best read pa per in the world. All the city papers cannot supply the place of the home paper. No other contains the mar riages anil deaths to say nothing of births and divorces. No other paper gives the time of the next ball, picnic or political meeting; no other publishes the "roll of honor"of the public schools; no other discusses the affairs of the tovn and country or gives in ' details the local news, which can be obtained from no other source. "Everybody reads it," and this is why the local pa per is the best read in the world, and the best advertising medium for its eireulation extant. Whitelaw Reid. Jjj reply to the above an exchange says this is only re-eeohing the state ments of the best and most successful business men of the world, yet the trouble is their opinions, differ from the towns peeple where the local paper is published, for yon approach one of them who have got on a spot as big as a bushel for ten hours waiting for a customer to straggle into their place of business by mert accident and ask them to advertise in your paper, the the first reply is that they can not see as an advertisement does them any good when they go on and on from day to day wearing out the seats of their browsers against the bottom of a chair because they are afraid to invest a few dollars by telling the people at large through their local paper that they have something to sell and the kind of business they are proposing to do. When you find town where pneh people predominate the cown is dead, and such people are virtually dead so far as any interest they take in public enterprises. Newspapers, the local papers of a town are public enterprises and are of more use and benefit to the public than any individ ual not excepting even the parties who own them, and a town or community of business men who will not support their local papers by advertising their business in them ought to be com pelled to do without a local paper, in fact such people are too ignorant f this world's blessings to read intelli gently. Such people want to enjoy the benefits of public enterprises with out costing them anything. KEE01C GRANT . Heroism can only be defined as the supreme effort that raises man above all selfish considerations, in his desire to benefit minkind. Can there be a grander spectacle in our commercial age than that of a man accustomed to win his laurels in the smoke and car nage of battle, quietly seated in his invalid chair a sure prey to a dendiy disease that has clutched him by the throat, and is slowly but surely .stran gling him while his mind, too great to be fettered by the ills of the flesh, is engaged in the arrangement and record ing of facts vithout which the weight of authority or many important sub jects would be unevenly balanced 1 Acts of heroism and devotion are com mon and it is not necessary to go beyond one's immediate circle of ac quaintances to recognize them. Yei there is nothing that appeals with more vigor to our sympathies than a strong man conquered by an incurable disease, while in full possession of his mental power; and devoting his last hours to the accomplishment of an ob ject upon the completion of which the word "finis " will be indicative of the grandest heroism of the present. It needs no second thought to bear the head and pass on in silence. Demo cratic Ex. A STARTLING STCRY. New Orleans, July '2. A local paper publishes to-day a statement that over one million dollars have been coined at the New Orleans mint of which there is no official record. The coinage act of 1873 made it the duty of the director of the mint to have a general supervision of all United States mints ami assay offices. The first director acting under that law was Hon. H. It. Landerman, and in his report on the subject he gives sta tistics of coinage in several mints, showing the total amounts and denom inations of money made at each place for each year of their existence. The New Orleans mint was opened for bus iness in 1838, and subsequently money of every denomination was made there. The director's statement is brought down to January 31, 1861, up to which time there had been a total coin age at the New Orleans mint, in both silver and gold, of 69,943,093. The date at which tho directors report clo ses was the date at which the mint fell into the hands of the confederates. Documents lately brought to light, it is said, show that subsequent to the mint going into the hands of the con federates and up to May 30 of the same year, there were coined $254,000 in gold double eagles, 1,101,216 50 in silver half dollars, thus making a total coinage of $1,355,216 50, while the mint was in the enemy's hands. What was done with the money does not ap pear from any available records, lu the fa?t of coinage as stated is shown on the books of the coiner of that time, and in order to make up the true amount of actual coinage of the New Orleans mint this sum must be taken into account. There was no regular coinage of precious metals, although the New Orleans mint remained in their control until the eity was taken by federal forces. CAUSE OP THE 'WORLD-WIDE DULLNESS Not only San Francisco and Cali fornia but all the world has complained of hard busines and dull trade in 1884-5, says the San Francisco Journal of Commerce. There is not a civilized nation where the same wail has not gone up from the merchants. This has set thinkers to speculating on the causes of it. What can it be over-production, or a lessened supply of gold, or what? Some time since a writer on a leading English magazine set down the cause to over-production. Now while there was some specious ness in his theory and his illustrations, yet the fact that consumption has about kept pace with production, mili tated considerably ajjainst it. Now comes another writer and takes the ground that the lessened p- oductien of gold is the cause. He makes out a very good case and shows that the supply has lessened and that prices have dropped simulantaneously, argu ing from cause to effect; still he lacks something in his argument. It is very true that lessened prices have been productive of the trouble as that means lessened, means for all with stocks of goods and lessened returns to producers, while expenses are about the same as they have been. The de ficiency or contraction of the circnla lating medium is undoubtedly the cause of this. But that contraction is due no doubt, to the demonetization of sil ver, and let other nations admit it as legal tender equally with gold, and then the fact of the decline in produc tion of the latter will not be felt. Without this, or the extensive use of paper money, or universal drouth and failure of crops, contraction must go on. Alex Del Mar shows that even Russia, which showed a steady produc tion of gold, of unvarying amount, is also aboii,. to show a decline in its pro duction. Let the United States lie the first to return to reason on the silver questi n. THZ UNIVD STATS3 SENATORS, T!ie Washington correspondent of the Indianapolis News gives a detailed account of the probable struggle for twenty five Senatorial seats. He takes up the contest in each of the various States, but by some oversight entirely omits the State of Oregon upon whose elections the control of the U. S. Sen ate may turn. The n-xt Legislator of Oregnri will have two U. S. Sena tors to elect unless the Governor calls a special session of the present Legisla ture, which mostof his intimate friends think h"e will do, but which is still in volved in "doubt. If the present Leg islature is not convened in special ses sion, the contest next year in this State, will be unusually exciting. The con trol of the federal offices will not ac complish for the Democrats all they anticipate, and the Republicans will probably be in better trim for making a vigorous canvass than they were last y.av, when they were fussing among themselves over the distribution of pat ronage. The dissatisfaction ameng the Democrats over the appointments made by the President will have a very decided effect upon the zeal of some of the membership, and they will be found to take less interest in the can vass than when they were inspired by the hoDes of good things to come in case the party was successful. But for all this, it is the duty of the Governor, so far as he can, to make assurance doubly sure by convening the Legislature in special session and again placing the responsibility of the election of a U. S. Senator where it legitimately belongs. Tn this way alone can he meet thetjust expectations of his political friends. News. Pest Machinery IN THE WORLD. jMcCORMICK TWINE BINDERS, ;CHAMP10N.TWINE BINDERS, CHAMPION MOWERS and REAPERS! a . t-BUFFALO PITT'S THRESHERS, ' TRACTION STEAM ENGINES, 4 HAINES' HEADERS, HAY RAKES and FORKS, tBAIN WAGONS. i A Nice Line of Spring Wagons AND H sl g k S Quggies and QIrmagesI NEW TAILOR SHOP. FRED. LA UCHLE, Proprietor. )Oliu door Snulh uf Rose 3r.'8 Cagar Factors ) CORVALLIS, - . OREGON. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Cutting, Cleaning & R paring Satisfaction Guaranteed. A SPECIALTY Leave Orders. JOHN KEUSAY. E. HOLGATE. N utaky Public. KELSAY & HOLGATE Attorneys - at - Law. Prompt attention given to business intrusted to ou. care in all the Courts of the State. Demands collected with or without action anywhere in the U. S Wil collect claims against the Government at Washington. E. Holgte, a notary public, will rive strict attentim to conveyancing-, negotiating1 loans, buying, selling and leasing real estate, and a general agency business. Local agents for the Oregon Fire and Marine Insu ranee Cotrpanv of Oregon, a reliable home company backed by the heaviest capitalists of the State. Office in Uuniett's new brick, first door at head ot stairs. 17tf KELSAY & HOLGATE. GREAT NORTHWESTERN REMEDY. fcglKCPFUNDER-SIa uaLflihffiWi;i;hiiniirji Those who work early and late need a wholesome reliable Medicine like Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. As a remedy and preventative of disease t can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and Mala ria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness and puts fresh energy into the system ry making NEW, RICH BLOOD All Druggists and dealers keen it $1.00 bottles, 6 for $5.00. 32143m aw Mi HO THE MUTUAL SELF-ENDOWMENT a isttd benevolent' ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, Grand Central Cfftco, Fort WorthTexas. SAM C'UNDIFF, President. K. M. MACY. Secret; rv A. W. MOKMSO, Tress. B. W. BROWN, Vice-Presilent. Chartered under ti e laws ..f the State of Texas. Juius nth. 18S1. Copvrivl , sImd It f linriife In, ,. 11 1881, in the office of the librarian Of Congress I C PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT. OFFICE: No. 7 Powell St. Corner Market. San Francisco OFFICIR HON". SAMUEL G. H1LBORN, President, A. W. KELSET, of Sacramento. Vice-President W. H. VV A Kb, Secretary. J N. RUSSEL, Sr., Superintendent PKOF W, E. TAYLOR, M. t).. Kedicsl Director, PACIFIC BANK, Treasurer CAPT. J. N, LEONAED,SUte 3u.pt., Portland, Or. The object of this Association is to provide endowments for living: members bs well ar brneOUtar families of deceased members, at the least cost consistent with perfect security, bv mains oiccuut as well as death benftt certificates. ' The plan embraces two forms, lite and death. One pars at the death of a mem her and the other pavs n five equal installments daring life. The association is operated on the mutual plan. it has no stock holders to absorb its earnings, and no trustees among whom to divide its surplus. The total membership r.f the association now amounts to m arly 14.M0 with a steady increete each month. The association lias disbursed to f.at.. S570,KSS.OS in benefits to the legatees of deceased mem bers, and on maturing coupons. Is loaning from flftee to twentv thousand per month to li' ing members REVIEW SIKCE ORGANIZATION. Receipts since organizati.ui, . . ?570,23f06 Disbursements since organization, - - 570 rjvg 02 Balance on hand. - - . 201 06 Coupons paid, - - - - 80,698 Agents Wanted in every county of the Pacific Coast. F. M. Johnson, Resident Agent, - - Lorvallin, Oregon. City Stables Daily Stage Line FROM ALBANY TO C0RVALXJF. THOS. EGLIN, - - Proprietor. On the Corner West of the Engine House Having secured the contract to arryitti: 1h COltVALLIS, - - OREGON, j r..iti stat.-s m ,n HAVING COMPLETED MY 2. ! KO,l now and commodious .!UIV, :PnTV n 1 1 1 A lVtinw 1 am better than ever prepared u jox-i-tr c - ' - ' --- - y 1 For the envuiny four years will teaveVorvallit ab Ofcol Ur ILAR.O DJaJlCG. Uin&lAjCO u clock, utid will start turn AW try at 1 o'clock irthe laftcmooi, returning to Cornallis jiln.r S o'cTacIe initjiine will t e ir. pared mth good U m ani tare j ul drivers" uiul nice comfortable and AM SADDLE HORSES TO HiKE. At Reasonable Hates. Particular attention given to Boarding Horse! Homes Jioulit and Sulci or Exchanged. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. EASY RIDiKC VEHICLES For the acconmiouation cf the TKA1ELIXG rrBi.ic. Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of 'Terms hy AT j Id 1 S SACKS FURNISHED TO PATRONS. Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangements elsewhre THE BENTON COUNTS' REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION Office: -Corvallis. Oregon. M. S. WOODCOCK. Manager. AND Mill Machinery. Rubber and Leather BELTING-. rTTyTI TO ASSOCIATION win buy ard sell aU classes of Ileal Fstate on rea sonable terms and wiihbor- i JOLL oughlv advertise by descrioing eaoa piece ui property euwuatcuwi itior aie. ; paecefl of properly will be told on extraordinarily reasonable terms; The folk)- SAW MILL-tTndi v;'ed j irtereM in o n ill trn by water, a good planer and en rts ot iai d bw in connection with th e mill. I i n-.tFotrt to IT" all f the rear, situated hardy to n rrktt rnd withir about 7 in ilea of Corvalliw with an excellent good road to and roni it. TetKfi esy. FARM Farm all under fence only 2A nilesfron. Corvallis of 150 acres, SO acres now in luhhnticn. the balance of it can be cultivated ;tvt 0 ot it r ow in wheat with a fair bouse pood bun ami giunci. will be sold at a bargain, leitna t:ty. FARM - Farm of 478 acres for les than SIfe pel acre, boing one of the cheapest and best faims in Benton county, situated 4 miles west ot Monroe, OJ a mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh borhoods in the state with church piivikges hanc'T. About ISO acres in cultivation, and over -a.O can bt -ul ivtiti't!. All under fence, with irocd two storj frame house, large barn and orchard; has rcnmng water the vear around, and is well suited lor sti ck and dairv purposes. This is one of the cheapest iaiu.s in the Willamette Valley Terms easy. STOCK FA RM 320 acres, about 50 in cultivation 'ISO acres can fce cultivated, C( aces of good Brand oak timber, the balance good i rass lai:d. f-n a'l con iortable bouse nd barn, rt nvb. udjoitiinjr an inex huustibie ou ranre, makinr one of the best stock ranffes in bent on ccunty- situated aleiii 10 milea r&OUCnweSl oi voraius. J rue FARM A farm of 136 seres of hmd sitimttd t milt horn Corvallis, in linn County. Cr. All under fence: fcO acres of rich b itm bid in cultiatioji 5Q acres of good fir, as and maple tin br; 2 good bouses, 2 feocd orchard ai u two tot d wells wit h l'iu ps. Ternns: per acre, 1 all cash down r;d balance payable in one and two vesirs, secured by mortgage v on the farm, I LOTS -Two unimproved Iot in Corvallis. One of toe choicest buikUog places in the eity for tale eas onable. . . AT90 Four unimproved lots except fenc ed in Corvallis, Or. The choicest buildinc; place in the city for sale reasonable. THOMAS CRAHAM, Druggist and Apothcary' -AND DEALER IN- Correppondence Solicited. Catalogues Furnish.3d.on Application. VypODCOCK & RaLDWINJ Corvallis, Or. PIISTS, 011S, MUSHES, BRUSHES, (ilASS, PETTY, THLSSES. SHOULDER BHACES, TOILET ARTICLES iC. . A full line of B oks, Statione y and Wall Paper. O r drusrs are frerfi ani' well selected. Paescriplions compounded at all hourr. 19-27yl BUY THE BEST A 2STD BE HAPPY. FRANK BROS- IMPLEMENT CO. DEALERS IN FARMZXmXMILLXMAGHINERY. WALTKR A. WOOD'S Binders, V, Chain Rake Reapers, ' Sween Rako Reapers, " Enclosed Gear Mowers. (iarr. scoiT & co.'S Senarasora. Plain and Traetion Encines. COAXES' Lotk Lever Hay Kake. Also a ' Full Line of Farm Machinery. Write for Catalogue. Address either FRANK BliOS., Impl. Co., Portland, Or. T.J. BLAIR, Agent, Corvallis Oregon. or 22143m