- - I t DKCOKATION-DAY. Tbc war-cry thro' the land is stilled, The cannon's sullen lips are dumb; To-day throughout our laud we hear The solemn beat of jnuffled drum. The flags hang drooping from the staff llie streets are filled with grave-eyed men: Long dormant memories spring to life We live tlje dead past o'er again. ' W sec thro' mists of falling tears The wild, fierce strife of armed bands; We liear the clash of hostile steel. We feel the touch of vanished hands. We part, as in the days of yore, From loved ones long since in the grave; We bear ti:at mournful sound Hgaio, The clanking fetters of the slave. Wc see the lines of Blue and Gray Ma.-sed for the fight, as in the past; We lienr the neigh ng of the steeds And waken to ourselves at last. . Jrjfttetttl of r trite, the lute of peace Breathes softly o'er a grateful land; J Instead of arms the dainty flowers, Are 6trewn about on every hand. The Gray now mingles with the Blue In that eternal sleep called death, Tbeir strife is o'er and in the end We mourn them all with equal breath 1 From far-off lauds we come to place Sweet blossoms on the honored tombs And wonder vaguely will they see Oar offerings from their narrow roomsl The eoiptv sleeve a Northman bears Is matched by one from Southern lands ; The fair May-blossoms they would strew Find other eager, willing hands. And as the one-time warriors stand With tear-dimmed eyes, to lend their aid Their very actions seem to say "This brotherhood hath all repaid." ' Their str fe is o'er, their work cr mplete, And that for which they strove is done: We who remain can but applaud A noble battle grandly won. They builded better than they knew" A goodly structure our fair land; "Wo mourn the dead but gladlv see The Blue and Gray stand hand in hand. Edwin 0. Wheeler, in The Current. SPOOPENDYKE'S PIE. Be Shows Mrs. S. flow His Mother Used to Make 'Em. fy dear." said Mr. Spoopendyke, folding his napkin and pushing his chair back from the table, "my dea-r, you are a pretty good housekeeper, and once in a while you contrive to cook up a fair meal, but you have no business fooling around a mince pie. There never was but one woman who eould make a mince pie, and that was my mother. " "I thought this was nice," returned Mrs. Spoopendye, with just a little quiver resting on her lip. "I got it -out of the cook book " "And you'd better put it right back in the hook as a warning to other am- -tteurs," continued Mr. Spoopendyke. "I don't say that this is especially bad, only it doesn't meet with all the re- -quirements of pie as they were in- stiiiea inro my young mind. You might work it on foundling hospitals that neyei had any mother, but it ifcawTt, the soul 1 used to get out of pie when I lived at home." "How did your mother make the mince pie, dear?:' asked Mrs. Spooo- . andyke. "If I knew what she used, perhaps I could get up one of which rcni would eat six slices instead of foor." And with this purely feminine aig, mrs. spoopendyke looked mod estly downward and began folding . knife pleatings in the table cloth. "Come!" exclaimed Mr. Spoopen- Ske, jumping impetuously from his (Mt "If you've got the ingredi- ata, Til show you how to make a pie i that will draw how Is of envy from the t neighbors," and Mr. Spoopkendyke led the way to the kitchen. "Where's jour chopping tray and the apples? Fetch me the hand guillotine and the beef! Look alive now, my dear, and we'll startle the world with some rev elations on the abstruse subject of . mince pie!" "Let me put this big towel around ywmr neck, so you won't grease your dragging out a huge crash towel. "What's that for?" demanded her feusband, contemplating it with no mount of favor. "Which end of the ; -pie is that thing supposed to have in fluence with? If I make up my mind when I get through that this pie wants to be shaved, I'D put on this skirt, but my limbs. Now," he continued, as he " "-. auu itupibS IN Lw LDe .1 . . 1 1 ... txu ncui .it mem vigorously W1LU V ihechoj)ping knife; t'now you watch vine proceedings and note how this pie begging to assume proportions." ''Didn't your mother peel the apples 'before she chopped iheni?" asked Mrs. Spoopendyke, quietly. "Eh!" ejaculated Mr. Spoopendyke, Mowing up a little and looking: into one tray uisLrusiiuiiy. "UI course nut," and he resumed'his labors with more energy. "If you did, there's -where you made your mistake. I sup I pose you peeled the beef, too, didn't ye? "Though I don't know," and he stopped short and regarded his work attentively. "It strikes me this meat would' chop finer if some one had drop ped a, pile driver on it once or twice. Anyway, you don't want your meat too fine, and I guess this wiildo," and Mr. Spoopendyke set the tray full of lamps on the table and rolled up his sleeves. -"What will you have now, dear?" inquired his wife, tenderly. "Some flour and water," replied Mr. Spoopendyke, cheerily. "It's the crust of a pie that is its genius, and I'm going to turn out a slab at pastry that will be a monu ment to the artist who is weav ing this job. Gimme the flour and water, while I feel as one upon -whom the spirit of a successful pie vests visibly!" Mrs. Spoopendyke brought out the material and once more resum ed the relation as a pupil to the ex- "Anything else, dear? " she ask ed, as Mr. Spoopendyke wet down his flour and jammed his fists in the P8 . "jnotumg out proiouna silence, re started her husband. "The chief trou ble with the crust to your pie is that you allow your attention to be dis- tracted from it at the critical moment. 'I. on the contrary, will stop boxing this overcoat for that mince meat just . at the second it reaches flakiness, " and i fce siatumeu in more nour ana piungea . gain into his ambitious effort in the way of crust. "There!" said he when I he bad fought it to the consistency of sand and mncilage and rolled it out to two thick chunks. "There is the triumph of pie over puttering! Lead out the pan whom, the gods would honor, and let's see how this combina tion of hereditary intelligence and ac quired brains will go when it's cooked!" Mrs. Spoopendyke handed him a pie pan into which he dropped his bottom crust, and then poured in the mince meat. "Got to lift your teeth pretty hisrh to get around some of the meat," he observed, as he tried to poke the lumps into position with a stick. "I'm not sure whether mother used to grate the meat or crack it with a ham mer, but it don't make so much dif ference. It's the crust that talks, when you come to conversation on pie. Now, you do this," and he marked out a sprig on the top crust with his thumb; "and when you get it on, thus, you pinch it around the edges, so. See? My mother used to have an old wheel out of a wooden clock, and she printed landscapes in holes all over the pie. But that isn't necessary. It adds luster, but no dignity, to the per formance. Now, we put it in the oven, this wise, and in a short time we will have accomplished results in the immediate line of pie." "It is really wonderful how well you remember how your mother made them," smiled Mrs. Spoopendyke. "You won't feel badly because it beats yours?" said Mr. Spoopendyke, kindly. "You won't cry?" and he chucked her under the chin, and opened the stove door cautiously to see how affairs were progressing. "I'll try not to," replied Mrs. SpDopendyke, casting her eyes down, and suppressing something that sound ed like a sob. ".Let's see. You stick in a broom splint, don't you, when you want to know if the pie is done? Where's your broom? Show me the happy broom that is to be immortalized by testing this grand apotheosis of pie!" Mrs. Spoopendyke produced the broom, and the husband, carefully se lecting one of the splints, jabbed away at the upper crust. "It won't go in," he remarked, rath er dolefully, selecting another with similar results. "The trouble is with the broom. Haven't you got a broom that knows something about its busi ness, or is this one of those pious brooms that won't work on Sundays?" and he broke up several more splints in a vain endeavor to penetrate the pie. "Hadn't you better try the handle, dear?" suggested Mrs. Spoopendyke. "No, 1 hadn't better try the handle, dear!" mimicked Mr. Spoopendyke. "Come out here, and let's see what's the occasion of this uncalled for resist ance!" and Mr. Spoopendyke hauled his pio out of the oven and fired it down on the table. "Got an idea that you're going to be assassinated with a broom splint, haven't ye? Think you're a sort of a bulwark of Ameri can liberties and bound to resent "for eign intervention, don't yei Well, you ain't; you're only a measly pie, and you're going to have something stuck in ye, if it takes a cold chisel and a cannon!" and Mr. Spoodendyke stabbed at it with a fork, and then with a chopping-knife, without pro ducing the faintest impression. "You're up in pie, what d'ye suppose is the matter with the thing?" he asked, turning on his wife. 'It I'd been your mother, I should have put some lard in the crust," re turned Mrs. Spoopendyke, compla cently. "I don't know how you're going to get lard in a crust that you can't pene with a beyonet!" retorted Mr. Spoo pendyke, upon whom it began to dawn that "there was a hiteh somewhere. "I've almost forgotten how . mother did try pies to see if they were done." "Did she ever try a club?" inquired Mrs. Spoopendyke, timidly. "No, she didn't try a club!" roared Mr. Spoopendyke. Come thither, my gentle pie!" he howled, planting his list in the middle of the apparatus. "Listen to the voice of the siren in quiringly within! and he dropped it on the floor, and planted his heel upon it. "Front door closed for repairs; en trance at the back!" and he kicked the whole business to the ceiling. "Your mother must have been very vigorous for her age, " observed Mrs. Spoopendyke, calmly. "I'ts those gasted lumps of meat," snarled Mr. Spoopendyke, picking up his pie, and examining its knobs and bumps attentively. "I thought they'd melt when subjected to intense heat. Anyway, the inside of that pie is all right, if l could only get the lid off. Got anything I can get under the edse and lift the roof oft' this business? Gimme that can opener! Give way, now! Whoop! Once more! Ki yah! All together, how! Whe-e-e! There she comes!" And the crush gave way re vealjg chunks of beef and apple par ings, half -cooked, and still steaming. "I suppose your mother put in the spice3 and cirter after the hired man had wrenched the pie open," remarked Mrs. Spoopendyke, solemnly. "You do, do ye?" squealed Mr. Spoopendyke, sqatting down and resting his hands on his knees, while he grinned in his wife's face. "That lump of quicksilver you call your mind, has got around to where it transacts the supposing business, has it? P'raps you don't like the pie"! I s'pose you've got some fashionable no tion that you don't care to associate with this pie! Well, you needn't. I dou't force unpleasant acquaintances on my wife. I believe in making home a paradise, I do! Go forth, pier' and he shied it through the window, glass, sash, and all. "That suit you?" he yelled. "Does your moral nature feel relieved by the. absence of the pie you have been instrumental in casting, upon the chilled charities of an un sympathetic world?" "1 guess that pie can, take care of itself," suggested Mrs. Spoopendyke, soothingly. "The next time I make one, I'll try and have it just as your mother used to." "You'll fetch it!" roared Mr. Spoopendyke, stamping up and down the kitchen and slapping the flour off his coat, "i ou never had any trouble with things, after I had shown you how! Some day I'll pour lard in your ear. and spice in your eye, and leave vou in the oven to reflect cn how you'd like to be cut off from intellectual so cial intercourse, just because you ain'' ' half baked!" and Mr. Spjopendyk( slammed the door after him, and mounted the staircase with heavj tread. I don't care," murmured Mrs. ; Spoopendyke, as she swept up the; "e-'-. bris, "I don't care. -If thfit is , th way his mother made pie, I don't ! wonder it left a strong impression on his mind." And with this charitable view ol the situation, Mrs. Spoopendyke sat down to the consideration of whethei she'd better make a false train foi ; her new black silk. Drake's Traveler j Magazine. Narcotic Plants. In VicVs Floral Magazine we read of a flower which creates laughter. It grows in Arabia; the flowers are of a bright yellow and the seed resembles small black beans. These are dried by the natives and pulverized, and it is said that small doses make a person behave like a circus clown or a mad man, for he will dance; sing and laugh most boisterously, and carry on in a ridiculous way for about an hour. The stage of excitement is followed by ex haustion and sleep. This reninds us of an exoeriment we made many years ago. 'We had seen Prof. James R. Buchanan ex perimenting with pulverized herbs by placing them in the palms of the hands of a class of medical students. While they sat in a sort of expectant mood, waiting for something to turn up and holding various powdered herbs in closed lists, every now and then some one of them would tell of the symptoms which were being pro duced upon him. It was to us then a new and surprising revelation that medicine could thus act without being taken into the stomach, and we are not yet fully satisfied as to the way they do act under such circumstances. But having seen Prof. Buchanan's ex experiments we were led to try it our selves on a couple of boys about sev enteen years of age. Powdered Can nabis lndica from the same plant which gives hasheesh, a narcotic used by the natives of India, was placed in one hand of each of the boys, while they sat quietly waiting to see what would turn up. One of them soon com menced to titter and theu to laugh boisterously, and soon he became'so hilarious with excitement that we thought best to take the drug away from him. He soon sobered down. During the period of excitement we tried to get him to say why he was carrying on in such a way, but he was utterly unable to give any explanation for it other than he felt that way. The other boy quietly nodded off to sleep in his chair. This experiment illustrates two im portant things; first, that medicine can exert an action in this curious manner, and second, that a medicine will act differently on different per sons, according to temperament or indiosyncracy, or susceptibility, what ever you choose to call it. Further more, it may be remarked that both the exhileratmg and the stupif ymg re sults observed in these cases are known to be the effects of bashees upon the human system- when taken internally. The description of the "laughing plant" given by Vick does not corre spond with the botanical description of the Cannabis lndica plant, though there are some similarities, but in ef fects they are evidently quite alike. Fish aud Fishermen. Trout are eaught in the Truckee River, Nev., so easily that any one with a bit of crooked wire tied to a stick ean get a basketful. Winter fishing in Lake Manitoba has become quite an industry, several hundred persons being engaged in it. The fish is sold on the ice at a cent and a quarter a pound, or three cents delivered at the railway. In Lord Mansfield's tishing grounds,, near Scone Palace on the Tay, a sal mon weighing eighty pounds was re cently taken. It was returned to its element. The heaviest Tay fish on record weighed seventy pounds. In 1872 1,000 marked salmon were turned into the Weser, but not until recently was the first capture reported. The lish was taken near the place where it was put into the water. It weighed thirty pounds, and its marks showed that it was thirteen years old in 1872. A race between a trout and a water snake was recently witnessed near Oswego, N. Y. The lish was on its spawning ground, and kept swimming about in a circle, a little in advance of its pursuer. The snake filially eaught the fish by the tail, but the trout had the use of its fins, and kept its body well ahead of the snake The snake then backed up toward shore, and with one final effort drew the fish out of the water and swallowed it. VVASHINUTOAI'S TREES. Wilkin's Star Proverbs. Give the devil his du-de. Many a many is a fool for revenue only. Sunbeams support the floor of heaven. The waste basket is mightier than the pen. Silence is the gold plating for a fool's tongue. The drunkard's thread of life is wound on reel. When hope dies the devil adds an other scalp to his belt. Splitting heirs is nothing new. Solomon attempted it. And he said: "Let there be elite," and the "first family" bounded into the world. Hope builds a nest in a man's heart where disappointment hatches its brood. A little learning in a fool, like scanty powder in a large gun, will sometimes make considerable noise. Whitehall Times. Not So Sensible. "Father," exclaimed voung Jenkins, entering the old gentleman's office, "I have sold my printing offije " "Sit down, Tom. I am glad to see that you are so sensible." "Yes, father. 1 have sold my office, but I have bought another one." "Get up! You have lost what little sense you ever did have." Arkansaw Traveler. Our Nation's Capital Leads the World in Shady Sidewalks Their Effect on Health. ; The air of Washington is full, at this season of year, of a white, downy sub stance. If you open j-our mouth 1$ talk about officeTvrites a correspon dent of Tlie Cincinnati Times-Star? it flies into it; if you wink at a pretty girl on the avenue you get it in your eyes. It flies into the white house on the wings of the wind, and rolls up in fluffy white balls in the corners of the great vestibule through which the dis appointed oflioe-seekers go out from their calls on the president. It does not stop there. It penetrates to the rooms of the private secretaries, and the cabinet-room, and even the office of the president himself. It attends the cabinet meetings, flies in the faces of the stately heads of the departments, and tickles the nose of the president. It looks like down, and to the stranger who is not accustomed to the ways of Washington it appears to be down, perhaps com ing from the "downy beds of ease" in which all statesmen and government employes are supposed to spend most of their time. But it is not. It is a fine cottony substance coming from poplar trees with which many of the older streets of the city are lined. "Cottonwood poplar" is the popular name of this somewhat unpopular tree. "The poplars ought not to be an un popular tree in Washington," said one of the park commissioners, talking of them to your correspondent. "They have a good deal to do with making the city of Washington one of the healthiest in the country, as it is." "How so?" "Because they prevent malaria. They are a great absorbant, both as to root and leaves, and are one of the best preventives of malaria that is to bo had." "How do they compare with the eu calyptus, that have been so extensive ly used for this purpose in Italy in the last few years? "They compare very favorably here, for the eucalyptus will not thrive here or in any part of the country, except probably southern California. We have tried them and have become sat isfied that they will not do for our purpose. Our climate and soil do not suit them." "Are there many poplar trees in the city then?" "Yes, something in the neighbor hood of a thousand of them." "And what proportion is this of the total?" "Oh, less than 10 percent. You see we have more than a hundred thou sand trees in the city of Washington." "More than a hundred thousand?" "Yes, considerably more; probably the total now reaches about 125,000 in streets and parks." ''How are they divided between streets and parks?" "About equally. There are over 65,000 on the streets alone, and nearly or quite as many in the parks. There are no streets of any consequence without trees, and on many of the wider ones there are four rows of them, a row on each side of the side walk." "How many'miles-, then, of trees are thereon the sidewalks, about?" "Pretty nearly 150 miles of them." "And how does that compare with other cities of this country?" "It surpasses that of any other city of this country, or of the world." "Of the world?" "Yes. There is- not a eity in the world that has as many trees in pro portion to- its population as Washing ton has. -1 have made, this a study for many years, pretty nearly all my life indeed; but especially in the last fifteen years in which I have been a park commissioner, and have visited and obtained statistics from all the great cities, and 1 am sure that Wash ington is far ahead of any of them." "How long has this-accumulation of health and beauty been going onp" "Well there has- been, more or less tree planting here ever since Wash ington was a city, of course. But the systematic work was begun under "Boss" Shepherd in 1871. There was some opposition to it at first, of course, but everybody sees- the value of it now." "And the work is still going for' ward?" "Yes. We set out six or eight thousand trees a year, and are able to furnish many more. We have a hun dred thousand young trees which wo expect to furnish for the 'flats.' as- they are needed. We set out several thous and of them last season." "What is tho cost of the care of these trees and the yearly adding to them?" "About $18,000 a year only. We have studied it carefully, raise our own trees from seeds or clippings, and reduce the cost to a minimum." "What do you find the greatest part of the work of caring for the trees ? "The pruning. This is as serious a task to us as the pruning of the ser vice is to tho new administration. In deed, no subject connected with their operations . has given the park com missioners so much coat-em as the matter of pruning trees. Tree prun ing is at all times an operation which demands skill in the operator, and can only be safely trusted to experts, a class of laborers whose services can not be secured except at wage rates which the present appropriations are unable to meet.- The necessity Of pruning may be referred to three sa lient reasons. First, that of the re moval of branches and twigs which interfere with travel on the sidewalks and on the streets; second, the thin ning out of the heads of luxuriant trees to prevent their prostration by heavy gales, a fatality to which street trees" are more liable than those plant ed in parks; and, third, the heading in or cutting back the entire system of branches on diseased trees, and this is also a necessity whioh seldom occurs with trees in open parks and in open spaces. In the aggregate the pruning is the heaviest item of expenditure in. the. ordinary care of the trees. "And. as to the kind of trees that you use, are they mostly natives of this country?" "Yes, the most of them. On this subject we have a good many inquir ies from various cities, and have pre pared a list of those used by us. The maples, poplars, box-elders, and lin dens are the most used hut they do not complete the entire list by any means. There are some thirty-live kinds used on the streets alone, 'to say nothing of the large numbers , in the parks." Cruelty to Sullivan. The sympathies of tender-hearted people will go out towards John L. Sullivan, the pugilist. His wife has commenced proceedings against him for a divorce, and in his answer Sulli van charges his wife with cruel treat ment and drunkeness. This is indeed hard. The poor man can have no peace. His business is lighting, when away from, and it certainly is discour aging, after going about knockirig out people, and coming home for a little quiet rest, to be knocked out by a wife who ought to love and protect him. Mr. Sullivan could get all the fighting he wanted away from home. He could whip the biggest man and the smallest waiter girl, could take possession ot a saloon and throw everybody out of doors, could unmer cifully beat his horses on the streets, and any one could see that what he needed when he got home was rest, but he was met by a cruel woman who would whip him. O, cruel Woman, how could you hurt the man who came home to be loved, and to sober up? Those who have seen the great Boston pugilist in the ring, or on the rostrum, admired by thousands, and seen strong men try to in jure him, and seen him knock them- silly, little thought that when be got home his wife would cruelly maul him, knock him down and sin on him. Had the condition of things been known his enemies would have matched against Sullivan an "unknown," and placed his wife in front of him- when the hour came for battle, and frightened him under the ropes and into the woods. Picture to yourself, gentle reader, that strong man coming back from New Orleans, a victor over Paddy Ryan's truss, with the laurel wreath on his brow, and a keg of beer in his stom ach, wavering as he approached his own door, trembling at the knees as he entered his house,, pale and weak as he meets his "cruel" little wife, crawl ing under the bed in abject fear as she lands him one in the ear. She snatches the laurel wreath from his brow and in its place-puts-a wash bowl, and he begs to be allowed to come out from tinder the bed.. Of what use is it for him to win reputation as a hard hitter, and have his- cruel wife make him toe the mark, at home? Away from home be was a terror, and no one could stand: up-before him. After a victory he would, fill up with cham pagne to prepare himself for the in evitable lickingwhichhe must receive when he got home.. Poor Sullivan!. What a fall it must be for the "brave" brute- to go into oourt and charge his little "wife with "cruelty." He ought to-be made-the- laughing stock, of the whole country, guyed by alL the people;, the object of the contempt' of all mankind; and the waiter girl whom he struck down should empty slops on. him out of a second story, window, until he- should call the police to-protect him from "cruelty." Peek's Sun. Amenities or War. Crop Prospects. The growing wheat crop having reached a critical stage and winter wheat having approached-a condition sufficiently near maturity to approxi mate the acreage and probable yield, the Farmers'1 Ueview has followered up its usual Weekly summary by a com plete survey of all the Western ana Southern wheat growing states-, re ports having been received from over 3,000 correspondents, covering every wheat producing county in Ohio, Michi gan, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Ten nessee, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Da kota, together with a very accurate and recent summary from the Pacific coast region made by th associated press, it is believed, "makes -the most complete report ever issueiL The re view has been carefully prepared, and the information is believed to-be most exhaustive and the latest that has yet been obtained and foreshadows the state and government reports. In summing up its detailed reports, the Review says: The gloomiest views which hae been advanced concerning the winter wheat outlook for 1885 must now be accepted as- the most accurate. The promising conditions of 1881 have-this-season been completely reversed. Tho absolute uniformity of the returns in dicate that the winter-sown wheat this year is the worst in ten years,, and it may be-now set down as positive that under the- most favorable conditions the total winter and spring wheat yield is to-fall considerably under the short crop of 1881, when the total pro duct was "380,000,000 Diishels. With the exception of Michigan-and Oregon and Washington territory on the Western slope, the causes leading to a decreased output of winter wheat are almost identical. In Ohio. luaiana, Illinois, Kansas and Missouri the ground was bare of snow during the severely cold weather at. the close of the- winter, which was followed by. cold,, dry winds later on. Thtxe was also a decreased acreage owing to the low prices which prevailed for the crop of 1884 In California the -decreased acreage was accompanied by a severe drouth,, which has tended to almost ruin the growing crop. Oregon and Washington territory were saved by bountiful showers which came in time to-save the grain. When the states are considered in detail the -situation can be better appreciated. Turning to the spring wheat belt the outlook is altogether more promising. Full returns from Nebraska show a slightly enlarged acreage as compared to last year, while in Iowa, .Wisconsin and Minnesota the decrease in acreage will be about 10 per cent, while con dition, is about 95 per cent. The acreage of Dakota is about 8 per cent less than last year and the conditions fully equal, though the saasou is from tenfto twelve days later. The prob able spring wheat yield based upon continuing favorable weather will be 130,000,000 bushels. The total wheat crop of the country, . therefore, from the present outlook, will be from 320, 000.000 to 330,000,000 bushels, against and: an average yield, for the last five years of 464,000,000 bushels. While-we- were in front of Chatta nooga it became fashionable along the picket line to exchange papers. The plan wae-for a-Goniederate who want ed a paper to come to the front, shake a Southern- paper as a flag of trnce,. and in this- way invito exchanges. The pickets on, either s'de in that imme diate vicinity would cease firing, the Union soldier would start from his line and the Confederate from his line), and they would: meet naif way, shake hands, exchange- papers, and if 'there were no oflicers-in sight, sit down, and: have a chat. This had been kept upi for several days, when there came-an order from headauarters that no more- papers should be exchanged. But the. ! boys,, choosing their time lor exchange-,, continued the practice against orders. There came a week, however, in. which no rebel responded to waving, op-shak ing, or niuttennzs ot paper or- haaxl- l kerchief, and we knew then that orders i against exchange had been issued on that side as weil as ours. But oe morning quite sarly my partner discovered a man ort the rebel line frantically waving a large paper. He suggested that we slip aiway from the reserve and go out and see what the man wanted. He took a paper waved it, and we started, toward the rebel in front. When we- had pro ceeded about half way to. the point of meeting the fellow ceased; to wave his paper. We were puzzled,1 at this, but finally concluded thai he- was down in a hollow, and we wouldi see him when he came up on high ground. So we walked on and walked without warn ing into a group of soldiers at the rebel picket post. The aen were jusSi ready to take breakfast, and after the first flurry they joked is a good deai: about our extraordinary willingness, to get into their clutches at breakfast time. When we spoke of the exchange of papers the officer- in charge informr ed us that orders were positive against exchange, and that all his men under stood it. As this was the case, ha took the position that we hadi come williiialy into their lines, and that he could not allow us to return.. I saw at once that his men disagreed with him, but the question was how we were to get away. My partner, who had ben a soldier in Germany, joined in the jokes at our expense, and proposed that he make the boys some coffee that was coffee. The confederates had a very poor ex cuse foi that article, and without more ado he proceeded to make a kettle of coffee, the aroma of which seemed to fascinate the coffee hungry sharpshoot ers. When he had poured the coffee into the cups and had expatiated on the good it would do the men, he took up his rifle and said to me: "Now let us start for our own line." I followed him, and not araoidier on that picket fost. lowered tho oup of coffee from is lipa or looked our way. Chicago Inter Ocean, In the Days of Stage Coaches. A book recently published in Eng land, called the "Royal Mail," tells, this story of the old. coaching days: "Speed was of the first considera tion, and the stoppages at the way side stages were oi very limited du ration. At an inn.lhe fravelers would hardly have made- a fair start in ap peasing their hungeii-when the guard wauld be heard ualling upon them to take their seats,, which, with mouths full, and still hungry, they would be forced to do, though with a bad grace and a howl the acknowledged privi-leo-e of Englishmen, A story is-totd ofone passenger,, however, who was equal to the occasion. Leisurely sip ping his tea and: eating his toast, this traveler was found, by the landlord in the breakfastri-oom" when tha other passengers were-seated and the coach, was ou the point of starting. Boni face appealed, to.hiiu to take his place, or he would: bo left behinrk But,'' replied the traweter, that I will not do till I have a.spooa to sup my egg.' A glance apprised the landlord, that not. a spoon adorned the table, and, rush ins out, he-detained the ccach while all the passengers were searched for the missing articles. Thei. out came the satisfied traveler, who also sub mitted to the search and afterwards mounted the eoach; and as the mail, drove-off he called to the-landlord to look inside-She teapot, where the art ful traveler had placed the dozen spoons,, with the doable object of cooling the- tea for his second cup, and detaining tho coach tillihe drank. LU' The Inventiouif paper, HpwNwhen, or by whom paper waa Sttst invented will aever be known. According to Hallaw. documents on paper are found as.e-arly as the tenth centuary, and it cam into g&aeral use not hang after this,aira, and completely supplanted all oSber materials- which woae formerly employed foe the pur poses for whichi it is now used It will be observed that tho invention of some kind was. an absolute necessity before there could be printing, as parchment wras, far too expensive to use for the purpose, even Were it other wise perfectly adapted to this use. The use of paper in western Europe dates from tho time mentioned, but it., was known to the Chiaese long before the Christian era, and it is believed that they used the bark of various trees, the soft parts of the bamboo stems, cotton and several other kinds of vegetable fibers. From the Chinese, it is supposed to have spread to India, thence to Arabia, and the manufacture was introduced into Europe by the Moors of Spain, but about this there is no certainty. The rice paper of the Chinese is made in the same gene ral way as the papyrus of the ancient Egyptians, by placing in proper order lavers of fibers and cementing them with sizing or glue. The first patent for paper making was taken out in England in 1665, but it was "for mak ing plew paper, sneh as is used by bak ers. The next, for making writing papers, was in 1675, and cowred writing and printing papers. S, Qlobe-lte??