Corvallis Meekly Gazette. FIUDAY MORNING, JUNE 12, 1885. 8& All communications to the Gazkttk, either on (mstnos or for publication, to insure prompt atten tion should be addressed to the GAZETTE I'UliHHH JNU HOUSE. A P. Churchill is the office manager of the Gazette Publishing House, and local editor of this paper, and all it alters entrusted to him will receive prompt care-ind attention. SOCIETIES' R. A. M. Fa- ruson Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M. dav evei ne on or precedhiar full moon. C. CRAWFORD meets Thurs H P Take Notice. Twolve nonpareil lines or less, or one inch of space constitute a square. All hills for advertising payable monthly. Foi all rausiuut advertising ayinent must be made in ad ance. Business locals, first insertion 10 cents per line. So business locals inserted for less than 25 cent. Marriage notices free D .-ath notices free if ac ftm(anicd bv extended remark, 5 cents per line will be charged. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents per line. Uard of thanks, 10 cents er line. We shall b obliged lo any person who willjjfurnisli s with any information of local interest. No nticefcan be taken of anonvmous communica elons. Whatever is intended for publication must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer not necessary for publication, but as a guarantee of yrood faith. By a decision e Post-office Department all er sons receiving rtnr; p-innr i from the postorlico even when ad s ed to them become responsible orthesubsc" p.i price. Alver:iiri- s, notices and communications in ended lo: ;d paper, should be handed in as early as WednesJa la truing, to insure their publication. Subscribers not receiving their paper regularly will corfera favor by giving notice of the same at this office. Subscribers will bear in mini that the subscription price is invariably -S3.UJ, when not paid in advance. A Magnificent Success. The Corvallis Water Co. have this week put their new pump into place and have begun working the same. It is so arranged that usually the wter will be pumped into the task from where it is carried iuto the mains as formerly, but in case of lire the water is shut off from the tank and pumped directly into the mains. The first test of the pump in filling the tank was made M'ednesday morning when the tank, holding 15,000 gallons, was filled in thirty minutes. In the evening the water was shut off from the tank and the hose companies attached their hose to the fire plugs, when a most satisfactory test was had. As many as three streams were playing at the same time in different parts of town, all working magnificently. The streams farthest away from the pump 3eemeil to work as well as those nearer. It is uuiTersally agreed that this is a grand public improvement, and the enterprising incorporators deserving of suc cess. Another test will be given to-morrow, Saturday, evening, for the inspection of the city authorities. Fine Wheat . Sol King left at this office this week a few stalks of wheat measuring 7 feet in height, well headed and with every indication of a very heavy yield. It is what is called the Centennial wheat, and grew on his farm near this city, where he has twenty acres of the same kind, and as he says on the poor est soil on the place. This wheat seven ! asking how to get rid of gnats. Teet high is only a fair sample of the entire ' came in the next issue of the paper. LOCAL NOTES. Ice cream at Bain's. Fresh oysters, all styles, at Bain's. Fresh candy and taffy daily at Bain's. Yaquina oysters, fresh from the beds, at Bain's. Mr. Alex Samels was in Portland this week. All goods at cost at Whitney's closing out sale. Nobby Hats at cost at Whitney's closirg out sale. Boys clothing' at cost at Whitneys closing out sale. A choice selection of new sheet music ft Will Bros. Men's furnishing goods at cost at Whit ney's closing out sale. Repairing of sewing machines, guns, etc., a specialty at Will Bros. The Occidental has a neat now sign, by Williams, the sign writer. For pianos, organs, musical goods and in struments call on Will Bros. Men and boy's shoes and boots at cost at Whitney's closing nut sale. Corsets, Kid gloves and parasols, at cos-t at Whitney's closing out sale. The Garland stove still lead, call and ste them at Woodcock & Baldwin's. Mrs. Wheeler, of Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Samuels, in this city. Subscriptions fur all leading newspapers, received atregnhir prices by Will Bros. N. F. Hooper, ye pedagogue of Kings Valley, was in Corvallis last Saturday. J. R. Campbell, Shiriff of Lane county, war in Corvallis last Friday on business. Joe Webber, of Portland, was in our city the first of the week on insurance business. A Good Spring Tooth Buckeye Broadcast Seeder for sale cheap at Woodcock tz Bald win's. Fisk Cauthorn, now a merchant at Wells, greeted his many friend in Corvallis last Tuesday. Will H. Parry, editor and publisher of the Independence Wert Stle, spent Satur day evening and Sunday in Corvallis. Quite a number of Corvallis young people attended the play at Albany last- Friday i evening, returning home the same evening. Messrs. A. P. and Otis Wolverton, at tended the commencement exercises here Wednesday. We acknowledge a pleasant call. P. M. Zicrolf's new house is assuming the appearance of a handsome residence, ami when completed will be a credit to our city. Mrs. M. A. Cannan. the obliging hostess at the Occidental hotel, returned Saturday evening from an eight weeks visit in the eastern states. Misses Anna and Myra Mansfield and Ida Webber, and Messrs. Heushaw and Webber of Albany, paid friends in our city a flying visit Sunday afternoon- The steamer City of Salem, lately dam aged by striking on a sunken reef near Rock Island, above Oregon City, has been raised and is now at Portland undergoing repairs. An Arizona man has stopped taking an agricultural paper. He wrote to the editor The answer Kill twenty acres, and is the product of thorough cultivation without the aid of fertilizers. Last season Mr. King harvested over 50 bushels to the acre from this same wheat. He informs us that he sent a few stalks of the same to New York where there were other samples of the same variety of wheat from all other parts of the globe, and that his was by several inches taller and better filled than any there. If more of Benton county farmers would cultivate their soil more thoroughly as Mr. King does, more satisfactory crops would be reaped. Dont Do It. Bill Nye says: "Don't attempt to cheat an editor out of a year's subscription to his paper or any other sum. Cheat the minis ter, cheat the doctor, cheat the lawyer, cheat anybody and everybody, but if you have any regard for future consequences, don't fool with the printer. He will get even with you and more too. You will be up for office sometime, or want some public favor for yourself or some of your friends, and just when you think your luck is a "thing of beauty and joy forever," the printer will open up on you and knock your air castles into a cocked hat at the first fire. He'll subdue you, and then you'll cuss your stupidity for a driveling idiot, go and hire some man to knock you down and then kick you tor falling:" The Iowa Press Association. By a letter from R. Koehler to the Mayor of Corvallis, we learn that it is now definite ly settled that the association will come up the valley by the east side road to Albany, on Saturday, June 20th, aud from there to this p?a;e the same day, provided that the citizens of Corvallis and Albany will fur nish the necessary transportation, at their own expense, for the visitors. The pro gramme is to leave Albany at about 9 or 9:30, A. M. , and to leave Corvallis at one or two o'clock in the afternoon by the West Side- for Portland. The excursionist will ::umber from 125 to 200. A meeting of our citizens is called at the court house this evening to take measures to provide the necessary transportation for the distinguish "d visitors. Let there be a full attendance. A prospecting party consisting of W. Branwell, W. D. Churchill, Hugh Thorn son aud 6. Ingram, of Linn and Lane court Closing out Sale. ties, passed through Corvallis last Frida; closing out sale at C. H. Whitney's returning from a ten days tour in the coas ; ... -acting many buyers who are attracted j range. They exhibited some splendid sp by the very low prices actual cost for ; imens of miuerals, and are somewhat jubi -oods. This is a genuine closing out sale laut over their prospects, and are leluctan them." W. H. Cone, representing the old reliable firm of Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, book sellers and stationers of San Frrucisco, was in Corvallis on business for the firm last Monday. Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of the Roseburg He i'iew, and Supt. K. B. McElroy were in Cor vallis the first of the week attending com mencement exercises of the State Agricul tural College. Oeo. Fish, Mac. Monteith, Henry Mcll waiu, Misses May and Nellie Mcllwaiu aud May Irvine, all i Albany, attended the dramatic entertainment in this city on Tues day evening. Baggage mastei Merrill, of this place, in attempting to get on hoard the moving train near McMiunville last Saturday made a misstep and the wheels passed over his foot, mashing all the toes. Pay your water bill, havo the dog li censed, take measures to have your milk can sealed, settle with every other person yon owe then remember the printer, and your rest will be perfect. Restlessness at night; nervous twitching, night mare, etc., give way t) peaceful slumber, tird nature's sweet restorer, by using Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier, the Vegetable Sedative and Tonic. Attention farmers; all who will need Binding Wire for the McCormack or Marsh wire binders for season of 18S5. are request ed to give us their order by May 1st, as no more wire is bought than is actually order ed. Woodcock & Baldwin. Mr. S. P. Pettengill, who has been some months connected with the Oregoi as an editorial writer, has purchased Daily Standard of Portland and will possession of the same on the 16th of month.. Henry Danlimger, " ad-man" on the gontan, and woo nrst initiated ye lo. into the mysteries of the "art preservati came up from Portland last week aud for the Bay Monday morning where he spend a few weeks on his extensive fr; farm near Toledo. Geo. Neal, of Jacksonville, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Helm, in this city. Isadore Jacobs went to the Bay yesterday morning to be gone a few weeks. Mother Goose Entertainment given by young folks on Wednesday the 17th. Supt. E. B. McElroy informs us that the State Teachers' Institute for 1SS6 will be held iu Corvallis. There will be service on Sabbath morning in the Presbyterian church. Preaching by liv. E. R. Morgatroyd. P. M. A1 bey, the obliging host of the Bay View House at Newport, and M. L. Trapp. are in the city this week. Mrs. F. Cornutt, nee Lilly Canan, of Rid dle, Douglas county, arrived in Corvallis Tuesday evening for a visit with her par ents. Henry Mahns, who has been in Portland for several months receiving medical treat ment, returned to Corvallis Tuesday, some what improved in general health. It has been reported that the rust has made its appearance in grain fields in this vicinity, but from the best information ob tainable and a limited personal observation the report is without foundation. Eastern Oregon is greatly excited over a big "find" seventy five miles from Union, eighty miles from Baker City and sixty miles from Huntington, on a tributary to Pine creek. It is said to be exceeding'' rich. Fred Lauchle has opened a new tailor shop in our city, one door south of Rose Bro.'s cigar factory, where you will find him prepared to do all kinds of work in his Une with neatness and dispatch. The match game of base ball which was to have been played here last Sunday be tween the riarrisbnrg nine and the eclipse nine of this city, has been indefinitely post poned. Sickness among the members of the Herrisburg nine prevented them from play ing last Sunday. Jack Hodges, living on Soap Creek, met with a vefy painful and almost fatal acci dent last Sunday. Iu working with a Jolt attached to a dog cart, he was knocked down, run over and rendered insensible for several hours. At last accounts he was re covering slowly. The Portland News cries out against the wearing of big hats to the theatres etc. We call the jSTenw and go it one better. If ever anything was aggravating, it is to get be hind one of this ten-acre-lot coverings at a meeting of any kind where one wishes to see anything. But guess will have to stand it till the fashion changes' Ex. A Lebanon corresponont to the Albany Bulletin says: The Lebanon boys carried off the broom from the Corvallis picnic' win ning both the hose and the hook and ladder r -.cos. The hoys were well pleased with their success, and also with their treatment by the Corvallis boys of whom they speaK in the highest praise. They were treated handsomely. From every attainable source the good re port comes that the farmers are in high glee over the prospects for large crops, and if half of what is reported turns out to be true, there will be a great change in times this fall. All business men agree that the price of wheat will he much better this fall than last, judging from the past demand for wheat, and the light crops reported from every part of the globe. The report current on our streets the first of the week that the railroad was to be ex tended from here to 3 unction City this sum mer, probably grew out of the fact that Supt. Brandt, came up from Portland by special car last Friday evening to meet the president and his party from the Union Pa cific, v ho c-:ime up on the east side to Al bany and from there here, and returned to Portland with Supt. Brandt ill his special car. The "extension" report is without foundation. Government work on ti e jetty at the en trance to Yaquina Bay was discontinue. 1 last Saturday, so we are informed by Ala Harris. The jetty now extends about one-half mile from the beach, more, than one hundred feet being added to its length during the last mouth of work. It is in unfortunate cir cumstance titat the appropriation should have expired before the work was com pleted, as much of the work no dons will be to do over agrin. The Polk County Stock Breeders' and Agricultural Society filed articles of incor poration in the office of the Secretary of State. The trustees are J. W. Kirkland, A. J. Goodman, R. Clow, Wm. Davidson, L. Damon and J. S, Cooper. The object of the incorporation shall be to encourage and improve the breeding of fine stock and to encourage and promote agricultural pursuits; to maintain and hold markets, fairs, and public exhibitions ol live stock, farm and agricultural implements, and products of science, literature and art. Principal office at Independende, Polk county. COMMENCEMENT. Closing Exercises of the Twentieth Session of tne State Agricultural College. The college chapel was filled to overflow ing with friends of the college last Sunday morning to hear the Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Lee, of Portland, whose remarks to the graduating class were replete with sug gestive thoughts and good advice. Monday evening the members of the Adelphian Lit erary Society, gave a free entertainment, when thy following programme was carried out: After music and the opening exercises, Mr. W. R King read an essay ou the "In fluence of Kind Words;" another essay by B. F. Collins, on ".home;" recitation by Miss Laura Korthauer, "Death bed of Bene dict Arnold," iu which she displayed cul ture aud elocutionary ability; a vocal selec tion by Mrs. Lee and the annual address by Hon. W. S. McFadden, subject, the "Ideal Life," which was an able effort, delivered in his usual happy style, and listened to with marked attention. Tuesday evening the same society gave a dramatic entertainment at the city hall, when was produced the drama "100 years ago, or the Boys of '70 " The cast of char acters was well selected and all did remark ably well. The hall was filled to overflow ing with rin expectant audience, who went away well pleased with the performance. Wednesday forenoon the exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. T. B. White. Oration by Alouze Allen, of Corvallis, sub ject "Self Formation;" oration by A. S. Buchanan, of Corvallis, subject, "Advanta ges of Self Reliance;" essay by Miss Heunie Harris, of Corvallis, subject, "Chips;" ora tion by J. E. Whitney, of Butteville, sub ject, "Agriculture;" oration by Fred J. Yates, of Corviilis, subject, "What is Be fore us?" Degrees were then conferred as follows: Alonzo Allen, B. A.; A. S. Bu chanan, B. S. ; Miss Hcnnie Harris, B. S. ; J. E. Whitney, B. S. ; and Fred Yates A. B. Mrs. Virgil Davis then presented the prize of the State Grange to Mr. J. E. Whitney as the best Agricultural student. The Bac calaureate address was then delivered by Rev. Thomas of Salem, and was one of un usual excellence. Each of the graduating class in their seveial subjects showed care ful thought, reflecting much credit on their application and tutoraee. . THE ALUMNI REUNION. In the evening at the Alumni reunion the class of 1883 were preeentAlby Prof. Emery and welcomed by Pies. N. A. Thompson, which was prettily responded to by Miss Heunie Harris of the eb'ss of '85. Miss Ida Burnett's essay, "Day Dreams," was highly complimented. Mrs. B. L. Arnold read the annals, replete with local hits and just encomiums. Miss Alice Horning read an essay, subject, "A Name," in which she said, "what is glory';" It might he auswtr ed, "publishing a country newspaper." The oration of Prof. W. E. Yates, of M n.nouth college, on "Oregon Homes" was up to his usual standard of oratory. The exercises were interspersed with beautiful solos and duetts by Mrs. Chas Lee, Miss Clara Hiteh ings, Miss Jessie Taylor aud Mrs. B. L. Arnold. After the exercises wero concluded, mem bers of the Alumni association and a few of their invited friends, repaired t Pittman's hall, and in a few minutes were summoned to the Hemphill House, where a bountiful repast was sp-ead, and to which all did ampre justice. Returning to the hall an hour was spent in social intercourse, with vocal and instrumental music. A very pleasant re-union was had and highly en joyed by all present. Thus, the State Agricultural college closes another successful session, and has added five new names to the list of members of the Associate Alumni, who will no doubt ever be an honor to the position they have thus attained. Iowa Press Association. As the time draws near for this galaxy of intellectual stars to visit our state, the pub lic pulse is on the tiptoe of expectation People in all sections of the state throng' which these distinguished visitors intend i go are making elaborate preparations to ,. ceive them in a becoming manner. Ti tour of the Knights of Uie Q ill throng Oregon marks a signilscart era iu he crou ress. It will be the best advt-rtiseuit-ot o Oregon ever written up. U. n ih; lyux eyed representatives ef the Bawkeye .-.tut. come among us, and so- wi.ii their n-ke; f eyes her broad expanse, her saiuin-ious mate and fertile soil, her nigged :itomiiai;i ; bold and majestic as the sable plume on th j warrior's gilded helmet, her wi letting vai leys, beautiful as the blush of spring oi summer's sigh, her charming lakes, clear a. the azure depths of heaven, her noble rivers, pure as the crystal frosts that skimmer on the brow of morn, her purling streams, rip pling as the laugh of youth and song, hei vernal forests, where sombre shades are grand as the twilight shadows that kiss the western sky, her copse-wood groves, beau tiful as the memory of Arcadian vales, her landscape flowers, brighter than the fantasy of lovers' dream , her scenic grandeur, more lovely than the carmine tint on beauty's lip when they have seen all this aye. more they will grasp their pencils and write: "Oregon! oh, Oregon! Land of the sun set sun! Land ou the western shore of the golden slope! Home on the verge of Pacif ic's throbbing waves! Grand in outline, majestic iu expanse, magnificent in scenic grandeur, startling iu bold sublimity, weird iu wilderness landscape, beautiful iu pictur esque, lovelv in conception, bewitching in vernal beauty, enchanting in ideal, and only wanting in development to till the full re quirements of a noble, progressive state." The inspiration of their pens will tele graph the electric news of Oregon and her latent greatness to all the world. A hun dred pens, each endowed with the lire of genius, will write of that country "where rolls the Columbia and hears no soaud save its own dashings." Ore. ou aud its resour ces, through the agency of literary men, will be spread out like a map, and the benefits we shall reap, thereby, are beyond ail reasonable computation. Bulletin. NEWPORT DOINGS. (PROM OUR BPECTA1 CORRESPONDENT. ) Municipal Trouble at Phiioraatli. The city authorities of Philomath are hav ing some trouble of late, so says our in formant. It appears that at their meeting last Monday evening the council ordered the Recorder to draw a warrant on the treasurer for the building of a bridge on Main street, between the livery stable and the post oifice, which had been let by con -tract, and completed iu a workmanlike manner and as cheaply as it could be done I for. This flip recorder reTllse.rl to do. claim ing that the contract had been let iliega'ly. His resignation was requested by the coun cil, which was presented and accepted, aud another recorder appointed pro tern. The end is not yet, so our informant states. Koyal Arch Masons. The grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons for this state met iu Portland last Monday in annual session. Corvallis Lodge was represented by Messrs. H. E. Harris, Wal lace Baldwin, M. S. Woodcock, W. C. Crawford, j. M. Osbnrn and J. O. Wilson. The following officers were elected Monday afternoon: Grand high priest, J. K. Weatherford of Alb my. Deputy high priest, Wallace Baldwin of Corvallis. Grand scribe, R. F. Gibson of The Dalles. Grand king, Seth L. Pope of Portland. Grand lecturer, R. Clow of Polk county. Grand secretary, R. P. Eiriiart, Salem. Grant! treasurer, Chris. Taylor, Dayton. Grand cape, of hosts, Ceo. Humphrey, ol Albany. Principal sojourner, E. Honlt, Harrisburg. Grand R. A. capt. il. E. Harris, Corvallis Master third vail, F. W. Osbon:, Eugene. Master second vail, Jay Tuttle, Astoria. Master 1st vail, D. L Moomaw, Baker. Sentinel, U. Wilson. Portland. On Tuesday the 9th mat., the following officers of the Grand Lidge were electei for the ensuing Masonic year: Thus. G. Reams, Grand Master; J. C. Fullerton, De -uty Grand Master; A. Nasburg, Grand Senior Warden. The further election of omcers was postponed until another day. Philomath Isms. Philomath, June 10, IS85. For the past two years I have discovered that some kind of a worm or insect has been working on the leaves of the fruit trees, especially the cherry, eating up the leaves as they turn yellow, and drop off. By making a close examination, looking I through a magiiitying glass, tney are discov Newpopt, June 8, 1885, li. GazCttr: Tlve reason you have not heard from me .eiy is tii t." there has been nothing of in -ertat since mv iat.. I note quite a number improvements, but just now the good eopic on roe il iy nre complaining bitterly, i uccouot .ofno ti-aius. Everything is fear il.y dull m i money is an article that in t dealt in. If :he company would only w.r; the train, f -r which everyone seems b. ,'.-i:ti..4. then u doubt hundreds of ileasnre seeKers would oome over for a few .veeks of rest and recreation. As it is, very few care to drive over sixty ruffes of rough road. In fact since the railroad has lieen uilt, the roads are in a very bad condition. In a few days, work on the government works will cease, the appropriation having oeen expended, and then another source of revenue to this vicinity will be cut off. The government tug will remain a few weeks yet, surveying the bar. From here she goes to Coos Bay for the same purpose. Capt. 3abbage and crew, of the tug, and Mr. Pol ueinus and Nice of the government works, nave made many friends while stationed here, and we all are sorry indeed to see them eave. However we hope to have an other appropriation by the next congress aud with that, the return of these pleasant gen tlemen. Mrs. Polhemus will also leavo with Mr. P. She will be greatly missed from our small social circle, as her presence always adds life to our entcrtaiumeuts or parties. Ala Harris left for San Francisco a few days "go, where he is to be married on the 23rd of this month, to Miss"Addie Raphae of that city. His house that he is building for the reception of bis bride, is one of the neatest on the Bay. .Inst prior to his de parture, his many friends over here, with tears in their eye.? bid him an affectionate farewell and also proffered him much valu able advice, winch if he follows strictly, will adil ireatly to his happiness. P. M. Abbey and John Young started for the valley to-day. Also A. Hampton and family,' who have had charge of Grant's metis house for over a year. Newport con boast of one thing that might put a larger city io shame, and that is a saloon wiih a female as gin slinger. Ju3t now her saloon has the run, and the v. ay tame of our old nu n slip into her place, after dark of course, is truly astonishing. e a'so have a first class scandal in our usually quiet city Some threats have been made, but the finale c.iunot ho told as yet. The hood at Yaquina erected I y the R.R. company is assuming quite a resectable ap pearance. Mr. Grjut is to have charge of it, so I heard. The scoouer Kate ,t Anna c .me i;i yester day morn'ng from Portland, bringing about sixty tons of freight for our merchants, She leaves for Alse.a to-morrow, and from there returns to Portland. charged $10 per ton measurement, which makes the necessa ries of lite pretty high. Wednesday night the citizens of Newport -;ive a ball to the crew of the tug "General Wright" which premises to be a very pleas in t affair. To-day it is raining in torrents, which nil' serves to decrease the general des pondency. Hum ir says the rail ,ro-d company are going to pay off soon. When they do I w:U write again, letting yon know bow happy the average Yapi.naite can be. Yours, S. Our Stock of Hats for Men, Boys and Children is the Largest, Cheapest and ered to be a small brown shining worm j MOSt AttrclCuiV6 ill TOWDj irom oue-halt to one-third and perhaps some mm Always Fay ana save Money. The publisher of the East Oregonian hail a subscriber who repudiated $1.56, claimed to be due for the paper. The delinquent was saucy and the newspaper men got upon their mettle and sued the aforesaid delin quent. The case was fought by nine lawyers for the defense aud two for the prosecution. The plaintiffs got a verdict for the amount claimed, and the defendant had to foot a t bill amouutiug to S71, besides the fees nine lawyers. lue moral of tins case is t these indebted to newspapers for sub- ption will find it more economical to call settle than to attempt repudiation. Ex. Eorse Sale, he undersigned will sell at Public auc- to the highest bidder, at '1 bos. Egliu's ry stable in the city of Corvallis on arday, June 20th, at the hour of 2 k p. M. , 10 head of horses. Terms of twelve months time with approved ity, or 10 per cent, discount for cash. Joits Clancy. half au inch in length; larger at the head they itick fast to the leaf and can't be shook off. They are like a snail, very slow and eat the leaves as they go; they grow very fast aul in a few days get their growth. We have trees that have been eaten by them for two years, and are verx littie longer than they were two years ago; some are killed out right. I want some one to And prices the Lowest. iScE ffOLSM S STORE. CORVALLIS, OREGON. ASSisnE?i. muzz. li the matter of the Assignment i name the pest and if possible how to get ' ; ., . , . . . , . C. F. Alexander, an insolvent debtor. ! rid of tneni. Aiy own opinion is that they .... . . tl , .v , . I' j i Notice is nereoy given that tne above named C T- orlginate from a fly, as the littie specks, or Alexander has duly made an asshfninent of a'.l his eggs, are to be seen thick ou the leaves by j property under an set entitled 'an act to secure creditors a just divisi n of the estates of debtors who convey to assignees for the benefit of creditors," passed by the Legislative Assembly of the State of pleasant TOus?h life's ruecid path. On last Wednesday evening a numlijir of the friends aud as the stock is a well selected one ai d in giving information of the locality f their of the newly married couple sereLaded them rst-class, the people should not fi il to'im-' "find." They will return iu a : hort timet and offered their congratulations and wished rove the opportunity. I for another prospecting tour. them succ :3S. a letter just received-from Pendle'on, rn that Frank Rayburn, fonnorly of allis, met with a severe accident by a horse falling on him and breaking his leg He also bad his foot ba:lly smashing and is causing him much pain. The 4th nine of this city went to Philo math Monday and defeated an ameture nine there by a score of 14 to 19. Liar o? lzt :ze. Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Frielay June 12th 1S85 will please say Oregon and approved October ISth, 1878, and that the urdersined T. J. Buforil has been duly appoint eit assignee of the estate of sai.l debto,- and duly qual ified as such. All creditors of the said 0. F. Alexan der are hereby notified and lequired to present their State of Oregon. within tl ree months from this Jime 5th, 188a. T. J. BlFORB, Assignee of the estate of C. F. Alexander, insolvent debtor. 23t7 looking through a glass. List Monday at 2 o'clock P. M. the Bell fountain club met the Red Caps of Philo math on the latter's grounds for a contest. A large crowd of both sexes were present i and an interesting game anticipated. Al-1 thongh the Beiitoun tains tongnt hard tor ebumg against tiie s- id estate indue form under victory, yet luck seemed against (hem. loath to me as soefa assignee at my office 2nd street Nine iunings were played, and tailies stood i CitJ of Corvallis, Eentou Count 18 for Bel fountain against 72 for Red Caps. Weather is rather bail for farmers who have hay down, but think the showers will do more good thau harm. More anon. Observer. PBQQUC PRICE CURSENT. Wheat per cental, iu Portland, sacked, ?1.30 to$l.SS OitS W..-..i :.:.-!'. Fh.ur Kir barrel .. ... . Ifttum sid: 9 1 Ha.., is w l Bin iMerj to Lara, 10 lb this 1 Ks i0 Btttter-.trtMh roils . 18to2t Krrr.i, per uoi. . : '-A ApufciS 'tee.'l 30 50 tried a,?piei, Pwnuner to 6 Son dried- to Plums, pitlass UbtckeSt coz , 00 to MO iiidw. dry dint , 1 ..... .n ...... 5to 6 Potatoa? 2 fteese, ta-r . J T 50 ai 4 0j Persons Oi 'advertised," iling for same giving date of advertisement: Brenen, Heury Feuison, Elvira Nickerson, F K Handle, John Silens, W A Whitney Wm Davis, Frank Nauyduike, Mr. Pattou, A. Rcstman, Andy Turner, F B Ziuk. J. C. N. R. Pare.-, V. M.