News Summary. Caterpillars are raising sad havoc in the orchards near Gervals. Nearly $1000 has been raised in Walla Walla for the celebration of the 4th of July. A car containing young shad is en route to Portland, and the fish will be d stributed through the streams of Ore g in and Washington. Eastern Oregon and Washington are expected to produce 450,000 tons of wheat this year, of which 350,00c ions will be for export. Fishermen have great sport cithing salmon at the Willamette Falls with Rich specimens of copper ore has been found within a few miles of Salem. It is probable that a company of wes tern capitalists will invest money in the enterprise of working the ore. By the fire at Oak Grove, Polk Co., A. G. Roberts lost one thresher, two seedci s, one hay rake, one binder, a span of horses valued at $300 or $400, ten tons of hay and about 400 bushels of wheat. Notwithstanding the unfavorable mining season a considerable quantity of gold dust has been taken out of the Rogue river. C. C. Beekman of Jack sonville has bought and shipped sever al thousand dollu.s' worth. Salem had another fire on Wednes- 0. B. STARR'S LIVER! FEES and SALS STABLE, (South eud Main Street.) Charges Reasonable, Satisfact ion Guaranteed, ('OrvaLIis, - - OregoD. hook and line. Fish weighing Irom , r ir.-Mn.-ntl,-' wl-fn I evening, June 3rd. A large wood- Mr. Thomas Graham, a miner of Granite Creek, while working in his claim last week, picked up a nugget weighing four and one half pounds, valued at $900. The "Yank' ledge in Douglas coun ty bids fair to rival the Comstock lode. The dazzling prospect turned a San Francisco gold-mining expert crazy, and he died a few days ago. According to the census of i?.8o, linn produces more butter than any county in the state. Marion comes next followed by Multnomah, Lane. Clackamas, Washington, Yamhill, Umatilla, Douglas, Union and then Polk. Eugene Guard: bout forty China men left Eugene last Wednesday, for Blue river where they go to mine dur ing the coming summer. We under stand that another drove will leave here some time next wees lor t;ij same destination. The Statesman says the Salem Flour ing Mills company have decided to adopt the roller mills process. Tbcy will discard all their' old machinery, and have let a contract to a Minnesota man to put in the machinery, at a cost of about $40,000, the work to be completed by Septemqer 20. It has often been remarked that the cherry season this year is somewhat earlier than usual. A strange coin cidence is that many of the trees thai have already yielded a large crop are budding anew, and are even white with blossoms, and bid fair to bear a larger second crop this season than the first. Judge Washburne returned from Lake county yesterday mo ning. He brought several curiosities among which was the skull of a mountain sheep with an enormous pair of horns which we imagine to be as large as those, the blowing of which brought down the walls of Jericho. Eugene Register. Matney, Lawrence and Cooper, who were charged with inflicting bodily in jury upon Coffey, near Independence on Sunday, May 24, had a preliminary examination before justice O'Donald of Salem, on Monday June 1st, and were held in bonds for th. ir appear ance bsfore the grand jury; Matney in the sum of $1000 and Lawrence and Cooper in the sum of $7'o ';ach. The Omaha Bee says foreign cattle men in Nebraska are successfully fool ing the government. They have fenced in 40,000 acres of public iand in Custer county and driven off settlers by violence, and now that their title is buiidina adioininsr the postoffice. just opposite the Chemeketa hotel was burned. The building was owned by Ed. Hirs : state treasurer, and his ioss is $1000. Roseburg Plaindealer: A load of the finest coal that ever came into this town was brought down from the East Ump tjua river, about twenty-two miles from town, where Dr. J. F. W. Saubert has Discovered an extensive coal ledge. The quality too '; of the very best. Jacksonville Times: Grasshoppers are doing considerable damage to growing crops on the other side of Bear r.cek. so we are informed by John Hocnenjos. This is the first in-j stance teat Jackson county lias been atiacked with a pest of this kind. Marshfield News: Henry Schroed er is buying large quantities of mvrtle and maple wo d on the Coquille, which will be forwarded to Chicago, where arrangements have been made for its disposal. He is paying f-om $7 to $10 per acre for the privilege of cutting the timber. Roseburg Review: Reports from all portions of the county are indicative of an abundant yield of grain. We have talked with a great many fanners and nave not heard one word ot disparage ment of the 1 ieli of spring-sown. Fall sown crops will not give as good yield, as the rains came to j late to do any , permanent good. The rains have been succeeded throughout the entire northwest by the most delightful "growing" weather. Our crop of cereals wa s long ago as sured and now that of fruit and vege tables is as certain. Oregon and Washington alone keep up the average in the great wheat crop aggregate, Cal ifornia falling below on account of the long spring drouth. Salem Statesman: Yesterday, while the two sons of Mr. Frank Murray in Gervais, were hunting rats, the elder brother seeing the other one's foot in the grass, mistook it for a rat and shot at it. The distance being only about ten feet, he filled the foot completely with shot. Dr. Cauthorn of that city was immediately summoned and ex tracted what lead he could fro.n the afflicted member. The last official report of the Union Pacific directors said of the Utah and Northern: "Remarkable as the state ment appears, it h yet true that two stations at its extreme northern end Butte and Anaconda, twenty eight miles distant from each other, and about 1400 rhiles distant from Omaha collect and receive annually an amount of earning nearly equal to one MILLER BROS., DEALERS IN Field, Vegetable & Flower Seeds. . Imperial Egg Food, Tools, Fertilizers, etc., etc. PORTLAND, OREGON. 209 Second Street. 22142m J. B. Lee, M. D. G. R. Farra, M. D. LEE & FA.URA, jPlivsicians, Surgeons And Aceouchers. CORVALMS, - - CRGON. 29-111 tf (TH CSWZlEiTfTl THE MUTUAL SELF-ENDOWMENT JS jNTT) BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, Grand Central Office, Tcrt Worth, Texas. SAM CUNDIFF, President. E. M. MAOY, Secretary. B. W. BROWN, Vice-Presi lent. A. AY. MORRISON, J reas. Chartered under the laws of the State of Texas, June 11th, 1881. Copjrisd.t secured by Bljr-g title Jv; 1S61, in the office of the librarian of Congress. D. C n j mm 1HS depart: Livery, Feed and Sab Statle Brink & Wright, Prop's, Good Teams, Buggies, Carriages and Sad dle Horses at reasonable rates. Third Street, between Jefferson and Adams. CORVALLIS, - OREGON. "21-41 -U Three Year Old Record 2:41. Son of Altamont (2:27), and Belle Price. Will lie kept the season of 1885 on the farm of J. VV. McKniirht, atLowson Station on the narrow gauge railroad. Linn Co., Or. Will be allowed to serve a limited number of mares at $50, payable when the mare is removed from the farm, with the privilege of returning barren mares in 1886 free of charge. ONECO Was started in all the principal three year old races in wreffon in tb4 itiakin-jr a roeor; fill thtwi vf:ir iilrl rftoril nn tho Vmrh Pficifi flnact and trottincr a fifth heat in the remarkable time of 2:44, the hist half in 1:17, a 2:34 gait. His breeding will suit the mo-t fastidious. For particulars and extanded pedigree address fclcKfMlCHT BRO'S, Albany, Oregon. NG .SUPPLIED WITH LATEST STYLES, AND DESIGNS OF Typ3 aod a! r ; PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT. OFFICE: No. 7 Powell St. Corner Market. San Francisco OFFICER. HON' SAMUgL B. HILBOK!, President, A. W. -:ELSEV, of Sacramento, Vice-President "t,1:,;:- '.W- ,, . ,. . 3 - M'SSKL, Sr., Superintendent. PaOI rATLOit, M. IV, Medic?! Director, PACIFIC HANK, Treasurer CAFF. J. E LEONAED, State iBupt., Portland, Or, The objectof tWs Assuc'atlon is to provide ertiow-iuens for living roeirbere a well a hencfiu for ' larn.ies M tLe teat cost consistent with perfect security, i.v laasuie oudowiaeirte as Meuae . beoxit certjficatee. '''"'' ' '"' ": 'y f. nra, lite and death, Om i ayattoe death of a mem her and the other pays " . , mentsdnmiKlUe. The association if operated on te mutual plan. Jt h. . no ktock- eoiaura tv absorb uk earnings, and ne trustees amonv u-hoci to uivide its surplus. 'lile total iei..uEri.Hip .:f the association new srr.Mir.ti to nearly 1,COO with a steady increase such month. . w a . has Hisbnrsed to dt. tS7O.C3it.0S in benelhs to the legatees of daeeued mem jt-rs, a.i.i o.i maturing coupoiut is loaning from fit'ee to twenty thou -and per month to li'-imr members . REVIEW SmCE ORGANIZATION.- 5570,236,06 570,038,02 201,06 : - I - - ' 80,600 Wanted m everV COUtltv Cf the Pacific Tract-. Johnson, Resident Agent, - Corvallis, Oregon. i.eseipta since organization, Ois'iurscip-. iit.-: since organization Balance ou muni. Jot,p.;ui paid. A H OitySteblesiDaily Stage Line ALBANY TO C0KVALLJS. IS PREPARED TO DC FlfiE B)3iC AMD FAKiiY JOB PEIiiTIHa In the latest style sn;! rt piiCcS 'mt little mnrt th n eost o'la'oor and n a on Si . ;.v. iuu vt I are 'onstantly tiirnin , nut prices . ,.ich uc... com I petition, the nicjstdc. ns of rrss rv i." JUiVJJUAi THOS. EGLIN, - - Proprietor. On the Corner West COtWALLIS, FT A V NT, COMPLETED MY j new -th J ;e Engine Hocse iJTuving secured the contract to narpyinir th OREGON. ! raited States Mail 1 am hett-.-r than jicv,. the i'.AilX, ?--. &a i A 1-1 r prepared to &gg'V Uf V ? 1 1XJ.SS tO JllDa I1V Tfpcr. r;-ii: t k.r.tio v j . iS4, winning three out if four, and t i i d of 2; 41, which stands at the head of bettor he,i,is, Id records on the Vorth Piii-ifin CtomM . BUI heads. Kavehipes, eaniiQ&s of the en- questioncd in tht; ronrts they have j tenth of th'. succeeded in staving off trial long t t;re Uajon pacific sy stem, so rich is enough to permit the army of cowboys the sll! round;ng country in mineral and others whom they have hired, to wealth." file claims on the lands under the homestead, pre-emption end timber- culture acts. A Camas valley correspondent of the Roseburg Plaindealer says: The gold fever has developed into an epidemic The prospects are bnlhant tor a among our valley folks. The scene of successful State Fair this year. Port- excitement is Twelve-mile creek, land merchants have taken renewed Claims have been taken up from the interest in the exhibition, and will send j forks of it and Bowlder creek for a dis a large amount of goos to the fair. ! tance of a mile or more up the creek. Exhibitors are assured of their premi- Jarues Huddleson and Mr Martindale urns, and are not afraid to venture, i are their claim with visror. The appropriation made th'c last i They are at present running l ditch of half a mile in length. The) hnve had Legislature has greatly added to restore confidence in the institution. A Port-! good prospects and are sanguine of land merchant said yesterday that he thought the coming fair would be the most successful ever held News. The projectors of the Portland and Huntington railroad are working quiet ly, but as yet no important develop ments have been made. Plenty of capital is assured the enterfiise, both local and Eastern. All arrangements have been about perfected, and it is McMinnville Reporter: A Mr. Wil son came over from Tilamook one day the latter part of the week and brought with him several specimens of the quartz-bearing rock not only from the mines on the Trask but also from Fetches on this side of the mountains. Several specimens were left at this office by him, and those acquainted not at all improbable that work will be- with silver rock are invited to call and gin, on the road before the close of the examine. Mr. Wilson says that much present year. As far as can now be rock has been taken in from other sec- learned large machine and repair shops are to be located at both Portland and Huntington. The road will be stan dard g'rage. tions and that "salting" has been en gaged in to considerable extent, to the detriment of the true -condition of the mines. WOODCOCK & BALDWIN 8 TI-TB 33 33 3 "37 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Visiting card?, ' Business cuds, PrograroN Ball tic! ets, jS'ci-- ! ooks, t nil r books, Pi ceipt books, Potters, Uruggista labels. Gummed or Ungammed, Legal blanks, Rend. Iot am pies and P a to t ie Gazette OS fice ii you want the !Best work nt Lower, Pric s. I For the ensuing four years will leave Corvallis eacl irj f.OOIA',T ","'"lna o'clock, arriving in Albany aboat .lC?. bnnn.iUCQ o'clock, and will start from Allanv at 1 o'clock inthe jafternoou, returning to Corvallis about 3 o'clock .1 vif 'i bis line wili le orepared with jrood team anu care- ul d'-ivers aial ni-e comfortable and SADDLE HORSES TO H1P.E. At Reasonable Rates. f-'T Particular attention given to Boarding Horses iloreo itottjrht and bold or lLxelianged. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. EASY RIDING VEHICLES For tlie accommodation of the TRATELINO PUB11C. Wheat ncl other Grain Stored t.ii the best of Terms by L L 1 S PtfiMSBED TO PATRONb, Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangements elsewLt re ii-2;-vi HARDWARE OF ALL K MZ AT SfljFRflWClSCOXPRICES,) BROUGHT BY THEM A JJTJST HII0HI. CABINET MAKER, j t ji Direct from the East ! Otove Q DIRECT FROM Eastern and St. Louis FOUNDRIES. UNDtTAK BR . Cor. Secoud aud Monroe Sts., CORVALLB, : ClitlGCTf, Keeps constantly on hand all kiiiib of FtTENITU 31 H v Coffins tr: a Ci isiietp. Work done to ordjr on short notice and : Corvallis July i, 18S1. l!):S7yl. BREECH St K'JZZLE LQADINS SHOT SUMS Kiflr , Piniol.s, Amcinitim., Cutlery Spy Qas9Pfs Fiahlnj Tackle Work made to order and Warranted. 20-33tf C. HODES, Corvallss. THE BENTON COUNTY REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION Office : -CorrelliB, Oi cccp. il :. WOODCOCK, Manager. 'I'OTQ ASSOCIATION willbnvard sell all ela ('f ReaJ Estate on rt-a KonohI tmni nwA ul.. . oujrbly auvcilje hy des6fibijif etK-h piety at property cntrustedlo it i'or sale. The follo optrty will bo boid ;n extraoro' muril y rcus.n.u)j:! tern-sr SAW w itei f n eoun all .f th bout 7 road u LI. J 1 rr.terest in a n ) i t, h STlK'K rtT:"f- 99flnfTa nl.w -p : od p;iwr ai d sewn Pcreeot lhid rt-v iWi en tan fctcttltiiatcd,totreb ot c, , d V'r i d - ........ n in. . um ii. ii j- mi lAtt - ha.ilihie range, n:skii t.rt 01 thi hen oik rarris iit i ciitui uiintv. Mtvaied ;.boi.t 1C milta FARV Farm all under fence 6n?v21 mnesfrcm:fcoutnU:tofit,rTll,iyt- IlictltOO. Corvallis of xfo af.-tfs( bOhtre i v.- iit t-ttlthstu n, ti.i tMuaneecfil be cuUivoitd ii ot CoiVGlT'i "ir. an tstvuti.t ion. it. Icixm tasy- PAttM. X fa in (I r.T- A 1 ) i.a.j , U'v fit u til !l " 1 n- .... . , . I., ii- ..1 r. onlTM " Mvu Vr,.T. J 1 1 OnQtr v !i be sold at n i ur- tttun etfy. ncli U tltlli li.l.d in i uiti :tt ,f n f0 acres of 'oc! Er us. and maple tinier: '2 ctid FARM Farm oi 47 acres for less than ?1S rei - ;fI r nords and mccc.d wtlH vixh fccrtj, being dee oi th cbeapettt and Lest Iliu-h r '1 erics: fer tere, half caeh don ind ..enfoKcouJitn t fitu&tcd 4 iv.iies west of Monroe j Ww n e and two can, Beeuitd by i mile from a irwi w.fccol, in c-ne cif the 1 eM w:t l.-UiCrlal?6 ur; the faun. toriioodM in ifta stutc with ehui-fa piiviieea bsutiy. laOTRTtvo unimproved lots ii. Corvallis. Oreo' laliiviaod. Aliuoder fence, uith aCH,d two won Sf't builni? piaeca m the dtT or sale ramebouae, large barn and oi'ctiard; haa rimninc .vater the vsar arour.d, and i well ili"i ior stock. ALSO Four oniinproved lots except leoc md dairy piirpoaaa. This i one of the vheauest iumo. et! in Vorvallis, Or. The choicest building phu in n the W iut;a, i.o V aiiey Term easy the city for aale reasonable. PFiHO'fytQT L k.-...... JaS r.& iy IT I no cary, a::d dealef in- PiilfS, OliUlIilES, EiiES, GLASS, PCTTV, mm 8H0 ULBEREE A CES. TOILET ARTICLES &C. A full lino ol B; oks, StatioBti-y ami Wall I:; well selected. Paescriptionp coir.pcunileti al : r. Orr driisis are (ivsli an' II !i 19-27vl FRANK BROS- IMPLEMENT CO. OEALr.PS IN ills Si 2 9 manufacturers of TINWARE AND PLUMBINC A SPECIALTY. HorvallisJ . Qregon:; it m ea cv rra m & all rs LaW Firi 1 lie W airnna. Wnod'j Jhivrern. ;ikL-if Plows, ClaOHINI Walter eaperaajMl iVine BfodeWa Buford uiord's Ctanataitd Sulky Plows CnateVSulkv i tjo a, Kanaes'aud Ifcreahera, Co rl Mftif ju;., Carriages. Srrinfi' Wrimne rue ueieur McSberrj Drills and Seeuera, JUidge'n Double Draper Header, rd's Riding ard Waitdng Cultivators, baw Mi!! Machinery. Bucfeboard Wagons, etc., etc. d Hollow IVwtli I urn w , Lie ,, tte Full Unao.? Farm Machinery. or Ctaloone. Addrpas either FRAKK BEOS., Impl. Co., Portland, Or., or r. J. BLA l R.Aent, Corvallis. Oregon. 22143m Will be mailed to All Ronlioants I l tr of Inst vear M' i tiloilt ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions tor pianrinj cli Vegetable and Flower 8KUDS. V SJ.-in, rtr D.M. F ERR Y ik G( ZST ,nd all Pjatnt BUAfnefis at home or ndeii to for Htvdlerate fee. iti n;;osit.e the SJ.S. Patent Office, and ain Patents in less time than those remote yton. t'btfV DrawUie. We advise as to nat- ree otcbarjirc; and We Cliajcge no fe Htci.t if) Allowed. , iKie, U tlie 1'ostiiiaster. the Sdpt. er liiv., and t ollieials of the I". S. Patent r ciieuliir, advice, tonus, and refei'ence to its in our own ttate or eoni:ty, writ e Opposite i-at-:nt OSee. Washington, 1. F. M J JHNSON, .ttorneyat Law. Insnrancsa Spsialtj. Mrfnay Loaned on Good Security. - J. I!. SCU AFFORD. J. R. SCRAFFOR2 J. B. Scrafxord & Ere, PKOPRIETOBS OF CORVALLIS EPRBLE WORKS, AND DEALERS IN ALLKINDS PLAIN, FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL Marble Granite. MA IK STREET Corvallis - Greg:cn. 21 -Uly