The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, May 08, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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tallis Weekly Gazette.
I AU communications to the Gazette, cither on
Emesd or for puoac&tiun, to in-sure prompt utten-
iiouiu be addressed lo the UAAbili. rLioil-
A t. Churchill is the oiiiee manager of the Gazette
Publishing House, and local editor of this paper, anil
all n utterd eutcated to him will receive prciiiL't
care -tud attention.
Co. vallis Lodire, No. 14, A. F. ind A. M. , roeetg on
Wednesday evening, on or preceamjr full moon.
R. A. M.
Fet .nison Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M. , meets Thurs
4hj e vei.'uar on or preceding- fuJl moon.
Take Notice.
TwelM nonpareil lines or less, or one inch of space
constitute a square.
All bills for advertising; payable monthly. For all
rausieut advertising payment must be made in ad-
Business locals, first insertion 10 cents per line.
o businesslocals inserted for less than 25 cents.
Marriage not! jos' free. Dath notices free if ac
companied bv extended remarks, 5 cents per line will
be charged. Resolutions of condolence, o cents per
line. Card of thanks, 10 cents per line.
We shall be obliged to any person who willfuruish
s with any information of local interest.
No notice'ean be taken of anonymous conunonlca
tlons. Whatever is intended for publication
must be authenticated by the name and address oi
the writer not necessary for publication, but as a
guaranteu of sfood faith.
We da not hold ourselves responsible for anv views
or opinions expressed in the communications of our
By a decision of the Post-office Department all icr
sons receh'ingf or takin? papers from the postomcc
even when adoressed to ' them--become resioasiole
r the subscription price.
Advertisements, notices and communications in
tended for this paper, should be handed in as early as
Wednesday morning, to insure their publication.
Subscribers not receiving t'teir paoer rcrularlv will
cerfera favor by giving notice of the same at tifta
Subscribers will bear in mind that the subscription
price is invariably $3.V0, when not paid in advance.
Conductors Reliefs.
Messrs. G. M. Stroud and A. K. Collmrn,
conductors on the West Hide train between
this place and Portland, itnd D. C. Bognrt,
conductor on the McMiunville express, were
this week relieved and their places tilled by
(.'has. H. Carter and Chas. W. Kline as con
ductor between ths place and Portland,
and Morris C Webster, who was trans
ferred from the East Side, lis conductor on
the express. Messrs. Carter and Kline
wero formerly baggage masters on this roarl.
Xo reason has been assigned for the dismiss
al. "Pap Stroud'' and "Cob," as they were
tamiliarly called, have many fiiencla in tliis
place who were greatly surprised and
grieved at the change. The newly apiioiflt
ees also have many friends hero who will be
pleased to see them become as popular with
the traveling public as were their predaces.-
Baird'3 KEanimoutii Iiii3ii-2l3.
This company will appear at Hampton's
Hall in this city to-night, (Friday) MnyStli.
The press of the state where they have per
formed represent this to be the best min
strel troup that has ever visited our state.
Price of admission $1.00. Reserved seats
at E. Rosenthal's. The Boston Daily Globe
says- "A performance of more even excel
lence than that given at the Windsor The
atre last night by L W. Bairda Mammouth
Minstrels, was seldom or never seen here,
and it was, applauded from beginning to end
by one of the most satisfied audiences of the
season. This company will safely endure
comparison with any of their much v.iui:ted
Repair Your Sidewalks.
A. R. Pygall, the long tried and newly
elected city marshal, gives notice to all
those who supported him at the recenr
election that it will now be in order for
those same parties to repair their sidewalks
where such repairs are needed. Since Al.
received such a majority of all the votes
east, if all who supported him will see that
their walks are in good 'repair, Corvallis cm
certainly boast of the best walks of any
city her size in the valley.
The following resolutions were adopted at
the last regular meeting of the Corvallis
Cofiee Club:
Resolved, That we, ladies of the Corvallis
Coffee Club, do hereby tender our most
hearty thanks to the hose companies of the
Corvallis Fire Department fer their very ac
ceptable and useful gift of twenty dollars
presented by them to us.
Resolved, That while we fully appreciate
their substantial aid, we take this opportu
nity to assure them that we shall endaavor
lo be always at our post to render such aid
in return as we, members of the Coffee Club,
can give. C C. C,
Ice cream at Bain's. . -v
Baird's Minstrels to-night.
fresh oysters, all styles, at Bams,
Fresh candy and taffy daily at Bain's.
jSewing machines to rent at Will Bros.
Boys clothing at cost at Whitneys closing sale.
Yaquina oysters, fresh from the beds, at
All goods at cost at Whitney's closing
out sale.
See the advertisement of Avery & Irvine
in this issue.
For choice hams, can of lard, or groceries,
go to S. L. Kline's.
Hon. J. W. Kelly, of Monroe, was in
Corvallis Monday.
Men's furnishing goods at cost at Whit
ney's closing out sale.
Will Bros, are again the lead with a large
variety of fishing tackle.
A few second-hand sewing machines for
sale cheap at Will Bros.
Corsets, Kid gloves and parasols, at cost
at Whitney's closing out sale.
Geo. Gerhard, formerly of this place, but
late of Texas, is in our city.
The Garland stove still lead, call and see
them at Woodcock & Baldwin's.
S. G. Irviue, the real estate agentat New
port, is in the city for a few days.
Sewing Machines, Organs, and pocket
cutlery cheaper than ever at Will Bros.
Xit'k Baeson returned to our city last
week after an extened visit in the east.
Alex Lamb, of Monroe, made this office
his regular semi-annual call last Wednes
Mose Neugass went to the Bay last Fri
day and returned Wednesday evening of
this week.
Mr. L. W. Rivers, of the Portltnd Daily
Newt, was in Corvallis Monday evening on
Preaching at the College Chappel next
Sabbath at 1 1 A. M., by .the Rev. F. M.
Calp of Albany.
A young man who desiros to learn the
printing business can find an opportunity
at this office by applying soon.
W. J. Clark, of the City Transfer Co., is
this week about on crutches, having sent
his foot to San FraDciseo for repairs.
W. L. Jester, of Grants Pass, has taken
charge of the business at the West Side
Social Breakers.
Arrangements have been made for
lire entitle I "Social Breakers," by
Mattie A. Bridge, to be given at the city
hall in this city on the 11th inst. Mrs.
Bridge comes cordially recommended-by the
press, both a a temperance lecturer and al
so upon other topics. She is the widow of
Samuel Bridge, Past Grand Master of the
tspoi caused by the resignation of B. F.
Irvine. .
There will be a sociable for the benefit
of the Evangelical church at the residence
of R. M. Thompson, this evening, May 8th.
.ll arc invited to be present.
TS. ft. Barber, the obliging post master at
this place, has made some substantial im
provements in the general delivery office,
by patting in more boxes, reprinting, eto.
Kipe cherries on the first day of May is
somewhat remarkable, but is nevertheless a
fact as such were seen on our streets on
t,hat dav. Score one for Benton county.
Jessie Wilkins returned this weok from
Eastern Oregon over the old Military Road,
which he reports in good condition for trav
el. The snow is all gone much earlier than
The Willamette Conference of Congrega
tional churches cenvened at Pitman's hall
n this city Tuesday and Wednesday eve
nings of this week. A large number of del-
gi'-tes were present.
Hon. M. J. Connor, Perry Eldy and J
E. Frantz, of Kings Valley were in the city
the first of the week. They report crops
badly in nee.! of rain, especially lata sowu
spring grain and hay. '-A
Through unavoidable circumstances Prof.
J. W, Rowland was not ahle to meet his
writing Classes here last eduesday eve
ning as was expected. However he will be
he-e Saturday, evening.
The best family remedy is nndoubtedly
Pluiinei'e Oregon Blood Purifier. Harmless
it accomplishes relief where many other
medicines failed to do so. It may be safely
given to the infant as well as the adult.
The elocutionary reading by Miss Biunie
DeForest at the Presbyterian church in this
city last week was well atteudedand highly!
appreciated by those in attendance. The
vocal music by Rev. Pritchard was very
A few of the many friends of Miss Carrie
Crcssey spent a very pleasant evening at
hor residence Thursday evening of last
week. Saturday morning the family left
for Independence, whero they will reside in
the future.
Attention farmers; all who will need
Binding Wire for the McCormack or Marsh
wire binders for season of 1885. are request-
jeci. ! ed to give us their order by May 1st, as no
jjr5. I more wire is bought than is actually order
ed. Woodcock 4 Baldwin.
At a recent gamo of base ball between
the Eclipse and Star clubs of this city the
former were defeated by a score of 16 to
18. Alio on Monday a match game ir is
nlayed by a nine from Philomath and the
Grand Lodge I. O. O. P., of Wisconsin, an 1 Stars of this place, in which the score stood
is heartily lecommended by members of
that order -as a woman of refinement culture
and grace.
Music tor Social Dances
Mr. W. G. Bennett, of this city, is well
prepared to furnish violin music for evening
entertainments or dancs, having latelv re
ceived a large number of the latest pieces of
music direct from Boston. For futher in
formation enquire at the Vincent House.
42 to 21 in favor of Philomath
J. P. If vine has bought an interest in the
business firm of Thompson & Sons at Cor
vallis, and will make that city his future
homo. His family left for that place on
Thursday. They leave many warm friends
in this city who wish them success in the
business and social relations in their new
home. West Side.
In another column will be found the an
nouncement of a Calico Social, to be given
by the Fireman's Coffee Club on the second
anniversary. The committee of arrange
ments is a good 4ne, and will without doubt
A lengthy comi
math furnishes the f.
itema. Eds.
The several organ
namely the I. O. G. T. Lodg.
Sabbath School, Philomath Lit"pfooiet.
the Atheniem Society, composed of y'oun
ladies, all of said org mizations are in a pros
perous condition, both financially and otherwise.
The public school fund, after paying off
the teachers and incidental expenses, will
amount to $200, which would be loaned on
good security. s
The Philomath college is in a very pros
perous financial condition.
The city of Philomath has . some of the
needful in her treasury, which she is using
in making good substantial public improve-
ments, under the supervision of Mr. O. M.
Frink, street commissioner.
A goodly number of fanners in this vicin
ity are having their land cleared of grubs,
Chinese labor being employed. They pay
fiom $25 to $42 pur; acre.
The sound of the' saw and the hammer is
heard on every side, and we learn from Mr.
Josph Hawkins that he is unable to fill all
orders for lumber at the Fhilomath saw
The proprietors of the Oregon Oracle
have a larger subscription and advertising
patronage than they anticipated.
Hon 03 Masinjs.
Monroe, May 4th, 1885.
News" articles are the didyscarce articles
in this market.
Wild strawberries and May picnics are
The reporter like others of a like kind
takes to a lull in business in his line with
I some slight feelings of joy hidden behind a
vale of soi row for the editor.
We are bow enjoying the full measure ef
summer heat, the murcury stood Suuday in
the shade at 84 deg. at 1 o'clock P. M.
The caterpillar is making havoc with the
tender foliage along the- streams anil some
are even prospecting around orchards but in
this we have not noticed any damage yet.
We notice several fish wagons on our
streets from Yaquina Bay, flounders and
salmon for sale. Where is our Corvallis
butcher and beef wagon? We furnish that
market with the finest of beef, mutton and
pork and yet we have none in market here.
We notice a brightening prospect for bus
iness and are right glad to welcome its early
return. Data.
The total vose cast was 335, which is as
follows: For Mayor M. Jacobs received
133, and J. M. Osburn 199; Osburn's major.
ity 66. For Recorder E. H. Taylor re
ceived 149, Root. Johnson, 143; and C. S.
Hulin, 41; Taylor's minority 6. For Treas
urer Wm. McLsgan 178, and Isaac Harris
150; McLagan's majority 28. For Marshal
John Scrafford 119, and A. 'R. Py gall 211;
Pygall's majority 92, lu the first ward Z.
H. Davis w-s elected councilman by 2 ma
jarity; second ward, B. R. Job by 5 major
ity, and in the third word J. R. Brysou by
39 majority.
Officers Installed.
The following officers of the Corvallis
Lodge L O. G. T., were installed at' their
meeting last Saturday evening to seive for
the ensuing term:
W. C. T., A. Allen.
W. R. H. S., Lizzie Bell.
W. L. H. S Mrs. C. Lee.
W. V. T., Clara Horning.
W. Sec, A. T. Keesee.
Asst. Sec, Nellie Callahan.
W. F. S., Ndllis Blair.
W. Treas., O. C. Hogue.
W. Chap., E. Allen.
W. Murh., Clara Kitchens.
W. D. M., A. S. Buchanan.
W. I. G., Robt.: Wilson.
W. O. &., B. R. Job.
G. W. C. T., V. D. Thompson.
Philomath lodge, L O. G. T., installed
the following officers for the quarter begin
ning May 2nd 1885.
W C T, EL Bryan
W R H S, Sadie Stroup
W L H S, Frankie Peterson
'.V V T, Emma Henkle
W S, J J Bryan
W F S, E. A. Jackson
W T, MaryWyatt
W M, Walter Newton
W D M, Edith Buckingham
W I G, Alice Walker
W O G, Frank Peterson. '
Closing out Sale.
The closing out sale at C. H. Whitney?
is attracting many buyers who ate attracted
by the very low prices actual . cost for
goods. This is a genuine closing out sale
and as the stock is a well selected one and
tirst-cla3S, the people should not fail to im
prove the opportunity.
For Sale.
A $415 organ, for sale, fox 5200. This or
gan is a "Shoninger," has 2J octaves of
bells, folding pedals and all the latest im
provements, and is a six octave instrument
in perfect condition. Call at once as the
offe is open for one week only,' at the resi
dence of S. H. Look.
Aid i o Immizratlou.
A meeting will be held at the Court
House in Corvallis ou Friday May 8th, 1885,
at 8 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of organ-,
izing and adopting the most practical meth
ods of inducing immigration to Benton coun
ty. All citizens are invited to attend. By
order of a meeting of citizens.
Wanted. . A Missionary.
The church going people of Philomath ments is a good pne, and wiU without douM ; HorSEHOLfc ICuitNrnJRE. i"or sale at
have been disappointed for three Sabbaths ' make a success of their social. However Look's Residence. We are offering every
in succession. A good lively energetic we question the propriety of their selection thing chap. We offer a $58 bed room set
preacher would be well received here, and of floor managers, since they themselves for $20; a $25 mirror for $10; a $22 t tove
find steady employment until after siraw- were so successful in that respect at their for $7; a $70 stove for $12, and other things
Iowa Press Association. -.
the courtesy of the Union Pacific, the
Oregon Short Line and the Oregon Railway
and Navigation Companies, the Iowa Press
Association will make an excursion to Port
land, Oregon.aud points intermediate in Ida
ho, leaving Council Bluffs, Tuesday after
noon, June 9, 1885. En-route the Associa
tion will visit Hailey, Idaho, and other
points not fully determined on, and will
make a genera tour of Oregon and a por
tiou of Washington Territory. The round
trip rate has been fixed at 21, which in
cludes the membership fee of $1.00 and the
porterage for those will attend the cars.
By a rule adopted by the Association, par
ticipants in the excursion must be actual
editors or publishers of legitimate newspa
pers, and each weekly paper can have but
one representative who may be accompan
ied by one lady. Ladies who are not actual
editors cannot attend unless accompanied
by a gentleman eligihle to membership.
The editor or proprietor of any legitimate
newspaper in the state is eligible to member
ship in the Association and may become a
member by forwarding $1.00 the regular
annual fee, to the President. The Associa
tion will be absent from Council Bluils 18
days. The new route is made up as follow:
The original Union Pacific from Omaha to
Granger, Wyoming, 876 miles; The Or gon
Short Line Division, Granger to Huntington
Oregon, 540 miles, The Oregon Railway aud
Navigation Company, Huntington to Port
land, 404 miles, making the total distance,
Omaha to Portland, 1820 miies. Time lor
the run three a half days from Omaha.
New This "Week.
Thursday Evening May 28, '85,
Fireman's Coffee Club,
Celebrating Their
Committee of Arrangements:
Floor Managers:
b. F. IRVlNL,
AL. i'. CULKClilLL,
R. R. JOH.
GATES HOKTON At the residence of
the bride's parents, rive miles south of
Philomath. Sunday, May 31, 18S5. Mr.
William G. Gates to Francis E. Horton;
Wall ice rost, J. r , omciattog.
laud, Oregon, Monday, May 4th 1885. I
Mr. A. J. Siutherhn and Miss Clara Ly
man. LEWIS. CONROW. In this city Sunday
May 3rd. 1885. Mr. Hainan Lewis to
Misa Mary Conrow. Justice Quivy offici
ating. GARDNER. HURLBURT. In Albany,
iSunday May 3rd, 1835. Mr. W. S. Gard
ner and Miss- Louisa Huriburt, both of
this city.
VERNISG. HAMPTON. In this city,
Saturday May 2nd 1885. Mr. JohnVera
nirig and Miss Alice Hampton, Justice
Quivy officiating. 'fjr
Tickets, - - $150,
To be had at the princinal business houses.
Supper at Mrs. wood's at $1 per couple
(Successors to S. H. Look, )
Cash Dealers in
JOHN THOMPSON. Fifteen yearoM son
of Rufus Thompson, died in the north end
of the county last Monday afternoon at 1
o'clock of brain fever.
HENRY CARTER. Died on SeapCreek
last Tuesday, with consumption.
He attended the Agricultural College for
two or three years only a few years ago.
He was a young mail of genial disposition
and made many friend wherever he went.
We did not learn his precise age but sup
pose it to have ben about 26 ye;irs. He
leaves many friends who sadly mourn their
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
The Largest Stock in the City.
The Best Workman in the State.
f. m. mmi
Attorney at Law.
Firs Issarancsa Sp;c.x.t.
Money Loaned on Good Security.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Domestic Keywest and Havana
"Wholesale and Retail.
Cnewing and Smoking Tobaccos
and Smoker's articles generally,
Also just received a line lot of
No Chinese labor eniploj-ed.
berry time.
B. last anuiversary.
, in proportion.
Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at
(Jorvallis, Benton Connty, Oregon, Friday
May Sit laoo. Persons TRlrmg tor same
will ple:ise sav "advertised," giving date of
Dona'dson Wm
Faulkner Quim
Gebbie John
Krunipks G
Don Sanco Pedro
Short M
N. R. Bakbkr, P. M.
Comfort E B
Elliot B C
Galloway Jas
Holladay Elizalieth
Powell Elfie
Stunt J W
May-Diy was kept accord' ng to old
world custom in Corvallis. The children
met in the Court House grounds for a May
Day frolic. There was the May pole with
a dozen ay scre.'tiners floating rrom his gar
landed head, and these wore wreathed
about by the children dancing around.
Then came tke choosing of thr little May
Queen, to be cnowued with flowers and car
ried about in her little floral chair. Next
the chimney sweeps, making holiday round
their "Jack in the green." The Band of
Hope children had thair May songs prac
ticed which they sung as well as thy could
in the miiLt of their play. A picuic supper
ended a pleasant afternoon.
Nobby liats at cost at Whitney's c!o.-iug
out bale.
Farm far Sale.
A farm consisting of 4S0 acrsis of land,
suited for farming and stock raising, and
situated in Lane county, Oregon, together
with stock, such aj horses, cattle, consisting
of fio. 1 inilch cows, one. two and three
year olds, a small baud of line jjradcl sheep,
and hos; also farming implements, all that
arf necessary on the place, in good repair,
seed and fend, all of which will be sold at a
bargain. The quality of the soil is excel
lent; adapted to all kinds of cereals, hops,
fruits and vegctab es, and with plenty oi
out range fof stock. For further informa
tion and price and terms of sa.e, iuiinire at
the Gazette office.
Croup, whooping cough and bronehiti
immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure.
For sale at T. Graham's.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is
sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con
sumption. For sale by T. Graham.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
Consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness,
and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10
aud 75 cents per battle. For sale at T.
Will you suffer with dispepsia and Liver
.'oin plaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer ss guaran
teed to cure you. For1 sale at T. Graham's.
Sleepless nights, made miserable by that
terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy
for you. For sale by T. Graham.
That hacking cough can be so quickly
oured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarautee it.
For sale at T. Graham's.
For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale
at T. Graham's.
Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath
secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price 60 cents. Nasal injector free. F r
sale by t. Graham.
Well seasoned and in the Ware
house, a line lot of dressed
Oja.sX3?src3- ect
Any party purchasing 5,000 feet
or over, may have the same at
$24.00 per M. Enquire of
Corvallis, Oregon.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building,
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Baj
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Large Sample Room or First Floor for
Commercial V. u. 1U-35 iy
Real Estate Agency!
CORVALLIS OREGON Mutate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property on
Having made arranuements fnr
with agents in Portland, ami beiiiL' ful
ly acquainted with real property in Benton
connty, we feel assured of giving entire sat
isfaction to all who may favor ns with their
(atrooae. 13. A. Waggoner.
2(M?yl T. J. Buford,
Land Office at Oregon Cit.v, Oregon
A Til 24 185.
Notice is hereby Riven that the following -named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the County Clerk, of Beaton
county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Monday, June 6th
I&S5, viz: James Franklin, homestead entry No.
3740 for the N. i of S K. 1- and S. 1-2 o." N. E. 1-4
Sec. 30, T. 12. S K. W.
He name th i l'ollowing witnesses to prove his con
tinuous re d. nee upon, and cultivation of, said land
viz: David King, of Corvallis, Frank Sencer, Icha
tod Henkle and William Speucer, ef .Puilnnith, all
Benton county Oregon.
22-17 5w L T. BARl.V, Register.
Wool per lb. .... .
Flour per barrel
Uacon sides
Lard, 10 lb tins . .
. eo
.. . . . .,. 4. Ml
9 lo
12 to 13
6 to 7
1 10
Butter, fresh rolls overstocked
Eirjrs, per doa.
Apples, green
Dried apples, Plummer, .
" Sun dried'.
Plums, pitless
Chickens, per doz
Hides, ary mm
" rreen
30 60
to e
to 4
3 00 to 400
10 to 14
0 I
Mto IN
Attornev - at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Will practice in all the Courts in the stai.
Collections promptly attended to
(Offices Kast side Main ttreot.)
Corvallis, '- - Oregon.
C, TI. LEEi M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office in Post Office Building.
Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m. , 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. at
tdT In office .nurhts. "Si 2i32tf
J. 13. Lee, M. D.
G. XI. Fakra, M. 1.
Phvsicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
THIS CUT, and return to
(he Uazetie iJu I;nhing House with an ordwfor
any amount of J.i I'rintinir, such bill or
. ei.ter Heads, Invitations, Calling and HusineM
Cards, Pnjgrammes, Ball Tickets, 2ote, Order,
and iie&ipt iiooks, Circulars, Labels, Shipping
Taga,Ptfsteni, or my class of Job Printing.
Prices as low aa Ciood Work can be done for.
Pianos. Tuning ami repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty
131 Fourth S
r.7$w Portland Or.
Ja-ner5 L. Lewis.
Sleep, Cattle, Horses 2nd Hog3 teugnt asJL
soli and 3orrasts mads to famish same
Mutton, Beef and fat Hogs a
W. C. Crawford,
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
A!l kinds of repairing done on short notijfs, and all
work warranted. l$;33-yl
New Jewelry Store.
G. W. &msth,
A practical Jeweler and Watch-maker has located
in Wagonr & Bnford's real estate office, Corvallis.
Special attention e;i'en to repairing'fiue chronoaietsr
watches. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to rmtt
the times. A Due stock oi watches, clocks and jewel
ry constantly on hand. 21-51tf
The !C5sor Hote!. And a Lot, sit-
uateil in Philomath, Oregon, only one Mock
from the proposed site of the C). P. . K
depot The Buildings are in good repair
and will be sold for $1,400.
Enquire of S. A. KISOR.
Philomath, Or. 22-l2-3mo.
2:.tW, P'slols,
Aiiiuwitlrr!, Cutlery,
Spy Glasse. Fishing: Tackle,
Swir.fir Machines
Work made to order and warranted.
20 33tf c. KODES, Corvallis.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Brink & Wright, Prop's,
Good Teams. Bu .giea, Carriages and Sad
dle Hordes at reasonable rates.
Third Street, between JeiYer3on and Adams.
Field,Veg;etable & Flower Seeds.
Imperial Egg Food,
Tools, Fertilizers, etc., etc.
200 Sscond Street. 22143m
Lira H9 and SALS STABLE.
(.South end .Main Street.)
Charges Reasonab;e, Satisfact
ion Guaranteed,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
J H Lewis, E. E. Rabeb.
Levis & Babel, Ptoprlctors.
C5T Do a general Draying Business.
Orders Solicited..
A. ASS EL, Proprietor.
The best dollar a day House in the
Real Estate Agency.
A. P. Graines.
Real Estate, Employment and Collection
Business Solicited- references Given-
OF ' CE. First door south et Fisher's Brick, main