The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, April 10, 1885, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
NO. 15.
Published every Friday Morning
Subscription ATts;
I (Payable m avi:.j
Per Tear,
4ix Months
Three VC.-ntas.
Single Copies
Per Year (when not paid in advonce)
All notices and advertisements intended for pub
atiea should be handed in bvnoon on H ednesda.v?
Bates ef advertising made known on application.
$2 SO
1 s
1 00
..3 00
and the Cosvalus Gascttk for S.OO a year in ad
ance We have perfected arrangements with the
publishers of the American Farmer, of Fort wane,
Ind that enable us t.i offei our subscribers a lirst
elass agricultural magazine at the bare cost of th
w lit. paper on which it is printed. The American
Farm ris a 16 nag monthly magazine which B rap
idly taking rank a one of the leading agricultural
publications of the country. Each number will con
tain useful information for the farmer. Us wife. Ids
aoas and bisdauihters. As it costs you almost noth
ing, vou try it one year. Parties desirnn;
vatnable reading matter on farm, stock and agricul
tural subjee will Snd this the most pr.1table and
cheapest way to get it.
Elections in Michigan and Ohio.
Detroit, April 6. The election to-day
in this state passed off quietly. Besides
city and township officers, the electors
voted for justice of the supreme court and
regents of the university. Less than half
the full vote was polled,, in this citv, and a
very light vote was polled throughout the
state. Iu Detroit Morse, democratic can
didate for justice, received a majority of
5298 over Judge Cooley, republican and
prohibitionist, with one precinct to hear
from, which is strongly democratic Jue
hundred and eighty-four preciucts heard
from in the state outside of Detroit, give a
democratic majority of 4207. At the elec
tinn last fall the sunt) precincts gave a re
publican majority of 2225. At midnight
to-night the Free Press, democratic, claim
10,000 majority, and the Post, republican,
coiceda a democratic victory.
Hspubllcau Gains Is Ohio.
Oolpsibus, O., April 6. The majority oi
Waicutt, rwpoblicaa for mayor, will lie
about 1000. Blaine carried the city by
572. The remainder of the ticket is elected
by majorities of from 700 to S00. Towns
within a radius of fifty miles which have
liecu going leruocratic by small majorities
are reported republican.
Cincinnati, April 6. The city election
to-day was remarkably close. At 1 o'clock
the indications are that Amor Smith, Jr.,
republican candidate for mayor is elected by
s small majority. The remainder of the
ticket is in doubt.
A Close action
Daytox, 0., April 6. -The democratic
city ticket was elected by 300 majority.
Toledo, April 6, The municipal election
to-dav was very close, and a mixed ticket is
probably elected. .lalbridge, republican
candidate for mayor claims a small major
ity. General Grant s Condition
New York, April 6. Ex-Senator Chaffee
left the house of General Gr.nt lietween 10
and li o'clock. He said that the general's
voice was clear at times and husky at times,
weirding to the amount of mucus, and that
be. may live two or three days yet.
12:45 P. M. General Grant had a quiet
morning in his easy chair, napping and
ciiattinic by turns. Pulse 78, and of good
volume, lie has had no pain for several
hours. SHRADY.
A Quiet Afternoon.
6:30 P. M. The afternoon has been a
very quiet one for General Grant. He has
been free from pain and dozed most of the
time in a chair. He has taken nourishment
regularly and well. 0 Pulse 72. with slight
fluctuation J- H. DOUGLAS; M. D.
An Unfavorable Chrnje
New York " April 7., 3:45 A M. An
unfavorable change has taken place in tne
condition of General Grant. Drs. Shrady
and Douglas have jnst been sent for. Gen
eral Badeau, ex-Senator Chaffee and Dr.
lawman were also sent for at the same
time. The indications are bad.
General Grant Choking.
A carriage was sent after Dr. Sanda in
hot haste. This is the first time Dr. Sands
has been sent for, and the supposition is
that General Grant is choking, and that Dr.
Sands has been called to perform tracheo-my.
5 A. M. Dr. Sands has just arrived at
General Grant's house with a case of ins tru
raeuts. Senator Chaffee, U.S.Grant, Jr.,
and General Badeau, sent for in great haste,
hare also arrived.
A Slight Hemorrhage.
6 A M. General Grant slept well till 4
A. M., when he awoke and took nourish
ment. Immediately after, in a paroxysm
of coughing, he had a slight hemorrhage,
which ceased spontaneous y in a few mo
ments. Drs. Sands and Shrady were sent
for, and found the general as quiet as usual,
having had no renewal of the hemorrhage.
.1. H. DOUGLAS, M. V.
The Rome Postmaster Pro! eats
Syracuse, N. Y., April 7. The Stand
ard to-morrow will publish a letter ad
dressed by Postmaster Palmer of Kome, to
President Cleveland in which Palmer claims
his removal was based upon a report, the in which he never had an opportu
nity to deny; that a chance for defending
himself had been promised, and the senate
having before it the papers submitted to
the President, did not conclude that the in
terest of the government or the vindication
of the law required a removal. The letter
thus concludes: "I would further respect
fully represent that your excellency, having
nominated to the aeuate an appointee for
postmaster in my place, and that the ap
pointment not having been withdrawn be
fnrl the adjournment of the senate, and is
s inject to its action, and while so pending
no power rests with the President to sus
pend me, and I therefore respectfully pro
test against the assumption of the same."
Opposed to Prise Fights and Roller Rinks.
Philadelphia, April 6. The mayor has
prohibited sparring in theaters, and directed
the police to watch roller skating rinks
closely. The mayor, in his order relating
to rinks, says: Every parent iu the com
munity should aid the police department
in the endeavor to rectify an abuse which
threatens their own happiuess and the wel
fare of the children.
Republican Ticket Elected,
Cincinnati, April 7. Returns from all
but rive precincts show that Amos P. Smith
Jr. (republican), elected mayor by a ma
jority of nearly 400C. The remainder of the
republican ticket is elected with slightly
smaller majorities.
Cincinnati. Am-il 7. Complete returns
A Russian Demand.
London, Aprilo. The Novoe Vrtmya of
St. Petersburg, openly demands that Russia
withdraw from the Paris declaration regard
ing the fitting out of privateers.
Suakem, April 5. Arab deserters who
have come to General McNeil's zereba, re
port that Osman Digrua has only H00 fol
lowers at Ekrotat together with members of
the household. They assert that if General
Graham will offer a sufficient reward sheik
are ready to deliver Osman Digma a prison
War Preparations by England.
Calcutta, April 6. Orders have been te
ceiyed by the Indian government from Lon
don to actively continue preparations for
war, notwithstanding the Pacific assurance
of Russia. This action has created a good
impression in India. The enthusiasm among
the British and native troops is very great
London, April 6 The government will
lease fast ocean steamers. They will re
ceive ten Kuns each, and each will have
tr-jMjoorr.ition facilities for 1500 meu. Two
will immediately be drafted
for regiments serving in India.
A Review Spoiled by Rain.
London, April 6. The programme ef the
Easter volunteer review at Brighton to-day
had to lie considerably curtailed, owing to a
heavy rain which set in early this morning.
Bound for India.
Brindisi, April 6. Sixty -five British offi
cers embarked here for India to-day, having
received orders to rejoin their regiments iu
that covntry.
Unsatisfactory Answer.
London, April 6. The press generally de
clare the Russian answer retarding the
of yesterday's election give Smith (republi- Afghan frontier dispute exclusive and un
cau) a majority of 3893 for mayor. J. W. satisfactory.
Fitzgerald, elected police judge by 1285 ma
jority, and Vincent Schwab, elected magis
trate by 1284 majority, were the only suc
cessful democratic candidates.
Exciting Scenes.
East St. Louis, 111., April 7. The elec
tion was attended bv excitins scenes. Man-
rice Jo
before the p
French Cabinet.
Pakis. Anril 6. Le Side, the organ of
Brisson, says a cabinet has been formed in
eluding M du Freycinet and General Cam-
uenen. The new cabinet meets to-day at
the Elysoe to draft a programme to submit
to parliament to-morrow. Brisson and de
dem icratio candidate for mayor, Freycinet had a conference with berry yes-
Us opened this morning, was terday iu re'oieuce to the iouquiu dimcui-
Russia War Preparations.
St. Petersburg, April 7. The Russiai
government is making active preparations
to put the great naval and military station
of Cornstadt in a state of complete defense.
The harbor has already been protected by
the sinking of hundreds of torpedoes iu the
ship channel.
Peace with France and China.
Paris, April 7. Patenotre, French
ambassador to China, telegraphs that Tsuug
ratified the preliminaries of
peace signed on the 3d inst.
Rebellion in Canada.
Winnepeg. April 6. Troops started from
Quappell at day break for Prince Albert
They will probably le joined at Touchwood
hills by A battery, B battery remaining at
Quappell station The Queen a Own rities
ioin the main body on the inarch northward.
A cordon of police has been established
alone the international boundary, and with
n, ,i,.inrF of American troops in tne
department of Dakota, the rebels esc; pe
into Montana will be prevented .
Will make Concessions.
Ottawa, Ont., April 7. It it reported as
-r - il 1 If u 1 . ; u
a means oi pacuying io uu
northwest the government will remove Mr.
n.-,lnv ami annoint Mr. Roval, M. P., to
kU. J I ,
the lieutenant-governorship of Northwest
territory. Some government supporters
urae that a reward be offered for the cap
ture of Rcil, dead or alive, but the cabinet
is said to be divided in opinion to the policy
of such a course.
Will Organise a Scontmg Force.
Brantford, Ont., April.,7. Superinten
dent Gilkison, offering to organize severa
hundred of Six Nation Indiaus as a scouting
force, has been informed that their services
will be accepted it required.
La Belle Wagons, Walter A. Wood' Mowers, McSherry Drills and seeuers.
Reapers and Twine iiintlern, tfuiora s naiKintr now a, nouKe vouuie xivi
Buford's anr and Sulky Plows Cnate's Sulky JtUkes, Buford's Riding and Walking Cultivators.
flaar Kntt Ar l V. a Umrina and Thresher,. COODW & CO. S Saw Mill Machinery,
Danall nheei Marrows, jamages, spring- T-nifvns, uutauywu
The ceittDratea nonow iwhi narrow, ru-., cm:.,
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance and by
rirtiie of an order of the County Court, of tha State
of Oregot for Benton County, made ou the 8th day
of April, 1888; it being a day of th. regular April
term, 1885, of said Court, aud duly entered in the
Jouraals of said Court, the undersigned the arimis-
trator of the (state of Koswell 0. Briggs, deceased,
will on
Saturday, the Oth day of May, 1885,
at the hour of two .'clock, r. of .aid day, at the
front door of the Court Honse, in Corvallis, Benton
County, Oregon, offer for sals at public auction, to
the highest bidder, for cash iu hand, all the right,
title, interest and .state which said i e;ea,d, at the
time of his death had In and to the following de
scribed real property, rowit:
The west Half of the northwest quarter and the
west half of the sou th west quarter of Section twenty
four (24), Township eleven (11), South of Range
ight (8), west of the Willan ette Meridian, in Benton
County, State of Oreg.a, and containing on. hun
dred tnd sixty (160) acres of land, to ray funeral
barges, expenses of administration and claims
against said .state. i
Dated this 10th day of April, 18S6.
Administrator of the Estate of Roawell C. Briggs,
surrounded by opponent, who p.aceil a re
volver to his h-jad and forced him to retire.
Several fights occurred.
French Talk of Monarchy.
Varis, April 5. Cointa de Paris has ar
rived at Naples, to meet Due de Chartres,
with whom he will have a conference in re
gard to the prospect of re-establishment of a j Carnot,
" .ty.
Tlie Cabinet Roaipleter".
Paris, April 6. M. Brissiou has com
pleted the cabinet, and the ministry is com-
j posed as follows: Brisson, premier and
minUter of ju-ttic; Goblet, miuistei of pub
i lie instruction; De Freycinit, minister for
foreign atiairs; Allan Targa, minister of the
' interior; Clamageran, minister of finance;
General Campenon, Aioister of war; Sadi
minister of public works; Pierre
monarchy in Frauce. Legrand,
The Gaulois prf diets that the trench , Mangou,
elections will show that the country has no
confidence in the republic, and desires to
return to a monarchy .
Meeting of Anarchists.
Paris. April 5. There were miny meet-
s of anarchists in this city and Lyons to- continuing its preparations for arming
Examine the date appearing after your
name on the G UMK If yon are in arrears,
remember the printer.
day. All the speakers demanded the im
peachment of the ministry mid the conclus
ion of a treaty of peace with China.
China's Terms of Peace.
London-, April 5. The Chinese legation
here has forwarded to the Chinese agent at
Piiris renewed peace proposals, the basis of
which are that the blockade ol Petchili and
Formosa shall be raised; that Touqnin shall
be ceded to China, and that no indemnity
shall be exacted by Frauce.
England and Russia.
New York, April 5. The Tribune's Lon
don cable special is as follows: The Anglo
Russian controversy has advanced two im
portant stages this week. The Russian re
ply to Granville's last dispatch was deliver
ed y.stcrday and considered by the cabinet
to-dav. There is reason to believe that
such assent ns it dries contain is qualified by
a suggestion for carrying the line of debata
lle territory stilMurther south. The Eng
lish are in no mood to stand much more
unneseuse. The ministry has not relaxed
Tor oue hour those varied preparation for
war which astonished Russia and convinced
her that Eugland is far more ready than she
heiself. Sir Peter Lumsden, British repre
sentative on the Afghan frontier commiss
ion, is reported to be indignant over the re
peated concessions made by England to
Rursia. He has been chafing ever since last
September on account of Russia's neglect to
send her commissioner to join him in delim
iting the frontier, and he tendered his resig
nation as commissioner last January. He
was then induced to withdraw his resigna
tion, but it is reported that he renewed it
and insists upon its acceptance.
Knssla'S Request Denied.
London. April 7. Lord Granville has
forwarded a dispatch to the British am baa
sador at St. Petersburg, refusing to accede
to the request of the Russian foreign minis
ter to extend the line of the debatable zone
on the Russo-Afghan frontier to the Para
Dsmisua mountains. Earl Granville insists
that the lesser line -e the farthest limit,
and urges an early meeting of the joint
boundary commission.
There was a slight renewal of the war
feeling on the stock exchange to-day, owing
to reports from St. Petersburg that the
chief of the staff of the Russian array had
obtained the czar's assent to the accelera
tion of preparations for war.
minister of agriculture; Herns
minister of commerce; Sarien,
minister of posts and telegraphs, and Ad
miral Galiber probably minister of mariuu
and colonies.
England War Preparations.
LoMDOir, April 7. The government is
ocean steamers. W ork on the Anchor line
steamer Anferica, and the Cuuard steamer
Oregon will lie begun to-morrow. These
steamers will receive an armament of ten
guns each, and each will have transportation
facilities for 1500 men. Every movement
of Russian vessels in all parts of the world
is watched aud if war were declared to
morrow a vast tonnage of Russian cargoes
would be liable to capture.
EostUltles Cease the Tenth
Paris, April 7. The preliminaries of
peace between France and China stipulate
that hostilities shall cease on the 10th inst.,
and that the Chinese shall evacuate the Red
river delta on the 20th, and other positions
gradually, while the trench shall occupy
Formosa and Pheng-Hoo, enforce the block
ade of rice boats aud search neutrals until
a definitive treaty of peace has been signed.
French Ministry's Poller.
Paris, April 7. Prime Minister Brisson
has enunciated the programme of the cabi
net. It contemplates a revision of the con
stitution of 1831, abolition of the senate,
liberty of the press, of re
ligious property, separation of church and
state, reform of the judiciary, compulsory
education, taxation for revenue, and re
duction of taxes upon the articles of food
aud drink.
The Now Premier Speaks
Paris, April 7. In the chamber of depu
ties this afternoon, M. Brisson, the new
premier, said France would insist upon
China recognizing the French protectorate
over Tonquin and Annam, according to the
provisions of the treaty of Tieu Tsin, peace
fully, it possible, otherwise the war would
be renewed with increased vigor. In eon-
elusion he demanded a vote of a credit for
150,000,000 francs to enable the govern
ment to carry ont its policy in relation to
The chamber of deputies voted the 150,
000,000 francs asked for.
M. Brisson, concluded his statement by
asking the chambers to vote the govern
ment the remainder, amounting to 930,000,
000, of the credit asked for on account of
operations in Tonquin. The speech of
Brisson was much applauded by the depn
The chamber then granted the additional
credit of S30.000.000 by a vote of 373 to
Mormanlsm in Trouble .
Salt Lake, April 7 The action of the
Mormon conference, just adjourned at
Logan, caused deep disgust among Mormons
and ridicule among Gentiles. lhe first
presidency's failure to show up makes their
people think they have more care
their personal snfety than the good of
church. A reporter of the Tribune was ex-
eluded Sun-lay afternoon, and was not al
lowed to enter afterwards. The long
address issued from their hiding place by
John Taylor and Gen. Q. Cannon is con
sidered frothy and silly. That part com
.iir that thev had no official notice of
t a
any process of court issued against them is
.ivAa ii-ith broad cuffaws. The Mor
mons are worse torn up now than ever be
fore iu Utah.
San Fkancisco, April 7. A general rain
has prevailed throughout the state during
the past twenty-four hours. Ibis plac
crops beyond any proipect of failure. In
this city heavy showers occurred throughout
the day at intervals.
Barley dropped four cents this afternoon
under the iutluence of to-day s ram. lh
decline is due, in a measure, to the fact
.I., a , in this citv. who at the
preseut moment control the barley market
is showing signs of weakness. Should ram
cqntinue during the night, the probabilities
are there will be auother heavy decline
Panama Matters
Washington April 7. Commander Kane
of the Galena telegraphed Secretary Whit
nev from Colon under date of April 6 as
follows: There is nothing new to report,
The Panama railroad company is getting
the road in order. Goverumeut troops are
anxious about their prisoners. The railroa
company and the Galena are feeding troops
All are in need. There is great anxiety
among foreigners at Panama.
Frellnshuysen Alive.
WaHiiiiriTON. April . A telegram was
to-dav from the home of ex
Secretary Frelinghuysen, saying his cond
tion was the same as yesterday. The dis
patch further said he might linger in his
present condition lor some days. Mrs. r re
linghuyseu is reportea as improving.
Farm far sale.
A farm consisting of 4&) acres of land
united for far mi un and stock raising, and
situated in Lane county, Oregon, together
with stock, such as horses, cattle, consisting
.,f 1 milch cows. oue. two ana ttiree
,,!,U a small band of tine (traded sneep
aud hogs; also farming implements, all that
are necessary on the place, in gooa repair,
seed and feed, all of which will be sold at 1
.-.r.-ain. The quality ol the soil is excel-
Ut. Wanted to all kinds of cereals, hops
fruits and vegetables, and with plenty ol
r-or iurtner
out range for stock.
Full Line of Farm Machinery.
Write for Catalogue. Address either FRANK BROS., Impl. Co., Portland, Or.,
T. J. BLAIR, Agent, Corvallis. Oregon.
ISTew This Week.
A-ttornev - at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Fire Insurancea Specialty.
Money Loaned on Good Security.
C, II. LEE M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office In Post Office Building,
Office H.urs: 8 to 9 a. m. , 1 to 2 and 7 to S p. m
In office nicrhts. -&S. tMttf
J. B. Lse, M. D. o R. Fiaea, It. fit.
?h.vsiciaris, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
In th matter ot the estate
Andrew B. Moore, Deceased .
Notice is hereby given that I, Martha Moore, ad
ministrator of the .state of Andrew B. Moore de-
.eaaed, have filed my final account as such adminis
tratrix in the Countv Court of th state of Oregon,
for Benton countv; and the said Court has fixed
Saturday the W' day of Kay, 1885.
at the honrof 10 o'clwk A. . of said day a. th time
for hearing aT and all objections to the same and
for a final settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the itate of Andrew B.Moore,
Field, Vegetable & Flower Seeds.
imperial Egg Food,
Tools, Fertilizers, etc., etc.
209 Second Street. 22142m
Notaet PesLie
A.ttornevs - at - Law.
Promut attention riven to business intrusted to ou.
care in all the Courts of the State. Demands collected
with or without action anywhere in in u. o "u
,-oilect claims against th Government at vt ssningtoa.
Holsate, a notary puouc, win nv strict v"'
to conveyancing, negotiating loam, ouyius,
and leasing real estate, and a general agency business.
Loral agents for the Oregon f ire ana marine inu
ranee Con-panv of Oregon, a reliable home company
backed bv the heaviest capitalists of the State.
Office in Burnett', new brick, first door at had of
stairs- .
19 i;tf uttSAl snuiUAi..
C Ornamental, I'serai
Something that will last and
Be a Joy Forever,
At Philip Weber's
Patent Rockers, Folding
Chairs, Picture Frames,
Brackets, Work Bas
kets, And in Fact
In the Farnitirre Line for the
Holiday Trade.
THIS OCTsfaad return to
The Gazette Publishing House with an order for
any amount of Job Printing, such as Bill or
Letter Heads, Invitations, Calling and Business
Cards, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Note, Order,
and Receipt Books, Circulars, Labels, Shipping
Tags, PvBters, or any class of Job Printing.
Prices as low as Uood Work can be don for.
Pianos. Tuning and repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
Portland Or.
131 Fourth Street,
SEAR ALD 1R, 120-23010
Real Estate Agency.
A. P. tJaines.
Real Estate, Employment and Collection
Business Solicited- Eefereaem Given-
OFFICE. First door south of Fisher's Iirick.maln
A. ASS EL, Proprietor.
The best dollar a day House in th
0. 6 STARR'S
(South end Main Street.)
Charges Reasonable, Satisfact
ion Guaranteed,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
J H. Lewis, I. E. Raber.
Oity Dray.
Lewis It Raber, Proprietors.
va Do a general Praying Business.
Orders Solicited.
GTJjST store.
Sand six cuts for postage and receive
ilr box ol g-ouas woicn win
! either sex. to more niony
ricnt inv than anything in the world.
Fortunes await the workers, absolutely sure. At
one addreosTacE & Oo. , Aug-usta, Maine.
tion and price and terms of sale, inquire
the Gazette office.
Sy!-p nv Frcs. Nature's own true Lax
ative. Pleasant to the palate, acceptable
to the Stomach, harmless in its nature,
painless in its action. Cures habitual Con
i,ntinn Biliousness. Indieestion anil kin
dred ills, uieanses tne sjmow, punuw
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the
Bowels. Breaks up colds, chills and fever,
etc. eltrengthenes the organs on which it
acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver
,,!;;,... nil Is. salts and -Jrauubts. Sam-
pie bottles free, and large bottles for sale by
Allen at noeawsro.
Men and I ov's shoos ana boot at cost
at Wliituey's eio.inj ut sale.
The KiSOr Hotel. And a Lot, sit
uated in Philomath, Oregon, only one block
from the proposed site of the O. P. R. R
depot. The Buildings are in good repair
and will be sold for $1,400.
Enquire of S. A. KISOR.
Philomath, Or. 22-12-3mo.
W. C. Craicford,
r atortmnt ot Watcb, Clock., Jewelry, etc.
All kinds at repairing don n short notice, and si
work warreated. t:S-yl
Rifles, P'stols.
Am unit ion, ' Cutlery,
Spy Glasses, Fishing; Tackle,
Sewing; Machinss,
Work mad to order and warranted.
20-33tf c. HOPES, Corvallis.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Brink & Wright, Prop's,
Good Teams, Buggies, Carriages and Sad
dle Horses at reasonable rates.
Third Street, between Jefferson and Adams.
New Jewelry Store.
C. W. Smith.
A practical Jeweler and Watch-maker hss locate
in Waggoner & Bulord's real estate office, CorUi.
Special attention given to repairing fine chronometer
watches. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit
the times. A fine stock of watches, clocks and Jewel
ry constantly ou band. S1-S1U
James8 L. Lewis.
Sheep, Cattle, Hones and Hogs bought anl
sold and Contracts made to furnish same
Mutton, Beef and fat Hogs a