Weekly Corvallis Gazette, FRIDAY MOENIXG, MARCH 2n, 1885. ANCTHER PERSON WHO PRESUMES TO CRIT1CIZ2 A DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. GOOD WICLESI GOOD NEWSrWRS THIS PAPER is on FILE and Ad vertising contracts for it and &11 other ncwsnaners in (As world can bo made I on the moat favor I able terms at the -INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER AGENCY H. P. Hubbard, A'rop.. 21 cw jiaTen, vi., v. a, a. faWbher f Ik fTvmMtwr and Dank Directory of tbo World. It begins to look as though a great many good democrats didn't lose any thing in the way of sffica by dying some years ago. Chicago Nezos. "Dan" Manning will be the boss of the cabinet. If he needs any assist ance W. C. Whitney will bestow it Ireely. Endicott will tlo the deport ment. Vilas can be depended upon for orations. Bayard, Lamar and Garland will do ihe thinking. Cin cinatti Commercial Gazette. From the best information to be gained it seems that there are several very important matters of legislation which were not pushed at the last ses sion of the legislature to a complete solution and proper determination in cluding the subjects of assessments and taxation and the law appropri ating the fund3 with which to build a fish ladder at the Oregon City Falls is in such shape that it is quite certain that :no cne can be found who can or will build the ladder under the present Jaw without amendment; besides sev eral other subjects of great importance to the people which teed additional legislation. The questions of assess ments and taxation is in a very bung ling shape as it now exists under the law and if the commission authorized by the last legislature to consider these questions and report a solution thereof out of which a liw may be formd could report during the coming fall, and as the legislature did not elect a United States Senator it seems like perhaps it might be well for a special session of the legislature to be called to meet next fall to consider and pat" upon the neccessary questions of legis lation and at the snme time elect a United States Senator. The executive committee ef the Civil Service Reform Association of Maryland adopted a resolution, saying: "The selection of Eugene Higgins for the responsible position of appoint ment clerk of the treasury department kas been a paip-fu! surprise to this asso ciation and all the friends of honest government in the State of Maryland, and is explicable only on the supposi tion that the secretary of the treasury was ignorant of the character and an tecedents of the person chosen. That the Civil Service reform Association of Maryland urgently suggests his imme diate removal therefrom, giving as a cause for such action, that his reputa tion in this community is not that of a man of integrity and honor." A Washington special to the Chicago Tribune says: Vice President Hen dricks and Senator Vorhees have had an interview with the President, in which they tried .to pe.rsuade him that he ought to move promptly in patting republicans out and filling their places with democrats. They presented all the argunents of party policy and of doctrine to the victors belongs the spoils. President Cleveland heard them through and told them plainly that he intended to carry out the propositions he had set forth in his let ter on the civil service and the declara tion of his inaugural on the same sub ject. He held the party by its civil service law to be bound to an honest effort to carry its principles into effect. Both Hendricks and Voorhees dis-snt-ted most emphatically from the position of the president, and especially from .the pnrpose he announced of making changes very slowly and except in those classes of offices which everyone expects to change almost at once with an administration, making them only for causes. The president's views, if .carried out, will not, speaking general ly, give the offices to the democrats much faster than commissions expire. And so the democratic spoils hunters are disapppointed because they cannot .secure the post offices. Four thousand saloons in Illinois have been closed by the Harper high license law, and tax-payers are saved jtwo million dollars a year by it. Editor Corvallis Gazette: Dear Sir: The Benton Leader in its last issue in answering an article published in Gazette denying charges made in Leader against J. D. Lee says "The paragraph which caused the furore was almost a verbatim copy of a statement made t us by a prominent and leading republican." The Editor of the Leader lias said on the streets of Corvallis chat these charges were made by W. P. Keady. Now as Mr. Keady and Mr. Lee are warm personal friends, the Leader man will pardon us for saying that we think it extremely doubtful if Mr. Keady or any other republican ever made such charges more anon. Republican. SUCE CRIMES SHOULD CEASE. As there seems to be a wanton and malicious disposition with some persons to destroy property not their own, de face buildings, sign boards and other people's property generally, for the information of this class of criminals we publish the sections of our statute making such offenses punishable and we would advise the perpetrators of such deeds that they can remain good law abiding citizens more easily than become criminals by damaging and de stroying other people's property. The statute is in the following words: Skc. 575. If any person shall mali ciously or wantonly cut down, destroy or injure any bush, shrub, fruit or other tree not his own, standing or growing for fruit, ornamental or other useful purpose, or shall wilfully break the glass in, or deface any building not his own, or shall wilfully break down or destroy any fence or hedge belong ing to, or enclosing land not his own, or shall wilfully throw down, or open and leave down or open any bars, gate or fence or hedge belonging to, or en closing land not his own, or shall mali ciously or wantonly sever from the land of another, any produce thereof, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be pai-ished by imprisonment in the county jail, not less that three months, nor more than one year, or by fine not less than ten dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars. Sec. 576. If any person shall wil fully break down, injure, lemove or destroy any monument erected or used for the purpose of designating the boundary of any town, tract or parcel of land, or any tree marked for that purpose, or shall wilfully break down, injure, remove or destroy any mile stone, board or post, or any guide or finger-board, erected or placed upon any road or highway; or shall wilfully alter or deface the inscription upon any such stone post or board; or shall wil fully extinguish any lamp, or break, injure, destroy or remove any lamp, lamp post, sign or sign-post, or any railing or posts erected upon any strtet, highway, sidewalk, court or passage, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail, not less than three months, nor more than one year, or by fine not less than ten dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars. The Benton Jjtader of March 12th, says: "We do not intend to get in a squabble with the Gazette because we (refering to the Leader) are not ac complished at mud throwing. Person al feelings and little inuendoes have no place in a newspaper, they should be settled between man and man, not bur den the public with them." The same issue of that paper has the following words, to wit: "It seems to be a mat ter of general congratulation among both democrats and republicans that Flax brake Williams failed to make the "rifle" for 'United States Senator." Whether the above quotation has any thing like mud throwing or contains anything of personal feelings or little inuendoes we leave to the judgment and edification of the reading public. One thing certain so far as it refers to democrats dislike to Geo. H. Williams it is true, because some of them hate him worse than they do a rattle snake, because he stood on the side of and for his country during the hours of the re bellion, voting men and money to put down armed treason, while others hate him because his republicanism is true blue and because his ability being far ahead of any other man in the State, gives him a power in behalf of repub lican principles and right when in a public position like that of United States Senator. Other democrats de spise him because of his supreme ability when on the stnmp affords op portunity to tell and show the demo cratic party what they are and have been so clearly that many of the in dividual members of the party are almost persuaded to hire a small boy to kick them because they cannot hate him worse, then out of about every hundred republicans there is about one who belongs to the corporation and ring factions who do not like ex-senator Geo. H. Williams, because they knav they can not use him and mould his actions like "clay in thepotter'shands." These kind of men wiether republicans or democrats don't like to see anv good and able man like Williams elected for United States Senator, but they want a tool which they can convert to their own private use and if they desire, against the interests of the people. The assertion quoted is false when re ferring to ninety-nine out of each hun dred of the solid and substantial men of the republican party because they are unanimously in favor of Geo. H. Williams for United States Senator. Since the beginning of the Senatorial question in the recent legislature the writer has talked with a large number of prominent republicans of this county on the Senatorial question and he has the first one yet to find who did not heartily agree that Geo. H. Williams was preeminently the most appropriate man for United States Senator at the present time. RESOLVED. Hall of Philomath Lo.lge, I. O. G. T., No. 435, February 28th, 1885. Resolved, That we tender the thanks of this Lodge to our Senators and Representa tives for their able and efficient labors in procuring for us such wholesome temperance law? at the last session of the Oregon Legis lature. Ordered, that a copy of the above resolution be sent to the Corvallis Gazette and Benton county Leader for publication. W. T. A. H. Boles, Secretary. The place to buy a tine suit of clothes for little money is at E. Rosenttals cash store. PBODUCE PRICE CURRENT. Oats .20 Wool per lb 17 to 18 Flour per barrel 4.00 Bacon sides 10 11 Hams 14 to 16 Shoulders S to 10 Lard, 10 lb tins 10 " Kegs 10 Butter, fresh rolls 20 25 Eanfss, per doz 15 17 Apples, green 30 50 Dried apples, Plumnier C to 8 ' Sun dried' 5 to 6 Plums, pitless 7 Clrickeus, per doz ., 3 00 to 400 Hides, dry flint 10 to 14 M green 6 to 7 Potatoes 20 fieese, ta:r 6 00 !)-l5ks, 3 50 to 4 00 Strup of Figs. Nature's own true Lax ative. Pleasant to the palate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Con stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kin dred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up colds, chills and fever, etc. Strengthenes the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sam ple bottles free, and large bottles for sale by Allen & Woodward. A nasal injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents For sale at T. Graham's. "Hackmetack" a lasting and fragrant per fume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale at T. Graham's. Shiloh's Catarrh remedy a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheri, and Canker Mouth. For sale at T. Graham's. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough aud .Bronchitis. For sale at T. Graham's. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, yno have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale at T. Graham's. Are you made miserable by indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Yitalizer is a posi tive cure. For sale at T. Graham's. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon Iud., savs: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure." For sale at T. Graham's. Why will you cough wbea Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 50 cts., aud $1. For sale at T. Graham's, ZSTew This Week. MARRIED. DAVIS HARRIS. At the residence of the bride's parents near this city, Thurs day, March 12, 1S85, Mr. Virgil A. Davis and Miss Mary J. Harris, Judge J. R. Bryson officiating. No cards. BRUNK BISH. In Roseburg, Oregon, at the residence of Hon. A. C. Jones, on March 8th, 18S5, by Rev. John Howard, W. H. Brmik, of this city, aud Louisa Bub, of Jacksonville. 0. B STAKE'S LIVE? and SALS STABLE, (South end Main Street.) Charges Reasonable, Satisfact ion Guaranteed, Corvallis, - - Oregon. FOR SALE. The KiSOr KOtel. And a Lot, sit uated in Plriloniath, Oregon, only one block from the proposed site of the O. P. R. B. depot. The Buildings are in good repair, aud wilt be sold for .$1,400. Enquire of S. A. KISOR. Philomath, Or. 22-12 3mo. OUR CNEW SPBlie STOOD Is Now THE MUTUAL SELF-ENDOWMENT .A 1ST) BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, Grand central crrice, Fort Worth, Texas. SAM CUNDIFF, President. B. VV. BROWN, Vice-Presilent. Novelties and Bargains Throughout. PRICE Corvallis ONE MAI Jl WL 6ASM lUliliU & STORE Oregon. E. M. MACY, Secretary A. W. MORRISON, Treas. Chartered under the laws of the State of Texas, June 11th, 1881. Copvriirl t secured tv filirir titl. J. u ISal, in the office of the librarian of Congress, D. C. ' """" PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT. OFFICE: No. 7 Powell St. Corner Market. San Francisco OFFIC ER . .0 HOX. SAMUEL G. IIILBORN, President, A. W. SELSY, of Sacramento, Vice-President W. H. WAKD, Secretary, J N. KUSSKL, Sr., Surerintedea PitOF W, E. TAYLOR, M. D., Medicsl Director, PACIFIC BANK, Treasurer. CAPT. J. N, LEONARD, State Supt,, Portland, Or. The object of this Association is to prov ide endowmen's for living member as well as beneSt for families of deceased members, at the leust cost consistent with perfect security, by Issuing endowment n well as death bennt certificates. The plan embraces two forms, lite and death. One pays at the death of a member, and the other pay in five equal installments durins life. The association is operated on the mutual plan. It has no stock holders to absorb its earnings, and no trustees among whom to divide its surplus. The total membership r.f the association now amounts to nearly 14.0C0 with a steady increase each month . The association has disbursed to dat.. S570, 0:13.02 in benefits to the legatees of deceased tnm bers, and on maturing coupons. Is loaning from fiftco to twenty thousand per month to ii-ing members REVIEW SlfJCE ORGANIZATION.- Receipts since organization, - . 570,236,06 Disbursements since organization, - ' - - 570,038.01 Balance on hand. - - . 201 06 Coupons paid, - - - J - - 80,600 Agents Wanted in every county of the Pacific Coast. F. M.. JohnSOn, Resident Agent, - - Corvallii, Oregon. City Stables iDaily Stage Line FROM ALBANY TO C0H VALLJS. THOS. EGLITST, . - - Proprietor. On the Corner West of the Engine House CORVALLIS, - - OREGON. Vl naw a.il (ommudirma RAILS'. s&s Having secured the contract to carryieg tk Uiiitool States Mall FROV GgS?jEr n x a n am better than ever prepared to BiSE3e 1 vaj.XJ.iS LU JTl.lUany keep tbfi For the ensuing- four ycara will leare Corrallis eatr MOT rt TTAH'Q Dilro OJilJUi'tO !njorn!ii(r at 8 o'clock, arriving; in Albany etoat l0 I Ci li-iliO DJJJ11.O, umm:4t.O o'clock, nd will Hart fr m Alias; at 1 s'clook in xh aitemoon, returning to corvallis about 3 VI o 1 his line will 1 e Wvparea with good Uia and ear AND SADDLE HORSES TO HIRE. At Reasonable Rates. Z8T Particular attention given to Bonding Horses Horses Bought and Sold or Exchanged. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. ul drivers and nice com; ort able and EASY TtimUQ VEHICLES For the accommodation of the TRAVELING PUBLIC. 19-STvl Wheat aiid other Grain Stored on the best of Terms by . . BLAIR, AT SACKS FURNISHED TO PATRON'S, Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangements elsewlitTe 18-27-r THE EENTON COUNTS7 REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION Corvallis, Oregon. M. S. WOODCOCK, Manager. mniC ASSOCIATION" willbuv ard sell all classes of Real Estate rn X jLIJ. Vj ougrhly advertise by describing each piece of property entruatedto it for sale, ng- pieces of property wiii be sold on extraordinarily reasonable terms: r?a nonable terms and whither- The follow- SAW MILL --Undivided J interest in a mlD run by water, a good planer and seven acren of land use' in connection wifcb the mill. Power sufficient to ru all f the year, situated handy to market and with in about 7 miles of Corvallis with an excellent goud road to and roni it. Terms e:i?y. FARM Farm all under fence only 2. miles from , Corvallis of 150 acres, SO acres now in cultivation, the balance of it can be cultivated ; about 20 of it now in wheat with a fair house good burn and graiiery. wdl be sold, at a bargain. Terms easy. FARM Farm of 478 acre 3 for less than ?I8 pel acre, being- one of the cheapest and bc.t farms in Bentoi. eounty, situated 4 miles west of Monroe, J of a mile from a jjood school, in one of the best neigh-i borhoods in the state with church piivilegea handy.; About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be j cultivtaed. All under fence, with good two Storj frame houso, large barn and orchard; has running water tii e vear around, and is well suited lor stuck! and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapeax farms in the Willamette Valley Terms easy. STOCK FARM 220 acres, about 50 in cdtivntiou 150 acres can be cultivated, t0 acres of good fir and oak timber, the balance good grass land. Smail com fortable house nd barn. t lies adjoining an inex haustible oil range, making one of the bst stock, ranges in Benton county. Sitnated about 10 miles Southwest 0 Corvallis. Price $1600. FARM A farm of 133 acres of land situated mile from Corvallis, in Linn County, Or. AH trader fence; SO acres of rich b fciora land iu enltivntinn ti acrtjs ol good fir, as , and maple timber; 2 good houses, 2 good orchards and two sfocd wells with pumps. Terms: 20 per acre, half cash down and balance payable in one and two years, secured by mortgage upon the farm. LOTS Two on Unproved lots in Corvallis. One o toe choicest buildiug places in the city for sale eas onable. AT.-SO Four unimproved lots except fenc ed in Corvallis, Or. Tlie choicest building place iu the city for sale reasonable. THOMAS GRAHA3, Druggist and Apotlicary, -AND DEALER IN" rm oils, imm mu,imm; wm SHOULDER BRACES. TOILET ARTICLES 4C. A full line of B' oks, Stationery and Wall Paper. () well selected. Paescripl ions compounded at all liotirt. r drtJfrs are fresh anr1 l'-27yl CETATflW. FOR ANY KIND OF JOB PRINTING, .From a Calling Card to a Full Sheet Poster, The Corvallis Gazette Offico HAS NO SUPERIORS In Quality and Prices, Send for prices and estimates- In the County Court of the state of Oregon for Benton eounty Probate business. In the matter of tne ete of Roswell C. Brijryii deceased. To Owen Briggs, Daniel Brig:8,Edward Rrigrs, Ansel C. Brnrfrs and all other unknown, if any such therebe, heirs of said deceased. You and each of you are hereby cited and required to be and appear in the above tamed Court in the above entitled matter, in the County Court room at the court house in the town of Corvallis, Benton county, state of Oregon, op Monday the 0th day of April 1885, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., of said day the same being at' a of the regular April term 1SS5 cf said court to show cause, if any exist, why an order bhould not be made authorizing Ansell C. Briergs the administrator of said ostatc to sell the real property that belongs to said estate and described as follows to wit: The west half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the southw est quarter of section twenty -four (24) Township eleven (II) south of range eight (8) west, Willamette meridian in Benton county, state of Oregon, and containing one hundred and sixty (ItfO) acres of land. To pay funeral charges, expe ises ef administration and claims against said estate as prayed for in the peti tion of said administrator and now on file in said Court. By order of Hon. J. R. Bryson Judge of said court made at the regular March term 1885 of said court to-wit: On the 2nd day of March 1885 and duly en tered in the Journals of said court. ' Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 4th dayfof March 1885. sbal. 1 B. W. WILSON, Clerk.