The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 13, 1885, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
NO. 11.
Published every Friday Morning
(Parable in Advance.)
ai?ar 92 SO
tix M.nt.t, 1 50
larH Montnt, i oo
iifl Copi.l 10c
Far Taar (whea not paid in advonce) 3 00
XII BOtieea and adrertiaements intended for pub
ati.a aaould be banded in bv noon on Wednesdays
Sataa af advertising made known on application.
nU tka OMtTJUbUa Gazkttc Cor 43.00 k year hi ad
aa. We h&v n 3:scl a ipnseimn J.,h the
pmaliiher of the A .up; ic rj Farms or Fort Wyne,
lad., that enable us to offei our mvhaciuttXM a first
clan africultara' ravaaire a. the bj.iv cost o! the
white paper on wlrcii w is p:i.).d. T'.ie Ame ican
Faimrr a 16 pae mon.My maazme which is rap
idly taking rnW a out o! ube leading a jricu ural
publication! of j vour v. Each nunber w;M con
tain nsefol in'o m: .ion for be fa; we-, his wKe, Ivh
obi and hiad.ub;; a An it covS you almost noth-
imx, wppese you uy t one ya". Pa tea desiring
WMH raao'M metier o.i n n vo-jk rnn a-ricul
taxat abjee will fln ; lri the u'os-
i way to je ? .
profi table and
Clereland's Course.
San Francisco, March 9. The Call's
Washington special say a: It is plain that
Cleveland intends that his cabinet shall re
lieve him of as much of the routine and
drudgery of office as possible. To this end
his first rule that applications for office
shall oine through the department to which
the office belongs h aimed. The president
will decide disputed questions affecting
patronage himself, but he will be guided in
ordinary cases by the advice of members of
the cabinet. Frieu Is of civil service reform
have no reason to be displeased with the
expressions of the first three days at the
White House. He hasl repeateily called
the attention of anxious claimants to the
xistnct: of the tenure of otfice act, and the
binding force of th civil service law. With
the exception of Assistant Secretary Prudeii,
none of the clerks in the executive mansion
have been assured of their retention in
office, and they are all anxious about their
placf. Hendly, stenographer and private
MCTritarv. iflt SL fait.lifnl anil iniliiat-.rimw m.
iiloye. and the chances are that he will be j ort'er Prevai's
retained, but the idea prevails that the
president will cut down the force of per
sonal attendants attached to the executive
TIm Scramble for office
New Vokk, March 9. Tne Commercial's
Washington special says: Among prominent
office seekers is ex-Confederate General
J , -eph E. Johnston, who wants to be a
s-- '.er of the board of commissioners.
The Post's Washington special says: Sec
retary McCulloch is quoted as saying that
there are to be few changes in the treasury
department and these will be important
positions. At the State department it is
reported that Secretary Bayard ha-i said
there will be very few changes.
The Mail and Express' Washington special
says: The foreign appointments will proba
bly not be sent to the senate till the last of
the week. Considerable interest is taken
in Carl Schurz, his appearance being taken
as a test case regarding the status of tin
mugwumps. There is not one grain of
actual knowledge as to whether the presi
dent will offer him anything. The Mexican
mission appears most in demand, with Cerro
Gordo Williams in the lead for it. There is
a great scramble for South America and out
of the way missions.
The Canines.
Washington, March 5. President Cleve
land has sent to the senate the following
nominations: Secretary of state, Thomas
! Bayard of Delaware; secretary of the.
treasury, DaomJ Manning of New York;
secretary r of war, Willis: Endicott of
Massachusetts; secretary of the navy,
William C. Whitney of New Yolk; secre
tary of the interior, L. y. C. Lamar of Miss
issippi, postmaster general, William F.
Vilas of Wisconsin; attorney general, A.
H. Garland of Arkansas.
Caucus of Republican Senators.
Washington. March 9. Kepublican sen
ators held a caucus this afternoon further to
discuss the formttion of committees. The
subject was talked over at length, but noth
ing was decided. Incidentally the treaties
were mentioned, and the question was asked
whether they would better be considered at
the present session. Noone advocated that
course, and no one opposed it. The subject
was finally left to a caucus committee to
General Grant s Condition.
- Nnw York, March 8. From the World
of Monday: A rumor is current that Gen.
Grant's ailment is a complication of troubles.
It is even hinted that sinking spells, to
which he has been subjected for some time
and which leave him hi a very weak cemdi
tion, are produced by trouble with his
heart. His sudden abstinence from tobacco
is said to have developed this feature of his
malady, if it was not one of the contributing
causes to produce it. It is reported that, at
the general's urgent request. Rev. Dr. John
F. Newman, formerly of the Madison avenue
Presbyterian church, now in California, has
been written concerning the former's con
dition, and be has been asked to visit the
Grant family as soon as possible.
Better Times Looked For.
Chicago, March 9. An Inter Ocean
special says: The National Gazette of New
York give currency to the following:
"There are rumors which lead us to believe
that ere many weeks roll on ship yards in
the United States will be called upon to
exert their utmost abilities to fill orders for
steamers which may so ner or later be call
ed to war service under a foreign dag. It
is said that parties in this city are now en
gaged in getting up plans and specifications
for this new fleet. We have it from good
authority that already quite a number of
American built steamers have been selected
for cruising purposes by a European power,
in the event of hostilities on the other side
ot the water. There is no doubt but that
articles besides ships will be largely pur
chased here for use in Europe. The pro
vision market will likely take a rise as soon
as buying commences to an extraordinary
The Strike in Texas.
Denison, Tex., March 6. At 10 o'clock
this morning, at a pre-arranged whistle
signal, all workmen in the Missouri Pacific
shops here threw down their tools and quit
work. An outdoor meeting was immediate
ly held, and coinmitteesjappoiuted to guard
the company's property and allow no man
to go to work. Two yard engines were left
unmolested, but at 3 o'clock, while the
strikers were holding a meeting up town
they received word that loaded cars were
being slipped out of the yard by these
engines, aud locked them in the round
house. It is understood that strikers have
determined to allow no passenger coaches to
leave Denison. A secret meeting is being
held to-night.
At Marshall the situation remains un
changed. The executive committee of the
strikers gave notice to-day to A. O. Haynes,
master of the machinery department of the
Texas Pacific, to leave town in twenty-four
hours. Haynes is very obnoxious to the
workmen. They assert that he was prime
mover in bringing about the recent reduc
tion of erases, and increasing the hours of
labor; that General Manager Hoxie issued
the order on plans submitted by Hn; nes.
The strikers seem determined, but good
Detail are watching the
shops and yards, ami guarding the com
pany's property. At Longview, istriktrs
are also watching the company's property.
The Strike in Kansas.
Atchison, Kan., March 9. The situa
tion as regards the Missouri Pacific strike is
generally unchanged. Sunday night the
strikers took possession of several passenger
trains and refused to let more than an en
gine and mail car go through. This pro
gramme was continued until noon to- b y.
when Superintendent Fagan took the bold
stand that the company was not required,
under Federal law, to carry mails on other
than regular passenger trains, with a full
compliment of coaches, and gave positive
orders that mail cars should not go out
without the regular coaches attached. Ma
jor Johu M. Crowell, postoffice inspector,
then appeared on the scene, and warned
the strikers that under such construction
of the law the strikers would be liable for
stepping mail matter. ihis occasioned a
hasty consultation, and it was finally agreed
to let all passenger trains go through here
after, aud they are now running regularly.
This is regarded by some as weakening on
the part of the men, although there was a
meeting this evening and a resolution adopt
ed to hold freight engines.
Railroad officials say a portion of the
strikers have expressed a desii e to return to
work if necessary protection is afforded
Kailroad officials appeallad to the city
cobucil and the sheritf this evening for pro
tection, who stated that they were power
less, and a telegram was sent Governor
Martin to that effect.
Tne Strike in Missouri,
Jefferson City, Mo., March 9. Judge
Kreckel of the United States court has or
dered Marshal McGee to proceed immedi
ately from Kansas City to Moberly, and
protect the property of the Wabash railroad
it appearing to be in danger from the stiik-
crs. The w abash Deiug in tne nanusot re
ceivers appointed by this court, is under its
jurisdiction. General manager Hoxie of
the Missouri Pacific has asked Governor
Marniaduke to call out the militia to sup
press the strike at Sedalia. A call will not
be issued unless disorder arises that cannot
be suppressed by the Sedalia authorities.
Fleuro-Fnenmonia in Missouri. -
St. Look, March, 7. Advices from Ful
ton, Missouri, state that pleuro-pneumonia
has developed in a head of Jersey cattle
belonging to the State lunatic asylum at
that place. Eight cows have died within a
month and others are sick. The infection
was communicated by a bull purchased last
July from S. S. Trip of Peoria, Illinois. As
soon as an animal was known to be infected
it was isolated from the herd, but the con
tagion had spread with the above result.
Dr. Trumbower of the agricultural depart
ment at Washington has been at Fulton for
several days. He made a thorough ex
amination of the herd and declares the dis
ease to be pleura-pneumonia, and advises
killing the entire herd.
Comment on Cleveland's Cabinet.
New York, March 6. The Times in re
ferring to Cleveland's cabinet, says of Man
ning: "To look upon his appointment as a
political one would be to question the sin
cerity of the president's reform intentions,
for Cleveland is quite familiar with Man'
ning's record."
The Tribune says: "Yesterday we gave
such welcome as was possible to Cleveland's
promises; to-day we have to comment upon
his own interpretation of them, by his
earliest official acts. Scarcely in any act
during his term of office can he possibly
disclose so much of his purpose and bent of
mind, his sin ;erity of insincerity, as in his
choice of cabinet officers. " It then presents,
successively, Manning as interpreter of his
civil service intentions: Garland to illus
trate the president's regard for the rights of
freedmeu; and Lamar, defender of Jefferson
Davis, as the restorer of sectional fraternity.
The Tribune adds: "The sorrow with
which these selections will be received by
those who have expected from Cleveland
the honorable performance of lofty promises
will be shared by the wiser members of his
party. "
Antagonism between Brewers and Hop
New York, March 7. The national con
vention of brewers, which assembled here
on the 29th of May, promises to be impor
tant, on account of differences existing be
tween hop growers and brewers. The bill
passed by tiie las; State legislature, making
the legal tare on each bale of hops three and
a half-pounds, causes great conflict and con
fusion, brewers having established a rule of
seven pounds tare. One result has been an
tagonism between farmers and brewers,
manifested in tne introduction of a bill in
the present legislature by the farming in
terests compelling brewers to affix to each
keg labels sliowiug the ingredients of beer
or ale sold. Ihe brews and hop trade, are,
it is said, favorable to a uuiform tare of five
pounds, but this does not meet the views of
farmers. No change in the system is likely.
Brewers say that if they cannot buy withiu
the state limits with the tare claimed by
them they will purchase in New Jersey.
A leading hop dealer says business is prac
tically dead, owing to over-production.
After the big rise of two years ago, when
bops went up to a dollar per pound, brewers
discovered that 30 per cent, more strength
could be extracted from hops. This has
amounted ty an increase of production to
just that amount.
A List and Synopsis of all tne Bills Passed
by the Legislature and Signed by tne
Following is a full list of all the bills
which passed both houses of the Legisla
ture at the last sessioii, and have become
laws by the signature of the Governor.
H B 104, defining the duties and fixing
the pay of the State printer. This bill sim
ply makes clear some things which have
heretofore been vague. It does not ma
terially change any existing regulations.
H B 90, fixing times lor holding circuit
court sessions in the sixth judicial district.
H B 43. providing a State boa-d of immi
gration of five members to act without pay
and to maintain an immigration office rt
Portland. Bill appropriates 10.000 for two
years' expenses.
H B 124, for ielief of A W Presley, who
bought school land in Josephine county, and
State's title was not good; $500.
.i B 1, creating State Normal school at
Drain. No appropriation.
H B 160, passed- at last session, and
vetoed by Governor; passed over veto, to
prevent deposit of offal in Willowa lake and
H B 142, appropriating $3500 for expense
of Oregon's exhibit at New Orleans expo
sition. H B 14. authorizing the several counties,
in discretion of their county courts, to pay
the bounties for scalps of wild animals as
follows: For panther or cougar not more
than $5 nor less that $2. For each wild cat
not more than $2 or less than $1. For each
bear not more than $5 nor less than S2.
For each wolf or coyote uol, more than $10
nor less than $2. For each ground or dig
ger squirrel not more than fiv e cents nor
les thau 1 cent.
H B 91, for additional buildings at asylum
aud penitentiary and for continuation of
work on State House, aud appropriating
therefor the surplus of the "asylum fund,"
about $125,000.
H B 42, cutting off fonr townships of
Jackson county and adding same Josephine.
H B 2, providing for additional brick
bui ding for State University and appro
priating $30,000 therefor.
H B 32, to prevent bulls and boars from
running at large in Coos county. Takes
effect in six months after Governor's signa
ture. H B 13, authorizing maintenance of booms
in Smith river aud Mill creek, in Douglas
H B 46, for relief of Jason Wheeler, a
soldier in Cay use war; $750.
H B 115, Gilbert's bill exempting firemen
from road and poll tax and jury duty.
H B 48, to prevent cruelty to animals.
H B 8, to authorize Dallas City to sell
certain lands.
H B 95, for organization of a State Board
of Agriculture, heretofore described. '
H B 129, to regulate East Portland Fire
department. v
H B 88, fixing the boundaries of Columbia
county. This fixes the line in the Scappose
mountains between Washington and Colum
bia counties.
H B 159, appropriating $2000 for a me
morial stone for the Washington monument.
The stone must be taken from an Oregon
H B 134, Beall's bill, increasing fees of
prosecuting attorney of the first judicial dis
trict as compensation for small business and
much trouble.
H'B 50, Davenport, to prohibit sale or
distribution of indecent literature among
H B 86, defining duties of public school
HTi 202, to provide for private corpora
tions, and allow bridge, canal and railroad
companies right of way over public lands.
H B 26, to limit the number of witnesses
in civil cases to four on each side, but where
good cause is shown why more shiuld be
subpoenaed, then court may so do.
H B 29, to divide State into three normal
school districts, with schools at Weston,
Ashland and Monmouth.
H B 180, to authorize The Dalles city to
incur indebtedness of $50,000 for construe
of water works.
H B 58, for relief of S B Catterlin, for
capturing Smith, the murderer; $1000.
H B 105, to regulate foreign surety com
panies doing business in the States.
H B 207, to pay outstanding soldier's
bounty Ian-is.
H B 65, almost same as 26.
H B 108, to authorize Governor, secretary
of State and Treasurer to fix State tax levy.
H B G2, to compensate Multnomah coun
ty assessor for taking 1885 census.
H B 182, to prevent polution of water
and fix penalty.
H B 53, Davenport's bill to prohibit "bull
butter," or oleomargenue.
H B 139, requiring that when county
bridges to cost over $200 are to be built
that the commissioners shall advertise in a
newspaper for hids and shall let the con
tract to the lowest responsible bidder.
H B 135, for relief of Wm Home, a
laliorer; $63.
H B 205, to provide for transcript of
cases of justice's to Circuit Court, in certain
II B 69, to require four wires on Eastern
Oregon wire fences.
H B 112, regulating fees of county clerks
and sheriffs. A lengthy document.
H B 165, suspending criminal judgments
against minors under 16 years of age and
providing that they be given into charge of
charitable institutions, the State not to pay
more than $12.50 for care of them.
H B 5, to furthe.' simplify proceedings iu
justice's courts.
H B 4, to create the county of Morrow.
H J ft 2, an amendment offered to the
constitution of the State the prohibition
amendment tetally wiping out liquors.
H B 117, to prevent carrying concealed
weapons, aud fix penalty.
H B 102, to allow money lender or bor
rower to make agreement as to who shall
pay the taxes, but in such cases interest
must be 8 per cent, or under.
H B 1 1, for the registration of voters.
House bill giving the Columbia Bridge
Company right to build a bridge from Port
land to East Portland.
Ready's local option bill, heretofore fully
CHARTER bills.
H B 47, Pendleton charter bill; S B 65.
Union charter bill; S B 71, amend Albany
charter: SB 116, Empire City charter; H
B 41, amend Lafayette chater; H B 143,
amend Halsey charter; S B 134, incorpora
ting Silverton, Marion county; S B 143, in
corporating Yaquina; S B 142, to incor
porate Cuqnille City; S. B. 110, Hillsboro
charter; SB 112, Amity charter; S B 123,
amend Jacksonville charter; S B 66, amend
McMiunville charter; S B 122, Springfield
charter; H B 78, LaUrande charter; S B 35,
amend Ashland charter; H B 137, amend
East Portland charter; H B 210, amend
Independence charter; S B 52, amend Dal
las charter; H B 107, Stayton charter bill;
H B 215, amend Baiter City charter; H B
199, umeud Sheridan charier; H B 133,
Clatsop charter; H B 184, amend Junction
City charter; H B 151, Medford charter;
H B 186, amend Forest Grove charter; H B
100, amend Weston charter; H B 172,
amend The Dalles charter; H B 89, amend
Newport charter; amendment of Portland
S B 101, to prescribe the manner of re
ceipting for county taxes. Prevents war
rants to draw interest in sheriff's hands for
his own benefit.
S B 153' a substitute for the existing law,
making provisions more plain.
S B 31, amending school law. Gives the
directors more power aud authorizes them
to contract debts.
S B 76. ameuding school law. County
Superintendent is authorized to apportion
$50 tojeach school district, remaining amount
in pioportion to number of pupils. If not
enough money, then all the money to be ap
propriated proportionately.
S B 54, Riuehart's bill requiring railroad
companies to make complete statements of
their affairs to the secretary of State an
nually. List of questions they are to an
swer goes into every feature of their business
in which the public can have any interest.
S B 176, purchasing 1000 copies of W.
Lair Hill's annoted code. Code to include
laws of late session.
S B 138, to authorize board of school-land
commisioners to pay back money to persons
paying for lands to which the State cannot
give a clear title.
S B 135, Permanently locating the State
Agricultural College at Corvallis, in consid
eration of the people constructing a college
building to cost $25,000. Bill provides for
government of institution, and county
S B 57, changing the salaries of county
judges, makes Baker county's judge's salary
per annum, $800, Benton $600, Clackamas
$800, Columbia $300, Clatsop $600, Coos
$800, Curry $300, Douglas $800, Grant
1000, Jackson $800, Josephine $300, Iake
$500, Lane $700, Linn $900, Marion $1000,
Multnomah $2000, Polk $500, Tilamook
$100, Umatilla $1000, Union $600, Wasco
$700, Washington $500, Yamhill $800.
S B 24, to prevent persons marking ani
mals to cut od more than half of the ear.
S B 84, for an additional circuit judge at
S B 130, confirming title to swamp lands
to squatters upon them who have completed
settlement under the provisions of the home
stead or pre-emption law3.
S B 149, allowing city and town ordinan
ces, when used in court pleadings, to be
read by title.
S B 159, legalizing the acts of the Santiam
academy, whose buildings and records jrere
destroyed by fire.
S B 60, to regulate the per centum of
sheriffs in collecting taxes. This law will
be publised in full soon.
S B 111, regulating pilotage on Columbia
and Willamette, and authorizing construct
ion of 50-ton-pilot steamer.
S B 140, providing times for holding
terms of circuit court in the Fifth district.
S B 23, to allow administrators to reject
claims against estates.
S B 50, reducing fees of school clerks in
large districts; only effects Portland.
S B 62, making public road work 81.50
per day .
S B 93, retixing the boundaries of Crook
S B 73, making advertisements for State
supplies more explicit.
S B 95, confirming the right of Yaquina
Bay railroads to lands, and extending time
of completion of road.
S B 46, fixing size of hop boxss 36 inches
loug, 30 innuheH deep aud : S inches wi le
measurement upon the iusid't.
S B 6", to regulate the amending of char
ters of such universities or colleges as are
under patronage of one or more religious
S B 38, simplifying the methods of pro
cedure in criminal cases in court.
S B 51, to provide for the the transfer of
proceedings from the county court to the
circuit court in certain cases.
S B 28, creating the county of Gilliam,
aud fixing salaries of county officers.
8 B 30, prescribing that children under
10 years, persons of unsound mind, or party
to an action by or against an executor or
administrator, shall not be allowed to testify.
o n iat, proviuing mat witnesses in
criminal cases within two miles of the place
of meeting of the court shall receive neither
fees nor mileage. Locally effects Portland.
o a iuj, to pay ueo rneii $a0 lor an
unpaid territorial warrant.
S B 73, prescribing duties of county sur
S B 75, for recording lost State deeds.
S B 40, Hoult's railroad bill. Provides
that railroads shall not charge more to one
person for services than another, that 4c per
mile be rate for passenger fare, that no
higher freight charge for longer than shorter
distances be allowed, that freight rates be
not higher at any time than on Jan. 1, 1885,
that tallies of rate be made out and posted
S B 39, mechanics' lien law. This bill
gives precedence to the claims of laborers,
mechanics aud material men, and prescribes
an easy mode of procedure for their collec
tion, i
S B 46, providing times for holding Cir
cuit Court sessions in the Second judicial
S B 139, providing times for holding Cir
cuit court iu sessions in the Frst district.
S B 70, providing that upon petition of
100 voters the comity authorities shall put
question, "shall swine be allowed to run at
large," to voters of county at next general
eleetiou. majority ruling.
S B 13, increasiug pay of circuit judges to
$3000 per year.
S B 48. declaring legal holidays as fol
lows: Every Sunday, the 1st day of Jan
uary, 22d oi February, 30th of May, 4th of
July, 25th of December, every day on which
au election is held throughout the State,
and every day appointed by the President
or Governor as a day of public thanksgiving.
tast or holiday. .Negotiable instruments
payable on a holiday, become due the next
business day.
. S B 49, declaring that on all bills of ex
change, payable at a future day certain,
and all negotiable promisary notes, orders
aud drafts, payable at a future day certain,
iu which there is no express stipulation to
the contrary, grace shall be allowed as it if
allowed by merchauts on foreign bills of ex
change, but this provision shall not extend
to paper payable at sight.
S B 19, to regulate warehouse men, wharf
ingers, commission men, etc., and to declare
effect of warehouse receipts.
S B 90, appropriating $10,750 for con
struction of fishway at Oregon Cby.
The general appropriation bill, which is
about the same as that of last year, except
that it provides for the expenses of the
State iu the gap from September 1, 1884, to
January 1, 1885, occasioned by the change
iu time of meeting of the Legislature.
'."El BEST
Direct from the East !
Eastern and St. Louis
fiORVfiLLIS,) - (fgjgj
Well seasoned and in the Ware
house, a fine lot of dressed
Any party purchasing 5,000 feet
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Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Domestic Keywest and Havana
Wholesale and Retail.
Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos
and Smoker's articles generally,
Also just received a fine lot of
No Chiiieae labor emploved.
Corvallis, - Oregon
Obtained, and all Patent fin sin- at homo or
abroad attended to for Moderate fees.
Our office Is opiosite the L7. S. Patent Offiee, and
we can obtain Patents in lean time thau those remote
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We refer, here, to the Postmaster, tr.e Supt. o
Money Order Div., and to officials of the U. S. Patent
Office. For circular, advice, terms, and referenoe to
actual clients in your own State or county, write i
C A. Show & Co.,
Opposite Patent Offioe, Washington, D. C.
vfthont a
Will be stalled f-DCC..
to all applicant rKCL
arwf tn tHiMiBnart nf laaC -rear
ordering it It contains illustrations, prices,
descriptions and directions for plantiaj c-3
Vegetable and Flower SEEDS. B LBS, ett