The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 20, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    Corvallis Weekly Gazette.
FI!I1?A"V MORNING, FEB. 20, 1885.
3j All communications to the Gazettk, either on
business or for publication, to insr -e prompt atten
tion should be addressed to the GAZETTK PUDLISH
A P. Churchill is tfee office manager of the Gazette
Publishing House, and local editor of this paper, and
all u utters entrusted to him will receive prompt
earatad attention.
Co- rallla Lodge, No 14, A. F. ind A. M , meets c
sTad idsday veninsr, on or preceamg full moon.
R. A. M.
Fenraion Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., meets Thurs
ear e v.Dr on or preceding iuu moon.
Take Notice.
Twalre nonpareil lines or less, or ene inch of space
eonititute a square.
All bills to'- advertising .Table monthly. For all
traasient advertising payment must be made in ad
vance. Business 'oca's, first insertion 10 cents per line
XbainM3locals in.erted for less tbaa 25 cents.
Marriaze notices free. Death notices free if ac-
Mmnanied bv extended remarKS. 5 cents per line will
be charged. Resolutions of o idolence, 5 cents per
line. Card of thanks, 10 cents p:r line.
We shall be obliged to any person who will furnish
ig with any Information ol local inteiest.
Nonue'can be tiken of anonymous cominunlca
tlon whatever is intended for publication
aus.beMthentiWved by the name and address of
the w, .fsr not necessary for publication, but as a
yuaran a o good faitn.
Wedo not hold'.vos responsible for anv views
or opinions expressed in the communications of our
oerre: ponden ts.
By a decision of ths Post-office Department all per
sons receivir or taVmg papers from" the p-jatomce
oven when adoressed to tlicm bet-ouii) responsible
far the suoscription price.
Adsertisements, notices and communications in
tended fur this paper, should be handed in as early as
vfedatjiixv morning, to insure tneir puoi'caiion.
Subscribers not receiving their paoer resrularlv will
arfer a favor by giving notice of the same at tnis
Subscribers will bear in mind that ths subsci iption isuiiariably $3.00, when oat paid In advance
Washington's Blriay,
Next Sunday is the J5Srd anniversary of
the birth of "America's uoblest Defender,'-
our own immortal Washington. tvery
American citizen should remember with
feelings of reverence, love and patriotism the
advent of the man who was "First in war
first in peace, and first in the hearts of his
countrymen," In honor of the event, the
Cornet band will render the following pa
triotic selectior-s at 4 o'clock Sunday after
noon, weather periniting.
Quickstep, "Minute man of '70.
"MarabeHa" Wal zes.
Quickstep, "the Charge at Trenton."
Andante, "Our Heroes,."
"Chiniej of Soraiiwdj ,' Walts.
Washington's InaUTTable M?rch."
McCos .
Vr. -ott.
d '.in.
Casn ve Ens Ored t.
Knowing it to be for my beat interests,
nd beiievint; it to b-j for to a best interests
of my :u stonier, I jhali continue to sell for
cash on iy. The following are a few of my
reason-.- Firs); Taking no risks I can
aiTon! to-sell at a. lower rate of profit.
Second I will not he at the expense of
keeping a book-keeper (seventy-five dollars
a BKtuth. ) Third I will not have to spend
a week 'ufc of every month trying to make
collections. Fourth I will have time to
give m i'e attention to my business and
cous-ooentli' give better satisfaction to my
custn.uers, and tiually I solicit only cash
trade. J. M. Nolan.
A Profitable Runaway.
Last Monday afternoon the express team
took a httle spin, and in the course of their
ramblings ran onto the sidewalk and tore
away the unsightly and much abused iron
pump in front of Allen & Woodward's drug
store. The pump, situated as it was on
tbe sidewalk, has been the cause of many
unspeakable epithets by pedestrians on a
dark night when coming in contact with the
immovable thing. The downfall of the
aid pump is a source . of satisfaction to
every one. No damage to team or express
Visited the city.
Corvallis received quite a notable call one
day last week, not however from an influen
tial citizen, railroad official nor office holder,
but from one of those bold sheep-killers,
more particularly described as a coyote.
When first observed he was on the flat just
above town at the junction of Mary's river
and the "Willamette. Rather than cross the
river he started down one of the streets,
when David Osburn nave chase on horse
back, and who made it exceedingly tropical
for the varmint for a while until he finally
made his escape, bearing the marks of
Dave's cattle whip. It is barely possible
that he will visit our city again soon.
s ee, i eai
Aa Ancient Poem Adapted to the Oregon
Contributed by a Chronic Growler.
Thirty days hath September,
April, June and Movember,
But the rain it raineth every day.
February hath twenty-eight,
Then the Willamette waxeth great,
While the rain it raineth every day.
Leap year giveth one day more,
Wet as those that went before,
For the rain it raineth every day.
All the rest have thirty-one
- - r Without a single gleam of sun,
And the rain it raineth every day.
We hereby give notice that all persons
running bills with us, mast pay up the 1st
of each month. No accounts will be allowed
to run for a longer time, and no exception
will be made to this rule. We pay cash for
oar stock and must have cash in return.
J. C. Taylor,
Houck & Osbcrn,
C. D. Raybubn.
February 20th, 18S5.
Ton Cannot Find,
Finer reception rooms, finer operating
rooms, finer attendance or finer photographs
than at Abeil & Son's, 29 Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon. Take elevator.
Masquerade to-night.
Shaved Shingles at Mattoon's.
New goods weeklj at Nolan's Cash Store.
Senator Cauthorn spent last hun Jay at
Toys, Stationary, Notions, &c., at Mat
toon's. New dress goods this wrek at Nolan's
Cash Store.
Good Joke a No. 1. 5 cent cigar at Mat
toon's. Dr. J. B. Lee went to Salem last Tues
day afternoon.
Hon. Geo. Waggoner returned from Salem
Monday afternoon.
Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Figs and
Dates at Mattoon's.
Ladies can find the genuine "Jouvin" Kid
Gloves at Nolan's Cash Store.
Will H. Parry, editor and publisher of
the Went Side spent Sunday in Corvallis.
S. L. Kline goes to San Francisco on the
next steamer to purchase a stock of bpring
Misses Ida and Mattie Burnett enter
tained a few of their friends Wednesday
C. H. Whitney is in Portland this week.
Look out for a Deer stock of goods whea he
L. H. Houck, of the firm of Houck Bro.'s,
of Monroe, was in Corvallis on business
The Cornet Band are making arrange
ments for a minstrel performance in this
city in the near future.
Bcv. J. L. Herjhner will preach in the
Evangelical church in this city next Sunday
morning and evening. '
For a choice steak or roast, go to C. D,
Rayburn's market, where you aie sure tt
get what ycu call for.
The many friends of Miss Mary Monteith
will be pleased to learn that she is recover
ing from her late sickness.
Little Maud Cauthorn, daughter of Sena
tor Cauthorn, who was severely scalded
last week is recovering nicely.
John W:llis, who was committed to the
asylum form this county sometime ago.
died at that place last Monday.
Three old bachelors ot Albany have ad
vertised in an Eastern paper for wives.
Albany girls are in despair, says the Demo
There is $40,000,000 of unclaimed money
no r in the United States Treasuty. Some
editor evidently dropped it out of his pock
et and never missed it.
A bill appropriating $30,000 for the erec
tion of an additional building for the State
University at Eugene City has passed both
branches of the legislature.
Bev. I. D. Driver, passed through this
place last Saturday, en route for Buena
Vista, where he is now conducting a quart
erly meeting of the M. K. Church.
D. T). Fagan, representing A. G. fall
ing's History of Benton County, went to
Portland Tuesday moraine on business con
nected with the forthcoming history.
A son of Mr. John Wyatt, living near
this place, had an arm broken by a kick
from a horse Tuesday morning. Dr. J. B.
Lee was called and set the broken limb.
Ladies wishing anything in hair goods
must call at Mrs. Mason's soon, as Miss Ida
Roberts will leave in a short time, and no
agency for these goods will be left in this
We undei stand that "Samp" Henderson
w,ll on the first of next month move his
barbershop into his building now occupied
by C. H. Mattoon. He will also fit up a
a biliard room, procure a fir t-class hjliard
table, stock of cigais, tobacco and notions.
Herman Walker, the young man who was
so badly injured by the accidental discharge
of his gun, across the river in Linn county,
mention of which was made iu last week's
Gazette, is said to be getting along nicely,
with favorable chances for recovery.
A New Orleans minister recently married
a colored couple, and at the conclusion un
necessarily remarked: "On such occasions
as this it is customary to kiss the bride, but
in this case we will omit it." The indig
nant bridegroom very pertinently replied:
'On such occasions as dis, it am de custome
to gib de minister $10, but on dis case we
will omit it."
A mum sociable is suggested with the fol
lowing rules: First All entering are ex
pected to maintain perfect silence. Second
The first one who speaks will be fined $1.
Third Each successsive speaker will be
subjected to a tine of 25 cents, and he will
be entitled to a badge and the privilege of
talking and making othets talk. Fourth
No writing allowed. Fifth those who re
frain from talking the entire evening will
have their refreshments gratis.
The other day when we were in Corvallis
we were agreeably surprised to meet Mr.
G. W. Smith, whom we met years ago at
Ashland. He is still pursuing the even
tenor of his way, in the jewelry, watch and
clock repairing business, and in fact he can
do anything in his line in first-class, work
manship style. We know him of old, and
he will give von satisfaction in his dealings.
Do not forget to call on George W. Smith,
Main St., Corvallis, Or. Roseburg Review.
Corvallis has a regularly organized cook
ing club, which meets once a week. The
object of this club is to improve its fair
members in the -art of practical cooking.
Each member, on the day of the meeting,
prepares a dish of some kind and conveys it
to the place of meeting, where they in turn
"give their experience," for the mutual ben
efit of all. If all of their meetings are as
pleasant, and their cooking as perfect as at
the residence of Miss Kate Carlile last
Wednesday afternoon, we are of the opinion
that improvement in the culinary art is out
of the question. Long live the Corvallis
J t 00 King V1UD.
Suver Sayings. -s.
Suver, Feb. 18, 1885.
The weather has been very rain v during
the week.
A grand ball was given at Wells Station
last Friday evening, the 13th.
We understand that considerable sickness
has prevailed in Buena Vista during the
Sheriff J. F. Groves, of Dallas, was in
town last Monday, collecting the taxes for
1884. He reports Dallas booming.
A number of Buena Vista ites were in Su
ver last Saturday evening attending the
Skating Rink, and among whom was C. A.
McCulough and wife.
N. F. Hooper of Buena VUta, passed
through Suver last week on his way to
Airlie, where he expected to organize a class
in vocal music. He goes for Kings Valley
D.ej. At Buena Vista, Or., Feb. 17,
1885, George Clifford, httle son of Mr. and
Mrs. VV. R. Hall, aged, 3 years, 2 mouths,
and 16 days. Little Clifford was a bright
boy, and a favorite of all.
At the residence of her father, Mr. D. H.
Davidson, in Pomeroy, W. T., on Feb. 4th,
1885, Mrs. Alia vista Butler, wife of D. But
ler, aged 24 years, 7 months, and 24 days.
The funeral took place last Fiiday the 13th.
She was a former resident of Polk County.
BuenaTista I.ems
Buena Vi. f a, Feb. 16, 1885.
Weather very damp.
Mrs. A. J. Hall, of Suver, was in town
last week.
Mrs. J. W. Simpson is gaining health
A little daughter of Mr. and Mis. W. R.
Hall is very sick, not expected to live.
Miss Susannah McLain, of Independence,
was in town last week, visiting her parents.
Mr. A. J. Richardson and wife were in
Salem last Wednesday.
D. B. Baldwin and family, of Kings Val
ley logging camp, have moved in town.
Mr. B. has purchased a house and lot, and
intends to make Buena Vista their future
Prof. N. F. Hooper intends to organize a
class in vocal music at Airlie, He intends
to go Kings Valley Saturday.
Rev. L D. Dr' ver, of the M. E. Church,
will conduct religious services at this church
next Saturday, moiniog and evening. All
are invited.
Married. At Buena Vista, February 9,
1885, Mr. J. W. Crowley, of Portland, to
Miss Ada E. Krentz. of Buena Vista, Jus
tice R. F. Wells offiiiiting.
Died. At this place, February 12, 18S5,
little George, son of Mr. aud Mrs. G. H.
Krentz, aged 14 months and 7 days.
Miss Thompson, of Corvallis was thrown
from a horse near Suver yesterday ! nd her
right arm broken. Dr. Stanley of this place
was call on to dress the wouud. The par
ticulars are uot yet learned.
The annual school meeting for school
district No. 33, will be held at the school
house in Buena Vista, on Monday, Mar. 2,.
1885, for the purpose of electing the usual
list of officers.
The following is the programme of the
Debating Society, which will meet at the
school house in this place next Friday even
ing, Feb. 20th: (Question: "Resolved that
intemperance has caused more misery than
war." Debaters on the affirmative: E. C.
Hall, Wm. Wells, B. S. Clark, A. F. Hersh-
ner; on the negative: K. t. Wells, rj. O.
Heath, C. P. Wells and G. S. Hall. For
reading, Nola Bev ens, Nellie Coke, A. E.
Spalding, E. M. Simpson, Nellie Spalding,
Jane McClain, Esther Damcwood and Ralph
Your correspondent suggests that the
citizens of Buena Vista should take steps
towards the improvement of the side-walks,
as they arc in a bad condition at present.
state Board of Agriculi ure
A bill to provide for the organization of a
State Board of Agriculture, to promote the
agricultural and other industrial interssts of
the state, encourage immigration, and make
appropriations therefor, has passed both
house and senate, and now awnits the signa
ture of the Governor to become a law.
The bill appropriates $5,000 annually for
the next, two years to the State Board of
Agriculture, to bo used in the award of
premiums. It also provides that the State
printer shall do the necessary printing for
the society, to advertise the resources of
the State, make announcement of fairs, etc.
It also provides that thirty days after the
passage of the act the Governor shall ap
point eight resident citizens of the State,
who, together with four persons elected by
the State Agricultural Society, shall consti
tute a State Board of Agriculture. Twenty
days after appointment they shall
meet in the Capitol building and elect a
president, secretary, and Treasurer, who
shall each hold his office one year. The
members of the board shall organize them
selves into four classes, of three members
each, one class to serve one year, one to
serve two, three, and four years respective
ly, and they shall make their own constitu
tion, by-laws and rules. . Their regular
place of meeting shall be in the Capitol
building. They shall have the management
of the State fair, appoint officers, etc.
Their secretary shall make an annua state
ment of their acts and financial standing to
the Governor. The State does not make
itself responsible for any debts of the
society out side of the $5,000 per year ap
Corvallis Water Works.
A company has recently been formed and
incorporated for the purpose of supplying
the city with first-class water works, to be
in working order by the first of May, or
possibly sooner. It is the intention of the
company to procure a pnmp with a capacity
of supplying water for a city three times
the present size of Corvallis. The incor'
porators are Dr. G. R. Farra, Wm. Pitman,
W. B. Chase and O. R. Additon.
Monroe Musings.
Monroe, Oregon, Feb. 16, 1885.
There was last week in Monroe a feat per
formed which we suppose in medical science
was of uo uncommon occurrence, but, to
the unsophisticate it was truly a wonder.
It was the extraction of a live animal from
the body of a living man. This animal is
familiarly known to the Ethereal Medico
Cork Screw Latin . scholar as the Teania
Solum, or the Bothirocephalus Latus, but
to the common intellect it is known by the
euphonious name of tape worm. It is con
ceded in natural science to be a parasite
with many qualities in general common to
the mistleto found growing on White Oak
timber, but it is Si Geuerees in one Bense.
It is formed of segments and each of those
segments contain within itself the full pow
ers of self-production, and those segments
can be easily severed from the parent trunk
without any apparent injury to either.
We will refer the dubious and doubtful to
Dr. Wortman, the extractor. Tins one
was found by actual measurement to be
over 21 teet long. The only inference we
drew from the facts, was, that if as peace
able and quiet a person as Mr. W. Mail
seems to be has such things in him, then
there must be people within the knowledge
of all ot us, who are chuck full of centi-
peecla, tarautulas, rattlesnakes and alliga
tors. There is a new firm of M. D.s in town.
Dr. F. Wortman has associated with him
Dr. G. H. Flett. We wish them success as
they are both studious and careful.
1 he firm of Wilhelm & Looney are pre
paring to rebuild their storehouse that fell
under the snow pressure this winter; The
prospect of spring trade demands more
There is an oversight in our e fficient and
courteous miller in not having sufficient
flour on hand for home consumption.
Philomath Paragraphs.
There seems to be a disease among the
horses in this community that has proven
fatal in many instances. It seems to be in
many cases very much like the distemper
that is quite common all over the country,
but for some cause it is more fatal this year.
Mr. Wm. Wyatt, living one mile north of
Philomath, has suffered severely by the
disease, losing eleveu or twelve head, some
of them were excellent hor-:es. Some were
young auiinals uubrokeu, hence they were
harder to manage than those which were
broken. It is thought by thoie that have
been long in this country that the severe
snow-storm this winter, uncommon to this
climate,' has been the cause. It has proven
much worse for horses that have been out
in pasture than those in stable. Stock has
not suffered alone, as there is a co'd or
cough, almost an epidemic, going around
through the country among the people, old
and youug, that has been very severe since
the storm., and there is scarcely an observer
in Oregon, but what has noticed in the past
that after a snow storm, severe colds and
aud sickness occur.
The winter wheat iu this part of the
county looks very tine. A good prospect
for a large crop at the coming harvest.
What the remuneration of the husbandmen
as to price will be for labor is yet in the
future. Farmers are looking and wishing,
and for aught I know, praying for good
weather, so that they may be able to get in
the spring crop in goad time. We are glad
to learn that the ruling price o." grain for the
last year has not altogether discouraged the
agriculturalist, but ths full number of acres
will be sown this year and wait the result
as to the price. It seems to me that it
would be the part of wisdom fr r the agri
culturalist to change a little from the old
plan of raisiug all wheat and oats and raise
other cereals and vegetables; crops that
will not be so hard on the land, and will in
time lie mom remunratwe than the policy
that has been pursue.! by farmers iu general.
There is a piece of land now within the cor
rate limits nf the city of philomath that to
my knowledge has raised a crop of wheat or
oats each year for thirty years, this policy
without reat will wear out the best land iu
the world.
The citizen? of Philomath have no lack
of entertainment Schedule of weekly exer
cibes Religieus, Literary, and Musical;
Sunday 9:30 a. m. Sahara School; 11 a. m.,
Service; 3:30 p. m class and prayer meet
ing: '7 p. m., service. Monday, 7 p. m.,
Philomath aud Athenian Literary societies,
the latter is composed exclusively of young
ladies. Tuesday 7 p. m., Holiness prayer
meeting, Cornet band. Wednesday 6:30
p. m., young people's p;aye. meeting; 7 p.
m., singing school. Thursday 7 p. m.,
prayer meeting. Fri.lay 7 p. m., Uespiau
Literary society, Cornet baud. Saturday
7 p. m., Poilomath Lodge. I. 0. G. T.
The college Boarding hall under the able
management of Pro). F. P. Jones and wife,
gives universal satisfaction. Students from
abroad here find a pleasant home.
J. A. HawKins having overhauled and re
fitted his sawmill and planer is now ready
to fill all orders.
Bring It Back
The person who got the ladder from the
warehouse of the undersigned, or any one
knowing of it will confer a great favor by
returning it or leaving word about it at
Woodcock Baldwin's.
Remaining unclaimd in the Postoffice at
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday
Feb. 20th, 1S85. Persons calling for same
will please say "advertised," giving date of
list. .
Brasson, Jndy Halley, Jas.,
Lancetield & Son Norton, Helen
Peggs, Daniel Ruble, Arizona
Viles, Chas. F., Conroy, Jas. B.,
Larnce, Saty Manning, Chas ,
Owesbey, N., Porter, Geniva
Ross, D. P. , West, E. R.,
N. R. Babber, P. M.
A Bill Introduced bv Mr Cautnorn,
For an Act to Confirm the Location of the
State Agricultural College at Corvallis, in
Benton County, Oregon, and to Provide
for the Maintenance and Government
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of
the Stale of Oregon:
Section L That the permanent location
of the State Agricultural College at Corval
lis, in Benton county, Oregon, be, and the
same is hereby ratified and confirmed; Pro
vided, however, That the citizens of said
county shall, on or before the first day o
January, 1887, have caused to be erected on
the farm containing thirty-five acres, in the
immediate vicinity of said city, known as
the Agricultural College farm, brick build
ings for the accommodation of the said State
Agricultural College at cost of not less than
twenty-five thousand dollars; and, Provided
further, That the said farm and buildings
shall be, on or before the first day of Jan
uary, 1887, free (roni all liens and incum
brences whatever.
Sic. 2. Tbat;the general government of
the said College shall be vested iu rod ex
ercised by a Board of Regents to be denomi
nated the Board of Regents of the State
Agricultural College of the State of Oregon,
who are hereby constituted a corporation
for that purpose, with power to sue aud be
sued; to make contracts and to enact, and
from time te time, to vary and amend all
such bylaws aud regulations, as in their
discretion, shall seem necessary or proper
for the beneiit, development and successul
working of the said College.
Sec. 3. That the said Board of Regents
aha" consist of thirteen members, of whom
the members of the State Board of Educa
tion and also the Master of the State
Grange, for the time being, shall be ex-ojicio
members. The other nine (9) members of
the Board shall be appointed by the Govern
or, by and with the advice and coment of
the Senate, not mote that five of which
nine members appointed by the Governor
shall b.-long to the same polities' party.
Such appointed members shall hold office
as follows: Three of them shall go out of
office at the end of the third year, three at the
end of the sixth ye: r, and the remaining
three at the end of the ninth year from the
time of the first appointment, the names of
those leaving office being determined among
themselves by lot. Thereafter eveiy person
appointed shall serve for the full period of
nine yesrs, or until tbeia successors ire ap
pointed and qualified. All vacancies occur
ring in said Board by death, resignation or
otherwise, during the recess of the Senate,
shall be rilled by the Governor until ihe
next meetiug of the Legislature, or until
their successors ars appointed and qualified.
Sec. 4. That at the first meeting of the
Board after their appointment, the members
present shall elect from their number a
President, Treasurer, and Secretary, and
shall prescribe their duties, and seven (7)
members shall constitute a quorum. The
said Board shall also appoint from its mem
bers an Executive Committee of five, of
whom three shall constitute a quorum.
The Executive Committee shall e:.e2ute the
powers and duties of the Board dui 'ng the
recess thereo'. Such Committee shall keep
a record of its proceedings which shall be
reported to each meeting of the Board, and
such record shall be at a'l times open to the
inspection of any member of the Board
Sec. 5. That the President of said Board
shall once a year make a written report to
the Governor, setting forth the condition of
said College, financial and otherwise, with
such recommendations touching the same as
he may think proper.
Sec. 6. That the course of instruction
and studies at the said College shall be pre
scribed by the Board of Regents, and shall
be in acsordance w;th the objects sought by
Congress in the establishment of State Agri
cultural Colleges, namely: "Instruction in
Agriculture and Mechanic Arts."
Sec. 7. That all funds applicable by law
to the support ot the State Agricultural
College, shall be drawn on warrant issued
by the Secretary of State for the time being,
on the written request of the Treasurer of
the Board of Regents, countersigned by the(
Sec. 8. For the time being an admission
fee and rates of tuition, such as the Board
of Regents shall deem expedient, shall be
required ef each student except as herein
otherwise provided Until the Legislative
Assembly shall otherwise direct, each Sen
atorial and Representative district in this
State shall be entitled to gratuitous in
struction for as many pupils as said district
now has of Senators and Representatives iu
the Legislative Assembly, and also each
county in the State shall be entitled to one
free scholarship in said College, all of whom
shall be selected as follows: The School
Superintendent in each county shall receive
and register the names of all applicants for
admission nominated by the Senators or
Representatives of that county, and shall
present the same to the County Court, sit
ting for the transaction of county business,
and from the applicants found to possess the
requisite qualifications, the number of pupils
to which such county is entitled shall bo
selected by lot. The persons so selected
shall be residents of the county for which
they are selected, and shall possess such
educational and other qualifications as the.
Board of Regents may prescribe. Vacancies
occurring shall also be filled by the Connty
Court as hereinbefore provided. In Sena
torial and Representatives districts com
pose! of more than one county the Senator
or Representative for that district shall
have the power to nominate and appoint
one student for such district, who shall be
received in said College on the same terms
as the students appointed by the County
Court. One-third of said students appoint
ed aa aforesaid may be females.
Sec. 9. For the endowment, mainten
ance and support of said Agricultural Col
lege, there is hereby set apart and appoint
ed, the interest on the fund which has
arisen, and which shall hereafter arise from
the sale of all the lands granted to the
State of Oregon, or to which said State was
entitled under the Act of Congress to pro
vide Colleges for the benefit of Agriculture
and the Mechanic Arts to the several States
and Territories approved July 2nd, 1862,
and the Acts amendatory thereof or so much
thereof as may be necessary, but in no case
shall the interest arising from said funds be
applied to the purchase of sites, or for build
ings for said Agricultural College, but only
in the payment of the salaries of professors,
officers and other current expenses. The
remainder of such interest remaining over
at the close of each fiscal year after the pay
ment nf such expenses, shall be added to and
become a part of the principal or endowment
fund forever.
Sec, 10. That the Board of Regents pro
vided for by this Act shall be appointed by
the Governor during the present session of
the Legislature, but they shall not assume
the government of said College until the
buildings mentioned in this Act shall have
been completed as aforesaid, and accepted
by the Governor on behalf of the State.
Sec. 11. That when, as soon as the
Governor has been notified that such build
ing has been completed, he shall inspect the
tame, and if he shall find that the same is
constructed as provided in this Act, and he
hall find that the said agricultural "arm
and buildings are free from all liens and in
cumbrances, he shall accept the same for,
and in behalf of this State; Provided, That
the Board of Regents is authorized at any
time after their appointment, to accept pro
visionally on behalf of the State a convey
ance to them of the said Agricultural Farm.
Sec. 12. That the State Board of Educa
tion is hereby constituted an Advisory
Board, to act in concert with the State
Agricultural College Association, being an
incorporation recently toimed by the citizens
of Benton connty to carry out the intended
purposes of this Act, on all matters con
nected with the design and construction of
the said intended building.
Sec. 13. That Corvallis College in Ben
ton county, having signified its intention
and desire to relinquish to the State the
control and management of the State Agri
cultural College, the same is hereby ac
cepted to take effect at the time, and in the
manner provided in this Act.
Sec. 14. Inasmuch as it is necessary to
provide for the immediate erection of said
building on said agricultural farm, this Act
shall take effect and be in force from and
after its approval by the Governor.
Tne Waeat Market.
Liverpool, Jan. 8, 1885.
From Hausman, Kufeke & Co., we quote
the following:
Last week our market has been char
acterized by great activity and considerable
speculation of outsiders. Under these in
fluences aided by large consumptive de
mand, wheat for forward shipment has
advanced 3-6 per quarter, and spot wheat
about 8d per cental from the boUom.
California flours are about cleared from
the market. Walla Walla flours are still
fairly plentiful and are held for more
Minnesota Patents are scarce and sell
readily at from 33-6 to 34. Bakers grades
are 2 higher.
First rate Winter Wheat Patents have
advanced less than other kinds, and 1 ad
vance is hardly obtainable. Extra Fancy
and Fancy are 1-6 higher and the advance
is freely paid.
Hungarian flour is scarce and exceeding
ly firm; it is 2-6 higher from the lowest.
Imports for the week ending January 3rd,
are about 318,864 qrs., which is about the
average, making the total imports from
Sept. 1st, 5,480,901 qrs.
A circular from the same firm dated San
Francisco, February 9th, says:
There have not been any changes in the
Markets on this Coast since our last issue,
but the London and Liverpool Markets have
again declined, from 3 to 6 pence a quarter,
making business in wheat between here and
Europe quite impracticable.
Farmers here are not willing to take a
less price for their grain, no matter up er
down. Market across the water, and ocean
freights remain in about the same position.
This makes it bad for all concerned, and
busiuess is once more at a standstill. We
quote wheat to-day, at from $1.27J to
$1.32, as to grade, and freights 40 to 42-6,
per Iron, U. K.
BECK WITH. In this city, February 14,
1885, to the wife of O. W. Beckwith, a
son, usual weight.
McGEE. In Eugene City, Oregon, Feb
ruary 11th, 1885, of lung fever, Mrs.
Martha McGee, aged 42 years, wife of
Robt. McGee.
GOODMAN. In Portland, Oregon, Friday
morning, February 13, 18S5, Mr. S. E.
Goodman, aged 27 years.
The deceased was formerly Wells, Fargo
& Co.'s express messenger between this
place and Portland, The remains were
taken to Eugene city for interment. He
leaves a widowed wife, nee Miss Maggie
Frouk, formerly of Albany, an orphan child,
parents, brothers and sisters, and many
friends to mourn his untimely death .
Is It Not True? There can be no argu
ment as to the qualities essential to a per
fect remedy for the ills arising from a dis
ordered or inaotive condition of the Liver,
Stomach and Bowels. Everyone will admit
that it should be perfectly safe for old and
young of both sexes, at any aud all times;
that it should be acceptable both to the
taste and the stomach; that it should never
fail to act promptly and thoroughly yet
painlessly, and should give strength to those
organs. It is now well known that Syrup
of Figs possesses those qualities in a pre
eminent degree. Allen & Woodward are
agents for this place.
Fresh oysters, all styles, at Bain's.
Fresh candy aud taffy daily at Bain's.