The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 20, 1885, Image 1

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NO. 8.
Published every Friday Morning
ft"1 (Payable in Advance.)
Per Year
ix Month! 16"
Three Mentha. 1 00
ilnfle Co pi. j 10c
Hf Year rwhea not paid in advonce) 2 00
Ail notices and advertisements intended for pub
atiea should be handed in by noon on Wednesdays
Kate of advertising made known on application .
ana the CoavaLLis Gaerttk for Si. 00 a year in ad
vance. We have perfected arrangements with the
publishers of the American Farmer, of Fort Wayne,
lad., that enable us to offer our subscribers a first
laae agricultural magazine at the bare cost of the
whit, paper on which it is printed. The American
Farmer ia a 16 Dagre monthly magazine which is rap
idly taking rank one of the leading agricultural
publication, of th. country. Each number will con
tain useful information for the fanner, his wife, his
eons and bisdaughters. As it costs you almost noth
ing, nappes you try it one year. Parties desiring
valuable reading matter on farm, stock and agricul
tural aubjec will find toil the most profitable and
cheapest way to get it
tub Extra Session Problem
Washikctos, Feb. 15. Judging from
the expressions of the member s of congress,
whoa speaking for themselves alone, and. to
some extant from the course of events last
week, and extra session congress is uo long
er probable, bat may be possible, as ex
pressions of fear or convictions are heard on
all hands that some party or faction, not
including the persons speaking, would wel
come an extra session; and it is conceded
everywhere that the condition of public
business is such that the purpose, if enter
tained may be effected, and perhaps without
disclosure of the responsibility therefor n j
any quarter. Even if every one be credited
with the straight-forward purpose of work
ing to secure the tiassage of the appropria
tion bills before the 4th of March, the fact
remains that under the long existing rules
of the house the roads to entanglement are
many and short, while the Mays to the
solution of possible parliamentary difficul
ties arc few and involved. Five of the
most important appropriation bills are yet
to ie acUsl upon by the house, and these,
in addition to the postoilice bill, must yet
be considered by the senate committee on
Ru Indian Appropriation Bill.
Wa s ;l i suton, Feb. 15. The Indian ap
propriation bill aa reported to the senate in
creases the house bill $152,000. The com
mittee has struck out all provisions for the
payment of private claims growing out of
iudiau depredations, but has substituted a
general provision requiring the secretary of
the interior to report at the next session all
claims of this nature, together with such in
formation regarding them as may have been
gathered by agents of the department. The
bill contains a new provision, as follows:
"To supply food and other necessities of
life in cases of distress among Indians jnot
having treaty funds, arising from emergen
cies not foreseen or otherwise provided for,
to be used at the discretion of the president.
425,000." The provision for the Indian
school at Santa Fe is stricken out. A new
provision ia inserted for the establishment
fa school in Colorado for Utes. Ten thou
sand dollars is appropriated for the con
structioa of an Indian school at Albuquer
que. The feature of the house bill prohib
itiug, under heavy penalties, the sale of fire
arms to Indians, that amending the statutes
relating to selling spirituous liquors to In
lians, that authorizing the president to open
negotiations with the Creeks, Semiuoles and
Cherokees, for the purpose of opening up
and settling the Oklahoma country, and
that which subjects Indians charged with
the comtms&on j cranes against, person or
jjrop. y to tue laws t the territory where
the act is alleged to have been committed,
are stricken out.
Randall a Plan Adopted.
Washington, Feb. 16. At a meet;ng of
the house committee on appropriations co
night, for consideration of the naval appro
priation bill, Raudall's proposition to in
crease the navy was adopted with amend
ment. The amendments provide that the
board to consider designs shall consist of
three civilians, one line officer over the rank
of captain, naval constructor, naval engi
neer, and secretary of the navy; that
awards for designs of vessels shall be limited
to $10,000 and $5,000; that there shall be
but four diffeient kinds of vessels, and that
the report of the board shall be submitted
to tffe president before the first Monday in
December, and he in turn shall transmit it
to congress. The naval appropriation bill
will be completed in the morning and re
ported to the house.
Dynamiters in San Francisco.
Saw Francisco, Feb. 16-The Chronicle pub
lishes an article to-day in which it claims to
have discovered the existence of a brother
hood of dynamiters in this city, numbering
eighty-five members. One of the members
in an interview stated that the brotherhood
had sent $700 to O'Donovan Bossa, and two
agents were sent to Great Britain from this
Examination of Rossa's Assailant.
New York, Feb. 16. Yseult Dudley was
arraigned in the police court this morning,
tor shooting u Uonovan Kossa. ltossa was
not in conrt, and the prosecuting officer
announced tl t he had not called him
because there was so much excitement about
dynamite at the present that extraneous
matter miIit interfere wiih the orderly ad
ministration of justice. Kx-Judge fuller
tea and lawyer Butts appeared for Mrs.
Dudley, who salt composedly near her coun
sel and listened intently, but with little
evident concern to the testimony of wit
nesses for the people. When the prisoner
was asked by a witness whom she shot, she
said, "O'Donovan Rossa." The witness
asked why, and was told by the prisoner
that she wanted toMtill him. The reason
for such a desire wasJ"Kossa was an enemy
to my country. ' The justice consented to
fix bail at $3000 for prisoners appearance
before the grand jury. Mrs. Dudley was
remanded, pending appearance of bonds
men. Iowa Liquor Law
Cedar Rapids, Ia., Feb. 16. Letters
from Iowa postmasters concerning the opera
tion of th.6 prohibitory law in 410 cit es and
towns heard from, including all sizes from
the smallest to the largest, are published.
The law is reported as enforced in 160 places
and in 100 of these there were saloons pre-
v:ous to last July. In many places where
the law is reported as enforced there is still
drunkenness, and intoxicants in various
forms are sold. In many of the towns
where drinks are sold op?nly some of the
saloons have quit, and occasionally the
reports show more saloons now than before
the law went into operation. "
Cleveland's Cabinet
Sar Francisco, Feb. 16. The Examin
er's Albany, New York, special to-night
savs: Definite information has been re
ceived that Senator Bayard yesterday in
formed President-elect Cleveland that he
would accept the portfolio of the state de
partineut, and that Mr. Manning has con
sented to go into the cabinet as secretary of
the treasury. It has also been decided that
Mr. Carland will be offered the position of
attorney general. Mr. McDonald will
probably go into the cabinet, but this has
not yet been definitely determined upon.
Vilas will, it ia stated by good authority, be
offered the portfolio of the war department.
ALBANY, Feb. 16. There are some peo
ple here this evening who j profess to know
and declare that up to this time President
elect Cleveland has not made a definite se
lection of any single member of his cabinet.
Others insist he has already given the ap
pointment of secretary of state to Bayard.
A prominent democrat here to-night pre
dicts the following as the names of Cleve
land's cabinet: Secretary of state. Bayard
of Delaware; secretary of the treasury, Man
ning of New York; secretary of the interior.
McDonald of Indiana; secretary of the navy,
Uorman of Maryland; secretary ot war,
Thurinan of Ohio; postmaster general, Vilas
of Wisconsin. Senator Thurinan was ex
pected in Albany to-night, but is supposed
to be detained by the storm.
Not in a Hurry.
Y ashingtox, Feb. 1. A democratic
member of congress, who recently conversed
with the President-elect in New York, and
who also conversed with gentlemen who are
intimate with Mr. Cleveland, says that he is
satisfied that the Cabinet has not been de
termineil upon. He adds that from what
he heard the President-elect is in uo haste
about the final formation of the Cabinet
The Great Strike Ended.
Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 15. The announce
ment was made in all parts of the Hocking
valley to-day that the commissary had
given out and was uo longer coming in, and
advising men to get to work. This ends the
strike, which started last April. Many
men went iu last week in anticipation of
the climax.
Soldiers' Home.
Washington, teo. lo. Aiie annual re
port of the board of managers of the Nation?
al home for disabled volunteer soldiers has
been laid before the house. A new home
has been located near Leavenworth, Kan
sas. This wiil be designated as the West
ern branch. The board also determined to
recommend t congress the location of a
branch home at some point in California for
the disabled voluuters of the Pacific Coast,
the sight to be selected hereafter. The
board has curtailed admission to the hom
as muchas was in its power without absolute
disobedience to the law, but notwithstand
ing its efforts the number of inmates have
increased in a much greater proportion than
was anticipated a year ago. December 1,
1S84, the total number of the four bran eh e s
was 8,138.
Amendment to the Silver BUI.
Washington, Feb. 16. An amendment
was to-day proposed by Senator Morgan to
the anti-silver coinage bill. It strikes out
the present provision for suspension of the
coinage of the standard dollar, and author
izes the president, on and after April 1, 1885,
and in any succeeding month until April 1,
1886, to direct the secretary of the treasury
to suspend, in whole or part, the purchase
of silver bullion for the coinage of standard
dollar-. AW
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, Feb. 7, 1885,
Mr. Cleveland's New York headquarters
have been the Mecca of Democratic pil
grimage from Washington. Many members
of Congress and Senators have utilized the
occasion to impress themselves upon the
President-elect, and many yet will visit him
during the next week. Some of the State
delegations, that of Virginia, for the Postmaster-Generalship,
go in a body to present
the claims of Cabinet aspirants. . Mr. Cleve
land has probably hoard more small gossip,
aud petty backbiting since he opened bis
office in N. Y., than during any equal period
in his life, and any reputation that passes
this ordeal without being torn to tatters
may be depended upon to wear. Politicians
reserve most of their eulogies for the dead.
Mr. Cleveland will have to refer to the Con
gressional Record for any good opinion of
public men. According to the obituary
oratory of that book they will all bs angels
after they die, in spite of the defamatory
scandals whispered about them, while liv
ing by their associates and rivals. It is
well known that a number of party leaders
were insulted by the failure of Mr. Cleve
land to invite them specially to a confer
ence, and that they declined to join in the
promiscuous procession to New York. It
is said that when Mr. Cleveland was ap
prised of this dissatisfaction he sent private
invitations to the eminent but nettled
The notable debate of the week in the
House of Representatives has been on the
River and Harbor bill. Soveral Louisiana
and Texas members, who want James B.
Bads entrusted with the management of the
Mississippi river, and Galveston harbor im
provement championed his cause with great
earnestness. Mr. Ochiltree felt compelled
to speak as the accredited agent of the little
city. He denounced the army Engineers
as incompetent, said they had for a series of
teu years, conducted experiments with the
aid of money appropriated .y Congress, and
that the bur was still there but the jetty
was not. He claimed to be no hero wor
shiper, but Wanted justice done to Eads.
called attention to the world wide fame of
his engineering feats, aud thought his suc
cess had been as brilliant as the failure of
the Army Engineers at Galveston had been
complete. Mr. O'Neil, of St. Louis, made
an amusing speech in favor of more liberal
appropriations. . He wanted enough money
to get the beustit' of desp water at once.
We are all supposed, said he, to be legisla
ting for this generation, and not for poster
ity at least in the matter of river improve
ments. Mr. McAdoo, of New Jersey, then
made the startling, if not original announce
ment that posterity had never done any
thing for us.
Senator Sherman presented a petition to
Congress from thirty -seven persons, asking
that the electoral votes of certain states
may not be counted. They ask on this
ground that in some of the states, among
them South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana, Tcnnesee aud Ohio persons were
kept away from the polls by threats and
acts of violence and bloodshed during the
last eleefciou, aud Congress is asked to ex
amine these charges of criminal interference
with free suffrage.
President Arthur is an admirer of Henry
Irving. He went to see the famous actor
in the "Merchant of Venice" on last Tues
day evening. The President, with his sis
ter, daughter and guests occupied, the or
chestra chairs, the party seeming to enjoy
the . play thoroughly. On the following
evening, the President gave his annual din
ner in honor of the Justices of the Supreme
Court. Owing to the absence of Chief Jus
tice Waite, win is now in Florida with
Mrs. Waite, seeking recuperation from his
late severe illness, and the absence of Jus
tice Mathews in consequence of the recent
death of his wife, the affair differed from
the banquet of last year when all the mem
bers of the Supreme Court were seated at
the White House board. The Attorney
General, the Chairman of the Senate and
House Judiciary Committee, and number of
President Arthur's friends in private life
increased the number of guests to forty.
Seven wine glasses, a goblet, and carafe
were set at each plate, and the ladies
boquets were clusters of large roses tied
with pink or blue satin ribbon.
The funny member from Colorado, Mr.
Belford, who has not been Congress this
session, made his appearance on the floor of
the House on Wednesday, and held an im
promptu reception. When he arose to
speak he was applauded by both sides of
the chamber. He began at the outer row
of seats on the Republican side, but before
he closed he had been all over the floor,
and finally ended with the Demoorats. He
shouted, as of old, for the unlocking of the
Treasury and the disbursement of the sur
plus, wanted reservoir with which to irri
gate Colorado, and made some high flown
reference about the sun "just stopping in
East to drink the dew, and sinking in the
West to cool his axle." R.
Sharon Alimony.
San Francisco, Feb. 16. Judge Sullivan
this morning rendered a decision on the
question of alimony and counsel fees in the
Sharon divorce case. He granted the plain
tiff, nee Miss Hill, $2,500 a month from
date of application and $55,000 counsel
Bills Passed
The following bills were passed by the
legislature during the week ending February
S. B. No. 28, by Cartwright, to create the
county of Gilliam, from that portion of
Wasco, north and east of the John Day
S. B. No. 52, by Lee, Dallas charter.
8. B. No. 23, by Prim, Jacksonville char
ter. S. B. No. 76, by Bilyeu, amending the
school law.
S. B. No. 149, by Simon, to regulate the
manner of pleading ordinances.
S. B. No. 70, by Emmitt, prohibiting
swine running at large.
S. B. No. 103, by Vorhees, to pay Terri
torial warrant No. 100. in favor of Col. Shiel
for $250 for services.
S. B. No. Ill, by Reed, to provide a
State pilot boat at the Columbia bar.
S. B. No. 1 10. by Hare, Hillsboro char
ter. S. B. No. 112, by Burch, Amity chirter.
S. B. No. 134, by Davenport, Silverton
S. B. No. 143, by Cauthorn, Yaquina City
S. B. No. 39, by Simon, mechanics' lien,
giving laborers and materials new liens on
buildings to secure pay.
S. B. No. 84, by Simon, creating office of
additional Circuit Judge for the County of
S. B. No. 136, by Carson, giving Portland
school district authority to borrow 100,-
S. B. No. 40, by Hoult, regulating freights
and fares on transportation lines.
S. B. No. 140, by Hare, fixing time of
holding Court in the Fifth Judicial District.
S. B. No. 139, by Prim, fixing time of
holding Court in First District.
S. B. No. 144, by Simon, defining the
terms of "land" and "real property."
H. B. No. 4, by Cox, creating Morrow
,i. B. No. 2, by Bilyeu, for additional
buildings, etc., to Eagene University.
H. B. No. 14, by Riddle, providing bouu
tic on wild auimals.
H. B. No. 43, by Leinenweber, creating
Board of Immigration.
H. B. No. 26, by Bilyeu, regulating the
subpoenaing of witnesses, limiting the num
ber to four.
H. B. No. 32, by Roberts, to improve the
breed of cattle and hogs.
H. B. No. 133, by Leinenweber, Clatsop
City charter.
H. B. No. 136, by Mayo, East Portland
H. B. No. 210, by Craven, Independence
H. B. No. 215, by Chandler, Baker City
H. B. No. 186, by Smith, Fcrest Grove
H.. B. No. 167, by Story, amending Port
land Fire Department law.
H. B. No. 95, by Loekett, providing for
a State Board of Agriculture.
H. B. No. 139, by Porter, providing man
ner of letting contracts for the building of
public bridges.
H. B. No. 134, by Beall, fixing fees of
Dis rict Attorneys. i
H. B. No. ISJ, by Woodward, Sheridan
H. B. No. 216, by Porter, to re-locate the
county seat of Joseph iue.
H. B. No. 117, by Watts, to prohibit car
rying concealed weapons.-
H. B. No. 45, by Mont.iyne, for the pay
meiit of Jasju Wheeler for services in the
Cayuse war.
. Sciiwatka Interviewed.
Ne'.v York, Feb. 1 6. The Times has an
interview of Lieutenant Schwatka, who said:
"I asked for leave of absence in order that
I might make explorations of Alask',
under citizens of Oregon. Leave of absence
was refused. I suppose the real reasou was
that the war department was about to send
an expedition to Alaska, under command
of Lieutenant Abercrombie, anil did not
want to brin its re ults into competition
with those of civillians an expedition such
as mine would have been. Yon see there is
a regular 'dog-in-the-manger' policy pursued
The department objects to civillians; the
navy department objects to the war depart-
ment, aud the coast survey, which is under
the secretary of the interior, objects to
either, both or all. If one attempts to go
where all have equal rights an alliance at
once is formed by the other two, and all
three unite against the civillian. For some
months I have been, at work getting sub
scriptions to stock of a company to put cat
tle on the Aleutian islands, and make it a
business of raising them. There is capital
grazing on these islands.
Train Wreckers Killed.
Houston, Tex., Feb, 15. Several at
tempts were made lately to wreck the night
express on the .Galveston, Harrisburg and
San Antouia Road near Harwood station.
Detectives were put ou guard and saw' two
negroes in the act of obstructing the track
this morning and shot them dead. They
proved to be discharged brakemen.
California has made another appropriation
of $10,000 for the display of the State at the
New Orleans Exposition. This additional
appropriation will give the Golden State
about the best display of any in the Union.
A.ttornev - at - Law,
Coeval lis,
- Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Fire Insurancea Specialty.
Money Loaned on Good Security.
C. I i. LEEt M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office in Post Office Building:,
Office Heurs: 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m
tar In office nights. "5i 2132tf
J. B. Lsb, M. D. G. R. Fakra, M. D.
IPhvsicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Corvallis, - Oregon.
Pianos. Tuning and repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
NKAR ALDER, (20-231H6 Portland Or.
W. C. Crawford,
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
Ail kinds of repairing done on short notice, and al
work warranted.
THIS OUT, and return to
The Gazette Publishing House with an order for
any amount of Job 1'riiitinfif, such as Bill or
Letter Heads, Invitations, Calling and Business
Card., Programmes Ball Tickets, Note, Order,
and Receipt Books, Circulars, Lahels, Shipping
Tags, Posters, or any class of Job Printing.
Prices as low as Good Work can be done for.
Kitlex. Pistol.
Amunitinn. Cntlery.
Spy Glasses, Fishing Tackle,
Sewing Machines.
Work made to order and warrant!.
20 -33tf c. HODES, Corvallis.
F. J. Hendrichson.
Boot and Shoe Make,
Philomath, Oregon.
I always keep on hand superior ma
terial and warrant my work. I ask an examinatioj
of my goods before purchasing elsewhere
iy-az-iyr t . j. Henuncnson.
All orders left at the Steam Mill or
with Thompson ifc Son, will be prompt
ly filled.
Price per solid cord $3.oo
F. Kittridge.
J H. Lewis,
E. E. .P.ABEE.
City Dra,y,
Leu is & itaber, Proprietors.
S2T Do a general Draying Business.
Ore rs Solicited.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Brink & Wright, Prop's,
Gooil Teams, Buggies, Carriages and Sad
dle Horses at reasonable rates.
Third Street, between Jefferson and Adams.
Real Estate Agency.
A. P. Graines.
Real Estate, Employment and Collection
Business Solicited- References Given.
OFFICE. First door south of Fisher's Brick, main
New Jewelry Store.
C. W. Smith,
A practical Jeweler and Watch-maker has located
in Waggoner & Buford's real estate office, Corvallis.
Special attention given to repairing flue chronometer
watches. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit
the times. A fine stock of watches, clocks and jewel
ry constantly on hand. 21-5X tf
Jamei? L. Lewis.
Sheep, Cattle, Horses and Hogs bought and
sold and Contracts made to furnish same
Mutton, Beef and fat Hogs a
21-40-3m '
Direct from the East !
Eastern and St. Louis
f)oRVALLisj - Oregon;
The Gazette,
Largest Family Papers
Published in Oregon, containing all important dis
patches, news from all parts of Oregon an the Pa
cific coast, all local news of importance, besides a full
supply of general and fireside family reading matter.
The Gr-azette,
As in past, will continue to be t f u. exponent of
The Interests of Benton County and the
State at Large.
It will faithfully and fearlessly warn the people of
wrong, imposition, er approaching danger where the
public is interested, never fearing te publiih th
truth at all times, but will endeavor to always ignore
all unpleasant persoaalities which are of no public
nterest or concern. -
Fisher's Block,