(if) Weekly Corval lis Gazette. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1884. Entered at the Postoffice at Corvallis. Oregon, as eeoul-claaa matter OFFICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COUNTY News Summary. Walla Walla farmers are estimating the coming crop at forty bushels to the acre. Gordon, late editor of the Seattle Herald, is reported as the editor of the forthcoming Victorian Times. The taxable property of -the city of Mc MinTille, laccording to the assessment of 1883, amounts to $313,558. Sixty million pounds of copper are said to have been produced by the Lake Superior copper mines last year. The altitude of Thompson's Falls, Mon tana, is the same as that of Eagle, viz.: a little less than 2300 feet above sea level. She Willamette University's fortieth .commencement exercises will be held in June, from the 7th to the 12th inclusive. From a most reliable source the Walla Walla Union learns that the money has ibeen -raised to build and equip the Palouse branch to Moscow. There will be nearly 7000 Chinamen and "the greater number of 1500 white men 'thrown out of work by suspension of rail Jroad work above Redding. Initiatory steps have been taken for 'organizing a law department to Willamette University. Judge Ramsey has been ap pointed Dean, and Judge G. H. Bennett, Prof. J. T. Gregg and District Attorney .-Holmes, Professors. Men are engaged in searching in a Six 'mile Canyon, below Virginia City, Nev., 'for treasure supposed to have been buried there by the outlaw Davis, who was killed while attempting to rob Wells, Fargo & ' Co.'s express, near Battle Mountain, a few .years ago. A new vault of the sub Treasury, which is twenty feet long, ten feet wide and eight - feet high, will be ready in a short time for 1 use. At present there are in the sub-Treasury vaults $81,900,000, a little more than $43,000,000 of which is gold, $25,000,000 i silver and $11,000,000 paper. S. F. Call. Albany Engine Company No. 1, of AL ' bany, has extended an invitation to the fire department of Salem to attend their 16th - annual picnic to take place in Albany May 16th. Special arrangements are being made to make the picnic on this occasion particu larly interesting and a number of prizes will be given for those who are most successful in various contests. A gentleman from Olympia, says the Argus, who has had large experience in the oyster business, has made a partial prospect of Port Discovery bay in the hope of find ing a natural bed of those deliscious bivalves He dredged up a number of shells and con siders the prospect very good. He will re turn soon with a complete apparatus and make a thorough prospect. The hop growers of Puyallup valley have begun training their hops, says the Ledger. The vines present an appearance of great thrift. Some of them reach as high as a man's shoulder, or from four to five feet high. The vines are trained by tying them to a pole with a string. A large crop is anticipated this season, as present indi cations are exceedingly favorable. Ike Nickerson, of Prineville, left that place about the first of March and has not been leord of since. He went into the Cas cade mountains, and it was thought to fish Lake; but parties in search of him have not been able to find him. Mr. John Gilliland, of Sweet Home, was in Albany Monday, and said he was at Fish Lake on the 12th, when he saw indications of men having been there but of course did not know who they were. Ed. Haywood discovered a cnrious freak of nature while looking up some timber on the head of Kentuck slough last week, says the Coos Bay News. On a side hill, near the falls, are two fir trees; one measures 4h feet in diameter, and the other about three feet. They are growing seven feet apart, and run straight from the ground for about sixteen feet, when the smaUerme intersects the larger, growing through it in the shape of an elbow, and from the intersection point upwards both trees remain separate. Says the Itemizer, there is annually 50000 acres of land unassessed in Polk county, or one-sixth of the entire town and fanning area of 'this county is yearly un taxed. By an honest assessment, therefore, the percentage of taxation could be reduced two mills on the dollar. It has taken the county surveyor, together with his assist ant, six months to compute these figures, which has been done in a most perfect manner, and he is now notifying land own rs of the discrepancy in their assessments and asking for immediate settlement. The body of John H. Howlett, ship builder, was found floating in the river un der Hustler's dock, at Astoria last week. Howlett was superintending the construc tion of the new steamer building for the Astoria Coast transportation Company. After finishing his day's work he returned to the Parker house, where he was stopping, and retired about 10 o'clock. He is said to have been a sufferer from asthma, and about 12 o'clock he came down stairs and walked ont into the open air. He was not seen again until his dead body was fonnd floating among the spiles. Mr. Howlett had the reputation of being a number one master ship builder. He built the tug Escort and other vessels at Coos Bay, where his aged mother now resides. The Coroner's jury found a verdict of accidental drowning. He was a native of the state of Maine, aged about 45 years. One real estate agencyat Hillsboro, Ore gon, advertises twenty-three farms for sale near that place. The late reports from Coeur d'Alene are far from reassuring. It is said that hun dreds of men are living on charity. There are fifty-seven business houses in op eration at Belknap, on the Northern Pacific railroad, forty-two being saloons. The town board of Hillsboro, Oregon, at a meeting last week " passed an ordinance raising the license for selling liquors by the glass to $400 per annum. North Brownsville can boast of one thing which does not occur elsewhere in Linn county, and, with this exception, probably in this state. It actually accomodates one fifth more pupils in its public school than there are children in the district. Says the Walla Walla Jonrnal: "Emil Saunderson returned from Cceur d'Alene. He reports that the prospects now are that only three or four claims will pay for work ing and the bottom has entirely fallen out of Beaver creek and the miners are abandon ing their claims." Last Saturday a man named Martin, living on Dry creek, met with a serious acci dent while harrowing. It appears that the horses became frightened and unmanageable and in rhe excitement Martin became en tangled in the harness. He was thrown to the ground and the horses in attempting to run drew the harrow over Martin's body breaking three of his ribs and otherwise in juring him. Potatoes growing seems to be the mania with Oregon farmers. One man at Buena Vista proposes to plant fiifty acres, while other parties are planting as high as from 15 to 20 acres. On Howell and French Prair ies many of the farmers are summer fallow ing their fields with a crop of potatoes. They will probably be worth 15 to 20 cents per bushel this fall. A daughter of Mr. John Stoop, residing near Goshen, Oregon, in alighting from a wagon, otepped upon the end of the double tree and slipping, fell to the ground. She fell in such a way as to break both the low er bones of one leg. In her attempts to rise, the end of the fractured bones protrud ed through the flesh. A young man named Al Weir, 16 years of age, was dragged to death four miles northwest of Hepner on the evening of the 24th. He had recented arrived from Oregon City, and was herding horses for Charles Lind. Appearances went toshow that Weir had lain down on the bunchgrass, perhaps to take a nap, and tied the end of his saddle horsa's halter rope to one of his wrists. The horse probably became scared and ran away, dragging Weir back and forth among the band of horses he had been herding, Weir was about to expire, and only lived a few minutes, the rope being still attached to his wrist. The Pacific Cranberry company, which owns 5000 acres of bog land, five miles from Ilwaco, have sixty acres ditched and the sod removed from twenty acres and a coat ing of sand placed on the same. Sixty barrels of cranberry plants were received a few days since from New Jersey, which will be planted at once. The company have a little railroad which is used in carrying sand to cover the land, after the turf has been stripped off. The ground is well adapted to cranberry culture, and it may be confidently expected that before long importing cranberries from the east will be at an end. Our leaders, says the Salem Statesman, have no doubt a remembrance of the sad mislortune ot Mr. Jj. li. schwatka over a year ago, by which he lost his right foot For some time a lack of vitality has troubled his other foot, turning it black and lifeless by degrees, until it was destined to consume his limb and reach his vitals, besides caus ing unendurable pain. The only remedy seemed amputation again, and recently the seriods operation was performed very suc cessfully. His son, Lieutenant Fred Schwf.tka, was in attendance Mr. F. G. Schwatka is 74 years of age, and we are sorry that his evening of life is darkened by such clouds of misfortune and misery. His constitution is quite strong now, and we hope he will soon see brighter days. We are informed on reliable authority, says the West Side, that parties will be here next week from Ohio with a view of establishing a bank in our city. We sincere ly hope they will meet with the necessary encouragement to remain with us, as this is an enterprise that is greatly needed here, not only for the benefit of the town but the surrounding country as well. The many advantages arising from a bank are too potent to everyone to need pointing out. From what we could learn the parties mean business, and our citizens should leave nothing undone to induce them to remain with us. This is without doubt one of the best points for a bank in the valley and there is no excuse now for us not having one. By all means let us have a bank. A gentleman who recently arrived from California, says the Albany Herald, brings the information that the people of that state, especially of the state immigration bureau are very much alarmed at the present and prospective exodus from that state, most of whom are coming to the northwest country. It is estimated that fully 50,000 well-to-do farmers and ranchmen will leave the state tins year and mate new Homes in this sec tion of the country. The gentlemen recites several reasons for this movement of people from California. One is, people have learned that the stones set afloat by the immigration officials of that state, by means of pamphlets and the use of the press, are not true; in the words of the gentlemen are "crooked stories," and a reaction has taken place. v Pay Op AU persons indebted to the undersigned are hereby, requested to call at his store and pay up their bills due him, as he must have money. H. E. Hasris, Temperance Department. EDITED BY THE W. C. T. U. Juvenile Temperance Work. The following is an extract frem a paper read at the county alliance, held in Philo math last month: In the education of our children, moral and religious, temperance and religion should go hand in hand. It is much easier to pre vent the making of drunkards than to re form them after they are made. It is brave to rescue the fallen, to raise the drunkard, it is glorious work to put out a great con flagration, but it is still better if we can put out the spark when it is a spark, so that there will be no conflagration. We can put in an ounce of prevention for innocent childhood when a pound of cure will be utterly thrown afcvay on ruined manhood. How shall all this be done ? We answer, by seeing that our children are thoroughly instructed in temperance principles, in the reasonableness of total abstinance from alcoholic stimulants, tobacco and profanity, by a regular course of systematic scientific study, ethical and governmental. This embraces physiology, hygene, chemistry, with special reference to the effects of stim ulants and narcotics on the human system. When shall all this begin? First and most important is the influence of the parent. No father or mother can afford to wait aDd let this work be done entirely by others. Oral instruction at home every day, con versation, good books carefully selected for them to read, this is the foundation of suc cessful juvenile work. Next comes the Sunday school teacher; here much can te done. A method adopted by a Mr. Hanson, superintendent of the west side tabernacle S. S. of Chicago, is commendable, every teacher handed each scholar a blank to fill out, on which was the following, "To parents: Believing that children should obey cheir parents, and knowing our efforts to do them good would be vain without your co operation, we ask you to encourage your children to sign and keep the temperance pledge given below, if however, you would prefer them not to sign it, please say so on this sheet and the matter will not be urged against your wishes." This was signed by the superintendent, teacher and secretary of the school, then a place for mothers' and fathers' consent. Then followed the pledge, with places left for date, name of scholar, residence, age, length of time to keep the pledge. These blanks can be obtained of David C. Cook, Chicago. There are many ways of doing S. S. temperance work, each teacher if disposed will find some efficient way, then organiza tions should be formed, let them not be merely nominal things, to make a fuss about and do little work in, bnt make them alive and keep them lively. The band of Hope is the organization most practicable for general us; should be simple with few officers. A secretary, janitor and librarian may be chosen from the ranks, good adult teachers shouid be had for classes. One thing should be remembered, when these little ones are gathered together, ready to be led and taught, the teaching must be pure and good and the teacher must have an aptness for the work, they must be kept interested. Miss Colraan's temperance catechism is well to use for the younger classes; her juvenile temperance manual for the older ones, and we most strongly rec ommend Mrs. Craft's blackboard lessons, and various forms of chalk talks for general instruction to the whole school, and if possible have the drawing done by one of the pupils. There is nothing better to keep up the interest than to set them to work. Have basket picnics in the summer, tea parties in winter, which can be made a source of great pleasure and profit if rightly carried on. Now in the band of hope we find it very hard to get the boys from twelve and over to attend. How shall we secure the at tendance of these boys? When boys arrive at a certain age they are too old for the Band of hope, they will tell you, as one did tell me "he was not going with those little kids." Now what shall we do with these boys; to be sure a society of girls alone would be a power for good. Thoroughly impress the young girl of to-day with an abhorence of intoxicants, even of the middle forms, for the filth of tobacco, the impro priety and coarseness of profanity, and you have a young lady of the future, who will not remark with a simper, that she enjoys the fragrance of a nice cigar, or laugh at a witticism coupled with an oath, one who will in no wise accept the attentions of a young man who is suspicioned of an occa sional social glass. If we succeed in train ins; a class of young ladies who will require of their escorts that purity which is required of them we shall in a measure have solved the problem of social drinking. Different localities, different classes of boys, need different management; but some methods must be used to enlist our boys; we want them to become good, intelligent, enthusiastic prohibitionists, so that when tbey grow old enough they will vote right; we don't want it said of them when they are growing into manhood, "Oh that boy is only sowing his wild oats, he will marry some good girl by and by and steady down, it will make a man of him. " Yes, if some pure, sweet girl will pour the fullness of her own sweet life into the dark turbid stream of his, there is a bare chance of his being saved; but what of her happiness? God forbid, the picture is too dark, we cannot dwell upon it; better educate that boy sohe will have no wild oats to sow, and to that end push on the petitions for compulsory scientific education. Primarily the little learners are enlightened as to the setting the breakfast table and the washing dishes, fallowed by lessons in all the different de partments of house work, even to the in structions relative to the marketing, and the care of cooking utensils. By the em ployment of miniature dimes, wash tubs, &c., and by the introduction of appropriate songs the knowledge is imparted in almost as permanent a fashion as -their A. B. C. One thing is certain many evils of in temperance would be averted were there more well ordered homes to offset the at tractions of the saloons. The object of this branch of work is to enlist the young ladies in teaching little girls, particularly poor girls, so that they will be able to earn their own living as skilled servants, and strict principles of temperance are inculca ted in all their efforts. In conclusion I would say to every tem perance reformer let the cry ring in your ears, by God's help save the children. In looking at this temperance question we must remember :,hat in working for the children we are working for the future; the past'with all its horrors is past; the present with all its miseries is present. Here and there a drunkard may be saved, but ex perience shows us that a confirmed drunkard will as a general rule remain one; but in working tor the young people we are work ing in a region of hope. It will never do for us to be frightened from this effort to rescue the children by the talk of those who say it is an injury for a child to take the pledge. ThoseTare persons who strain at the smallest of gnats and swallow the most monstrous of camels. We have in America thousands of drunkards who go too often to a premature grave. Now who is it that fills up the gaps as they go .down? They are filled up by those who were once merry, honest boys and girls. God grant that no small innocent child of ours shall ever go to add to this fearfully recruited army. But it is recruited by those who are now innocent children, the boys and girls of somebody, of human beings with hearts like ourselves. Let us struggle then to save them. You pity dumb animals, in many parts of our country are societies for the purpose of protecting these dumb ani mals; you do not stand by and see even a cat tortured, and you are right; there are societies for the protection of the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air, I ask are not the children of America as well worth pro tecting as these ? On going home look into the innocent rosy faces of your own abodes and remember that in trying to help the children you are helping to save those for whom Christ died Litttle children of whom he said "That their angels behold the face of his father in heaven." Little children of whom he said, "In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these ye have done it unto me." L. H. A. Kfcfe. . STOMACH &ITTRS Regeneration for Unfeeblecl Systems, Sufferiner from a ereneral want of tone. anJ its usual concomitants, dyspepsia and nervousness, is seldom derivable from the use of a nourishing diet and stimuli of appetite, unaided. A medicine that will effect a removal of the specific obstacle to renewed health and vigor, that is a genuine corrective, is the real need. It is the possession of this grand requir ement which makes Hostetter's Stomach Bitters so effective as an invigoraut. For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. Real Estate AgencyJ CORVALLIS ORlGON Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or lease farms or farm property on commission. Having made arrangements for co-opera tion with agents in Portland, and being ful ly acquainted with real property in Benton county, we feel assured of giving entire sat isfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. (i. A. Waggoner, 20-fiyl T. J. Buford, DILLON BRO.'S, WITH THEIR STEAM SAW, Will saw all kinds of Fire Wood, Poles for Fencing, on Reasonable Terms. Call at A Cauthorn's for Information. 2183m OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Corvallis, Oregon. CANAN & GIBLIN, PROPRIETORS. THE OCCIDENTAL is a new buildine. newly f lrnished, and is first class in all its appointments. RATES LIBERAL. Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Large Sample Room on First Floor for Commercial Men. 19-35 ly PORTLAND -BUSINESS COLLEGE,- N. E. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sts., PORTLAND, - - OREGOH. A. P. Armstbohg, J. A. Witsco, Principal. Penman and Secretary Designed for the Business Education of Both Sexes. Admitted on any week day of the year. Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. The College "Journal," containing: information of the course of studv, rates of tuition, time to enter, etc., and cuts of plain and ornamental pen ii.an.ship, tree. . , ri.,r FENCING ! FARMERS, ATTENTION. Horn's ImDroved Wire Pence Lock. To Farmers and those who have been annoyed by having fences blown down, floating away, or thrown over by breachy stock. A Fence has been secured which puts an end to all such trouble. A wire lock has been invented, which when attached to a fence, secures it against the most breachy animals, EXPLANATION: When a rail tence is properly built, laying the worm 3 1-2 feet wide, and taking pains" to lay the rails up firm and squage, then attach the lock and vou have a fence that will turn the breachiest animals. As to its merits, it is Strong and durable a single rail canuot be moved out of place. It requires no stakes, posts or riders, and in addition to this it is the cheapest, fence that can be built with rails; it saves from 48 to $10 on a hundred panels of fence, and you have a stronger and better fence. ZrSSSS , sSffZSS """" oi saute ana riaer lence win Duua iz panels ot this fence by uing HORN S WIRE LOCK. No stakes are in the way of moving fence corners, heaving out by frost or rotting off, thereby letting fence down or stock in your fields to destroy the crop. This fence is braced in every airection, whether up hill, down hill or side hill, and locked with a lever so strong that nothing short of a tornado will move a rail. Stock on either side can not possibly move the top rail . This wire lock was patented April 11, 1882 numbered 250,433. g. A. HORN, Patentee. Farmers, vour fencing costs more than all other improvements on your farm combineu. Look to this important Interest. "Si For further information, enquire of owner of State Kight, 13tf W. P. Cauthorn. Corvallis, Oregon. THOMAS GRAHAM, Druggist and Apothcary, -AND DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS, Umm, BRUSHES, GLASS, HIT, TRUSSES. SHOULDER BRACES, TOILET ARTICLES 40. A full line ot oks, Stationery and Wall Paper. 0: r drugs are Iresli antf well selected. Paescriptions compounded at all hours. 19-27vl Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms by AT CORVALLIS SACKS FURNISHED TO PATRONS Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrantrcments elsewhere 18-27-yl WILLIAM MORRIS, TAILOR, Front Street, Twodoors north of the Vincent House COEV A LLTS. OR ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Binding and Cleaning t moderate Prices. 026yl City Stables iDaily Stage Line FROM ALBANY THOS. EGLIN, On the Corner West of the Engine House CORVALLIS, - - OREGON. HAVING COMPLETED MY new and commodious BARN. I am batter than ever prepared to keep the BEST CF TEAMS B'JSSIES. CARRIAGES SADDLE HORSES TO HIRE. At Reasonable Rates. t3T Particular attention given to Boarding Horses Horses Bought and Sold or Exchanged. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. TO COR ALL!?. Proprietor. Having secured the contract to carrying th I'nlted States Mnil FROM Corvallis , to Albany For the ensuing four years will leave Corvallis each morning1 at 8 o'clock, arriving in Albany about 1 o'clock, (Mid will start from Albany at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, returning to Corvallis about 8 o'clock This line will be irepared with good team aiid caie ful drivers and nice comfortable and EASY RIDING VEHICLES For the accommodation of the TRAVELING PUBLIC. l-27vJ (TH) G1A1ZET1TE JOB PRINTING DEPARTM E 1ST T BEING SUPPLIED WITH LATEST STYLES, AND DESIGNS OF Type and all Printing Material IS PREPARED TO DO FINE BOOK AND FANCY JOB PRINTING. in Luc sli iei anu Kb pines uui iitue morn than cost of labor and material, on short notice. We petition, the nicest designs of Letter heads, Bill heads, Envelopes, Visiting cards, Business cards, Programs, Ball tickets, Mote books, Order books, Beceipt books, Posters, Druggists labels, Gummed or Ungummed, Legal blanks, Send lor Samples and 3?r ices to the Gha, zette Of fice it you. want the Best work at Lowest Priol s. I Ojo J i i it 7 " go OThe Buyers' Guide is is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8ixll inches, with over 3,300 illustrations' a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or bavs fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the ma kets of the world. AVe will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cenls. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO- 2S7 Jc 229 Wubaah Avenue, CJiicaffO, liL Job Printing Office for Sale. We have at this office in the job depart ment sufficient good material to make up two good job offices. To any one wanting to purchase we will therefore sell a job office complete, including one press, and every thing else necessary. We nave a new half medium Gordon, and an eighth medium Liberty press, as good as new. Of these two presses the purchaser can take lii.-s choice, i