feekly Corvaftis tatte. FRIDAY MORNING, MAR. 28, 1884. .gOCIETlJWg- Corvallis LodRe, No. 14, A. F. nd A. M., meets on .Wednesday eveiiW, on or preceum fun moun. W. C. CRAW'FOKU, W. M. R. A. M. Ferguson Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., meets Tliurs .dav evei hue on or preceding 'uJ moon. ' ' H E. HARRIS, H..P. LOCAL NOTES. 'ad" this Bead Philip Webber's new tissue. Miss Mary Monteith returned from Alba ny last .Tuesday evening. c n Tn-iriB returned to the Bay this week to be absent several days. Just received, at the boot and shoe store a cnew lot of boots and shoes, direct from Philadelphia over the Northern Pacific. Mr. VV. H. H. Grant, of East Portland, .was in Corvallis the first of the week and made us a pleasant call. Before moving to their new quarters, Will Bros, will sell goods very cheap. Call and get bargains. The A. A. McCully came up the river Jist Tharsday morning and went on to Harrisbufg. Legal blanks furnished at this office on short notice ;at less than San Francisco prices. Geo. Wagqoner returned from Yaquina last Tuesday evening, where he had been on real estate business. " Chas. Fiulayson, who was convicted of .murder in therein, degree at Albany las "week has been granted a new trial. Russ Daniel, representing the commercial agency of Pickens, Fulton & Co., of 8i Francisco, visited Gorvalli last Tuesday. Miss Esther Hinton, daughter of Wesley Hinton of Monroe, is lying dangerously ill with lung fever. Rev. J. A. Hanna spent the street in (Corvallis on,his return to St. Helens from the presbytery recently held at Eugene .-city. Get your choice of sewing machines at the Corvallis Sewing Machine Depot. Will ,Bros. Wm. Stubbs called one day this week and left his measure and the ueeeasary equivo Jent for 52 numbers of the Gazette. Mr. Chas. J. Perkins, aa attorney lately from Wisconsiu, was in Corvallis one day jthis week, and will probably locate in our iity- The Salem Statesman press turned out .30. 000 .impressions jlaitf week, making 15, 4XH papers printed on that pres? in one week. At the regular business meeting ot the W. C T. TJ. on Wednesday next a full atten leq.ee is desired, as there is business of im portance before the Union. The many friends of -Myer Harris will be pained to hear that he is dangerously ill at the residence of his father in this city, and that his condition is not improving. At the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday Dr. Embree will preach in the morning; in the evening the services will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. J.,R. N. Bell will resume his pulpit labors next Sunday, at the college chapel. There will be services morning and evening Subject, morning, 'JGod's Goodness." Eve g. "Human Sympathy." Good brick for sale at Mrs. L. A. Den nick's brick yard, near the flouring mill. Orders are now being filled, and a good sup ply is yet on hand. President Ellis, of the Forest Grove In stitute, will deliver a lecture on temperance at Pitman's hall in this city on Saturday evening, April 12th. About sixty of the recently arrived immi grants located in the vicinity of Dayton. They state that the rush westward is sim ply termendous. Judge Bean has appointed Geo. S. Wash burn, of Eugene City, district attourney, to rill the vacancy occasioned by the accident to Hon. E. G. Hursh. On May 1st, Woodside and Morgan, by .cicilists, will start from New York to ride on their wheels to fia.n Frrncisco, and will endeavor to cover the distance in seventy days. The commencement exercises of the nine teenth regular session of the medical de partment of the Willamette University was held in Portland last Monday evening, when ten graduates received their diplomas. Among the number was Mrs. Maliuda Goldson. John I. West, who formerly lived four miles west of Monroe iu this county, started for Wasco county list Wednesday morning taking horses, cows, wagon and household furniture to Portland vift the west side railroad. We were shown a specimen of the Yaquina (Mftl last Saturday, and also saw it examined by an expert coal miner who pronounced it of the very best quality. It is claimed that the supply is abundant, and no doubt the coal interests of Yaquina bay will prove to be a profitable industry. Imported silk now comes from New Jer sey, English pudding is made in Delaware, French sauces are made in Connecticut, Rhine wine it bottled in California and American beef is raised in England. Mr. H. P. Veatch and family, relatives of Dr. Bailey's wife of this city, arrived here direct from Decatur, Illinois, on the 20th inst. Mr. Veatch will probably locate in pur county. He shipped from Decatur six head of Alderny cattle, household goods, etc., the car being the first from the North ern Pacific that has ever passed over the West Side road, District Lodge. The tteuton County District Lodge, I. O. G. T., will meet in this city, commencing Wednesday morning April 7th, t 10 o'clock, and will continue two days. Arrangements have been made for the accommodation of delegates. Music will be lurnishe.l by Corvallis lodge. A good time is anticipated. Rev. A. Krecker has a buggy for sale price fifty dollars. Capt. W. J. Johnson of Lewiston, I. T. formerly employed in the hardware store of Woodcock & Btfldwiin of xtti place, came near dying a few days auo from a severe attack of congestion of the lungs. A, G. Walling, the printer, who is get ting out a history of Southern Oregon, ..will use for a frontispiece of the work a steel en graving of General Joseph Lane from a photograph taken about the year 1860. In Dakota married women retain their own real and personal property, and may make contracts, sue and be sued, as if single Neither husband nor wife has any interest in the property of the other. Commenting on the admission of a batch of thirty-five lawyers to the Boston bar, the Journal of that city remarks: "In its pres ents a field only for a grim struggle for the survival of the littest. " H. DeGroot & Chas. Morris, recently from Forest Grove, have established a ph tograph gallery in Corvallis at the old Gold- son.stand. Mr. De Groot has long been es tablished in this line of business, and exhib its samples of fine work. See their "ad.' in another column. The srand jury found a true bill against Asa Burbauk for the murder of his father-in-law, Mr. T. J. Dennis. This morning is set for his pleading. Geo. S. Washburn, acting district attorney, ;anl J. W. Bay buru, oi this place, will conduct the prose cution, and John Burnett, R. S. Strahan and W. S. McFadden will defend the prisoner. Mr. E. C. Judkins, of Eugene City, says the Statesman, died at the asylum last Sat urday. His remains w'ere taken to Eugene yesterday for burial. He has an excellent family there and was a good man, respected by all, but having several yeara ago sustain ed a fracture of the skull by accident, the depression of the fracture upon the brain caused his insanity, and resulted in his death The Northwest News Publishing compa ny have filed articles of inecporatiou, for the purpose of printing anil publishing a laily and weekly newspaper at the city of Portland, Oregon, and to furnish and supply other newspapers iu the States of Oregon and Washington Territory with a system of general and telegraphic news. Capital stock 830,000. Incorporators, W. H. Aleuander, W. H. Grindstatt, C. A. Honch M. B. Easton, W. P. Lyon, H. F. Small, J. G. Egan, A. Taylor, Nathan Cole, jr., E, C. Hasten, W. R. Boone. The e itor of the West si le pays the fol lowing tribute to Monmouth: To s ly that Monmouth is a pretty place is only express ing a sentiment given by all who have had the pleasure of r 1st ting this town.. It is the seat of one of phe best schools in the State, iimler the most efficient management, con ducted by the Normal system, and ought to be a state institution. Monmouth, like In dependence, is surrounded by a splendid agricultural country, and as the interests of the two places are so mutual, we feel that we are on. Fire at "Monroe. A very destructive 'fire occurred at Mon roe, in this county, on Tuesday morning of this week, in which six buildings were totally consumed. About 15 minutes to 2 o'clock in theuiiunin; fire was discovered iu back, or oil room of Thompson's drug store, which spread south to Johu Weber's shoe shop, northwest to G. W. Houck's store and warehouse, and west to Samuel Looney's livery stable. The following is a list of the losses as near as we are ablej to give: G. W. Houck, $7000; Samuel Looney 9 100; Thompson $1200; Wilhelm, Star & Hinton :2500, to 3000. Houck's store 'jooks and large portion of goods were saved. Samuel Looney saved his vehicles, horses and some oats. The tire is thought to be the work of an incendiary, anl con sidering the fact that a greater portion of the men of the town were here in Corvallis attending court at the time of the fire, and that Monroe has no regular organized fire company, the remaining citi.ens oi mat place did noble work in fighting the flames. Men, women and even little children worked with a will and were successful in saving several otner Duihiings wmcn otner- wise would have been consumed. Too much praise can not be accorded to those who (ought so valiently. Republican. County PentrSl Committee. Correspondence. Notice. A statement has been circulated to the effect that my family a r sick with the scarlet fever. 1 take this method of informing the public that the statement is false in every particular, as they have not been even exposed to the disease. Custo mers need have no fear of the disease in calling at my jilace of business. Wm. Morris. Free Concert. Mr. J. H. St. Lawrence, the blind baritone vocalist and organist, gave a very instructive lecture and highly pleasing vocal and instrumental musical concert at the city hall last Tuesday eve ning. At the conclusion of the concert. Miss Emma Rogers received the prize for the most popular lady in the hall. Claud Ferguson was voted, by the ladies, the laziest man in the hall, and also received a valuable prize. Sentenced to Death. J. W. Murray, who was convicted of the murder of Alfred Yenke, was sentenced to death in the cir cuit court at Portland on the 24th inst. by Judge Smith, the execution to take place May 9th between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 4 in the afternoon. Murray is without money, and even if he could secure the services of a lawyer free, it is not thought that he would be able to raise funds enough to pay for printing a brief, in case an appeal was taken to the supreme court. Murray's old associates hold him in such contempt for the cowardly manner of the murder, that they care little to interest themselves in his behalf, hence there is little hope of an appeal. A Painful Accident. When the flre bell was ringing last Sunday the engine and one hose cart were in the middle of the street in front of Jacobs & Neugass' store, while the other hose cart was turning the corner on the side walk aud Hon. E. G. Hurch, prosecuting attorney for this district was standing at the foot of the stairway leading to the railway office, and amid the noise and confusion did not hear the ap proaching cart, the wheel of which struck him in the back, knocking him down and passing over his ankle. Strange to say, however, no bones were broken. It is thought that the wheel first struck the hee! of his boot, and as the cart will probably weigh 2,000 pounds, this fact alone is all that saved a more serious accident. It has caused much talk as to the propriety of the fire companies running on the sidewalk in cases of fire, and while it is a debatable question, similar accidents should be guard ed against in the future. A meeting of the Republican County Cen tral Committee of Kenton county is hereby called, to be held at Corvallis, on SATURDAY, MARCH 29TH, 1S84. At 2 o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of calling a county convention and transacting such other busiuess as may come before them. A full attendance of the members is re quested. Following ate the committee: Soap Creek Ash by Pierce. Turn Turn Ai. Fiickenger. Willamette John Whiteaker. Lower Alseya Geo. Judy. Corvallis E. Allen. Kings Valley Franklin Chambers. Toledo F. M. Stanton. Philomath J. Browusou. Monroe M. T. Starr. Newport H. L. Rann. Alseya W. W. Rider, Elk City N. P. Stevens. Tide Water Thomas Russell. Summit 6f.. L. Crane. Muddy John Buchanan. Dated at Corvallis, March 18th, J884. E. Allen, Chairman. O. P. R. R. News. The schooner Ruby A. Cousins arrived from San Francisco at the company's docks last .Monday with a full cargo ot steel rails uid equipments. The schooner Nora Harkins sailed last Monday for Portland where she is now loading for the bay. The captains of the Nora Harkins and the tug Favorite report the lowest water on the bar last Monday morning twenty-two feet. Tunnels No. 2 and 3 are through, and will soon be ready for track laying. Wm. M. Hoag returned from the front this week. 1 31 Another gang of Chinamen were added to the working force this week. A Good Showing. The following fully demonstrates the efficient work done by our present city tnashal, Mr. A. Pygall, as city tax collector, and we doubt if ther e is another city in the state that cn report no delinquent city- taxes: To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Corvallis: We. the Finance committee, would re spectfully report that we have carefu lly xamined the tax roll of the city for the year 1883, and find that all the taxes have been collected. Taxes due, 2514.89; taxes collected, S2514.S9. B. J. Hawthorne, 1 John W. Lewis, Com Philip Phile, ) March 22d, 1884. Be Sure and Bead This. Having sold an interest in the Gazette, its subscription list ami printing office on the first of Jauuary, last, it tiecomes neces sary that all debts in which I own an inter est be paid. In order that all parties may I rushed trom know the amount of their bills we have been great fright. Clearfield, Iowa, March 10, 1884. Ed. Gazette: Once again I gather paper, pencil etc., and endeavor to select from the endless chain of circumstances and evonts, that roll from the future to the past out the infinitesimal present, a Sew of the most important, I see by the Gazette of the 29th ult. in "Philomath items" how glad nature seemed. Vastly different is it here. The sun shines, it is true, but. with a cold, pale glare, devoid of warmth. .Since I arrived there has only been two days warm enough to thaw to any great extent. For days together mercury- has taken delight iu hopping around stoical old zero making himself peculiarly obnoxious to the ancient auxiliary by pinching his toes, etc. The weather, however, has been very dry and exhilerating; with no sudden changes as is usual in this latitude, anil the general JkealSbis goo4. On account of the failure in crops for the three preceeding years, business is in a somewhat depressed condition and an exodus is going on towards Nebraska, Kansas aud other western points, feut the farmers hope for a better condition of things during the coming summer, and the husbandman 's song of peace and plenty may ring again over hill and vale and wide spreading prairie and find its Way into the hearts and homes ot the state's million aud a half inhabitants. I Preparations are bein made tor spring y'orka?jl whea the three feet and more of frost which binds the earth in a frozen chain disappears there will be hurrying to and fro. There will be but little wheat sown as very often the seed only, and sometimes not that, is realized from the crop. Till within the last three years, corn has been the farmers staple, but oats and rye also do well. A gre.it many are turning their attention to hay and cattle raising and therein lies an element of future prosperity. The tame grasses do well in this region, and wherever this is the case cattle will thrive. But here stock require to be fed for a period of from five to seven months during the year. In this respect and iu the mildness of its cli mate Oregon excels. But I think the con dition of morals is very much in advance and education receiv es more attention in this country than it does there. Saloons are not so numerous and the legis lature ol the state, now in session, proposes to prohibit the liquor traffic altogether, a bill to that effect having pissed both houses. Mayy our own fair statesucceedin exorcising this demon that down the centuries has ex erted "iris-figndish sway over the destiny of multitudes. . School houses are generally luOited two miles apart ail over the country aud stofcpol is iu session seven or eight months during Ihe year. Tramps are seldom seen notwithstanding the closeness of the times, and ttiough wages are not so L'ood as m the west, if a man wants to work he can usually secure em ployment. Of the 55,045 square miles iu Iowa that only a few years ago gave subsistence to the wild beast.'! aud wandering aborigine a comparatively small portion remains at the present time, un tilled, and no doubt this will shortly subserve some economic end. The land is usually enclosed by a barbed wire fence, the crooked worm fence of the early settlers having long since disappeared. Quite a warfare has been going on in the courts for'the last few months between the barbed wire monopoly and the Farmers Pro tective association, iu w hich the latter came out victorious. Would that labor every where organize itself iuto a grand army of well trained and disciplined troops, placing themselves under the command of reason and justice, overcome the corrupt principles engendered by a wrong use of capital. Woman suffrage is receiving much atten tion now, and before long we hope to see the last barrier to universal liberty swept away before the irresistible wave of pro gression. More anon, Gay Gard. SLED. with' the growth and prosperity of his beloved Oregon. A life characterized by active and continued indnstry, untiring miniirorrvM.s,l.m ri.m r,.: energy, ana unswerving integrity, xie was ty, Oregon, Saturday morning, March 22, J often heard to say all through life that his 1SS4, Martin Woodcock, age I 59 years, j whole aim in life was "to'flo to otters as he 8 month an J 2 days. j wolM m iah others to do unto him" and this The subject of this sbetch, Martin Wood- j motto was not lightly regarded by him, but cock, whose death occurred at .5 o'clock and had a broad significance which made it enter ten minutes on the morning of March 22nd, into every detail of his daily life and to be 1884, was born on the 20th of July 1824, in i his rule and guide in all transactions with Schrihaire county, The deceased was W illiam and Catharine ancestry of the State of New York. the son of Woodcock. The father William sending out statements of accounts to all former patrons and will contiuue to do so until all of these debts are paid. We hope therefore all persons will pay without a second invitation. If any one "knowing themselves indebted, and through our over sight shall fail to receive a statement, we hope they will take warning from this notice and pay up at once. M. S. Woodcock. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday March 28, 1884. Persons calling for same will please say "advertised," giving date of list. Brannan, Ellen Fleming, G 2 Pease, 0 H Ramsdall, L J Coombo, E W Hurley, M Kulfson & Son Woodle, J N N. R. Barber, P. M. Notice- to Tresspassers. All persons are hereby warned against tresspassing upon my land north of Corval lis, in Benton county, Oregon, under penalty of being prosecuted to the full extent of the law. , 10w4 Columbia Read. Pay Vv All persons indebted to the undersigned are hereby requested to call at his store and pay up their bills due him, as he must have money. H. E. Harri . The mumps are in a flourishing condition in Goldendale. The market in pickles is consequently quiet. Heavy Shock of Earthquake. San Francisco, March 25. The heaviest earthquake felt in this city since 1868, oc curred this afternoon at 4:44. The first sensation was that of an upward movement followed by tremulous vibrations, succeeded by tremendously heavy waves. People their offices and houses in Although they laughed and joked it was juite evident, from their coun tenances, that they considered it a very serious affair. Several buildings on made ground near the water front are reported as having been seriously damaged by the walls having been thrown out of position. The -shock lasted fully fifteen seconds; many say it lasted over twenty. This one was followed by another, but a lighter shock at 5:I8 More are expected. Hg :wS Double Murder Divulged. SAtf Francisco, March 23. The Chroni cle will publish to-morrow a shocking story of a double murder in Sonoma county and a charge that Thos. J. Geary, prosecuting at torney for Sonoma, assisted in hushing it up and assisted the murderer to escape from the country. It is charged that Frank Meacham, son of a wealthy farmer, lived for several years in an isolated place belongiug to his father, keeping there iu improper re larion with himself a woman named Eurilla Bray, who was induced to live with him on the promise of marriage when she should procure a divorce from Bray, who had de serted her. During this time she g ive birth to two children both of whom were smother ed by their father, Meacham, in presence of their mother. His failure to keep the prom ise of marriage caused her to divulge the dreadful story. Examination proved all her ch irgts, and the bodies of the children were dug tip by detectives from the yard of Meacham's house. After all this proof had been presented Geary -ordered the matter dismissed on a pretense that it would be impossible to convict, and the presumption is that he was paid by Meacham's father to let the sou off. Woodcock so far as known at the present time came from Holland to England and from thence camj three brothers to New York State from one of which sprang the father of the deceased. On the mother's side the first ancestry so far as is now known, was Peter Cooper, Martin Cooper. Catherine Ham and Regint Kriini all of whom were born in the tow11 of Westerwalt, Prussia, came to America and settle! in Livingstone Manor now Duchess Co., New York, in the year 1761. From the marriage of Peter Cooper to Cath arine Ham there sprang two children, one of whom was Peter C. Cooper, born July 6th 1775. From the marriage of Martin Cooper and llegina Krum there sprang seven chil dren one of whom was Regiua Cooper. In 1796 Peter C. Cooper son of Peter Cooper and Regina Cooper, daughter of Martin Cooper, were married and unto them were born nine children, one of w-hom, Catharine, was married August 12th, 1821' to William Woodcock father of the subject of this history. The father and mother accompanied by six children of which the leceased was one of them, fourteen years of age, left New York in the year 1838 and settled in what was then a wilderness of woodland in Wisconsin, about eight miles from where now stands the city of Mil waukee, when the father with the assistance of the deceased and his brother Horace two years his senior hewed a home out of the heretofore unbroken forest; earning the means to pay for the homestead by cutting c irlwood. Thereafter the deceased worked and assisted on the farm and grew to man hood until at the age of twenty-four years on the 2Sth day of August 1SS8 was married to Amanda J. White, who survives him. From this union earee oue son and two daughters. The son M. S. Woodcock was born May 9th 1849, and now resides at Corvallis, Oregon. Oue daughter Mrs. Eva L. Staiinus, born Feb. 7th 1855, now resides at Lewiston, Idaho Ter. ; the other daughter Carrie L. Woodcock, born July 2nd 1865, is still at home. News of the discovery of gold in California aviri-.. reached the deceased and his friends luWiBconsin and being at tracted by theniany advantages then attributed to the farVt' Oregon, the deceased with his wife and SOB, and accom panied by his elder brother Haface and wife, aud a younger brother VV. C. Wotd- his fellow man, and when near the end and the shadow of that untried future were gathering about him, almost his last words were that he "could look back over every act of his life with satisfaction," and how can man live nobler ? If ie hat lived well surely he may not fear to die. One who has known him for a few of the later years of his life would offer this tribute to his memory. His scrupulous exactness in performing all he promised and his straightforward course in whatever path duty called regardless of all else, had gained him the regard of all who came iu contact with him, and the esteem and warmest affection from those who knew him best. Many will mourn him as a friend gone, and his memory will be cherished long after his form is returned to dust from whence it came. May his fidelity to his favorite motto exemplified in his whole life give it a new and nobler Bleating to his friends who survive him. Circlut Court March Term. Present, Judge 11. S. Bean; Geo. S. Wash bum, acting district attorney; clerk, B. W. Wilson; sheriff, Sol King. William Wyat vs W V & C railroad. damages. Continued. Maria Aunnigton vs Sol King, action at law. Continued. White, Goldsmith & Co vs J D Graham, action at law. Answer withdrawn and judinent and order of sale of attached prop erty. M Sternberg vs J Davidson, action at law. J udgmeut for want of answer. Fleischner, Meyer & Co. vs Isaac Norton, action at law. Settled and dismissed at plaintiff's costs. B T & J C Taylor vs Jos. Liggett, action at law. Default and judgmeut for $668.50 and $65 attorney's fees. O & C R R vs A Richardson, action to appropriate lauds for right of way. Settled and dismissed at plaintiffs costs. O & C R R vs H Bundy, action to appro priate lands for right of way. Verdict for 550 damages. A Wood vs FB Dunn and Sol King, in junction. Continued. J T Vincent vs F A Chenoweth, suit to forclose mortaage. Demur withdrawn aud decree entered. J B Lee vs A Howard, action at law. Set tled and dismissed at plaiutili's costs. H Bush vs Connor & Crosno, action at law Dismissed at plaintiffs cost. N W Allen vs J T Rowland et al, action cock, his sister Rena A. Dayton and hertjw. JUTimit.nt for want of an answer for husband and L. C. Dayton, on the 24th day of Feb. 1853, in n. id win ter with ox team3 laden with their all, turned their faces to ward the setting sun iu search of the land of promise the then but little kuown Oregon. When they arrived after the long and toil some journey across the plains on the 24th day of September of the same year, and after looking over various parts of the Willamette valley for lauds subject to loca tion under theu donation act, the deceased and his brother W. C. Woodcock settled on adjoining places about fourteen miles west of Eugene City, Lane county, on wild linds where they remained about four years, in which time they toiled and built up a new home. The following two years were spent in learning the wagon makers trade of a neighbor, Jacob H. We'.isher, who was also a blacksmith, and iu t ie fall of 1859 deceased, his brother Horace a id Mr. Welsher formed a partnership for the purpose of engaging in the manufactory of wagons and carriages, and all moved to Monroe, in Benton county, where they con tinued in that business until the winter of 1863, during which time they built up a large trade, their Wagons being justly ai preciated for thcirneatues3, durability, light draft and the evident care with which they were constructed found ready purchasers, even from long distances away from the place of manufacture. The deceased about the time of moving'to Monroe also entered in partnership with his brother W. C. Woodcock for the purpose of conducting a general merchandise business at that place, Which business was continued until the winter of 1869. Iu the spring of 1874 the deceased with bis wife and daughters moved to East Portland, and in gthe fall following they purchased a port of the William Herron farm near Salem and there resided and built another home, until the spring of 1882 when he sold the farm and during the following summer accompanied by wife and youngest daughter he visited the old home in Wisconsin where his aged mother then 78 years old still resided on the land he had helped to clear for her and his father in his early boyhood days. Returning to Oregon after a brief visit he moved in April 1883 to the present home about a mile west of Salem near the state insane asylum, where he once more commenced to build a home for his old age in which he hoped to rest from hard work and care and where after an illness of a few weeks he died surrounded by loved ones and kind friends, aged fifty-nine years, eight months and two days. On the 11th day of last Feb ruary he went to serve on the jury of Marion county. He served during a spell of cold weather in which a part of the time there was deep snow on the ground. During the first week he caught a severe cold and con tinued to serve as juror instead of asking the court to excuse him, until the end of two weeks, at which time the cold had developed into a severe case of pneumonia which finally resulted in his death. $250"?.---T. R C Kiger vs G.H Mattoon, action at law. Dismissed at plaintiffVeOiti T Graham vs Treas, of Corvallis! Lodge No. 14, A. F. vs J W Allen et al, action at law. Default and judgment for 161; and 15 attorney's fees. W V & C II It vs W Wyatt, cross bill. Continued and lieve for taking testimony extended until next term. F B Dunn vs W H Huffman et al, suit in equity. Continued on stipulation. N B Avery vs Punderson Avery, suit for partition of real property. Order for resale vacated and sale confirmed. George Landerking vs ..enry Landerking suit in equity. Continued. W M Hoag vs Sol King et al injunction. Continued. J Hayes vs A Wrood et al. suit for fore closure of mortgage. Dismissed at plaintiffs costs. B T Taylor vs S Rayburn et al, suit to foreclosure of mortgage. Deciee according to stipulation. Sarah A Terwillager vs Paul Terwiliager, liyorce. Granted. M G Shorb vs H T Shorb, divorce. Grant ed. Andrew Palmer et al, assignment for the benefit of creditors. Dismissed and asiignee discharged. A P Hotelling vs L E Powers, suit to foreclose mortgage. Defanlt and decree. J R Rowland vs James Hughes et al suit to foreclose mortgage. Decree for amount claimed. Execution not to issue until Sept. 1st, 1884. J T Vincent vs F A Chenoweth et al, suit to foreclose mortgage. Decree by consent. M Wischer vs E C Martudil et al, suit to foreclose mortgage. Default and decree as prayed tor. Carrie Hill vs L R Hill, divorce. Granted. Charles Logsden vs Wm Blodgett et al, confirmation of sale. Confirmed. Ladd & Bush vs E Marple, confirmation of sale. Confirmed. A Cauthorn & Son vs T & R M Stanus, confirmation of sale. Confirmed. Connor & Crosno vs J W Allen et al, con firmation of sale. Confirmed. D T Wagner vs W Montgomery, confirm ation of sale. Confirmed. Knapp, Burrell & Co vs WTm Bagley et al, confirmation of sale. Confirmed. PB0DUCE PRICE CURRENT. at 2.55 per cental sacked. Wheat in Portland finn Xo price offered here. Oata Wool per lb Flour per barrel , Bacon sides Hams Shoulders Lard, 10 lb tins " Kegs Butter, fresh rolls Egjs, per doz Dried apples, Plumnier, hull arieo ,40 15 to 17 5 50 11 12 14 to lo 9 to 11J 11 30to 35 16 10 to 12 9 to 10 12 to 14 Plums, nitless Chickens, per doz 2 50 to 3 00 Hides, dry nmt iu v ia ' green 6 to 7 Potatoes 75 fi oo Thus closes the life of another old pioneer I Ducks, " .......................... 3 to 4 00 whose best years were closely identified Onions per lb 3 to