THE HUMAN FACE DIVINE. The Windows from Which the Real Man Prepa Faces Which Resem ble Animals. Ignatius Donnelly in The Current. If this -world-conquering creature, man, this '"quintessence of dust, this paragon of animals, "Midway 'twixt nothing and the Deity," is, and should be, the chief study of man ; then, surely, our attention should be largely concentrated upon the face of man. Behind it lies the masterful brain, the dome, in which all that is of God in us, dwells ; the. shapely temple to which the Everlasting Consciousness has deigned to descend ; amid whose groined arches thoughts may move as pure and bright as the angels, with wings as light and tireless as those with which they have winnowed the reaches of the heavens. Through this face the soul looks out. Here are the windows from which, cur tain them as we will, the real man peeps forth : dodging back it may be, like an evil thing, and hiding while it looks, and yet revealing in glimpses the features the tenant of the head would hide from the passers-by. Upon the few square inches of this countenance this patch little bigger than your hand there can be more written than all your libraries will hold ; the infinitely varied, multitudinous emotions, passious, hates, loves, eleva tions, degradations, greatnesses and meannesses of this beast-god, man this Assyrian idol, with the body of a bull and" the wings of a elierub. And what a lesson is preached to our vanity in this oneness of design which runs through the faces of all animals ! How human are, oftentimes, the eyes of dogs and horses ! No wonder the an cient world thought that the souls of their ancestors contemplated them through the countenances of the dumb brutes arQund ffiem. I have known a dog to look at me in such a penetrating, reasoning, rea sonable way, that 1 felt uncomfortable under his gaze. And the monkeys ! They have the most uncannv expres sions of all. I remember one that looked like an old lawyer, troubled with dyspepsia, who had lived on brown bread and precedents, until he was all withered up; but the eyes fixed me, as if he had me on the witness-stand, and was about to ask me "a leading question ;" a sort of hairy, shriveled Tulkinghorn, or Jaggers. But God, to usea familiar expression, "rubs it in." He not ouly plans the face of a Jupiter Tonans, or a Venus of Milo, on the same plan as an alliga tor or a shark, he groups men by their prevailing expressions into animal groups ; thus still farther shocking our vanity by linking us with the world bo low us. Who does not know the sheep-faced manV The words have passed into an adjective. The mild, peaceful, herb ivorous, gregarious nature, a million of them all alike ; a body of vast inter est and use to those who prey 0:1 their fellow men. On the other haml.wliohas not seen the wolf-faced man ? The head inclined to droop ; even the os coccyx, if examined, would be founu at a right angle inward to the spine; the sneak ing gait; the bag sunder the eyes; which are melancholy, watchful, hungry, fur tive, expectant a natural beast of prey. He will usually be found dodging around the thickets of courts and sheriffs' offices. Then there is the mastiff-faced man heavy -jawed, set,' resolute, generally honest, with more or less of a ponder ous, bank-president dignity about the joints. Observe the pugilist and his bull-dog. They are both of the same type: coarse, pertinacious, grim, combative, materialistic, animal : the same kind of soul looks out of both pairs of eyes ; there is not a hairs-breadth of differ ence between them. Who shall say that when death comes they may not, to use Mr. Lincoln's expression, "swap overcoats," and the bull-dog become a pugilist and the pugilist a bull-dog; the ex-man tottering along bow-leprged and belligerent, at the heels of the ex dog? And thus nature, "which hath both bran and meal," and never lets anything go to loss, will keep up an endiess succession of bull-dogs and pugilists. The .Hatches Made in Sweden. Pall Mall Gazette. Every one has seen the Swedish matches and wondered at the quaint in scription on the top of the box: "Tand s ticker, tanda acten svafel och fosfor." Few, however, are there who, when traveling in Sweden, in the home of the tandstickers, leave the fjords, rocks and iirs for a day and trace the match back to its source. And yet it would more than repay a day's sojourn at Jonkopiug to visit the factory whence proceed not a small part of the light of the world. The latest novelty, only at work for about a month, is an enormous engine, which daily produces 1,000,000 boxes of Swedish matches. This wonderful machine receives the raw material, namely, blocks of wood, at one end, and after a while g ives up at the other the matches neatly arranged in their boxes to be distributed to the uttermost ends of the world. The wood which in the course of last summer was brought to Jonkoping to be made into matches filled twenty steamers and eight sailing vessels. Parisian Boulevards. TCor. Cine nnati Enquirer. To one accustomed to the common sense plan on which American cities are generally laid out, the zig-zag routes taken by Parisian boulevards are an eternal vexation. For the fi.jt month or two a man swears a little when he finds a broad avenue bring up plump against a stone wall, vita no means of egress, and nothing to do but to retrace his steps ; but after a time no idiosyn crasy in the boulevards surprises him. The whole city is made up of squares, whence half a dozen streets converge, and eul de sacs. This fact, together with the cheerful custom of changing the names of streets every month or two, as well as giving several names to different divisions of the same avenue, keeps the local police busy directing English and American tourists to their hotels. BARNES IN SCOTLAND. The Evangelist Coughing and Sneez. ing in a Yellow-Brown Fog. tilasgow a Jostle of Kpecir w in a City of dihosts- But fcilas goiv Saints Are liOvely. Stanford (Ky.) Journal.! Glasgow, Scotland, is a favorite resort in summer, and tourists flock to enjoy the in vigorating climate. Of course there must be a compensating discomfort for all this, and one hits it in perfection in November. We were forewarned and so in a certain measure forearmed ; but I have only to say that the grim reality far exceeds our most imaginative expectations. "We are just now in the second day of a fog, of the genuine London sort, technically known as "pea soup" fog, from its general color and density. About the hue of a London brick, it is of brownish yellow and taking hold of the throat and eyes with a rasping, pyroligneous effect, this impacted mixture of the breath of 50,000 chimneys and 700,000 pairs of lungs is held in solution by the raw, condensed moisture of a Scotch November. One must be on the spot to appreciate it. The solitary pleasant feature of this par ticular fog is that it renders the almost illimita blosign of 'Vylie& Lochhead,runeral Under takers," etc., etc., invisible the last written words beinz the portion that scans the full capacity of our sjacioue front. window niunu somen letters ana muy Keep: ttut impression proaooea oy intervals of the carriages describe!! a lr tatter. By tne way, tins wealwy Arm, ramifying m various kindred departments, iov -several parts of the city, were burned out in Bu chanan street, last Saturday week, where their immense furniture establishment contrib uted in part to one of the most destructive fires that Glasgow has had for many years. After our service at Patrick we all ran up by the tram to the scene of con flagration and from a favorable point wit nessed the terrible sight. But to return to our ''pea-soup." We have kept our four gas burners in the sitting-room up to their full capacity all day yesterday and to-day thus far. Every time the door opens the enemy rushes in, and in vain do we essay to shut the successive re-en force meats of filthiuess out. So we cough and gasp and sneeze and weep, and bear it as best we can, after every fresh incursion. Outside, the rattfings of lumbering vehicles go by: the noise of wheels upon the paving stones, coming out of invisible depths, with nothing of drivers, horses or carriages seen. Out of the yellowish-brown abyss also pro ceed shouts, whistles, calls of various kinds exiostulatory. obligatory and explanatory. connected with the invisible mass of human ity and horse-flesh enveloped iD the smoky mist. The trams creep cautiously along the rails; carters lead their horses by the bit; all grope, grope as best they can to their several destinations. On the sidewalk people plunge along, bumping against each other, emerging in an instant from vacuity and disappearing in another instant into fog space. A very jostle of spectres in a city of ghosts, is this great city of Glasgow now. If only we could afford it and there were not duties forbidding, we should make our way to the first railway station an,l ride until we had outstripped this heavy vapor's march and not return until it had succombbed to favor ing winds and showers. George threatens to marry an organ-grinder, and persuade him to return to Italy. So much for our present atmospheric surround iugs, of which I can not give too murky a description, seeing it all comes from the hate ful "prince of tne power ot air" "the ruler of the darkness of this age'1 the hater of God and our tortured race. I am glad his reign is almost over now Even as I write the shadows are rolling away. Marie springs to the window curtains and throws them back with the glad cry 'Here comes the daylight; praise the Lord!" And although the undertaker's sign again ap pears, and a funeral cortege, tempted by the returning daylight, issues promptly forth to do its needful but dreadful work, we rejoice. because "the light is sweet; and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun." Only a fifteen-minute "lift" of our sooty envelope. The fog is back once more, gas relighted and curtains drawn again. A sigh replaces the exultant shout and the unde taker's sign vanishes. On Friday night the Patrick meeting closed in fullest blessing, with twenty-one for soul and thirteen anointed for healing. At the bible reading the subject was " Faith Heal ing," and fifteen more took Jesus for their physician. Altogether nearly seven hundred have confessed the dear Lord for the soul in the six weeks' service. About fifty anointed for healing. Praise the Lord. One word in conclusion. Glasgow saints are lovely : thirteen drawing-rooms have wel come us at the hospitable homes of different ones. More and more we think the Scotch are the Kentuckians of the British isles. We have felt so happily at home ever since coming here. Such deal-, receptive, generous people, rich and poor, we have seldom met. Of those who have attended the services with any regularity, hardly one has failed to receive glorious blessing and most been thoroughly convinced of the truth of "our gospel" in the main feature of it. Of the loving reception io social circles and charming families, I can only speak in terms of tenderest and most grateful affection. The Lord bless them every one ! "Comparisons are odious." I will not treat as rivals such glorious places as High gate and Glasgow. I can only say, no city can exceed Glasgow. It will always be one of the very brighest spots in loving memory. Ever in Jesus. Geo. O. Barnes. His Brother Had the Ice. The Judge. "Now," said drummer number one, as the train pulled out of Pittsburg, "I have a bot tle of whisky. Let's sit down and have a real good time. I only wish we had sugar and ice ; we could have some toddy. " "I've some sugar," said drummer number two, unstrapping his valise. "And my brother has some ice," said drum mer number three; "he's in the baggage car. I'll just step in and get some," and he did. The toddy was brewed and rebrewed. The whisky bottle was a large one, the supply of sugar seemed inexhaustible, and drummer number three made as many visits to the baggage car as the occasion demanded. However, just as they were ail feeling good, and were about to compound a fare well drink, number three returned empty handed. "Very sorry, boys," he remarked, "but the baggage man says if I take an more ice off my brother he won't keep. " Claims of a Vermont Towa. Exchange. Middlebury, W, talks of pi ttmg no a marble slab in its new town hall wi th a rec ord of the town's inventions. It claim; tht circular saw, the wool-picking machine, power looms, sawing marble by san i, watei and soft iron, welding cast steel, and maki'i door and window sash by water power. TRAMPS OF THE OCEAN. Cheap Vessels Which Sailors Call Dangerous and Which Merchants Defend. New York Sun.1 "Why do so many sailor men speak of the independent steamers with con tempt and apparently as if thev hated the sight of what is called a tramp ?" was asked of an old ship captain who was visiting the school ship St. Mary's. He said : "They are built in the British yards by contract of poor materials in the greatest haste. They are built in the cheapest way possible. They have low power engines put in them. They are manned with as few men as possible. They pay the lowest wages. They are sent to any port where a cargo can be had at any freight rates. Then another carry is taken, and so they run hither and yonder, always shorthanded, al ways overloaded, and always with just enough provisions on board to last them through, and no more, so that if they are delayed by broken machinery they must either starve their men or beg from a passing ship. They cut under rates to get cargoes, and then skimp in every quarter to get divi dends." "They are not verv pretty to look at?" "No. Paint costs something; so doe oil and emerv to clean bright work. A holvstone for the decks is expensive. ut the worst thing to be said abc. hem is that tnev are not ntto go to sea in foul weather. Jf vou look af them you will find that the forward hall is just like a pit. They can take on a deck load of 500 tons of water at one plunge. Sometimes that load comes on with such force that, striking the house amidships, the momentum of the ship is wholly overcome, and she lays on the water trembling from stem to stern. Sometimes the bulkhead gives way, and then the stokehole fills, the fire is put out, and the boat rolls in the trough of of the sea until she goes to pieces. Over the after part of many of them is a poop deck. When the wave comes on for ward it fills in the gangways under the poop, and the ship rolls on her beam ends, because she cannot get rid of that deck load. Those that are built flush the whole length are not so bad." "Tramps," said an emploj-eof Fundi, Edye & Co., vessel agents, '"are freight steamers that do not run in any line. Since 1877 an enormous number have been launched at the Glasgow yards. Money brings very low interest over there, and capital found a better return in a certain class of freight steamers. These steamers are built plain, but strong. The model is for a large car rier, instead of for a quick passage. They ordinarily vary iu size from 900 to 1.800 tons net register. They will carry nearly 50 per cent, more tons of dead weight than they register. The engines for a steamer of 1,200 tons would probably be of "200 nominal horse power. The power is great enough to give the vessel a speed of nine knots. They spread only enough canvas to keep them steady when in a gale. They consume twenty tons of coal a day, where an ocean greyhound will burn 200. They bear about the same relation to the swift passenger boats that a freight train bears to the lightning express." " There seems to be a prejudice against them among some classes of sailors." was suggested. "Yes. It is unwarranted. The same inspectors are employed to oversee the building of the tramps that inspect the line steamers. They are built of the same materials, by the same men, in the same yards. Home men hold stock in both kinds of steamers. Did you never hear of a line company leasing an out side steamer ? It's done often to get an annoying competitor out of the way, or because business is good and more carrying capacity is wanted. Would they lease a rotten tub '? Look in Lloyd's register and see how the tramps are rated. The talk that ships are insured heavily and sent to sea to sink presup poses that insurance agents are fools." "It is said that the cargoes carried are so large that the vessel is jeopar dized." "That is sometimes true in all vessels except those devoted to passengers. The tramp owners are no worse than others. The insurance people look after that so closely that it does not often occur. As to the model of the tramp steamer, it must be said that great and honest difference of opinion prevails among ship-builders as to which is the safest. Men who put hundreds of thousands of dollars into steamers may be supposed to take as great an interest in the way those vessels stand the wear ol sea voyages as disinterested people could." A Diver's K.xierienee. Inter Ocean. I made my first trip without knowing any more about the business than vou do. Every fledgling shrinks from going on after his first dive, for he has suf fered a pain that you land-lubbers know nothing of. Take two sharp FOREIGN TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Over $4,000,000 will be spent on public education this year in London. The largest city in Japan is Osaka, which contains 1,585,695 inhabitants. James Gordon Bennett left Nice last is yacht for a six weeks' cruise ant. le Emperor William, of Ger- seht a Bible to the youthful Japan. DiftWer, with a fuse attached, 'diaoarrored in the postoffice at 'land. the Irish police, is or- English detectives to liters. has mMM ifuTuMMnvJEns at UhfitiiftiAn A rail Davitt upon, Wh. vised ately suj it is asi re. crfn t3r3Pr pencils and force them steadily into Severa banquets were given in Paris on Vrtlir Aftrw Firm -vrm wi havd a rirpHWom,.;...'. T.- A I J 11 ., ,-i 1 1 .1 i J J - --- , - - ' ' - J I . 7 L . I OLlil lUIV . Jr.u inn, ,iiiv . , v . v , i fair idea of the pain that shoots through the head of a diver the first time he's lowered. He gets used to it in time, and doesn't feel it much unless let down over faftv feet, and then it comes a-shoutin'. Once at the bottom you can stop it in a jiffy by bending over, set ting your teeth and swallowing air like a hog, through your nose. .there s one thing .we can t get used to, though, and that's the perspiration. You can't wipe it off and it feels as if a thousand flies were crawling over and feeding on a man's face. But itching aside, I would as soon have air pumped to me as blown to me. It doesn't use a man u), either for the time or for good Ao-day l am m ever was before. better health than I Pencil Harks. Exchange. An expert (in a London will case) lately stated that pencil marks rubbed out revive when the texture of the paper returns to its normal condition. The existence of these marks proved most embarrassing in the case in ques tion. A New York florist claims to sell 20,- 000 rosebuds every day. ging at Tehauntepec Myers, an America died last week, upon which Michael g recentlv, was nrea , county Tyrone. ress of China was ad- I of Bacninh, she immedi- the military council. that France will demand a heavy indemnity from China and will oc cupy Chinese territory to guarantee its payment. A manifest from Prince Napoleon is im inent. He has gone to Switzerland to avoid arest, taking with him all his papers and valuables. Mrs. "Weldon has began an action against Forbes Winslow for a libel, assault and false imprisonment. The damages are put at 100,000. The English troops manifest great dis- ntent at the prospect of being ordered Advance on neroer, as they consiaer tne npaign useless. The American bell-punch has been dis carded on the London tramways. It was considered a nuisance, and failed to pre vent knocking down. Placards have been posted about Skib berreen, county Cork, Ireland, announcing the outbreak of a civil war in France. Police are removing them. Li Hung Chang, Viceroy of China, is submitting a basis of peace to the English and American Ministers at Pekin and ask ing them to intercede with France. By an explosion of gas in the Merchants' House, at Paris recently, a policeman and fireman were killed and twenty persons hurt, including a number of passers-by. The Edinburgh University is about to confer the honorary degree of doctor of laws upon Dr. Fordyce Barker, President of the New York Academy of Medicine. It is alleged that Sargent has been as sured by Secretary Frelinghupson that he has the option of remaining at Berlin or becoming a minister to some other court. A silver mine near Schwatka, in Tyrol, was flooded by a subterranean spring last week and several miners were drowned. The damage to the works by water is very serious. It is stated Bismarck is receiving nu merous telegrams approving his speech in regard to the Lasker incident. He is as tonished at the rapidity with which mes sages of approval reached him from America. The bark Lucy, from Liverpool for San Francisco, was sunk by a collision. Six of the crew were drowned. The captain and three members of the crew arrived at Youghal. The police of New Castle-on-Tyne have received information of a plot to explode the principal buildings of the city, includ ing the Central railway station and the postoffice. There are now published in the United Kingdom, 2105 newspapers, of which Eng land has 1,577; Wales, SO; Scotland, 181; Ireland, 156, and the Isles, 20. London alone has 401. Latest advices from Bacninh state that the French forces, while pursuing the Chinese, crossed the river and carried Phujing fort. Three men were killed and several wounded. East Indians refuse cheese made with rennet, but a substitute has been found in a shrub common in Northern India, the fermedtive principle of whose seeds is said to have the same effect. General Eddin, the Afghan Chief, who is editing an anti-English paper printed in Paris, but which is to be circulated in Moslem countries, claims that he de scended from the Prophet. He promises undying enmity to England. The Chief of Police at St. Petersburg has received a letter from Nihilists threatening with death any one who in forms against Degaieff, as to who was the leader of the four Nihilists that murdered Colonel Suideikem, December 28th. The English steamer General Roberts, from Galveston February 5th, has arrived at Liverpool. She collided with an ice field and had her bows smashed and her fore compartment filled with water. A part of her cargo had to be jettisoned. A commission on the law of insanity has been nominated by the French Senate. The members will examine experts and visit other countries in order to settle all the details necessary to the prepara tion of a new law ot lunacy tor r ranee. The Australian colonies are gradually forming a navy. The Protector, a power ful cruiser, carrying six formidable guns, has iust been launched for South Austra lia. Melbourne has torpedo and gun boats and New Zealand has similarly provided herself. Owing to opposition by the Minister of Commerce, the committee of the Chamber of Deputies, to which the question of the importation of pork was referred, has abandoned the intention of making in quiries of Consul Generals in regard to American pork. The Comte de Paris has chosen the present moment, while the state of the Paris labor market is occupying the atten tion of the Chamber, for the issue of his work, "The Situation of Workmen in England." The book particularly treats of co-operative societies played the words: "O'Donnell's death will be avenged." Several delegates of the Irish Republican Brotherhood were pres ent. Patrick Carey, in an after-dinner speech, advocated the use of dynamite. Rumors are current in the lobbies of the House of Commons that the resignation of Gladstone and other members of the Government has been under consideration at three Cabinet Councils. A majority of the Council favor a prolonged occupation of Egypt, to which Gladstone is opposed. The scene about the House of Com mons, at London, is of an unusual char acter. Clerks and porters carrying bags and boxes to the committee rooms were stopped by police, and the parcels sub jected to a thorough examination, to pre vent the possible introduction of dyna mite. A boat has left Shendy to try and re open communication with General Gordon at Khartoum. Zobehr Pasha has offered to go to Khartoum to assist General Gor don on condition that he be allowed to take funds to raise a force of 1.500 blacks. The Egyptian government recommended England to accept Zobehr's offer. In the Ontario Legislature last week the speaker announced that three mem bers, Mokin, Balfour and Dowling, gov ernment supporters, had been offered bribes to vote against the government. Lynch and Kirk land, two of the leaders in the conspiracy to oust the liberal gov ernment, were arrested and jailed. DOMESTIC TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. John Booth, proprietor of the Austin, Nev., Reveille, is dead. A number of Arabs have lately landed in this country as emigrants. John C. Fremont is reported to be se riously ill at his Staten Island home. An Ohio physician is preparing a medi cal lexicon in forty -two languagues. Eleven counties in Oregon have yet to hear the shrill whistle of the locomotive. The Amhurst College base-ball nine are making arrangements to play with pro fessionals. There are, it has been calculated, an average of about 8,000,000 tobacco seed to the pound. Bishop Gibbons arrived at Baltimore from Rome last week, and received a public reception. It is stated that for every four law breakers put in the Mississippi peniten tiary one escapes. The President has nominated Julius Stahl as Consul General of the United States at Shanghai. Experts pronounce the outbreak among cattle in the State of Illinois not the foot foot and mouth disease. An explosion occurred in a coal mine at Lynchburg, Va., last week. About 150 men are reported killed. The Secretary of War has still on hand $40,600 of the $500,000 appropriated for the relief of the flood sufferers. The funeral of Henry A. Tilden, of New Labanon, N. Y., was largely attended. Samuel J. Tilden was present. The Grand Opera House in San Fran cisco was packed with a $4,000 audience on the first night of Patti's appearance. J. D. Frockafeller, one of the oldest miners and known all over the coast, suicided at Salt Lake by taking morphine. It is reported that only one member of the senior class of Hamilton College is now in attendance, and the bolters are as firm as ever. Dewitt C. Grove, ex-Mayor of Utica, for many years past proprietor of the Utica Observer, died in JNew xork last ween, aged 58 vears. It is learned at the Department of State that no telegram has been sent to Sargent relative to his transfer to another post, as has been reported. Governor Murray has left for Washing ton. He will demand an investigation of the charges made against him on the floor of the House. A flood at Los Angeles, Cal., destroyed a large number of buildings and caused a loss ot $loU,uuu. une nunarea tamines were driven to the hills. A deserter from the German armv, George N. Crooms, living at Boonville, Mo., shot himself, because he thought Bismarck was after him. McFadden, charged with being impli cated in the Pacific Express robbery last week, has been taken from Sherman,Tex., to St. Louis on a requisition. In the libel suit of the Mutual Reserve Fund Association against the Spectator Company of New York, jndgment was given, with costs, of $222,000. Some New York parties, while experi menting with a combination of coal and water as fuel on the tug Mattie Sargent, caused a fire; damage $15,0000. The Chinese Consul's failure to partici pate in the honors done by New York to his countryman, Ah Sam, one of the Jeanette heroes, excites indignation. Governor Cleveland has approved the Roosevelt bill, giving the Mayor of New York the power of appointment without confirmation by the Board of Aldermen. The United States steamship Hartford, flag ship of Rear Admiral Aaron K. Hughes, commanding Pacific Station, has arrived in San Francisco from Honolulu. A railroad officer stales that nearly 50,000 northern tourists are now in Florida hotels. Among the prominent ones are Jay Gould, and Alex. Mitchell, of Mil waukee. The death of Mrs. Annie Key Turner, daughter of Francis Scott Key, author of the "Star Spangled Banner," is announced as having occurred at Marc island. Aged 71 years. A young daughter of Justice J. C. Barker, of Chicago, residing on Fullerton avenue, has developed hydrophobia from the bite of a Newfoundland dog last October. Newport, Ky., reported 3,387 houses inundated, the estimated damage being $1,000,000. Thirty-three buildings were washed away, .and 127 turned bottom upward. The Governor of California has granted Llovd L. Majors, under sentence of death for "complicity in the Lexington, Santa Clara county, murders, a respite until April 11. Every child in the Bloomington, Ind., public schools took a potato to school. The whole aggregated thirty-six bushels, and was contributed to the relief of the flood sufferers. A dispatch has been received in San Franeiseo from the General Manager of the Central Pacific railroad which states that Governer Stanford's son died at Florence, Italy. General Manager Towne, of the Central Pacific railroad, stated recently that the company is seriously considering the put ting on of a train to connect with the fast Eastern mail service. Prentiss Teller, the Pacific .Express company's agent at St. Louis, who de camped with nearly $100,000 a few weeks ago, was arrested by Milwaukee detec tives last week and $89,000 of the money recovered. President Lisky telegraphs from Poca hontas to the office of the Southwest Vir ginia Improvement Company that the loss of life by the mine explosion was 112 men. Preparations are making to flood the mine. Work in the west mine has been resumed. George H. Williams, a millionaire law yer in Baltimore, is a defendant in a suit brought bv his son to recover $31X1,000 transferred, while under the influence of liquor, in exchange tor an annuity oi $2,500. The police of Washington suspect that Degdiff, leader of the party of Nihilists who murdered Colonel Sudeiken, is in the city. Fifty arrests were made without capturing him. Hotels have been directed to report to the police the arrival of all strangers. A meeting of the hop trade at the Pro duce Exchange in New York recently favored the established allowance of seven pounds tare to the bale of hops. A com mittee goes to Albany to oppose the bill which seeks to change the present system of allowances. The Union Pacific officials have received inquiries from the Central Pacific officials as to whether the fast mail is permanent, and they have replied they they think it is. Fast mail now lies over at Ogden twenty four hours awaiting the starting of the Central Pacific. Seven men of the crew of the schooner Sarah W. Hunt died of drowning or starvation while searching for seals near Campbell island, in the Pacific ocean. The captain and the steward alone sailed the vessel 630 miles to New Zealand after losing the crew. A meeting of managers of roads of the Northwest Traffic Association was called last week for the purpose of consulting with a view of renewing the old agree ment or adopting a new one. The opinion prevails in railway circles that all differ ences will be adjusted. PORTLAND MARKET REPORT. BUTTER Fancy, fresh roll, lb., 35 40c; inferior, grade, 2025c; pickled, 25(a) 30c. CHEESE California, 17 19c; Oregon large, choice, 1920c. small, none. EGGS K? doz., 25. FISH Extra Pacific codfish, whole, in c, 74c, boneless, in bxs., 8Jc$ lb.; domestic salmon, hf bbls., $6.0O7.00, bbls., $11.00, 1-lb. eans, doz., $1.45; mackerel, No. L & kit, 1.752.00, No. 2, $1.501.75, No. 1, hf bbls., $10.00, No. 2, $8.50; herrings, salted, hf bbls., , dried, 10-lb. bxa.Tac. FLOUR Fancy extra, bbl, $5.00; bakers' extra, ; country, $4.004.50; superfine, $3.75. ' FEED, Etc. Corn meal, 100 lbs., $2.75 3.00: buckwheat, $5.50; oat meal, $4.00 4.25; cracked wheat, $3.253.50; bran, ton $15.17; shorts, $2250; middlings, fine, $25.0030.00; hay, baled, 18.0020.00; chop, $22.5025.00. FRUITS Prunes. Hungarian. 1 15c; raisins (new). Jp bx.. S2.50O2.75. bxs., $2.753.00, qr bxs., $3.253.35, 8th dxs., $i-i.zo(aja.ou; currants, .ante, 16. in bxs., 10c; citron, $ lb. in drums, 22Jc; almonds, Marseilles, $ lb., 1820c, Lane, 20c; walnuts, Chili, lll24c, California. 1213c. WHEAT Good to choice, 160 lbs., 91.50 1.55, good vaUey; Walla Walla and Eastern Oregon, $1.501.52&. OATS Choice milling, nominal; good feed, 55c; ordinary feed, 5053c. BARLEY Brewing, $ 100 lbs., nominal feed, nominal BUCKWHEAT Nominal, $1.502.00. CORN No demand. RYE Nominal, $ 100 lbs., nominal $1.502.00 HIDES AND BAGS Hides, dry, over 16 lb., $ lb., 14c; Murrain hides, two-thirds off; hides, wet salted, over 55 lbs., lb., 6 7c (one-third less for light weights, dam aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts, shearling, 10c$1.00; deer skins, winter, 1215c, Eastern Oregon, 22c, summer, E 1820c, valley, 2530c; burlaps, 40 in., 8Jc, 45 in., OJc, 60 in., 15c; twine, flour, 35 40c, wheat, 35c, fleece, 1213c; gunnies, 18c; wheat sacks, 773c; HONEY In comb. IS lb.. 22ffil25c: strained in 5 gal., 11c lb.; 1-gal. tins, p doz, $14.0015.OO, half-gal., $7.50. HOPS $ lb., 1520c: PROVISIONS Bacon, llj12jc; hams, country, $ lb., 1315c, butcher, scarce; shoulders, 10llc. LARD Kegs, lb., 12c; Eastern, pails, 1212c; Oregon, tins, 1212ic; Cali fornia, 10-lb. tins, none GREEN FRUITS Apples, V bx., $1.50 2.00; lemons, California, $4.OOfe5.O0, Sicily, $12.00fel3.00; oranges, bx., $4.004.50: limes, 100, $1.502.0n VEGETABLES Potatoes, V bu., 50 55c, according to variety; cabbage, $ lb,. 2Jc; turnips, $ sck., $1.25; carrots, $1.25; beets, $1.25; onions (new), $ lb., le; pars nips, ljc. WOOL Valley, 1018c; Eastern Ore gon. I417c. POULTRY -Chickens, doz., spring, $4.0O5.O0. old. S0.50: ducks. S10.00&12.00; geese, $8.0010.00; turkeys, $ lb., 1214c. RICE Sandwich Islands, No. 1, V lb., 5c; China mixed, 4jfe5c; China No. 1, none; Rangoon, 5Jc. PEAS, SEEDS, Etc. Beans, lb., pea, 4c, s. w., 54c, lg. w., 44c bayou, 4c, pink, 3e, limas, 6c; peas, field, 243Jc, sweet, 15(& 20c; timothy seed, 1012c, red clover, 22(Oj25c, white clover, 40(gj50c, alfalfa, 16 20c, hungarian grass, SfelOc, millet, 810c, orchard grass, 18(o20c, rye grass, 2025c, red top, lofe 17c, blue grass, 1820c, nes quite grass, lWa 12Ac. SUGARS Golden C, in bbls., $ lb., 9c, in hf bbls., 9jc; refined D, bbls., 8Jc, hf bbls., 8jc; dry granulated, bbls., lofc, hf bbls., 10jc; crushed, bbls., 10c; fine crushed, bbls., llc, hf bbls;, llc; cube, bbls., die, hf bbls, HJcJ islands, No. 1, kgs., 8i8gc, bgs., 8ic. TALLOW Good to choice rendered, 7i 74c; refined, 9( 9Jc ft? lb. HOPS Quotable at 1719c, (:f lt. for fair to medium, and 2022c jor good to choice. APPLES Oregon, f bx., $1.50, $2.25. HIDES Dry, b lb., usual selection, 18c: dry kip, 18c; dry calf, 1821c; prime hair goatskins, U24a 70c. LARD Eastern refined, 3 to 10-lb. tins, 13c, 134c. Other provisions unchanged. HONEY Extracted, 6c. 8e, lb.; extra white comb, 18c, 20c; white, 13c, 16c; dark, 9c, 12c. DRIED FRUITS Bleached. 14 (Si 15c: apples, machine-cured, f 15 16c, sun cured, 9(c;10c; peaches, machine-cured, in boxes, I3(a!l4c; uerman, in boxes, & lt., lu (lie; plums, sun-cured, pitlcss, 1516c, machine-cured, !(( lsc; pears, machine- cured, 10( 12c, sun-cured, lWolle; figs, California. 25-t. bx.. 9c: Smyrna, 20(o425e. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. RECEIPTS Wheat, 47,000 ctls.; flcur, 95,000 qr. sks.; oats, 375 ctls.; potatoes. 2. 500 sks.; eggs, 18.000 doz. FLOUR San Francisco extra are joo bing at $5.505.75; superfine $3.754.50; inferior brands, $5.005.50 for extra, and $3.504.00 for superfine WHEAT Extra choice, & ctl., $1.774 1.80. Buyer season 300, $1.83i; 100, $1.82; 300. $1,824; 200, $1.82i. BARLEY Feed, V ctl., $1,124(5(1.074; brewing No. 1, $1.1241.15, No. 2, $1.05 1.10; bay chevalier, $1.301.3o; coast do, $1.15 1.20 OATS Black, 1.45 1.50; white. $1.50 L65; for common, 1.701,80 for fair to good, and $1.751.774 for extra choice CORN Choice ory yellow, $1.60; white, choice dry, $1.40t. 50; common, $1,374 1.45; Nebraska, $1.45. BRAN Quiet and unchanged at $17.80 18.00 f ton MIDDLINGS -Steady at $19.0021.00 & ton. HAY Wheat, $12.0014.50; wild oat, $12.0014.50; barley, 98.0011.00; stable, $13.O014.0O; cow, $10.0012.00; alfalfa, $9.0011.00 10 ton. STRAW Quotable at 5060c & bale. BUCKWHEAT Quotable at $3.253.50 S?ctl MILLSTUFFS Ground barley. 24.00 25.00 $ ton; oil cake meal, old process, $30.00, new process, $20.50: rye flour. $6.00 bbl.; rye meal, $5.50; buck-wheat flour, lb., 5c; pearl barley, 45c; graham flour, 3c; oat meal, 54c; Eastern oat meal, bbl., 9.75, net cash; cracked wheat, lb., 4c. DRIED PEAS Green, 4.57;niles. $3.50; blackeye, $3.50 ctl. BEESWAX Quotable at 2628c, lb. POTATOES New sell, according to quality, as follows: Small, 2c; medium, 24c; large choice, 34c lb. Sweets, $2.75 3.08; Cuffey Coves.'05c$1.05; Jersey blues, 6S75c: Humbolats, 75c; Petalumas, 70c; Tomales, 70c; early goodrich, 1.251.37J; early rose, 6560c; river reds 48c: Deerless. 90c SEEDS Brown mustard, $3,09 3.50, yellow, 3.00 Flax, 2.502.75, ctl.; can ary, 55ic; alfalfa, 89c; rape, 334c. hemp. 344c; timothy, 78c, lb. for im ported. BUTTER Good to choice roll, lb., 32435c; fair, 3032c; firkin, 2225c: west ern, 1620c. ONIONS Good to choice, sk., 1.15 1.25 CHEESE California, 1718c; Eastern creamer-, 1619c; Western, 1518c, lb. POULTRY Dressed turkeys, 2426c, live, 2224c, 0 lb., for hens, and 2224c for fobblers, geese $2.252.75 $ pair; ducks, ll.e014.00 $ doz.; hens. 8.008.50; roasters, young, 8.509.50, olddo, 7.50 8.00 broilers, 5.006.00, according to size SALMON Oregon, 1-lb cans, doz., f. o. b., 1.20, 1.224. EGGS 3? doz.. 26i27ic. WOOL : Mendocino, 12c, 15c, lb.; Humboldt, 12c, 17c; San Joaquin, 8c, 10c; coast, 8c, 11c; Red Bluff and Colusa, etc., BEANS We quote as follows: Pea and small white. 3.124 ctl.; bayos, t4.50 ; pinks, 4.40 ; red jobbing at 4.50; limas, 3.153.20; butter, 3.50 3.60