The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 18, 1884, Image 1

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    fc i ,- .'4., . f
NO. 4
Vtwo New York Firms Dealing In Flour ana
4 Grain Suspended.
New York. Jan. 12. Much excitement
was caused in the Produce Exchange and
neighborhood to-daj by the announcement
that the firm of E. XV. Coleman & Co., flour
and grain commission merchants, 8 Water
street, were unable to meet their obliga
tions. In consequence of this news the
market declined from 1J to 2 cents per
bushel on wheat, and fiom j to 1 cent
per bushel on corn. Soon afterward ic
was announced that J. M. Fuller & Co.,
grain brokers in Bridge and State streots,
had also suspended and made an assign
ment. The failure of E. XV. Coleman
& Co. caused great surprise. The linn has
been established more than thirty years,
and did an extensive busiuess in flour and
grain. Being " long " on wheat and corn
( principally wheat ) they gradually got
into such a position that nothing but a de
cided turn of the market could relieve them
from embarrassment, and such a turn did
not occur. Coleman & Co. made au assign
ment for the benefit of their creditors. It U
impossible at piesent to estimate the liabili
ties, but they are heavy, and the assets
Xhiefly of such a character that they are
available at present. Most of the
firm's indebtedness is due outside of this
It is supposad that the failure of J. M.
Fuller & Co. was precipitated by the de
cline in the market, consequent upon the
suspension of Coleman & Co. The firm has
been doing a speculative business, and was
' long " on the market. It is not sup
posed that the liabilities are extensive.
The firm was embarressed about seven
months ago, but managed to tide over. At
the office it was stated that the liabilities
would probably not exceed 100,000
The failure is due directly to a heavy de
cline in wheat, and also losses by the fail
ure of Lane & Son, and a Detroit house a
few months ago.
Probably Lor$.
New York, Jan 12. The bark Miniie
M. Watts left this port for Portland Oregon
May 12 and July 22 was seen off Cape Horn.
Nothing has since been heard from her, and
she is thought by her agents, Van Vleck
k Co., to be lost with all on board. Soon
after she passed Caue Horn a terrific storm
prevailed (here, and several staunch ciip-
pers whijeh eucountered it were compelled
to put into Valparaisso in distress. It is
probable that the Watts weut down in the
same storm, with twenty persons aboard.
The cargo of railway material was valued at
San Francisco, Jan. 14. The Alta
states that the Alaskan judgeship will in
all probability be oSfered to Ward McAllis
ter, nephew of Hall McAllister of this city.
Judge Ferrall of the superior court, to
day refused to dismiss the indictmeuts for
forgery and perjury, preferred by the grand
jury against Miss Aggie Hill and Neils n
They will therefore be tried in the United
States circuit court.
"The case of Charles Ford, on the same
charge, was also continued until February
11, it appearing that Ford was at St. Louis
to ill to attend.
Jacob Baiisterly, an iron moulder, 52
years of age, a Swiss, who came here
from Oregou three weeks ago, was found
dead in Golden Gate park, with a bullet
hole through his head. Suicide.
Terrible Accident
Bradford. Pa., Jan. 15. A stream of
waste oil flowing from a tank across the
Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua Hailroad
canght fire this morning and the passeuger
train from Wellsville for Bradford ran into
it and the train was immediately enveloped
in flames, as the track for a distance of
fully 100 yards was covered with oil. It
is believed that the gas, coming in contact
with the fire-box of the eugine explo led,
firing the oil, which spread on the hurri
cane of wind which was blowing, and en
veloped the doomed train in an instant.
The mass of flames was of so intense a heat
that the windows of the cars cracked and
fell in less time than it takes to write this
The passenger coach and baggage car were
converted into a seething, hissing mass of
fire, and the coach was filled with flames
and there was a rush for the doors, but the
heat was so intense that the panic-stricken
passengers were driven back and forced to
jump through windows to a landing in the
snow. A relief train with surgeons and
cots was dispatched to the srene of the
calamity. Upon the arrival there a terrible
sight presented itself. The passenger coach
and baggage car were smoking ruins while
the engine lay ou its back, having turned a
complete somersault. It is definitely known
that only three persons, all women, were
burned to death. Thirteen other persons
were severely burned, a number of whom
will die.
Bradeord, Pa., Jan. 15. While a train
on the Bradford and Kinzua Railroad was
passing an oil well being torpedoed, the
fire box was open and the gas was ignited.
setting the well on fire. The train jumped
the track, and twelve persons reported
burned to death Another dispatch saya
the engine jumped the track and collided
with a tank, which exploded. Nothing
definite yet. One woman is dead and ten
to fifteen are badly burned.
Washington, Jan. 11 At a meeting
this morning of the house committee on
post offices and post roads the bills of Auder-
son of Kansas and Sumner of California,
providing for the est dilishment of a postal
telegraph, were referred to a sub-committee,
with instructions t foraiu'ate a bill and
report on the project.
The same committee on postoffioes has de
cided to take up thj subject at its next
meeting, and so projects for a postal tele.
graph are well under way. The senate
committee has three bills before it, of which
Edmunds is author of one, Hill of Colorado
another, and Dawes a third.
Sumner who has been looking over the
ground, stated to-day that he believed that
if a bill could come up this mouth, so as not
to get crowded in with the appropriations
md tariff measures, it would stand a first
rate chance of passing. H i says some of
the leading members of the house have ex
pressed themselves in favor of a postal
General Bingham of Pennsylvania, who
was chairman of the postal committed in
last congress, and who is one of the sub
committee to whom the honss bills were re
ferred this morning, said to-day that it
would be ten days before the committee
could get a bill in shape. "I would not be
surprised," said he, "If E linuu Is' or some
other telegraph bill is passed by this con
gress. There is, of course, consi leraMe
opposition to the government taking hold
of telegraphy. There is atways more or
less opposition to great reforms liko this,
but to my mind there should be o objec
tion to it. Lines of telegraph that m iy be
used by the common public at a reasonable
expense should be controlled by the gov
ernment, aud it is only a question of time
when it will be done. If delayed by this
congress it will coins up again in the next
and continue to come up until adopted. I
have cast about considerably on the subject
and hear no opposition except from monopo
lists. AU the bills except Hill's are simi
lar in their provisions. Dawes' bill, intro
duced yesterda , pro vides for a fourth as
sistant postmaster-general to take charge
of the telegraph system and for putting the
whole matter in charge of the postoffice
department. Hill's bills looks to tits uiti-1
mate absorption of the present lines of wire
opened by the Western Union and other
companies. The other bills contemplate
the construction of new lines ""
starch scgar.
Washington, Jan. 12 The National
Academy of Sciences, through President O.
C. Marsh to-day, m ade a repjrt on glucose
to the commissioner of internal revenue.
After stating what starch sugar is, how
manufactured and chiefly used, the report
says the starch sugar industry in the Uni
ted States gives employment to twenty fac
tories, having an estiin ite 1 capital of $5,
000,000, consuming 40,000 bushels of corn
per day, and producing grain sugar and glu
cose of the annual value of $10,000,000. In
Germany in 1SSI and 1832 there were
thirty-nine factories of this sort, consuming
80,000 tons of starch, and producing 40,000
tons of starch suar. A thorough in vest i
gation of the whole subject was made by
members of the acade.ny, and as a result
the following facts appear : That the man
ufacture of 3Uir from starch is a long es
tablished in lustry, scientifically valuable
and commercially important; that the pro
cesses employed at the p.-esenc time are un
objectionable in character, aud leave the
product uncnntaminate l; that starch sugar
thus made and sent into commerce is ex
ceptional in purity and uniformity of com
position, and contains no injurious sub
stances, and that having at the best ouly
about two-thirds of the sweetening power of
cane sugar, yet starch sugar is in no way in
ferior to cane sugar in healthfulness, there
being no evidence before the committee that
maize starch sugar, either in the normal
condition or fermented, has any deletorious
effects upon the system, even when taken
in large quantities.
Washington, Jan. 13. In addition to
regular appropriations and those asked for
by members from the Pacific coast for the
improvement of rivers and harbors, there
are four bills before congress for government
buildings, all of which should pass. They
are Tulley's and Glasscock's bills, appro
priating $150,000 and $100,000 respectively
for new postolfices at Los Angeles aud Sac
ramento, Bosecran's. bill, appropriating
$700,000 for a new pastoffice at San Fran
cisco, and Dolph's bill, appropriating not
more than $500,000 for a custom house at
Portland. The first and last named were
introduced this week, and are hist on the
calendar of the committee to whom they
were referred.
Randall, of the appropriation committee
intends to force economy, notwithstanding
there is likely to be a treasury surplus of
$60,000,000 this year, and all appropri ttion
bills outside of rivers and harbors, aud ex
penses of the government, will have to
stand aside. Although he does not say so,
Randall desires to change the policy of the
democracy from tariff for revenue to re
trenchment and economy in administration
of the government. He thinks this will be
a stronger card in the presidential election
than tariff tinkering.
Preparing for War In China.
Canton, Jan. 13. The authorities of
this province are vig ro nly prepiriu for
war. They are building a telegraph line
between Canton and the Touquin frontier.
The viceroy of Canton has issued a procla
mation summoning the people to prepare to
repel French invaders, at the same time
expressing friendship toward other nations.
Chinese Tro3?3 Dispatihsd fca Hunan.
Honu Kong, Jan. 13. Six thousand
Chinese troops have been sent to Hainan.
The greatest activity prevails iu Canton.
Barges have been sunk in the Canton river
to block the channel. Tiie troops sent to
Hainan are possessed with gojd physique,
and are fairly armed, but are iudiffereiitly
drilled. Chinese officials state that some
extraordinary steps are imminent.
Decisive Battle Expected.
Vienna, Jan. 13. It is stated that
China has definitely decided not to recall
her troops from B icuiuii, where a decisive
lattle is expected shortly.
Ths Latest New.
London, Jan, 14. A Hong Kong dis
patch of Monday, timed 10:35 A. M. says
advices from Ha Noi of the 6th instant
announce that pirates attacked N delink on
all sides on the nights of the 1st and 2d.
Many were killed and wounded, aud many
houses were burned. On the 4th the
post of Botang, near Ha-Joi, was at
tacted and many compelled to retire in
disorder, carrying away in my killed and
wouu.led. lusargeut bauds are being re
organized. Sootay advices state th is nearly all the
fugatives are returning, supplied with
arms. It is reported the Chinese army is
descending from the province of Quong
See for the purpose of occupying Bacuiuh.
Priests PaHMlsl by taa Citassa.
Paris, Jan. 13. L: Temps states that
since the arrival of the French expedition
ill Tonquin Catholic missionaries have been
subjected to renewed presecution in the
southern provinces of China. A furious
mob in the province of Quang See de
stroyed the house of Pere Pcrnet, who
was arrested and maltreated, receiving
several blows from flat swords. He was
also threatened with death, aud the Chin
ese demanded a ransom of 7000 francs for
his release. It is probable, however, that
I'ernet will be taken to Canton. Other
missionaries were also arrested at the in
stiguation of the mandarins who have
ceased to respect the treaties.
War in Egypt.
Cairo, Jan. 13. El Mah'i demands
2100 rausora for five iiuus and four priests
whom he holds iu captivity. The Austrian
consul is asking merchants to subscribe the
It has been decided to retain Suakem
in Egypt.
The rebels made a night attack on Takir,
December 20th. but were repulsed. They
looted the house of the principal merchant
of the town, aud carried off his wife and dau
ter. The garrison lost five killed and seven
wounded. The rebels are entrenched 600
yanls from the town. The garrison is short
of ammunition.
A letter from Sirkat states that the town
can not hold out beyond the 30th. The gar
rison is suffering severely from cold.
Una legislature.
Salt Lake, Jan, 14. -The legislature met
this morning in the City hall. Bishop Col
ville was elected speaker of the council, and
Charles Stayuer clerk. James Sharp, sou
of Bishop John Sharp, was elected speaker
of the house, and James F. Wells, son of
Daniel H. Wells, first counsellor of the
Mormon church, chief clerk. In the coun
cil are two bishops and one apostle, and in
the house three bishops. Arthur L. Thomas,
secretary of the territory, administered the
oath, with the addition that none were liv
ing polygamy or ever had been polygam
ists. After ashort session, the legislature
adjourued till to-morrow, when the gover
nor's message will be read. There is a small
lobby, and no enthusiasm.
Mormons Urged to Stand by Polygamy.
Salt Lake, Jan. 14. Apostle Teasdale,
in a tabernacle sermon yesterday, said :
'Don't go back on one principle of the
gospel. I believe in plural marriage as
much as I do in baptism for the remission
of sins. I will not give up one of my prin
ciples. Do not fear to face man for God.
I'd fear to go behind a veil to meet those
who would know I had given up the first
principle of the gospel. Plural marriige is
a necessity. 1 he church cant exist with
out it. It is one of the landmarks of the
Washington, Jan. 14. The United
States consul at Malaga reports to the
department of state that a fraduleiit
scheme entered iuto to obtain money from
credulous Americans, was recently discov
ed there, after having appearently been for
some timo in successful operation. It is as
follows; Au alleged cure of one of the
Spanish churches writes to the head of a
family in the United States that he atten
ded, in his dying moments, a " brigadier."
who entrusted to him the guardianship of a
child of large property. Kelatiouship be
tween the person addressed is intimated.
Considerable money is alleged to' have been
secured by the " brigadier" duriug his
fight with the Carlist army, aud secrecy is
enjoined on accouut of the sanctity of
the priestly office and efforts of the Spanish
government to obtain the sacred fortune.
The communication ends with a request for
money to send the ehild to its American
relations. The consul states that he is
constantly rcceiviug inquiries from the
United States about such letters, and in
some cases persons from this country even
visited Spain for the purpose of obtaining
the fortune they supposed was awaiting
Washington, Jan. 14. Hazen, third
assist ni p st n uter gj aaral, has co nplete 1
a statement, baaed upon returns for 140
postotfices that usually return one-half of
the postal revenu ;, showiug that the gross
receipts for the quarter ending December
31, were $5,653,876: This is a faliiug on
iu the receipts for the corresponding quarter
of the previous year, of $183,854 or 13 per
cent. As the reduction of postage went
iuto effect during the quarter, returns were
awaited with some anxiety by postal oiii
cials, who were iu doubt in regard to the
effect of the reduced rates upon the reve
nues of the department. A loss of live
per cent, had been expected. These re
ceipt of a revenue sufficient at least to
meet all expenses the present fiscal year.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The new Chi
nese bill is numbered '-H. R. No. 1798.''
Every preparation has been made to secure
a favorable r -port from too committee ami
its early passage. No one unfamiliar with
the rules of tne house of representatives
can understand the value of a cominitttee
report. Windy orators and obstructionists
iu times past h ive resulted iu so curtailing
the privileges of members on the floor that
the chairmen of committees practically con
trol actiou of the house. As Mr. Budd of
California said to your correspondent yes
terday : ,-You don't hear anybody talking
about what the house is going to do, or
what the committees are going to do. It is
how does the chairman stand ? What is he
going to do ? It is gratifyiug therefore to
know that Cur tin, chairman of the foreign
affair committee, is a friend of the Pacific
coast. He has been absent in Pennsyl
vania all the week, but has assured the
member. from the Pacific that the Chinese
act amendments will be one of the first
things considered when the committee
meets. It is stated that two members of
the committee Stewart of Texas aud Long
of Indiana will be in favor of reporting the
bill in its present shape. Both have said so,
and if they do not change their minds the
bill will have practically a unanimous report
from the committees.
Washington, Jan. 13. It is expected
that a considerable portion of the present
week will be devoted by the senate to cot.
sideration of the Mexican reciprocity treaty.
A proposition has been made that an execu
tive session discussion take place with open
doors. Many senators expressed themselves
in favor, but precedents, with one excep
tion, are against such a course, and it is un
certain what decision will be reached. It is
believed the treaty will be ratified, but
serious objections will be made in the pro
gress of the discussion. Some senators ap
prehend war and prospective annexation as
a result of the complications they think
sure to grow out of attempts by Americans
to establish themselves iu Mexico. Others
hold the opinion that if the president and
the senate may establish free trade rela
tions with another government they would
thus exclude the popular branch of con
gress from participation in the exercise ot
the most important function of the govern
ment that of raising revenue.
New This Week.
Monday and Tuesday, January 21 and 22.
The Man in a Maze!
Supported by an excellent
lu bis amusing creations, the
In the funniest combination of mirth and laughter
ever beiore the public, as aai-rU-J by tne entire preu
oi fttru-Aua, during- tne recent cuaeinent ax, ptew
Market Theater.
Tuesday Entire Change Bill!
Now on sale at Brink & Wright's.
Land O.Bee at Oregon City, Or.,
Jaauary ioth, 1SS4.
i lowing named settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support oi his claim
and that said proof will bo made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Wednesday, February 27th, 1834, viz: George Coote,
homestead entry No. 4461, for theS E qr of Sec. 14,
T. 10, S. R. 8, W.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: Richard Brooicer, Wallace Nash, '. 11. Nash
and . Warren, all of Corvallis, Benton county, Or.
4w6 L. T, 1J AKIN, Register.
Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per rear 32 50
Six Months 1 oo
Three Months 1 00
Single Copied 10c
e'er Year (when not paid in advonce) 3 00
All notices and advertisements intended for pub
atioa should be handed in by noon on Wednesdays.
Rates of advertising made known on application.
A-ttornev - at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
-A.ttorn.ey at Law,
Office with F M. John -ton. 20-44tf
J. B. Lifts, M. D. G. R. Faeka, M. I).
Physicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
O. F. WiLLEY, M. D.
Physician and. Surgeon,
Corvallis, - Oregon.
office two doohs north of gazette
oifice. Residence one door north of office. 2051
Tv b. embree70
Physio...-1 n & Surgeon.
Office 2 doors south of H. E. Harris' Store,
Corvalli , - - Oregon.
Residence on the southwest corner of block, north
tud west of the Methodist church.
Great care taken With Children.
46'.f J. W. McCONNELL, Artist, Goldsou's stand.
V. C. Crawford,
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
All kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and aK
work warranted. LS:33-yl
Real Estate Agency.
hivaso ne very djdrabl j property on the Bay for
ale in lot i from 10 to 237 acres. Some of this is
ear th3 O. P. R. R. terminus. Person i wishing to
invest will do well tj call on inj when prices are rea
souable. Address .vlV.i stamp) to pre pay postage.
ewport Benton Countv Or.,
FF1 F. J. Hendrichson,
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Philomath, Oregon.
I ahvavs keen on hand superior ma-
t3rial and warrant my work. I ask an examination
of my yoods before purchasing elsewhere
ll)-32-lyr F. J. Hendrichson.
H. Ill . HARRIS,
One Door South of Graham & Hamilton's,
Cnra.'llis. June 21, 18S2. 19-19yl
Notary Public
Real Estate Agents, Corvallis, Or.
Good Farms, Stock Ranches
aud City Property for sale on easy terms.
Collections Made.
Office over Jacobs & Neugass' Store
Attorneys at - Law.
Col. Kelsay and myself have formed a copartner
ship in the practice of the law. The Ctil's ex
perience at the Bar and ou the Bench and his studious
Hi nts is a suru guarantee t nat ail ousinesx 211 trustees
to us in the line of suits or actions in Court will be
well attended to.
I will continue other busiuess and give prompt
attention to the same as heretofore. Such as Collect
ing. Being a Notary Publir will attend to convey
ancing1 iu all its branches, eods. Mortgages, Real
and Chattel, Leases, Releases, Powers of attorney.
Contracts, &c. &c. Buy sell and lease Real Estate
both farms and town property, collect rents, ne
gotiate loans, search and examine titles, and a gen
eral ar ncv business.
Are now in brick building and have fire proof safe
mr the saio Keeping ot notjs ana otntr valuable
papers left for collection &c.
Oifice in Burnett s new brick, first door at head oi
19: L7tf KELSAY & HOLG A TE.
Corvallis, Oregon,
Spring Bed Bottom in the Marked
for only $7. Also ascent tnr the Medical
Lake Salt.
Pianos. Tuning aud repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
131 kar" jLDE'if 23m6) Portlflndj 0i
Corvallis, Oregon. & filBLIN, PROPRIETORS.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new buildine.
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
Large Sample Boom na First Floor for
Commercial lien. 19-35 ly
Real Estate AgencyJ
Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property ou
Having made arrangements for co-operation
with agents in Portland, and being ful
ly acquainted with real property in Benton
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat'
ipatronage.all who may favor us with their
G. A. Waggoner,
20-fiyl T. J. Buford,
lOOO Men and Boys
To fit them out in the latest style of ready
made Clothing. Also the finest lot of
Panis Patterns and Suitings
Ever brought to Corvallis.
Call and. Examine Goods.
No trouble to show goods.
Two doors South of Post Office,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for thu
County of Eeaton.
Sarah A. Terwilliger PUT. )
v Suit for Divorce.
Paul Terwilliger Deft. )
Tj Pan Tcrwiler the above named deft.,
In the naaie of tlia State of Oregon ynu are hereby
HUnmoneJ and re uiirel to appear and answer the
complaint of said pLantil in the above entitled suit
now on tile iu the o9cj of the clerk of said court, on
or jj.'o.-j ;.u rt.-jt ay of the next regular tern of
aidcoa.'t, to hp hold in said county on the 4th Mon
day in llarc.'i ISii, and yoa ye hereby notified that
iiyou fail to ans.'.er said complaint a herein re
quired the Plaintiff will take a decree against you
dissolving the bonds of irxtrimony now existing be
tween you and said Plaintiff, on the ground of wilful
desertion for the perioJ of three years prior to the
co.umenceni3:it of this suit. Alio that she be re
turned to her maiiu name, Sarah A. Nobles, and
for such other relief as may be just auu equitable
and costs and disbursements.
This summons is published by order of Hon. R.
S. Bean, judtfd of said Court, wnich said order bears
date Nov. 22. 1883.
F. at JOHXSOS, AtV. forJPlff.
Dated, T)ee. 4, 1S83. 20-50:w7
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha
been duly appointed executor of the last will and
testament of Ann Uaber de. ea -cd by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County
sitting for the transaction of probate business. All
persons having claims against tiie estate of said
Ann Baber deceased are required to present them
properly verified to meat Elk City, Benton County,
Oregon, or at the office of Eelsay it Holgate at Cor
vallis Oregon, within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dec. 28th 18S3.
iw5 LOUIS McVAY Executor.
The necessity for prompt and efficient household
remedies is daily growing more imderative, and of
these Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the chief in
nerit and the most popnlar. irregularity of the
ittm.aeh and bowels, malarial fevers. liver complaint,
lebilitv, rheumatism aed minor ailmei.ts, are thor
lUffhly conquered by this incomparable family lestor
ative aud mediciual safeguard, and it is justly regard
jd a the purest and most comprehensive remedy of
;---' For sale by all DwsHts ud Daalsrs