The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 11, 1884, Image 1

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NO. a
Villard Makes an Assignment.
New,' York. Jan. 6. Henry Vi'Uril
made aja asignment to-day, for tbe Leneat
of his .creditors, to Win. Endicott, Jr., of
Bostoc,', and Horace White. of New York.
He transfers to them his property and
mansicfn on Madison avenue, with instruc
tions to dispose of them at public or pri
vate sjale, and apply the proceeds first to
the jjayment of interest of a mortgage of
200.000 upon the property, aDtl secondly
to carry out any existing contracts for
completion of the edifice. And provisions
are made for the paymeut of any indebted
ness of Villard to the Oregon Railway and
Navigation company. The instrument
further directs that the residue, after the
entire indebtedness is disposed of, shall be
turned over to his wife, Mrs. Fannie Gari
Bon Villard. Ileal property iucluded by
Villard in the assignment is the block
bounded bv fiftieth and fifty-first streets
and Madison and Fourth avenue, including
the mansion recently erected upon Madi
son avenue front. Tbe property is said to
be worth $1,COO,000. The property recent
ly conveyed by Villard to his legal advis
ers is expressly excluded f.-om the convey
ance to the assignees. Other real property
possessed by Villard is a handsome sum
mer residence at Dobb's Ferry, on the
Hudson, worth about $250,000. The
amount of indebtedness to the Oregon
Hail w ay and Navigation Compiuy is not
ascertained, nor could any information bj
obtained as to liabilities. It U sai 1 he is
the owner of a large interest in other
companies, and that his wife hoMs gv;rn
ment bonds to tins amount of $503,0 K).
No acurate state n;;its of his assets, how
ever, are obtainable to night, au 1 Villar I
is still too ill to receive viators.
Uors of fas Meeting of Directors.
New Yock, Jan. 4. At the Northern
Pacific meeting Messrs. Moigin, Billings.
Cheney, Bullitt, Harris and Belmout were
appointed a committee to consider what
action should be taken by the board owin
to the retirement of Villard. Villard's
resignatiou as director was laid on the
table. The committee was authorized to
call a special meeting for the election of
a president.
The directors a lopta 1 a resolution com
plimentary to Villard, and voted him $10,
000 a year for his services during fie time
he was president of the company.
A TarriMa H Mooaisi.
St. Louis, Jan. 5. Tue convent of the
Sisters of Notre Dame, at Bdleville, Illi
nois, burned at 11 o'clock to-night, involv
ing a loss of from $100,030 to $.1-5,000
partially insured. The building wa3 origi
nally erected ia 1857, since when two
wings have been added. May Campbell,
one of the inmates, jumped from a thir l
s lory window an I was picked up dea I.
One other li '; v as lost r.nd several persons
are reported injured. The lo.-s of life is
much greater tuau mentioned in last night's
dispatch. Instead of twenty, as at first
supposed, the total of known deaths is
twenty-seven, twenty-two of which are
pupils, and five sisters, among the latter
the sister superior.
Reporters who returned to B dlevil'e to
night state that search in the ruins of the
convent was resumed 'wtween 10 and 11
o'clock this morning, . an . continued till
-about 4 o'clock this afternoon; that wh it
were supposed to be the remains of six al
ditional bodies wjre recovered, but the re
mains were of so indefinite a character that
it was impossiple to determine whether
they represent six or more persons.
The fuueral of the victims will probably
take place to morrow. The remains of
Miss Campbell aud Miss Wicrman were
brought here this afternoon, and will be
bo tried to-morrow.
St. Louis, Jan. 7. Search for the dead
at Belleville was resumed this morning.
The bodies were all near each other, and
the mother superior's body teemed to be in
the center of a jdias tly circle of black re
mains. A bone was picked up here, and on
being drawn from the ruins came lo. ; from
some particles of roasted flesh. Her burn
ed skull was found with an arm, while
the trunk, burned into a solid crisp, was
diiL' up immediately under them. It was
an awful exhumation and more .than once
work faltered on account ot the sickening
- sensation which ovgjH the workmen.
It seemed -th::t tliesHrl heap would
never be exhausted, aniveiy few min
utes it was reported that new . bo.ncs aad
been taken out. Shreds of burnt clothing
J clung to the sickening masses, and it
as impossible to identify several bodies,
tho (ire having effaced every line of the
countenance and form. Bodies in instan
ces clung together, and the heap, as it
was uncovered to the eye, was absolutely
Tacomi to Be corns A Ores. City
New York, Jan. 5. The action of the
Northern Pacific directors in ordering the
completion of the road was the most im
portant mitter accomplished. The com
mittee after thoroughly examining the sub
ject, agreed upon Tacotna as the western
terminus. Villard's identity with the Ore
gon Railway and Navigation Company led
him to favor Portland. The result of this
action will be that Washington territory
will be suddenly populated, and Tacoma be
come a great city.
Washington, Jan. 7, A supreme court
decision was rendered to-day in one of a
series of bondcases from Virginia, namely,
Austin Smith against Samuel Greene Howe,
treasurer of the city of Richmond. The
question involved is the right of a state to
refuse to take the coupons of its bonds for
taxes, after issuiug such bonds with a prom
ise that it would take t'lem iu payment of
taxes. The suit began as an a:tion for
trespass in a state court, but was afterwarl
removed to the United States circuit court.
That tribunal remanded it to the state court
on the ground that it did not involve a fed
eral question. The United States supreme
court, however, decides that it does raise
a general question, inasmuch as plaintiff
alleges that the act of the Virginia legisla
ture, which virtually repudiated the
coupons, was in violation of that provision
of the constitution that forbids any strife
to impair by legislation an obligation con
tracted. The judgment of the United
States circuit court is reversed and that
court directed to reinstate the case and
oroceed therewith according to law. The
submission of the other Virginia tax-coupon
cases, ou printed briefs, was set aside, and
it was decided that they be argued orally
when reached. This will have the effect of
postponing them three years.
Vasi fSUTON, Jan. 7. A caucus of
democratic members of the house is propos
ed, for an early day. The object is to
consider the policy of the party on snh-
jects lik dy to come up durin : the winter.
Washington, Jan. 7. Tne sen te com
mittee appointed to consider forfeiture of
land grants out to-night and prepared a
bill to be reported to the committee on put.
lie Ian. Is to-morrow. The bill provides for
the forfeiture of land grants of seven rail
road companies aud covers five million acres.
The roads are the Gulf and Ship Island, the
Elyton aud Beard's Bluff, the Savannah
aud Albany, tbe Tuccaloosa ami Mobile, the
St. Louis, Irom Mountain and Southern
(formerly the Iron Mountain and Missouri
and the Irou Mountain and Kansas), the
Mobde aud New Orleans, and the Memphis
and Charleston. On a majority of these
roads Cobb, the chairman of the committee,
says little or n work has been done. The
sub committee will consider the Texas
Pacific land graut at the next meetiug.
Wash -ncton, Jan. 6 Congressman
Calkins proposes on Monday, on the first
chance he has, to introduce bills arbitrarily
to prohibit the importing of French wines
au 1 brandies so ' long as prohibition upon
American hogs is allowed tostand in France.
He thinks that congress will be forced to
take peremptory measures in order to rem
edy the injustice done to one of the chief
products of American export. He thinks
congress uuquestioualy has the power to
regulate imports, in spite of a treaty es
pecially whure initiative discrimination was
taken on the other side. Iu other words,
he believes ccugress has the right to retali
ate for the benefit of our commercial rela
tions with any other country in the world.
Washington. Jan. 7. liepresentative
Townsheiid, iu reference to the joint resolu
tion introduced by him, requesting the
president to invite the governments of ail
American nations to establish an American
customs uiion, says the object of such a
union arc to develop the international in
terests of American countries and furnish
more extensive markets ior the products of
each. The commerce of South America,
Central America and Mexijo, Towushend
says, amounts to about $7 J. 000, 000 annu
ally. Imports, mainly manufactured arti
cles, are over $000,000,000. Of these
Gieat Britain and France furnish a
mu-m larger quantity than the United
States. The originator of the resolution
ys the United States ought to control
all of this commerce.
Washington, Jan. 7. Treasury re
serve one and two dollar notes having be
come exhausted. Secretary Folder has
asked congress for an appropriation of
$150,000. to print four million ones and
three million twos. Failing to secure an
appropriation, the secretary declares he will
have to suspend or decrease the circula
tion of small gold and silver notes, and
issue notes of arge denomination.
N'orthsr i is 0fflcer3.
St. Paul, Jan. 5, Private alvices from
New Yolk give t'l : following as the new
list of officers of the Northern Pacific :
President a:i I general manager, Thomas F.
Oakes; general superintendent an I chief
engineer, Ginenl Vln Vnlersoa, now
chief engineer; superintendent nf trans
portation J. T. Olell, now superintendent
of the eastern division.
T'i9 P.i IfJ'i lalust-V Co ! Pojla L
Sr. Louis, Jan. 5. The Aj'. of Steel
prints the statement, O'l tbe aash irity of
a largely interestel iron trade, that a
scheme is on fo t to p d the entire pig iron
industry of the country. The plau is to di
vide the country into six districts, each to
be represented in the pool on a bans made
up from the tonnage-producing capacity of
the district and the protit-eara'ng capacity
per ton, as shwu by the works in pist
years. Each furuaee in a district is to share
in the district's share of the general pool,
on a basis determined in the same way.
One of the chief objects of the scheme is to
ascertain the exact product of pig iron in
the country, au I this inform itiou in the
hands of the executive committee, having
authority to shut down, such a step can be
ordered at any time, to let the deman I
catch up with the supply, and tbe pro.nt
thus be made regular. It is also propose 1
that any district ordered to stop for any
re.son will draw its profits from the pool
as though it were iu full blast. The Aye
of Seel says the scheme originate, I among
furnace men iu the Lehigh valley, that
strong efforts will be m i le to carry it out
among furnace men in other parts of tiie
country, anil th it this is the first public
notice oi it.
Those nice fitting patterns for everything
worn by man, woman or child can be found
at Mat t o, ,n's.
Jab Printing Office for Sale.
Wc have at this office in the job depart
ment sufficient good m-.teria1 to make up
two good job offices. To any one wanting
to purchase we will therefore sell a job office
complete, including one press, and every
thing else necessary. We have a new half
medium Gordon, and an eighth medium
Liberty press, as good as new. Of these
two presses the purchaser can take his
What is the use paying for money orders
and postage for newspapers and magazines
when you can save all this aud still get
any paper or magazine you want at less
than regular rates at Mattoon's.
To all cf our subscribers ire ask to crefully note
the great improvement iu the Gazette during the
! last year, and after reading it carefully hand a copy
thereof to sonic friend or neighbor who is not takinrr
it, and who needs a paper, and ask them to subscribe.
At the same time invite their attention to the fact
that the Gazette contains a greater variety of and
) e reading matter, including local, editorial, tele
. juic, general news and miscellaneous, fireside ara
fautttj rea ling than any otiier paper published l
uregou. To all persons who receive sample copies of
' the uazkttk, we ask to read and examine it carefully
and decide if they can afford to do without it when a
i jia.'cr eonta.nin so much interesting reading can be
. obtained tor the small sum of two dollars and lif v
cents per ear in advance.
A man should su.iscribe for a newspaper ju3t ex
actly for the same reason that he buys a dollar's
worth o:eo,fe. or transacts any other kind of busi
ness. When one buys sugar or coffee, iu the P re.
p ace it is because it is needed, and it is bought where
I the best article can be had for the money. So you
should sub foryour paper, because you need i.
and it dots not p y j on to do without it. And when
you subscribe you should ge 5 thy one that is the best
and the most valuable to you for your monev.
We propose to furnish to ail desiring, the bos'
news and general family paper in Oregon and ask all
who need such a thin - to come forward and subscribe
Newport Items.
In this city so far we have had a fine
winter. In Nov. we had twenty fair and
ten stormy days. Iu Dec, twenty-seven
fair and four stormy or rainy days. Up the
river they have lots of stormy, rainy
weather, 1 see by the Post.
The schooner Kate and Ann came in on
the 1st inst, well loaded with merchandise,
a little for m ist every merchant on the bay,
the O. P. R. R. Co., aud Siletz Indian
reservation. She is now up the river un
loading. The entertainment an 1 Christmas tree
for the benefit of the Band of Hope, which
caute off iu Pnelps' hall, on the evening of
the 23th of Dec, wa-s well attendeil and
withall a grand success. The people of
Newport can't be discounte 1 when they put
their heads together to have a good time.
A Bloody Struggle Anticipated.
The contest for possession of mining
ground on Cayote Creek, long in litigation
between Kelly and Ruble, ii creating
great trouble. At the last term of the
court the sheriff was ordered to put Kelly
in possession, but Ruble, backed by about
twenty armed cut-throats, refused to give
the officer possession. The sheriff tele
graphed to Jacksonville for men, who were
sent, but were turned back at Grant's
P iss by a Vogus telegram falsly sent in
Kelly's name. To-day the sheriff summon
ed a p 'Sse of about fifty men, who have
already left here. They were well armed,
and if possession is refused there will be
bloodshed. On the first visit of the Sheriff,
several shuts were tired at Kelly by Rub
le's party, without effect. The party in
possession are strongly fortified, but the
determination is to enforce the decree of
the court at any cost. A heavy rain
storm has been prevailing for the last twenty-four
hours, and a freshet is anticipated.
farm for Sale.
Farm 65 acres j mile west of Philomath
55 acres in cultivation all could be culti
vated ii cleared up. Good house and barn.
Terms reasonable. For particulars inquire
of J. E. Heulvle at Philomath, Or.
Pay Up
All persons indebted to the undersigned
are hereby requested to call at his store and
pay up their bills due him, as he must
have money. H. E. Harris.
White taffy, something nice, at Mattoons.
Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Year, S2 SO
Six Months, 1 50
Three Months 1 00
Single Copies 10c
Per Year (when not paid in advonce) 3 00
All notices and advertisements intended for pub
atioa should he handed in by noon on Wednesdays.
Rates of advertising made known on application.
M. S. W33DC0CK,
A-ttovnev - at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
-A-ttorney at Law,
Office with F M. Joh nston. 20 44tl
J. B. Lie, M. D.
G. U Fa'.ika, U. D.
Physicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Corvallis, Oregon,
Spring Bed Bottom in the Market
for only $7. Also agent for the Medical
20:29tf Lake Salt.
Pianos. Tuning and repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
NEiTtAi,BER,1(?ot-23m6) Portland, 0tt
Corvallis, Oregon.
CANA.ii & mun, pmpri-tjrs.
Physician and. Surgeon,
Corvallis, - Oregon.
oilice. Residence ue door north of office. 2051
al Property
ga ye tnade on the 27th day of September, 1883,
by one Win. Harris and to W. S. Geiffiss, for he sum
of $150 and interest at 10 per cent, per annum ?nin
date, and attorneys fee and costs and diburements,
and said chattel mortgage bein ou file in the Clerk's
officj for Benton county, and a certified copy of said
mortgage being made and delivered tome with the
request to take charge o-said property aud sell the
same at public auction, Wf4 in at-cordauce with said
request 1 have taken charge of said property and will
sell the following described property: One platform
spring wagon, one set of hack harness, one gray
mare about 3 yearn old, called Bessie and branded F.
T. on the left gfeoulder, also one red roan mare about
12 years old called Kate. The above described prop
erty will be sold for U S gold coin on
at the feed stable of E. A. Abbey, in Corvallis, Ben
ton county, Oregon.
Dated this 31st day of December, 1833.
SwS Shtriff of Beaton County, Oregon,
Notice is lierel y ghen iLut by viitueofan execu
tion issued out of the Circuit Court cf the State of
Oregon for the County of Benton on the 19th day of
December 1883. upon a judgment recovered entered
and docketed in taid court on the 6th day of March
1883 for the sum of ninetynine dollars and ninety
seven cents with interest thereon at' the rate of 8
per cent per annum from and after taid day of entry
and the iurther sum of twenty-six dollars and six t -five
centa costs, all in favor of W. L. Price and L. G.
Price partners under the firm name of Price Lros.
plaintiffs and against J. W. Ucn and Ann Allen
defendants, commanding me to sell the attached
real property described iu taid judgment and execu
tion as hereinafter described, to featUfy said execu
tion and pay the several sums of money therein
named and eosts and accruein j costs thereon made.
Now therefore in obedience to said execution and
in pursuance thereof and in order to tatisfy said ex
ecution and pay the several sums of money therein
named as aforesaid I have levied upon and will sell
for cash in hand at the court house doer in the city
of Corvallis in Benton County, Oregcn, on
Between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning
and four o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to wit
at the hour of 30 n inutes fast one o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, all the right, title and interest
of the taid defendants J. W. Allen and Ann Allen in
or to said attached real property named in said ex
ecution and judgment and therein directed to be
sold and described as follows, to wit : All that por
tion of tbe North half of the Last half of the dona
tion land claim of ucius C. Norton, from the Gov
eminent of the United Staies, it being claim Na43
Not 5,140 in Township 10 South Lange 0 West
ViJiamette Me. Mian .as designated by the plat ana
surveys of the U. S. lying West of the road (county
road as now traveled) running through said premises,
hounded as follows: On the North by the donation
claim of Rowland Chambers; on the East by caid
county road, on the South by the South line of said
North half of the East half of said Norton's claim
and on the West by the West line of tbe N of the
E. A of said Norton's cJaiaa, all in section 21, T. 10, S.
R. Q W., and containing 20 acres of land .more or less
in Benton County Oregon. SOL KINO,
wfi Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby giventhat bv virtue of an execu
tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State o
Oregon for the county of Benton n the 19th . ay o
December 18S3, for the sum i f one hundred and
forty-cne dollars aud nine cents with interest thereon
at the rate of 8 per cent p r annum from the 5th day
of April 1S83, and tiie further bum of thirty-seven
dollars and sixty cents costs and laccrueing costs
thereon iu favor of M. J. Connor and C. B. Crosno
partners undet the firm name of Connor and Crosno
plaintiffs and against J. W. Allen and Ann Allen de
fendants upon a judgment recovered, entered and
docketed in said court on the 15th day of April 183,
which judgment and execution couurands me to
sell the attached real property described in said
judgment and exec ion as hereinafter described to
satisfy said judgment and execution and pay the
several sum of money herein before named and the
accrueing cots thereon made.
Now therefore in obedience to said execution and
in pursuauce thereof and iu order to satiafv tail ex
c .uaon aud pay the several sums of mousy therein
named as aforesaid, I have levied upon and will sell
for cash fn hand at the court house door in the city
of Coraliis, in Benton county, Oregon, on
Between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning
and four o'clock in the afternoon of said da, to wit:
At the ho jr of 30 minutes oast one o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, all the right, title and interest
of the said defendants, J. W, Allen auu Ann Allen, in
or to said attached real property namei in baid exe
cution aad jU Igmcnt, and therein directed to be sold
and described as follows, to wit : AU that portion
of the North half of the East half of the donation
land claim of Lucius C Norton from the Government
of the United States it being claim No. 43, Not.
5,146 in Township 10 South Range 6 West Willam
ette Meridian, as designated by the plat and surveys
of the U. S. lying west i f the road (county road as
now traveled) running through said premises, bound
ed as follows : On the North by the donation claim
ot Rowland Chambers, on the Last by said county
road, on the South by the South line of said North
half of the Last half of said Norton's claim and on
the West by the West line of the N. of the E. 5 of
said donation claim, all in Section 21, T. 10, S. K. 6,
W. and containing 29 acres of land more or less in
Benton County, State of Oregon.
'w5 Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
ISTew This Week.
J. B. Scrafford & Bro.,
Marble Granite.
Corvallis, Oregon.
T. V B. EMBREE, M. D,,
Physic .: t n & Surgeon.
Office 2 doore south of H. E. Harris' Store,
Corvalli , - - Oregon.
Residence on the southwest corner of block, north
,nd vest of the Methodist church.
Great care taken With Children.
4Gtf J. W. McCONELL, Artist, G.ildsou'a stand.
W. C. Crawford,
Lx assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
All kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and all
work warranted. f3:3;J-yl
THE OCCIDENTAL , . nw i;m;
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
!.... I Ud. 1 -la J
Large Sample Room on First Floor for
Commercial Hen. 19-35 ly
Real Estate Agency J
Eeal Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property oa
Real Estate Agency.
hiveso ue vary losirabi j proparty on the Bay for
ale i:i Iota from 10 to 237 acres. Some of this is
ear tha . P. ii. H. t ;r:ninu3. Persons nricUing t
invest will Jo wjll to call 0:1 ate wajn pr;ces ara reft
uublc. Address vith stara; o pre pay postage.
ewnort Benton Countv Or.,
F. J. Hendrichson,
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Philomath, Oregon.
Having made arrangements for co-opera-tion
with agents in Portland, and beint; ful
ly acquainted with real property in Benton
county, we feel assured oi giving entire sat
ipatronage.all who may favor us with their
G. A. Waggoner,
20-fiyl T. J. Bufoed,
IOOO Men andBoys
To fit them out in the latest style of ready
made Clothing. Also the finest lot of
Pauls Patterns and Suitings
Ever brought to Corvallis.
Call and Examine Goods.
No trouble to show goods.
Two doors South of Post Office,
I always keep on band superier ma
terial and warrant my work. I ask an examination
of my yoods before purchasing elsewhere
iy-.v-iyr t . j. uenanenson.
One Door South of Graham & Hamilton'!.
Corn .'His, June 2, 182.
W. H. LU.HU.
W. P. KtADY,
Notary Public
y Estate Agents, Corvallis, Or.
Good Farms, Stock Rsuches
and City Property for tale on easy terms.
Collections Made.
Office over Jacobs I Neugass1 Stors
Attorneys at - Law.
Col. Kelsay and myself have formed a copartner
ship in the practice of the law. The (Jttl's ex
perience at the Bar and on the Bench and his studious
habits is a sure guarantee that all budine&R intrusted
to us in the line of suits or actions in Court will be
well attended to.
I will continue other business and give prompt
attention to the same as heretofore. Such as Collect
ing. Lie: ir a Xotarv Public will attend to convey
ancing in all its branches, Deeds, .Mortgages, Keal
and Chattel, Leases, Releases, Powers of attorney.
Contracts, &c. &c. Buy sell and lease Keal Estate
both farms and town property, collect rents, ne
gotiate loans, search and examine titles, and a gen
eral agtncy business.
Are now in brick building and have fire proof safe
for the safo keeping of note and othtr valuable
papers left for collection &c.
OtHce iu Burnett's new brick, f.r ;t dc;-. r at head of
In the Circuit Court of the S' ate of Oregon for the
Crjntj of lle'.itsn.
Sira'i A. Ter .vi:iig3rPli 1
vs Suit for Divorce.
P:iul TerwilHjar De.'t. J
T Paul Tcrwilli,'er the above named deft..
In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby
ummoned and reiu reJ to appear and answer the
complaint o; said pknti3 in the above entitled suit
now on file in the ofllue or the clerk of said court, on
r je.'oreihe Urn ay of t ,e next regular term of
smle ur;, to be hold in said county on the 4th Mon
Jay .11 Karen ISiJ, aifd you are hereby notified that
if you fail to ans.-er nil complains a herein re
quired the Plaintiff will take a decree against you
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and said PiaintiSf, on the ground of wilful
desertion for the perio J of three years prior to the
commencement of this suit. Al o that she be re
turned to her inaiiennamj, Sarah A. Nobles, and
for such other relief as may he just auu equitable
an.l costs and disbursements.
T'tis summons is published by order of Hon. R.
S. Bean, ju'gj of siid Court, whioh said order bears
dateXov. 22. ISSJ.
F. M. JOHNSON, Atty. for Plff.
Dated, Dec. 4, 1883. 20-50:w7
Notice is hereby given Uiat the underfilled ha
been duly appoint c J exec it tv of the taft will and
te-'tament of Ann B&btr djjea ed b the oun.y
Cou-t of the Stife of reB for Benton County
sitting for the transaction of probata business. All
person ? having lainn .. ains L.u e-.t of ta:d
Ann Baber deceased are required to present them
properly verified to me at Elk City, Lento i County,
Or yon, or at the oUce of Kels iy & Holgate at Cor
vallis Oregon, within six months Lo.u the da.e of
this notice.
Pec. 2St ? 1883.
iw5 LOUIS MeVAY Executor.
lle, STOMACH -
The nee-ssitv for uroi: Dt and efficient household
remedies is daily growing more imderative, and of
these Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is the chief in
merit and the most popnlar. Irregalarity of the
stumach and bowils, malarial fevers, liver compte-i it,
debilltv, rheumatim aed minor, ailments, are thor
oi!rhiy conquered by this incompa -ab e raiuily restor
ative aHd uediciral safeguard, and it is justly regard
ed ab rhe purest and most comprehensive remedy ul
tacia. For aale by all Druggists and Deaths