The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 28, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    aMeekln urtallis (Sajctte.
CorrallU Lodee. No. 1, A. F. and A. M., meets on
Vetiuesdai evening, on or preceding full moon.
' ' W. C. CKAWFoKD, W. M.
R. A. M.
Feremon Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., meets Thura
4y ev 'ok on or preceding ufcmRRIS H p
Hyaa close ictus at Mattoon's.
Tie county of Kittit-ts, W. T. , is to have
cue term ol court this year.
Toys, a.ll kinds at Mattooii's.
The Dallas. Oregon seoule are eatin
Vermont butter at 45c a pound.
The largest assortment of candy iit town
at Mattoon's.
The cutting down expenses continues
alon the line of the N., P. railroad.
Old newspapers for sale at this office for
25 cents per 100.
There are 35.0CD sacks of wheat waitinj
shipment via the Snake river route. The
boats are going into winter quarters.
Pocketknives, harp, fish -hooks and lines
and notions generally at Mattoon's.
Union O.ejon, e'eote I an an i-Sanlty
municipal ticket.
Dolls, all sorts, six al ki i U, at Mat
toon's. Frost-broken telaraph v. res reo.rtu-;
from Walla Walla.
So irlet levari! rtjia.1 an inr, the little
folks at Baker City, Oregon.
Christmas cards, the prettiest in the city
at Mattoon's.
The Cuear d'Al -no mi ji-'g da srict has
telegraphic ooai.naaieatija with tiie out
aide world.
Cigars, cicrarrettci, tob.icco3, Cie bj-t
brands at Mattoon's.
The Uaion, Ori;ou, S-'utiujl Im pssseo
into the hau is of Messrs. C .rr, l-0Mi tut
Pens, ink, paper, pencils, sUti inery, a
The proprietors of the WalU Willi Jour
nal have docile! to i trp skai piper
The Jonrnal is the wori of real newspaper
men, is) all the term imples.
Albums, pocket books, etc. at Mattoon's
Extaa heavy plated jewelry at Mattoon's.
A Glen live, Monta-ia, jury k.i-i,' f r tw
oum, but wlitu the blieri:: told them there
would be a horse race nut in the street in an
hour, thsy sxreel iu extctly seven minutes
by the foreman's watch.
Soda, sanaparilla, ginger ale, by the cast
or bottle at Mattoon's.
A restaurant started up at Eagle City,
Cceur d'Alene, last week. Cold p it to an. I
plare of rico six bits. Standing re nn an 1
tire minutes only allowed for r'treshm-nts.
and if not through on time tli-o'bouucer tires
you out.
A new custom has be ;u introduce 1, an!
that is for marriages to be parforins 1 under
a lare fl rl wish Bone, and im mediately
afterwards the couple pull the bone, and
the one w'.io jots th: sh rt b ine has to get
up and build the lire mornings.
Every person who irrives from the fa
But tells the sauto story t'a it the 11 Kid of
immigration the c c;i ; spring a id summer
will be unprecedented in the history o
Washington territory. Not oaly will ther?
lie a rush of settlers, but th main Is of tour
ists are coming to view the glorious scenery
of the northwest coast.
Cards, dominoes ami checkers at Mattoon,
A deaf an 1 dumb wed lin took place at
Summerville, Oregon, in the early part of
the week. The contracting pirties were
from the Wallowa valley, but our inform
ant was unable to give their names. The
union was a very quiet one. as neither of
th; parties hid anything to say.
Legal blanks furnished at this office on
From a reliable source we learn that Mr.
Otis Sprague. of Tact in. has again lieen
appointed superinti nrlont of the Pai-ifi-division
of the Northern Pacific railroad.
Mr. Sprajrne for several years held the
same position in the cnmpsny's service,
but about a year ago was succeeded by H
de Baasloff.
The cheapest and best hardware, stoves,
tinware, plows, waui.ns and agricultural
implimeuts at Woodcock & Baldwin's, Cor
vallis, Oregon.
Jalzgs R. P. Boise and wife returned Sat-
T wo Sunsets In one Evening
Las evening, iu addition to the brilliant
red glare in the h - veus, which were uu
clouded, we were treated to a new and
startling phenomenon. Iu this city the son
sets to us ( disappears behind the western
mountains ) about 3:39 o'clock. The shad
ows of the mountains then stretch away to
the eastward, gradually shrouding all the
hills in th darkness, 1.-st evening about
6 o'clock, long after the gloom of uight had
settled down upon all the country ami
while the red glare in the west was climb
ing to the zenith, there was a suld-u flash
ot brilliant light from above, and all the
hills again appeared bathed iu golden sun
light. Tue suu.ijht struct do J upon the
face of the country ab-ait half a mile to
the east of the city. It gradually move.;
eastward till it disappeared on the distant
mountain peaks, just as in the case of th
first suuset. Although it wits evitltutlv
suuliht reflected from some point high in
tne heavens, it looked different iu no way
from the direct r..ys of the sun, but ail
about iu the air was a ghastly glow. bis
was perhaps due to a deep an.l unuatura;
IiIuj which ro3e in the east and spread up
ward ti'l it met the red yl re from the
west. The wierd phenomena brought unr
people out upon the streets in all parts o.
tile town. No one had ev r before sc n
any Using like it. A thousand theories
were ahaucet to account for the pecuiiai
tlisplay. N.i one w.iul t hear of the " lirj
fog " explanation given in California t Inn
in, that the smoke from lorest fires had
lide.l the atm ispliere with a sor of dry fni
nr dust for'the reason that smce the tx
tingttiehmeut of tires bv stymies tt.tre hnie
!eu an abundance . ram and snow to
thoroughly wash an I purify the air. The
mijorit' weie of the opinion that electricity
ita I mucti to do with tlie ilispl y Al
ireo tiiat it is earthquake weather an i that
lae unnatural glare of till" heavens means u o.-ilou-t suake up for tao people of thi-s
email n.i ilistml day. Virginia ( A'fW. )
Tfce Wert snore.
Bush nu n ier of th i rf.s VV)- is an im
provemeat U on its predecessors and a
oletsant surprise t the sub.-u.-ri iters. "Pro
gress" is th-o publisher's watchword aud
perfection his aim. With the January
number the jmrua enters its t nth year,
in I will Chen a;i ier in an entirely new
Lress i if type, be generally - remodeled and
h ive eigiit pages t ided ti its present size.
More attention will be devote 1 to general
literature than form rly, and its artistic
features will also be inipr ived. J'ue ina
p o. 'e.neuis will make it aim ist inlispen
sable to every Unner in the northwest.
The Daily Olgoahut at Noveinlier 27 sneaks
nt it as follows: ' The sketches are ad
. nirable and the workmanship would do
redit tn any city in the Union. Well
written descriptions of tho scenery illustra
ted are given, and the number also con
tains concise and interesting articles on
mining, agriculture, fisheries, transporta
tion, etc. It is exclusively an Oregon
production, and has done a great deal to
wards m iking the resources of the North
west known abroad, having been devoted
emecinlly to this work.
Lebanon to Baiter crty by Rc.ilroa't.
The old Lebanon Boa I-Mining aud Lum
bering company have increased their capital
stock to $200 JO. and tiled v.'th the Sec
retary of St de supplemental articles of iu
copnrati'in. The object of the new com
pany is to construct a railroad from Leba
non to Baker City , the course laid out be
ing fro ii Lebiu on, as a stirtiug point ia an
easterly direction up the south fork of th
Stautiam to the mouth of the mi Idle fork,
thence up said fork through Summit Like
pisato Fmj re 1 Jack Mouutii ,
liiue Lake, Prineville aud Ctuyou City.
t'i Biker City, tho eastern terminus, a dis
tance of about 3jJ mil 's. Iu its articles
the company h s all rights for owning aud
occupying lauds, Or disposing of them. etc.
tVhether active operations wid occur or in t
we are not suliicieiit'y inf rmed, but it is to
lie hoped, that it is something that will be
pushed. Al :iny LhrntcriU.
oaia iu cattle.
I. takes eleven poun Is of milk to add
one pound of lave weight to a ealf; and an
ox that weighs 1.3J3 poswds will consume
twenty-two pounds of hay in twenty-f tor
i.ours to keep fro n Ionia j .rjig'it If he is
to fasten he must have just twice that qnxn
ti:y, when he w;b gai i v pouads a diy.
This is one pou ad live weig.'it u eleven
pounds of go id hay. To obtain fifty cents
a hundred for his hay a far nor must se.l fat
steers at $5.T3 per hun Ired pnun Is.
Now is the tiuu of the year w i sa the to-
btccn an t liquor users itegiit to make their
a n i u 1 1 p:e Igw ot a istiiieuos. old
nt lay f;-m tVsir tri i to W is'im-to a, ia a .! kin alcohol to tre mh e with liai sr to
ten lanoe npn the Nitimial Grange Toej
visited digress. w S.-nator Dolph
"sworn in," and took notice that Oregon's
Senators and Representatives Dolph,
Slater and, coinptres well in sise
nnd perso-ial appoaranoe w-th the members
from any State iu the Union. StitenMn.
Says the Ssattle Pos, "Ths late clear
weather has hvl a fav irt'tle eifeoi o-i the
mud, and th; streets, w'.th the exception of
Washington, are now in a passab'e e n
dition." Says the Paget Soun 1 Aligns
man : Aecor.'.ing to this, Washington
street is still impassible, and that the
Others hare besoms passable rs evidently
deemed a matter of noil p itnlsiinii Ue
cently it was published in Ssatt'e papers
that a team r it mired in the street there,
an 1 one of the horses hail to bo shot be -caure
be could not be got en out. Becently,
Jso, we mty say. Dr. Minor' family
were out driving 'in a bugg5 on a Seattle
atreet when the team got mired, Mrs.
Minor became frightened and was going
to jump out, when the driver told her to
stay where she was as she would drown if
ah jumped overboard.
see ' -a it fools these ..urta:s bo." For a
very brief tiiii o the rear door. .,' t ie gin
mills will be darkeaa I by their sha lows
and then tl.t-y will tasoe sain walk in the
frout doors aud taste lleir mniliriiis io the
old Way. The tobacco use for a short
time will uot use Ibe weed (publicly) and
t len taey wid repeat the aacieut head iche
ad prssci iption stories.
An exchange g.v. a account of a talk
ing iiuohiua waich proui sjs to be a success.
When that fact is estsblishe 1, we want to
bet a turkey din a or th it th .r ii oue in tb's
aeighb.tmo.t I that cm beat it two to one,
ou auy sabjact, aud d tu'l bars to be wonud
up only eooe in tairty years. Can give
.iriiliug historical ue lotes connected
with auy date. All yoa have to do is to
set the time and start the pendulum.
Easiness Education
Parties desiring a thorough Busine s
B lucation will save money by calling -it
tais offioo and purchasing a certificate ot
scholarship to the Portland Business College
of Portland Ogn., with A. P. Armstrong as
How Milk Ida be Infected.
We have dire ted attention to out-breaks
of typhoid aud sc irlet fever in St. Pancras,
London. Dundee and Port Jarvis aa fur
nishing conclusive evidence that the germs
of disease are carried from claries and
milkmen's families, to the households of
consumers by miens of milk. Iu our judg
ment this is one vf the most important sub
jects with w'-ich sanitary authorities have
to deal. That mi'd is a dseare-ear ier sad
the means by which coutaious disease t are
commHiiicated has been practically demon
strated. Milk that is infected with the
germs wi'l breed disease aud death. That
is eiiuclusiiu which be seriously
ijUi'St ioued. It becomes, therefore, a matter
of vital iioport.-iU. e to the community to
a-tertsin In w milk is mite ted uith the
g rms oi ditiais m daily tarms from which
cities draw their daily bnppbVe. The phy
sician who Binds to the Tribuue a single
memorandum from his country practice
certainly exptaius the origin of typhoid
lever in oj e dairyman's fi.u.ily, and interei -tirlly
Mejeeta a rraaoasble theory to ac
.ouut lor t ie infection of milk.
Three i a.-es of typhoid lever in a farm
li. u-e induced this physician to search for
he source of the infeetii u. Be iouud it
in a well situated in the hat i yard where the
cows ere watered. The water of this well
as tainted. The farmer, beeomiug few&re
if the hut, ailtti dltd to sink the we!.
i ftet tliOn uaihlj th-auimr it, Lut the work
nun. in pim ping it ut, icon leuud that
ifca stitiiu of Iiuiwaur trickling
ii t tb In tti in. '1 1. is leakage lium the
manareof the bainyaid was so oifeusive w hen
rtvwii to tie nil lace in uu.ulultt.rated
in in that the nan weie skktiiCil and torcetl
III t-t j j i n.j in. 'i i e niitk id the cuw
which are watered ngulaiiy at tue trough
. ii et ting nh this wed has been sent
every day UtlScW York.
The physician who discloses these faeL'o
te thai tin le ire scores of ham -
at u wells in On iitie county, whence Mew
Viikiiiitlv iias its milk siij-piy. He
i etciiles wLiit is known its a "mootl dairy
Irjm," in which every precaution to obtain
port ii-k is taken wave that of stntetins
ll tiaii It with i tire water. What woulu
tit costoniera of that -'mode." establish
n. ut tav il they vnc told thut lie Ul lk.
n.r whiih they are il ; a ' fai ty" , rice,
; me In m 1 1 ws that i i e 11411 1st ly watered
with the ooxe of liimid li.ib ? Wbtn this
1 ysiii. n says there are ecoks of barnyard
Weils ii CraticC coi.uty, be dees not make a
forge d maud upi n ti e credulity of the
1 ublic. )t is a couimt n practice, not only
in 1 hat county, but iu New Bnglsnd and in
agrknltneal districts generally, to water
cuttle fn m welU situaud on the edges of
barnyards. The well with the outlying
trough usually dettimiues the position of
the barnyard, and manure heaps naturally
encumber tLe surface of ti e ground draiueil
for the water supply. Ordin irily, the e
ntcumulatii ns of filth will uot affect the
quality of the water; but wheu theie are
large dioves of cows to be milked aa is the
case at the dairy-iarais near New York,
there is a tdiong probability that water KPr
p bed to ioiiltratii i.s iron; bmnyard refuse
will become infected w 1th the elements o:
disease. New York Tribune.
Describing a trip to the Cceur d'Alene
mines, A. F Parker says iu the Ne? Perce
A'tws : Mo j lay utorninj we were up at
daylight, broke camp an I Ilea le I down the
canyon aud soon arrive I at St. Jre lake,
iroin which the vapori wire rising heavily.
Following areata! its western' shore we
fouul ao cue on ,j 11; it of half a doaen In
dian lodges o i an aria of th 1 1 ike, an 1 th
scene pi-eseute I at pretty a picture of In
diau life ia an ladiat coa iry rs I ever b -hel.L
Tnere wis oli'U, but the ana was
shiuiug bii ,htly fast disaipatiog the vapors
rising fro n the la ce as we r tnuded the
sou the -u aaore of its g!iscoia surface an 1
beheld iu a shelters I cov iho co nioi
forms of the led jM wiiue w lite draper,
glistened with tie fast dissolving frn.
crystals .ail fro a wane apex spird
wreaths of suite f-in tlaa caai H.-es is
ceu liuj Uiiiy he u- m t ,-1. Cigir slrapa.-!
birch bar!i ci ues A iai ) I tavf iiy 0j thu
w iters, or xics hiaU I. hir'i an 1 dry, ou
the beach wh-j.-o with thair rel sii'.ei.
painted i Is ail gapin interiors, ihey
looked like soma stmnde 1 tatie mon iters
A horde of loi, with eirs aud
tills erect, gave voioa ai oar apor ne'i, on I
Upon our srriri1, a tatf sill - o :; j I
children e! t ie tore it gave us geatsol groei
in.-. The lake itself ii bat a triaaaiv
bo ly of leal water, two miles brag by m
mile wi le an 1 f tr.nia ' nirc tif tiie St. J to
river. O.i its uirthera ahors is a long
stretch of level me 1 low la 1 1, coerei wi'ih
hsivy grass) ettius sets 111, th tun'ur-olal
hills, with the saiy oajai of the naia
raige visible tt tie evitvi-l T ; .sceae
is pretty enough to lo.i't at in tlio b'-sttnee
but tne enc i iiitm v.i 1 is lissipitsl. lilt i'
mornini mist by the ri iur 1, 4J uj
bro ight face 1 0 fao i vtth tiu rem -ie I -tails
which eo.afro it ia ; va -a b.-o i ;:i b tut
clo- 11 tact with the eucamp For
pending the transfer of our effect and
ringing our horses aor ns he cove, we ha I
time to note tU -t the eiicainp neiit was a
litter of tilth, old paok sal lies, doer skins,
tish-btnes an 1 animal a 1 1 vegesible m titer
in all stylet of putrefaction. The le Igea
which glistened sa brightly afar off devel
oped into scraps of dirty old flour and
gunny sacks, t'na g aiefnl canoes ameile I
to heaven of rotten ds'a, the d igi stole an 1
at bar of so 11 frin o-ir paok', and to
cap the dim ix, t 1 s inirrels sat in the sun
engaged in the diverting exercise of picking
the vermin off each other.
Those ni e fitting patterns for everything
worn by man, woman or child can be fonnd
at Mattoon's.
To win a prize Miss Flora Bauer, 11 years
of age, of Walla Walla, constructed 166
words out of the two, " Kitchen Gem. "
The girl didn't tlie, but she was tickled
A correspondent of a Seattle paper says:
The story of VYisei lake somes to my mind
to-dry, as told by one of the old settlers, and
it may be of interest to some of your read
ers who know the lake, but have uot heard
why it is called Wiser: Several years ago
John Wiser, who lived in Oregon, came up
the Nooksack to make a home for himself
and his large family of little ones. When
he reached the neighborhood he heard of
the lake, and after upholding the beauties
of uouutain and wator and j Lau iu j them,
determined to j: ike a itectitmeut which he
did, Li ug the first settler on the lake, miles
from neighbors and iu the midst of a great
Uu jit. tor mouths lie bsoor 1 a .no a
aiuoi.g the nets, c.ariug several acres,
buia bng a e'o .! .e0 bouse, aud planting out
an orchard aud liuit beds. A good wort
tuaa was . i sua tie ua 1 piepareii a
cuinfortLil homo fur his family, wheu he
retu.M 1 tor them to Oregon. Aud it
.aaii.eiy place; lor 12 wiles o.vay rose
tue dark 1001.I1 is, like 1 begs ionic -pro-feeling
oid aawwj Alt. iiaker to tue east,
he Tnre ilrosusrs suastieaet, an.l uie
Uiiti-ti rauge to io) u i.-Ucas., all wi
which w as uirrored nt tue U.'do u of the
lake, but a iiuarter of mUe from Wt -er's
uabiu. lie returned to Ui-egou, and with
out sending iu u abaa loumcut ot bis boiue
oteati iu uatt Vuatcoiai, took up a claim
Lhere six .est by tttree in sue, ou wuieU it
wi t' tatc 111111 an e.emity to prove up.
Joiiu tViser's wife oou t iiotVe i anu to has
cserual u itueis-ad, aa t uisr 'onu trea were
all scvtered among the tail) lies 1 f his Mar
s.-t'ic bretliisu.. witUout seeing their new
iaOase on tne lake, auil that is w hy 1 think
tbia little gem suouitt bear tue name 01 its
pioneer, " Wiser, " instead of auy other.
Violins, accordions, musical appurtenanc
es, at Mattuou'a.
1 have liou :ht the .o ': of oods toraierl owned
by K. W. Allen anu am uow
SeSJing off at Cost.
Special' attention is call it to ry Goods, Fancy
uress uood , Gent. Ready Made Clothing-, FuruUu
,11.' Utwds. Ilatj, Caps, o. ts a .d SilOji.
Call at Or.c- for Jhcice Gocds.
at the old slani ot Allen & Harris, rhilouiath, Or.
5i.ii sa. -ivxcXos i.xixr.
In the Circuit Court ot too o'ate of Oieffon for the
Count., of Ceaton.
Sarah A. Terwung t riX .
vs Sup, ier Divorce.
Paul Terwldlj Dj t )
To faul T nfiliijer the above named Jeft.,
Iu the ua ue of tli 1 St te of Or -p 1 you are hereby
inn none I anH rn pdrt I appsar ail answer the
c jplaiut e said ptainti f in the above entitled suit
w onaieiil t'.ieo.Beeof ..u ele.k of salicoav on
rftetarette fir t day of She next -ular terci 01
aldciiUTt. to t-hei.l Insaul counlr o.i the 411. i.on
. y "a 'laraii aul yea a-e hereby noi-ifletl that
if you ftil le said eamsla i, as herin re
-luiied the P'.aiutia' will Uke a decree serinst you
die Diving the bonus ot a . trillion no existing- B -tweea
you and said Plaintiif. on thaeound of wilful
leseruon iur the period of threo years prior to the
com a encem : t of this suit: AI30 that she be r;
turne l to her uiailenn m;, Sarah A. Tobies, and
for such other relief as may be just anu equitable
and oosts and disbursements.
This summons is published by order of Hon. E.
S. Bean, 1 jre of said Court, wh.e'i said order bears
date Nov. 22. 1S33.
F. M. JOHNSON, Atty. firPlff.
Datel, Dec. 4, 1 83. 20-50iw7
Tho r.rrrERsf Gptdb is Is
sued March and Sept., each
lyear: 5116 pages, 8ixllJ
inches, with over diIUU
illiiktrations a whole pic-
tire rrallerr. Gives whole
sale prices direct to cotummrr$ on nil goods
for porsonal ot fauiiiy use. Tells how
to order, and gives exact cost of every
thing you use, eat. drink, wear, or have
fun with. These invaluable books con
tain information gleaned from the niui
bets of the world. Wo will mail a copy
Free to itvry address upon receipt ol the
postage 7 tents, i -tt us hear lruiu you.
CXT JL 29 A.tnuc, CLletru, 111.
Will be mailed CBSC nil applicants and te
customers of last 1 1 1. v year without order 1 n j it.
It trn ill tut rations, prices, descriptions and
directions for planting all Vecstable and Blower
Seeds. Plants, etc Env (.Usable to sail.
DM. FERRX a CO.352k
Direct from the East!
Eastern and St. Louis
To handle 0111 il.Lt S. FA3III.V BdnL.ES.
Kow sulimaiptiun .litlou now rtsviy, ma inojit
ele ant ever iroduod. (superb S'lseio. Al
bums, in exriudve dedans, iaiy Imvor.ed.fpr
our own trade, and standard putaUettlons: Hill's
Mannal, Hlrtorica, etc.. We offer turtvaDed In.
rt-tatiMil. witli eicinsiTS territory. nit to ns.
Pnbli.hera.Kanuf teturer. t. nd InspetSmJakatdda
BaaUias. Ut and SW 8- Otaik bt, Omesee, Iu
To ray patrins aud trim Is 1 wish 10 say I am now
pi epartid to
Enla ge Portraits, Tin Tvpes
To any aire desired in Oil or Crayon, by vddreainj
ma and sending color of eyes, color of hair and com
1 lexion with picture. Satisfaction )piaranted in
every particular. AddretM,
W. H. H. vRA'iT,
133 Fust Street, Care C C. Morn,
(Successor to Buford ai Campbell,)
Candy, Nuts,
Cigars, and Tobacco,
And all goods kept in a Variety Store. Alter. t fo
Universal Fashion. Co.
of New York. Also agent tor the
Albanv Soda Wnrltu.
most to death at the big chunk of taffy she By fait and honorable dealing I hope to merit a share
got lor a ilama at Mat toon. I 1LT Vln2:
The Gazette,
Largest Family Papers
Published in Oregon, containing all Important dis
patches, news from all par vi r-jon-tn-i the Pa
cific coast, all local news of import race besides a full
supply of general and firesiie family reading matter.
The G-az tto,
Ai In past, will continue to be faithful exponent of
Interests of Beatoa Cb&sfy and t! c
State at Large.
It will i.'i "'I'ly and fearlessly warn the people of
wron, imposition, or aoproachinjc ;ar where thr
puJb&o is interested, never tea: n; to publith the
truth at all times, but will endeavor to always ignore
all unpleasant perrKnalities which are of no public
in . t at or concern.
will saw all kinds of fire wood.
at one fourth what lumber will cost.
In a few weeks he will start out with his
Threshing Machine J
and srill thrash sll the train that comet la
his way en the
Mo3t Seasonable Terms.
Sawed) (or) Threshed)
sail and make a bargain with
John Wm. Moore.
cat sto mx
THOS. J. BIR, F-esident.
M. S, WOODCOCK, Aixrjfi.
.s CJ3.v s'o 01 K'.-ci Ktatc cai reawnablf terms auW
viil thorouiflily naertiio by d&jojdViiir tacb ;ieoe A
property euuutea to :t tor esJ.
Mr. T. J. itltiir will :..- be in razllu : : . wiln
tefesa 'reafc MM to oiavw jpropfcrty.
0Hic?3 -, f 11. J. Jbluir'M warehouse r Z J.f
Q&MBm Oallce.
Ti e foliowing- pitiec of rrcperty wiii b- sold 0C
TOWN LOTB SU vacant; lots iu the not&m uevri
of Corvallis; jsicciv wituutoA for rtbitiuict, fenced "aud
Mt cut v.iiua von vuiety of fruit iroj. irtn Sl,vW.
TOWN J0T Two v.,caut Jowinthe ecuthw4.Tt
part corvaiaa;; ior& tmiAmum, ficti
aUkaejajt wtt ;ilU IZ'll-1 el' .-;. tHOU 4S0.
tm&LUX& A.Ni) TOW Httli lcUco-tfc:
coriiti- ui uut auu JmLmvu btreotei u Curvaii;a, Or ,
vsttu un;fra-M.taiw 3 aUK-y dweujurwitii u j;uwl roods
a (ZM)U Sialic, WtVtaHlftasssWl atf. li'j" t wi., iisJTsv.
wu naMtuuM ittsiu. a'snefl $1100.
aA W aUJLL--lJruiviutKl j uatereat in i rail! ran V
wawait, a a'JOd i-ujetr esiia wvca acraa ot laud uaetl
ui wiinecteon witti. tuiU. tfvwer kjUu'.;iMtk to run
Uui .if (Utf ytMf, wahlUeMea 'ii!ij V to afHlWt ftU.l WlthlU
auout 4 ucMai L't Corvaiiiii witii au h kCai. jgoti
mm to aod irvux to. 'j en..,.
FAiiAl feWlD ail uutiwr fcuce etiiy t wQmircm
ClL-VAaaaa Wi litV etclajs , AUnVti't UUW 1U CUlfclVaUOU, tllO
u '..-,. .... w. it cait uuiiii ai(t nutiu; v 01 it now i;.
t.u-t Wiiu iax i.ubse i,iua (Hskta auu ranryt
Wiii n-.a aii a usatu. luia:, wasy.
st'eiiiji Jt's-rui i 47i aeswlot lew thai; $! pea
auTo, imwj on i um ctioapoeit jjju umi. iijjajv m
Ht&Utu wuaijft atttuatoU t smim wwaa q juvury( oi
a Usvbtj fsVa-Jbua fowo mvutntif tvu oto ol iiaty ocft ui- n
UuiliMWU .a-vj lUMtt WslUi CswUTUj L':w.w;ca li.Uiuy.
aUrVtot Aty eekTsva IU wUifcaValuwiI aiaur CftU UO
wisueivua. .iu Uiiaor leave, una s,ouu tw3 Ury
.i-siie) lWUt, iieisi UeafU etuiil Ct&UUSUi rWUUXUt
aa,ai' fcajK VBH1- eitWUUa, 6UU It Wil lUltjU tOT HUXiti.
eUMl UeUl-y pUrpbsHM. .lain, U VUii UJ. Uati ulitfKptof liifWB
at Bum rtiiiMiatrtte Vauty 'XmauM tMty.
i-uTS Two iciisBprovvd loHu i- Corv?iIia. On . oi
too ttii.jckt buuuiuy piatc- ui tliu city lor miW rtatf
utlaOiat. i-.SC twfX UlUaiUiWVCll iwia) siL'iLt ityg.
iu coi 1..., vjr. iaaj citoi,t uuiidiiiif tuco
asUal vaV ivl oeUlf 1 Mil
ava'Oi-it. ir'AKsU v,0 acitM, about 50 La culiivatioi-,
iao switia tun ot cuitai;u, aurea ot good ur auU
ws, laiuOsi, uc Dtiinmre; -uoii leaaai land, tizuaiicooi
utnmhm uyajs aoai oua, uu adoiuii)g an uix
iiaewrtibas vu swakm os oi the iest atoclr
ra0ti ia .-.uwu vutuXf. oituaiieti atout 10 iuue
WusuWn, Wi VOIWaAa. PraCC sj"i.t00..
ABUtA tariu of 24i6 evjraa C laiid '.Itjt. I, ia wiii Cor vuaa in A-uio v,uuijt.y. Or. All under
aiiw,wi.i!iMw i.ui Uti.Ui Laleu io. cuttiatiouy
oov,crew a;MM ui; uaii etuu uiaa tjjabcT; a. jnod
aiuutj. 2. .oou ofwuaxua two cood veBs w.tb
I'Uiiiptf. lWiAa. tjSu pr ua. bif caah down aud
ba.eUava petyuoi: ui oiw auu iwv yaara, eecur?d by
aaorLguw upon tuy tmtm.
Uille, pistols,
Amunition, Uutler:,
auy U'asses, i i!ntir Tackle,
a:wii.c BXaciiiues,
Work made to urdsr aid warranted.
2o-33tt HOPES, Corvalilg.
Cor. Second and Monro i Sts.a
COKfif.iJ!:, : OHEGOlf,
Keeps conctautiy on hand all kinds of
Coffins and Gasketrt.
Work done to order on short notiee and
reasonable rates .
CorvalHs July 1, 1881. 19:27yl.
X. Tt. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sis.,
. r. Armstroxo,
A. Wasco,
IVninan and Secretary
: oisi (or las Basiaeu Edncatioa of Botk Saxes.
AJmiticd on any week day or the year.
OH nil kinds c.xcc'tril to order at reasonable ratea.
....tisfaction giiamnlced.
The Col lego "Journal' containing informntioa
of the course of stud-, rates of tuition, time to
it r, rtc. nml cuU o t plain and ornamiiolal pen
i:i.iiihipa frees
asl aatv
"It is not wsslth, or fame, rr state,
But get up. ml ait that makes m. great."
is still sitting on the smooths side of poverty
drawing out the cords of affliction ia
behalf of his old customers, where
he keeps constantly on hand
a full supply of
No. 1 Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Robes, Spun s, Sponges, Harness Oil, Blan
kets, Bobbles, Nose Bags, Cinches, Harness
Soap and everything that ia kept in a first
class harness store.
Carriage Trimmings
a Specialty.
Bepalrins Dene est
Short Notice.
Call and see for yourself before buying elan
where, at the old stand, opposite
the express offices
Oorvallla, Omgpn