The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 28, 1883, Image 1

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    V '
NO. h
Hancock as a Presidential Candidate.
Philadelphia, Dec. 21. Ledger's New
York special : It is a mistake to suppose
"that Hancock has been eliminated from the
liat of possible democratic candidates for the
presidency. Though he committed himself
on the tariff when he was the standard
bearer before, he had many warm, and by
no means politically uuinflueutial friends
bere, who do not hesitate to express a con
riction in his favor. His name is very pop
ular at the clubs and if anybody doubts that
the General is still popular among the dem
ocratic masses, the enthusiasm with which
his name is received whenever it is men
tioned at mass meetings and ward clubs
would be likely to remove them.
Boarded by a Man- 01-W ar Crew.
Philadelphia, Dec. 21. Capt Watts, of
the American schooner I. VVaiti, reports
that his vessel was boarded November 2S,
in tbe bay of Port-au-Prince, by the crew
of a Haytien man of war. The commander,
who announced himself as Captain Cooper,
ordered Watts to show his papers, threaten
ing if all was not right he would shoot
Watts and his crew. The papers proving
satisfactory Cooper left, after informing
-Watts that he was a son of Rear Admi-al
Cooper, of the United States navy, and
was engaged by Hay ti to bretk up blockade-running
between Kingston and Haytien
A New York Paper Says the Pacific Coast
Members Should be Repressed.
Nkw Youk, Dec. 21. The Journal of
Commerce says : The few representatives
of the Pacific . coast should not be longer
allowed to lictaie any Chinese legislation.
Congressional courtesy was stretched to an
intolerable extent when the California dele
gation were humored in their anti-Chinese
crusade last congress. The worst designs
-of this shun:ful law have been virtually
frustrated by the cunning of the Chinese.
They have proved more than a maich 'or
"j their California persecutors. Now is the
time to make a raauly confession of the
e-ror and throw up the game. The present
.congress is not responsible for the stupidity
ami wrong doings of the last one. Repeal
not amendment, is the remedy. The Cali
fornia members would not only require us
to support an army of policemen to execute
their whims along the northern boundary,
but would clothe a mob of obscure officials
I all over the country with tremendous arbi
j trary powers. California has been in the
- habit of asking andreceiving a great dea',
' S but this is. altogether too much for the ab-
i urd patience of the rest of the United
States. She has made American legislation
, the laughing stock of China by her respon
sibility of a silly law. The American peop'
do most emphatically object to any attempt
to patch up this disgraceful failure, and
make a bad matter worse, by highly offen
sive and expensive means, which alone com
mend themselves to the baffled, enraged
repretL-ntatives of California.
Tbe Democrats "Point With Pride."
Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 21. The dem
ocratic convention has adopted a platform
which refer to the deplorable condition of
the state under the reconstruct ion. It con
gratulates the people upon the present pros
perous, progressive policy of this democratic
administration; the public schools of the
state demand the fostering care of the gov
I ernment; it opposes monopolies of all kinds.
The convention has adjourned.
A Resolution Against Monopolies.
New Orleans, Dec. 21. The Louisiana
democratic state convention adopted a
""resolution demanding laws to suppress
lotteries, which demoralize society and cor
rupt politics.
Terms of the Tripartite Railroad Alliance'
Boston, Dec. 21. Following are the im
portant articles el agreement made between
the Union Pacific, the Chicago, Rock Tsland
and Pacific and the Chicago, Milwaukee an 1
Ht. Paul railway companies. It is declared
to be the purpose of the parties to establish
and operate through lines of railway, to
connect when the same can be done by a
reasonably direct line through Council
Bluffs, all points on the system of the Union
Pacific with all points on the several sys
tems of the other roads, with a few ex
ceptions. The Union Pacific agrees to de
liver to the railways of the other parties at
Council Bluffs all eastward bound through
traffic received for transportation. It will
-divide all competitive through traffic con
ferred from its own railways to those of oth
er parties into two equal parts. The Chi
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and the Chi
cago, Rock Island and Pacific agree to de
liver to the Union Pacific at Council Bluffs
All westward bound through traffic, and to
receive all east bound through traffic. Of
all through rates for east bound traffic from
or to Chicago the Union Pacific shall re
ceive 40 per cent, and the other railways by
whom such traffic shall be received or de
livered to the Union Pacific, 60 per cent.
Of all east bound traffic from and to Mis
sissippi river points the Union Pacific shall
receive 41 per cent, and the other roads 53
per cent. If any differences arise as to the
construction of these articles, or with refer
ence to the performace of the agreement,
any party affected may demand a decision
on the same by referee.
The best assortment of pocket-knives at
Will Bros,
French Capture Sontay.
London,. Dec. 21. A Hong Kong dis
patch dated to-day reports that the French
have captured Sontay.
Paris, Dec. 21. Admiral Peyron, minis
ter of marine, has received the following
from Sontay, dated the 17th: "Sontay is
ours. The outer enceinte was carried by
assault at 6 Sunday evening. The attack
began in the morning. The assault was
made at 5 in the evening, with bravery,
above all, by the foreign leg' on. together
with the marine, infantry and sailors. The
flotilla assisted in the bombardment. The
citidel was evacuated during the night, and
occupied .the morning of the 17th without
fighting. We do not yet kuow whether the
Black Flags, rebel Apnamite3 and Chinese
have fled. It is impossible to learn their
losses. We lost about fifteen killed, includ
ing one officer, and si::ty wounded, includ
ing five officers.
Killed and Wounded.
Paris, Dec. 21. Admiral Cobrbet in an
official report states that three officers and
97 men were killed, and ten officers and 70
men wounded before Sontay ou the 14th.
Poisoning the King ofAnnam.
Paris, Dec. 21. A telegram from Har
mond, via Siagon, confirms previous ac
counts of the poisoning ot King Hiephoma,
and says that under the intiueuee of anti
French maudirins Hiephoma was succeeded
by Kienpus, a youth .of 15.
Bodies of De Lang and Party.
Irkutsk, Dec. 21. 1'he remains of De
Long aud comrades, of the Jeanette expe
dition, have arrived. The remains were
borne iu a procession through the streets to
day, escorted by a detachment of troops.
Multitudes of people joined the cortege.
Many wreaths were placed ou the coffins,
aud printed copies of poems, describing the
exploits aud unhappy end of the part,
were distributed among the crowd. The
remains will be xaken to America.
War in Egypt.
Paris, Dec. 21. Papers publish .the fol
lowimg from Cairo: The king of Abyssinia is
massing his troops at Adua and threateniug
Massoush. It is stated that about the 1st
of December Abyssinian chiefs attacked, en
trenched Egyptiaus at a position near Mass
ouah aud massacred 500 Egyptian.
Cairo, Dec. 21. The governor at Taka
telegraphs the kbedive ;that there are dis
sensions among rebel Egyptian tribes
along the Sorakin and Denber route. The
Hadendua , tribe are fighting among them
selves. Wrecked on the Canada Side.
Wiarton, Out, Dec. 21. Word is re
ceived from Tobermory, on Lake Huron, of
the wrecking on Manitoulin island of the
schooner S. D. Huusterfo.-d of Buffalo. The
crew of six built a tent on the island, and
lived nineteen days, and finally reached
Tobermory iu an old fishing boat.
News From laadrgascar.
Zanzibar, Dec. 21. A letter from Ad
miral Caliber, French commander at Mada
gascar, states that on the night of Novem
ber 16 the Hovas atfempted to abduct the
queen of Sakalaras from Majangas, but
were frustrated by the fire from the gun
boat and the landing of a party of riflemen
from another gunboat. The condition of
the French troops in Madagascar is good.
Negotiations with the Hovas has not been
Irish Colonization.
Buenos, Atres, via Galveston, Dec. 24.
Callan, member of the British parliament, is
here. It is believed his object is to intro
duce Irish colonization into this country.
Bodies En Route.
Irkutsk, Dec. 24. Lieutenants Harber
and Schulz started for St. Petersburg on
Friday with the bodies of commander De
Dong, Dr. Ambler and Mr. Collins. The
coffins are fairly burried in flowers and
wreaths. Crowds of people witnessed their
departure .
frost and Flood.
Cincinnati, Dec. 23. Snow fell every
day but one during the past eight days. Ex
perts say it readied twenty inches in depth.
This morning a sleeting rain commenced,
and a heavy dark mist rose, the snow cover
ing the entire region. It rained all day and
commenced pouring at daik, and has been
pouring ever since to the present writing
(midnight.) Nobody is on the streets. Gel
lars are flooded everywhere. Many roofs
are breaking in. Street cars are stopped
aud all railway trains are delayed. Specials
report snow the whole length of the Ohio val
ley, but much deeper in West Virginia and
Pennsylvania than here. Rain is melting it
rapidly everywhere. River men expect a
destructive flood on or after the middle of
this week. The Ohio river is free from ice
Enormous fleets of laden coal boats are here
and in the vicinity, above and below, and all
would be imperilled by a sudden great rise.
Pittsburg, Dec. 23 This city .was visited
to-day by one of the worst storms iu years.
It commenced sno wins; this morning at day
light, and continued: till dusk, when it
changed to a steady Im rain. Many cel
lars are flooded and goods dam iged. Trains
are all delayed an I telegraph wires are pros
trated in every direction. Owing to a heavy
snow in the Monongahela valley and on the
headwaters of the Allegheny a -aisoskrous
flood is expected.
Hews en Exchange.
Two and a half miles of track had been
laid on the road from Peudleton to Center-
ville up to Monday of last week.
Upwards of 200,000 pounds of frerght was
received at Castle Rock, on the Columbia
river, during the month of November.
St. Mary's hosrital at Astoria has twenty-
five inmates.
Independence has received its fire engine
from Astoria.
The Astorian says: The carpenters at
the O. R. & N. dock are putting the finish
ing touches on the building and fitting up
the clerk's offices.
The West Side says: Negotiations are
now pending in San Francisco ior the plau
and cost of machinery for a flouring mill of
500 barrels capacity to be located at Inde-
A chapter of Royal Arch Masons w-'il soon
be instituted iu Chehalis.
Efforts are being made to organize a lodge
of Knighis of Pythias at Chehalis.
Wells, Fargo & Co. have recently estab
lished express offices at Ilwaco and Oystev-
Judge Dennison's wife is notary public,
the first woman in Washiugton territory fto
occupy that position.
A large number of emigrants and land
seekers passed through Oysterville last
week, on their way to Grey's harbor aud
Within the past two months over 25,000
acres of public laud have been taken in
Yakima laud district most of it on the lower
The Crown Prince at Home.
Berlin, Dec. 24. Shortly after arriving
the crown priuce visited the emperor, re
maining over an hour. It is reported the
emperor was deeply moved, and expressed
to the prince complete satisfaction with the
success of his journey.
We have on hand at this office a new
stock containing latest designs in ladies
vnd gentleman's cards, business cards, &c,
which we print at very low figures. Call
and get some of them.
The California (Extension.
Hon. D. P. Thompson, who has just re
turned from a visit to the Siskiyou tunnel,
says the Oregonian, reports that work is
progressing rapidly, and is in a fair way of
being completed by the first of next June.
The tunnel is extended eight feet per day
at each end, which is 112 feet per week. It
has to be timbered all the way. The track
is now laid to old Fort Lane, within eight
miles of Bedford, the new town at the near
est point on the line to Jacksonville, six
miles distant. Graders are within three
miles of Ashland and progressiug at the
rate of a mile a day. The long spell of fine
weather has favored the progress of the
work. The crops are looking fine all the
way up the valley.
Notice is hereby giveT that by virtue of a decree
and execution issued out ot the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of lieu ton. on the
1-ith day of Dec. 1833, wherein Charles Logsdou is
plaintiff, and the defendants named in said execu
tion are William Blodgett, Asnath Blodgett.
James Hlodgett, M Jacobs and M. S. Neugass, ad
ministrators of the partnership estate of Jacobs and
Neugass substituted for M. Jacobs and S. Neugass
partners doing business under the linn name of
Jacobs and Neugass, H. W. Vincent, Geo. W. Houclc
aud J. H. Lee, defendants, and wherein the said
plaintiff, Charles Logsdon, on the 22nd day of Nov
ember A. D 18.-3, recovered judgmuut against s?'d
defendants William Blodgett and Asenath Blodgett
for $492 in gold coin, $75 attorney fee and costs and
disbursements and $950. 21 gold coin due plaint, ff.
with interest thereon from November 22ud 18J3
which said judgment was duly entered and docketed
in said Court on the 22nd day of November A. U
1883, and decree of foreclosure of the mortgage upon
real property was duly entered and wherein said
decree the said defendants M. Jacobs and M. S. Neu
gass, administrators of the partnership estate of
Jacobs and Neugass, recovered judgment against
said defendants William Blodgett and Asanath
Blodgett for the sum of twelve hundred and sixty -two
dollars and nineteen cents, with interest at th
rate of 12 per cent per annum and $11.15 costs; and
by the terms of said decree and execution I am
commanded and directed to sell the real estate de
scribed in said decree and execution and as herein
after described and out of the proceeds of such sale
to apply the same first to the payment of the costs
and disbursements of this suit and accruing costs
and expenses and $75 attorneys fees. Second to the
payment to the plaintiff of the same of $950.21 in
gold coin. Third to the payment of the said $492.00
in gold coidduc the plaintiff. Fourth to the payment
of the amount of twelve hundred and sixty-two dol
lars and nineteen cents with interest at the rate of
12 per cent per annum and 11 15 costs due tbe de
fendants M. Jacobs and M. S. Neugass administrators
of the partnership estate of Jacobs & Neugass.
Now therefore in pursuance of said decree and ex
ecution 1 have levied upon all of the real property
hereinafter described and I will sell for cash in hand
at the court house door in the city of Corvallis in
Benton Count, Oregon, on
Between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning
and four o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to wit:
at the hour of one o'clock of said day, all the rhrht,
titleand interest of said defendants in said decree in
or to the following mortgaged real property de
scribed in said decree and execution and therein di
rected to he sold and described us follows, to wit :
Donation claim No. 40 beirg parts of Sections 13, 14,
23 and 24, in T. 11, S. R. 7 West, boundid and de
scribed as beginning at a point 24. 96 chains E. and
22 chains N. of the S. W, corner of the S. E. qr of
Section 13 and running theace W. 104 chains thence
S. (Vo 38 ) W. 81. 85 chains, thence E 31. 50 ehains
thence N. 50p E. 73 chains, thence E. 17.50 chains
thence N. 35 chains to the place of beginning, con
tain in g 642 11-100 acres. Also the following de
scribed tract of land, to wit: N. E. qr of N. W. qr
and Lots No. 2, 3 and 4 of Section 13, Township 11 S
R. 7, W. Willamette Meridian containing 13S acres
all lying and being situated In Benton County, State
of Oregon, said sale to be in the manner provided by
law for the sale uf Real property upon execution in
actions at law. In said decree and execution I am
commanded at said sale to first sell the land of said
defendant William Blodgett and exhaust the pro
ceeds thereof which land mt the said William Blod
gett is described as follows, to wit: The east of
the DodBir.n Land Ciaim No. 40, in T. 11, S. R. 7, W.
Will. "Mer" in Benton County Oregon. It being
that part of said Donation land claim riven to
William Blodgett by the U. S. Government, alsc the
following tracts ; N E qrof N. W. qr and Lots No.
2, 3 and 4 of Section 13, T. 11, S. R. 7, W. "Will
Mer." containing 133 acres and the said land last de
scribed as belonging to the said defendant William
Blodgett I will at said time and place of said sale sell
the Bame first as aforesaid. SOL KING,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execu
tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Benton on the 19th day of
December 18S3, upon a judgment recovered entered
and docketed in said court on the 26th day of March
1383 for the sum of ninety nine dollars and ninety
sevei cents with interest thereon at the rate of 8
per cent per aunum from aud after said day of entry
and the further sum of twenty-six dollars and sixty
five cenla costs, all in Zavor of W. L. Price and L. G.
Price partners under the firm name of Price Bros,
plaintiffs and against J. W. lien and Ann Allen
defendants, commanding me to sell the attached
real property described in said judgment and execu
tion as hereinafter described, to satisfy Baid execu
tion and pay the several sums of money therein
named and costs and accvueiug costs thereon made.
Now therefore in obedience to said execution and
in pursuance thereof and in order to satisfy said ex
ecution and pay the several sums of money therein
named as aforesaid 1 have levied upon and will sell
for cash in hand at the court house door iu the city
of Corvallis in Benton County, Oregon, on
Between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning
and four o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to wit :
at the hour of 30 iUnute past one o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, all the righ., title and interest
of the said defendants J. W. Allen aud Ann Allen in
or to said attached real property named in said ex
ecution and judgment and therein directed to be
sold and described a3 follows, to wit : All thiit por
tion of the North half of the East half of the dona
tion land claim of Lucius C. Norton, from the Gov
ernment uf the United States, it being claim N943
Not 5,146 in Township 10 South Range 6 West
Willamette Meridian as designated by the plat and
surveys of the U. S. lyiugWest of the road (county
road as now traveled) running through said premises,
bounded as follows : On the North by the donation
claim of Rowland Chambers; on the East by said
county road, on the South by the South line of said
North half of the Eat half of said Norton's claim
and on the West by the West line of the N J of the
E. I of said Norton's claim, all in section 21, T. 10, S.
R. 6 W., and containing 29 acres of land aiore or less
in Benton County Oregon. SOL KING,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Year, 2 50
Six Months 1 60
Three Months 1 00
Single Copies 10c
Per Year (when not paid in adronce) S 00
All notices and advertisements intended for puli
ation should he handed in by noon on Wednesdays.
Rates of advertising made known on application.
A-ttornev - at - Law,
Attorney at Law,
Office with F M. Johnston. 20-44tf
J. B. Lee, M. D.
G. R. Fa&ra, M. i.
Physicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Physic::: i nfc Surgeon.
Office 2 doors south of H. E. Harris Store,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Residence on the southwest corner of block, north
Mid west of the Methodist church.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execu
tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the county of Benton on the 19th day of
December 1S33, for the sum of one hundred and
fo ty-one dollars and nine cents with interest thereon
at the rate of S per cent pit annum from the 5th day
of April 18S3, and the further sum of thirty-seven
dollars and sixty cents costs and Jaccrueing costs
thereon in favor of M. J. Connor and C. B Crosno
partners undei the firm name of Connor and Crosno
plaintiffs and against J. W. Allen and Ann Allen de
fendants upon a judgment recovered, entered and
docketed in said court on the 15th day of April 1S3,
which judgment and execution commands me-to
sell the attached real property described in said
judgment and exeevtiou as hereinafter described to
satisfy said judgment end execution and pay the
several sums of money herein bjfpre named and the
accrueing costs thereon maddflH
Now therefore in obediencelPSaid execution and
in pursuance thereof and in order to satisfy said ex
ecution and pay the several sums of money therein
named as aforesaid, I have levied upon and will sell
for cash fn hand at the court house door in the ciiy
of Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, on
Between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning
and four o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to wit:
At th? hoar of 30 minutes oast one o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, all the right, title and interest
of the said defendants, J. W, Allen and Ann Allen, in
or to said attached real property named in said exe
cution and judgment, and therein directed to be sold
and described as follows, to wit : All that portion
of the North half of the East half of the donation
land claim of Lucius C. Norton from the Government
uf the United States it being claim No. 43, Not.
5,146 in Township 10 South Range 6 West Willam
ette Meridian, as designated by the plat and surveys
of the U. S. lying west of the road (county road as
now traveled) running through said premises, bound follows : On the North by the donation claim
of Rowland Chambers, on the East by said county
road, on the South by the South line of said North
half of the East half of said Norton's claim and on
the West by the West line of the N. of the E. of
said donation claim, all in Section 21, T. 10, S. R. 6,
W. and containing 29 acres of land more or less in
Benton County, State of Oregon.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed executor of the last will and
testament of Ann Baber deceased by tbe County
Court of the state of Oregon for Benton County
sitting for the transaction of probate business. All
persons having claims against the estate of said
Ann Baber deceased are required to present them
properly verified to me at Elk City, Benton County
Oregon, or at the office of Kelsay & Holgate at Cor
vallis Oregon, within six months from the date of
this notice.
Bee. 28th 1883.
20:53w5 LOUIS McVAY. Executor.
Notice is hereby given to all persons, that the uu
dersigned David L. Keyes, administrator of the es
tate of Alexander Keyes, deceased, has filed his final
accounts with said estate in the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon, and said court has appoint
ed Saturday, the iitk day of January, 1884, at the
hour of 10 o'clock, A m. , of said day for the hearin;
of objections to said account, and the final settlement
of the same.
This 7th day of December, 1833.
MwS ' Administrator of laid estate.
Great care taken WKli Children.
46if J. VV". McCONNELL, Artist, Goldson's stand.
Corvallis, Oregon,
Spring Bed Bottom in the Marie!
for only 57. Also agent for the Medical
20:29tf Lake Salt.
Pianos. Tuning aud repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
NEASt ALDER, (20-23m6) Portland, Or.
Real Estate Agency!
Heal Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property on
Having made arrangements for co-operation
with agents in Portland, and being ful
ly acquainted with real property in Benton
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat
ipatronage.all who may favor us with their
G. A. Waggoner,
20-6yl T. J. Btjford,
W. C. Crawford,
.L assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
AH kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and all
work warranted. l8:33-yl
Real Estate Agency.
have some very desirable property on the Bay for
ale in lots from 10 to 237 acres. Some of this is
ear the O. P. K. R. terminus. Persons wishing to
invest will do well to call on me when prices are rea
sonable. Address with stamps to pre pay postage.
K. A. Bensell
ewport Benton County Or.f
F. J. Hendrichson,
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Philomath, Oregon,
I always keep on hand superior ma
terial and warrant my work. I ask an examination
of my goods before purchasing elsewhere.
19-32-lyr F. J. Hendrichson.
Corvallis, Oregon.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new buildin?.
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Large Sample Room on First Floor for
Commercial Men. 19-35 ly
One Door South of Graham & Hamilton's,
Com .-His, June 24, 1882. 19-19yl
Notary Public
io n.
101 Ull
Good Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property for sale on easy terms.
Collections Made.
Office over Jacob I Neugass' Store
Attorneys - at - Law.
Col. Kelsay and myself have formed a copartner
ship in the praetice of the law. The Col's ex-
perience at the Bar and on the Bench and his studious
habits is a sure guarantee that all business intrusted
to us in the line of suits or actions in Court will be
well attended to.
1 will continue other business and give prompt
attention to the same as heretofore. Such as Collect
ing. Being a Notary Public will attend to convey
ancing in all its branches, Deeds. Mortgages, Real
ana unuiiei, ceases, Releases, rowers oi attorney,
Contracts, &c. aw. Buy sell and lease Real Estate
both farms and town property, collect rents, ne
gotiate loans, search and examine titles, and a gen
eral ag ncy business.
Are now in brick building and have fire proof safe
for the safe keeping of notjs and otbtr valuable
papers left for collection &c.
Office in Burnett's new brick, first door at head of
Uira. l. -
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvallis.
All work kept in repair free of charge and sat is fa
on guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain by
he use of Nitrous Oxide Gas.
tfyRooms up stairs over Jacobs & Neugass' new
Brick Store, Corvallis, Oregon. I9:27yi
lOOO Men andBoys
To fit them out in the latest style of ready
made Clothing. Also the finest lot of
Panfs Patterns and Suitings
Ever brought to Corvallis.
Call and Examine Goods.
No trouble to show goods.
Two doors South of Post Office,
(TjjD GlAlZlElHTlE
Type and all Printing Material
In the latest styles and at pi lets but little more
than cost of labor and materia! . on short notice. We
are constantly turning out at prices which defy com
petition, the nicest designs of
Letter heads,
Bill heads,
Visiting cards,
Business cards.
Ball tickets,
Aote books.
Order books,
Receipt books,
Druggists labU,
Gummed or
Legal blanks
end tor Sample and
Prices to the (3-azette Of
fice i you want the Best
work at Lowest PTioT.