The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 07, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    jtafcll Corcatlis &mtt
Entered at the Postoflico at Corvalli
Orgon, M second-class matter.
Sheep will degenerate more from
poverty in one generation than they
could be improved in two or three.
About 3000 Mormons have arrived
at the port of New York from foieisn
countries during the year 1883.
Senator Edmunds has been prepar
ing a postal telegraph bill which he
intends to submit to the present con
gress. It opposes the purchasing of
existing lines.
The Louisville Courier Journal pos
itively announces that Mr. Tilden is
not and will not be a candidate for
the next presidential nomination.
The New York Sun a democratic
paper says of Carlisle's nomination :
"As this selection is one against which
we ha.e earnestly advised, we cannot
regard It with any great satisfaction."
It is said that Gen. Rosecrans soon
after the meeting of the present con
gress will introduce a proposition offer
ing an amendment to the constitution
to forever prohibit polygamy in the
United States.
The Jacksonville Sentinel says:
"Mormons are coming from Idaho
into Southeastern Oregon and settling
there in considerable numbers. Thus
the mormon evil will soon become a
home question, and one which will
give us trouble in the futufe."
Last Saturday at the city of Wash
iugton the Democratic caucus to nom
inate a speaker to the present National
house of Representatives. Carlisle of
Kentucky was nominated receiving
106 votes to Randall's 52 and 28 for
Free trade England through some
of her members of pa-liament have
been endeavoring to prevent the im
portation of American beef into Eng
land nnder the contemptible and
hypocritical pretense that "it is dan
gerous" instead of alleging the truth
and the real reason is because it is too
cheap to enable English ra;sed beef to
compete with it. The lLct is she de
sires to dictate through her free trade
beareaus organized it. New Yovk and
other cities for the United States to
adopt free trade but she don t want
free trade beef to go from the United
States to England.
The north district school opened
last Monday morning but owing to
several cases of scarlet fever being in
town there was but 13 scholars in one
room and 12 in the other. Most
parents are anxious enough to educate
their children, but most of them how
ever, refuse to drive them to slaughter.
When school teachers think more ol
their pockets or the Joss of a few days
than they do of the lives of their
pupils it is certainly time that school
teaching should be remodeled to a
basis which consults the life, health
and best interests of the child first,
last and all the time before anything
else. School teachers or direclors
which wou!d run the risk of taking a
town full of children into an epidemic
like scarlet fever in order to save a few
days ofjtime or any other considera.ion,
certainly lack that element of care
which qualifies them to have charge of
the young.
The Staudard of Portland, reprinted
a Washington special one day last
week which describes Congressmen
Woolford of Kentucky as an "unre
constructed rebel'" and a famous con
federate officer. Woolford is a dem
ocrat, and being a democrat and a
rebel in the South go so together as a
matter of course that the error is natu
ral, but Woolford must find his de
fenders in this matter among Repub
licans, who remember him as the
famous leader of Woolford's federal
cavelry. He is not only not an un
reconstructed rebel, but he is one who
has reconstructed many a rebel in his
day. He has fallen into bad ways of
late, and was elected to congress as a
Democrat in palliation of an insult
tendered him when he was defeated
for nomination as clerk of the court of
appeals on the ground that he had
been a union officer. In the South
this is still counted a political disability
when it comes to Democratic nominations.
Senators and Representatives to the
Congress of the United States, as well
as the chief executive of the Nation,
when addressing their constituents
speak of and regard their positions as
servants of the people and they make
all promises to so perform their duties
of office in accordance with the wishes
of the people. Their distinguished
officers also recognize one of the rights
guaranteed by the constitution of the
United States declaring the Sijht of
the people (or any portion of them)
peacably to assemble and to petition
those in authority for redress of griev
ances." Even the legislators of the
several State legislatures re ognize
their duty to serve the people and
that the right of petition is an inherent
right which rests with the people. Eut
some times one finds a own council
which recognizes the rights of no one
e::' ept their own supreme power, and
even when sometimes a boaid of fire
delegates petitions them in a respect
ful manner to house an engine and
keep it in repair they throw it off by a
simple motion to lay the petition on
the table, wi.hout argument, and thus
treat Lie right of petition with ufc'e?
contempt. A pet', ion by the principal
tax payers of a town is often regarded
by a town council as an interference
wi'h their business a id lit Je or no at
tention paid to it. When persons get
to the exalted position of town coun
cilmen they know no higher authority
and rule supreme, few ring neither God
nor man. Even if the Lord on high
should presume to interfere with their
high destinies and should presume to
say to those most high dignitaries of
this earth, "Messrs. Councilmen, sirs,
I pray you may I ask you to do me
this small favor as one ot your humble
subjects I believe it is your duy to do
it and I think it will benefit me and
others interested in your fair city."
That town council would ceitain'y re
gard his request as absurd, and would
probably treat it with supreme con
tempt by laying the overseer of their
destinies in the next world on the
Mr. Wm. Edwards, of Salem was in
Corvallis last Monday night. He
says before leaving Salem about one
week ago he was walking around town
and counted 17 flogs out at different
houses where parties were sick with
scarlet fever. In Salem it seems their
town council have exercised the privi
leges delegated to them in order to
protect the lives and health of their
citizens and in pursuance thereof they
have passed the proper ordinances in
proper time to compel parties effected
with contagious diseases to hang out
the proper signal in form of a flag and
also prevent parties from running too
and from the sick person out on
the streets exposing everybody else.
The town council of Corvallis when
Jieir attention was called to the fact
some six or eight weeks before scarlet
fever came in the town that it was
their duty to carry out the provisions
of the city charter on the subject of
contagious diseases in order that it
might be controlled and kept fiom
spreading, sat like warts on a toad and
as unconcerned as if they were the
lord of all creation. They will bring
the subject around all right finally be
cause at their last meeting they re
quested Messrs. Brink & Wright to
fumigate their hearse after conveying
a corpse which had died of sci let
fever. This request if carried out by
Messrs. Brink & Wright will prevent
thi next corpse which they convey
from taking the disease, andp it is a
good thing, because possibly it might
prevent some of the living 1 om taking
it. At their last meeting we learn
that they also directed that an ordi
nance be drawn on the subject of con
tagious dis'-ases to come before their
next meeting; this move is certainly in
the right direction if there is any foun
dation in the old saying that it is ' bet
ter to be late than not at all," for by
the time the scarlet fever has entirely
run its course and disappeared and
half of the children of the town shall
have died with it the ordinance will
have become a law and it will then be
ready to apply to some case where
some oid or young lady has had a
sleepless spell with the nightmare.
According to Col. A. Pa-rte1, R. A.
official records show that 2270 per
sons were killed by lightning in Russia
(exclusive of Portland and Finland)
during the five years from 1870 to 1884.
Of these persons no less than 2 161
dwelt in the country. During the
same period, in the same territory,
4192 fires were caused by lightning.
4099 of them being in the country.
The Tribune's Washington special
says : The purpose of Mahone and
the readjuster leaders is understood
to be to call a convention of all the
opponents of bourbonism in Virginia,
whether they belong to the readjustera
or to the straightouts, to elect dele
gates to the republican national con
vention who shall represent the regu
lar republicans and readjustee, to
work for the candidate of the republi
can party. This, Mahone thinks, with
such federal protection at the polls
through the United States, marshals
and supervisors of elect'ons as the
law authorizes at a national election,
may possibly secure Virginia's electo
rial vole for the republicans. The
Dr nviiie massacre and the bounjon's
Triumph in Virginia, so far from driv
ing Mahone and the lead'ng read
justee back into the bourbon ranks,
has resulted in their pem.-nent di
vorce from the bourbon pa .y and
t'ie;r alliance w'.h the republicans or
whatever party may be in opposition
to bourbonism. The addrers of Ma
hone shows that the deroccraiic talk
that he will not t o-operate with the re
public ans in the senate is idle, and
that the reo.gan'zation of the senn'te on
a repub'ican basis is almost certain.
ag re:- or.AL so. mls broad.
Acs. via supports 70 schoo's of agri
cul.'ure, w;th 2 200 students, and 174
agrcuVural evening schools, with 5,
500 students. Fraice has 43 farm
schools, with 30 to 40 pupils at each.
The government pays the board of
each pup'l, and allows him 70 francs a
year for c'ohing. Paris has three de
paranent schools of agriculture and a
Nauonal AgricuLnre Institute. Ger
many has over 150 schools of Agricul
ture, hcrjicii'mre, arborculture and
viniculture. Their first experimental
rgriculturul station was estab'ished in
iZj-: umvards of 60 ore now in oper
ation, each one having a spec'a1 line of
Harper's Magazine
Harper's Magazine begins ;ts sixty-e;;,rht volume
with the December Number. It is the most popular
illustrated periodical in America and England, always
fully aljreast of the times in Us trctment ui" subjects
of current social and industrial interest, and always
advancing its standard of liters ry, artistic, and me
chanical excellence. Among its attractions for ISs-i
are: a new serial novel by William Black, illustrated
by Abbey: a new novel by E. Roe, illustrated bv
Gibson and Dielnian: descriptive illustrated papers
by George H. Houghton, Frank I). Millet, C fcL
Parnham, and others: important historical and bio
graphical papers: short stories by W. I). liu wells,
Charles Reade, &ct
Per Year:
One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00
Post ge Free to a subscribers iu the (Jailed
States or Canada.
The volumes of ie Magazine begins with the
Numbers for Ju-.e ami December of each year.
When no time Is soeeffied, it will be understood that
the subscriber wishes to begin with the current num
ber. The last Eight Volumes of Harpkr's MaGi'-ixk, in
neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, po it paid, on
receipt of 00 per volume. Cloth Casts, for bind
ing, 50 c?nts each by mail, postpaid.
Index to Harpkr's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analy
tical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to CO, inclusive,
from June, 1850, to June ISt'O, one vol., 3vo, Cloth
4 00.
Remittances should be made by Post-Omc2 Money
Order or Draft to avoid chance oi loss.
Newspapers are not. to cop; this
ment without the express order of Harper
New York.
The Bitters' Gctde is is
sued March and Sept., each
year: 216 pages, 8x11
I inches, with over JJ..JOO
illustrations a whole pic
ture Kullerv. Gives whole
sale prices direct to consumers on all goods
for personal or family use. Tills how
to order, and gives exact cost of every
thing you use, cat, drink, wear, or have
fun with. These invaluable hooks con
tain information glenned from the uiap
kets of the world. AVe will mail a copy
Free to any address upon receipt if too
postage 7 cents. Let us hear liom you.
SS7 Jti 29 Wuaftli Avenue, CiueK(?o iii.
Asaninvigoirnt. Hoste er's Stomach Bitters has
received the raos positive en. orsment from eminent
physicians, and has lor" occupied a foremost rank
among; oroprieiary remedies. Us propert es as an
alterative of disordeied ctnditions of the stomach,
liver and bowels, and a preven .ive of malarial diseas
es are no ess renowned, and have been accorded em
phatic professional recommendation.
Fo.- sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom apply
for Hos tetter's Almanac for 18S4.
! - " ' - - W -w
Are now located in their new store in Crawford 4c arra '
brick block, with an immense stock of
Qry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps,
Ladies Dolmans
Cloaks, Ulsters,
Furnishing Goods, and a fins display of -new patlems in Staple and
figgrg Ready Made Qlothims, Qraqoars m
These Goods are offered to the public at
prices lower than can possibly be $
found in the city.
Rsmsmbsr file Place, in CrawM & Farras flew Brick Blocki
1 -3 vis
Axle Grease.
Best in the world. (Jet the genuine. Ev
ery package has ourtrade-maik and is mark
ka Frazet's. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 50y
5 : n
m m -
mas' mtt?
LcRicIunr.s io11en I!aaam No. 1 Cures
Chivneres, first and second stages; sores on the leg
and body; Syphillitiu Catarrh, diseased scalp, and
all primary forms of the disease known as SyphilHs
Price $5.ud per bottle.
LeRichaii's Golden ITalsam. No. 3 Cure
Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheumatism, sec
ondary stages. Pains in the bones, Ulcerated throa
Syphillitic rash, lumps, etc., and eradicates all dis
eases from the svstem, whether caused by bad
treatment or abuse of mercury. leaving the blood,
pure and healthy. Price $5 per bottle.
Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed by ex
C. F. RlfHAROS & Co., Agls.,
427 & 420 Sansome street, corner Clay, San Fran
cisco, f . 20-331vr
CEO. H. HSftX E.
Healers 1) Renesal
(In Crawford & Farra's New Brick.)
Druggist and Apoihcary,
i'aisis, oils, mmm, brushes, cuss, ram, tresses.
A full line of l oks, Stationery and Wall Paper. O r dint's are fresh an
well selected. Paescrijiions com pc mtded at all hours. 19-27yl
Wheat and oilier Grain Stored on the best of Terms by
Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangements elsewhere
We continue to act as Solicitors forratents. CaTeats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., lor the L uiled blatcs,
Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. Wa
have had thirty-ttvc ycar experience.
Patents obtained through us are noticed i.i the sci
entific American. This large and splendid Illus
trated weekIypaper,$3.20ayear,shows the l'rogress
ot science, is very interesting, ana nas an enormous
circulation. Address MUNN CO., Pate-t Bolicfc
tors, Pub's, of scikntikic American, 2;l lfwuy,
New York. Hand book, about Patents free.
Twodjors no. :i of tlie jTreMt House, f
E'jd:n-; and Clef-u-nt; at moibrate Prbes. 926yl
City Stables iDaily Stage Line
THOS. EGrLIISr, - - - Proprietor.
On the Corner West of the Engine House jllaviug secured the contract to narrying th
new and commodious TARN,
am better vh.jit ever prepared to
keep the
I i . I States M i
32; Corvallis to Albany
For the ensuing four j'ears w leave Corvallis each
D OT flC TCAWIO Diniro ft nn firp imormng at 8 o clock, arriving: in Albany about 10
u ui ur iLniu? jjuuo, unuiuto o'clock, ond w
At Reasonable Rates.
S3T Particular attention griven to Boarding; Horses
nurses uougni ana sola or .xcnangea.
ill start from Albany at 1 o'clock in the
afternoon, returning to Corvallis about 3 o'clock
This line will he irepared with good U: n and car
cul drivers and nice comfortable and
For the accommodation of the
1C 27t1
discovered, as it is certain in its effects and
does not lilisttr. Also excellent for human
Um Mi 1,800 DIU.
Adams, S. Y.. Jan 30, 1883.
Dr. E. J. Kendall & Co, Gents:- Having usd a
good deal ot' your Kendall's Spavin Cure with great
success, 1 thought! would let you know what it 1 as
done lor me. Two years ago 1 bad as speedy a colt
as was ever raised in Jefferson county. When 1 was
breaking Mm, lie kicked over the cross bar and got
fust and tore one of his hind legs all to pieces i
employed the best ferriers, but they all said he was
spoiled. He had a very large thorough-pin, and I
used two bottles of your Kemilall's Spavin Cure, and
it took the bunch entirely off, and he sold afterwards
for Sisoo (dollars). 1 have used it for bone spavins
and wind galls, and it Has always cured couipletel.
and left the leg smooth.
It is a solenoid medicine for rheumatism. I have
recommended it to a good many, and thev all say it
does the work. 1 was in Witlierington & Knccland's
drug store, hi Adams the other day and saw a very
fine picture you sent them. I tried to buy it but
could not; tiicy said if 1 would write to you that you
would send me one. I wish you would and 1 will do
you all the good I can.
Very Respectfully, E. S. LYMAN.
From the Akron Commerci
al, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1882.
Readers of the Commercial can not well fbt$t
that a large space has for years been taken up oy
Kendall's advertisement evgiec'aity of a ce-... Id
Spavin Cure. Ve tare had 0 . "b-js with Dr Kcn
dall for man years, ami the t .1 1 is l'ully art! i.,it 1
nllv nmvfji r.iitonlv that lie is a :ood hunest UK n.
and that his ceiebrp'ted Spavin Cure is not only HI
that it is recommended to uc, unt ran me r.iu a
lausugge is not capable ot reeommenditi too hiirhly.
ttenri&lrfl Snavin Go -e will cuie spavins. There
are hundreds of casts in which that has been proven
to our certain knowledge, but, after all, if any person
onfines the usefulness of this celebrated mtaitine
to curing sparina alone, they make a bur mistake.
It is the 1 :3st edicine known as an outward applica
tion for rhdnxnattan in the human family, it is good
for pains and allies, spellings and lameness, and is
just as K&feijt: applied to men, women and children
as it is to horses. We know tha thee ae other
tcuod linauients, b jt we do believe tbJs spavin cure to
be far better than anv ever invented.
Renda'ii's spavin Cure
Colton, Cal., Oct. 3, 1&82.
B. J. Keddall &Co . Gents: While in the employ
of U. C. Hastings, the well known horsemon of San
Francisco, in the yew ending 18S0, we had a younjr
horse two ye-is old that contracted a bone spavin and
seeing your li.rment known as Kendall's Spavin Cure
advertised, upon my own responsibility I commenced
using it and within thirty days from , .ut time and
after having used only three hc.les the spavin
removed en. irely, and therefore 1 natural! have tlie
utmost confluence in its mei its. 1 do not hesitate a
recommend it to all who have occasion to use the
medicine a"d should any one desire to confer vi. h
me 1 shall be glad to answer any coniniunioa;ou
relating to the cas j in question.
Ilespectfully Yours, JOHN ROADMAN.
Kendall's Spavin Cure
San Francisco, Col., Jan. 10, 1S82.
Messrs. J. B. Kendall & Co., Gents: Through the
recommendation of a friend about a year ago, f was
induced to give your Kendall's Spavin Cure a 'rial
and I am pleased to say that I was fully satisfied with
the results. I used it in seveial instances upon
splints, which after a few app.ications were entirely
removeo. 1 also ufcd it on a spavin with the same
results. The medicine has grown in popularity in
this vicinity in the past few months and what is
said here to-day 1 believe is put out upon its merits.
Foreman for City R. R. Co.
Send address for illustrated circular which we
think gives positive proof of its virtues; No remedy
has ever met with such unqualified success to our
knowledge, for beast as well as man.
Price 1 per bottle, or six bottles for?5. All drug
gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent
to anv address on receint of price bv the proprietors.
DR. B. J. KFNDALL & Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt.