VOL. XX. CORVALLIS, OREGON, DECEMBER 7, 1883. NO. 50. EASTERN STATES. Discovery of a Planet. Boston, Nov. 30. A cable dispatch has Jeen received at the Harvard college obser vatory announcing the discovery of a small .planet ly Baliza, at Vienna. Consolidated. Mew Haven, Conn., Nov. 30 It is re ported that the Winchester Arms Company -of New Haven, and the Union Metal Cart ridge Company of Lowell, Mass., have com bined, and in the future will act together as a syndicate, 'Controlling the cartridge manufacturing interest of the country. The company at Bridgeport employs 15,000 ope ratives, and the Winchester Company -nearly as many, independent of a lari;e num ber at work on guns. A Year's Labor tor a Shotgun. Salina, N. C, Nov. 30. James Buck, an old white man living near Boakin, owns a small farm upon which he and liis only daughter lived. She was aged 22. and was plain-looking. Buck saw a chance of mak ing a profitable crop of tobacco, if he could -only get some one to assist him, and put his daughter in the field. He was very poor, and could barely make enough to live on, and knowledge of this fact prevented him from securing labor. Kichmond Furney, a young man, moved into the neighborhood about fourteen months ago, and procured a job on a neighboring planta tion. Furney became enamored of Buck's daughter. The father was willing to turn the affection to some account, aud agreed that if the young man would assist him on his farm for one year he would give him a double-barreled shotgun and his daughter. Furney agreed. The term o? servico ex pired to-day, and Furney asked for a ful fillment of the contract on the spot. Buck gave him the shotgun, and called his daugh ter in and asked her to become Funiey's wife. She refused, urging that she had -already given her heart to another, to whom she was to be married to-iiight. Furney went off in a terrible rage, threatening to sue the old man for breach of contract, and get an injunction restraining the girl from marrying his rival. Northern Pacific Bonus Chicago, Nov. 30. The text if the Transcontinental Association traffic agree ment says that in consideration of the Northern Pacific withdrawing from Cali fornia business the Northern Pacific and the Oregon Railway and Navigation Com pany shall be paid by the other lines parties to the agreement in proportion as the earn ings from business subject to this agree ment are shared by each, 6 per cent, of the gross earnings on business between or pass ing through eastern points and San Fran cisco except business received from or de livered to the Occideutal and Oriental Steamship Company or the Pacific Mail Ijmpany, it being understood that the Northern Pacific railroad and the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company share in the subsidy to be paid to the Pacific Mail Company. The subsidy now paid the Pa cific Mail Company for its steamships be tween San Francisco and New York shall be borne by the several companies repre sented in the agreement, in proportion to their revenue from San Francisco business covered by this agreement. The "Trtlrane" on the Mormon Question, New York, Dec. 1. The Tribune, adopts the main points of Governor Murray's decl aration concerning the power of the Mormon hierarchy, and says: "Mormons are increas ing with great rapidity. The gospel does not overtake them with the help of the tele graph and fast mails. The missionary spirit is by no means active on our side, but it is strong with them, and it seems to grow strog er as they become more prosperous. They have passed the boundaries of Utah and are getting a dangerous hold upon neighooring territories. If we cannot put down polyga my by law we allow the soveiigncy of the Un ited States to be defied by an inner organi -zation which assumes all civil power by vir tue of eclesiastical authority unknown to our laws and openly hostile to legimate gov ernment. If, owing to the exceptional char acter of the population, national authority cannot be exercised in the usual way, some other means must be devised. We cannot permit our sovereignty to be destroyed by pedantic adherance to the customary form of exerting it. WTe must remember that the auth rity of congress over all the terri tories is absolute. It can govern Utah with out a legislature, or even, if the worst comes without an election, as well as it can Alaska, The Business ontlooK. New York, Dec. 2. Transactions in gen eral merchandise have been strictly in accor dance with the small requirements for imme diate distribution, and is apt to be the cas as the year nears its close. The genera' , markets, with very few exceptions, lack tone as well as spirit. Stocks of goods in many cases have so accumulated that they have become a heavy jjur.len to carry, and those whose financial necessities are really exigent are compelled to realize, which is apt to involve concessions. The Strike Pronouaood a Failure- - New Yobk, Dec. 1. The Tribune says the strike of the compositors of the Evenehrj Pot! office is acknowledged to be a failure and a full force of non-union men is now at work on the paper. WASHINGTON NEWS. TELLERS INDIAN POLICY. Washington, Nov. 30. It is believed that the war-fare betweeh Indians and whites can be ended by judicious measures. Secrtary Teller recommends permanent res ervations commensurate with the numbers of the tribes, discontinuance of cash annui ties and the establishment of mm ml lab ir schools forthe young. He nrges that white adventurers be imprisoned for attempts to invade the Indian territory. Limitation of Silver Gaina.se. Washington, Nov. 30 Judge Kelly will introduce a bill for further limitation of the coinage of s'lver dollars, providing that until the fr ee coinage of both gold and silver is established a full legal ten let shall be established at a common ratio by the leading commercial nations of Europe in concert with the United States, to be limited tfl the amount of $1000 in coin, dur ing each and every year ensuing the passage of this act, said amount to be coined at the same times and at such mints as tke secre tary of the treasury shall determine. Bill to govern Alaska. Washington, Dec. 2. Senator Miller will introduce a bill in the senate this week to provide civil government for Alaska. Section 1 provides that Alaska uhall be a civil aud judicial district. Section 2 pro vides for the establishment of a district court and the appointment of a district judge, to perform also the duties of gover nor, ex-ofhcio, and see that the laws are executed. Section 3 provides for the ap pointment of a clerk of the court, who shall also be treasurer of the district, and ex fficio registrar and receiver of the land office at Si ka, and recorder of deeds and registrar of wills for the territory. Section 4 provides for the appointment of five commissioners, who shall reside, one at Wrandiak, one at Sitka, one at Ounalaska, and one at Kodiak. They shall act a3 jus tices of the peace, notaries public, etc. Section 5 provides for the appointment of a United States district attorney, who shall also be ex-officio surveyer general of the ttritory. Section 6 makes the collector of customs for the district ex-officio marshal. He is given power to appoint five deputy marshal. The genaral laws of Oregon, civil and criminal, so far as applicable, are made laws for Alaska. The district court is given exclusive jurisdiction in all chancery, title to lands or mining property and all trials for capital offenses. Provision is made for settling all jury trials. It is pro vided that all the territory embraced in said district, excepting groups of islands which constitute the United States govern ment reservation, shall be a surveying and land district, with officers at Sitka and the Itws now in force for the disposal and management of the public domain, under title 32, revised statutes, are made applica ble to Alaska. DEMOCRATIC TARIFF BILL. Washington, Dee. 2. It is asserted that the tariff policy of the democratic party in the house will be a surprise to the republican leaders, and that policy, it is as serted, will not le to bring in a bill calcu lated to alarm the various industrial inter ests that depend for existence upon the maintenance cf the existing system. On the contrary, it is proposed to attempt no revolutionary changes in the tariff law, but confronted with the necessity for reduction of the vast surplus revenue, a majority be ing opposed to the abolition of taxes on whisky and tobacco, the ways and mean committee will be orginiz jd to report a bill which will abolish the duty on sugar, thus cutting off $49,000,000 of revenue, and tak ing off the duties from a few other articles that are consumed daily by the people, and in native productions of which no great labor employing industries consume. A bill of this character it is said, will be passed by the house and sent to the senate, where the republican majority can kill it if they choose. The responsibility will thus be placed, and on the issue so joined the parties will plead before the people next fall Indians are not to be disturbed in the possession of their lsnds, and the United States is to relinquish its title to such lots of land as were specified in the transfer of the territory aa belonging to the Russo G eek churchj or which have been occupied and improvad by bona fids residents and citizens, or corporations doing business in said territory sines, by pr ..'mission of the United States authorities. senate. Washington, Dsc 3. The senate was called to order by ths president pro-tern, Edmunds, after which prayer wa3 offered. The president laid before the senate the credentials in relation to Bsck, who suc ceeds himself. Palmer, Terry and Pike succeed Rollins. The oath of office was administered to Beck, Bower, Cullum, Dolph and Terry, whose credentials were submitted last season . coinage notes. Washington, Dec. 3. The issue of silve dollars during the week ending December 1 was 7113,437. Sams time last year, $302,000. Coinage at the mints in Novem ber was $,S24,910, of which $2,330,000 was tilvar dollars. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Mexican Railroad. Mf.xico, Dec. 3. The Mexican National road has opened to the public its line to San Miguel, which extends 254 miles from here. Arrested in Russia. St. Petersburg, Dec. 3. There have been many cases of incendiarism, at Gslii- tsk, in the government of Smolensk. Manj persous suspected have been arrested. Invaded by Fanatics, a Teheran, Dec. 3. A Mussulman fanati , Koof.Seyd, has entered Persia with 2000 Turcomans, badly armed, however. Two smaller bau.ts have also invaded Persia. A Holy War in Persia Teheran, Dec. 3 IChafseyd is preach ing a holy war against Russia. He intends to march against Askabad. Attacked in Af jhanistan. Calcutta, Dec. 3. Ghazias attacked General Kennedy's exploring expedition to Suliam, Afghanistan. The assailants were killed. The expedition suffered a loss of 110. Attempt to Kill De Lssseps. Paris, Dec. 3. There arrived from Nice three boxes, one addressed to De Lesseps and the others to Couvreux, a con tractor for work on the Panama canal. When Couvreux opened the box a cartridge exploded, but no harm was done. Couvreux was immediately alarmed, but De Lesseps, who was smiling, merely said, "They trust me like a sovereign. " The Franco-Chinese Difficulty. Paris, Fee- 3. It is semi-officially an nounced that England, Germany, America, Itussia aud France will participate in joint protection of then" subjects and interes!s in China, in the event of war bet en France and China. The object is to protect the lives and property of Europeans and Americans, in the event of a recUranee of an incident similar to the Canton trouble la -t summer. In ordet to accomplish this the live powers wculd form a fl -tilla of gun boats en the Canton river, the command of which would be given to the power having the largest naval force in Chinese waters. At the present time France has the great est number of vessels there. MOb in Ireland. Wexford, Dec. 3. A mob last evening attacked a theater in which evangelic ser vsce was being held, and attempted to burn the building. The mob took bossession of the town, broke the windows in the Protestant churches, and of nearly all the houses occupied by protestauts. The dresses of the ladies who attended services in the church and tlieatar were torn off, and the gentlemen accompanying them wore stoned. Several were injured severely. The mob paraded the streets several hours sutginz " God Save Ireland." PAS1F C COAST, Season's Catch. San Francisco, Dec. 3. The total O ch of the Arctic whaling flett for the eaiou is 11, 290 barrels of oil, 162,244 pounds of bone, and 31, 120 pounds, of ivorv. The whole is valued at 860,000 Foreign Daman 1 for Coast Lumber. San Francisco, Dec. 3. The movement of lumber vessels curing the past ten days ha been unusually active. Orders on for eign account have been rilled as rapidly as , ossible, and yesterday arrivals from Hum bolt bay and Pnget sound brought large quantities of lumber, cut to order, that will be shipped to Europe during the pres- e it mouth. The captain of a schooner running in the Humbolt trade says mills in that locality are running largely on foreign orders, uul that they have enough on hand to keep them buisy some time. RAILROAD STOCKS. Washington, Dec. 3. It is stated that 1 ist Slimmer Henry Poor, compiler of the Riilway Manuel, became satistied that the Northern Pacific Railway Company was concealing a large floating indebtedness, and that its stock must suffer a heavy de cline. He formed a syndicate, and sold stock short to the amount, it is stated, of S-iO, 000 shares. The stock was above 80 and went below 40, and his profits were in the neighborhood of 2,000,000. When the facts came out Poor's estimate of the in debtedness was found to have been almost absolutely correct. When the stock began to go down seemed to receive mysterious assistance in its downward tendency. This is now believed to have been the result of large sales by President Villard, who, it is gserted, has profited to the extent of mil lions by pursuing the policy of Jay Gould in dealing with his own stocks. Many of his friends have been entirely cleaned out. Workinsmen on a Visit. New York, Dec. 3 A deligation of French workingmen recently arrived, an nouncing an intention of visiting the princi pal cities of America, including San Fran cisco, to study the labor problem. They a-e intelligent looking men, but their affilia tions, since arriving, with socialists of the Herr Most and Justus Schwab school have excited some distrnst among respectable American workingmen. After visiting western citie3 they return and hold another consultation with leaders of Jrades un ions, and enter into a full discussion of a scheme for an international federation or labor unions and decide whether or not saeh is practicable so far as the United States are concerned. OUR POLICY IN THE FRANCO-CHINESE DIFFI CULTY. Washington. Deo. 3. Confidential in structions which were sent last week to the commanders of American men of war crnis-1 ing iu the Chinese waters were such as are usually communicated to officers for theif guidance in relation to the action of our squadron in case of actual hostilities occur rng between i ranee and China. The rights of American merchants doing busi ness in China, which might be taken or at tacked by the french forces were fully ex plained, and o ir naval officers were direct ed to see that these rights were respectep and maintained by the French and the Chinese commanders. Strict neutrality is to be observed iu all cases, no matter in what direction the sympathies of the officers may be. The quarrel is between China and Franca, and is none of our affair. Meteorologist Puzzlsd. Ne-. York. Dec. 1. Meteorologists are puzzled to account for the red sunset for the past week, no two agreeing as to the cause. The phenomena was seen at various places from Main to California. HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 3. Carlisle and Keifer being nominated for the speakership of the house Carlisle was elected by 191 votes to Keifer 1 12 and 5 scattering. The adjutant general of the army has received information of the surrender at Camp Poplar river of five lodges of Sitting Ball's forces from the British provinces. Kansas City, Dec. 3. The case of Frank James, charged with the Blun Cut train robbery, in 18S1, comes up in the criminal court to-morrow. It is considered the defense will have the trial deferred un til early next month. James, to all ap pear. nice, is nearly in his usual health. Renting Farms. Of all that appertaius to agricultural mat ters that of renting farms is the most un satisfactory. In 99 cases out of 100 both the landlord and the one who rents the farm are not satisfied with the result. It matters not how good condition a farm be in, a year or two of renting will have de stroyed its productiveness. The tenant may be the -ery best kind of a farmer, the result will be the same. It is a kind of law of nature that renting of farms is unprofit able to the owner as w ell as to the occu pant, In journeying through the rural districts, a farm that is rente I can always be selected from those which are worked by its owner. The dilapidated state of the buildings, the broken gates, the tumble down fences, the mammoth crop of weeds, the unthrifty general appearance the air of desolation and destruction, are all too flag rant not to be observed. The rented farm is free to be plucked in every possible man ner. It is like the poor boy at the frolic, it has no friends In plowing, the object is to 'cut and cover.' The whole object, too is to secure the utmost drain on the soil get everything off without returning any of the fertilizers necessary to make it productive . No, if a man has a farm and he can not work it himself, he hail better let it remain idle rather than rent it. We can speak un derstandingly on this matter. We have tried it. Farm, Herd an 1 Homo. Ao-,7 to Change an Address. One of the most frequent and annoying troubles we have comas from parsons who want their papers changed from one offic io another. For instance, ons subscribe will write, "Please ehange my a hires-, to Fu'ens." Somotimas the dnbscrioor's name does not appoar on the or 'er. It would bs ai eisy mvttsr to mita tho change if the bookkeeper kiavv whare it was to be made from. Another anno' ance is complaint about the receipt of pap ers, when on post office is designated. If the bookkeeper does not know the surserib er, and no one about the office can give any infounatinn, he is obliged to run over sever al thousand names to find the party. The error is fallen into by gentlemen frequently who have been lubscribers to papers for years. If subscribers will write in plain hand the name of the post-office where they live, with the date and tame of the postoffice where they want the pa per sent, and send their names in plain letters, there will be no trouble iu making the change. "Change my piper from Corvallis to Eugene, Robinson Jones," would be attended to without any trouble. The datas and names are absolutely . essen tial to prompt business transactions. Lest Ring. The ladies finger ring lost on the streets of Corvallis last week. It was made so that it could be separated in three Darts. and could be wore as two separate rings or as only one. VV hen put together as oue ring the emblems on it were clasped hands. The fiiider will be rewarded bv leaving it at his office. Sunday was the quietest Sunday ever experienced iu Newport. The city council having recently passed an ordinance closing up all saloons and business houses on Sun days. Last week our city luarghal Geo A. Landis, arrested three of our citizens for gambling. In turn two of our most mora, aud law-abiding citizens were arrested foi working on Sunday. All paid their finm without contest. Published every Friday Morning BY M. S. WOODCOCK. SUBSCRIPTION RATLS: (Payable in Advance.) . Per Year, $2 so iix Months, 1 50 Three Months . 1 00 Single Copies 10c Per Year (when hot paid i advonee) 3 00 AH notices and advertisements intended for pub a':j-i d'.ijjU be handed in by noon on Wednesdays. Rates of advertising made known on application. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. M. S. WOODCOCK, A.ttornev "at - Law, Corvallis, - - Oregon. C ORCEA. BROCK, .Attorney at Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, CORVALLIS, - OREGON. Office with P XI. Johnston. 20-44tf J. B. Lee, M. L. G. R. Farra, It D. LEE .& FARRA , Physicians, Surgeons And Accouchers. Corvallis, - - Oregon. 20-3 ltf . T.V B. EMBREE, M. D jPhy sic: .: i n & Surgeon. Office 2 doors south of H. E. Harris' Store, Corvallis - - Oregon. Residence on the southwest corner of block, north nd west of the Mt-thodist church. last-vri. PHOTOGRAPHS, FINISHED IN BEST STYLE. LOW RATES. PiCTJRES REPRODUCED- Great care taken AVith. Children. WORK DONE SATISFACTORILY AND PROMPTLY 4Gtf J. VV" McCO.VNELL, AftUt, Onldsou's stand. W. C. Crawford, J 3 W g UE R . T7-EEPS CONSTANTLY! ON HAND A LARGE t. assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. -Ml kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and al work warranted. (8:33-yl Real Estate Agency. have so ne very IdsIraSfc proparty on the Bay for ale in lots from 10 to 237 acres. Some of this is ear the 3 P. ti. R. teaaxaaa. Persons wishing- to invest will do well to cill on me when prices are rea enable. Address with stamps to pre pay postage. li. A. Bexsell ewport Benton Countv Or., F. J. Hendrichson, Boot and Shoe Maker, Philomath, Oregon. I always keep on hand superior ma terial and warrant my work. I ask an examination of mv goods before purchasing" elsewhere. Igjg-lyr F. J, Hendrichson. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Corvallis, Oregon. DAMAN & GIBLIM, PROPRIETORS. THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building, newly furnished, aud is first class in all its appointments. RATES LIBERAL StasC3 leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Ea.v Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Large Sample Room on First Floor for Commercial Hen. 19-35 ly H. E. HARRIS, One Doer South of Graham & Hamilton's, COUVALLIS, - OREGON. Groceries, Provisions, DRY GOODS, Cnra-.-llis, June 24, 1SS2. 19-19yl VV. H. LE3H. W. P. READY, Notary Public READY & LESH, Real Estate Agents, Corvallis, Or. Good Farms, Stock Rs riches and City Property for sale on easy terms. LOANS NEGOTIATED AND Collections Made. OiliSs o?er tots I Netigass' Store KELSAY & HOLGATE, Attorneys - at - Law. Col. Kclsay and myself have formed a copartner ship in the practice of the law. The Col's ex perience at the liar and on the Bench and his studious habits is a sure iruarant-e that all busineb intrusted to us in the line of suits or actions in Court will be well attended to. I will continue other business and give prompt '. , . l in iui: w ine same us nuic.uiufe. OUUII as UCU0OC- ing. Bern:? a Notary Public will attend to conveyancing- in all its branches, Deeds. Mortjjages, Real and Ciiattel, Leases, Releases, Powers Of attorney, Contracts, &c. &c. Buy .sell and lease Real Estate both farms and town projwrty, collect rents, ne gotiate loans, search and examine titles, and a gen eral agency business. Are now in brick building and have fire proof safe for thi safe keeping- of notj and othtr valuable MOffSi left for collection &c. O.Hce in Burastts uew brick, first dcof at head of 10 : 1 rt KELSAY & HOLGA TS. CALL ON E. EOWE. Corvallis, Oregon, FOR-THE BEST Spring Bed Bottom in the Mark&. for only 37. Also agent for the Medical 20:29tf Lake Salt. ALBEET BAETSCB GENERAL AGENT TOR STEINWAY & SON AND KRANICH & BAC Pianos. Tuning and repairing of Pianos and Organs a specialty. NEAR ALDER, (20-23m6) Portland, Or Real Estate AgencyJ CORVALLIS OREGON Eeal Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or lease farms or farm property on commission. Having made arrangements for co-opera tion with agents in Portland, and being ful ly acquainted with real property in Benton county, we feel assured of giving entire sat- ipatronage.au wno may lavor us with tneir G. A. Waggoiter, 20-6yl T. J. Buford,- E H. TAYLOR, DENTIST The oldest established Dentist and the best outfit in Corvallis. All WOrk fcftnfc ill rpno taa i r. ... uwv liuiic uuu suiiam on guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain by he use of Nitrous Oxide- Gas. "R.OOms nn-atn.irs nn Uf.. .Kc- . x-.. . Brick Store. Corvallis, Oregon. 19:27yt WANTED ! lOOO Men and Boys AT J. W. HANSON'S. CLOTHING ANQ TAILORING EMPORIUM To fit them out in the latest style of ready made Clothing. Also the finest lot of Panis Patterns and Suitings Ever brought to Corvallis. Call and Examine Goods. No trouble to show goods. Two doors South of Post Office, CORVALLIS, - . - . OREGON. NEW TO-DAY. (till GAZErrlTiE JOB PRINTING DEPARTM E 1ST T, BEING SUPPLIED WITHfl LATEST STYLES, g AND DESIGNS OF Type and all Printing Material IS PREPARED TO DO FINE BOOK AND FANCY JOB PRINTING tn the latest styles and at pi ices but little mora than cost of labor and material, on short notice. We are esnstaotly turning out at prices which defy com petition, the nicest designs of Letter heads, Bill beads, Envelopes, Visiting cards, Business cards, Programs, Ball tickets, Mote booksy Order books, Receipt books, Posters, Druggists labela, Gummed or Ungummed, Legal blanks, Send, tor Samples and. Prices to the Grazette Of fice it you want the Best work at Lowest PricfcK